xt71vh5ccr6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5ccr6f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-07-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1940 1940 1940-07-09 2013 true xt71vh5ccr6f section xt71vh5ccr6f The Kentucky

100 Tct Studeut
Owned & Operated


Out Every Tuesday





Originator of Curtain Calls"
Nation's Youngest College Head

Of Editorials



like that that
sometimes make us wonder.

It's little things

in A

HAPD XHoc1.3

Here and There
By Patricia Hamilton

Laura Lyons, Kernel society editor
In the winter, and I dropped over
to the Union early Saturday evening to see how much activity really
is going on on the corner of the

Things were pretty quiet at 7:30.
Most people had finished supper and
the steady stream that later began
to pour in for the dance had not
yet started. We went Into the game
room and got to talking to two
young ladies who were down for
to see Bill Lawrence
the week-en- d
who manages that recreation spot.
But they weren't In school so we
drifted on down to the Orill and
found Willard Mobley, commerce
Junior from Olive Hill, who was
eating a belated sandwich. He is
taking physics and money and banking and wouldn't miss one of the
dances. He is also a. member of
the social dancing class which, judging from the number of peop'e
whom we talked to who are enrolled, must be a very popular course.
Sully Jacobs came by about then
and told us some people were In
Die cafeteria having a late supper
so after a few worls with that first
string Wildcat tackle from Paducah,
who is a senior in the arts and
beiences college majoring in history
and physical ed, we went to see the
diners. Jacobs works in the cafeteria while going to summer school
and taking a survey of European
The diners were Kathleen Railey,
Alma Shirley, Elsie Rowell, and
John Lefeh. Miss Railey comes
from Louisville where she teaches
the first grade at Heywood school,
She is working toward an A. B. degree and is taking pronunciation of
English. She completed the marriage relationships course last week.
She it, an enthusiastic participant
in many
having gone on the Bluegrass tour,
attended all the dances and receptions and the classes in bowling.
Last year she was the Kentucky
delegate to the World Conference
of Christian Youth at Amsterdam,
Holland, and returned to the United
States just a week before war was
Miss Shirley, Danville, taught
English in a high school near Palm
Beach. Fla., last winter and is now
working toward her master's In
English at her second Summer Session. She's another member of the
social dancing class.
Miss Rowell said her studies were
keeping her awfully busy. A teacher
at Eastern Junior high schol, Louisville, she is working toward a master's in history. She graduated at
Randolph-Maco- n
Women's College
uu Pas- - Three'
extra-curricul- ar










klTT.O). AT A


For Wednesday

"Trial by Jury," a musical satnje
on the Jury system by Gilbert and
Sullivan, will be presented by a cast
of Summer Session students at 8: it
p. m. Wednesday, July 17, in Me'
morial hall.
The cast released yesterday by
Prof. Carl Lampert, head of the
music department, who is directing
the production, follows: Plaintiff,

Auo NacntwesTEeni









oH i

owning j





BCVltE .Tl,q-PReSlOEOCl..l6...;VTEWNES.Ee



Final Convo On lap Monday;
Dob Jones To Act Shakespeare
Final general convocation of the
first semester of the Summer Ses
sion will be held at 11:15 o'clock
Monday morning in Memorial hall,
with the program consisting of
Shakesperean characterizations by
Bob Jones Jr.
All Summer Session classes will
be dismissed so that students may
attend the convocation.
Bob Jones Jr.. who is acting presi
dent of the Bob Jones college, is
still in his middle twenties, but he
has already achieved some fame for
his interpretation of Shakespeare.
For nine years he has been direc
tor of the Classic Players, and has
acted many of the great Shakespeare roles, including the big four
Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear and
Because of his youth, his inter
pretations have a variety and he
and older
draws his middle-age- d
characters with remarkable fidelity.

