xt71rn305j0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305j0t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1971 1971 1971-03-10 2020 true xt71rn305j0t section xt71rn305j0t . . ’ l ‘ .' ’
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B 7‘ . cf” a... 4;; ' . a v:: _‘ » ‘
_ - ram , sac; v’ T
A ° F H . e M... A r,- I
i glng un \ louser s a place where , a we... 2 . '-
I_ra( 5 room w it iguanas am s .1. .1 c... - a... , . . t .
t 11 st-cr azed in we become cann ihals M 1 t . . 7.; ’
"I, __ . i. "r". - . '
EDITOR'S NOTE: ~This is flooding is usually “ell act-om» Consequently, plug adapters ‘ j 1 .r'r~ ~
the third article ol a lounpart modated.but disturbing. (An au- mugt be used. .«I: . I -’; ._ - j -'
i ~ \
lationships with the Uniyci'gily | : I .‘ , : ii - has all electrical capai ii} \\ lilt‘li gas . :_ ..
‘ . . ~ .- Uld & ”MNUS-r cannot meet the needs oi Hilltli -‘ " i- ? "i ‘
TOdal'i 1?“ Old) bUIlfimil’hOU-W“ Other leaks oi the modernequipment. For this '4». V? “ " i
:iiiy-castttle‘iiigis (aidiggrg‘szgliiii: 0““? lIiuks ”CU”: throughout reason. some equipment that till!‘ it :I‘I‘I. '.
~ ' the building. For ”HUMP: m not be used is stored in the base» iv, ;- j..._. .
By WILLIE GATES III the llcrbariuiii a bright hliicplas— “M” l‘” lackot '4 “”HH‘H‘M WM” “ d ‘i':‘l"‘5.' «“1
andJANE BROWN ut- bucket catches in: wit-ix www-
The Funkhouser Building is steady dripping. ()therleakshaxe Water bath» ”1 "'H‘H‘ ””1““- Kiri.“ .‘ .
a massive. 33—year-old. solidly stained the walls in many rooms. hiul‘iu} ldlw can not be run to 1......“ ..I3:v‘:,' g2.» ’E‘s. , iii-is" V
constructed brick structure that "mother “mum: is H” ”M: lllli i apacity betauw they \i\t‘[‘ 3 .v'.‘ ' 3.13% "" iliiim‘li.m;&"keu “' it {4‘ i
. Mic“ mm”) ”H ltl‘tflwr‘ 1“” ty .L» l\\irli()lt‘ electricd mu’iv-t» ““ “Hy “l“i'i‘”! "i ‘m" i” . 4‘ l '- i ' “ m ' ‘
maintenance supplies. During 'l‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ -\notlier wit-rm iitionml tanlt 9: 'gfi‘ z 3 = = ,- I ‘5“:
the past few years. whencyer ——___————— "i ”W building H the ldi ls Hi all 3;“ - -; ”If“? I \i’ . i I , _ ‘ ‘. :31" '- i '
’ other departments were about Photo story, p_ 8 conditioning. Housed on the al- _. 2 ‘ 1““ 23 , :- . ‘ ’\ i
to throw out anything. or when _______.._____ HUN dungeon-like iiith and sixth ' g’ 337?: '7 ,1»? t“ - ‘ :
equipment meant for '4 “9“ build— which cannot directl) accoinnio— n‘m“ ”i ”It [Myer are assorted iiii’fii‘é- r :‘ff‘ ‘ 1‘ .‘ . i‘ in. ‘ ‘i
ing was in excess. it usually (latenewtypesoi‘elcctricaluiuip- “1255M ”NH“:ilk‘rllll5il'1‘l"ll“"' Leaks like this are common in Funkhouser ~\ pump liftih ilit -‘;. ‘1 3
ended up in Funkhouser. ment mum“. they are grounded. Continued on Page 3, Col. 1 basement (in during spring rains f -' -. .1‘.
Recently. however. what has ' i : jg. _.
been called a ”renovation" has t‘ .5
taken place. In most of the class- . . 0 2*" . f
rooms. this consisted oi the in- S tn 8 nts [e ’l l. 8( re 18 tr€1 t10 ’1 . “r. ‘ *2
stallation of new \enctian blinds / ”l I I ' 9 ‘,,'_‘
and overhead light tistures. in / It '
some places it es en meant the 0 o o f: ’:
alipli('atioii of a fresh coat of as l n ton Obby m a ‘ l [e g ll lt , r; ‘
paint. And many oi the old cir- ' I I . I y ' ’ '~ ' ' “ {1",
cuit breakers were converted in- . V .4311 ’ “i
to light switches. (But some of : _A new “ ashington—based paying out-of-state tuition. on ifniversity property in “MM \‘w are pr 23.1%,}: .zft»: ‘ . ‘
them still remain.) ““29!” lobby may file a class 'lhe five were 3150 asked if to register t0 “its by the l‘usette i : =::.'\ to! :31“ 1.“ "s
Usually the "renovation““i” :‘(it‘fm (Sim ;\lo"d"‘y against they were undergraduates and if (hie 0f the fi‘ 0‘ student body ”1““! ”7“” “”1”” ‘ ‘7‘“ 1" “ ~, ” Ill";
not that complete. In most in- L'iyettediounty on behalf offive they were married. \one of l’vreSident Ste"? :if’nfihh (Old ‘4 we can Lusi .i more Iiiir‘iii:fi“i‘~’ _7.: 1 :
stances, it meant the installation stu: ents who .‘f’e’e demed the group is married and all kernel reporter, It ‘ extremel} "its her“ thm 4" View“ ““3““ ' ‘7. '
of the left-overs. That's theback— fiefizsféggwdmrgffiggér to vote. are undergraduates. Idisappointing that they “ml t “V“ .. ‘.
ground of the new white tile in The lobby orgayiiued by Went to clerk et us work through the s} stem (‘ominued on p”... 7_ ( ”I: 3 g 1’ ..
