xt71rn305j5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305j5r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1976 1976 1976-10-08 2020 true xt71rn305j5r section xt71rn305j5r Vol. LXVIII. Number 41
Friday, October 8. 1976

Dreams abound in forum

Kernel Staff Writer

Dissatisfaction with the way
things are and dreams of the way
things could be were the major
themes of the five representatives
who appeared in Student Govern-
ment‘s “Election Forum ’76“ last
night in the Student Center Ball-

About 100 persons attended the
exchange of ideas between political
parties as each representative extol-
led the virtues of his particular
candidate in a fifteen-minute pre-
sentation and a subsequent question-
and—answer period.

The parties represented at the
forum included the American Party,
the Socialist Workers Party, Stu-
dents to Elect Gus Hall-Jarvis
Tyner, Students to Elect Gene
McCarthy and the Democratic Par-
ty. A scheduled representative from
the Republican party failed to attend
the presentation period, but a last-
minute replacement arrived to an
swer students' questions.

Frank Paige, who represented the
Communist Party candidates Gus
Hall and Garvis Tyner, offered what
he called “the minority party with
the majority program" in a lo‘point
platform which calls for major
changes in economics and defense.

Reading from campaign literature,
Paige called for an 80 per cent
military budget cut, a shortened
work week with regular work week
pay, and an outlawing of racism and
anti-democratic and repressive

The Communist platform, Paige
said, “corresponds to the need of the
US. people,” and “reflects the
genuine aspirations of American
people.” He said prejudices against
the party are in part supported by
the “anti-Communist prejudices or

Defense and spending were also
the major topics of Dr. W. S.
Krogdahl, state chairman of the
American Party campaign for Tom
Anderson and Rufus Shakelford. He
warned against the continued in-
crease of the national debt and
called for an increase in the national
defense budget, saying that the two
areas are issues “upon which (U.S.)
survival depends."

Krogdahl said the American Party
offers the public conservative lead-
ership it indicated a need for in the
election of Richard Nixon in 1972. He
warned against confusion of the
American Party with the American
Independent Party, whose candidate
is Lester Maddox.

Personality and past record, rath-



an independent student newspaper

er than specific stands on current
issues, were the key points of
Nicholas Martin, who represented
the Students to Elect Gene Mc-
Carthy. Martin cited McCarthy’s
stand against the Vietnam War in
1968, his leadership in the sponsor-
ship of the Equal Rights Amend-
ment in 1965 and his stand for
supervision of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency as examples of his
“principle, decency and indepen-

Martin contrasted these stands
with those of President Gerald Ford
and former Georgia Gov. Jimmy
Carter, Republican and Democratic
candidates. Their recent television
debates, he said, have made him
tired of hearing them “spout off”
about their policies.

The concept of presidential de-
bates was praised, though, by Betsy
Soares, the representative of the
Socialist Workers Party, whose
candidates are Peter Camejo and
Willie Mae Reid. She said, however,
that while they offered a good forum
for the two major parties, it is
essentially unfair that all parties
have not been represented.

She characterized Democratic
candidate Jimmy Carter as revers-
ing himself on the issue of whether
or not he would debate Camejo.
Carter, she said, initially agreed to a

Peace of mind

Distinguished Teacher Award recipient

u, 'rinm.\s (mun
Kernel Reporter

iloled up in his office among a
myriad of hanging plants, prints.
book 5. and a portable stereo. sat Dr.
Tony McAdams assistant professor
in the (‘ollege of Business and
Economics. Winner of the 1975-76
Student Government Distinguished
Teaching Award. McAdams first
reaction to being interviewed was.
“My wife will love it?"

Mrs. Luann McAdams, this is for

A transplanted Iowa farmboy,
McAdams did his undergraduate
work at the University of Northern
lowa and promptly thereafter
earned a law degree at the
University of Iowa.

lie then turned away from law
before ever going into practice and
received a master in Business
Administration at Columbia

-—Shwort lawman

All this for a hamburger?