Mrs. Adams Named
To State Council
Mrs. Jesse E. Adams, wife of the
Summer Session director, has been
appointed a member of the state
council on adult education, it was
announced yesterday.
ADDointment was made by John
W. Brooker, state superintendent of
Purpose of the council,
'hich was set up in accordance with
code adopted by the legislature
several years ago is to alvise the
state education authorities on various matters.

Low-r- y

Kohler; Judge, Caywood Thomp
son; Counsel for the Plaintiff, Owen
Wiley; Foreman of the Jury, William
Anderson; Usher, David Welch.
The mixed chorus will include
approximately 40 voices. Professor
Lampert said. A student orchestra
will accompany the production.
Assisting in the directing and in
charge of stage sets and properties
is William Echols.

Social activities at the Union this
week Include an open house to be
held at 7:30 o'clock tonight and the
presentation of some old-tithrills
at the same hour tomorrow night.
On the film program will be two
silent films of two reels each, "The
Tramp" and "The Campus Carmen".
These will be shown on the balcony
behind the ballroom. Following the
escapades on the screen,
refreshments will be served and
dancing will be offered.
Tonight's party will be similar to
other open houses held at the
Union during this Summer Session.
Quests may play
checkers, cards or they may dance.
Refreshments will be served.
There is no charge for either of
these entertainments.

Ceremonies Set
For Wednesday
Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary in education for men, will hold
initiation services; for approximately
25 men at 3:30 p. m., Wednesday, in
the training school library.
Following the ceremony the new
members will be guests of honor
for a picnic and fish fry at Castle-wood.









A dinner in honor of Dr. Thomas
Greenwood of the University of
London who is teaching a short
course in the philosophy of education, has been planned for 6 p. m.,
Thursday, in the Union football
room, according to an announcement
by Dean Sarah Holmes, chairman
of the Summer Session social committee.
Dr. Greenwood will speak on the
international situation. All Summer
Sessionists are invited to attend.
Reservations must be made at the
office of the dean of women in the
Administration building or in the
Summer Session office in the Education building by noon Thursday,
Dean Holmes said. Charge will be
60 cents.

Secondary School
Heads To Meet

Summer Band


To Give Concert

Thursday Night

Pictured above h the Olympian Male quartet who will
present a program at 8 o'clock Friday night in Memorial

Last Tuesday lean, angular, friendly Dr. Thomas Poe Cooper, dean of
the college of Agriculture for 22
years, hung his hat in the Administration buiding and began one of the
most thankless tasks ever created:
being acting president of a university.
How long he wil be there. Doctor
Cooper nor anyone else, for that
matter cannot say. He was appointed in Juiie by the Board of
Trustees with the understanding
that he will serve until a permanent
head can be chosen and has assumed
office. According to recent statements by Board members, this might
be two months or two years. Being an acting president is just that
indefinite, and just about that glorious.
That is why one cannot help but
admire President Cooper for his
spirit in accepting the position. It is
the general belief that he could have
had the job permanently if he had
so desired; in fact it is understood
that a number of Universities officials had urged him to accept it
But Doctor Cooper is a modest
person and very devoted to his work
in the agriculture college and the
Experiment Station, and he felt it
was there that he really belonged.
However according to authoritive
sources the Board insisted, and so
he finally gave in and consented to
"fill in" until they decided upon a
permanent head. In other words,
Dean Cooper was "drafted".




He is rather philosophic about the
whole thing, though not wanting to
dodge duty and yet not desirous of
the acclaim which accompanies that
duty. When we interviewed him
yesterday he was rather reluctant
to have anything published about
himself at alL "Why don't you write
something about the University?" he
inquired. "I'm not much on this
limelight business."
Along with his work as president
he told us, he intends to stay on as
director of the Experiment Station
and to keep up as much as possible
his contacts with the agriculture
college. He said he wasn't planning
on teaching any classes.
President Cooper expressed great
interest in the possible establishment of a "Folk School." to be conducted for about six weeks during
for farm boys who do
not desire agricultural degrees but
who would like some instruction in
the newer farming practices. "We
won't know definitely about it for
a year, however," he added. "The
idea is a good One and a practical
one. but there is a large question of
money to be reckoned, with before
any formal plans can be made."
When asked about his hobbies.
Doctor Cooper said that he didn't
know that he had any especially.
"Guess I'm just like any other farmer in this respect" he added. "I
like to putter around in a garden
and look over livestock and browse
around on farms."
Continued on Page Four)
mid-wint- er


