xt71rn305k4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305k4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1983 1983 1983-02-25 2020 true xt71rn305k4q section xt71rn305k4q ! ' 1 v. H M c , . ,, .A -.,_,. ~.~-'. '- ~-I-'hf"-IM.~"
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As tho and of the basketball season
nears, the three Wildcat seniors rolloct
WW , , ., . on the highlights and setback; of their .___.__.____.
careers See pages
r _
\ .
Vol. LXXXV. No. l2? Friday, February 25, l983 An independent student newspaper University ol Kentucky, Lextngton Kentucky
. PreSIdent denounces talk of scandal '
. Q \VASlllei'l‘ttN :\l‘ l’t‘estdenl Reagan’s ltrtng ol Lavelle on Feb
2 x I» WE" L 3; Reagan, demtng a scandal was Tprompted a t'lurr) ol congresstonal
. . ~ 8g - hrewtng at the l‘lttt'trottmental l’ro tttt'es‘ttgattons tttto allegations ot
; \ E;- , tectton Agent-t. named replace tntsmanagement ttn Wednesday
' ‘s‘ . $5: lnents yesterda) tor Rtla .\l llatelle the prestdent asked lor the restgna
‘ ‘ .. _; ' :M and two other administrators he re lions ol another asststanl admtnts-
, ' * ”M M moved to the (‘illllllltllIlL’ shakeup at trator and the agencv s tnspector
" 2s ' L the EPA general
l .3 ' " “E arr M” w The prestdettt said he retatned "l‘he prestdent wanted to
. ‘ . L , .. conl'tdence tn the t-nxtronntental strengthen the management tune
I" \‘ ‘ agency s .ltlltllttlsll‘dlttl'. \ntte tion' at the agency Speakes said.
‘ , M .\l('(itll liurlord and told reporters whett asked wh_\ the shtlts were
_ ‘ ' t who asked ahottt .i possthle EPA needed tn ltght ol Reagans asser~
. - ”i $3.3 .. scandal "The only one lirewtng ts tton 2t week ago that under hts ads
. W . _\ . 3:." . - . .. ., M," inthemedtalhatstalktttgahout tt ttttntstratton the agency had
‘ " l W“ - “'“" . "I" “s " - - 7'2. L . I”. Meanwhtle. l.a\elle lll a second achtet'ed“asplendtdrecord’
" (la) ol congressional lt'sllttttitt}, told "The prestdent thought that would
. l a House l’uhltc \Vqus stthcomnttttee he the best course tn order to get a
j: 3 -M t that her ltrtng lw Reagan was still tresh start. Speakes satd "The
. - "phenomenal to her and tnststed president has put a new learn tn
uu VAN HOOK/Kornet Stall she had done nothtng w rottg place
I hox- totlax we can till all the .sx-akes held out the )ssthtltt\
A.M. awakening charges‘on lll(“l;llllt' ldt s dtscuss thal those given th'llllL’p‘dppUInl
. , . when. w here. attd w hat. slit-said ntents would he replaced alter a lul
As the weather gradually tmproves, the thoughts of many Ken- outs and the Keeneland spring meet. These Six horses graze on a ”You“ “h“ “kirk”, “mm“, m M. search W. momma“. hut m, MW
, tuckians turn to thoroughbreds # of time trials, morning work- farm on Redd Road in western Fayette County. testttnom Wetlllt'stla) as all tnellec s.tlil the} would be considered lor
ll\'(‘ manager. satd testerdtn she d permanent postltons
liecome tsolated trottt the l-Il’.\ ad The other appotntments an
Instructor says chance of local damage Unpredictable tttmlstl‘ator amtd t'ottttnttal wrung ttouttced were
ltng wtthttt tlteagettct lorpowcr - Allred _\1 lack. an assts'tant sec-
: G . Larry Speakes, chtcl deputt \\llll(' relal‘} ol lahor lor adnttntstratton
l ea ogISt to St" y en tuc y qua es House press sect'etart announted and management. to he an acttng
-' the shtlts‘ at the lil’,\ and said the ll\,\l.‘lilnl admtntslrator lor admtnts
l choices were "the hest people we tratton John P Horton had been the
l _______— WNW”. and ”1“ [Ianl‘l‘MU “”1 illh" “Pr“ ll l9“ (‘ilrlh(lllilk('£\ Nllt'll 3th llll‘ >1 ' ~ can tmd consistent with our need to assistant administrator tor admmts
lh l~Il.lZ\liHTll“(Hill get a percentage 'l‘htrt} tune per New .'\ladrtd quakes. that we know ' x“ ttto\equtckl_\ tt'atton unttl ho was dlgmlssed
Reporter cent ol what Street spends or up to about." Street stud "There were " .\t the can“. mm, in. MM he had \rpdmgdm
_‘ Siloso, that he claimed In the l ttt others that were not as dramatic, rat/z? ' ,r heard no suggestions that llli' pt'i-st . t'hurlr-s tit-mpge) the inspector
, \t-rsttt hut we sttll need to kttow as tttttclt as . dent intended to stem thi- t‘tttt’t'tn or general at the Department ol Hillst
C street attd a team ol researchers possthleahouttheenttrchtstotw 1%.,“ ”' 5" surroundtng mp MN“; m H; mg and l'rhan [n.ytlmpmeny to he
'l‘htnk ol earthquakes and t alttor will collect data lrom newspaper ar 'l'he sertes ol earthquakes kttowtt t' ., 'j‘ mining Hurlot‘tl But he sdltl other the acttng tns'peclor general Mat
ttta comes to mold ltut ltow mam cltttes tn Mtsstsstppt. 'l‘ettnessee. II as the New Madrtd earthquakes, tn : . ' I“ ‘ gm“;- mtght he made Q,“ ”1,, m.“ H. on.“ \- \'o\'tck had heen the tns‘pec
