xt71rn305j8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305j8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1978-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1978 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1978 1978 1978-12-12 2020 true xt71rn305j8h section xt71rn305j8h Vol. LXXI. No. BI '
Tuesday. December l2. I918

Flood victims In Valley View, Madison County look over the damage done by the flooded Kentucky River
which destroyed their homes. Louise Kelley, 67. who is sitting in the truck. said she had never seen any
flood that bad. “I put my things up on my bed.” she said, “and that didn‘t do any good." As she shrugged

New grocery store
offers lower prices

Staff Writer

An experimental no-frills grocery
store recently opened for business in
Lexington. Grocery Box opened a few
weeks ago in the Hollow Creek
Shopping Center on New Circle Road.

The store. which offers non-
perishable grocery items. cuts
overhead costs in every possible way in
order to sell its items at lower prices.

Right across New Circle Road from
the Grocery Box in the North Park
Shopping Center is a Kroger‘s
superstore. John Redmond, manager
of the Kroger‘s said.“l believe it will
affect my business very little; and that
will only be in the grocery area...l do
believe it‘s a good concept."

Redmond cited the greater selection
available at his store ~ l3.000 dry
‘grocery items compared to 4.000 at the.
Grocery Box u as a reason shoppers
choose the bigger store. He did admit
that the mark-up on items is higher at
Kroger’s ~— l8 percent — as opposed

to Grocery Box‘s l0 percent.

The prices are lower. A comparison
of IO items from Grocery Box and l0
similar items from Kroger‘s at
Gardenside Plaza resulted in totals of
$5.62 and $7.34 respectively.

The items at Kroger‘s were either the
lowest price among several brands or
were on sale. Some of the prices at
Grocery Box can be beat at other
'stores during sales and by using
coupons from papers and flyers.

Grocery Box publishes a price list
weekly or less often if there are few
price changes. Store Manager Danny

Noe said on an average week he '

expects two to three price changes as
opposed to about I50 per week at most

Cutting overhead to a minimum is a
new concept for the Lexington area
but an idea which is spreading in the
Midwest. Noe said the idea is about
three years old and that there are
about 30 stores cost-cutting stores in
the St. Louis area.

Overhead costs are kept down in a

l'niverslty of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky


her shoulders In disbelief she said. “I lost my air conditioner. TV and. . .everything‘s gone.” Her house in
which she lived her entire life was almost totally submerged in water. Kelley is currently staying with her

son on higher ground.


' Item


Grocery Box


potatoes 20Ibs.

2.I2 l.I9


onions 3lbs.

.60 .39


bread. one loaf

.30 .29


green beans. I601. can



corn, I601. can



peas. I601. can



spaghetti sauce. llb.



sugar. Slb.


flour, Slb.


margarine, lib.






The chart compares prices of various staple foods at two Lexington
grocery stores, Kroger's andrthe Grocery Box.

number of ways:

»—-There are no shelves in the store
- items are displayed in their
cardboard shipping boxes which have
the front cut out of them.

7-»Prices are not individually

marked. but hang above the items
from a metal rod suspended from the

—There is no refrigeration. which is
a “tremendous expense" Noe said.
thus only non-perishable items can be

“There are no bagboys. In fact.
unless customers bring their own bags.
they will have buy those for three cents
apiece in the store.

Continued on page 4

U Senate passes gerontolbgy proposal

Copy Editor

After revising amendments and
“chasing adjectives around"for half an
hour. members of the University
Senate laughed at the chaos resulting
from its efforts to amend one sentence
in a proposal yesterday.

The amended proposal to establish
a Gerontology Center passed the
Senate after the approximately l00
attending faculty members and deans
rewrote a sentence describing the
oganization of the Center's advisory

.In addition. two editorial changes
were read before the floor was opened
for questions.

According to the proposal. the
multidisciplinary center for research.
teaching and service in aging will
sponsor and eo-sponsor workshops.
continuing education programs and

demonstration projects.

Research will be conducted by UK
faculty. research associates and staff
and will be supported by grants and
extramural funding according to the

Multidisciplinary courses relating
to gerontology will be listed in the
center and co-Iisted in appropriate
departments. Faculty from various
UK disciplines will teach courses for
upper division undergraduates and
graduate students.

After a lengthy debate on the
organization of thevcenter‘s seven-
member advisory council. the Senate
amended the paragraph on the council
to list four permanent members and
three rotating members to be
appointed by UK President Otis

The vice president for academic
affairs. vice president for the Medical
Center. the dean of the graduate

school and the dean of the College of
Medicine will'be permanent members
on the council.

