xt71rn303h9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn303h9h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-03-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1932 1932 1932-03-22 2013 true xt71rn303h9h section xt71rn303h9h 3

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Last Musicale of

To Address Chemists

Season Given by


Phi Beta Sorority

Participates In Most
Important N. R. A.


Richard Allison, Ilaritone,
(lurst Artist on Palm
Sunday Program




Squad Completes Season with
69 Victories and Eitrht

Finishing fourth In one of the

most Important




Association matches,
March 19, In Cincinnati, the varsity riflle squad completed the sea
son's matches. O. W. Chlnn, with a
score of 97 for kneeling position,
was high point man in this division
of the tournament, and will receive
a handsome trophy.
Members of the team who took
part in the contest Saturday are
Captain William Eads, O. W. Chlnn,
W. E. Florence, E. O. Parrish, Marvin C. Wachs, M. Perry, and H. W.

Teams from University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton, University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
State University and West Virginia University competed In the
match, which was considered by the
National Riflle association) to be
the most Important of the series
conducted throughout the United
States. A representative of the association was present and served as

The match was contested hotly
and Kentucky held second place
until the last position, the standing
position, when the team dropped to
fourth place. This was the team's
first venture into the higher circles of competition, having taken
part previously only in telegraphic
competition. Members of the other
teams had participated In numerous "shoulder to shoulder" matches.
The Kentucky boys apparently suffered from stage fright.
The match Saturday marked, the
close of the seasons for the varsity
squad and results of the matches
show that Kentucky holds first
place In the National Rifle association championship competition, sixth place In the fifth Corps Area
matches, and fifth in the
matches held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
In the Intercollegiate
Kentucky has won 69 and lost 8
participated in
matches. The team
the Hearst Trophy match but final
results from other colleges throughout the United States will not be
available until after April 9, when
the contest closes.
The men who during the season
have constituted the varsity and
R.O.T.C. teams are Uen, Brennan,
Carter, Chapman, Chlnn, Coffman,
Eades, I. C. Evans, Ewlng, Florence,
Ford, Knox, Parrish, Perry, Rogers,
Wachs, Wallace, and Williams. William Eads Is captain of the varsity
team and I. C. Evans is captain of
the R. O. T. C. team.


State Debate Contests
Planned for March 31


Sunday's musicale presented In
Memorial hall by members of Phi
Beta, honorary musical and dramatic sorority, with Richard Allison,
baritone, as guest artist was the
last musicale of the season.
Presented, as it was, by an organization whose object is the fostering of interest in musical and
dramatic pursuits, the program was
in every way representative of the
high type of entertainment known
to be provided consistently by the
The soft candlelight
which was the only illumination
formed an appropriate setting for
the beauty of the Easter music, and
the spirit of the sacred season seemed to pervade the entire hall.
The work of the choruses showed
sympathetic interpretation as well
as skillful training. All of the individual numbers were excellent in
Doctor Sherman, eminent nutri- their respective fields, and the sing
tionist and chemist, will address an ing of Mr. Allison leads one to pre
open meeting of the Lexington sec- dict for him a future among the
tion of the American Chemical so- great.
ciety on the subject "Recent AdThe program opened with an or
vances in the Chemistry of Nutrigan prelude by Elizabeth Hardin.
tion" at 7 o'clock Thursday night Two selections by the Phi Beta en
In 201 Kastle hall.
semble, "Palm Branches," by Faure,
Head of the chemistry depart- and "Hail to the Risen Lord, by
ment at Columbia University, Doc- Gaul, followed. "Prayer," by Haf- tor Sherman is considered one of fellmans and "Les Pecheurs Perles,"
the foremost authorities in the field by Bizet, were the two harp solos
of nutrition, and noted particularly presented next by Mary Ann O'for his work on vitamlnes. His re- Brien, followed by a reading, "The
cent book "The Vitamlnes" is rec- Dawn Immortal," by Emily Hardin.
Mr. Allison sang next "Open the
ognized as the most authoritative
treatsie to date on this phase of Gates of the Temple." by Knapp,
accompanied at the organ by Mrs.
human nutrition.
Two organ solos
Doctor Sherman's lecture, while F. C. Foxworth.
primarily intended for chemists, is Hosana." by Wachs, and "EmmaeLor-etso prepared that it will not be too us," by Frysinger, presented by "Una selection
technical for the layman with a fold Bitterman, and from "The ReYe
limited knowledge of chemistry. The demption," Portals,"
by Gounod, by the en
address, which the public is invited
to hear, will be of especial Interest semble, were followed by an organ
to biologists, medical men, agri- postlude played by Elizabeth Hardin,
culturists, and home economists, and which completed since program.
the advent ot
Phi Beta has,
will be illustrated with lantern
musicales, sponsored
the Sunday
two programs a year. In January
they presented Mr. Dwight Anderson, Louisville, In a piano concert.
The music of the ensemble was
directed by Mrs. John Burgin, an
associate member of the organization, and the accompaniments were
played by Prof. Abner Kelley at the





