xt71rn305f9f_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305f9f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305f9f/data/2015ms048.dao.xml unknown 3.5 Cubic Feet 10 boxes archival material 2015ms048 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Madge E. Smith collection of Mary Ledford letters Correspondence. Farm life -- Appalachian Region 1956 January 2-1956 November 24 text 1956 January 2-1956 November 24 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn305f9f/data/2015ms048/Box_6/Volume_11/17498.pdf 1956 January 2-1956 November 24 1956 1956 January 2-1956 November 24 section false xt71rn305f9f_11 xt71rn305f9f &w ”)2, A4. /f 9N4

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y t
‘ i
' Tuesday P.M.
fill Jan.3 856. ‘
, My Sons: I
We have thought of you so much this morning anl as we hafl ‘
Ala our breakfast we knew you had gone to work if all was well an? !,
”' that “ac. would soon be at his job° l
‘fi~; We went at the regular work as usual with a washer loal I
-‘ clothes to wash while 1 fed the hens then I has two more washers ful 1
w'\ guess you wonder where the dirty clothes came from , but I washei £1
'“7fi some sheets anfl a table linen plus other things . 1:
y_g Then l went to work in the lanflury 50 you wonier what I
did . I should not tell you so you would be surprisei when you get
home again but 1 will for there would be so little to write you if .
I didnt tell you all we do from day to flay, I moved one cabbinett 1
fly into the landury placed it to the right of the range anl fillei it
2» up mostly of the ice box tins that is the ieep freezer cans, an?
when I got that done I had room for all the canned fooi that was on v > ‘
g the old walnut book case anfi I moved it into the bed room in the spae ;
>«¢* by the stairway closet , was afraid to discard it until you get , ,
the cabbinetts mafie for when canning time comes next summer I may i;
.' have to use it again.. ;j
You Know just how messy moving things arounj can be anl I ;
havent cleaned up from it as yet but felt that I wantei to sit lown E
for a spell and write you to tell you how I was coming with the wort. E
rfl*l, It would look like the right thing to lo wouli he to ?
put away the Christmas things but I am glai I havent for I Keep ;
:3 finding things that go with it and will for a few more lays I am sure 3
*«AK and after its all tucked away I just wont unpack to aid a few things. g
'-,r Dai went to town after lunch and Auntie to Uncle Georges 5
Li: and Dad waitefl for the mail to be put up before he left anl Auntie got g
' restless and walkea , i think she is going to spenfi the night with g
Mother and Dad is still wanting to go to Paint lick to get us some g
rabbits and I sugested if he wants to go to go this week while [
marietta will be here with me. and he may lo just that. Brools woul‘ i
feed hay to the stock for me anfl I can take care of the new calf I '
which arrived last night, am so glad for we coull do with some more . é
cream and butter and with in two more weeks i hope to be able to g
seni you some fresh butter. i
We got up to a very heavey fog this morning but when the fog 1 E
lifted it has been a very pretty iay ani is much warmer. Brooks ‘ i
came down this afternoon to go on the hill to see about the water he ;‘
does that on his own and I dont Know where you couli finj a man now , 7
days who would care if we had water or not.I gave him the churn Sasher :;
and towel rooler which I was going to throw away and he was glaw to yr
get them° w‘