Funkhouser 5 front lobby. . former presidential cabinet mem— After talking briefly with the " ~.
But these attempts at ”‘91” berJohn Gardner, is called ”Com secretaries who refused to register Gatps Pas t? r toss ' ; 3 1 ’I; C
tenanee do “0t 501"“ 50m“ 0‘ the mon Cause." The Common them. the students asked if they ' -/ 9 ” 1.1:", '
major problems of the old build- Cause Voting Rights project may could speak with the countyclerk . ‘v ‘1 . ’ f 6.
ing. The 311111111] spring basement file the suit for the students. and were given directions to his hats 1’1 56 rl'l r 4775.7: '1’” :
The students. who attempted office. Fayette (lounty (Ileék 8 Sift: I
to re 'ster 'I‘uesda 'at the Fa 'ette Charles Baesler told the woul - ' . *,- 4: IL: I.“
6I<€IltllClCiall9 in Coungiy courthousye, were deinied be registrants that according to :83 RON HAWKINS ‘l‘iic I\\ir new \i .2 i::.;.. .y,‘ I": ". T.‘ a",
_ __ . for a variety of reasons. a recent opinion ofstate:\ttomey iassistant Managing Editor \(; lit’plt‘\l“iiiitl,\r'\ \\ din i -ix ~ 1'. ’5? I :' .._
The 1969-10 Kentuckians have Steve Bright. Jane Brown. BiH Ceneral John B. Breckinn’dge.an l‘\\i> iilnii’ names \\"lt‘ tin km! and \i.ui\ i’ii\1t‘i i‘i: itliltii‘ us . '. , * ' =
afflVed- The 1969-10 yearbook LeVee, Dale Matthews and Mark undergraduate student must be on \i-stciday to an chrome.“ bring to .ti lt‘.i\i nigh‘ :' i 'i:;:: I . ‘ .
”W be ”“de up in Room 111 Faster were all refused registra- “totally financially indepen- Hi): 1N oi tdlitlitl.iit‘\ tor \Iiltlefiiif iu-i or stud» ii'\ \i t Lin; ‘1» , 7:2» ‘. 3... ' f"
”i ”I“ Journalism Building lmm tion because they were either dent" from his parents. paying l1 . Z , .
.I. .. tin-nto -« rid iv A 1‘ '. ‘ 4 i 1AA
' «il'lsi‘ iH‘ s: k s . '- ii: 'i :. w ‘I, it ~' V»
lg; I'M tins - tow,» ~ ' 1 ii" : , .
" ‘ \vn s"!?'>‘.\ ,rist: 7‘: - - . " '~ *
-. t . .
433, Si '. ~31 .. ('ontinui'd on Page 7_ i .i z i. . ‘. .’ '.
S“ :-::-.s.s.‘§:§‘i§i:.,5‘“‘s‘r° '1; ‘ -" if“ _ ‘ .‘ I‘ ‘ l"
. “pg“ : “k“ ,. , , ' - - ,, » - ' ' - ’ - , a» ’ , - - ¢ ’ 'i 3. ~. . .
' .7 . \\ cut b er :' ' I ,
I .~ ‘2»): Forecast for lesiugton and si .' ‘ . "
Vs --: ‘ .A ‘23, x (‘init y: Periods oi rain ending ‘ V V
. _: f » toda y. decreasing cloudiness and . - ‘
“ .. V " I colder tonight. S‘unm and mild '
. :_ f, Thursday. High temperature l()~ ‘_ ' . -‘
f ‘ 3- .5“; filg " . day 50, low tonight 3?. and high K t. - ' ‘:
W‘s i stair-”:5; S A ,t Thursday 50. Precipitation prob . ‘ . .
Kmteis one spot! where quiclmas and agility rather than strength often determine “bum“ 100: ”“2; today. 20 , ’ ‘
GOtCha who w'ln. Becky Suterlin, a sophomore karate student in black-belt holder Sin amurdldgm ' zero per-
Thc 3 class, adds some verbal emphasis as she matches her opponent’s attack with y. ‘
I I unintenttack of her own. (Kernel photo by Terry Williams) o’---~m------~-m ~ ‘

 ‘.’-—THE KENTl‘CKY KERNEL. \Vednesday. March l0. l97| __.
_‘ .
1* ord Foundation report
Colleges found “irrelevant” NEWS kEI'HEIS
. \ 'v )_.~ . . .
