xt71rn305j1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305j1d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1972 1972 1972-10-20 2020 true xt71rn305j1d section xt71rn305j1d I<€l ItUCky Vol. LXIV No. 37 an mdependent student newspaper ‘
Friday, October 20, 1972 University at Kentucky
Eight pages Lexington, Keritut ky 30506
Veteran SGYS _ e, . Emberton warns
0 .
NIXOI‘I war . Nay Republicans
olic wron “‘"
p Y 9 - . of McGovernites
By PAL‘LCL'RRAN ' » " ' i1 by .u u Rl'ZF.\ ia'i'ucit
. Kernel Staff Writer 4i." . /_;;_.,..~-v , ' e§ ‘3 ‘ Kernel Staff \\ riter _
Charging the Nixon Administration with ; .' ~ a fig;;; 3“" all“ NW0“ SUPPOFK’FS had better watch Out
“perpetuating a war that shouldn‘t have : ; ; 2:, 3'5 .1 1% j . h g to: .\1c(;o\ernitt-s. said last year‘s
been started in the first place," an Official II I ., .. V I. h (lei ated Republican candidate for
0f the Vietnam Veterans Against the War = w ' wig h"? I . . I . . . g0vernor. Tom Emberton. last night,
presented a film entitled “The Winter p ‘ MN» ’ :53 g ‘
Soldier Investigation“ last night. .5 I ., i g h 5 “These McGovern supporters are
Speaking in the Student Center Gary ‘ '° . ' stew ”- ' ' . dedicated to what they believe in." he told h
Steiger. regional coordinator of VVAW, ' h " . ”’ \ ’ £3 a meeting of the UK College Republicans
attacked the Nixon Administration for _
failing to fully understand the deter- {hi I ‘i' ,_ Qt . w" .. h ' .- ‘ . “WW“ ”1“ WW 41"“ Yile‘mt’. NIXON. fl ‘
mination with which the National H .. ' " “who would have thought last year that
Liberation Front (NLF) is fighting in PU'Iin' With the good old country feeling in his bones Metimerii would get the Democratic
South Vietnam. folksinger John Hartford played his fiddle before nomination for President Ill Miami." he
“The Vietnamese haveagoalcf freedom the Sirings a Student (‘enter audience last night. tKernel ““d
and independence. They refuse to be photo by John Hickst . . ;
defeated." he said. ‘ hmberton urged the young Republicans _
The film was made bv the VVAW in to work to get their supporters to the polls - '
January 1970 and focuses on the testimony Stciger. an Army medic in Vietnam for The Pathet Lao ‘5 the name 25"?“ ‘0 on November 7' ”This election IS un-
of 150 veterans of the Americal Division, two years. said the investigation and communist guerillas fighting in 11mm portant to us as AmerioanS because M, H, —
the division in which Lt. William Calley testimony obtained in Detroit was “vir- H' - ; . , ; . .; interested m preserving the kmd 0f
_ .. is purpose in tiaveling to campuses is government and the way of life we now
served. . ; tually ignored by the US' press. to maintain a constant awareness of the have." he said. ‘ '
Filmed in a Howard Johnson's motel in Front page news war in people's minds. he said.
Detroit. the America] veterans recounted However. European publications treated L‘mberton spoke before about eighty
their first-hand knowledge of atrocities in the story as front page news. he said. The lie is not discouraged with the apparent .\'l on enthusiasts. In the background hung
Vietnam. testimony of the veterans was finally in- lack of anti-war activity on the campuses a huge poster with the face of Louie Nunn.
‘Dehumanization‘ sorted into the Congressional Record. today. Steiger said. Rather. he said. he Republican senatorial candidate. on it.
The men unanimously held the opinion Steiger said. by Sen. Mark Hatfield, R- sees the "street thing“ as a part of the along with pictures of a smiling Nixon.
that the "dehumanization" of Army ()re. past.
training had transformed them into Recently returned from Paris. where he ;
“killing machines.“ They attributed the and 15 other members of VVAW met with Students have discarded “spontaneous M ; ;
high incidence of atrocities committed NLF and Pathet Lao officials.Steiger said demonstrations hhd are now taking a ’ 1 w ”.1;
against civilians to the pressure for Viet he was “greatly impressed" with their more ‘ meaningful hh'tUde toward the _ ' st; y g. ’ ‘
(‘ong body counts. determination to continue the war. war. he said. a h“ I at ’ X p“? g '
‘ UK student tenants add to problem ”a ._ :
f h . d I d, d I Tom Hmberton. the
O p o o r o u s ' "9 an an O r n eg e Cf Republican gubernatorial can-
didate last year. discusses
. ‘ ‘ v ‘ “facilities" and what these facilities are. said Alberta N. run...“ “sum M u“. (‘ollege
ByKAY [2(0irTE Coleman. program coordinator. Tenant Services Republican meeting last night. L.