Auditing Committee



of StuSubmits

Financial Account of
pus Organizations


Every student activity coming
under the direct supervision of the
university ended the last school
year with a cash balance on hand.
This was revealed by the report of
the auditing committee of student
activities. In its report to President
Frank L. McVey. The committee was
composed of Prof. H. H. Downing,
H. E. Curtis, D. H. Peak, and R.
D. Haun.
The athletic association, as was
shown, handled the most money
during the year. A total of $157,286.64
passed through the treasury of the
department of which S. A. "Daddy"
Boles is treasurer.
The Kernel handled, according to

Sixteen Teams Will Compete
for Championship
the report,
of State




Other organizations
sums of
whose hands
The 12th annual championship throughpassed include largeKen tuck
Kentucky High School ian, $5,806.89; the university Y. M.
debate of the
Debating league will be held at the C. A, $5,257.23; Ouignol theater,
university Thursday night, March $4,263.85; the music committee,
31. according to an announcement $3,987.96; and Suky Circle. $3247.08.
The report also Includes the
by Louis Clifton, assistant director
audit of class reports,
of university extension.
councils. Block and Briddle club,
Preceding the final debate, 16 university Y. W. C. A., W. S., G. A.,
teams representing 16 districts will and Strollers.
engage In a debating tournament at
The report is made yearly under
the university March 29 and 30. a university regulation that proThe teams which will represent the vides that all student activities fidistrict will be chosen this week nanced by admissions, or fees must
by a series of 16 district debating make a yearly report of expenditures
tournaments. These will be held at and receipts and that the presi
Berea, Flemlngsburg, Mt. Sterling, dent or financial officer of the orLudlow, Carrollton, Louisville, ganization shall be held responsible
Springfield, Ellzabethtown, Bowling for such a report. Copies of the reHopkinsville, port
Oreen, Henderson,
are ready for general


Murray, Russell, Somerset Pineville,
and Jackson.
The subject this year for the com
petltive debating is "Resolved:
That the Several States Should
Enact Legislation Providing for
Compulsory Unemployment Insurance." Approximately 20 other state
high school debating leagues are
debating this same question.
The championship last year was
won by Berea College Academy with
"Me too. but I'm for Male," was
Louisville Male as the runner up.
Other schools which have won the the answer received by the writer
debating championship in the 13 when he chanced to remark to
years of the League's existence:
Price Mefford during the basketHigh ball tournament that he would like
High to see Birmingham defeat Male
1922, Madisonvllle
school; 1923, Dry Ridge High school; High school.
1924, Hopkinsville High school; 1925,
Price Is the
Paris High school; 1926, Somerset of Newcastle high girls' team. This
High school; 1927, Benton High is the second year that he has atschool; 1928, Lexington Senior High tended the tournament. The best
school; 1929, Clurkson High school, thing about a tournament, he says,
and 1930, Bellevue High school.
is the hotel. He likes that because
the cuspidors are such nice shiny
GOLF ASPIRANTS TO TRY OUT ones. Yet, strange to chronicle.
young Mefford does not use tobac
Tryouts for the university golf co la any form. That Is one of the
tenia will be held Tuesduy, March reasons why the cuspidors are so
24, according to Prof. J. C. Jones, shiny.
coach of the team. All students are
"The politest people I ever saw,"
eligible for the tryouts.
is the way one Newport youngster
Members of last year's team who sounded his opinion on the tourna
are back this year are, Billy Mere- ment. That was Just before his
dith, Hogan Watson, and John team was put out of the running
Bussey. Two players of merit who by Hazard.
are fighting for a place on the team "The people are wonderful but
are Jack Kirk and Bob Hlckey. the cornbread ain't flttln' to be et