 ’ E
No 20 1
I am expecting Marietta and Mark to come in with La} after awhile \
and Its geting about time for them however Dal took 27 iozen eggs to ‘
Crummies on his way to town“
If you anfl mac. were here you woulflnt stop to eat or sleep
with thie things as they are but I take my time ani soon as I get
this finished L shall gather my clothes in ani straighten things up
_ for the night, i am going to put Marietta ani mark in our room for
‘ I think it will be less worK and so much haniier for the haby to have
them there and Dad and i will go to youe room.or flown here one. '
I am so proud of the landury you boys have ione so much
to improve it and if Dad dosnt go to Paint Lick * am sure i can get
, it painted and hanged this weeno and the other cahhinett move? then I:
it will be perfect except gor the bath room tile i hafi to wash all 1
the milk jars on account of the lust and Oh yes I move? the rei stan” 1
they were on into the laniury , placed it by the floor just as you go 3
in where the west can was , think you would like that. I
Guess I haVe rested long enough so I will get to work an? 53
leave this until latter might think of something else to tell you. ‘
Six thirty. i,
_ Dad got in with marietta uni Mark enfi we have our supper ; g '
: over ani I male us a fire and its smokong,hut Mari is enjoying it ;
just the same I can hear him cooing in hereI fed him eni got him to i
sleep soon after they came and he woke up as I got it warm enough f
‘ down here for him to come down and he is in his basket in front of g
the fire. j E
Marietta is writing you and sail she would write some 1‘3
more tomarrow for mailing the next day and I dont know of a thing If
more to tell you except 4 got the other cabinette movei anl have i;
done the ironing thanks to a lovely Son who buys me an electric steam {5
iron altho I had a good iron but the steam iron sure makes the ironig ;t
a pleasure Thank you Mac.. And let me thank you again for all you Ir
did for all of us for Christmas ani for a week of your presents with E
us it does so much for us to have you. t t
g E
Good night ani all our love, § g
. ‘ it:

 .N. I I
. H l
: Wenesiay A.M. i
r¥i Jan 4 th 1956, i
“I My Sons: I
I We awoke up at eight oclock to a wonderfull morning the sun
;J was bright and warm but now at noon its cloudy and looks very much
;“ line rain . I
}' Marietta was still asleep and Mark saying W_h_O who_ eni ;
” I just had to slip him out of bed and taln to him a little then we ‘
were very late with breakfast and Marietta washed the Fishes anl I fli i
_ fed the hens and went to the barn with Dad to see the new calf its rig !
I“ ht pretty and we hope for another one within a few days. I
l, Mark was good while we had our breakfast eni then after the on i
‘f‘ side work we gave him a bath ani fed him anfi he has been asleep I
f ever since he is such a good baby codering all the Spoiling he gets. 5:
“Dad is waiting for the mail to be put up befor he goes for I?
I Auntie, fie had a sick headache last night ani took two asprins an? I“
went to bed early and had a nap before I went to hei an} he woke up ;
nervous and said he didnt think he could posiably sleep on your hefl so '
we got up and came down here and sure enough he was asleep in a I;
few minutesand is feeling better this morning. Z ,
f I think merietta wants to go see her Mother ani Dal tonight T:
t for a while googness Knows what she will ever 30 when she gets out I E
I of distance of seeing them every day. 3 E
:9 The more I look at the landury the more I apreciate it an? IE
the cabbinettes by the range gives the whole such a perfect balance ;}
-, in fact it helps more than you can imagine but you will see what 1 ; g
ff mean when you come home again, * sugestea that Dai paint but he thinks 3f
1“ wait until the tile is but in as there will he places to touch up I g
I? after it goes in and he may have a point at that. g f
‘f I gathered up more Christmas balls this morning ani cleane? 9‘;
_1 up your bath room ani was going to sweep your room ani matteress an” L
“9 change the linens but no electricty so we are just waiting for it to § i
come back on but Marietta sweep every thing down here with the broom :i
and it is looking much better., however if the juce stays off to 5 g
long we will have to buili a fire for Mark when he wakes up. I?
Goodmorning: ' %
Know you boys are at work if nothing is wrong for its =5
IO oclocxani Auntie and Marietta is washing the 7ishes * have fe: E
Mark and put him back to bed ani must go to my hens, Hope you are : 3
both well and happy. i i
All our love, ,~ I
' [WV 7'2:
WI M '