Barry Mix. an employe of a local sign service company. didn't really
have to climb this high for lunch. lle's actually repairing the wiring inside
the neon waitress who's been standing for doycan at a local drive-in.

University in New York. Shortly
thereafter he became a teacher.

“The academic environment
affords a person more freedom,"
McAdams said. “Yeah, it’s freedom.
That and the vacation.”

After graduation, McAdams
located himself at Kent State
University at the beginning of 1972.
Two years later, he left Kent State
and planted himself at UK. “I was
unhappy at Kent State,” McAdams
said. “The idea of semi-southern
atmosphere was appealing. I like the
southern mentality. There always
seems to be time to talk with others
and to reflect in leisure about what‘s
going on about one‘s self."

Happiness seems to have found
McAdams in Kentucky. “1 have
been very happy with both
Lexington and UK. We have found
that Kentucky has a tranquil en-

About 100 persons attended “Election Forum ‘76" last
night in the. Student Center Ballroom. The forum.
sponsored by Student Government. included represen-
tatives of six of the nine candidates for president

debate. Later, however, Carter said
he would “never" debate Camejo,
according to Soares. She also said
that the Socialist Workers Party is
free of “corruption." “1 can’t say
the same for the Democrats and
Republicans," she said.

The Socialist Workers Platform,
she said, calls for the right to
abortion on demand, a stop to cuts in
education funding and a moratorium
on interest payments.

UK history professor Richard
Lowitt represented the Democrats
and Jimmy Carter at the forum. The

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

Carter campaign, he said, is con.-
cerned with the “moral collapse"
and the “economic collapse" of
America today. He pointed toward
rising unemployment and inflation
rates as signs of the “collapse.”
Carter, he said, offers “a moral
concern and a concern relating to
the country's economic needs.” He
pointed to the Ford administration
as being “more concerned with big
business” than with the concerns of
the common man. He said that Mr.
Ford has been governing “by dead-
lock" and called for a move to “get

~—Shwort lawman

listed on the Kentucky ballot. From left to right are
Betsy Soares. representative of the Socialist Workers
Party: Richard Lowitt. Democratic Party representa-
tive; and Craig Meeker, moderator for the forum.

the country moving again." Carter,
he said, strives toward “a govern-
ment more responsive to the needs
of the American people.”

The scheduled representative for
the Republican Party, Larry Forgy,
chairman of the issues committee
for the Ford campaign in Kentucky,
was forced to cancel his appearance
at the last moment, according to
forum coordinator Lee Rowland.
Kay Rubin, president of the UK
College Republicans, substituted for
Forgy in the question—and-answer

stresses independent thought and action

vironment. Both of us have found a
certain peace here.“

That peace has also extended into
McAdams' life at the University. ”I
have been very well treated by the
administration. They've allowed me
to be what I am. They don‘t care
about plants or art in my office and
are very supportive of my teaching
goals," he said.

“I find a satisfaction in thinking.
My goal is to help my students find
this same satisfaction. I want to
inspire them to see that thinking can
be as rewarding as anything else
they do.“ McAdams said.

Last May. McAdams was
rewarded for his teaching goals by
way of the Student Government
Distinguished Teaching Award. “I
am extremely happy." McAdams
said. “it's the most satisfying
achievement of my career.“

According to Jim Harralson, last
year‘s president of Student
Government, the award came about
from “student feeling that during
tenure promotions, too much em-
phasis was being placed on research
accomplishments rather than on
teaching ability," Harralson said,
“The awa rd was designed not only to
reward a professor for outstanding
teaching ability, but also as an aid
for future promotions.“

“Because of it‘s importance in
tenure promotions," Harralson said,
“the award is restricted to assistant
professors. a position that is almost
too per centacross the board without

The recipient of the award is
chosen by a committee from SC who
advertise for nominations during the
spring semester. Committeemen
then attend classes taught by each

Emphasis on ACT scores

Kernel Staff Writer

Many of the uses for the ACT have
been eliminated, but there are “no
plans“ to eliminate the use of the
test, according to Harriet Rose.
director of coumeling and testing.