KernelStafl'erter organization Assistance. Inc tKernel photo by Jerff lteatlyl
UK student tenants are contributing to the poor housing The Building Inspection Department has interpreted this
conditions in the Lexington area by not standing up for their clause to mean tenants must purchase. install and maintain .
rights. said John Rotter, president of UK’s Tenants' Rights heating facilities. said Coleman, The meeting had a barely hlohhhd lh ‘
Organization (TRO) Butallmiddle and upper income dwelling units have these terruption when h man htUCh his head In
“As long as students are willing to pay the high rents facilities provided at the expenseof the owner.she said. the door ,hhduhhhmhd Stop me war. hhd '
demanded by somelandlordsandare willing to tolerate slum “Why ShOUld POOP PEOPIQ be compelled ‘0 PUFChhse the bombing llowever.the only response
landlord neglect in terms of substandard conditions. the heating facilities for their dwellings while non-poor tenants ““5 h tew giggles hhd ‘hh meeting
entire community. especially the poor. suffers." he said. have adequate heating provided by landlords as a matter of proceeded “"0”!th unhindered by “”5. _
The situation is getting much worse because of the tight course'?". (‘oleman said. (hhhus‘hmh hf thh huh _
housing situation. Rotter said. Students should join TRO to With a new ordinance. tenants could contact the city Earlier during tht‘ ”H‘t‘tmil Jim
fight the landlords one by one by whatever means are building inspector to enforce it. Rotter said. Williams one of the coordinators oi the
necessary. he said. Another project is to create an escrow fund to receive rent .L‘l‘oup. complained the ('oilege
()ne of the projects TR() is now working is revisions of the payments from tenants when their complaints of bad Republicans had challenged the Students
city building code. housing aren‘t reviewed. said Rotter. tm‘ McGovern to .m issues debate
(‘ode questions Model lease prepared Though there had been a favorable
(‘old weather has brought many tenant questions con- A modelleaseis almost finished. Rotter said 'l‘heleascwill response the .\lc(;o\ermtcs had taken no
cerning heating facilities. Rotter said. The clause of the code solve some student complaints which arise when there are HH‘HH'I' :H'tmn. be wild \Vllbams and ‘
concerning heating facilities fails to specify whether the needed repairs but the landlord never fixes the damage. he ””1““ d! ”H“ 1110011“): \H'H‘ ”MINUS for
tenant or landlord is responsible for providing the said. such plans to umtcrtaluc
. Don‘t mu'ry' Hope is ill sight
InSIde the Kernel Taday: Today's forecast calls for war ‘
lllt'l' teiiiper.’itures \\lth no -
Whether You're a resident or not. You “mm.“ m rain .HH mm mm”
may be interested in page ".2. .\ confident warm 6 r! m” M. m the mm A”). hhh ”w hm
; , , , being Ill the low .tlt ,s lhere i.s ii
l is goes to Ration Rlougt; on pag: 3.1 \lon ”my Hm ”mm.“ M any
Hoffman descri )es t ie (‘ iinese sc 100 t iat '
uses science to aid the society on page it n at we fie r In}:121:1?lin:'fil’z‘lzgmhx m” for

 Th? . . -. V.1‘lltruIQilll’Q tli'ii mm. M. calm. Ed 't ' '
' ' t.‘ -- . t '~ ' ‘-‘«”uimi tit-'w Ni ‘ ”NH!"
KCthUCkV . . a "f 111;::::::*:::‘:i::::'::;, 11'.;'.":.':2:2:“"‘ I ONO S
Kernel ' "i -~ ‘H' int .0 ; .m in. -i~ ,, ,, v m. .iilim -.' HM .,.. ',
UK gets vote of confidence
. . __. _3 fr» r.” i "I A! ~ :2
for keeping records private . ,T ys’g ‘
l’ei‘hapsit‘s not stylish topi‘aise an it undoubtedly wishes were over. ‘ l .\ \‘ ‘9' -' l v " i Y
institution tor doing something its lnstead. as reported in 'l‘hursday's \~ “ V a” i“ 3 ($2: x - l
own laws require it to do Kernel. the government is being l i ‘1 r ' " h ‘ LP‘ i, L ‘ , / .