I .
rriiay ,A.m. I
Jan.6th 1356.
My Sons: ;
Dad founu a new calf at the barn yesterfay morning an} the I
_ cow seemed parlized she could not stanfl up ,So he went to Crummies I
- ani got a man to come see her but he couli not So a thing for her. ‘.
and he took the man back and Marietta Mark eni I to town an} he got ;
1 a vet and brought him up and in a very few minutes he he? her walling, I:
Dad is at the barn now ani I am so anxious to hear how she is to ay. '
Marietta and I steyei with Juiy and Roy mntil D21 got Lg
been then we came in for a very late supper of hot rools butter en: §é
some of the boiled ham. I?
3 i am having Nobe ,Wenston ,July ,Roy, ani Herhert for I.
iinner tonight and since Marietta is here to help me I am going to I;
try to serve it very nicely in the dining room then I am through I 5
with that kini of intertaining until you boys are here again an? I i
'7 am caught up with all I owe. II
' We are going to be rather busy this morning but expect I f
' to get through by lunch time except for the last hour before Tifiner. I
’ l i '
Marietta has writen you some two or three times en I I 5
am mailing it to you toiay so I am going to out this short . ,j
-3 Aunt Juiy heeri from madge this week ani she wrote that I f
they are comming back to Harlan to live that she wante? to rent n roam i ‘
irom Juiy until they could find a place to live . so I juige thet I;
- the family will move back some time this spring. II
n ' E
. , . . ,. i . '3’
V dope you are deing fine anfi that we hear irom you to My I
.1 we are so anxious to learn how you are Lee for we fear your shingles A
i might still give you a lot of pain eni what ‘oes the 3“. there sey I
for it? hope touays letter will tell us this . I?
All our love, I I
Q, I 3 f
r7 i .
, (2;?ng' }:§

 ' ‘ E

Saturiay A.m. '
Jan.8 ' 1956. I

My Sons:
You will never know how happy we were to get your letter i

yesterday and to learn that you were as well as you are. an? that
you got back to your appartment by six oclock on the 2nd. You male '
4 good time and I am glad you could .

Now you need not worry your head one mite about robing us of 4
food for we took suoh priee in putting away food stuffs for you ani ?
that is why we put up as much as we do to be able to share it with ‘
you and I was afraid I had not given you enough for we only male room
for out locker meats and that we will get before long. as we want to
be useing the pork this winter , however the weather seems a lot 4
like spring the days have been so pretty but the nights get rather col 4;

and this morning its olouiy and is now eight thirty and I havent i
woke Dad up yet for we were still reeling last night at two oclock.
Our dinner was a very suceésful one and I am sure all enjoyei it so 4
much for they stayed until midnight the men playei cards and we 'l
women just visited, and I got along so well with it I hai left our 'é
newyears center piece on the table and the arangment on the sile , “
table and used candle light. and of course all good china ani silver
there was eight of us and all got at the tableani the food was real go - ‘
0d to and with Marietta to help serve we had a lovely meal.. I;
I !

This is as far as I can go with out my coffee so long for I e '4
am going to get Dad up and eat. , i

Have had two buttered rools uni a cup of coffee tried to get l

Dad up to eat wth me but hai no luck he is sounl asleep yet. He , E
really did enjoy the dinner and the game last night enl after he went ,l
to bed I put every thing away eni even washed my table linen the reaso i L
I did that was that there was two little spots of strawberrie stains H
on it and 1 was afraid they might not some out and l ooulint have ; g
sleept until I :new but they washed out nioelyI have resolve} to give F
Dad a few parties this winter for he so enjoys them. i

i We were glad to learn that you have found a better route to 4 3

Washington and that you made better time with it, I was so glai to 4-é
know that you fixed you some hot soup for your supper that night for ' ;

after the long drive you needed it. E

Yes we are reading the same chapter with you in our Bible ft
and Dad and I both read ours this morning before we went to sleep. “? '
I am sure you enjoyei getting more oaris anfl I iii so 4
enjoy going through the ones you left here. 5*
We were glad to know that the work at the office hafl not if
Piled up while you were home and I do hope your shingles are soon a ‘l
thing of the past It was good that mac could have a few lays more 3;
ans I know he did things up in the appartment before he reports? for ‘g
Work on Thursoay and I to hope how soon he can get back to the fen. 3;
store and be in the same building with you.that is if the pay is a s 543
800d - 511'