\II \ \SIIEIINT II().\I \Al) lhe rigidity in higher education, the and different types of institu- Fro," AP reports
l ixonI a iIiilnlI.strI£itlond has em- report found. tions." the task force said
iracel a ‘or( can ation re- - ° ' l' l ‘ ' ' ‘ ' - ' l
. - port contending students are I Illavent some students been , (Erodentlal laden . $3 DNI‘A. Australia—PrimeI.\llnister John Crey Cordon 90“
, I right when they say colleges sallng the Sil'lle,thlngs about I [he Il~ 0rd group headed by faced the toughest challenge of his political career Tuesday. car
I I I are irrelevant. t gut colletzes. There is aVery l' ranl} \eIwmaIn, assOCiate direc- Critics charged he is unfit to hold office and should resign. 1-)0
Secretary of Health Educa- su IS antia Icore of validity m tor 0 univerSIty, suggested the CortoiL 59. became prime minister iii January 1968 after th
. 7 t' t d \\ 1f 1‘. . . their anger, said Richardson TOOt problem forallhlghereduca- l' l“ " - ‘ ‘- ' ' ' bly
'0" an e are illiot 1.. lllch- who; d II B t' . h . . . lis pre( (LESSOI, Harold 1:. llolt, vanished while swunining
I , ardson called the report ”pro- 1*" be pre ecflssohn Obert ‘03 ‘S_ lle umVC‘T-‘lty and “5 instormy seas. Corton has been accusalof'ninning a one-man hel
. ' i vocative, controversial and in- me ‘ suggeste t e "3130"- "Selma ' aden faculty. show “Nd 0f ”Will-l t0 \Olldlfl' 1“ ' " ' l ' l .
I . ., -, . . . . I The modern academi '- . iis own position i) s lunting ti .
. nosatise and as Significant a ‘]h ‘t ,- h ’ . C uni 0” government ff "‘1‘ 'l l * " " ‘ ' ' ' L“
, . . . . . e W.“ em, Wm its mas— versit 'has like am t d o icia s \\ lo )ccamc potential riirlls lor tne
. statement on higher education give inertia reqigtg fiindam t 1 ‘- l I agne, rawn ”FPO“ you
. . aswe have seen." chan e . ll ~13 _ . en a all institutions towards its or- " ' Ulll-
- Recent reforms in curriculm mOdgzds,IIorarey eIlminate; 0511}- ganizational form until today WASHIVCTK ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ V0“
and goyeming powefi have left I . p grams‘ ignorest e - the same teaching method, the . i i )l\——'Ihe Senate Banking and (,urreilcy Com— A,
_ III I untouched a major problem of an“? need: Oid‘gtl‘de-nts' seldom same organization by disciplines, iiiitteeI Tuesday stood by its earlier approval of William J4 1;?
_ . ,7 isolation, forced conformity and gllflsalfirrlgqtl 5 llflilthnd: goals: and the same professional ac- Casey s nominatiouIto the Securities and Exchange Com— file
I K nevera voca es new ademic training for faculty are mission. The committee acted behind closed doors after a t
. I ll] . nearly universal," the report fiveI—hour open hearing in which Casey said some of his .(tlu
. l - ‘ la . l s- ' . l - 1 16
I 0 l l 531d. car icr testimony before the committee had been based on .
I . eba exp OSlveS use Problems obscured faulty recollections and in one place was wrong. l def]
I on u . g l()
. , The shortcomings of the . i . M. V e , 1 l u
. . academic university as a model PT. BLNNINC, (:11.-—rht‘ government and the defense :
111 y 611 “11116 blast for all other institutions have ended their testimony at Lt. William Calley Jr‘s court— : ‘
, been obscured by the dazzling martial Tuesday and the judge turned down a jury request l is T
. , .e H _ _ _ tovisitthefar—awa'"i ‘ f li‘ll) 1 ‘ -'
I . \\;\Slll\(,1()\ l-‘xl’l _ lhc 'or rol . .. . success of the best known ex ) scene 0 tie a cge( My Ilai massacre. 0"
. r em 14 . 4 .1 . ‘ . e
I, chance to saw a little money lion in 1969 (rafting thc legisla aml'l‘lfis’ it continued. Court-martial Judge (Mol. Reid Kennedy told the sis-mall (ien
“MI“ MT“ by a Bureau of Mines Wheeler said th: b . -. . . e study recommended new iiiilitary' panel Ithat My Lai has become heavily overgrown we
, lllllcial 'I‘uesdln as leading to havin dli‘fil- lt' II th' ureau 1.; lillstltutlons where students of Since Calley s infantry platoon stormed through it three years 001)
ti . l) U 30 ‘l'l . . . . , I ll . t“ 1” ”mg ant a 3295 are educated, With any ago, allegedly killing Vietnamese civilians as the\ advanced ‘
it Lt. Hill lillllt blast lll tralnlng lrlspcctors and 15 Stlll preference gomg to older ones- He all’l tl‘ h’ I ‘ l .