3‘ [littplt‘ulillltlllltllk(ll Kentttck) ' ltnots. Kentucky lttdtatta. .\t‘klllt\:ls. liill and 1812. contrtttutt-d to the lot' 5 Q. ll\'l.tl> tor general at the EPA unttl he was
Illsltll‘lcull}, the central region «it and tthto the states that are to he matton ol Reelloot Lake ttt Fulton , dismissed \l'ednesdzn
‘ the l'ntted Slates ltas been an area stttdted t‘ounty . Reagan "hm" 1““ M “”an “’1 Reagan ”to, 531;; m d wrttten
ol lttglt setsmtc .tcttxtlt In a one \\e can do a reasonaltl) good toh “There was a whole sequence ol ,_ l :f’ ”Tm-m“. (“WNW ”l m“ l‘mml‘l'l \hllk‘n1tnl that he would nominate
tear stud} Ronald .s'treet. prolt-ssot ot guesstunattttg the magnitude ol earthquakes. wttlt lottr ntator ones ‘ U . ( hnlmw‘m“ M‘m‘w'm'm.ml'm" m t'ourtntw Rtordatt. the acttttg assts
ol getilog}, \Hll stud) earthquake ac tllt- t‘al‘lllqtltlkt's lit-cause we have starltng tn December tittt and last ‘ L V ., ‘mll'lw‘ [“N‘H" H" “I“ N, ”w“ tant ”(ltfitntstt‘utttr tor research and
ll\'ll) prtor to 19:8 ttt a smell state enough expertence now so that we thg tttlttl February Ittl: .street \ ' ‘ t y 3 ”l“ ml" “’ "”1”“ “““l“"" “mm“ ,kq-ptopnwm it. may pogi on ,, pm-
area,tttc|utltttg Kentuck) know how wtdelx the earthquakes satd ltt Lottts\tlle. 'there were I / trator my wild "MN“ ”m ”Holly” tttattenthasts
The l' .s' (ieologtcal :s'umw re were lt'll hecause ol the wa} people around zooo earthquakes telt lront " -, i'} I"“lWN' 'l‘hc prestdent M“, m,” A m,“ M,
_ cetttlt awm‘ded Street Slim: tot-on descrthethequakes. Streetsatd these lottr mator quakes “e have . . [‘nomug has lN-on pram”: to:- rm ,ms twtng created to tie a ltatsot‘.
duct thestudy ltt 192M. the l'StiS hegan collecttng good documentation ol the tart that work in leading a tedt-rai task lort'e with t‘ongress and that Lee \et‘statt
. \ccordltlg to Street. that s not .t data on a s_\sl('nl{ll|(‘ hasts. and ttow we hadthem ' ”mm”: Mm the (11mm “mom“ [hm an Mglgmm secretar\ in mm,
' large sum Salart and tra\el e\ has a stiltstattttaldata hase on earth Street said the ottl_\ tnlortnatton mm,” pmhlvmg ‘1. pm” “my“; portatton. would 11“ tt on A“ firm};
pettses wtll ahsorlt ntttclt ol the .tllo quakes Rut. prior to that there SeeOUAKE.paae8 \p, mg”
-2 I I I I I I I I I I
: B&E Instructor takes pride tn personal afitltatton thh cIVIl-rtghts movement
.41! .
. , hlllli'lL' ”1 h|> 5'11”” (‘ommerce "it“llllgh- Wht‘l‘t' lhi‘ ”but“ ill ”1" trequentl) w'ttnessed sttch acts ol student group estahltshed and led in When lira} enrolled th “est \tr
' Rt K\'l‘llll’. \Ill.llltl\ litttldtng olltcc. cluttered wtth hook movementwereaddressed tltscrttttthatton that‘s mother ptcketed ‘ttt' ‘heaters gutta State t‘ollege tn isn‘t he re
Sl“'("illl'l‘“l(“'l~" ’\-‘~"-‘l4”" “”0” Nhl‘l‘i‘s‘i Pll'llll‘” and ”PW-"Pi" ”l ““5 “”5“” I” it” “NIH-“l “”111 "My mother and lather would and other puhltc plat't's ttllt'l't' tlts mattted acltte ttt the mo\etttettt.
pers cltpptngs plastered on the 1}." he s‘atd "l \Ht.s I'ttlfit‘tl l‘.‘ 4‘ never allow me to go to the w'htte u‘tmtnatton was pt';tt"tett 'ttc ti parttctpattng ttt mam dcmons‘tra
\HlllN ht‘ “”5 lhmuilh Plk‘llirt‘S ”l mother and him” lllitl “WNW” theater and stt upstatrs tte\er.' ctltlteswereotxthedtoltiatks ttons. thcludtng the march on \‘i'ash
\.trtous marches attd demonstra rtght trom wrong and trcattng peo lte SW1 ~51“. made H H.“ t'leat‘ - l um right in the tttt‘t'H'ttti' or all 'ngtonthnt tear
.\l .t “NW “llt‘” ”W "r\"1t'r|i‘4”1 Wino 1” “'llli'll hi‘ “it‘ l”\"’l"(‘tl pleequally U She satd. 'll I hear that on children that lX‘t‘dth‘ ttt_\ mother «.\.ts tll't' ot the grand march or. \iashtngton.
dl‘eattt' ““5 onl) 4‘ Will”) lor “ml" “ml ‘ “W“- ildl’l‘lll‘d ““1 glasses “1" 1551195 "l tlte mm‘etttettt were have e\‘er degraded themselves lw the leaders ol the student group he whtch is the march to w htclt \larttn
cttt/ens. hlacks across the natton and a closecut heard. ts rct‘lu‘lm‘ always lillkl'd about ”1 ll‘i' lil‘il.‘ accepttng that second class ctt s'atd "l‘hm targeltd sottn at 'he Luther Ktng made his lamous
liegatt orgahtlthg protests agatnst ol an era that heightened the black household. httt he satd the tamtlt t/cnshtp and go upstatrs, .war he dtscrttntnatom pixirtm-c 'he \poot-h lhawa dream on _\es_l
» ”llU-‘lK‘f‘iind”it‘tlUi'lm struggle ”1 Amt‘rit‘fl lllt‘ ("MI was also acltW'l} 11“”le I“ [Will htttd “'1“ he ntttte So I ll{'\(‘l‘ went lll()\lt' house the restatttattts tlllll waslhere
And In the pertod that! lollowed rtghtsmovemeht ISSUES tn the theater at that tune It was the swtmnttttg pools it was a great da) it was tncred
”1" WW“ lht' *liil’lllli "l lh“ l' 5 —-———— "Locally. my parents were 1‘9“" pretty tough to take hecattse all m_\ But lira) knew that rat-tsht use ittle tttst the teeltttg ot hrother