 ' t
No 2. is
; .u‘ Am so glai you are eating some of your cake anfi that
’ “ mac likes his fruit came I served a little of the cake you gave us Is
last night at midnight and that is all of it we have eatenof it.
7f? beleive I shall give you our menu for last night, ;
;;" tenderized stakes , scollOped oyesters ,okra sauce patatoes an? corn.
"' hot rolls coffee and strawberrie short cake for desert. Nohe saii the
stage was the best he ever ate and Dai sail there never was such ,
. oresters scolleped beforeand all raved about the short cake. ani I 5
1);» want you to know that L had just the right amount of every thing an? 3
‘gij washei all the china while they visited waiting at the table for
~,3: desert so you can see the help you boys are to me an‘ I am so thenrful
. pf that you tame such pains to try and help us in such a way eni in so "
‘fi 3 many ways anl I hope how long we can take the learning. ;
w -. I
Qj, We wondered Tuesday night as we listened to Bishop Shenn 2
ll" if you were doing the same for we gnow you enjoy hearing him., marl ;
'4: choose that time to have a Rodgers fit, but I took him up stairs so i
_f . marietta and Dad could hear it all .“arietta iid so enjoy the T.V. wh f
j while she was hereanu I tried to give her every minute of it I coull. g
,;h1 She told her neighboor that she was béing spoileé so much she iii T
5,; not Know what she would when the three days was over. so I am sure she
If ‘ enjoyed her visit . And mark is so sweet he coulfl just twine those >
‘ ' little Iingures around our hearts in no time at all. g
,s , Dad was as proud of your check for the church as he coulq h E
" possible be and he dosnt want it applied to his creiit. anl I am sure i
you will be amply rewarded for it and you can never snow how happy t
.H, it makes us ior you to honor The Lord with your money He supplies our 9
fl_ every need and we should help His cause with all we can. &
’7,”l Some day in the future we hope to use your Shea: for two t
fif',‘ flags for the church that * have always wanted Def 933 I i~ £0 for §
:W“ our church but always the general funfls needed every cent we couli E
3“{J give so I hope you can supply that wish for us some day. E
If and when you go to see The Nottons 1 want you to pick 'é
’_ up the hose that dell has for me I have just run out of the last ones ';
:7I. she gave me and beleive you me A miss them.anl I hope you can visit %
t " them for I know you and they would so love to get together again. g
’ hope they can meet you here some time next summer or any time they as ‘ é
‘ 5.
{y We ere glad you enjoyei your vacation with us an? you know “i
’ ‘ that we could never lo to much for you boys. ’? ‘
v » Our sick cow is well and loing fine anl are we gla‘ for ‘ T
1'i“ we had given her up ani was almost afraii to get a vet for fear we *9
would loose the ten dollars to ~ guess its ten oclocu by now an? ‘ E
_ will just have to go get Dad up to do his feeling for he will want t ; g
[T to get a ball game this afternoon, all our love, i
.t' ,r ,
. r \4. i
a U / .ll ,~ ., I“
‘ flea/ac “f ///M/7%J :3:
' ' ’31..

 Monfiay Afternoon, j
Jan. 9th 1956. V
. t ‘
My Sons: 5
2 6 Was indeed glad to get your letter this noon time,
v I and to know you are well and both of you working.
:“ I have felt bad all morning enl thought I wouli lay ;
‘ on the couch and watch TOV. this afternoon but the room was i
, much to dirty to relax in so 1 went to work eni got it to l 3
._ looKing decent and then thought of writing you a few lines.
,- Dan Green was up for a short visit and ate fiinner wit '3
us and Dad took him home as he went to town Dai worke? on g
the table and his eager box this morning . g
-. hvery thing at home is much as always en} very ;
1. little news to tell you. I churned this morning en} meie %
;U I 1% lbs of nice butter and 1 hope to get it into the mei ?
i; in the morning to you I would wait to get more but thought é
,u; it would be best to sen: it on fresh an? I can senl you ~
i»- some more next ween. ;
Its still cold annd suny but it mistefi snow again 1 u
this morning ani the branch was frozen over he'7 to break 5;
‘ ice for hen water° ‘E
~' Tuesfley A.m. K
We woze up to a snow this morning not much hut 1
5 its rather white all over. have just gotten in from the .jg
1?“ milking and l savei some milk from one of the cows that if
‘iv male Mai cross and we pourel it all up to the hogs I thin“ i
. perhaps that is what uni wantefl in the frist plece. 1
I sure am late getting the work jone after 3%
,u going to the barn but there is now four cows to mil: an7 I;
é- only two to keep the mil: from we have three calves now 1
and the one that came yesterday is heulong his little beef 5
, off why we flont Know he woulfl not such for us hut he must ‘ 5
have had some milx last night. 1;
‘ Carlo is out working I notice§ he hai brought 8 l '%1
load of coal to the Deans on the hill. ‘fj
.' Hope you Boys are well anfi that every thing is ;Ef
"‘ going gool for you ani that use. can make a nice showing ‘ a
' in sales this month, i5:
, All our Love, ;j
/ ' ‘M
3 //t/¢z. t 46 L.
' l 1
I 1'5 ’
in”. ,_ J