”The state has adopted a state-
wide testing program as a standard
way of comparing schools," she
said. “The ACT is used to do
research on the kinds of students
who go to universities.“

Little emphasis is placed on the
scores actually made on the tests,
she said.

“Until recently, your scores
meant a great deal. To play on a
varsity team, for example, your
predicated GPA (obtained by
processing your high school average
and ACT scores) had to be a 2.0 or

That requirement has been
eliminated. The only time the scores

are now used for placement is in
certain classes. like freshman
i-‘nglish. and in admitting out-of-
state students. All kinds of stand—
ards have been relaxed-we once
required a high school transcript.
and we don‘t even need that any

Then why does UK still require the

"First. because of the state
policy." she said. "Then, those tests
contain a lot of background in-
formation. Your expected major,
what you did in high school, whether
you want help from us—all that is on
there. We get a lot of information
which can be used to help decide
which department should have more
staffing.“ -

“We kmw from the tests that 40
per cent of students wanted help in
getting jobs, that so many need
financial aid, that so many wanted
to live on campus.“ she said.

“We pay attention to those tests,“
she said. Students see testing as
something that keeps them
out . . . it really helps them getwhat
they want."

“i don‘t like showing thema slip of
paper and telling them what to do.
With a class of 3200, not 200, it‘s just
not possible to meet personally with

“l‘m not married to the ACT. I
don‘t care if it goes. But l’d be sorry
to see us abandon it, when we can
get more use out of it. We are now
planning to send students in-
formation before the advising
conference which might guide them
to take the right classes, based on
their projected grades."

"That‘s what’s the matter with the
whole world, there are too many
people,“ she said. “I read the
otherday that scientists may have a
way to give us 20 years longer to
live. That's tragic. The more people,

nominee. They then choose a limited
number of finalists who are in-
terviewed by the committee. On the
basis of these interviews, the winner
is announced.

“It seems to me,” Harralson said.
“that the committee thought a lot of
Tony McAdams style in class. There
was a great deal of class interaction
with everybody in the class
becoming involved in the lecture.
Basically, there was interest.

McAdams was the third winner of
the award. Past recipients have
been Dr. James H. Fetzer (1974) and
Dr. J. Daniel Breazeale (1975), both
of the philosophy department.

McAdams is not one to sit back
and rest on his laurels. lie is con-
cerned about certain attitudes that
ex ist on campus and recognizes that

Continued on page 8


the less fulfillment they can be of-

“Students tend to think God has
spoken when the scores come in. It‘s
thorough material, but not
diagnostic— data, but not diagnosis.

"it’s the same with the projected
GPA the test yields," she said.
“That's a service provided by the
ACT, available to any user of the
test. if the user will supply grades
made by freshmen with categories
like male, female, and designate
those who are in or out-of-state, ACT
will return a predicated GPA.


More on the


Cloudy and cooler with a good
chance of rain today. liigh today in
the mid mm. with a low tonight in the
mid 80's. The probability of
precipation tonight is so percent.




F _







editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Glut, "verd-

Editorial um:
Walter lllxson

laugh. am
John Winn Miller

Laden and comment- would he nun-nu to the flute! m. he. I“. learn-Ite-
opuu nu Itgncd « it. w-r- .‘ «an. vs! no telephone n-ber. Letters can.“ exceed It. I“ all «new on restricted to ”II.


m It: Ila-c J lane
[let Gabriel “rm m
m m “a m

Co” We like 8thle

Sun-no Mr W In...
Dick Dorm ell-l menu “'1“ m.“

Stove Bauhaus Stewart Irv-Inn




Campus, city input vital

to upgrade Rose Street

Don’t look forward to any permanent
measures that will rapidly alleviate the traffic-
pedestrian mess on Rose Street. Campus and
Metro government officials find it easier to give

For more than three years, various
possibilities have been bandied about as
potential solutions. We’ve heard about tunnels,
suspended walkways, widened streets, new
sidewalks, medians and closing the street off

The major projects, the tunnel or overhead
walkway, are the only genuinely worthwhile
alternatives. But they are to the tune of $3-4
million— money metro government won’t spend,
not now and probably not in 10 years. University
officials, of course, also won’t pay that kind of

The situation, then, calls for collaboration
between campus and metro government of-
ficials. Unfortunately, this kind of mutual
decision-making hasn’t happened.