Supper At Halls

M-d- ay

Mc-Ve- y,

and Edward Cole. baas.
Also featured on the program will
be songs by Yvonne Des Rosier, so
prano, a member of the Boston Light
Opera company.
Pianist with the group will be
Ruth Culbertson. who has appeared
several times as soloist with the
Boston Symphony orchestra.
has won the Mason and Hamlin
piano award at the New England
of music and has
studied in Germany under the
Naumberg scholarship.
A group of young artists, the
Olympian male quartet has won
widespreal recognition. Commenting
on their singing. Alfred H. Meyer,
former music critic of the "Boston
Transcript." said.
"I have heard the Olympian Maie
quartet sing several times at public
functions: on every occasion I have
been delighted with their singing,
sometimes surprised that they were
able to achieve such perfection so
early in their career.
I heartily
commend them to all who like good
Miss Des Rooiers has been soloist
with the Boston male choir and has
made an extended tour through
many states with Carl Lamson. pianist, and Carl Webster, cellist.
The program for Friday night's
performance follows:
-- I-

Klnft Praver .Lohengrin

C&leno Cuslurt


in less time than it takes one to
write the number the student makes
in the test. It is uncanny to see
what it can do. Besides telling the
number of correct responses, it tells
the number of questions the person
answered and it tells if the person
cheated by answering more than
one of the optional answers for a
questioa Then if you want to grade
on the base of a hundred to get
percentage all that you have to do
is turn a knob and presto, you have
the percent. This will be a great
help, because in case of war in a
matter of seconds after a test is
completed one has the answer to
the intelligence of the person that
took the test. This will make it very
easy to get the person on his way
to the plaoe where, he will be
Fly For Graphite
Last Monday we found that we
did not have the graphite pencils
necessary to answer the questions
so that the machine will score the
test, so Major Croft called Purdue
University and made arrangements
for me to fly in an Army Plane to
get the pencils. In less time than
it took to drive a mile to the airport the Air Corp had a plane ready
to take off and in just a few minutes
we were at the Purdue University
airport where a car was waiting to
take me to the Psychology Building to get the pencils.
I think that the plane was a l.
Anyway it is an observation plane
with two seats and a place for a
camera and a gun. It has a maximum speed of 300 miles and it
could go up to 20.000 feet. We flew
at between 2,000 and 3.000 which
was just perfect for me to observe
the ground to advantage.
Crtpnibf-riair- t
used to dsmbe the

township plan and I could not visualize those straight lines, but I certainly could see them from the
plane. It looked like a gigantic
checkerboard and if I had not been
so busy watching the ever changing
scenery I would have indulged in
a game of chess with some imaginary partner. I really believe that
one of the best ways to learn physical geography would be to take
an airplane ride like this one. I
think that I can understand better
drainage systems, water levels, etc.
Believes Youth Eager
These C.M.T.C. boys are an inspiration to any teacher for they
seem eager to learn and are anxious to be of service to their country. They are the answer of a democracy to the problem of National
Defense together with the R.O.T.C.
and other democratic methods of
teaching our youth the art of warfare. It is my belief that as the
time comes for us to defend our institutions against the inroads of totalitarianism our youth will be
ready and eager to do its part.
I have been thinking about teachers more than usual while here. Our
responsibility is greater than most
of us imagine and whether we
realize it or not we have guided
this generation to the place where
it is. It is good to see these boys
willing to sacrifice their summer
vacation so that they can learn how
to defend our democracy: it makes
one feel that perhaps the fate of the
democracies is not as dark as the
events of the past two months seem
to indicate. There is still plenty of
Americanism left; what is needed
now is leaders and the nation has
them too.
Lieutenant. ORC