 I l
. , §
' 1
Tuesday PWM. ;
Jan ( th $956. '
My Sons;
How are you its just about time for Lee to get in
from work , and here its time for Dad to go to the barn he
has to try the new calf out with a bottle to see if it
has ever sucked or not ‘ would like to have gone with him I
but its so cold and I to want to get the programs that I E
have so long lost out on and it comes on in fifteen minutes. ‘
Dad helped me and we pecued away all the christnas .
trimings and act. and L cleaned out the furanace room a 2
little got the dust out at least, i
Dad finished up the table top and his cigar how i
and he had to finially varnish them for the clear iii them i
no good at all, he sanded and sandel on the tehle hut still i
the stains were there he thinks they must have been wine i
stains hut he has it loohing much hatter now. é
Seems like today has been a hectic one I hurne'l up ;
two lovely pigs feet that I was c; :ing for dinner and hurt ;
the coower some but thing i can clean it but one day this 3 .
last ween l burned some dried apples and simply rhinei the 1?
pen dont thins it can ever he cleauel ani of course it he? 9i
to be one of my old stand byso V;
The snow had stayed on and the day in general has i
been cold and dreary. ‘;
Nine oclocn ani Auntie 931 De? are in 3%
bed Dad is reading we sit here an] to lazy to go up stairs ‘5
to get the paper and miseu some of the Better things on L
T.V. and now in a half hour there will he some good ones E
and i hate staying up for them by myself but I may at that. 2%
Had toox a nipple and bottle to the harm this {
evening and fed the new calf eni he saii it sucgef the E
bottle empty in a jiffy and then went to the cow and really 3
filled his tank, the poor thing had not had a drOp of 5‘?
milk and was just bewling his head off, {ii
We are expecting another calf by morning we have 3:?
three now and it loons as if before the ween is out we ,‘2
will have at least six dont let it worry for the frist weeks é;
mile go to the hogs and by the time one cow gives enough 3.:
for a few churnings the calf can take it all so that way ‘gl
we dont do much taking care of milk. eni we would lire to f‘
catch up and get ahead with some butter. ‘3’
I am feeling so lifeless guess it will were off 2;
by tomerrow hope so for this mases two days of feeling ii
to lazy to move.Good night and all our love, g;fi‘
. W;
K, g, W ,

