xt71rn305g8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305g8d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1992 Vol.63 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 1992 Vol.63 No.2 1992 1992 2019 true xt71rn305g8d section xt71rn305g8d ' . “ O VH5]; 43;
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. Q£f1c1alPub11cat10n of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 63, No. 2 - February 1992
H h l'”'tr”ht’ h l—————]
urra 4f 01‘ wrl e 4 S, p 0 Ograp ers- @enemfl [Execs/llamas
Papers in Warsaw, Springfield, Lebanon, Bardstown, Corbin, Hende’rSoniLexington are tops ———————
By Pam Shingler ~ Lebanon Enterprise, The Kentucky Stan- prizes and one third place. _ .
Press Editor . ' dard "in BardStown, The Times—Tribune ' ‘ Warnick topped theWeekly Class Gannon" County News
The state’s outstanding writers , in Corbin, The Cleaner in Henderson , , 1 entries with number one honors for Clean County News
and photographers were the center- and the Lexington Herald-Leader. . editorial, one—subject column, general Central CW Tlmes-Argus
piece ofthe awards banduet during The distinctiOn of winning the - news story, on-going/extendedc'ov- W
KPA’s mid-winter convention in most first place awards is shared by 'eragestory,newspictureessay,feature ‘ Springfield Sun
Frankfort. ’ Kelley Warnick, editor of the Gallatin picture and feature picture essay. Georgetown Graphic
In addition to earning personal County News, and 'Ninie Glasscock, Warnick also took home three second Clay Clty Tlmes ,
citations, their work garnered General SpringfieldSun editor. ' T place awards and one third place. W111 4
Excellence awards for Gallatin County Glasswckplacedatthetopamong Among the larger papers with Lebanon Enterprise
News inWarsaw, Springfield Sun, WeeklyClassHentrantsinthecatego- morespecialized StaffsiHerbBrOCkof5 Anderson News.
————’—‘—‘—“‘—"— ries of feature story, one-subject col- the Advocate-Messenger in Danville Whitley Republican
“ 1 _ “m“: variety-of—subjects column, 0‘" won three first lace awards for his MIME—Ml!
NIB Week, March 2 6 going/extended coverage story, gen- 5 .writing, and Charles Bertram of the The Kentucky Standard
. w 2 eral news Flame and “SW? picture f' “Lexingtoanerald-Leader earned three The Sentinel-News
5 a - . .. , ._ .ssaySheaWnflgeesPe Seem Meme metalxenmcmowwoumm
“ . gfim " " ““““‘“'“r;,_ ’ ’ 4:.-:4 ” 45:35.- iftfi‘ ' ‘ CorbinTlmes-Tribune
9.4 '5”- ~4fi§§§ .44.. 37?“ ‘ if? Middlesboro Daily News
WE1_;£3 I M A”: 1““ ““ “‘ 3?? LW 5“ .1 ‘ m 5 2. Hana" 00'” “19’9"”
W Tr" ' V9.2”? 5' .5:ny 4:55;: $2.» ”7’” as“: Missal!
5 . In celebration Of Columbus dis- 1 v’r 4:. ,., 2.3.4 [5423 g“ “Vt/M Eéfl ' .2 The Gleaner -
covering the new world 500 years . 3 (’3; :54?! _, V - M .f 93 “4.4.: m ‘ ( The Advocate-Messenger
ago, "Exploring Your World With}. 36 '4 5.4 5.3.“. {WW {iffy r—rr ‘ _. 5 4 ' . The News-Enterprise
Newspapers" will be the theme for 1.2-.“ _ :1, 2 ~=' " , ;.‘\ j, .5 ma}: . EMBLEM
. Newspaper In Education Week, W5. 5' 3"3521'3'24 5 “5”7'!"R§“*“’*35 .1 ' “‘“s 2‘ i Lexington Heratdieader
5- 5 "5w 42.1; =5 ‘ t ”x? 5 ' .5225: 4.5.. «e ’
March 2-6- 4” [‘5’ : “f 4 5 255 .1 w" 1! The Kentucky Post
. ,4 .. ,, 4 ‘2: , ., 4x . .
NIE Week will celebrate theuse . 4.. .J flu 4 i ‘1, ‘ 5" , ., 5' «M the Messenger-lnqulrer
of newspapers in theclassroomsince \ “3133:":4 -"j “ 3% § .2557 5 ’ 5m\ 5'5 \ . ‘t'... m‘ . '
1930. The NIE program gives teach- “’51:“, ' " f : ‘gfia‘t‘i 1 $4 '4’ 35“ ?:‘”5r‘".l 1
ers an opportunity to apply what is “flmw/ . 5 7 ' 5"“ ’3 "1"“ “ , . .. 4.4
bein learned ithe r da racti- 21”?" 1 / 5- . “ r” 25' '4‘ ' FL. , 5 1 ” “113:“
g W Ve y er r, 4, r ,3 .43 V « .\ 5. .' ,, 2 . 314 WM“ .5 .mgm§: .
cal experience. _ 2 ::4»\ L, 5\....~, -’ \ ‘ 5;”, r 1- . -f5 ‘N
The Lexington Herald-Leader, m ' 1W. I r: _ " W 1 .95 5s " “ 45:
however, will observe NIE week 45,,“ 7 .Lr‘miar'rérlr . .‘\ 5‘: it . 4 ~41” 4 ,
March 9-13, a week later than the “193:: 5 / "1‘: ..:~.“~I,;,,Q'5~5? /, 5 555 ~ 9, :. w
nat1onal observance,bypr1ntmgtW0 4 4, K . Eh” .. 43 5 .45 5.. 45mg:
" tabloid sectionscenteredarounleE. ‘ ,x ”/55 ‘ “4:5 ‘ ' A ’ 4
Sylvia Smith, who is in charge of the L. " [44“ “W" a “ 5 ,4 ‘ " “43: ’
program, said the paper will also ‘ ‘“ 3,95%!“ .:4 “C _ - : . 4 - 43% .44
sponsor wOrkshops and events for . 5:24 4““ '5‘? . «533‘ _ 44-, . 4 f5;
teachers: .4 4. 4 - 4,42. :3. ' 4.2:: 5 . = . . 4 - @542
Teacher's guides for NIE Week . “ “7;,“ j ”9:225 ., ‘5 :2 _4~t ' .. 5‘5;
are available from the International 4. “$123!! “$44,; 4" its .2.» “mags 5 , 1 3,5 ti, ‘ ‘3 ‘5’ 5’: .5
Reading Association, anNIE sponsor 2 ”12%;? V I , 55'1“ “5 .1.- “ 5 '
PublishersAssoc1atronFoundat10n, ., r: w: 4 5152;, _ is _,g:_ ~ . . 4
The guide gives suggestions on “ <5 ,4 5‘ T .- Mary Sd‘m' Publisher 05 The Ad-
, , , , 49:155’5”.’-i'>“r2§:“ , a “2‘1““? _ . vacate-MessengerinDanville,moved
usmg the newspaper in class, along _ 5 5 t * 5 5 to the forefront takin officeasKPA's
With lessons on exploring the news- 5 1 Blue Ribbons! all 1992 president'at thegend of the win- 1 '
paper, 13601318, iSSUES, community re- WinnersoftheKPA's1991FallContestarefeaturedinthisconventionedition terconvention Dispensin with re-
sources,theenvironment,and thearts. of The Kentucky Press. And here'sanapprop‘riate example. Kelley Warnick pared notes she sim 1 acgce tedpthe 9
To order, can IRA at 302/731-1600, . of Gallatin CountyNews shota winneranywayyou look atit.This photowas gavel said 'I'Thanks‘?a¥id ad?ourned
ext. 266- part of his first place award for Feature Picture Essay, Weekly Class I. the cdnvention. - l

