xt71vh5ccn56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5ccn56/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1962  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 8 No. 2 spring 1962 text Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 8 No. 2 spring 1962 1962 1962 2012 true xt71vh5ccn56 section xt71vh5ccn56   4·-~    .;fVjf*?‘T“f’ I *7 V  g. V-   ·*.._*.;_‘j_i; · V ;_
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By E. Grant Youmans Page 6 ·
The Cover ¤ '
This overall view of some niinblewill-infested Kentucky bluegrass plots shows results
  ` of experimental treatments to control the pest. Nimblewill is not only a serious problem '_
  _ . W. for the homeowner but also is one of the troublesome weeds in old bluegrass pastures.
  l Pictured here is Horticulturist ]. W. Herron evaluating different treatments designed to
  " .   ' control nimblewill but not seriously injure bluegrass. (See page 4 of this issue for an
A F V ` article giving details of the experimental work.)

 • •
Kentucky Research Results m Brief
Department af Public Information
s GAMMA RAYS ARE USED IN FOOD irradiate them at certain levels and have them look
  PRESERVATION PROJECT eood. The lose color and sometimes the texture of
O y
I What’s new in food processing? the berries is not desirable. The same has been tme of .
r   is irrg_diatiou_tr€3_tjng foods   doses of gamma COYH Hlld broccoli. We’ve b€€ll H.   ITIOTC Sl1CC€SSfUl
rayS_ with sweet corn; we’ve kept the texture fairly good
This research in a relatively new Held of food preser- ahd have net had great losses ef sugar- Wherr You
vation is a joint project of the U.K. Agricultural lose sugar m the storage peried, You maY alter eerfeie
r"" Experiment Station, conducted by the Department of thmgs Such as appearance, taste, ete· A
Horticulture and the School of Home Economics. The reseerehers saY therr eppreeeh te the rrradra·
r Irradiation first got attontion 12 years ago Whon tion of fruits and vegetables is to “administer a pas-
tho Arrny recogrlizgd     fresh foods Could be t€\lI`lZlI]g dose of g3.ITlI-nil. rays to the foods SO    
pi-osorvod othor than by rofrigoration, part of tho stay edible at higher temperatures than encountered
armed forces’ food-storage costs would be consider- ie trozeh storage-), The trstral storage temperature ef _
·· ably reduced. A package of fresh food (if irradiation thelr experlmehtal samples has been 35 degrees F·
. oonid be niado to Work) with a iong "sho]{ ]i{o" at One area of research has been in removal of oxygen
roorn tornnoratnro Wonid be inVa]nab]o_ from the irradiated foods. The air in the can is either
Horticulturist D. C. Mama, specializing in food repleeed with nitreseu sas befere Sealing, er a Small
prooossingr and Homo Eoonornist Doris Tiohonor say amount of enzyme 1S added which chemically ties up
their work so far has been concerned with a type of the oXYgeh m the headspaoe (top ef eee) arr- Elrmr
—i food (normally stored by freezing) that could be held rlatloh otlree oXYgeh by these methods seems te slow
. » at above-freezing temperatures. dowrl ¤¤f¤ve¤·¤ble ellallges
s Two foods thor, are Working tvith at prosont aro Wholesale use of irradiation to preserve foods will
4 strawberries and sweet corn, both food items high on eet be perfeeted (llllel areas bv live {lame. A tractor,
¤ ’ Q     .-~=g_· ”"I}   "¤ ..-‘ `   ~··· ‘ V  »+;w7%$?!¤rgu: El . 1 '
a  `Q   -—‘· ‘       l   I · - 1 .,,; f   mountinra tank of lit uefied uctroleum tas and svecial
FY ·'   - `  ~~     .`·’? r... `»é".“' hl 1 . I lj I
` __o "i‘s “"°` P  _ V   burners near ground surface, is used: The burners
A ‘ ' MW`”t"";"  ''‘``  so  ” i spurt flame onto the weeds for a fraction of a second.