no 2 : f
L was about to forget to tell you how please? we we
were to get your letter tolay anj that was the most plesant ;
thing of the Jay.Ioi had gotten in from work an? was writing 7
us and going to have supper cooked by the time “at. got in 3
L hope you had a gooi one anl that you got the other things ‘
you planed to io by the time he came in. '
I am sorry I cant answer it in etail with o-t 1 J
going up stairs lor my glasses hut i to rememhor that yolr 3 J
shingles were about gone eni we were so gla to know that. ;§
and you were trying to loose some of the weight ' y
yo; tcog on during the holidays an‘ I hope you can lor you J
ii: Eooa so much better with a few poun 3 off I wish I = J
could so the same but i cant seem to more up my mini to it J
however I am hogiing where l was after you leit, . J
We are not ooosing much hut I tan put on weight g
with just breed ani hutter. i thought perhaps I might he J
drinking to much coffee on: since yesterday merging l have J
only had one cup but unless a can tell some ‘iiferenzo i am J g
going to have some more tomarrow night. E
Dad takes a headache every night alter supper en‘ J
I am only serving soup at night and no ice box rails at , J
be; time hoping he will feel better.uow has to the T.V. st
and then to had gooinight and again its all oar love. 6%
, » /
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Saturjay P.M. vi
Jan. &th :956 I
my Sons: 1
Todays mail brought us another letter from you for }
which we are very greatfull Its always so gooi to hear from 9
you. ‘
I wantei to go up to Mothers this afternoon but ‘ ;
dont beleive Dafi understood for I toli him I was planing on f
walxing up anfl that it was to cloi ani he got right up from I E
the table and went to turn the cattle out anfi l noticel the ‘3
he went on to the P.O. which woulfi have been a rifle for me. i
I ironed the ramey cloth this morning ani swept the E {
dining room anl iii the regular things , we are saving the r E
miln from one of the fresh cows an? i shall soon be making a §
butter agiamanfl I am going to begin to go to the barn with , 3
Del for three cows ani the feeding is much more than one nee? r g
to do alone when i can go as well as not. ; i
I am so sorry that_the hen was tough for it might be i i
that you got an 011 one for L lo Know that marietta got one ;
that I had frozen for you as it had an extra brest in it ani ;
I remembered that I had one fixefi for you that way., I rarely ?
ever sell a frozen hen but Marietta and her sister in law an ‘,g ‘
Judy all wanted hens for thanksgiving anfi a was so full up igg
in the deep freezer that i sold three, ‘3}
Was so glad to learn that your flesese was about we] ,fl
and I do hope well by the time you get this an% that y*u never f
have it again.I just noticed that i fiatei your letter a flay %
behind time this morning hut you Know I am always loing just ' 4
that but I shall try to do better. 'é
So mac. has bought some more pictures anl I hope i
he diént have to pay to much for them and that he can always ;E
enjoy them if i get the basket I Know * can use it but the 1 §
large egg basket worKs well for the laniury now that I wash ‘3
so often, F
Am glad that ‘erry took such an interest in yCJT ca
and that you saw him and Kitty° IE
I supose Dad and I shall T.V. this afternoon but {E ,
there is no football game this afternoon but late this eve, l‘n
our station will gave us a basxethall game. ani for new i have #-
writen you all i know, Re are woniering if some one will bring g.
Auntie home this afternoon Judy saifi she ha4 a spell with her '
heart and they had the Dr. with her but from what I coal? geth 2
er she had what she ofetn does ani is soon over it. she was 3
alright last night when they left to come up here. M
Twenty minutes of three and it is still Tarn on} 'g
dreary out side but uh how cozy insiie , it has trie? to 3g
Snow several times today but has not quite male it only a ;§f
little snow mist a few times;¢ am trying to write to Aunt ki-
_-,. J

' i
No 2 ‘ E
Jennie anu Aunt morna and am combining the two an} shall as; f
Aunt “ennie to sans the letter on to her sister an» you can see [
even while writing them x Keep coming back to your letter.
i am telling Uncle Art how much mac. enjoys; his letter opener 2
Sunday A.M. '
We are up and ready for Church ani have about five
minutes to spare, How are you this morning? last night was a . .
very cola one and this morning the sun is bright anu I went to ‘3
milk for Dad and we had it ions in one half the time , tooa .g
a pail to bring hen corn been to the hens ani it was wet an; t
the corn froze to the sifies of the pail as + came from the bar 1?
so you can see how colj it is ani there are a few snowflases
in the air in spite of the sun shine. val is saying are you '
ready so ‘ must go hope you get to church this morning. -%
Dunoay night. i i
The electricity went off this morning just before we ' 3
left for Church and the church was so col: we be] sunday school } §
and disnissed the folk to go home an] it was still Orr until 2 2:1
five oclock this afternoon, ; f
mr and ”rs, anj Charles Ramey came home with us for i f
lunch and we cooheu on the cosh range hel fried ribs patatoes 2;;
slaw ani corn , and by the time we got the iishes clears? away Igg -
Judy and Roy came in with Auntie , Lerls left ani Ju‘y an. i it
left Roy and Lee witht the paper ani went to spenf the alter ;,§
noon with mother, She has a gooi fire going ani hai heatefi f'fi
soup on it for her lunch and we went to the store an: bought if
her caned stuff for her supper then came home an? coonel us ‘”
some eggs ani patatoe soup for Dai and Roy ani we watched EH. 1;
while we ate ans some very good Christmas music programs came on 21%
and beleive you me it was out of this worli anl a whole hour of 12?
it, we washed up the dishes after it was over ani was back to E ;
T.V. when marietta and herbert and more came in but as July ans 1;
Roy went home early they left to as nerbert starts selling ,¢
insurance in the morning and is going to house hunt in Cumber— 1??
land so they can move soon. :12
Carlo is sick think he is taming a mean case of flu
I told him to get a Dr. before it gets worse but I :ouht ii he 3
will and he looks; like he has a high iever. } g
, t 1
Our Sunday lesson toiay was so good Sees ye the {51
Kingdom and all else will be aijed unto you that was the hnrt ;g;
of it ans such a wonieriull promise. 3:;
i am writing curing the Ann Southern Show so as :;T
to get back to the Ed Sullivan Show. the lights came on just i;;
as we set down in front of the fire Ior supper. Our house 'i; f H
not get cold however we had a goo; fire an; some SMOKE to go with Va
it we have has a good day ani a rather busy one.. ; E
This is all the news 1 AHOW so All our love, fight
2 , .L': -
flufdx’ of M/ljea/ i h‘