 Page 2, The Kentucky Press, February 1992 ~ 3
V . ' V >
. 3433 t ‘ . .. . 1992 °"'°°rs
' ’ ”3%? ' , 3? i 34:: - President
_ g5; Agggréfgg’éf .3; . ‘3 ’1‘ g i. e. , ., ' $2“: ”Z; 2 Mary SChUI’Z
' 3e , ‘ -. We‘re Danville Advocate-Messenger
- 3e’f’er V ,, >
Leadersmp, e w LA are . President-Erect
. '92 : £2 . N 1 ' UM Jerry Lyies, Benton Tribune-Courier
. . t r , t f , ‘r is Past President
1992 officers of KPA r 3:" -- -~ .1433 Celia McDonald
were mstalled durmg 3 15"“: ~ mfggggefizeeee
, the wmter conventlon's , :3 gagggé. 3;; gr; gfié ' Steve Lowery, The Kentucky Standard
annual Changmg of 3 3 4 “23:3 £33m“; it" t’ W; Treasurer '
the Guard luncheon... ‘ ‘3‘” W x , 3 i , . .. t“ . re. _ D°'°”‘Y Abernathyr O’dha’" E’a
- , , v r = , 3e} 63 ‘3 $3 0 ‘ _ Board of Directors
' They are; CIOCkWISe f ' ‘ «it .3 $373 re ’ Districti '
from left, treasurer ’ ‘ “$3361; ' ' _ ”a”??? ‘ ';~‘ ‘: g 2‘ w - William Mitchell, Fulton Leader
Dorothy Abernathy, $235261“; We“ 3, N ' at? Dist"?! 2 3
.' . : $43;ng _ $§~§et fir 3a,); , Jed DIllIngham
. The Oldham Era, , 3 y '. 335:3? fl " efiyéfi} 333:“ ‘ 134‘? 5 Dawson Springs Progress
preSIdent-elect Jerry ‘ $5 $3: 6333‘ v- , . DlstrlctS
. ' Lyles, Benton Tnbune- , 33: ' e32 § ~ 3‘: . M 353;?“ Mam” C°‘”’”’ News
Courier, .Vlce PreSIdent J ’fi -:’¢iff:5;';v;3f ‘ 35%,: _ ”if: Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite
Steve Lowery, The ‘ ' . 1135333 . 93$ ' . 3333 District 5
‘ Kentucky Standard; ta: ‘ ' - ‘ 3 3 C9'ema" L°Ve .
. . ‘ We . .» Elizabethtown News Enterprise
past pres1dent Cella t , - Districts
McDonald, Harlan a :1 3 , @fii r ' Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era
' '1- ' ‘V‘i‘ ' k '53: ‘ ~ '1" 5'43" '5‘: t, s. h
at y 113117 I 7' ' . :f 3 , 35% . 4.3%}: Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News
preSIdent Mary Schlitz, rt‘ 1 , v t r ‘33.“ "W District 8-9
DanvilleAd-uocate- . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Ken Metz, Bath County News-Outlook
Messen er. ., — ‘ _ DIstrlct10-11 ‘
g . 3 V ._ Marty Backus
2 . , . Appalachian News-Express
District 12
' , ’ Louise Hatmaker
a . 3! ”r i .34. 3‘: , ragga; were, . a. Jackson Times/BeattyiriiieEnterprise
' . ." ' 5- District13“T -. ' ‘
.; . . _ 3 .. _ l , ‘ V. 3 _ , y 7 Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise
, _‘ 3 _ .9 > ' ’ 3 District 14 _ .
5551' Al. ‘ W. ' Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week
boa‘dOfd‘recwrsmxmee‘S5°Cia‘eSDlmerherY‘WflChe’ 35:1,; 3 ,9 .: " Merv Aubespin, Courier-Journal