_ This ll*"“e"Yl’° ““l‘l"““”* '“°““°°‘l "]" “ “”°`"”" °°'"°"` E. fl. Smith, agricultural engineer, says Kentucky
tional cultivator, has been tested sufficiently to enable U.K. . .
i. _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __ farmers can use flaming on weeds in corn crops now
2lgllClll[ll121l C1'IgIl]€€lS [0 I]]dI(C 1€(()HlI`IICI`ldd(l()l]S [O1 Ilh USL 7
r in corn and soybean plantings. (Conlinur·rI on Page 7)

 O O I _
1IIl €Wl lll €HtllC   l1€gI'3SS <=
L Cont ll db H b` °d S
Zytron proves effective in selective SUMMARY ¤
control tests that began In   iesults of nimblewill control experiments, 1959 to _ 
B 1 D h _ 1961, can be summarized as follows:
II . . . .
a VC S OWS prolnlsc 1. Two applications of liquid Zytron at 15 lb/A
By ]. W. HERRON rate are necessary for satisfactory control of nimble- _
D~¤-*"·~¤¤ Of "<·*¢i¢··”~*~ will. One application at 30 1b/A rate also gave good .
Nimblewilll is increasing in importance as a pest in control. *
Kentucky bluegrass lawns in Kentucky as well as 2_ TO Obtain complete eradication, Some Spot ap, ¤_
many lwlghbormg $t¤t€$· It is BOY 0UlY Fl $€i`10U$ plications following the initial treatments with Zytron '
problem in lawns, but in Kentucky nimblewill is one may bg necessary `
of the most troublesome weeds in old bluegrass pas- 3. Treatments with liquid Zytmn in the Spring and
t“r°S· _ _ early summer appeared to be more consistently effec-
Nimblewill, a shallow-rooted perennial grass, repro- tive than tmatmmlts in late July, August, and S€p_ ·
duces by seeds and underground stems. New growth tgmbm. _»
.·t.t.—fr l»¤ l·t s'Fb. zl -1 . .. *
S " S S "“ ““‘ $Se“’““‘ S Sm ‘" S “‘“Y ‘“‘ Sm Y 4. Dry formulations of Zytron were not eiieenve in
March. It continues to grow throughout the summer . . .  — _
_ _ controlling nimblewill.
and early autumn. The roots remain alive throughout 5 All h B 1 D { 4 d 8 lb A
the year, but the tops die in autumn, leaving dense " Smug wwe _at mtés O _ Sm _/
_ . gave variable control of nimblewill with one applica- r
brown mats in the lawn. _ lt _ l_ t d th t_ d t l_
Mneli progress has been made in the chemical S“’“· rFS“ S ;“€1°“ S { "tlF°“_“‘“" S “‘ ‘°S ‘i°‘21C°"" .._
control of nimblewill in Kentucky bluegrass turf. mg ra 65 am tunes O app ICSSIOHS are Wmmu € `  
. . . .   t..
Ex cruneutal studies on the control of nimblewill _
P . . Station in 1953. From 1953 to 1958 maleie hydrazide
were begun by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment _ _
’ was the only material tested that showed any degree
iM,,;,[G,,],c,g;,, Schrcbcd ]_ F_ C;m€1_ of selectivity on bluegrass. Even though high rates e
_;5g,;¤ p -··~* V` ’E;;_»i—g;     `g•   *9-     1;,;   ·   _,·»¢~     ,   __‘·   "*/‘ p ____ ·»v‘»`S¢_s.»»:_:.;>; ‘§&;,r`_v,,_;:',’ =`7 T ¤;" SS" `
" YS"` SS S SS S S S  ·r.‘SSY`·` ·- "     `S;   r#.’~.·¤.‘   QQ:  #·¥» we ¥.· ‘·= _ .» ¢·,·   ·‘ .‘ .°'·
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Plot in the right   _ r ~S   .. _·   ·_, .5;.; "§a5».i‘   1**       
foreground was               — ‘ p       .—   ··—·   .   _    
treated with li- _Zx·»i’g§;,   ` AM     _ V - "  _,_-,     .. gp  
quid Bamvcl D at __{'°'     S p S     . ~   ._ ;·_ ‘S   p Q_ `S . ·  
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Rest of the area _ " rr  ·       »··éT»=;;t .'~·_;,j.e,_     . __ {rei   ,
sh own was uu-   -—   _   V.   `S ‘ -   {_,_   Z -S   fi
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-'   f · a »  *·‘:· ¤w   ir ·· 2 ¤.`,     V? Ti J 4,,y;.` » _., .·   . _V_, _  · · ' ‘· , v.