political system was challenged as tsts, so what happened ttt llttnttttg» friends would he going to im- ”tour-s where could he tar more ltl‘tll.ll hood and sisterhood lit-tween the
lilacks cattle together it} the tltott PROFILE ton. \\'\'a ttt the t‘lVll rtghts downtown to Sit upstatrs. and l and tar more stgttttttattt tn the de hl.tcks and whttes
sands. demandtng that the) he gtH‘tl movement I was ttot on the edge couldn'tgoaltddtdn‘t go \eloptttent or tltt’ttlmemettt lie was also lll\til\'t‘(l ttt Ktng s .
the same ttptxtrtutttttes as thctt‘ ———-———-———-— ol’ II." he satd "I was ttt the mtddlc ",-\t the lttne [ thought It was ktttd tine example he cites is the homlt t'itt mile march lroht Selma to \lottt
whttecounterparts ""il.‘ ”"0"an m\'“l\"~‘d ”1 the 0f ll. WOT? lillklllt—l about Slims; ol a gt‘eat sacrtltce. hat to htttdstght tttg h} white racists ot .ut \lahama L’ttttlt’l‘\ tn Mi?» It started with 35o
ltt the midst ol the stt tns. ptcket movement at an early age ('omtng we‘re talktng ahout ptckettng the alt (;od 1 thank her to thts tl‘]\ t'llttt‘clt ttt ttitl: Four girls .ittt-nding peopm he \.‘|I(l_ hut grew to Room
on: and hoycotts‘ was (‘ Mtchael trom a lamtly that was “outrageous movte theaters that blacks were ttot that I didn‘t stlhtect tmsell I” that NW1”) whml were mm, ”m, ot ”MUM.“ tncludtng himsell ‘mfl
lira) all assistant protessor tn the l_\' acttve.' (iray trom the age ol admttted to " ktntloldcgradatton' . the most htdeous .tcts oz mctsm King called tor the ~\mertcan people
t‘ollegeol llustness and liconomtcs three was ottett taken to communtly He said that whtle growtttg up he Later alter a Marshall 1 nut-rstlt t‘\f’l'\ commuted Ill tlttw‘tttttflt't See PRIDE. oageB
FRIDAY Senate to VOtO on arm. director sources said the Saudis were growing increasingly skeptical
at reaching an accord and might boycott an emergency
MAWMW WASHINOYON — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee "“3me 0‘ "‘9 50"“-
yostorday hoard Kenneth L. Adelman Out for a third time, Oil MWS'BT Sheik Ahmed 20“ Yamani "'0' l0? two-and-
thon recommended 14-3 that his nomination as 0.5. arms o-‘nalf hours at his office with the Libyan minister. Komol
can”, 8'0.” “mbnmmuon control director be voted down on the floor. Hassan Maghur. Yamani later eluded reporters. and Mog-
. It was a victory, of sorts, for President Reagan, who had hur said he had ”no comment" on their discussions.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Layne Collins "°°d bY édolman 0"“ "‘9 panel had bO'l‘0d Pr°Vi°U3lY °' Meanwhile, Venezuelan Ef‘°'9_Y Mihlsl" Humberto Cal-
yesterday called for tougher standards ‘0'. Kentucky's toach- oven movmg the nomination from its own table. Despite the down Berti conferred in. Paris with his counterparts from
an and students ,0 stop "a vicious cycle of illiteracy," while negative recommendation, he now will have his chance bo- Kuwait, Algeria and‘Mextco. Momco, which is not an OPEC
Laulsvlllo Mayor Harvey Sloane, one of her opponents, forethofullSonoto. . m" called k" 'Mmmmlm" °‘ ”MM.” m OPEC
callodfora"backto “flunappmflhmducafim. , At the White House, chief of staff Janie: A. Baker III and non-OPEC producers to avatd an all-out prtco war.
Collins, Kentucky's lieutenant governor and a former declared there was an "excellent chance; that Adolman ,
teacher, unveiled her education plan ,0 a group of parents would be confirmed when all 100 sonotorsaro asked for the
at Louisville's Fairdolo High School, where she began her final d“"l°"- .
teaching career. Sloane, speaking during a Murray appur. The committee 3 action followed a showdown under oath
once, said he wOuld release a more detailed position paper between Adolman and 0 i00m0'53' Wh° had QUO‘M him ‘33 WEATHER
on education in the future. saying he thought arms control talks were a "sham." Adol-
Collins called for requiring 8th grade students to pass a ""3": min. d'MOd having made 0W WC“ "0'0”.” and
competency test in the basic skills before they could enter 3°“, h. dld'" 'V'" "<70" 'h' l""""""-
high school. And the proposed requiring high school seniors
to pass a similar tut boloro receiving a diploma. M fly for MW 0" pflc. ”mt
She also said she would also back legislation to require “V"Y '9 "fly ‘lW‘Y 0'" ‘00. MY ""5 ' M.“
competency testing and on-tho-iob evaluation of beginning IIVADH. “all Ambl- — Saudi Arabia hold last-ditch "”35 ”‘0'
teacher: and would push for stronger continuing education talks with Libya yesterday in an effort to forgo a new oil Mostly "0'" '"d ‘9“ ”Mi." ”"5 I '0' '0 "'0
requirement! for touch-n lob-mortified. price reduction agreement within OPEC. Iut informed “PW '00”.
, ‘ I 1
. l j -