The amended sentence states in
part. “The three members to be
appointed by the President shall
include the deans of those colleges
significantly involved with the topic of

After circulating through
committees for more than two years.
the recommendation will now be
forwarded to the administration for
“appropriate acti0n.“according to the

Senate Chairman Joe Bryant also
spoke to the Senate about problems
reported by students of non-native
teaching assistants who have difficulty

The issue was not a “matter of
prejudice.” Bryant said. declaring.
“It‘s a matter of fact." Although non-
native TA‘s can read and write

Student Center expansion
discussed at 86 meeting

Staff Writer

Student activity fees will be
increased to finance the proposed
Student Center expansion. according
to a University feasibility study
presented to the Student Government
Senate last night. The study. which
was compiled by University
administrative staff. was presented by
representatives from the Student
Center Board.

The expansion which calls for
69.000 additional square feet at a cost
of $4.3 million. could raise activity fees
for full.time students from Sl2 to $22

per semester. Summer activitiy fees
would be raised from $6 to SH and
part-time students would pay $2 per
credit hour. The revenue from the
raised fees would cover debt service

and additional operational costs of the

Lisa English. SCB president. said
the Student Center was in desperate
need of expansion. She said UK
ranked behind all the other
comparable univesitiea contained in

the study in areas of offered services
and space.

According to English. all of
Kentucky‘s state schools‘ student
centers have more square footage per

student than U K except for University
of Louisville. She said the last time
UK‘s Student Center was expanded
was in I963 when UK had a student
population of 9.l90.

SG's I50 account was also discussed
at last nights meeting. The ISO account
is profit earned from money-making
ventures funded by this account and
donations. Since this money is
privately raised it is not under state
regulatory controls and is not lost at
the end of the SG fiscal year.

The account currently contains
“.788. Receipts from the 86 student
calender and deposits returned from
the insurance program and student

Comb-ed on page 3

English. “when they are speaking to
students with untrained cars they can’t
be understood.“

The issue originated in the Senate
Council last month when student
government members brought the
problem to the council‘s attention.

Bryant informed the University
Senate of a suggestion accepted by the

Continued on me 3



Residents say dam
would prevent flooding

From Associated Press Dispatches

Many people in the Red River
Valley recovering from the latest in
a series of devastating floods are
condemning politicians and
environmentalists who blocked
construction of an Army Corps of
Engineers dam.

The dam. supporters say. would
have prevented the most recent
disaster. when high waters forced
more than 300 of Clay City‘s l.500
resdients from their homes.

Gov. Julian Carroll toured the Red
River Gorge area. as well as other
hard-hit flood areas. by helicopter

“He Carroll is the ---- who kept us
from getting the dam.“ said Burt
Martin. a retired Powell County
mortician. "I hope he don‘t come. I
hate to see the governor embarrassed.
and he could easily be."

Jim Potts. principal ofthe Clay City
School where those driven from their
homes were housed and fed. said the
governor was a main topic of
conversation since residents began
coming to the emergency shelter
Friday night.

“They feel like we would have the

. Red River Dam if he Carroll had not

intervened." said Potts. “They blame
him totally from the comments that
I‘ve hear
_ After the Sierra Club and other
enviornmental groups successfully
stalled the dam for years. Carroll
killed the project in I975 by
withdrawing state support.
Opposition to the flood control
project centered on the Red River

Gorge. a scenic area a few miles
upstream from Clay City. Major
portions of the gorge would have been
inundated by the dam.

The governor. following his
inspection tour. said that he was
astonished to “find devastation to the
extent that I did in central and eastern

Carroll described the devastation as
major along the Kentucky and Red
Rivers. but said he was unable to
assess what effect the proposed Red
River Dam would have had on the

The governor said that until he
knows the extent of the flooding. he
will stand by his previous decision to
oppose construction of the dam.

US. Rep. Carl Perkins. D-
Hindman. a major supporter of the
dam. visited his stricken Powell
County constituents Saturday. telling
them the dam would never be built
until central Kentucky cities such as
Lexington and Frankfort run short of
water and need another major

Although the flood waters are
receding. Powell County Judge-
Executive Billy Joe Martin said
yesterday that many of the evacuees
would stay at the school of with f rineds
until their homes could be made
liveabie again.

National Guard helicopters brought
in cartons of canned goods. sacks of
flour and dried milk Sunday. and a
serious water shortage was averted
with the reopening of the town‘s
flooded water treatment plant.