' llyden. Kv‘ that killed Sb men. 'l l > t d l , A b . - , h . . “ H C‘ “t t L IJurors have ”WIN photographs and ‘d be“
I\ _ , II I , I I a) t o o on y a out half of the w ere practical experience and sand—table mockup oi the village as it was then ‘lW‘l
. ' Al; ““I‘Stllll‘llKI’llI ’) tlIlt‘ bll' Jul) required under the legisla- “0t Classroom lectures is the l l ' ll ‘
lean las ( isc oset t lat un awful (jun primary teaching tool‘ where ' ' ( en
. . , . ' ‘ pro- W'ASlllNCT()V—S'- t' - f ti ‘1‘ v - ‘ ' '
' z ‘ . explosiies \\ ere used ill tliemilie. . . fessionalpractitionershave U81 ‘ ’ A ecre Jr? 0 “'3' reasury JOhH B. (,on- Dd“
' . . which is Upt'rated ll) lllt' l‘liiilt‘) , InsPeétors needed faculty footing With acatfgmic lldlllfl (If-”lured THCSday President x60” 5 economic Dona“ \‘liSi
I (Toal (lo. III ILutIIaddltlonal IniIspet-toi's, bi Ph.D.s and Where instruction is tlIrIIcIIIIeitible and can IbeIIchangul rapidly it inflation persicn find
4 ‘ Asked at a hearing before a ] .UHS; “'3‘ “on t so \e tlieprob— offered by television, Off campus I g. “t ltdr 5 “DJHMOH-Ut the CCOHme' um“
, . House labor sulx-omml‘ttee why an o mlllc iiICL‘ldt’lltS‘ I\Hleeler and in traditional classes. ‘ l] d m“? €011“)me “11th mummy” reporte” C(mmlly he“
. t all) one would use illegal explo- \)l:-lr(illi‘lililille:l an ”1811):“? I; posted Decentralization itiittightoi'llacus; ill]: Donnell] Iplaiis for th-C 1972 presidential
, . Wm m a min“ llenr‘, l’. Wheel l-ml I. ItIIl y 1;; tac lIU t re «1.000 It advocates decentralization he “Id . lin just sit lack and listen for a while.
. . cl; debut) dii'ectorol tllebuleau. [glintlt‘m Ill “duos" Of state 9011699 and university ll . 'l V' l l t ' l f l
. replied: . (( I iona "NWC ors are “I“ systems; formation of regional e sail l lson s pan 0 reorganize t ie e( eral government
, . “It's one!“ and cheaper, The guaranteetllat an operator wont examining universities whose ha? a “(Md chance 0‘ passage in Congress Hm year, but he l
’ idea is to saw a little mono). take this kind of a risk when sole function would be to test um doubt on the “ham“ 1‘” r““’““‘“~‘l"‘”‘l”t-’~~ \ll-Vlllh‘ llt’l ‘
. I . , I \\ hum. er “I“ responsible in this yl'e re not there. lfIlic wants to and grant degrees; and complete proposal. l
. . _ NW had (Immmh (MW it be- oadl} enough. \lheeler S‘dl(l.I overhaul of professional accred- ‘ t . ‘ _ 0
II t I lore and gotten away will. it W Hburt p 08}an director of itatioii 3290”.“ to encourage 39' SIAl(x()l\—South \letnameso troops in their drive into
.._..l..._.-_l.m.. ., he did it again. ()ill\ this time my Bureau ()1 Mm” Stud fed- prenticeship as an alternative 113.0" now hf“ 9 cut ”m“ major l’“““'l“'~‘ "l lllt‘ ”0 (:lll ,
. i’ I ' it t aused a disaster.” tidl inspectors visitul the Finley to 5313!?" 33311-3373 preparation \1rnh frail, Kenigma headquarters reported 'l‘uesda). US. air ' (‘on
_ . $0000 II IMmtthat “I’d“! ellllIlIl tilllcSélllr- How; have rained widespread destruction on enemy war anin
.37 .~ inc ing e nine mont s prece ing supp 165‘ ' l
r ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘N””"”'~’m""m ‘ klll( l
. . lllc l‘ lliley (lolll (Io. has been the CXpIOSlonI' 1 hey found "013' l l 2 live i
.‘ ‘ lined 3.30000 as .1 result of ll“. tions each time and had them l ' ' I‘ “‘llll
. . . 0 ll\ \lt‘ll t‘.\l)ll)_\ll)ll and the lllll‘t‘all (-ol'rt‘k‘lIul, 1-K said. 0“ one ()cca- l 855' le . t ”W t
' of \lines has ieleirul the use Wm “"ng H”. mine d"““ l l 6306 ‘t t 0 III (I t} l
I . I . t I. - I t I . boo'oo’m )t'
. I to the justice Department for for ”mu dfll 5' . ---,r-,,, S Pa Bay a] e a» recor
.I - , It possible prosecution undertheie llep. Carl D' l’erkiiis, l)-Ky., FOR RENT ”’0’-- 77 l Fare
. ' ‘ ccntl) passed (Trail \liiie Health chairman 0‘ the House l‘.duca- :iggifn’cfifoio’oofo"’~ at ABM . 2
x - ' . ml slam in. “on and Labor (bmmltlee. classifies-Vales; 6X an 8101] .
