xt71rn303q62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn303q62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky 1885 directories  English Sholes & Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington City Directories Sholes' Directory of the City of Lexington, and list of business, professions and tax-payers in Georgetown, Nicholasville, Versailles and Winchester, 1885-6. text Sholes' Directory of the City of Lexington, and list of business, professions and tax-payers in Georgetown, Nicholasville, Versailles and Winchester, 1885-6. 1885 1885 2013 true xt71rn303q62 section xt71rn303q62   ~; ·  "*’"Y‘ ' "`ft ` LJ-]   `éh   "
  ·   ‘ { ( x * slyiazah ma-: sr. rzuyaao   V · Q 
{ %_   ‘ ~   .-E. w.& wi »<.sM1·1‘¤n.0m¤aq*‘ me-~    —# —r_
_'   4/ ` 5   C COLLIGI ¤fKY. B8 ·   aa
  ‘ ` _ pk:   , Lwungtuh. Ky., rc¢‘1·1u··l the HHJIIKBT Hoywvi mr  agyi" 
‘ ..`_-" 2:  m 5 [,4 P   \\`r•rk rm Bush:1cen••[·Z·· a _ , ‘;
» a       az   ° —=   J§!KNaaI E —·——£8rAnu8HL!¤ raw —-     »_, A
l I ·  A c S Mtg H g » • ·  
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,       g   layefla Habana . an , M
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 Q”      ,7:   C./IPIIHL, · · · $J(N},UO(). _·aa  
    Q ‘ E if $U|:PI.U8 AND UNDIVIDQD HIOVTS, ;88,000_ ·_;   ‘·
. Q     II') G. FROST, T ‘_    ANTIN   W   .

 I ,
I K. YV E I K A. N • 3 ‘
Carriages,  ,, . ,   ».A—   Break Wag-   ;
Barouches, IL, ';,..“;Z'    0ns. I {
    lki E U
· ’   L.; ’L._?•\|£» [ ' ’ *_,·
Buggies,     u es tr g
I Phaetons, ` ~  * ·‘ EM- _
{ K` Repairing Neatly and Promptly Exccu»te¢l.· -,
<_fr; IN THE I`|'I`\'.§y§e-
  Main Street - Nez: Phcanix Hctal. Q

, §_———_;—i_———___———__—;__—·—— ——_————
I ;T. G. CAUMMISAR 8: G0.,]
    ———NI•nuf•oturon of Every Description of——
» T EALER INi -; 
  ~4+B0nz1eN Arm DOME$’IlIC·€i•·  
* 1
I ¢  M 2,·t:*~.··t<: < .<·*:7     ,¢-  ,   }
I .. , I
_ 1   i$i%:¤¤~
  m.01um omxarzs,
'   Ayn wnmznmxnoxs
  8•¤•!.v•d In Cu- Lets Xa. B••.•o¤,
  ————*`———”—_  L

  ;;> sms, ·rmmxo un :4; f
—..¤ DEALERS m rms: mncmm :1... I
Q —-—-——-—————-=—4a1
——Orders For Carriages For--
;B1\;L;L;S, -}\N_!EiDD 1|NG‘S, Q·E TC.,
’ ag PROMPTLY ATTENDED ’I‘0•....  
1 19 W. Short Street, · Next to Ashland House. T

 I VOL. - I — — W1- I.;I — 
I   S zz c: 1;. E S ·  
I I D I R E C T O R Y  
I not THEM- gg
  JINI) LIST OF B L'SLVl;‘SS, .l’ROFESS[0.N`.S .·l.N'D  
I T.»l.\'-I’.l I‘I;'lI’S L\' (.'l>‘01{(ll;‘TUWA', VWCII- I
  ULJSI ‘1LLl;‘, T'l»'ItS.·ll LL [JS .·l./V1} I
  II '1./VCI! ES TEN. Z`
? -—-1B85·Q.--———— I 
I —77 7 7 QI
I   —-·——1=>BIcE,-.~—. e
j @$7 CONTENTS. -:5; _ 
I ;\IIlIRI·Z\‘IATlUS~ ...... . . . . . . . .............. fl I  
:\U\’I·1R'T`|slN(} I)l·ZI'\K'l`MI·Z¥1` ...... . . . . . . . .... . . . 29
:\T.I'II»\lI|·Z‘I`I\`Al. LI>T U}-` N/\\IEs ......... . . . . . ..... ']I » 
.\r»jmN1x¤; 'l`uwx» ......... . . ............. 289 I 
I CLT\s•··lI·`lI·ZD lh~nxI:»~. l)uu—:c1·<»uv ..... . . . ...... . . ,*5 I
I LTI$L`ELL¤\N|iUL'S l)IR|·Zt"l` l§()l'Xl)Al{Il·]S.
1 FIRST \\X\RI)-Comprise< all that part of the city
I lying >outh of Main and we~t of Mill. I
`é SICCWNID \\'.\Rl)—.r\ll that part nf the eity lying north
{ of Main an·l west nf Market.
T 'l`}lll{I) \\'.·\Rl>—.»\ll that part of the city lying north
{ of Main and l·]a~zt of Market.
FOURTH \\'Al{D—.~\ll that part of the city lying south
$ of Main and east ol Mill. C
V l
l l