    ‘ r~     VV-     2 j  yy;. VVV. _     _*g{·\·~j     ·· ..·,§.._Vg_ .·. r "» V
{   ` K J?. Utkglég  _ (V   i®>"'*%.¤ I/`·`;`l     V ·     l " 44%;;;{M*/4:,;;.J   4/ pr , *·4 {R" _` I p
...  ; 1.: r — `· J. ..‘ L   `. · *`· in ~   ·’*<¤·,;-2*..-     J ‘ .r r , sl . ’
The >lot in the fore ound was treated with two a > ylica- The rest of the area shown was untreated. Granular Z tron
. I . . g‘ U . . . Y
__ tions of liquid Zytron at the rate of 15 pounds per acre. was not eilective in these experiments. `
lr .1} of maleic hvdrazide ave ood control of nrmblewill
v_   . c
J,]   without killing bluegrass, very severe top injury to the
· yi" / bluegrass occurred. Results of these early tests were
g   / reported in 1955* and 1958}*
"¤ .. . .
\ rg 2%% In 1909 Zytron* was included in the tests. Both the
. ;:_ xr Ml _ _
\ Yr,   emulsifiable concentrate and granular formulations
‘*‘   Z, Q were applied periodically throughout the growing
~   '\   g season at rates of 10, 20, and 30 pounds per acre (here-
  WV f.... / 1 { ·
· \ ·\V_ gw   a ter expressed lb,. A). T ie granular ormulatron was
`  <   if     gi; not ettective; consequently, the liquid formulation was
"-, "~\ " 1 . * . . .
.   N / `\§=~.}i/ f Ki. . g the onl ¢ one included in the 1960 and 1961 ex eri-
\¥ r’ hw ll RK i &/
t; V a1 2* , , ,· . .
. j A4   ` ——·. YV ·. lw ni 1*1 `QQQ if gf W! the cnmc ¤¤mb*·=*~·“ summer treatments.
V ` rr rmt \ \§§%(,   WMC! ,;’  plant. Note the shal- T , t I I b. .1 , 1 1 I .
. ‘ ‘¥· L Y ._,”1'.;¤'   1 `   , I A * 3 ‘ A · · 1 ‘ ‘ V ·
    swmg; `rgx   V/Vx  § low mms, slender WO nevx (xpuuncn .1 ier 1<,1tcs were inc, ueet 1n
.`   wa!      / creeping smrns and tl]G tests 111 {116 Sl1IHlT|€1‘ of   TllC Cll]lllSll`l3.l)lC
. tv". A ’x 'Z MQ ` \\ ·` {Q, V. V qw . ~ . ~
__ / `~   qty  ¤__.i;,&V;¢[.·}# {gv y the ascending se ed concentrate formulations of Banvel D at 2, 4, and
*"' `.     if       Q"   ‘[h[Q‘\? heads. The plant re- _
.. eax ~§L"»g>L?ilr`¤x???pé1,·r»WM aa;-l;;§,r»’  produces by seeds 
I Q     $*5:  gl;} J3 F' ;;'*'K’l`°’  ,/ { . - '» - ff-
l`*f*t_ ll l. \L‘§~`*{§¢',;1;}'.jr'gfrjti-»x     Eu}? lhlfoml? Film] 2 Herron, james, Nimblewill in Bluegrass Lawns. Ky. Farm
· l;»_   ~fiigy;(·:i—‘:#&:y{:¤’°y··//J_ 1 mul cm l spmllg and Home Science. bpce. Prog. Rpt. 1:23 ]uly 1955.
`\ .. `. IT" 1* - ' = ~ . . . . ,. —
.`.17¤>"     H/Bf     ‘ the ll I fl H [ lcmams ·* Control of Nunlilewill in Bluegrass luri. Proc. NCVVCC
. :-.~ · 2, , 5 ff 1 » dormant and brown. 1, ._ ·* ci
JV VK) , 5.31. l.)¤8.