 .. y. ' ~ , , ,3, ‘ ,


- Known)“ I
am Iuldon An‘vou Oman to» cum. May hnonon llnl s. nu»- to. warm 9.... mum
tuitut in (but Nun Ediioi Austduoi Sports (door Spuiuli‘vot'tuldota Photcvkditca (“nonrigid-tot
Jcmol u-in mm. IND-'- who who um I. wldonov u. 00- Mono-v l-IMI Mllllon a... v... Moot out. Agh
Mnnagovgkdttm Mt» tittvlitw AniuontAru Editor AnurontSportl (duo: Sp.(|fllpro.g(i§ Agata... (h-otPhntoqiuphu-t ., ' 1,, . ,. ,.

NCAA adm's 'on polic'es ,l' ,"' ‘

f l ‘
WOUId hurt uture athletes BALL. @

Herschel Walker has decided to t'orego his Scholastic Aptitude Test score. or a 1:") com-
last year of higher education. attd it cottld be posite American (‘ollege Test score. before 1:",- ' l
a sign of things to come The star running becoming eligible for athletic scholarships.
back for the t‘niversity of Georgia was en- The Nt‘AA standards. however. are tnore ///’/ 2' , \
, i . v - - (

need by the imancial betietits ottered by the strict tliatt those proposed by the t niverstty , 7/], i E.