 l l
J Lnxmmou cnv nmncmnv. I3 ¢
T Mxscznnnrizods DEPARTMENT.
I ··—·—·*
L ` l El U l ’
1888. l
——~—»—· —»;——-—~—  
{ City Building. Between Vim- and Water and lAmea¢0••e
I and Upper. f'
JIayor—C. M. johnson.  
Cl?] Clork—]amcs R. jcwell. 3*
7`rmsure·r—_I0hn Marrs, Sr.  
Co//erIor—D. D. Laudcman. ll
Assessor and Aud:?or—M. C. Foushcc. $1
Surz·eyer—E. D. Spurr. g`
C/uef of Police—Bcnj. McMurtry. ? .
l Market Masler—]0hn A. Willis. Q
T Health Ojicer—M. T. Hayes.  
City Physician-—Dr. David Bell. i
Work House Keeper—M. McLaughlin.  

14 1.i·;xixo1·os any i»iiuaci·oiix·. +
,, (TITI (.‘(lLl\CIL.
E C. M. johnson, Iix-()flicio l‘ri·~iderit of Council.
' [firs! H}1n{—j.unes McCormick, \\'. H. May, Moses
·`r`1`1’/I1!) lllvd-—-\\', S. McChesuey. G. \V. \\'ainscott,
T.   Cassell. I
Yhmi IIIII‘d—_j. I,. Barkley. G. \\`. Muir, I,. ll. `
, Nottnagle.
Fmmlt IVanI—j0lin Boyd. Teddy Mehan, john \V.
· Standing Committees.
zIl'¢`0llIl!S-—\\’. II. M iy, G. \\`. \\`ainscott, Teddy Mehan.
lI’a'1·.<4wd .lL·m1.r-\\'. S. McChesney,   \\'. Berkley,
.   L. Barkley.
V _hu{It'l}![)‘—BI. Kaufman.   W. Berkley.   I,. Barkley.
` Impmiwmunfs-jolin Boyd. james McCormick.   I.,
‘ Barkley, T.   Cassell.
Ri/1l·v—C. M. johnson, james McCormick, john Boyd,
l \V. S. McClie~ney. I.. II. Nottnagle.
. Fm·—\\`. H. May, G. W. Wainscott, Teddy Mehan, C.
I M. johnson. Cliiefof Department.
g Ilbrk Huu.w—C. M. johnson, Teddy Melian, \V. H.
~ May.
l Hm!/h-—james McCormick, W. H, May. G. W. Muir, I
G. \\'. \\'ainscott.
Prvpasrhkms and Gr:·}·:wm·.s—j. W. Berkley, T.   Cassell,
G. \V. Muir.
Wafer HZ2r}cs—C. M. johnson, M. Kaufman, \\'. 5.
McChesney, L. H. Nottnagle. john Boyd.
C/aims-—Teddy Mehan, il`.   Cassell, G. \\'. Muir.
Gas-john Boyd, W. S. MeChesney, M. Kaufman l
b’»u`Idmg—L. H. Nottuagle. \\'. II. May, G. \\'. \\`ain- l
scott,   \V. Berkley.
FIRE l)El’.\R'1`MEI\'l`.
62 and 64 East Short Street.
VV. H. Polk, Chief; \\'illiam Metcalfe, Engineer; Andy
McNamee, Driver of Iingine; William Burns, Stoker; Lewis
jenkins and George Travis, Drivers of Hose Carts; Clarence
Grimes, Driver of Ladder Truck; james Gilroy, james \Vil»
liams, Homer Foushee and john Melilroy. Pipemen. Organ~