The situation was complicated when the old
city of Lexington became obsolete on Jan. 1,
1974. At that time, the Urban County government
was established. Complexities involved in
working out the kinks of merged government
have precluded a bona fide working relationship
between metro government and the University.

Cooperative decisions have to be made about
such tings as sewer lines, fire and police
protection, traffic control—and what to do about
Rose Street.

The University is central to the Lexington
community. UK is the cities largest employer

and its main attraction for cultural and athletic
events as well as education. In view of this, it is
an amazing oversight that the University and
metro government have not established a
cooperative decision-making arrangement.

It’s also difficult to understand why absolutely
nothing has been done about the Rose Street
hazard. As a main artery of the city, metro of-
ficials should be exploring means of speeding the
clogged traffic situation. Similarly, University
officials should take a greater interest in a street
that divides their campus and which more than
10,000 students, faculty and staff cross daily.

Now that metro government has had three
years to adjust to a new situation, campus of-
ficials should intitia te a new collaboration effort.
A tentative plan for metro and campus officials
to meet regularly is reportedly supported both
by Mayor Foster Pettit and UK Vice President
for Business Affairs Jack Blanton.

Until an organized and regular system for
airing related concerns is established, metro and
campus officials should proceed with interim
measures to lessen the Rose Street problem.

A campus or metro policeman could be
stationed at, say, the intersection of Funkhouser
Drive and Rose Street, where the majority of
east-bound students cross. The concept of a
median also should be considered—it’s inex-
pensive and would provide a refuge in the

These measures won’t eliminate either the
traffic congestion or the hazardous crossing
situation, but it’s better than ignoring the
problem completely.

‘I waswtthere’

Former student disputes Oswald article


a; JOHN .ll'.\‘O’I'

I do not wish to denigrate John
Oswa Id‘s gifts and accomplishments
at UK. However. admiration for a
man does not justify the revision of
history. And much of what was
written in the Kemcl Oct. 6 issue is
bunk. I know. for I was there in the
late (B's and I was an organizer for
Students for a Democratic Society
(SDSI. In fact. I spent the whole day
of April 2. 1968. in front of the Ad-
ministration Building.




Here are sotne of the errors. That
demonstration was organized by the
Young Democrats and w as more an
anti-Nunn than a I’ro~OswaId event.
There was. of course. a great deal of
affection shown for Oswald that
day: I wondered where it came

Oswald definitely was not liberal.
permissive or encouraging to
student dissidents In fact. those
were the days when the "battle
lines" were drawn between us
radicals and the administration.

Take one example: before the
present Office Tower was com-
pleted. there was a long. high con-
struction wall around the sight.
Students used this wall for painting
slogans and ads. The administration
would often censor what we radicals
would paint on the wall. It often
became a ridiculous game. racing
with the building and grounds crew.

The first student trustee did not
come in under Oswald. The first
student trustee t'I‘im Futr‘elli was
sworn in by Al). I) Kirwin in early
April. 1969, in the Administration
Building. which was at the time
under siege by 2.000 students. We
were angry over the summary
suspension of four students for being
busted by the narcs.