But neyertheless. we think denied access to “private“ and l K ' ~ . {4A. 1 ‘. . ‘
t iiiversity otticials deserve some “confidential" employment records .- \. . (j) . 7 r x '
small thanks ltit‘ sticking to its revised until a workable solution to the i ‘&m i l '7}. t \
t'odeot Student t‘onduct and denying dilemma can be worked out. 0 " ‘h ‘N "I . ~ ~ /“, - 2 .
the [US Department of Health. The gesture is one we are certain _C-P4Ri3‘ ~‘ . l ‘ 4/ gait»
,. .. N «ha
l‘:(ltl(‘illl()ll and \teltare access to faculty and staff members ap- “ %‘6~1g\ ‘ .i 'Thifi -w a.-. inf ‘
personal records in its investigation ppm-tutu .-\nd “-0 hope everyone can : ‘7 93",“ l c -‘.‘"‘~‘~‘£an:.‘“ §%‘ "'ftfii“ ‘
. . ’.' . . . ’ .' v .' ' I' y l‘\ -\ »/ a. 0w."=”. ‘\“‘ ‘.
of sex distiimination lieie. expect an equal dedication to sti iking §‘\ ‘ 19$ . g. .1 1- ~ “9" ‘43: , L r9) 8
tilVlhtl ”11011 higher authority such a racial and sexual balance among ‘; x‘?‘ 7‘7; at “l i5. -...,( "I 9,,” :g'tifi' "' (AM;
as the federal government could have l'K eiiiployes when the HEW in— 79 -\ IL '5’."‘ . ‘3‘ .5" f 3;?49’
been an easy way out tor the ad- vestigation team makes its final ’READYFOR AN OFFER YOU CAN'Y REFUSE?’
ministration in an unpleasant episode recommendations.
C l f I K ’r ck residency
(the ot these days a court must income tax on a job. put Kentucky the wrong place. If tuition rates no likt‘l." t“ ht‘ St‘tttt‘d 500” Th? he"
decide the criteria for considering a tags on his or her car and even longer jumped at state lines it would tlle)‘ C1150. hlhgt‘b‘ upon ShttStylhg
student a “Resident" of Kentucky, register to vote for local officials. and encourage students to consider a Vhttht’» l't‘tlU't‘t’mt‘r‘htS 35 theykey t0
and until it does college ad- still have to fork over $715 more a wider geographical range of in- Statt'”1‘051d0ht'y i 50 9V9" It Hayes
iiiinistrators across the state will be year for a ['K education. stitutions. wins tht’ (‘OUhCh 0" l’Uth Higher
destroying their manicures. Richard Haves. a Kentuckv State Edhwhhh may be hhlh to. rule that a
The problem is that a person from ['niyersity' student. is suing .to end Costs Up for locals 'tEIStU‘td voter 15“ t CthV'athht th‘a
outside the Commonwealth who at- this. and that‘s what has the ad« *t“tt_tt5‘d“lt- “\"d in'heorgia, 1““
tends school here can get an ministrators worried. At l'K alone But it also means that students who Mt'x't‘t’ ithd Vt't‘Sh'hgttlh state
education a lot cheaper if he or she there are some 3,400 out-of-state “10050 to attend SChOOl in their home lhgihhhhhhh hhhh draw“ lines bet—
can prove residency. But it isn't as students. who throw a million and a states will have to ante up more. The “'t‘t‘h l't’S'ttt'ht'." tht" "Otthg and tu'tthh
simple as just living here for a period. quarter dollars extra into the present scale is based on the old idea Pth‘Phrt‘S-
, educational kitty. Should the courts ”t using state taxes to assist the A lot of people are going to be
SpeCIOl ””9 rule in favor of Hayes. the budget state‘s ‘hhhh‘tahtS-‘and does benefit watching for the outcome of Hayes
For tutition purposes the Kentucky makers fear a big fund source will dry Kentuckians. (‘ertainly this 'h'Statt’ suit. and the others like it around the
('tiunt'il on Public Higher Education up~ “talmitty would“ t t‘nJOy the pl‘OSpOCt nation It the courts decide to
requires t'tiiitimmlls I‘PSidE’nCC in We’re of mixed opinions about the "1 “Whiz tU‘t‘O” Fl'mb by about 310”: eliminate different tuition rates.