 ( {
Q ‘
l' 1.1·:xixcm¤ crrv mu1·tcTmu· t5 »
izcd as puill uml  uml 59 street ci~t·;m~.
, l· llll:] ALARM.
1 First Ward.
12 lim; llwuy uml Nluiii.
13 lln».ulxx.iy uml llill.
I4 ll¤4»u¤lu’uy uml l\l.lX\\'Cll,
I5 llill uml l.¤»ut·r.
16 l'im· uml lunuur.
lf Nluin uml LUX.
I23 Smith lfml Spriing.
1 132 (`mcmnutiS··i:1l1t·rn l’u~scngcr Depot.
142 C mvr l)ux·i» llptmiii
i 152 'l`urr'~· l)i»till¤ry. ,
Second Ward.
2l Xlilluml Sll¤>l“I.
23 llr<».ulwuyui1·i Sucuml.
24 llvmc wl- lsrlvllallcss.
25 Mum uml _I¤ I`|L·r>i»u. l
` 26 Short uml (]u<»rg¤·t<»wi1. '
l 213 (]u»r;;· l1»\\'11 uml Sucuml.
214 Tliirml uml _lt·l`l}·rs·m. »
2l5 l"¤>11rtl1 uml l{ci1tml<\’ Ccrltrul R. R.
* 231 llmullwuy uml Fliurtli.  
241 llruullwuy uml Sixth. 7
l Third Ward. l
l 3l Xluin uml \\'.lllllIY. 1Y_`
* 32 (·•·I\¤llI\Ill¢¤l\ .1· `lllllllt. li
{ 34 1.iim·<1·>m· uml 'l`l1im.  
‘ 35 l)cuu·< uml 'l`l1r¤l. r`
36 l·`·»ur li uml l'ppt·r.  
3; l·`ir•.· liiiginc llouw. ;;
}l2 l*`il.tl1 uml l.iim·~t<»m·. { _
31.; Svrcntli uml I.iim·stm1c. ,¢
321 Cliustmit uml Fiftli.  
324 Run.- uml Tliiixl. ¥
34l Currul uml \lC_tl\\\'.H]. ,
; 342 lxxiiigtuii M.inuf.muring Cu., (private). `l

   ,-3--. U.,
|6 1.¤xtxe;ros cirv nnuzc·ronv.  
Fourth ward. T
  4l Hill and Lexington Avenue.
j, 42 Hill and Limestone.
y‘ 43 Mill and \Vater. (
Q 45 Maxwell and Limestone. l
V 412 Main and Drake. ie
5 413 Hill and Drake.
l 421 Rose and Maxwell.  
  423 Pine and Mill. j.
,, 431 \\`orkhouse, South Upper.
  432 l’rall and \\'u.nie.
j 1
l l‘(lLI(`E l)EPARTMENT.
V L Benj. McMurtry. (Thief; l.. V. O`(`onner, Captain Night i
\Natch; john Ollrien. john Shannon, li. M. Garrett, M. T. »
Hayes, A. I·`. lrillon, Mike •i·»rmley. j. R. Hale, james 1
Hall, \\'illi.un \\`e:ttherrt·d. 'lhoin.ts Donlan, li. 'I`. McCoy,  
l H. C. Metc:tlte. H. \\'. Ilextcli. j.me~ Forrest. \Ym. Lister.
A I john Henry.
. l·]l)l.'(`.·\'l`l(lNAL. I
Z School Board of Public Schools.  
g Claude M. j··hns··n. Mayor. l·]x—()tlicio Chairman. l~
i M. Kaufman, l·`r.tnk \\`.•\er~,   \\'. Berkley, (L
l ( L. H. Nottnagel, Rolft 'l`n·~r·it·»n, T. N. Allen.  
j Secretary. il
john O. lloel;··s_ Superintend· nt Public Schools. l
l Morton School No. t, eoim r V\'alnut and Short streets, (
l G. I) Hunt, Principetl.
 j Harrison School No J. \\`e~t Main street. between jef·
ferson and Ge·<·rgt·lt-uri W H Shelby. Principal. 9
‘ Dudley School N·· 3. M.ll north-east corner Maxwell.
john R. Graves, l‘riue:p. l  
Church Street Sch·»ol (coloreu), Church street, near Up-  
 l per. C. C Monroe, l’rincipa•l.  
Constitution Street School (colored), between Dewees (I
and Lincoln. j B. McConnell, Principal. j'
Fourth Street School (colon e), \\‘t·SI Fourth st ect, near  
Broadway. H. S. Henderson, Principal. i
`" Pleasant Green School (colored), K, C. R. R corner Q
. Lower street. H. L. Gowens, Principal. I