 _ t
;g- Wenwsday A.M. i r
t; Jan.IO th I956. ’
My Sons: :
Have just gotten your yesterdays letter in thelx .
M. box and Uad off to the P.O. with the package of butter 2
r hope it goes through safely and I am sure you will love I
u) having some fresh butter. I
J Auntie went to Mothers and will spend the night i
2, tonight she got very lonely yesterday for there was nothg
a} to do but read and when Dad and I read she feels alone. ;
,> 2 ._ i
This is afternoon now and after reading your to I
days letter ‘ fixed Dad and I a tray and we ate by T.V. t
not that it was so good but it was diferent and since SI
noon 1 have seen a good.matinee, and Dad is changing the I
2; water now and we are going to see to the stock soon and ;‘5
2 turn in for the eveniig and night. t
2 ‘4
I can just see you cleaning a spot of the appt. I
than reading some for that is what you seem to like. I
»t and l guess after all if you get done its a swell as Mac I %
,ih or I would do work like mad to get through to read and ,I
hi find there was no time left for reading. ”33
, V
you Your supper sounded so good and I know Mac is UI
e glad you can cook the evening meal While you wait for.him2 i;
:1 to get in. , 4 notice you ate some of the bacon and I ‘~‘
.yA wonder if its to fat as some of it is and some is real god‘ i;
is I hope your pieces are above the average. v*;
;; We havent been out of the house since morning 2';
of: and i rather think its a cold time for its been a very 5:
r; dark day and Dad lit a fire about thirty minutes ago. 2;;
at We now have four new calves with two more to con »3;
some with in a few days then it will be some time hefore 1ft
. we have any more so we think. 3
L4 It seems we are not getting a thing done but I II?
have no thread for crocheting and there is little we can >§§
do out side this kind of weather. so we just sit here eni Ii; '
Ifx take it easy. 1o~
‘“ This afternoon as i was watching the matinee '3?
and did not realize that Uad was seeing any part of it 2'!
.4 when there was an actuion sale and out of a clear sky It;
3* Dad says MotheBuflim EQUWSfiBakaheanethe auction? it took me :55
so by suprififixyxxfl xxxxxxptixvzsi 'x :1 xx. ‘1 :2
' well hech i am so bailed up I dont know what '3}
to do only to try and retellit right this time Dad says ;EE
mother did you see Mac at the action? do you get it? ;14‘
; i '
I am getting so blind that 1 cant read at all 619

 '- t
No 2. i
with out my glasses not even enough to tell how to regulate _
the typewriter and as you can see I got to the en? of the §
page long before I realized it. Q
. “ad and I have been watching T.V. enfl now the ‘ '
fight is on and i thought I woulfi come in ani finish this
and then I can see a few rounis of it. 2
It was snowing on the Mountiens this evening as ma i
went to the barn and a very fine snow down in the veley i
but i thinK it will turn to rain. ;
I think some one has been knockei out so hear I;
I go will close this up in the morning. ‘
Thursday A.M. i
Here I am at ten oclock with only the milking L
done and the milk things washed up no iishes washei or 1
anything else where does time go? i
The Mountian is coverei with snow neefiless to =t
say its very pretty but this morning its trying to sleet fE
i rather hope for rai