Continued on page 4





JULIAN CARROLL illegally postponed a special
legislative session. held their own version yesterday outside
the Capitol. .

The only business was to adjourn until tomorrow
afternoon »—- the same time Carroll has rescheduled the
session. ' .

The leaders of the dozen or so legislators huddlrng against
the cold wind were Reps. Louis DeFalaise. R~-—Fort
Mitchell. and Bill Weinberg. D—Hindman.

The delegation — with almost an equal number of
Democrats and Republicans 7— contended the state
constitution gives the governor power only to change the srte
of a special session in the event of emergencies -— not to reset
the date.

Carroll acted because of the record high waters that
swamped downtown and Frankfort. where the Capitol is
located. during the past weekend.


yesterday awarded the nation‘s railroads a 7 percent overall
freight rate increase. a key victory for President Carter‘s
anti—inflation program.

The ICC said the increase. which meets the
admiaitration‘s anti~inllation guidelines. would take
M Friday. It could provide the financially pressed
m l.5 billion in new annual revenue. _

TI rail industry last month agreed to trim its proposed
I.l plum freight increase request to 7 percent to comply
with Carterb m.

At the time. ransportation Secretary Brock Adams
hailed the decision as a “break — through in the
administration‘s efforts to hold down prices through a
voluntary program by private industry.“

GERMAN cultural center in Tel Aviv. Israel last night and
seized a woman hostage. but released their captive and
surrendered to police after a two-hour stand——off.

The raiders reportedly demanded abolition of the West
German statue of limitations whereby those accused of Nazr
war crimes could not be tried after I978.

A member of the group told the Associated Press by
telephone no one had been hurt in the takeover.

Israel radio said the leader of the group was Andre
Kilchinski. who last May set fire to himself outside the West
German embassy and shouted antir Nazi slogans. He was
not seriously hurt.

chanting “Down with the shah“ filled the streets of Tehran
yesterday in the second such peaceful demonstration III two
days. A similar protest in the ancient city of Isfahan turned
bloody and at least five persons were reported killed.

Official sources said troops closed in on the Isfahan
protesters when they began attacking banks and other
buildings in the downtown section and tore down statues of
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and his father. Reza Shah
the Great. ‘ . _

It was reported that protesters in three other Iranian crtres
attacked banks and public buildings and pulled down
statues of the shah. but no casualties were reported


PAITLV CLOUDY TODAY with continued cloudiness
tonight and tomorrow. Highs today in the mid to upper to s
and lows in the upper 20‘s tonight. Tomorrow highs
expected to be in the low to mid 40‘s.





K'emfie "

editorials 8: comments

Steve Bailing“
Iii/lllll‘ ttt ('ltit'l

Richard McDonald
.\'t'u‘\ lat/it“!

Jeanne Wehnes
.'I\.\ttt'lillt‘ l.'tlitor

Mary Ann But-hart
Debbie McDaniel

Gregg Fields
S/u ll'l\ l‘ililur

.Iatnie Vaught

IIt-tsy I’earce

Thomas ('larlt
l‘ftlltul'lttl lit/lltrl'

F. Jenay 'l'atc
('upl' lz'tlt'turv

Walter Tunis
.-lt'l.\ lull/or

(‘ary Willis
.'i.\.\t'.\ltml .'ll‘l\ I'.t’lltll‘

.‘IHtH‘lllIl' Spurn lit/lit”

Nell Fields
lnutgcs lir/itor

'l’otn Moran
llit'cttur ul l’ltotouru/tltr

Linda (‘ainplwll
l’ltoto Ilttmtgcr




He 7/ learn

Anderson’s candor is liked by press,
but referees could make him pay

Mistakes by freshman basketball players aren‘t
always made on the floor. or even during the game.
U K's Dwight Anderson may learn that the hard way
the next time he‘s in a game refereed ,by either ofthe
officials who worked the UK-Kansas contest last


Anderson drew a charging foul from a Kansas
player at a crucial moment in the game. which UK
went on to win in an incredible comeback effort.
After the game. Anderson was unusually candid.

The “charge“ was only an

performance on his part. the Wildcat first-year man


The officials. and their colleagues. probably
won‘t appreciate the candor. They don‘t like being
made fools of in public. no matter how many
mistakes they might privately concede.

If anything. Anderson is to be admired for being
forthright. The nuances of basketball ~ , the crowd.
the officiating. and even the acting ~ can bejust as
important as the players‘ skills. Embellishinga foul
is accepted procedure. some coaches even devote
practice time on how to fake the charge.