. . ‘ - - - ’ l / ‘ I ~\

t titted States Football League. to w hich he iii its selectiv e admissions policy. atid there- 7/3“? 3‘ 3
gave higher prioritythanearumg a degree iii hes the conflict. t'K's policy would man~ till i M, l
the M AA is taking steps to ensure that date that ireshman applicants who are not l 3%; l
other collegiate athletes piit education iirst athletes score otilv all it on the A( l to be 1/ Rift."
a c-ommondablo action hilt lair iniiiiodiately accepted to the t ltl\'(‘r$1ly'_ (\th- my :33 . «y\x
guidelines need to be established letes whose credentials are good enough to / m 3*«v 36‘

ttne proposal is to have treshmaii athletes he accepted here. bttt whose credentials are it” c x‘yc 3‘ ;
whose grades are suspect sit out their tirst not tip to snuff with the Nt‘AA's. will be rid- ax s ‘ ll
v ear on athletic scholarships lltey would be itig the bench tor at least a year 1 / y‘tt cut ll
eligible to participate itt varsity" sports the Another point: [he bAl‘ and A( l are by , ' f - lg
next three years if they prove thetiiselves nature standardized examinations geared to , yd ;
academically ward testing knowledge more readily avail- ' ‘33‘tv’swg i

this would allow young athletes time to abh to lllt middlt atid uppet classes. but~ , / llkt‘3’w . L
adapt to college academically and athletical y'eys conducted by those in the education g\ 3W3 3v .
1)". which iii turn would allow them to earn tield clearly show children from the lower in 3t: ”
their degrees Degrees would enable them to classes score considerably lower on these ' 9 g) l
pursue alternative careers it' they cannot tests Andthat‘sdiscriminatory, . ' \tr???“ 3
succeed iii protessional sport It s understandable tor the M AA to press '1, M‘ lg 3

While this proposal is a good Idea. another tor elimination oi the athlete~student iii favor ,r . .. _ " -\ i
one by the .\'(‘AA leaves much to be desired ot the student-athlete Hut to deny talented. , V LIT"; _; "_\‘ f ‘

The association next fall will reqmre schol~ low er-class students the opportunity to be- 3 r. .
arship athletes to show a 2o high school come upwardly mobile through athletics 1...... f 3- “/7“
grade point average in the courses required runs counter to what the .\'(‘AA stands for. r' ‘44“
for college admission atid a Ton composite lts guidelines should be rescinded, s v
% ‘

l.a veIIe IS absence mises mar 1'. th l

e ques runs an answers ,

”H. mm“, c\pcv' ,, us while lii'!’ aitseia. i bi: -. - ; sin: thatoitheadniinistixition then recomtiiended her tor a posi professionally and politically Hut out worrying about me she said 5'

.tutrgeit gliytirfttt‘attt' inpaivi-t at more qiies' 'i .1' at s ~_.- i I had a bet k ot a «art-er atiead oi tioii with ('alitornia s Department oi obviously itiy relationship with Iran that program and I made the 1
ctised ot lv:iig ti 'tt.v‘ oi1gi'ess1oiia mic "fiat trait :t c is ”zit at.- tile and now l have nothing. laiv (‘onsunierAttairs Aleesedidti'thurt decisions I otily spoke to his ot § l
coninitttm- would a‘ :east tppe ir tioc elte told us by telephone last week "Rita was a real workaholic atid a "Everyone on the political side at lice when l ltad to § =
betorc another but for it 'a \l tax 1 ., ller dileiiitiia has only been com dedicated Reaganite.” said a torttier the White House knew ot me and oi But what l.a\ellc that have col: 3 l
elle fhetiia'ter ,t‘Nt . about... m 4 GLEN piicated bv the \\llllt‘ House s recetii colleague iii the governors oitice ttiy record itt private industry. .she sidered appropriate ltt'll.l‘l1tit ,.t j I

t‘ kit 1 m H H v I ~ ‘ ltantlsot! treatment \itcr H years Her after hours routine iitcluded added ltjl'.\ is aii obvious hailthiv. it it... 3

,s‘; t . Hm..- .i it. l"\\ . ' L . .

.r ‘7 L ' K k 'l , “V l‘ R t BHd ol living and breathing like a lteaga regular commutes to Berkeley for So. when word came first that [3d eves oi \\hite House iitit-t‘.ttt\i-s shit 3
t‘i‘u ‘Q‘ l.\' .t't" '.it‘ it‘vt',‘ I ll ; l H _ 3

‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' t~ SHEARER nite site had never expected to be graduate chemistry classes at the Meese "barely knew her atid. sec could damage it'iends .ilitl torntei T
Ittl‘lYlt‘l' tl‘llt‘l oi .’l.tl'.ll"lt|\l.\ .\tt\'t ‘ ' .~ _ ,. , l \l . . , .3 '_ , ‘ 3

3 , .H 3 , _, ‘ tonic pt tsona ntt giata at tie \ lllt liiiveisity ott ahtotiiia ottd that the president had tired her supervisors with her testiiiionv
progranls tot he hi .ll'tllllit‘l. at o _ l _, . ' I _" tl tl ‘ltt‘ , V .,. 3 , __. a. _ _ . _
”Hyman“ “NW. ,..,N H , “"lN ‘ leaving goytinmtii .vi i it (as Lavelle was beside lietselt hds lie alternative .iowevei tot