Ma’tYBaCRusPubhsm’OftheadvahsmgmahagerettheCMWI f r t “s Camiila BOX» Union County Advocate
APP“’“"‘”‘“"N“"5E"P"55mmeCkymwsmmfl1“ /—~ g 3 . Gene C'ebee. Recorder Newspapers
1 eve,eacesoanom swe,eamevere - '7 e I .' 3;"; . 0 n e ano ’
rendenrnAshrandcnhnuesasanonrepresentatwe ere 3"“ 113929:- n H n
serearrargeappomeeNewtoflreexecunvecomnuttee .3 ‘ Az'izngma 3333573,. “m" M
theirnew‘~"’*"1t‘“‘”‘“ge”“3““15‘Steve133‘1’916’Publieh‘?’“The 3 e i Cheryl wricsijrer
bersarecamuaBmgema’mKenmkysiandardea'dstewn . w " 1 Central Kentucky Newsdournal
. “89”meunwncounmmwwemWhoW33€h°senKPAVicePfesldem « ’ News-Editorial Division -
“Mme“‘amemmmmlm“‘ECWC‘W'M:““W’ePwsems -- 1' Landmark Community Newspapers KPA/Kps oemrar omce
- mu‘fvmefi{Bdegfiwfitrgfigemgcyflggeld . Inc. inShelbyviil'e, waschOsen winner oavrq r. Thompson,_ Executive Director
, Huggefggbfilggseagoggfi’grfuleewermnwrme . of the 1991 Edwards M. Templrn Me 51333;; H°ggrgkkeef§eges§g§g§gerg 3ng
lnwmei ‘ ' "r . 'n n; ue
=iiéiiiiiiiéiéiéiziiEzigisiéEEiéiiiéii3§€i§§:z:§€§5i§555iiiiiiéiéif???iééééiiéééiiiéiéiéiéiéfiiéiéiéiiis'fiiiEEEéiiééiéiéiiEééiiiEiEiEiiiiéiéiéiéEéiiEiiii§5§E§355$5E:éiEiééiiéiéééiéEéiiééEéiiéféEiiéii$3232???EEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEiéiéiéiiéfiiii555355325Eiii?ifiéiaiiEs352525Eiii'zizisiéiéSsiééeEsEéEziésiiisféiéEiéiéézée§3§3§£§2§3§2§Eé2§3' -- morfal AW"? Presented dunng Cammack. Secretary. Advertising: Gioria
. .. , ‘- t ' ’ ~- rKPA.5convmtlonawardSbmquetrthe Davis, Director; Reba Lewis. Administrative
3 » , " " award iss nsored b the Lexin ton Assistant. News Bureau/The Kentucky
. . P0 Y 8'
. ‘ Heraldelgader foranewsperson's con— was: [Flam 53:?9'7'»Di'secmlr/Edig'ifin]
. 3 > - . r . e , n ern. pp ng erv ce: ac e
_ fl word 01 fldlvlce ‘ ' . - ‘ Egzfirfiegaggsfiifimgggiofi McCarty,Coordinator;KimCox,LindaSlemp.
" Enie‘r KPA's 1992 Advertising Centest. ' ' ‘ . . Ma‘VNeWS Re'ease Se"'°°=. ”an.” Perm"
- r v . 1 , . . , . h K i
1 .Send KPAyourtbest ads between Jan. i-D’ec. 31.- i99i~ . -' we“? Heat” .a pas? p’?5‘de“t °f . T e eimfkyp'ess "SSWWMWWMSW "Why
1 _ , . . 3 KP A ls active not 0111 m his comm ends 0 dclass postage paidai Frankiort. Kentucky 40601.
Deadline: Valentine's Day! Feb. 14 ‘ ' 3 . ’ . Y _ andadditionalmailingotfices.5ubscriptionpriceis$4peryear.
. . , . .. V . , 1 ‘ . . mty, but also in KPA and the National Postmaster: Send change 01 addresstoThe Kentucky Press.
. _ _. ‘_ ‘ . ‘ ' Newspaper Association. 101 Consumer Lane, Frarikioit KY 40601 (502) 223-8821.