So. officials. take it easy on freshmen who are still
adjusting to college. In time. the new stars will get to
be as careful about living in the public eye as the
seniors are now. So much for good quotes. but then

it‘s all part of the game.



Dwight Anderson (23): Like all freshman, he‘ll learn


L etters to the Editor


Worthy topic

The Nov. 27 issue of The Grehan
Sheet (a weekly newsletter published
by the School of Journalism for its
students and staff) had announced
that the student chapter of the Society
for Professional Journalists. Sigma
Delta Chi. would be covering the
Kentucky Alcoholism Conference this
past week (Nov. 27-Dec. l)asa service
project. I never paid much attention to
the announcement since I have no
direct involvement with alcoholics.

0n the same day. the Kernel ran an
ad saying student tickets would be
available to those wishing to attend the
lecture Thursday evening. with Ralph
Waite as the guest speaker. Having the
opportunity to hear the man behind
the “John Walton“ character (of the

television show The Wit/tons) was a
chance that I couldn‘t pass up. He was
unpretentious, down-homezand as he.
said. “feeling right at homestmong all
these drunks.“ “

The real treat came when Waite
announced that the 600-plus people in
the audience would be viewing the
world premiere of a movie that he had
written. produced and directed. as well
as played in.

We were not disappointed. 0n the
Nickel is Ralph Waite‘s statement to
every person with a drinking problem.
He lets them know. and not in a very
pretty way. that the answer must come
from within. Singin’ Sam. the
reformed skid row hero of the movie.
said simply. “I woke up one morning
and realized I just couldn‘t drink
anymore. I just couldn‘t.“

I regret that the Kernel. through

news releases from those student
journalists supposedly covering the

' conference..did not ‘see fit to give any

exposure tO'the ite lecture or the
movie premiere. The subject of
alcoholism. particularly on a campus
noted for its love of and frequent
ovcrindulgence in spirits. is one ofthe
worthier topics the student paper
could cover as a public service.
Sharon L. Rice

Journalism junior

(EDITOR‘S NOTE: Images Editor
Nell Fields. who attended the lecture
for the Kernel. said that Waite
declined to talk to the press about
alcoholism since the organization that
he belongs to has a policy against it.
He also asked the press to make no
public comment concerning the film.
since it has not been officially



The Kentucky Kernel welcomes
and encourages contributions from
the UK community for publication on
the editorial and opinion pages.

Letters. opinions and commen-
taries must be typed and triple-
spaced. and include the writer‘s
signature. address and phone number.
UK students should include their year
and major. and University employees
should list their department and

The Kernel reserves the right to edit
all submissions for spelling. grammer.

clar' .J libelous statements. The
pin .. may also chose to condense or
reject contributions. as well as limit
the number of submissions by
frequent writers.

Letters to the Editor. opinions and
commentaries may be delivered
personally to the Kernel newsroom.
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Give and explain a position
pertaining to topical issues of interest
lo the UK community.


Should he 90 lines or less. 60
characters per line.

Are reserved for articles whose
authors. the editors feel. have special
credentials. experience. training or
other qualifications to address a
particular subject.




2.. LWW‘ .
e w.



- 1%:
It. .

.3’ ».


deadfine 1m


Wednesday's Kernel will be the
final paper of the semester. All letters and
to the editor for publication before

semester break must be

submitted by 3 pm. today. letters

brought to ”4 Journalism Building.
All submissions must be typed.

other submissions may be





Kernel's Jerry Rubin coverage
missed ’relevant information'


I have been tempted on other
occasions to write a Ietterto the Kernel
concerning the reporting done by the
Kernel. but someone else would do it
for me. When I picked up
Wednesday‘s (Dec. 6) and saw the
summary of the speech by Jerry C.
Rubin. I was appalled. It was ironic

known as the Pentagon Papers.
Rubin didn‘t come just to retell
stories of the l9605. He said. “I don‘t
believe in the ‘60s nostalgia.“ As he
compared the ‘60s and ‘705. he saw
three main reasons for the lack of
activism today. This is where the quote
“We were smashed“‘came from that
Fields used in her article. This quote
could only be understood in the




that on Tuesday the paper had two
front-page articles on Rubin. but after
he had given his speech only a vague
article appears. mentioning. of all
things. the hole in his pants!

I attended the speech armed with a
tape recorder to help me write my
analysis for speech class. Either Nell
Fields had a faulty memory or her tape
recorder didn‘t catch the important or
relevant information that Rubin gave.
I thank my tape recorder for my
quotes and all my English classes that
taught me how to summarize such
things as speeches and recognize the
important facts.