Kentucky in a “non—student" status issue. Anyone who‘s ever considered perhaps putting it out of the reach of higher education is going to be in for
for at least one academic year. Thus a an out—ot-state college knows what many m‘ddlt’ and 10W” “1355 per» some jolts. But we think the
NOW \Ol‘h Stildt‘ht COUld get an it's like to be soaked for your 5”"3 l'niversities will survive. and be less
apartment. Pitt Utilitit‘b‘ and state education because you were born in In any event. the matter is not regional for the change.
conclude that he mis uidedlv forsook the blend in Well With the architectural l was hesitant to write this letter
Defends MCGovern Senate fight for theg Presidential cam- greatness of the Paddock. DeBoor because of Bouvier‘s comment that
On Senafe absence paign. (‘Ieaners and other places of beauty near seemed to say that all pro-McGovern
So. shun the tempting explanation that by. letters are conspired in secret by “sole
Not having first consulted the McGovern McGovern was acting on the more logical Seriously. UK is in need Of a fast-food POSSCSSOTS 0f the truth.“ Let me remind
letter-writing committee he mentions. I alternative for ending the war. He was service. there is no reason to go to him that the Republicans are the COh'
hesitate to reply to Joseph Bouvier‘s letter actually only persuing his goal of “self- Nicholasville Road for late snacks 0r spirators ih thiscampaign and that's front
t()ctobcr 18!. but. as “Sole Possessor of righteous". “indignant" martyrdom in an Sunday dinner. page news. George McGovern l5 h0t the
the Truth." I‘m certainly adequate to the illogicalmaner. Conservative ideology has Haven't you done your research? The 80" Of God 35 Bouvier indicates, bUt
task. a rational explanation for everything. large Chain hamburger resturants have. in compared to his opponents. he walks 0"
Why was McGovern absent from the Kenneth ILAshby. Jr. the last year or two, done away with the streets 0t 30”
Senate when Brooke‘s end~the~war am» Sociology Junior gaudy architecture, and now are building Greg Mearns
mendment fell two votes short of passing? more pleasing buddings. Agriculture Sophomore
I could point out that an end-the-war Says Burger Chef l)avidFoster
measure has never passed the House and Accounting Junior
that the anti-war forces wereat least fifty is" 'f a monstrosify Paul Monsour
votes short again, Journalism Senior
Voting on the Senate ammendment It's hard to attack an editorial (Poor _
would then be worthlessin ending the war; planning fries campus expansion needs Ano'her MCGOVern POIICY on IO‘NGI‘S
campaigning in hope of electing an ad- get. 17. t11972) that dofsnkt satyh anything. . In order that everyone may have
ministration led ed to endin the war aren 'VOU area ac in e zonin .
would seem ”horehworthwhne gMCcovem regzlauon: bf Lexington. Yofi say the cits SUPPOT’ET writes equal access to this forum, letters to
spent the day campaigning. Doesn't that should protect the integrity of UK. but I . , the editor should ho.t exceed 250
prove his loyalty m the anti—war cause? wouldn‘t want Lexington to protect my In response toJoseph T. Bouwerstetter words. Issues requiring more ex-
No,replytheNixonites. andhereistheir integrity. of Oct. it! which potnted out Senator tended discussmn shall be run as
logically perfect argument: Start with the As tar as t'niversity expansion is con- McGovern S absence from the Senate “Comments”and ShOUId hOt exceed
fact that McGovern. living up to his Son of cerned. there appears to be plenty of land when the Brooks end-the-war amendment 750 words. A” SmeiSStOhs should
God image, would prefer martyrdom to near the Ag farm. and what's wrong with was VOted on‘ It Shomd be qu'te Clear by be typed and triple-spaced, and
ending the war. He would. consequently. the l'niversity expanding in the Woodlawn now that the only end the. the Vietnam mUSt inCIUde the writer’s name.
choose the glorious but futile Senate Avenue~Bose Lane areainsteadofthe area conflict '5 a change 0f preSidents. Classification and an addrws and
confrontation to the more pratical but. where the Burger (‘hef will be located? After years 0t amendments to end the telephone number where she or he
alas. deniythologizing campaign trail. Burger (‘hef is not planning to build on war. defeated time and time 333“” and can be reached. Material to length
However.‘ given also the fact of one of the South's better looking cam— four yearsofasecret-planto ehd't'lthlhk will not be edited except for
McGovern s presistent irrationality tor puses. but on t K. s campus. it‘s time for a pUth'htah“MCG°"em‘S grammar, spelling and libel.