“lleeler llilll lllllt’l lllll't’tlll Ul Charged the frdcral inleTh)“ llllzi'tbl‘wgmld‘ifi’ll‘ilrcleh Inmledflalm 0C- 3 l 'l
. . . . , . y" ', ,. . . <. j “‘Y 1‘; “I >11 lt‘r am :11 now . , . ‘ . . I . - in!
Mm” ()llltldls “t“, called t)” QiIIiItIlIlIngailIIinIgI‘ to kltl) a close bum. ltllg;£W \MlSIIIbCTON lAI’)—l’resi- ABM Sites to protect L .8. Min- ‘ artu
I _ tmt; the subcommittee for ques— S . I It] L lu; oIliIt lt. mine. lle SIEBREEITfmlfIlISSERIL/‘E NOW—Apart— dent \i':on s blueprint for build- uteman missiles. And Nixon “1“)"
q . I “0mm: about the upphmmm ”t tInt Il Isias \I\l( c y rumored III] for {our “,ch \IVIIlIersgg‘siyoaItc01191515121: inIga generation ofpeacethrOUgh 21$de for a fourth site either at we t
. . _ t , the act t0 llie lsentucky disaster. 1e area, “lllgh boytlery ()ll hm IlIiItg-IrIssIIeésslon. Reduced summer “3605‘ IsItiffened free world alliance and “aShington. D-(:- 0T Warren L ,
p . ”W subcommittee play ed a ”up own congressional district, that Tm—_—— 9* 12‘? Vigorous negotiation from a pa Air Force Base, WY0.—Which men
- the mine was using illegal prac- Em? SEEDS)“15:87:.n’t‘1'cihgwgrlf sition 0f strength" was mapped WOllld protect the nuclear Com- an?"
d , tree-- M was ‘°‘§°P§'“”““day' 3““‘l..°{‘b ‘" C°‘°’ad° 3'” will
‘Boom holes’ ‘ - trategy of Realistic De- ma a, l e .—with the Presi- l
I. ' STEREO The explosion apparently was WWANTED (\errence, Sectretary 0f Defense dent deciding which, on the i very
. ' CONSOLE $ touched off when an attemptwas WANTED—Female r°°mmate ‘0 5h“ ‘ fell"! H'dLalird called it. basis Ofdanlls talks PTOZTCSS- hues
. l e ' v ' 4 .
75 . . . , -bedroom a artment. Call 278-8616 e sai t e 5"“ng 5 essen~ a" a so: anim
. made to dinamite more than 23:, 530 p ' ' ' '
. . . . 9M23 tial foundation 15 mai t ’ DISClOSt’d “Cd Ch' "KW
. I 100 .. . I I nenance "13 may
- , Just received 5 deluxe solid the niitlitorglcalholfs kdtrIealZIIWhei‘e Yrngng-emgartpe interested in go- of a Strong free world military haw? test-fired an inter- the h
l a stale nationally advertised at th <. l - 0:15 an mg “D break. Meals. aci$§ii§$§l2§s.sgl§$$ (Elmab‘l’ty t° Steer America 0" conhnenml ballistic miSSile sev' L;
I. ' ' stereo consoles in beautiful I e ”Titling . though fed- $333355 Skin dmng' can Jsomhm a prudent middle course be- eral thousand miles late last affec
~ ._ era regu 3 ions permit a maxi- _'_-_________lj tween two policy extremes year, which could make it a nu l '
l , , — - )llll(l
, - hand rubbed walnut finish. mum of 20 at one time. DO YOU have a nice men's leather world policeman 0' ' l clear threat in 1973 1th " '
I World renowned BSR turntable “People who have worked . coat «42-3 long) you would like to tionism .. new iso a- that threat t'll . ta oug air u
. _ ' 1n conve cash before break? Call ' S I IS no expect lab“
, and 4-speaker audio system that coal scene over the years H BOb' 266-0239. M10 The strategy is aimed at ex before 1974 or 1975 l
. , ' ‘ . . .. ’ W.,,, . ' .. ' every
l a . $75 each Monthl said Perkins tell th' ' pandlng re l U S ' Said th . d
I . y terms I me at if LOST AND room) p sen . . nuclear ere is evi ence ofa the 1
I I . _ a ’I
4 available. May be inspected at they see anyone preparing even LISTED is the propert o h d l deterrence to deterrence Of the- bilge new soth ICBM but beam
I , United Freight Sales 2123 a dozen boom holes they leave our lost and found Zectllon.mltem: fterlwar m EurIope or Asia and :ald til? Pentagon does "Ot llelt"
. , ‘ . ’ - " may beclaimed from th Ui it 008 wars 8 ' now i ' ' ' ‘
Oxford Circle (Cardinal Valley the mm?‘ 0‘ Kentucky Police Heagqugrleergs lryl as w ll uc as Ipdocmm' odlfi t Is a new miss“? or'a more
. . ShOpping Center) U S 60 L Perkins plans to question the Room 107. 395 Euclid Ave.. from 8:00 e by marshalling free In cation of the Soviet s gi- condi