Concerning the Pentagon incident.
Fields mentioned the exorcism
performed by Abbie Hoffman. But
what about the other group that
actually broke into the Pentagon? Or
what about the conversation between
Rubin and Daniel Ellsberg in which he
admitted being so inspired by the
courage of the group that he made
copies of secret documents and
released them to The New York
Times? These documents are now

context ofthe speech. but in the Kernel
article it wasn‘t even explained.

Rubin felt that infiltration by

government agencies and the incident

at Kent State quelled the activism of
the ‘60s Concerning the Kent State
incident. Rubin said. “Everybody in
this room. to some extent. is brain
damaged as a result of those murders
at Kent State."

A second reason for the lack of
activism today wasn‘t because the '605
failed. but that they were successful.
“Watergate . . . is the culmination of
the activism of the l960s.“ said Rubin.
He mentioned the women‘s movement
as one of the greatest outgrowths of
the ’60s activism.

The third reason dealt with the fact
that the activists were conditioned by
society. “By the end of the l9605. the
activists embodied the very
contradictions we were opposing and
therefore it was necessary for the
structure to stop. . said Rubin.
These contradictions involved fighting
power with power.

I would like to quote the following

paragraphs from Fields" article:

“ ‘The alternative.‘ Rubin said. ‘is
getting in touch with assertiveness and
power.‘ But how to do this he never

This quote is also taken out of
context. Rubin doesn‘t explain howto
do it because he isn‘t even talking
about an alternative. He was makinga
statement referring to the women‘s
movement. The actual quote went like
this. “Women have gotten together in
the I970s and are getting in touch with
their assertiveness and their power.
and that comes out of the ‘605 and
that’s powerful."

Fields also mentioned that George
Potratz spoke “at length on his role in
the Iranian demonstration
controversy“ during the question-and-
answer period after Rubin‘s speech.

Yes. he spoke at length. but he was not ,

trying to emphasize his role in the
Iranian affair and he apologized ifthat
was how it appeared.

He said that it was unfortunate that
in the ‘70s people wouldn‘t support
such issues as the Iranian one today as
they would in the ‘60s. After this there
was a round of applause. so. contrary
to Fields‘ opinion. I think he made his

She also failed to mention that Jerry
Rubin again took the microphone at
this point and explained that he had
asked Potratr to get up and speak
during the session following the

I have no special interest in the
Iranian issue. lam not an activist. nor
have I taken ajournalism course. Ido
not wish to condemn Fields‘
journalism prowess. only her
discretion concerning this particular

Linda Glass is an undecided freshman.












to b:


UK who
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and dc:


- Marc
and act
8 pm.

two set
can onl
cash or











y be




ibin said. ‘is
"tiveness and
his he never

iken out of
plain how to
even talking
was makinga
:he women‘s
ote went like
n together in
intouch with
their power.
the ‘605 and

that George
on his role in
in st rat i o n
bin‘s speech.

rut he was not ,

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iicrophone at
I that he had
.p and speak
)llowing the

iterest in the
n activist, nor
n course. ldo
'mn Fields‘

only her
his particular

rIed freshman.




By Mill. l-‘Il-ZI.I)S/Kernel Staff

Bah Humbug”

l-Zven Dr. Patterson is in the Christmas spirit as classes
quickly draw to a close and the final fury of exams set in.
Fifth-year architecture students Mark Bowles. Greg
White and Charlie Keyes gave UK's famous statue a hat
to battle the cold and a sign to welcome the yule season.

Continued from put I

book eseliariged raised $3M}
this year and $965 was carried
over from last year.

In other business. the Senate
applopi iatcd SM to liiiaiiee the
priiitirig oI stirderit diseoiinl
cards. David l'ields. senator-
at—Iarge. told the Senate that
last seriiester"s discoiitit cards
failed because ol the quality
and sriiall ariioiriil ol stores
participating. He said this

Man Is t'tlltls would be accepted
by .it least l5 stores including
leoriard ('os and larriiiark
sIlIles lllt‘ t'.tltls will ht: tutti)
Ioi distribution the thud week
of January

\iiotliei hill passed
pr oi iding ”IIIIII iglit oI
lesiiigtoii with steiieils .iiid
ieariis ot paper to help
publii'i/e Itiithiiglit's sei\ices
lIie bill also asked that
"Strident (io\eriiii‘eiit giic its

Political journalist
laments history loss

By ’l‘heodore H. White
(Harper & Row)

In Search 0/ History is
subtitled “A Personal
Adventure.“ A better name for
it would be “Confessions of a
Journalist." It is the most
important book to come to the
attention of the reading public
this year.