inconSIstency. if you prefer'. one must l'rankly. we think Burger (‘hcf would plan— to end the war

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. October 20. 1972—3
0' ' "Hm Art At'ucon
Birth control oins acceptance -
By WAYNE ii. DAVIS Since 1967 about a dozen states have ‘ _‘ ' ~ » M 9""
Change in people s attitudes is probably oc- liberalized their abortion laws and four others ,/ . ' a“ . ,
curring more rapidly now than at any time in have essentially repealed them. , M55, - fi .233"
history. Students who tend to get discouraged In 1963 the Association for Voluntary ”l "
with their efforts to bring about social change Sterilization was known as the Human Bet- mt " H v . %
should consider what has happened with abor- terment Association, because the word 1 It» x ‘ C33. .
tion and sterilization. "sterilization". like “abortion“, was unac- f" ”this, 5- ' 4' i», , ' V %_)..
. . . ceptable to the ublic at that time. Last year Q .' ’i ‘ l W ' 3 _
Dr' wayne DOVIS IS 0 b'OIOQY speakers from :VS appeared on 450 TV and “5 4.27; V &V‘\ 5 ‘ ‘ .. j r}
professor who has written on radio programs in 49 states and'were on all three 3/ ’“ a”; a; :9:- . $¢é§ 4:
l ‘l’. . f .d networks and the Walter Cronkite program. Last if g a . \j \Q“ h.
POPU a '0" Issues Of 0 WI 9 year 4,500 articles on sterilization appeared in . . b \\ «‘3‘; . ft
range of publications. newspapers. including all major papers in 50 \‘Vx 4‘ ‘
—__________ states. Articles were also in 50 major magazines. k w 3;.
In 1968 a Gallup poll showed only 15 percent of including “Life," ”Time.” "Look,“ “Consumer ' y 4‘ w V ’
the public favoring liberalizing of abortion laws. Reports." “Goodbousekeeping.” “Parents.” and I . V.
By November, 1969, this figure had risen to 40 "Readers Digest.“ A couple of years ago there ——__—.,—_
percent and in October. 1971, to 51 percent. In a were no vasectomy clinics: now they are in 130 original works Of graphic art etchings. lithographs.~
survey conducted in June. 1972, Gallup revealed cities across the nation. by leading 20th century artists.
thatti4 percent of the people now believe that the Planned Parenthood chapters now routinely pub]D [)Ku\\“ Juhnl“ liricdlacntlcr Md” ('hauiill
deCiSion on abortion should be strictly between aid people who seek abortion or sterilization. and S' l ,, l l)' l' ;\l ; ; ' l ‘ .1 __ ._ ‘
. . . . . . . . . ..t \ator tti L\tlllLLT (.iltlti .Iouii .\liio
the woman and her phySiCian. A majority of provide birth control information and materials ; ,1
Roman Catholics now agree, most apparently to unmarried teenagers who request it. (““rlik" Rt‘UHUh \ MW \ tmurl} and others
taking the position that although they oppose the Although some people do not believe these ——————-—-—-—-——-——
practice. they would not impose their religious changes are desirable. all would agree that they SUNDAY OCTOBER 22nd AT 3300 pM.
beliefs on others by law. are spectacular.
Nicholas . "‘ Exhibition 1-3 pm. Free Admission
‘9 . All New Show by Meridian Gallery Prices as low as $15
VonHoffmon .