I ington Mo S, l 9 I ex- Bureau of Mines officials at g‘rrl‘dalslvrlm 5'00 pm" mommy through world military power, Laird ant 559' l
. _ I .S n- at., a.m.-8 length Wednesday and will take 5&0:ka 19 gextbooks. notebooks, said, he told newsmen after the ’ Said the administration's "”351
. MM, 1-6. thesubmmmitteemflam Ky. assassins liars; at; $3353.30“? “Armed Services fwggtlmfinmllm “5°65 8°81 N
. for further hearin s Frida ’ l 53????" Jeweilry—mngs' wawhes l ee ea ng. s ' ml on men an women (M l“
_ . . . di - ' ' ‘ ‘
g Y men). Cglléigfl‘fiafi“ 83:3 5533; h' Laird mappeddtthe strategy in one I: miItlion llbelow Vietnam ”KT
menl; m re as-—18 (ladies and is annua eense st pea s t at wi cost on] 7 lllll"
COll . gentlemenl. lOMl [)0 “re ‘ Y per
‘ ‘ De ort t feTge S” Home Economics ,,_ _, 1 Statement on the $76 billion de- Cent of the Gross National able;
. p men 0 extiles, Clothing 8. Merchandising snvrcn {:30 budget] fcir 1235 fiscal year Pmd‘m- “l" i
W inning u y —_—_
. offers PIANO TUNING —— R bl l . ’ '
I I a . . . alli work&guaranteeffson1§ralen§d cgsy HF proposed limited CX- T K \
Fashion Merchandismg ofvl‘gf‘yzszag’é’lfs 1" New “1%-st 9“."530" 0f ‘he Safeguard anti' HE ENTUCKY KERNEL II
,, , . mlSSlle Isystem to ”enhance the 53? Kentucky Kernel, Untvemty ”“ll‘ '
' Euro ea n Sl d T Wm“ Chm“ '°' 3 ”-3" 50““ *"stoll"'§’$tv53‘y"48§os‘°’§?&k’a ‘1?"
- . ' - n c u
' p u y our TYPIST —— Experienced in Research arms control ageement-Whlle $01388? Illegal“ Lexington, Kentucky.
Rapier-s, Theses. resumes. etc.. top maintaining. a U'S- Option fOr 3°h°°l year exact; llvglelldgnddgling the
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_ ~———————————— system i t e arms talks are Published b \
. TYPING—— "Of 3’ the Board of Stud t
M ‘ ' — 3 credits undergraduate or graduate level — papers- theifilerrgtfieslnelcrlsllglfi s“°‘i’f’s§f"l‘ Pgmiog 3:}: P333“? 3%: ”a!" ”m“
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R C h TUTOIING :Razfin‘eegmigt gdetluatily con- tesgvaergdigs published herein is in- '1) “a"
I I °m° _ — . — MW e 0V et t feat e Clp the reader b . An lOOl'
open ‘99” Dublin LOfldO'I FRENCH TUTORING - European OUI’ retaliato ' to false M misleadlng advertisingyshouig ' '
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planned tours, and proleulonal vmts representing the fashion industry yea” exPel'lence- C811 353-10“ 10”" Will proceed in an orderly and PYeafly' by m“ - $0“ ‘\
_ W to CT coDy' from file. _ I‘JO ‘
Contacr Mrs. Charlotte Bennett ""0"“ “me” "me" “RN“ mm mm
* Three ABM ' Editor. Me i d v l
“M 3‘3 Home “0000‘“! "49- 250-4917 TODAY is the rim day of the rest Th 1972 M” Editorial p2: ngdiglrmr 2574755 e e
of your life. Happy birthday Lyle K. e minimum Program mute Editors. Sport.- . 257-1740 for w
and Jim 3. -—Mackle. M10 proposes construction of three Adv°m““" B‘m'm'v C‘m- 0f 3'
tlon........... 258-4646

 t aé e ‘ i 'I/ T. ' . " r ' y l
B ’ IST 4 {E RENTIVCKY KFRVF , 44 ‘ 'I- 'i .4 ‘
y WENDY L J_ 0 1 . ,[II “”1”“ l' . . I . ,
K 'WRICHT r “ d." “and. m i » . ' ‘ s
. emel Stafl' Wri grcss in 1964 a C . l)7|___~; .. 1_ .
I Are you reSPOnsi t9? ic OPPUrtu Illiiih-r the Econom. anCe Iv . .
' (‘Oncemed fOr 1v: to' and tenant k' mt) .At't‘ ‘5 "mm-(111; “>3“ (lulu-Hm ~~ 0 e 6‘ ' . ’-
Care abo ' 980p e. Do , ”Id“ ”t ro‘ -. - . ~~ the 123. ‘ ““ l‘Hllitl . , - ' .-
' Do y “t ”my and ra -y°‘3 "> Wally diff " if“ ”m“ i “"d‘9’M'ur-ukk 1”“ Visit . ., - ' . -
r . Ou reall ClSm: ) I v. .. erent ’inds ' 11M 0 that ‘ . I, ’JHSU 1(h1'1 ‘ x is “\1 . I . I1:
7 thmg signifizaillam to do 50me- ”t. M) 5 ()“llt'iber. 0t Deu— Ut‘ them Tm} mg DU“ Cr: Mn“ deal with urban “g LN} H‘ t" l’ , . ' . I
bly Sm ’ thOUgh ~_ A . ., “we “5mg ti . i ) Dm'erh Iv [Hohlmm illitl ”)H‘ ('l‘l‘tlln : 3 I J .'
all t p055] S a v 1 tin , It ( . . Mu . . \ . i . . . . .