W uaxixorox cirv oiiuzeroinr. I7  
Christ P. E. Church Home—Presented to Christ Church
‘ by Mrs. E. P. \\/oodward, for the benefit of the widows of .
l the Protestant Episcopal Church.
;— Eastern Kentucky Lunatic Asylum-Fourth street, cor·
6 ner Newtown pike. Dr. R. C. Chenault, Superintendent.
_ Lexington Orphan Asylum—North side Third, between ‘
P Broadway and Todd.
: Fayette National Bank, Main northeast corner Upper
5 Capital, $300,000. Squire Bassett, President; j. W. Apple·
gf ton, Vice—Presitlent; R. S. Bullock, Cashier. Directors-].
i` W. Appleton, Squire Bassett, Rufus Lyle, \\`m. Cassius
gl Goodloe,   E. Anderson, R. McMichael,   F. Scott,   B.
I, Morton.
,; First National Bank, 25 li Short street. Established .
·` 1865. Capital, $400,000. A. S. \\'inston, President; M. P.
l; Lancaster, Vicefiesident; Thos. Mitchell, Cashier. Direc-
l t0ts—W. \V. Bruce, N l·`. Beiry, \Vm. Campbell,   M.
li Duff VV, B. linimal, M. P. Lancaster, Thomas 1). Mitchell, .
  Wm. \Varfield and A S. \Vinston. ,
i. Lexington City National Batik, United States 1)eposito— -1
ii ry No. 906, corner Main and Cheapsi··e. Rechartered Feb- . °.
l; ruary 7th, 1885. Capital, $200,000. R. P. Stoll, President;
' Dr. B. L. COICIDRII, Vice Presid nt; james M. Graves, Cash- .
ll ier. Directors—j, H. Neville, Dr B. L. Coleinan, R. B. I  
l Graves, A. Dodge, john Wm. Lell, Richard P. Stoll, james
Patrick. {  
, National Iixchange Bank, 5 \\' Main. Capital $lC0,000, iy
' Established I8;`8.   B. \\'ilgus. Prtsident; H. K. Milward,  
I Vice—President; \V. Bright, Cashier. 1)irectors—j. B. Wil· ·—l
gus, H. K. Milward, V. N. Gardner, W. H. May, Lester fi
·\ Heacox, G. W. Bosworth, C. W. Giitskill. ·._
li Northern Bank of Kentucky, ll li Short street. Capital p ¤
i ‘I,8l3,900. M. C johnson, President; \\'. D, Boswell,  
4 Cashier. Directors—M. C. johnson, R. T. Anderson, john ` ’
All·n_ joe Clark, D. S. Coleman, \V. H. Cassell, R. R. · V.
Stone, Wm. O. Sweeny, H. Loevenhart. ” ‘
Second National Bank, Corner Short and Cheapside. ·’
i Capital, $150,000. D. H. james. President; j. H. Graves, "
Vice-President; W. D. Nicholas, Cashier. Directors—j. H. ,
  ..e.-...........-s----....------*.-—.· J