Oswald’s defense of academic

freedom before the state legislature
did not happen as reported. The
issue was not an anti-war meeting.
but the planned speech of Herbert
Aptheker. prominent Communist.
This speech was picketed by local

It had been common knowledge
that Oswald would resign for two
months before this incident. I
distinctly remember being told of
this by a Kernel reporter in
February. 1968. Which is to say.
Oswald was taking no risks and
making no sacrifices. In fact. he
would have lost his liberal
credentials if he hadn‘t done what he

The antiwar meeting referred to
in the article was. in truth. an anti-
poverty meeting and there was no
great problem in getting permission
for it on campus. Indeed. it had been
planned for and organized for
months. as was the SOS National
Council. which. by the way. took
place after the resignation. There
was no problem getting permission
for that. either. for this was three
weeks before the Columbia
I'niversity Strike. and the general
public didn‘t even know what SOS

The Kentucky I'n-American
Activities Committee tKl'ACi did
not get to work until late '68 or early
'69. Nor was the l'niversity ever
threatened by Kl'ACr though we
radicals were hoping it would come
here. since we had some \‘ippie
tactics planned. No. KI'AC did a
hatchet job on a Mountain group
called Appalachian Volunteers. and
quickly became such an em-
barrassment for even "con-
servative“ Gov. Nunn that its
funding was cut.

The Grand Jury report also came
out after the resignation.

The article implies that most of
today's student rights were con-
ferred magically and magnificently
by .Iohn Oswald. Any reading of the

history of those days leads to one
conclusion: such rights were won by
student's threats of disruption and
radicals‘ willingness to take the

Rumor has it that Oswald didn’t
quit because of conservative

pressure atall. You see, Oswald was '

almost solely responsible for
building the complex. In the first six
months it was open. the siding
started to fall off. a water main
ruptured and the elevators busted.
Legend says Oswald wanted to get
out before the damn thing collapsed.

John .lnnot is a former l'K student.

(Editor‘s note: Junot is apparently
confused about the dates and pur-
poses of the various meetings before
and after Oswald‘s resignation.

(Oswald resigned April 2. 1968.
Prior to his resignation there were
two major conferences at UK. The
Conference on the War and the Draft
was held Feb. 10, 1968. It was not
sponsored by SDS. although mem-
bers of SOS did participate.

(SOS did sponsor a national council
meeting at [K March 29. 1968. the
weekend before Oswald resigned.

(Avowed communist Herbert Ap-
theker. however. did not speak on
campus until three weeks after
Oswald resigned t.\pril 22). and his
appearance was sponsored by the
Student (‘enter Forum Committee.
not by 508.

(There is no mention in past
Kernels of a conference on anti-
poverty shortly before or after
Oswald‘s resignation.

(In addition. Junot is incorrect in
stating that Tim Futrell was the first
student on the Board of Trustees. 86
President SteveCook was the first
student trustee. He was sworn in on
the day Oswald resigned.)







Consumer focus

How to lose your money on a rainy day

When it rains, the number of
parking slots on campus diminishes
in direct proportion to the number of
raindrops that have fallen.(not to
say there isn‘t a parking problem
here, otherwise.)

It makes sense, therefore, that
after hurricane Brunhilda moved
across our campus last week,
dumping tons of water in three or
four days, a “bumper" crop of cars
sprung up from the pavement and
took root.


bruce w. singleton


There‘s a parking lot over at the
Med Center that is used primarily
for nonstudent parking. Patients
from surrounding counties served
by campus medical facilities park
there. A man in the guard house,
standing near the little sign that
says “Patient Parking 50 cents."
takes a half a dollar from all who
want to park there.

Adele Burt is a second—year law
student. last Thursday, she was a
bona fide patient as well. So, since it
was raining, she splurged and paid
the parking fee. But after entering
the lot in her VW, she found no
parking places vacant.

She thought that maybe there had
been a mistake. So she drove down
the row of cars: two Fairlanes. a
Mercedes. a beat-up Opel and a
(lMC pickup with a “Goat Ropers
need Love, Too" bumper sticker.

The rain kept falling. Adele
retumed to the man at the gate.

“I guess I’ll have to go park
someplace else,“ she said. “There
are no more spaces here. Can I have
my money back?“

“We don't make refunds," the
man told her.

“But you just sold me a parking
place that doesn‘t exist!" Adele in-

“I told you before you went in that
there might not be any parking
places." the gate guard told her.