 ' ‘ February 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 3
Thmk local, experts tell KPA conveners Information
B Ron Brid eman ‘ '
leisamine him, boxes, sidebars and graphics. She ad- \IBroaden yourdefinition ofnews; central
&: Pam Shingler, The Kentucky Press vised that many times stories should cover every neighborhood._ _ ' .
”All the really big news is local,” stop at a transition point, with related ‘tCOVBfI local SUCCESS stories and ‘ GOV‘ 3 press alde wants
said a Scripps Howard executive to a material presented as sidebars, offer- heroes. one source Of state info .
packed room of newspaper leaders in ing more shortstories played together. - \IEncourage PUbliC discussion on B All n Blair ‘
a Friday morning KPA convention Citing the Poynter study, the nIeIWS pages 0f issues important to .' Pilaskei Week ‘
program. presenters said that readers ”process” Citizens. ' “ T F nk A hl
For that reason, Editorial Services three-fourths of all artwork on a page \IPromote community participa- ‘ wenty years ago, ra S CIY
Vice President Susan Miller said, edi-' and half of the headlines and ads. ' tiOfl- ’ ,V I " ' gas, adcflunelhlouma}: reportelrI 1n
tors should tryto findalocaltie—in. ' They also look at two-thirds of the VPut "context” and ”perspective” , t alazatrs ‘ 51“” the “5!: :lfiugna ‘5’.“
The newsbusiness confronts ahost brief boxes. - , high up in stories. . - ‘ t G o? 3112;: 1022:} :25: 5:53? as
gfmoralandethicalissuesthatneed to Readership,Millersaid,is highest ‘t' IVReduIce the length of routine Ashley spoke atpKPA’s winrtir
e addressed on news pages, Miller for news stOries and least for s ’ rts: s ones. ' < ' ,~ ' ' '
said. ”Readers believe we confer sta— 5 ' _ - , - p0 ' . wIKeep briefs to a sentence or two. convention 1n 13”.“ka on some 0f -
tus on news and withhold status by 1 II Among other desrgn pomts, the I . i \lEmpha‘size..in divi duals over the goals hehas setforhis tenureas the
not covering some stories ”she said. study showed ..th.e larger the photo '-gr5“PS- ‘7 t l t ' . ' state’s “‘1er one press OffiFlal'
. Miller and Scripps Howard the more likely it is to’be processed; I. _..-.tt;s:::=:s:s=«:§ {figff’éfflf'f’fafixf . .. I Speaking to about 50 editors and
graphics director Randy Cochran ' readers eIrIiterap age at theIdorrunant .' figfikgfigffif’figédfiifl -» reporters, Ashley ,Said (”Fe Of his big'
_ , ” interestp0int,'notnecessar1ly the top . :ogjlég/figyz’uftj‘ffgiégfirwl ] . gest goals is to centralize the releasing
”People want good news stories otlnt blocks enhance but don t guar- ._ wlnfarf“%§%fifiofi% ' ‘- ,
.' Iput (thebig bosses’) memos 1n EKEAEfiaggfi‘gggfifiéfi? 1-5 ‘ 44 -, 4 4 2, ,
- ‘ the top rack (of a desk shelf). If I had .. ,xflélzz’si’fifiwgtr‘t‘fwfiafitfié , ,;,,_*1"»~:, » ”a. 4
not heard about them in two weeks-,1 g:1*:fif§$flg§%féfi&fffifi9 ‘ "34 I ‘ - 2 5‘4 ' ' 2 ‘ n
2 . , 222525;;- .::t2~ ,2: -'521§‘.4§13:5:f/;,,xf’ ti‘éfii‘éfi“ . ‘ ~ .’ .‘ ~
4 ing the legiélature), I’d be meaner.” ' V fgnvaanV/JM‘ t i5;§:3,?:§x . \ é’ , .‘ .‘ .‘ .
lsafgufijeofle’ fopls' gutters,“ Ejaxisé £V$f6,”‘ Here's the way 1t rs
rules on [it 4554:1138: (tieCOVEESrin t: y,,,>44;, . ' Russ Metz, fight! Bath County News-Outlook, obvrously has the ear Of 1115
first:22-22223:5235232223242;25::5s:3:as=:3:::é.’:2?,£2::’:‘5"3:éstiiaiisiziaiésiéssiaifiés35:32:22222555252 - » _ 4 4 4
1e islatuEeP” pp y g e °°‘ legislatorl State ReP- Adrian Am, old, dunng the LEglslatlve Recaption,
g . _ . - Thursday evening of KPA's winter convention.