NO e'ifiSf SCience in China we have the most complete
WASHINGTON—The other day Certainly when Professor factory managers. Would the seleCt'on 0f SpBCIOl fOSlIIOfl
Gerald M. Edelman, M.D., Ph.- T‘ung Shih-pai speaks of the technology in dozens of fields be
I).. became the 42nd American to textbooks he wrote it could just as the same if it were nurtured by an clothes for bath men ("1d
win the Novel Prize for medicine. well be the voice of one of our own academic system based on other women including l00l($ 0f
In the academic star system, academic careerists: “I wrote. . social and economic assump—
I)r.Edelmanisasuper-nova.But .to display my talents and tions‘? the 40’s and 50's,
while there is doubtless much demonstrate my learning. I used The Chinese answered NO and
that is special about Dr, all those formulas and those their cultural revolution over- )3
Edelman's work, there is nothing foreign quotes to inspire ad- threw the academic mandarinate a, ' y ‘ '

5 special about how he came to do miration. . .Simple problems that at Tsinghua L'niversity. The 6 '74 . _ ‘ .j ’ ‘

l it.The star system.the belief that could be explained with a few overthrow was a murderous ‘ M ,4}. ( ' ,‘ i
furthering science and well—chosen sentences. I made bloody mess. but their - .5: '-, < /’ .2; »_ _
technology depends on the complex. . reorganized school is worth our ' ‘ '7 ~- . , . ’ __ . E i
discovery and cultivation of Ordinarily professors Speak study. The new Tsinghua is g “ {w 9 ~ ___—_-—-‘~
heavy-headed genii -’ cq t. is thatway only among themselves. flooded with peasant and factory ‘ :‘o,’ /\ '1 ’- , ‘
rooted in the educational Thenon-scientificpartof science worker students who are using., I '/ I V; x
arrangements of every major 18 hidden from the layman. who science and technology to serve \ .‘ _‘ ~ ~ 3:333; -, 1,
national state but one. isn‘t told that much. What is the needs of their work and their ; V : ~- NW \\- lsfl‘l .

(‘hina diffpn-nt studied and how it is studied and society in immediate and in- "'::§§;:;15__1;. / I m‘ :“g 7 . ‘1 Y-::;:é’:.ia;i';._.;.ét;iziaf:-.a,.:§l
revolution China, UM” that \' , . .. acupunture. we might profit . a] 'V ‘ f I} '
immense and somewhat baffling ‘ 9“ “film“ ”m“. i)". importing a few of the .f riiifziiil. g .3, ' s "j .3?
revolution within a revolution we tnight also ask ourselves if t‘oly-poly chairman‘s ideas and 4, fl
(‘hina‘s science was based on the lh“ man-killing technology ”f lh‘? have ourselves a small. toned -.: "J h . - " ‘
star system [00' Thus Professor assembly “"0 “"‘Uld l)“ “5 ll is if down. baby cultural revolution V . ‘ VI. "‘1. '
rung Lin-hsiu recalls that. after the engineers who dewsed It had adapted N") our own >1Ck and ‘ q i 4..
completing his engineering to work as closely with the fac- polluted needs. I.
studies in the Soviet l’nion. he tory workers 35 they do With the ((‘l 1972. The Washington Post if . x l ,
was presented with three gifts _______________________ ‘9: t,- ,
which pretty much tell the story *— ‘5 a. .
of the academic business the d .' -_ - j .1 .
world over: 11 a leather case to A BO RT I O N f - y" {
keep his Phi). thesis in. 2) a . 4. if. . .
wooden box with a handpainted . . . ~ as“, . .
picture of the Kremlin on it to be Free Referral l0 New YOI' k C lln IC 7 — -—- ‘ 1
used as a repository for the l 2 weeks or less ’ ,‘ m. .
medals and rizes he would win. . k’
and :I) a wallet. $ l 50.00 new \ ’-

Western school C O H I “ark \ /‘

T’ung Lin-hsiu came back from - J
Russia to poking and Tsinghua CONTROLLED PARENTHOOD t'mes 1
University. (‘hina's leading . _ _ .
scientific school. Tsinghua was (A non‘PrOlll organization) , ,___.|
founded by Americans and long
after they had left and the (502) 585'4749 located Foyefle M."
Maoists had come to power. the (ALL COLLECT Open 6 Nights Ii" 9
school remained a i‘ccognizably '
Western institution _________'______________—____

 i—TllE Kl-IN'I‘l'CKY KERNI‘IL. Friday. October 20. l972 . .