Morntnc Hjma

Old Irish
Arr. & Tjlor Harris


-- 2-

. Michael
Little Poll' Plindera
Lithuanian Sore
Nymohs and rauna
Bern berg
T Tonnt DesRoalers
-- 3-

High Barbary
Eniflish 8ea Chantey
The Pedlar
Drink to Me Only with Thine
Old English Air
ParodT of the Quartet from

Quartet 'Unaccompanied
-- 4-

Pountaln at the Ac qua Paoia
Intermexzo In C


Ruta Cutrjerteoa


UK Professor Tells How Psychologists Plan
To Test Nation's Youth When y



Members of the quartet are Robert Moore, tenor; Simon Oesin.
tenor: Alfred Patterson, baritone,

On Limelight Business'


Session Office
Needs Bulletins


New President pNot Much


Armaments Maker Gives UK
Motor Testing Laboratory
Gift to the University of a build
ing to cost from $80,000 to $100,000,
to be used as a testing laboratory
for internal combustion and aer
onautical, motors, was announced
(last ween uy vean james n.
ham of the engineering college. The
donor was the Viking foundation.
The building, a
and glass brick of modern design,
will be located on South Upper street
directly opposite the central heating
plant and along the railway spur
track bordering the University training school grounds.
Headed by Axel Wenner-GreSwedish armaments millionaire industrialist, the Viking foundation
has made several major grants in
America, but this if the first to the
With the construction of the testing laboratory, the University will
be the first college in the United
States to have a building designed
especially for the testing of aircraft
(A similar laboratory, designed
principally for general automobile
motors, was put up as a Sloan gift
at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Dean Graham said.)
Operation of the laboratory will
by the Maw-ebe