’ 1 Y ·i’ . In il1€ S¤mm€1` li I5 *1 Chemical com nosition of the materials mentioned is Yiven
ix] _ 1 B
ay. l_Vl,;·l;~’ \ light green. at the end of the article.
l Kiawrucxr FARM AND Home SCIENCE-—SPHING, 1962 5

 P€l‘S0l1S Hlld 3g€I1Ci€S C0l1(ZCl‘llCd   activity pI‘0gl’£IIIlS {0I`
"seni0r” citizens helped by recent U.K. survey ii
L ° T' A t` °t° f Uld
€I°S01]S ll] €I1lZllC   tl] 18  
By E- GRANT Y0UMAN$‘ lived within a distance of 9 miles, and 86 percent had ` .
D*'Y’“""'"" °i ’i"'”’ s"°‘”’”“” one or more of their children living more than 10
The amount of leisure time available to men and ihiiss tiistaiit- The &V€i3g€ €iist3hC€ of tht? older
women in the United States has increased markedly in P€is0ii tihm Ohs 0i' m0t€ Ot his children Wits 45 miiss- `
the past 100 years. Because of a longer life expectancy As ihight be expected, th€ ti‘€qii€iiCY of Visits between
and a shorter work week, men today have much more th€ 0id€Y P€ts0ii shd his Chiiti1‘€¤ varied With ths _
free time than in the past. For the average housewife, Pi`OXih'iitY Ot his Chiidi€h· W€€kiY visiting Was ths
with an even longer life expectancy and doing simpli- tYPi€ai Psttsiii With chlidrw iiVihg apart but Withih 9
fied homemaking, the increase in leisure time is even ihii€s» mvnthiy Visitiiig Was tht? tYPi€8i Psttsth with
greater. For many older persons in the United States childish iwiiig iii tv 49 ihii€s aWaY» Bhd 2 to 4 Visits `=`
today, almost all waking hours are leisure time. _
This abundance of free time suggests SOl]]€ impor- »
tant questions. How is free time used? Is it used t
wisely? Should free time be spent primarily in play, LIIIIISIIILLE
recreation, and amusements? \¢Vhat principles can be ’i—EXiNG-ION
suggested for setting up activity programs for older omisnono ,¤¤•|V|lLE 2
persons? The lack of clear-cut answers to such ques- % CASEY COUNTY ~_
tions points up the need for studies of how older •SOMEnszT 5‘
_ . _ •HOIILHtG {Sm
persons use their tree time. GREEN
In 1959 a surveys was made of men and women
aged 60 and over living in rural and urban Kentucky. The men and women surveyed lived In Casey mumy and In
A total of 1,236 persons were interviewed, half in the city of Lexington. Casey county is in south-central Ken-
(Iasey county and halt in Lexington. No persons in mckf sind is i`€i“iiV°iY isolated ii`°m iiiiY istgs iithsii €0m· ;
institutions were included. They were asked questions mmmih N
about their use of free time, such as their family visit- . . . . .
. . . . . . . . per year was the typical pattern with children living
ing, their community activities, and their hobbies and . .
` I. ' more than 50 miles away. The older urban persons
was nnes. . . . . . .
t visited more frequently with their children than did
Visiting With Children the rural older persons.
Almost halt the older persons (4-l percent) reported Community Activities  
that they lived in the same household with one or more . . . bx
. _ ‘ , . . The older persons participated, on the average, in
ol their clnldren. Two-thirds ot thc older persons (67 . . . . . » —
. _ _ 1.6 clubs and organizations, with little diiierence be-
percent) reported that one or more of their children .
tween those in rural and urban areas. Almost all the
iSocial Science Analyst, lflcononiic ltesearch Service, Li, S, li€Sl)OlldClltS Dal-ticilxltefl in smile {Olin] Of church
l)cpartnient ot Agriculture. z1CtiVity, zllltl iO1` 111OSf this WLIS the only COl]1I1`tll]lll§y · 
I Y-'lhe survey was iuadcrjoiutly by the l)(‘[)tU`tIll(‘lll ot liural LIctIVIty_ The I-III-II] O]de.I· PCYSOIIS engaged III more `
Sociology, linversity ol lxentucky, and the l·arin Population .   _ II _ .tI _ _t. 1.t. _ _   _ `   ` -
llranch, lieouoinic and Statistical Analysis Division, Economic m mind Cfimmum I °N'_1\tl 185* SHCI as Vlsltmg and
ltcscarch Service U. S. l)epart1ncnt of ,-\griculture_ A num- lwlpllig t1`lC11(lS l