 , A ~ February 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 5
. -. :j‘fi‘i A; t ~ A A ~ " A A A A , 9:1. . 2., I A -.
z: I. i. " 1.355 ; =- _ ,. ' ._ ,. ' : 2, ”I? I.‘...I‘ .2 ~. . ' f»:- II , A.
, Wfii—‘Qgggggi .A , r if; {33. , II II .
- in». Wim‘ . a . '
fiAx/ff . A: ,_ I , , L: .
? *fivgg . ~ g i. . .
arse .. ~- 4 . ~ . _ .
, - “ 3 * -~ is ‘ -~ 3%“. w. - .. .5 l.
. ,‘ . .,,._= . i .t ,, 55"" _ ”W .
i , ~ . .. §3IIItxs , .1 I . > , », . . I I,
' P 'd‘ t' l -- k ~_ , -. -~ ' A A ' " FOI AAward winner ~

. “AS: 811.1“. '77,“: . - A. ,A State Rep. Albert Jones extends a hand to a well-wisher following a KPA ‘
Celia McDonald had the formula for putting a smile on Davrd Hawpe 5 face. convention luncheon where he was presented the BarryBingham Freedom of
McDonald, ”-91 KEAA p reSIdent, “We“ Hawpe With the Mo“ Valuable InformationAward.The Paducah attomeyhas beenanouispoken proponent
MemberAward during KPA's convention awards banquet. Hawpe,editor of of governmental openness. Past winners of the award include Jo-Ann
The Courier-Journal, was presrdent in 1990‘ McDonald, now immediate past Alb ers, Western Kentucky University, 1988;John Munford Sr., Union County