Initiation will be in charge of a
Teachers College, Richmond, headed
by Dr. W. J. Moore. Preceding the
ceremony at 2:45 p. m., the initiated
Do you have trouble stretching will take a written examination,
Louis Clifton, secretary-treasurof
the clothing dollar?
the organization announced.
Can you cut your hosiery bill by
Officers of the local chapter are:
better buying?
W. Gayle Starnes, president; Dr. Viryou judge the wearing qualCan
gil F. Payne of Transylvania,
ity of new materials on the market?
A meeting of the Kentucky asMr. Clifton, Maurice F.
Questions like these will be dis Seay, faculty sponsor;
sociation of secondary school prinDr. Wellingcussed in a "Buying of Clothing" ton Patrick, editor of
the news let- cipals will be held at 7 o'clock Thurstudy group to be held from 9:45 ter.
sday night in the auditorium of the
to 11 a. m. daily, beginning July 15
Education building.
through July 19. The group will
John W. Brooker, state superintenhold its meetings at the University
dent of education, and Mark God-mahigh school. There will be no charge
director of the division of
for enrollment
school supervision of the state deLexington women, including sumpartment of education, will be the
mer school students and wives of
Directed by Charles Magurean,
faculty are invited to enroll.
A. B. Crawford, principal of
These discussions will be led by the University Summer Session band
high school and president of
present a concert at 7 o'clock the association, will preside.
Miss Mary Bell Vaughan, assistant will
state supervisor of home economics Thursday night in Memorial halL
Featured on the program will be
education. The group will be sponsored by a class of graduate students singing led by Miss Lela Mason of
at the University who are studying the music department. Included on
the teaching of vocational homemak-in- g the program to be given by the band
will be a selection of the seven
to adults.
A number of reservations have
The complete program follows:
(Editor's Note: In reply to a reThose interested in
been made.
1. Hall of Fame, concert march
quest by the Summer Kernel editor,
joining the group should call UniProf. J. E. Hernandez f the Roversity 36 before the class is filled, J. Olivadoti.
2. Overture (militaire) Skohnic-kmance languages
department, a
as only a limited number can be
(from Symphony Militaire by lieutenant in the Officers Reserve
Corps, has written the following
Cecelia Brown
Louis Adolphe letter of CMTC activities at Fort
Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.)
4. Singing led by Miss Lela MaHere is that letter you suggested.
I used to give you the red pencil
5. Seven best loved melodies.
when you were taking Spanish and
6. L'estudientina
Emile now you can retaliate by giving me
the blue pencil or perhaps the waste
7. Coronation
Richard basket.
As you know Dean Croft who
company of New York City, in which Eilenberg.
holds a majority in the Organized
Wenner-Gre- n
is interested. The testReserves was sent here to give clasing, however, will not be restricted
sification tests to the C.M.T.C. boys
to Mawen motors, but will include
in an effort to understand the proball types of internal combustion and
Women of the residence halls en- lem of testing in case
aviation motors, ranging in size from tertained with a buffet supper Mon- ever arrives. The processing of the
100 to 2,000 horse power. University
day night on the lawn between candidates of a CMTC boys is about
engineering authorities announced.
Patterson and Boyd halls.
as close as one can get to actual moThrough the influence of Dean
Special guests for the affair were bilization procedure, because it inGraham and Prof. A. J. Meyer, for President and Mrs. Thomas P. volves the bringing together of a
the past four years professor of aer- Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.
large number of young men. The
onautical and mechanical engineerand Dr. and Mrs. Jesse E. situation would be very similar in
ing at the University, the Swedish Adams.
case of draft. Major Croft's probindustrialist became interested in enlem is to find out how long it takes
through Prolarging the work done
for a man to take a test under acfessor Meyer in the smaller unit at
tual conditions of mobilization and
the Lexington school.
also to help in the standardization
Professor Meyer, who is a native
of that test. From the score a man
of Amsterdam, Holland, and who
We greatly need additional makes in his test it will be deterspent 15 years in Deroit as chief reSummer Session Bulletins for mined whether he is officer masearch engineer with the Continental
the second term registration. terial, etc. His preparation in peace
Motors company, has done much reAny student or faculty mem- time will determine to a great deal
search work in motor testing and
ber having a bulletin he does where lie will be placed in case of
not need the next term will war, because the government is deIn
with the Curtis
greatly help us by bringing termined that there will be as few
Wright Aeronautical company of
it to the Summer Session Of- round pegs in square holes as it is
Patterson, N. J., and the Mawen comfice by 4 o'clock, Tuesday humanly possible in case of mobilipany, extensive research work has
afternoon, July 9. If incon- zation. The scoring of a test is albeen carried on at the University.
venient to bring your bulletin ways slow and tedious when done
Engineering students have been
to the office, call University by hand and subject to error. In
61 and arrangements will be order to speed it up a machine has
given extra employment in this research and in the past three years
made to get it.
been devised and is now in operanine engineering graduates have ob- tion here.
Jesse E. Adams,
Director of Sunnier
This mnehl'ip '!'! grf.dp a pper
Pae T'o

Class To Be Given

The Olympian male quartet,
acclaimed for their "interesting repertoire, tonal refinement and excellent diction."
will present a program for
Summer Session students at
8 o'clock Friday night in
Memorial hall.
The program' will be free
to students. stafT and faculty
members of the Session.

hair-raisi- ng

British Philosopher
To Speak Thursday



Affair Is Planned
For 8 O'Clock
In Memorial Hall

Two Silent Films
On Program Set

Harriet Abraham; Defendant,

CKiCAio, Alabama uVWEstsriy



By Lampert


tl4 A 6 WOM
College, AMD
I'D Graduate
wmoh At tm








Cast For Operetta f
Is Announced

military Academy

to Accustom

Headline in The Leader
You mean they stuck a knife in
his back?)
Senator Arch Hamilton told me a
story the other day that seems worth
passing on. .
It concerns a sustoms of the proprietor of a road side lunchroom-fillin- g
station not too far from Lexington.
This chap has his cheese sheer set
up so that it can be regulated to cut
three sizes for sandwiches as folows:
1. Homefolks
About as thick as
tbe top of a full package of paper
matches, or maybe a little thicker.
2. Tourist
size About
half as
thick as the above.
3. Special size So thin that it
curls. The last Is sold only to cars
carrying Indiana license plates.