 · ---·—-—.......--... ...
iS i.r;xisoi·os eriv i»i»u~;e·i·oiu·.
Graves, C. \\`. Foushte, ll \\`. \\`<~rley,   M. Logan, H. B.
  Nelson I). H. _].unes rind R .\ 'l`li··rnton.
Q Third N;ition:il Ilzink, jf lf Short. Cnpitnl $lO0,000.
S?   \\`. Berkley, l’resi·lent; \\'. _l. l.·ui;liiil'.
Independent Church (colored). Main, southewest corner
Merino. Rev. li. Moore. Pastor.
·| Mount Calvary Church. l.unestoue near High.
Pleasant Green Church (colored). l.ou‘er, southeast cor»
l ner Maxwell. Rev. M. M. liell, Pastor,
Bro.t·lway Christian Church. llroadway, southwest corner
Second. Kev.   S. Shouse. l)iLSl**li.
Main Street Christian Church, south side east Main, near
Phtenix llotel. Rev. R. il`. Al.tllh·\\'s, Pastor,
Christian Church (colored), south side Constitution bet.
Limestone and \\'alnut. Rev. ll. M. .·\yres, Pastor.
Protestant Episcopal.
Christ Church. Market, northeast corner Church. Rev.
E. ll. Ward, Rector.
St. .~\nn`s Church (colored), south side Fourth between
Upper and Limestone.
Methodist Episcopal.  
Rev. Dr. ll. P. \\'alker, Presiding lilder Lexington Dis- `
trict, M. li. Church South. .
Centenary M. E. Church. northeast corner Church and .
Broadway. Rev. \Vm. Macaiee, Pastor. l
High Street M. E. Church, south side lligh, bet Mill 2.
and Upper streets. Rev. \\'. F. Noland, Pastor. a»
Asbury M. li. Church (colored), High corner Mill. Rev.  
5 \N. H. Evans, Pastor. 4 
Gunn's Chapel M. li. Church (colored), north end De- _ {
l wees street. Rev.   \\`. 'l`hoinas, Pastor.  ,._
St. Paul's A. M. E. Church, west side Upper between ij 
Mechanic and Third streets. X l
Presbyterian. ;  V,
First Church, east side Mill between Church and Second.  
Rev. \V. F. V. Bartlett, Pastor "  .
Second Church, east side Market between Church and  
Second, Rev. \V. S. Fulton, Pastor .
i Fi
] .

 20 uzxixcrox cnv onuzcronv. _
Roman Catholic.
St. Paul`s Catholic Church, north side Short between V
Broadway and jefferson. Rev. Ferd Brossart, Pastor; Rev,
james Kehoe, Assistant.
St. Peter's Catholic Church, east side Limestone between
Constitution and Third street. A
Lexington the County Seat. Ottices Located in new
Court House.
W. B. Kinkead . . .judge.
Theo. Lewis . . . Clerk.
S. G. Sharp .... Attorney.
j. Waller Rodes . . . Sheriff
\V. E. \Vilkerson . . jailer.
Richard Redd .... Assessor.
jerry E. Dclph . . . Coroner.
j. M. Corbin .... Surveyor.
james Leach .... Keeper of Poor House.
M. P. Robnnson . . . Physician Poor House.
T, White Foster . . . jail Physician.
R. S. Bullock .... Treasurer.
j. M. Logan .... Receiver.
E. F. Darnaby .... County School Superintendent.
Magistrates of Fayette County.
H. C. Payne, First. Athens, june, 1887. ._
Dan Safftrars, First. Athens, ju e, 1887. V
C. M. Alberti. Second, Lexington, june, 1887. .?
W. B. Skinner, Second, Muirs, june, 1887.
A.   Gorham, 'lhird. Lexington. june, 1887,
H. C. Funk, Third. Cciitreville, june, 1887.
B. B. Crenshaw, Fourth. Lexington, june, 1887.
Daniel james, Fourth, Lcxingt n, j¤.ne, 1887.
Levi Grow, Filth. South Eklzorn, june, 1887.
Rch'd Ferguson. Fifth, Lexington, june, 1887.
C. F. Alford, Sixth. Lex ngton, june, 1887.