1 h 1 ‘ 0 help 0th 0 unteer you . t ‘0 “Urk out 1 . "WW ,1 1 a ‘t-‘Pt'lts in I. M athi-p “-"- lump . ’ .
y e D themselves? er People sent to the inn“: . might be lips—whicl . tlt‘imwrilmng- ‘ I“ “Hunt-i. l() 1, 1 1 ”M‘mg V1511 \l'm‘“ u 1.2: 11, 1 "' '1 ,, .. :If‘ ' '_
» I A“ Of these att 'l OrganizC reCreation Clty to help VOlunteer 1‘ can I)" (“Silstrous and d‘“"” nun; (. ”Nut-gs“ wri- 1” "M” int i 1 ' k ‘ .
have them “lay Tl Mites, if you fihppalachia to makprograms, to dimming“ In this group \k't-r‘: to statixllmilt|11.ctl t5 ““1 (lt‘ntmt \1II1 r‘”“ ”,” 1I1I ‘I “I \ ; ' . . I
yom gut“ " . Contribute t e mounta' e sure that - Out at an ~ . - L Anoth. 1”" h "“ J Mn (-1- , ) h m" = 1‘ -r i'V—l- , I .
unteerg 5195; As a VISTA (V010 their fair slil‘akpeCOP-lehare getting rdtethut Year.“ dlanning VISTA I:rtI1n¢-\\- Wrinkh. in \chmHHIIHIIII'\ 1)III»tI inn,“ 1\ .1I .
' ‘ er'- ' W - ~ 0- -. 1 . -1i1,. ,1, .'. '-’","
Volunteer, Saysvge to America) ProgramsI Or even 1:0 h0t lunch ()1: the Uthcr 1 munity\v()1uIIt:I‘1I’“kItIi)toi (31,,” .tlfl‘l Hrlmn Allillild III‘:lliiuii;iJ l ' - ;' 1.
- reCmiting this: “avid ()"helber l'eSel'vatiOn to bUild priav? Indlan Dion- (>l(ler l)(‘()1)leld“1d‘ ma“y 1,111)ng lulu” l IrI‘ Becuust'thi- ”Ht (in-Mluh" Lllil); “kiln/11,11 . .I. 1 . . .
- ‘ ' ~‘ w. e.. ' . — . r. i “A; .. ' )‘v- . ~ ”tutu. " A . .
1 the OLO'fUnded 66 at UK tOr . Since VISTA b ‘ V/OllIlllteQr ,5 83-now ‘Ilt Oldest lllllnltles were 1)“ Iit 14.1! cm“ IIIII1itIIatmx. ““‘J‘Wdin/l: I. Hit . . ’. -. . .
> If you lack “ DFOgmm. But "5 enlph« egan in 1965 \I‘STA- One . _ ””9 With ”Htsitlcrs“i .- t“ ”Nile to . I“ ”'“W \IU ; 4 ”IL-h” V '
t Staym .. 4315, then 1 ~ Wif man, 15 I . . Ding 101 .1 \«lld 11 , - u. d\ “1111 , , . , . l .. ,- . , ,
I . Iqughness and flex“); power I by tl‘951(>gaii“a,1 'b JOrne out 0n e, 64. Used their hohbdnd h“ d new type of VISTA“ 1) them bring I‘; TCL‘rultiTI .‘lu-ll)t'(l i: :L' I 1'. .i
l me-s making up that lty—qu31_ 11-) VISTAH» hasy h‘f‘lycansflw k“ ettes’ to I'efich unde Y’.mari- W‘s L'rt’alted who zit-t 1"”lunicc, in am hm” “”"t‘ {ml 1.1“; itv‘ .3
1 definable w A. almost in- firstvoluit C dnged The ldSln Nashvul rpl'lVlleged from the u . Udlly corms & vim-m“) It}, ‘ 1m .I 1
{ you‘d bett 0rd maturity" ages of 11888” Were betWeenth ‘ e. “thr\' funmumty he Serves~ ”l W( t l l L “()1 ”WW ‘ .1 it. ' l ‘
i : . — t I .. x . , ' ‘ -- ) t“ ' A « '-
i er not clPPly. he s' ”d a h- 51nd 20, With t ,Anothef new , . lnsta (NI “Oll‘lndiam ‘ Derie ‘ , If ”"t trade n . a}. ' . 1 i
- i R . . d1 . andful 0111) VIST . cm )1- , t . "Lt, ‘ 1 . ~. tor “u “111 . ., I) «.x. I. . I i . _
. A eeruitmg now The initial 0‘ older V01llnteen l A 15 the We of Sple tIdles m assigned 15‘!“ Ollhelber ”are thin“ in th 1 INS“ 1,” 11m _ . .- ,I II .