Olympian Quartet



Editor, Simmer Kernel

And while Mrs. Johnson was speaking some sneak thief lifted eight
dollars from her purse.

Male Quartet Will Sing Friday

A Column of rersonal Opinion

The cream of Kentucky young
people attend the Universtiy, so
we're told.
Particulary is this true ill the
summer when the school has a
larger percentage of true students,
of busy men and women who wrest
time from their work that they may
seek knowledge, of teachers here to
learn how better to instruct the
Not only are the young people of
the Summer Session the best educated group in Kentucky, but they
are sl.-- o the most cultured.
They're interested in good music
they attend the Carnegie music
hours and the band concerts. They
discuss good books. They listen to
cultured speakers. They fock to book
review-tea- s
such es the one at which
Mrs. Preston Johnston spoke last


9. 1940










-- 6-

Stout Hearted Men 'New
Play Gypsiea tCounteae
Selection from the "Merry
Yvonne DetRoaiers aud Quartet

Naive Vacations
Miss Mary Louise Naive, secretary to the director of student publications, wai to leave this mornim;
for a week's vacation at Virijini
Beach. Virginia.


Events Listed

is a list of extra-

curricular activities

for the coming week:
Student Union open house
7:30 o'clock.

Old Time Movie thriller.
Open air theater of Union building. 7:30 o'clock.
Phi Delta Kappa initiation and
fishfry. Education building and
Castlewood park.

Band, concert Memorial hall
amphitheter. 7 o'clock.
Meeting of Kentucky association of secondary school principals. Education building aud7 o'clock.
John W
Brooker and Mark Guelman will
Dinner for Dr. Thomas GreenwrMxi.
S p. m.
Union foottfall room. Dr.
Greenwood to speak.
Olympian male quartet Memorial hall . S o'clock. Free to
students, faculty and staff of
Summer Session.
Vesper services.
hall amphitheater
8 o'clock.

� Page Two


Tuesday, July 9, 10 10

Whice Way Pacifism?