 ; i.mm;i.»» tirv i»i»u~ze¤·.»uv zi `
j. E. Muir, Sixth, Lexington, june, 1887.
, Levi Royalty, Seventh, Lexington, june, IX87.
j. S. Wason, Seventh, Lexington. june, 1887.
\V. R. jones, liiqlith, l.¢-xington, june. 1887. .
j. R. jewell, Eighth, Lexington, june, 1887. E
ct l
` Cf ) U ll'l`8. l
Circuit Court.  
j. R Morton, judge; j.ime< .·\. Headley, Clerk; \Vatts  
Parker, Commissioner; L`.   llronston, Comm·>nwe:nlth's Q
Attorney. Court meets first Monday in February und Third  
Monday in May and Noveinber.  
Court of Common Pleas. g
C. S. French, judge; M. (Q. Alford, Commissioner. j
Court meets first Monday in April and ~eeon·l Monday in ,
September j
Quarterly Court. l
\\'m. H. Kinkead, judge. Court meets first Monday in l A
February, May, August, and November. j J
Recorder‘s Court.   i`
M C. Alfhrd, Recorder;   R. jewell, Clerk; john R. l I
Allen, Attorney; Benj. McMurtry, Marshal.    
e» _  l
_' Masonic. Q 
Devotion Lodge No. 160—Meets first and third Tues ·  
days in each month at Odd Fellows Temple. i ` l
Lexington Lodge No. 1—Meets first and third Fridays L  _"
in each month at Masonic Hall. . _,
Lexington Royal Arch Chapter No. 1.—Second Thurs- ‘
day in each month at Masonic Hall. ‘
Webb Commandery No. 2—Meets fourth Friday in each -  1
month at Masonic Hall. [

  ___________;__ W g
zz imixoiox err v iiiiuaeronv.
lll'lllJll‘}' (`oiiiinamlcry No. Jo (c·~lorel<>1‘ctl)——hlCL‘IS
first Monday in ·-ach moi th at Masonic llsill, Liinestone.
l.incoln l.¤·1‘e1l)—Meets first T"fl(liI)' in
each inontli at Masonic ll.ill, Limestone.
Sardis Lodge No. H (colored)-Meets first Thursday Q
night in each lIlH'\tll at Masonic Hall. .
l';·l\lt‘I'll Star No. 2 I) l.odgi—-Meets first\\`ed11csd:1y in
each month at Masonic Hall, Limestone.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Bethesda l·]ncampmeut No. 15—Meets second and fourth
'lliesdays Ill each lflfllllll at Odd Fellotts Temple.
(`<·ven.•nt Lodge No. 2:——Meets every Saturday night at 1
Odd Fellows Temple l
l·`rie11·lsl1ip Lodge No. 5—Meets every Friday at Odd l
Fellow s Te111p1e. .
Merrick Lodge No. 31—Meets every Monday night at  
Odd Fellows Temple. *
Gem of Kentucky Lodge No. ISIQ (colored)—Meets
second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Odd
Fellows Temple.
Household of Ruth No. 57, Daughters of Rebecca (col- l
ored)-Meets first \Vednesday night in each month at Odd
Fellows Temple.
P. G. M. Council No. 7—Meets fourth Thursday night
of each month at Odd Fellows Temple. I
Scientific Lodge No. ISO] (colored)—Meets second and
fourth Friday nights of each month at Odd Fellows Temple.
Star Banner Lodge No. 1770 (colored)—Meets second and
fourth Monday nights in each month at Odd Fellows Temple. F
Ancient Order United Workmen.  
Fayette Lodge No. 4—Meets second and fourth Thurs-
day nights in each month at 22 \V. Main.
l Mutual Lodge No. 11—Meets every Monday night at 22
W. Main.
l Independent Order B’nai B’rlth.
· Lexington Lodge No. 28g—Meets first and fourth Sun- 1
i days in every month at Odd Fellows Temple. ,

 i.itxixt.io\ nix i·i»o·4·iome ;_; ~
Independent Order of Forresters.
Court lloliili No. 8.-Meets first l·`ritl.iy n;__lit in encli
month at \\`illi.un>o:i`s }l.ill.
United Brethren of Friendship (Coloredi.  
J} Lexington Lodge No 6—Nlt·t·ts lir~t \Vetliit·stl.iy night  
, in each month eit Short >·ontlit·.i~t corm·r Mill.  
Lincoln Lodge No. 5i—l\lt·ets lirst 'l`u¤·sd;iy night in I
each month ut T;iyl»·r`s H.ill, Liinestone street.  
Good Samaritans (Colored).  
Arthur Lodge No. :o—Meets lirst and third ’l`uesd;iys
in each inontli at l.iy lor s ll.ill. ;
( _]atob`s \\'ell l.o·lge No. r_;——)let·ts first 'l`hui·~tl.iy night j
i in each mouth zu 'l`.iyl·»r's Hall. l
· Ionthony Lotlge No. i5—Nlet·ts second 'l`ii•.·s·l