"You said no such thing!“ Adele
said. getting a little hot even though

the rain had the temperature down
in the 50‘s. “Who can I talk to about

He told her to talk to Glenn Ellis,
Med Center security director. So she
drove off—— her money still in the
gatekeeper's possession, and found
a parking place on Clifton Circle.

She was pretty wet by the time she
got back up to the Med Center.
After her doctor‘s appointment. she

gatekeeper had already been there.
There‘ are two sides to the
discussion that followed.
That discussion was. at best. a
clash in philosophies on the wisdom

of selling nonexistent parking places ‘

without providing refunds. Adele
insisted she had been ripped off.
Ellis insisted it would be ad-
ministratively impossible to make

Ellis paid her 50 cents out of his
own pocket, but not without making
what Adele described as abusive and
sexist remarks.

Ellis‘ superior, UK Police Chief
Paul Harrison. said. “As far as I'm
concerned. there hasn’t been any
problem likethis in the past. At least
we haven‘t heard that particlular
complaint. If Ellis treated her
rudely. then he was wrong. But keep
in mind, parking‘s a touchy situation
over there and the pressures do get
now and then. If it is a problem,
though, we‘ll have to do something
about it."


It seems many persons forget the
fine art of complaining when goods
or services aren‘t given in retum for
payment. Sure. the cost of com-
plaining is high. much higher, say,
than 30 cents Adele was out for the
parking place she didn't get. And.
its embarrassing to complain when
there‘s such a small stake involved.

But. the point is. when a person
puts out money—any amount of
money that person should expect a

Often, though. people don‘t know
where to complain.

The L'niversity community is


F umbling money

L'K‘s win over Penn State was an
exciting college football game and a
botst to the program. I understand
Coach (‘urci‘s desire to give each
member something tangible to
commemorate their victory.
However. I do not believe that 61
footballs at $18 each. according to
local newspaper accounts, is ap-

Perhaps donating that amount or

stopped by Ellis‘ officer” The ‘

fortunate to have an ombudsman,
Dr. Frank Buck. His duties include
straightening out things that have
become messed up in the
bureaucracy. The complaints to him
often involve academic problems
such as an incorrect grade or
dissatisfaction with a teacher’s

Outside the University com-
munity. there are other persons who
aaaaté' complaints. Dissatisfaction
with a utility bill; for example.
should first be expressed to the
particular utility. If this alterm-
native fails, there is always the
Public Service Commission.

Dissatisfaction with a particular
businessman should, again, be aired
to that businessman. If this option
fails, there‘s the Better Business
Bureau and the State and Federal
Consumer Protection Division. (In
Louisville, there‘s also the Jefferson
County Consumer Protection

There‘s also a little-known book in
the reserve section of the Law
Library entitled “Consumer
Complaint Guide." It contains
suggestions on how to write com-
plaints. In addition, it contains a
company directory listing brand
names and corporations and the
person to contact if something goes

“As experience shows,” author
Joseph Rosenbloom states, “writing
yourletter to the person on top is the
best and quickest way to get

When one wants to complain (or, it
should be added, when one wants to
commend) the avenues are
available. But far too often, they're
not used because of the time and
trouble involved.

The addage. “It‘s the squeaky
wheel that gets the grease” is in
point here. Silent suffering helps
nobody. Speaking up in the right
manner might prove helpful.


Bruce W. Singleton is a second-year
law student. Consumer Focus ap-
pears every Friday.



something near it to UK‘s In-
tramuralprogram or tothe “minor”
sports on campus. in the name of all
the football players. would be more
beneficial and productive in the long
Steve Medley
UK alumnus

Recognizes valor

The staff of the Kernel should
receive a medal for valor.
These devoted soub get mugged.

ripped-off, chase an elusive athletic
director for interviews, not mention
bury dead Ramblers.

Who else in the entire universe
would bleed that way?

I love you. Dick Gabriel, for your
enjoyable, honest account of the
pitfalls of covering the Cats. But the
next time you decide to leap a tall
building in a single bound, let me
know. This. I gotta see.