war and to save not democracy, but

Digging For Sewer

the British and French empires.
We discovered at Versailles and
that a decent and just
peace was just about as far from the
mind of the Allies as anything
could be. And. together with
j the entire rest of
the world, we have.
Dr. Schilpp is an associate protes- for these past twenty-thre- e
Bruna Castagna, vivid Milanese
tor of philosophy at Northwestern paid the, price of our and of the
fciid an ordained Methodist minister. Allies' folly. For the "peace" of Vercontralto, will sing the title role in
sailles bore within itself inevitably Bizet's "Carmen" when a partial
Me was head of the philosophy
tment at the College of the Pa- all the seeds of the dozens of wars broadcast of the opera is aired over
cific for 13 years and is the editor of which have been fought since and WLW and NBC, Sunday, July 14, at
which are raging at this very mo- 10 p. m., EST, from
the Living Philosopher series.
the Cincinnati
ment. Llcyd George himself, war- Summer Opera pavilion.
In times of peace everyone
his devout faith in peace and time prime minister of Great Britain
The opera will mark the Cincin
t eryone asserts that peace can te during ago. first World war, only a nati debut of Vivian Delia Chiesa,
in addressing the British
maintained, therefore, to note how
beautiful blond lyric soprano and
little time it takes for so many parliament, admitted not merely that NBC veteran,
who will be heard as
people so completely to change their Britain wasyefs guilty for the events Micaela;
and of Raoul Jobin, tenor.
minds. Some of my friends who of these two decades as was any who
will take the leading male role
even yesterday were still not merely other country, but that, in fact it
of Don Jose. Robert Weede, known
actually claimed was only British diplomacy yes,
for his "Radio City. Music Hall'
tc be pacifists, today, if not actually and British money which made Hitbroadcasts, who scored a Cincinnati
on the
insist that "we must ler himself possible and gave Hitler
hit last year, will sing the role of
aid the Allies or now Great Britain) his chance.
Yes. despite all these facts
and I Escamillo.
with all our might short of actThe broadcast will be the third
ually sending troops over there, at challenge anyone to disprove anyleast for the time being)." In other one of them! there are many of our of a weekly series originating at the
who (within the short Cincinnati Summer Opera, only one
words, what all this really amounts
vears I have of its kind in the United States. The
to is the proposition: Peace really memory of twentw-on- e
program will last until II p.m., EST.
works in peace-timbut ony force, blissfully forgotten all of these facts
Miss Castagna. who was last heard
and who are. at this very moment
iolence. and war work in
In spite of all the events of the being "taken in" by the idealistic with the summer opera in 1936, made
past ten months. I still beg to differ. Ailed propaganda just exactly as her debut in her native Italy, at
Rather, I should have said: "Just we were in 191". In other words, Mantua, in "Boris Godnov." This
because of the events of the past ten we still have not learned snv led to her engagement at La Scala
rr.oi.ths or of the past fifty cen. of the lessons of either this past in Milan, where she remained for
tunes: and more particularly: be quarter century or of all previously five years.
Herj American debut in New York
cause of the events of the past recorded human history, the fact
'quarter century."
Once before in namely that war not only is hell. In 1934 established Miss Castagna
but just because it is hell and
immediately before the public as
year aeo
iaci, jusi twenty-tnre- e
all the vilest human passions, one of the outstanding living Car
we vere called upon by the same
Metropolitan audiences acAllies to come not merely to their hates and fears it simply is unrea- men
rescue, by to "save democracy" and sonable to expect war to accomplish claimed her for the first time in the
spring of 1936, when she did the
to fight the "war to end war." Then anything good.
The love of force has brought man- title role in "Aida." She made her
tven as now. we were told that that
war was not just another war. that it kind to the unspeakably sad hour Chicago debut in the spring of 1938.
of this moment. Is it, then, unreasonwas a war for justice and righteous
At present she is active not only in
mat out ot an Allied victory able for some of us to suggest that opera, as a leading Metropolitan con
would come lasting- because a just we try a new and hitherto largely tralto, but in concert and radio as
peace. And. what is more, we believ untried method: the force of love?
If America, in this darkest hour in
ed all that stuff. We actually believed
Miss Delia Chiesa is most widely-know- n
that war could be a means of ending human history, could keep herself
for her radio work. She made
war (a
in itself). entirely aloof from the blood-bath- s
her operatic debut in November.
We believed that after the Allies and mass murders of the Old World 1936. following an audition given
had made an end of the German 'and of Asia), she would occupy the by Paul Longone, impresario of the
most strategic position among all Chicago
emperor's dream of world domin
Qivic Opera Company, on
ation, they would make a just and the nations- of the world at the end which occasion she sang the role of
of the present conflagration. Having
therefore lasting peace. We believed
Mimi in "La Boheme." The followthat, by fighting on their side, the ceen truly not just legalistically ) ing day she attracted the
'o:ld could and would be "safe for neutral she could then offer her ser of Toto Schipa, and was chosen to
work done m connection with the erection of a
democracy." And because we be- vices to the tired and wornout na- sing Adina in "Elisir d'Amore."
new motor testing laboratory at the University was localieved all those
ideal- tions of the world. In other words,
She was signed for broadcasts and tion of sewer line that runs under the plot selected as a
isolation NOW: yes! Because there a
istic phrases, we did go to war. Only
recital tour by NBC
to find, before we had been on the is no sense in becoming involved year, and was heard on earlier that site of the structure, to be located on South Upper street
the "Magic opposite the University heating plant and adjacent to
Allies' side two years, that all those in the plague which has Europe and Key," "Contented Hour"
and other College of Education building.
Above,. Carroll Rankin,
beautiful promises were used merely LAsia in its grip. From a plague one programs.