. - ,0, PhilOSOphy Club Wlll act
UNlVERSALlST ”s ‘ if, as" d . .11
UNITARIAN 11,1 _ _ _, c as a Visory commi ee
. hi ~ . f, \\ 1 1
lniu-rsullsinisureligionfuroncuorld.l)cnylr1u;1ii1ll ‘\v,,* C“\ llldt‘l' ltS ('Ollbtltlltlflll, the llK plillOSOphy professor lOI‘ 2t;
”ma,” houndirm t,” “WK cri'i‘dnanlzlilol‘:l:,y'iil . o Philoso hy (‘lub will now act as a years. He said the topics for
hl‘lll‘\(\ In only one run. [ht p 1 1
in-odnn.inroiigionasuhixht‘lrt:5L"*'11‘1“1‘;';1::"8::f;‘1’1‘ FELLOWSHIP 15 student advisory committee to debate and dlSCUSSlon were not 1
:E‘TJr?1(:rlldroll-”Fi-tiidaibrmrzys‘ to understand our CHURCH fst-Xyilt the philosophy department in just confined to philosophical tal
'T“’”T”,‘ “flfi?“:£i‘iil.i'i‘,“f.i $3353.21;{"30‘5’i‘i'ii. mum on. 2-: matters Pertaining ‘0 the "WW5- T”
(illitllriooi‘iiuiloui mort‘ about this liberal religious 3:1" l lél‘ \“‘- 2012 Regency Rd department curriculum, “There ought to be a proper llii
“‘"h' 111. 1.1 11.1. 11,1. gm“. 1 S thl d The revised constitution will be meeting ground on topics 0f Ba
l liltt‘il Nations Sunday I “111181“. n 0U an submitted to Jack Hall, dean of common interest" within the ' as
('t‘lt‘hri‘llo" “l ”l" _,_ , ..,_,1 ".1. .,11,1 students. for approvaland to gain University, he said. ‘
“'23“ iUH- ' ‘ H’m' ' ' 'E' ' '- i M. Ma”; re-rocognition for the Philosophy Stafford said one purpose of the of
it W :4 , . 1 . .. ; . - - , ,-
Sermon; nSOME THOUGHTS ON THE UNITED A 1 L “iii? aghal tamhpuz‘loggdnizattioiti. ziiieliczflenoxlfeizigiltpmsltsudfhnéj :2
A T NTY-FIVE YEARS” '9 IOSOP Y 5“ "MS“ '5 ’ . . ‘
NATlONS AFTER WE use "‘3 constitution and elected its of— have toward talking thh faculty 88‘
-l)l‘. ”(Hull‘d lii't‘l's. Director mm l'lCGI‘S [01‘ this semester at a members and other students He
(‘i-iitcr For Developmental (‘hange I meeting Wednesday. said most people interested in J0
Roy McNeiil, A&S junior, was philosophy need a place to talk. th
WH'W_“W" "‘"‘"—'“""“"""”*'“"""""'" "WW WW" ’ elected preSldent Of the Club. I. SC
‘ 1 10 U {35 91 E7& ‘ 6%} _ Greg Stafford, A&S sophomore, Dead '"9 for p(
Ci: -, , . u &w _ (3’1 was elected vice president. ° '
Q ‘\ ‘0 [Xi/”$0 GU b l/ V l." Formed about I930 fu't'on refunds
‘ 0° ‘ The Philosophy Club is one of set for today
‘ 3 the oldest campus organizations.
1 ,5 A A357 said John Kuiper. retired UK Today is thedeadlinefor tuition
1 /-, 1 3\ , /. « \ philosophy professor. refunds for students who drop
5 11/ ‘ 5 J " 3 ~ ‘ Kuiper said he encouraged the from full to part-time status. 10
i j " i- 1"} Q \ x, club‘s formation in about 1930 Refunds are figured on the 3‘
E / ' I :‘i 5, A ' ” E when he was UK‘s only basis of $17 per credit hour. A
l/ 1/ 5' .I 'i A , i ,\ .E E / . . r3
_ 1 ,5 \\\_5_ I 3 1k 1 3,, philosophy professor. He said the student who drops to 10 hours, for 1
E E ‘ \l ; f “ club placed its emphasis on instance. will be charged $170 for (
F , l i y {Li-h“ 1 students and faculty gathering in the semester‘s tuition and fees. 0f
5 \ 3 , $5“ " informal situations, The refund is half the difference 1
l g \\ , )7 In the past, the Philosophy Club between that and the $202.50 he or gl
i 1, ‘ ‘ 1 provided contact between she paid originally. In this case It ,Vé
‘ E E ) .1 ' students and faculty of different would be $16.25. 19
1 , 1 J , *1 departments within the Contact the Registrar for [h
1 \1 1; « t \3‘ a ' University, said Jesse de Boer, details. 5 ra
l \\_ E\ , 11- T “71
, l =‘\‘ fl -' ‘ , \ 1
E ‘1' 4/ ’i “Will“ » , M . w