S. l.. Cormack
Medical Technology freshman





news briefs



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Ford’s Soviet statement

WASHINGTON [APl—President Ford
faced a barrage of campaign criticism
Thursday for his statement that the Soviet
Union does not dominate Eastern Europe,
with Democrat Jimmy Carter calling it a
blunder and a disgrace.

Wednesday night’s debate, in which Carter
was rated the narrow victor in an Associated
Press poll of voters, dominated Thursday’s

And the major topics were Ford
statements which Democrats, Polish-
American and other ethnic leaders joined in

Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said
in New York that he thought Ford had in-
tended to make clear that the United States
would not accept Soviet domination of
Eastern Europe.

“I can only give you the interpretation I
gave to those remarks,” Kissinger said,
echoing an interpretation issued after the
debate by Ford’s national security adviser,
Brent Scowcroft.

What Ford said Wednesday night was:

“There is no Soviet domination of eastern

provokes controversy. . .

Europe and there never will be under a Ford
administration.“ Pressed on that point, he

“I don’t believe. . . that the
Yugoslavians. . .the Romanians. . . the
Poles consider themselves dominated by the
Soviet Union. "

The State Department declined sub-
stantive comment Thursday on Ford's
statement. “It would be inappropriate for
me to get into the subject," said spokesman
Frederick 2. Brown.

Carter said in San Francisco that Ford had
“stumbled into a very serious mistake...

“Itwasa disgrace to our country. . .," he
told California labor leaders. “It was a very
serious blunder for him to say it."

Jody Powell, Carter’s press secretary,
said the Democrat will keep pressing the
question until Ford explains what he meant.

“If you tore down the Berlin Wall, which
way would the people move?” Carter asked.
“They would move to freedom." He said
Ford apparently lacks knowledge of the way
Polish, Czech and German-Americans feel
about Soviet power in Eastern Europe.

and Israeli boycott reports

won’t be released after all


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include .
it have WASHINGTON [APl—In a reversal of gomg to announce tomorrow that the
n the policy, the administration said Thursday Departmentof Commercewilldisclosethose
sto him that President Ford will makepublic future companies that have participated in the g
'oblems reports from US. companies that are asked Arab boycott. This is something that we can
ade or by Arabcountries to participate in a boycott do. The Congress failed to do it, and we in-
acher‘s against Israel. tend to do it.“ ‘
Commerce Secretary Elliot Richardson Commerce Department spokesman ’
, said the disclosure WW“ apply only to Horace S. Webb said he could see that some l
cm:- future reports, hOWCVGI‘, and WOUId QOI apply people might have interpreted the remarks I
3‘s? 0 to companies already acknowledging they as indicating past reports would be made i
ac '10" parhcrpate or were asked to take part. public. But he said it could be read to apply
lamp”? In his debate Wednesday, Ford declared: only to future reports. “It is a matter of ' l
atllerme “Bewuse the Congress failed to act, I am semantics," he said. l
' l
‘ys “‘° Offer good on i
rticular C h 9 d . C o i
mm, oac es report car . arter w1ns d 9 I1 i
,opfim Satur ay Oct. t ; o
tusiness LEXINGTON [APl—Eight of nine Langley of Catholic University; James i Also 10 /o O“ on
[rederaj debating coaches, gathered here for a Unger of Georgetown University; Dallas ,
on. (In tournament, felt Jimmy Carter won the Perkins of Harvard; Robert Cox of North {ram 5 Pom. to 1 1 pm. I all Our sandwiches
,fferson second of three presidential debates, but Carolina; Robert Goodnight of North I
tection most said they aren’t debates at all. western; David Wagner of Sacramento only l
En route to their decision, they laughed State; Tim Browning of Arizona; Sandi l
book in and giggled as they watched the Wednesday Pence of Georgia and J.W. Patterson of the
e l aw night debate on television between Carter, University of Kentucky.
isumer the Democratic