" ‘h in. y H ‘ ‘ ., ‘ . l ” ~ \' "it ':t '. it ":t' .t' ~. lam-12c Indeed. lat\i'llt‘ and presidential gans iii 1974. she remained active iii comment really hurt.” Lavelle said. llaveile to dist ouni ht-t- cm] ‘tt [gtiv
iHnlp ‘ \a! .vii‘:iys.‘s'ili.i..' :o-tt‘t’t '3" utilr" ie. iei ,vnwtiei ~. 'lrxt‘ [rt counselor rjdwin \leesc go way Sacratiiento Republican circles until though she added. ‘he called at asiticttcctive

"Lit t1 twl-ols- 4* “4 "tr st can” v~.sti...~coi-,t~_ try "1‘\ back 1 port graduation troni ttak enteringtheprivatesectorin tttTtl tervvnrdstosavhewas s-orrv 'It s tough to aotl. wit, hard toi

' . s titts . . . ; ’

“‘1" U "" l L . or ‘3 t In Til-t h , Wit .and taht \ Holy \anic t olch'c tn Vlork tor various chemical cotiipa ;\.\ ior her ltl’A periormance l.a\ something all oi ‘.Ittll lilt‘ and 'll.tit _

‘ll‘ntl‘l‘V-«tt‘ ilttl‘it" l’ ”E": f’ \l ‘9 t,.gt.»-i ' "‘t "1?" 't “Vt' "3 Wt”, lat‘vt’llt' landed ht‘t' ttt‘~t toh nies kept her happy until February elle itisists that she never was soft attack it a» being tilt'dtllllgltiss she 3
had sllttttttet‘t-tt'tt lnHtH-t l"‘t 7 " lnotw‘t' '-t\ \ttt" et 'wtt with theiitiovernor I'lcagans re of last j-car. when Reagan tiottii oti the clietiiicalcompanies atideven said {-
hear her explana'aii: fit! writ-tn »' .teess it set also: s ti' i; tiii‘ ltt'i search \l‘IH sued tun-cited there nated her to fill the empty hazard more whompmtc- denounces ”NM.
contirct oi interest and strut , a, . . widows t r to 'ii‘t'ti izit-s' oi mg tltlt'lllglti‘twititlr summers ous wastetobai [CPA who accuse her oi taking orders Home t, ., ,: tii.j_ \t . .,.r 1
workers a: the .'"tti"l e ext-t l' .,; t'. t it! gtcss .. c :t..ii '1 I ‘ ”WW“ “('1‘ boss \leese. had lici pt‘cparc ‘lid .\leese didn‘t get me the job. trotntlte\\'hitellouse l‘:i‘:t.~w i" -. mic }
tiertiuties sane '.. pie-w: .r it i 'itiiii' t'ioti at -: tit'lt'llllg‘ papers tor the govt-t'ttoi and llavclle insisted i was qualified ’l-jd Meese had enough to do with to it"‘”l\i'\ L

ust ow are l e was s partraya a gay I esty es?

In his Feb _'4t letter to 'he wtztor city commissioner boyaiit examples oi homosexual be gram ('HS later admitted that lagree completely with Revs syti same rights that women. blacks ’
Robert Hird .'ll.ttlt' two statements l‘wo iiioiiTlis .iitei' 'l‘it' Ll'll't. t lb hayior. the program tended to re whatever the motivation. it is clear opsis ot the film. and would like to Hispanics atid other minorities have
that really bother me He told Hey titlltlli‘l‘. .tlttllttg‘il’t'tl to: vtia' :' iniorccstereotypes that our producers indicated the ap point out that the young adolescent. tought torandarestilllightingtor
I‘=iite that she was tiill oi huh u. ner called a breat n oi its ital. litttl'll.tl'\ The .\\t‘ also chastised t'Hs tor plause out of its actual time se» the middle-aged woman. atid the llotiiosextials are a minority and
depiction oi the movie l’ink 'l‘riaii llt standards its poor coverage oi the San Fran quence atid therefore misled our grating businessman interviewed on the discrimination against them
Lilac ,cnu-h a,“ show r. on campus ciseo school system s program to d.- viewers " the street. and the high school sopli passes through all socio economic
Feb it» and he said the atone 'seli —_ invstiiv homosexual behavior So. as you see. by t'HS‘s owti ad oniores. Juniors aiid seniors inter- barriers t'ntil this discrimination is l
“d, ,,n,..‘1,t,.,t M“; m”; tll._\ ”m; lti tru- March ltittl issue ot Man missions and a voluntary tiewsvregu viewed iti class hardly fit into the eliminatwl through legislation it
done a much better iot» oi presenting Staff date the ,\'\t' is quoted as saying latory' commissions findings. "(lay category oi “uneducated. immoral need be \tr ltird can expect to
the gay lifestyle in a dtxunieiz'arv OPINION :th ’t‘lls tailed to ”my“. clear that l’ower. (hiy Politics.” was a poor idiots ” hear a lot more iroiii the gay coiii
releasedt'sytt'st'arsaigtt supports see as its thedemy'stitica representation of the gay commu Rev was hardly asking ior your iiitittity atid troni the people who L