‘ CCOrding t conu‘pt Of“ . " V0 Unteers w' h ‘ Cla lStS— [r 0 f€seryati ‘ l)‘ (A “Dr (Ln \‘titlt ‘ ' " W - V. I.‘
i is i - . 0 Onheiber , ty (16velo .. .‘Ommuni- v u m0re hi , ‘Ore- The I, ~. . ”“5 any ”1 ‘ )nlni . 4. ,
' our???“ 3‘13 Week at a $130 t00 vagugrtgesvto if.“ foulId to be 113:5? teCh"ical skills it]; tile. 310w militalgmltl; 3'“ WWW: ”Ti h ' I "J
“St 00 e V r " I arts ' 1e Ce . an tll ‘ ”)ug t} .- ~' I l I; . _'i I
c. i. r of the 5 New f , t. ,. graduat ._ H, and ti . , 6) had \ -1 A Me \\1.-. n.‘ ‘: a ._ -.
' I‘llte - tud a CV» 5d 5 ~ I t» tho . . le . K It] _ _lt 1 . 4 I. i, 1 I -. I I
~ We visrit (ism'demS at Campuigz are accepted t‘ofsfiglfiunde' 20 1": gfillmlfer‘liberalartnnzlgilrh gdmzed by pehplereftfr :0 be 0r" “"0 lYlSErUArWd ”W ‘11!) l tint; ~ ‘ i"
1 l _ ‘ O” t llaVe . . - l " becal . 1 > tle bac , l 5 race, “rh , 0 t lelf ()\I ‘ A ‘ It 18 t} . t. I 1-. .1. ' ' '
“pf‘lliln Of what \"Il§b'?kd-C()n' 1““ ngram, kborie 0f the the wayvihlenolyalld llll(lt’r$t‘dl‘l(ll lmrtum t“Pent-rite lL l“HM 1““ t 1]" ‘ "
OWeVET ” f - ils' Wl ' )' lve 1” a w; , “(.7 I learned V MN. ex” 3 .' - ‘f ‘ .'
bee“ rather Tilliphre, Isaldv ‘l've 9 llte people Cunt“ {} ”Mt “'11 Ill thmc ham” abm” ”’3’ i I? " ';
awareness .u d (”ed by the S r I. . K'H-r mnlil I - ) “1”“ Hum ] ‘ ‘
(lentg at UK‘ 1 concern of gt". a O mu: Ltl|}\\lit‘1(‘ 1.1%, 1 In, ‘- - ‘ r. -
I . .> ~Dal‘ticulul.- L B lZ I
anson to 011 , r l "‘ Com- y SUSAN C 7 n C ‘ . .
‘jisited. wt. ZTIOILI‘IHI‘1111Heswc‘w B Kemel Staffoxvrgl‘lEY The new 086 VOt I". ' L11"."!
bud $01110 Cfft‘t‘tii'e MI; able to 15 t y a bare majOrityerv consist of awfékmg body will . ‘ 1‘ 'I’ 1 ' III* ‘2 1
lummg those wen :filfimiem thegrio’ the meOSal to 3:: 0f Com'1‘ittee cad man fixecutive fgmmlttee 91“th bv th 1 ‘h ‘
Jere," ‘ ’ 'd 'H 11, Sent Organiz . nge in reg .‘ . '1 them 8, . Operate 1 . : 9 c ub 11 , .: ‘1. .
v , Work f . atlonal fra ~P0n51bility f qulldl re I. .. n Specific a A . _ - 0“ everI “.-1 v . ' If
\ ISTi O the \0 me- f0ur m ' ‘ I‘Om Whlch 1h SpOnSlblhty red“ (if 1.) t ”1 the Wt 1 .I . . i
i ‘ ~ illltluniztid 1 ‘ “'85 pa; ed . ung I)€m0C alOT Ofii - « . (3 "I ' ‘ 0 10. the , I ) 8 bt‘lng ~ 4 'I 1 ‘ - ‘ I
)y (A _ . *5 at Its . rats present ' (95 will he )u l a r I N um I . ~ ». . . . _ . ,
(in day mght, meeting Thurs- Will pre:?oer:te president giggle; lam)” EMT-Emseaotf‘ the reorgam_ mgeienelgfm Among “and. d1“ '. ‘ ' ' "fl.
. \ , A C . ‘ S , _ I r); 1 .. I; 1
1 The II monthlymeetin Lynn Mont ”‘9: preglflent Stltut' {bout the New 3 ItrtI, I‘I 1 -. . . ‘ . - V
; I] re “ill Lllfio b) . 25' m h gOmen-I is t 10nal (“Ea - . um- ., \x . ,1.» ' I
l Il (11011 l t '4 SIX-man p UCId of the PI’CSsure ofioftahe d \\ alter H 1 li‘IIZatmn I I, A -:‘ I ,
‘ 1’85] em" , O t --;rrm., H1 a . 1'
t S ‘ 8nd t e ellt Of fh 1‘ ' "~~ ‘lkt-l‘ ~.I _ I . ‘I . i
-- o m e I) I . . pr: ‘1. _ . ,
l €1_a S Club more effective ,, ake the ”Ilent after t 3. \dltl 111 a *1th 11 ._ .. 7 1 1
‘ , ‘ . e trl Speaking m , ' t’ionary l he meetlmZ >11 ( . ‘ I v. . I
f I I I 106 t- ‘ 6 Off the Young‘l):m113rize number abu