E ’ 1 ,‘5 4K /" "5.: i illit- 1 -. \ (1:1;111fgzu/v' " l’()RTRAl] 1 950 p:
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1 1 1 /,r ’ /,/ I ‘ 13’,_1!11"111 1 .V'I 11\,1\1~\\ . \1 1 1" ’CE/,’ 1'3, 1,, , 1 (2,1
5 M 111111 ‘ 11‘ ~/, ’1' 1 *1 1,15.‘ ,\ . g1 1 1! Beautiful 8 x 10 Size ()IL PORTRAIT, 1"
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i E i i " 5...: M4 .\' ‘ . \“ \t - » '» 9,-72'1‘" ~;-.« Jill, p
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., 3 fl as ,. 1,. ~ 1,, his,   ,. SPENGLER STUDIO ,,
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E -i’. f T §ll xii”? I / \\ \ i \ R14 /1 L" '3 W111} 331:: Masie. Charge th
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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. October 20. 1972—5
LSU ranked 7th in nation
0 . ,
UK goes into Calun country ,
BM‘RKWWH The Conway Twnty and
Klrnelfitaff Vf'rliter Barga. “The fans really love against LSU and I'm looking J
UK { th II" J 'h John R' football and they appreciate a forward toa fine football game." LoreIIC Lynn Show
[ k" h9° Jd ecsojfown to [S‘Ily‘s good effort, even if you‘re the M
a es ls orc : ' , . ..
J. ‘ . ‘ , \lsltlng team. oct. 25 _ 8 P. J
11g” Stadium Saturday night to “I can‘twait to get down there" FAMOUS CRUTCHER
ninth: JtzfigeBJZygvuhafiggglt: 3,: added linebacker Frank INDIANAPOLIS $PORTS CENTER FRANKFORT J KY.
a 0 ) LeMaster. “it‘ll be uite an ex-
' as a rather interesting contest. pericnce." q ANTIQUE SHOW - J
0 . . ._ - ,
J J J team can supply that good effort State Fairgroun S “ J, . n W O TW i ft
units m the country as well as the but is considerably worried about 1500 E 38th (US 36) > . C O Y Y
Southeastern Conference S the de th of this vears LSU . we
second best defensive team. J p . J~ ‘J y 135 dealers _ :
J . b k B t squad. 'Ihe Tigers usually smt up J w} _. Q
Led by senior quarter ac If” as many as 150 players for their Not a “‘dlSh" show at J fix.” J J
Jones, the LSII Tigers have ro ed Saturday home games and are 4 Quality Controlled _ m _.. . - ~
through all five of their early and 5 men deep in early every EVERYTHING 3 J
season opponents by averaging 30 position. GUARANTEED . J
points a game while allowing but Adm $1 50 J »
“They're so deep,“ said Ray, DON'T MISS IT! J J. J .
“thatthey used 27 men on offense Loretta Lynn 3 , " . ‘ J
S orr in the first half against Auburn, JV J . J
and the game was still very ,2..,. ”vs!!! J
close." J .1 as. .
. . . Kentucky is not expected to J J
'10JJpomts per Sixty minutes of make any drastic changes for J . J ._ \-
achJon. T' r are currentl Saturday‘s game although Ben ”J: . .J ,
e lg? S . y Thomas will again be starting at ‘59"- J J, :3 J J
ranked 7th in the nation and few J . M 49ng J R0 G fl”
”6 erts" ive Kentuck much left cornerback in place of Jeff » O‘x y
fo h ncegon S atur da y Woodcock who has been moved to ’1'“: J gr?
0 gut: tile Cats alwa syseem to split end. The easy going » W. -
ive lSU a difficultytime. Last WOOdCOCk had "0 Complaints 3;: , J . ' A. ,_
sear Jin what Ray called his about being moved from "'3' 1 I; . . " ,~ . I v (If?
t ‘s “finest all around effort of defensive back to a position he Shown : 3";- J x3; 5 .. 5 é.» .
"clam: . .. LSU was a ain knows very little about. “I just actual size. ' v ,4 _.4 H
e dseason th tion‘s elitegbut like to play" he said. “And I The J ‘ 9/
rate dmmg “3 think I‘ll be allright when I get 1. J , - » or
were hard put to knock off the . .. J J O b B J M
Wildcats in a 17-14 thriller