\tr tlird is ottyioiislv unaware tioii program purpose a redtictioii nity iii San Francisco atid ('lser sympathy" she was not sobbing on supportit
that the tlticttmt-tttat", (My Power _——‘——_ ”1 mp danger ot harasstiient and vio where. and was a tar better exain- your shoulder She was standing Up It may be a "soft story to him,
may itolitics. aired tiy t its i.’. .l.1' \t’t tiltlltlg’ \t..i:iiai. alt interiia leuee by heterosexuals against ho pie oi "yellow iournahsm' than for the rights of gays and lesbians iii hut to the many guys w ho have lveeu
iary Wt: was tar tron; irediio- 'ioiial gay ciaga/ii. 'tle apology tuosexuals "Pink'l‘riangles" thiscommunityandelsewhere threatened and mentally and physi
and believable The progran: xvas a toiiowett .it‘t iztastiga'nti: iv the \a The gay task torce also ueeitsed "Pink Triangles." as Bey 'l‘uite (lay and Lesbian t'nion oi Stu cal abused right here in Lexington
study at the gay lllt's'ylt- and run tiotia. \e,vs tram . .Kllt'll :onild t‘tts‘ ot ith‘l‘lHtLl ’cainied audience pointed out. tried to present some (it dents was not formed so that otir “Punt 'l‘riangl05 and the ihst-usstou
ence in Nut Francisco int tailing a 'lla' charges 'tiougli‘ agazns' t lLs It?» applause alter Mayor Diane the common myths that people be kittd I thought we were all human that followed was a step toward the
long sequence detailing the ‘iitlt' the \atioixa. mi. task l-oice were Feinstein s 'apology to the Harvey lieve oi gays and lesbiatis. and could "rap " It was tornted as a po ussorlltmnl guy rights i
niasochistit hit-styles oi stow gays legitimate \ttlklieiiitx-ranct'lub brought to the irotit the actuality oi litical group to advocate. and take
and the political uproar surrounding ti: ti.it“;- .izar 'f‘r \\t totinri that Here too the \\t' loiiiid reason to homophobia among the general pub public stands tor. the civil rights oi KWW; ,0,“ mm”, KN, _.\;,,,,,. ,c H
the murder ot Harvev \lilk a gay ttv tttl‘itt'l :~_‘ on certain ilaiii t't'tllt‘tlt‘ t'Hbs handling oi the pro lic Ell.“ littd lt‘SlttHnS These are the _,oiiiiialisntsumo.

Draft registrat'o b I' t d th ' t ' '

tippositton to the law requiring it illitliL’" i fli.ii.}‘l;_‘ address this the Reagan adii.iiiistr;itioti. are not rankiandlile students. bttt a net‘ txrliticalsmcide liberal bureaucrats are dehtwrately l
iiancial aid recipients to register to» means .Iotii; iiius' re register lot the ’lt‘ttly needy can be cut oil trom it work of more responsive attd power- ('onsequently. those ctit ott trom trying to turn twople against the
the drai' res's if "an . t.i:iiis l'ta' trit' . 'ildi ”tit address at qiiiieo haul-mt .uii through :to fault ot theu- tul groups structured by a vocal mi imancial aid can be labelled as prpstdpnt E
.m. itmtt \ T a :1. tr.“ or prat ta .i. 'iiiougti sta'. t -~.ers-.'t, However ii‘.\l‘, nority oi studetits .\ typical "chislers. crooks. cowards atid trai Third. the budget was cut by attri
sense .vrtitig and ti...f this require it ‘ti,s poii:t trill for wine 'illlt' to l-‘urthet-utore 'lll't'o- is a clear po t'tv‘atttple of this was the tone of the tors " tion rather than fiat This allowed
inert sen-cine .t. is tiitt'tlt'tj s it. it'tiit' .l'tlil 'ftN-s 'io' know i' only litiiai advantage to this law over Rally to Save Higher Education at liven it the tact that many are vic Reagan locontend that his economic
tan thel til'vt'lstl'. does simply cutting the budget ior stti [K and the subsequent lobbying ct tiiiis of a bureaucratic song and wizardry created a surplus oi tunds

l to riot tllsptllt' either tttll't't‘ii'lttll _________—__ dent aid and the Reagan adniitiistra tort datice routine comes to light. the iti student aid through newiound elti ;