presrdent, publishes the Harlan Daily Enterprise. . _ Advocate, 1987, and Barry Bingham Sr., The Courier-Journal, 1986. '
A -’ A v ‘r.« ,I‘ .. .. . ...-..-'. »
______g_Food for thou ht A A A A A A AA A AAAAAAA’ A ‘A A ,A AA figayl‘m‘w“ sum». ‘fli*-“~" a.w“~:‘£;“?3.§x .gfififiéér
G on em or addresses conv en ti on luncheon , Wire’s!
~ . eenvenneneeverage
BY Fran Ellers , - - , . .
The Courier-Journal ' 4 ‘ ' ‘- ‘ -. ‘ ° - ‘ , _ _ .
. Gov. BreretonJonessaidhewould A. such a change in House Bill 149, pro- budget, which he will present to the ties. Health and social services, plus ,
support changing a ‘proposal to re; _ posed by state Rep. Ernesto Scorsone. legislature Feb. 6. , . education reform costs, are eating up .
structure state university boards to Jones told the press association Jones said the problem is priori- the budget. But Jones said he is also
require that up to half of the current ' that even though there are good b'oard ‘ ‘ . determined to "create jobs,” particu-
' board members be reappointed. members now serving, there are also - , ... .....A. . larly because of the depressed
The governor told KPA members some who got the jobs for the wrong 5%. \gges XII; economy.
ataconvention luncheon that he had reasons. Under 1115 proposal, Jones §§§ Nit tag. \§3.AA‘§ After his speech, Jones gave an _
‘ intended to keep some of the board would pick from three candidates. , i3? a geek. § Maker example of how' he might create jobs,
members anyway and would support The governor also discussed the ' gee It {Sim‘tie “‘3‘: by following through onaproposal to '
m 3. use... ‘ sell $100 million in bonds to renovate
r ’ r ’ ' ‘ . . » . . .3... stein. the state parks system. -
88 035” 53 a S _ 3 ‘ a“. teh:§e.§r. ewgig“ Jones also indicated that some
By Gloria Davis A . . inns gash wt 3§§§§§§ changes may be coming in how the
KPS Ad Director dealing with adVertisers: ’A’ AA A g §§Ajfi§§ state {Pn‘isfiemces to the poor,say1ng .
A , ' ' - - ' ' " - : tiniest thatpriorities need tobeset. The needs

Larry Bartscher s seminar title 'QUIZ advertisers on thelr'bUSI‘ - . News . ,, . . .