While not regretting his
chosen profession; White
laments that during his 40 years

as a journalist. he has covered _

whatever story was current and

Ageing center approved

Continued from page I
council that any non-native
students regularly enrolled at
UK who wish to improve their
spoken English attend the
English department‘s summer

He said the program runs
from June [3 to Aug. 9. and
costs under $800, which
includes tuition. fees. books
and room and board.

“We're interested in being
helpful.“ Bryant said. Headded
that no one was forced to
attend the program which he
described as a “legitimate

In other business. Bryant
asked department chairman
and deans to forward minor

catalog changes to the Senate
Council office. He requested
the information after the
council discussed the necessity
to curb riiiapproied course
changes appearing in the

“We need to know about
them." Bryant said. adding.
"We like to know about them."

He said major changes have
gone into the catalog without
the council‘s knowledge: major
changes must be debated and
apprmed by the University
Senate according to University

He defined major changes as
requiring a different grade
point average for admission or
graduation from a department

SEC ticket lottery
to be held Sunday

The lottery for 200 UK
student tickets for the
Southeastern Conference
Basketball tournament Feb. 28
- March 3. I979 is 8 pm.
Sunday in Memorial Coliseum.
Students with a validated LB.
and activity card can enter the
coliseum 7 pm. and must be
present for the drawing. No
students will be admitted after
8 pm. .

Any student who wins the
lottery will be allowed to buy
two sets of tickets for the four
evenings of games. The tickets
can only he bought incomplete
four-game sets for $45 each.
cash only.

(“2.5: .-





35} If you ’ve been sleeping through :5:
a your 8O’c/ock...GOOD LUCK


Student ticket distribution
for the LSU game .Ian. 6. I979.
and Mississippi. .Ian. 8. I979.
will be inside Memorial
Coliseum Sunday afternoon
from 2-5 and Monday and
Tuesday9 a.m.~4 pm. Students
may purchase two upper level
guest tickets for $4 each. cash.
or can get one student ticket
and purchase one lower level
guest ticket for 55 cash. The
shuttle bus from the Complex
will not operate for these

The first ticket distribution
next semester will be Sunday.
Jan. I4 from 2-5 pm. for the
Tennessee and Georgia games.


and a change in credit hours.
required courses or practica.

All major changes should go
through the Registrar's office
for editing. and then be
forwarded to the council.

Bryant said recent action at a
Board of Trustees meeting
defined the catalog as a legal
document and therefore the
departments should operate
under University law's.






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Flexible hours and days.
Must be at least 18.
Must have own car.
Must be able to work

$2.85 an hour to start.
plus commissions and
tips. -

Apply in person
between 4:30pm and

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1641 S. Limestone

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missed “History" which he
always sensed lurking in the

So now lic.silts back through
his notes in hopes of separating
the durable history lrom lhc
perishable ncws. Nothing is
surprising in the notion that a
gap exists between the
headlines and the history tests
telling of the same event;
historians. after all. do not have
to meet deadlines.

White comes closest to
history when writing of his
years in China. lhese are the

Continued on page 5

’Pro-life ’ action appro ved

.ipprosal to IIiitIiirght's
generous .iiid hiriiiariilairan
work "

Steve l’elie\. a IIiitIirrglit
\oiirileei. told the Senate that
although IIiithiight is pro-lite.
it not the same as Right tol rte

“We pio\idc people with
pioblerii pregnancies .i \rable
.iIteiiiati\e toaboitiori." l’etre\
said. "We make no decision tor
the person biit we encourage
the woman to have the baby "
Ile added that lirrtliriglil does
not do abortion relerals Ilie
bill was Iieasrly debated

“I don‘t care about personal
leelrugs Ihrthright isproiidiiig
a sei\iee to the student body
lorty (pregnant young ladies
are seen each month at the
student health center." said
Mark Meteall. seriatoi'-at~large
and sponsor ol the bill.

"I don't care how you cut ll.
it‘s still anti-abortion." said
Kathy Ilesing. I iiie .'\lls
senator. “II we support this bill
we lime to support pro-
abortion groups.“

the bill passed by a voice

H" KI \Il ( K‘ H “\I‘I. Itlt'slltty. lh't‘t‘lllber II. IQ‘N—I



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