l .1, however tll‘tll'tt' .ti't: ai, .is tion nwds now to exploit that adyati Thus. it became necessary for the sympathy ot nonrstudents tor stur ciency. that he was. in tact overly
cit-moor. unitpricum mu; ~;;,.~ out 6008‘ tage Reagan administration to control dents w'ill dissolve ”('hisler. crook. generous. and that this "wasti-
"""t’ 'tl 'ht' 'd‘i‘ " "' ttt“t’tttt't‘ ’ltitt” OPINION \‘ “P" ”V” Rt'tttlttlnttN tt'ttl ‘lmpb' “WW“ ”‘3“ “11"“ “WNW lht‘ atitag coward and traitor" is ntore a pt)- traud atid abuse' would be cut di
i~ List"ation till the budget The assutiiptioti was onized constituency to spread be tent symbol than "bureaucracy vic- rectly trom thehudget tiext year

t'onsideritig the punishment tor “— that because students consistently yond rankrandtile students Toward tint“ and. in politics. the pmeney' ot Finally u simply (1)”“1305 the
my,“ u, r,.m‘t,.,- q". ”MW Hm, 'rh..r,.,..r.- .lttlll't gs not and idmwa pm“. the “magi voter turnout oi the end. the law requiring financial symbols is tnore important than issue ot iittaticial aid with that ot the
non oi denial ot lttlant'ml aid .s so be validly registered tor the ttratt at comparable classes and the minori aid recipients to be registered for facts draft. redirecting beliefs unit up”) '
periluous thetimeheneedsiinancialaid ’y that did vote was alteady lost thedraltcametobe Second. to the extent that anyone torts about both toward protecting

\loretner a second purpose is Moreover because Matt- I niversi when Reagan broke his promise to First. it was a simple law to get does sympathize Wllh John Does Reaganstilliticaltmagc
served by this law lt is more subtle t\ is charged with eniori ing the law stop drait registration. they were passed Those who were reqUired to plight. the Reaganites cati put the
than promotion oi registration but iii question as welt as administrat expendable register. but didn't. are criminals. blame on university otfteials who.
is more specifically served by the mg housing and finant ial .iltl .lohii The administrations error was in and anyone arguing that criminals after all. are legally responsible Ir. Richard W I)i:iiev is o \l'ttltltltl'\
termsot thelaw is ineligible tor imancial aid lltilt-ss misreading who the constituency iti should receive student aid commits addition. they can hint that "these educationsenior

This second iunction iti my supplementalproceduresaretaken question were .

"Pinion. the primary one becomes l‘hese stitittleiiiental ttrot ethires \lthough students are indeed.
apparent when one reali/es that however are eqtnvalent to teappiy qitite inert as a political class. there Elm“ COUNTY by Berke Breathed
maintaining valid draft registration ing tor imancial aid and that will is a vociferous iiiitiority that has
I'S. morell compliy'attt-d than simply yome too late to get hm: to t lass on tree time, access to up todate ”WW, W 16“” / AL‘JO,
xtngwt ingtortgts tr imt mation. lobbies siibsidi/er. by statt YOURADINM OH MY ww. IM SQNVS IENJOY vou
(«insider the following allegory In addition to the .lohn [toes troni funds and or cottipulsory student ‘VEPfiONALS WM 5€N5mtkh scat/mow; 194th AREN’tTIu? m,“
John Doe. ltt-yearold senior at Any v\tlytowtt. this problem extends to tees insteadotdonations YOU SGMVEP MC ABOUT ENNfifié y 2160;? my JOGGING town-ll; {5“le «0t!
town High School. has. in a rather uptx-rclassmen residing ill dornis And these people have the ability wig! YOUR” SWIMMtNO 7p“ My ammo MYOU 7 KNITTING” Ewfl‘u‘"
brief period t time 1 registered whose addresses change without sat to coordinate groups of non studehts ’5 , \ mu ' ’ WWVWO
’ for the draft, 2t registered to at t'icient advance notice to re register that believe or could be led to he \\ v f \ f ‘- (MU '
. tend State t'niversity ‘WhK‘h is a for the draft before applying tor it time that reduction ot imancial aid \ _ . \ \ f \ .
g; conSIdt-rable distance from Any nancial aid and to students living would reduce the supply of qualified 1, fl w \ . _\ {3
:1; townt. tilt applied for financial aid offcampus who rent on short term persons in various fields to the ex’ .4, w. . ' ‘ " . . 3 "‘ . . _ "l! g ( 3‘
” and oh applied for residence hall leases whose transient-e creates a tent that taxes spent on financialatd ‘ "Ca/4;} i turvv‘ ‘ ,anrns“ Wif’?"“' ‘
l housing similar situation were a lesser cost High tech firms x s ”’1; - t ‘5‘] l 1’ L-f-"r
3 The result of his application for In short. a number of students areaclearexampleofthese ., H ,— , .J —
9;; residence hall houstng means a who. by standards acknowledged by Therefore. the constituency was 5" ‘V- l ‘ ' “
z! I ( I » 3‘33‘ 3;. ‘
9’ . . -3

 7 l
. MKWYKERNEL “nmu 1&4
By BECKY M('\'El(ill '
Staff Writer the Placement and Career Rsource '
. library in the Mathews Building.
7 W . Students should find out about the '