' ‘ " A A d d A ‘ ‘ K ' A ,fi§:3 range from low quality of life for 82-
provrdedaclearcluetolusphilosophy: ness an nee s. _ .36 .. ear-olds to low ualit of life for
"The meek may inherit the earth, but iUncover what the customer __ 3.. 3., y . 51 Y_

' " ' ' ' v V , ‘g'WAA , pregnant women, he said. But the
they 11 never survwe in this market. _ wants. . . . . net .I statemuststartmakin hard decisions

The Nebraskan preached aggres'. .UXIite effOrts for a media-mix. A. 3??“ t ,. . about WhiCh is moreg im rtant he
sive selling to members of KPA’s Ad- ' OUse the informatiOn you find. _ _ said , P0 ,
vertising Division during the Winter ilnitiate new plans and ideas. , I ‘ . _. _ _ . ..
convention in Frankfort last month; ' OInform advertisers of your 2 ., The Constitution does not solve our

”OurjobistomakethecustomEr’s Paper’ 5 benefits. _ j‘ . . ' ' problems.Itgivespeople fr eedoman d
cash register ring, not just Sell lineage ' -Inject enthus1asm. , > 3 I , . opportunity to solve their own prob-
for papers,” said Bartscher, publisher - - The ever present sales kit, . - I lems;AIt gives representatives of the
of the Norfolk (Neb.) News and ad- Bartschersaid, should include’I‘a copy ‘ _ people authority to help solve prob—
vertising consultant. , , of your most recent newspaper, *all, . - .. lems; It provides an executive to en- .

”Newspapers’shareofthemarket rate cards with local, national, classr- . . I. , I . , » , _ force the laws and administer the
is dwindling and it’s up tous to tumit tied and color charges, *c1rcu1ation ‘. . f . _ , _ '-: government; It provides a judicial
around," he said. I . . inforpiationghip clode breiIikdowcp of Gov. Brereton Jones, speaking at the, . branch to say what the law means;

Bartscher outlined ways to build circu ation, ca cu ator, rIu er, re uc- Friday luncheon ofKPA's winter _ From there onIit is up to the people.—
revenue , and increase lineage, when tion wheel and other de51gn tools. convention. Chief Justice Warren Burger

 Page 6, The Kentucky Press, February 1992 . I .
, . . Churches don t need new tax exemptmns
' ring/g, 10““ Lucas! 0'"me P'e“ empt status to all churclmwned prepertieS- taxes this yeah” .

' ”"’5’f.g’~r”.%.;;,/?&e§/fjx Best Editorial, Weekly Class II ' Specifically what they’re talking about is Aside from that discussion of principle, a
””i!"’5jm{7’e It has taken a pocketbook issue like taxes to brin gin gincome—producing properties—rental practical considera tion about the amendment is
/’l’/’5’~’9’tt final] unite the Ba fists and Catholics. Both real estate, church-owned businesses and stock the ible roliferation of dumm churches
x‘ f’,’ pulpits vigorously support adoption of an and bond portfolios ’— under the tax-free ume for tax avoidance purposes. This businessmi ght
Cf e amendment to the Kentucky Constitution to teeth. - wen become a "church." We serve a pubic
gig/5;, broaden the tax exempt status of churches. Our contention is that when a church purpose. We havea meetinghouse, andthrough
(“Vt/f” That will be Constitutional Amendment ’. chooses to enter the business world, it’s there our subscription list, we have a membership.
anuck No.4 on the Nov..6 ballot. -- like the rest of us. It doesn't need an unfair We could become a church to have our real
, ' We think it’sa bad idea and are appalled at 7 ’ competitive advantage of being able to sel