organ and Elizabeth Hardin at the

Psychology Head
Is Selected Editor
Of New Periodical
Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the psychology department, has recently
been asked to act as cooperating
editor of The Psychological Exchange, a new periodical which will
be published in New York, bimonthly, beginning April 15.
According to an announcement
of the purpose, "The publication will
be devoted to the professional interests of psychologists. It will attempt to serve as an orientation
center for psychological research
by listing research projects under
way. In addition, a series of vocational analysis will appear, written by practical workers, discussing research and placement possibilities In the various psychological
fields: schools, vocational guidance
and behavior clinics, court, prisons,
hospitals, industries, etc. wherever
psychologists are active.
"Following the example of the
Journal of the American Medical
association, notices will appear of
those who are available for employment. The bulletin also will
carry news of civil service examinations, fellowships, research grants,
reports of formation of clinics, appointments and resignations of
psychologists. Every year, it will
publish lists of those receiving doctor's, master's and bachelor's degrees In psychology, together with
the titles of their dissertations."
Plans for the publication of the
bulletin have received the hearty
approval of Prof. Walter R. Miles,
president of the American Psychological association, and of other
leading psychologists.

Shiny Hotel Goboons Delight
Tourney Guest


nine-year-o- ld

declared a member of one visiting
team when he was asked for his
and the
impression of Lexington
tournament. Well, neither is the
"We're from Manual we came
up to root against Male," was the
comment received from a group of
young men wearing brilliant red
sweaters bearing Insistent "M"s.
Just giving the home town a shove,
as 'twere. And into the lake I
"The tournament as seen through
a bottle of orange crush," was the
comment of an irascible gentleman
who tired of so many SuKy girls'
passing to and fro and holding aloft
their stock in trade.
"Nasty little hussy" murmured a
distraught mother in derogation of
one of those same pulchrltudinous
venders who, it developed, had given her rustic son the "come-on- "
until he hod bought himself Into
a coke and candy stomach-achTed Cassady, grand sachem of the
SuKy tribe, denies that any such
(Continued on Page 4

According to an official notice
Issued yesterday from the registrar's office, spring vacation will
begin at 8 o'clock Thursday,
March 24 and will close at the
same hour Tuesday, March 29.
The regular rules and regulation
pertaining to absences will be
applicable; that is for each absence on the day before or the
day following a vacation, the student will be required to make up
three-cred- it
hours for each subject missed.

Mumps Clouds
Sunny Views of
Kernel Writer

Reader to Give
Connellyys Play


Convocation Speaker

Louisville Male, Paintsville
Defeated in Finals for

"firecn Pastures" Will Be
Read at Engineering Convocation Wednesday


reading of "Oreen Pastures,"
Marc Connelly's Pulitzer prize play
of last year, will be presented by
Mrs. Virgil Gaitskill, Paris, at the
regular engineers' convocation at 10
o'clock Wednesday
morning in
Memorial hall. In connection with
Mrs. Gaitskill's presentation, a quar
tet under the direction of John


Annual Ilasket-balMeet Was in Manv
Ways Rest Held


Saturday night a team of diminu
tive boys from the hills of Perry
county fumed back a team of Lou
isville Male Purples that towered
far above them to win by a 3
count, the highest honor that comes
to a basketball team in the state.
Woodburn. the 1931 girls' champion.
retained its title by ekeing out a
decision over the Paintsvtlle

At Training School

Orders Given For
SuKy Programs





The 14th annual tournament
sponsored by the extension depart
ment of the university and "Daddy"
Boles, athletic director, was in many
ways the best state basketball meet
ever to be held. There were close
games and games that were walk
overs for the winners, but In most
every game the contest was not decided until the final gun. Several
outstanding favorites were eliminated early in the running. The Ashland Kittens, runners-u- p
in the 1931
tournament and four times winners
of the event, were bumped off by
Earlington in the opening round
Only once before in their
11 trips to the state event had the
Ashland girls met a setback in the
initial round. Earlington, sporting
two of the most colorful performers
in the ladies' division, Blue and
Elam, one towering into the air
almost six feet and weighing 140
pounds, the other barely five feet
and weighing only 85 pounds, this
team advanced without difficulty to


of the Ashland
avenue temple, will deliver the principle address of the March convocation at 10 o'clock this morning in
Memorial hall. His subject will be
"The Goethe Centennial." The program Is under the auspices of
and is in celebration of
the 100th anniversary of the death
of Goethe, the famous German poet.
Besides the address, a special musical program has been arranged
consisting of five numbers of which
Goethe wrote the poems. The Men's
glee culb, Miss Josephine Parker,
Mrs. L. L. Dantzler and a women's
double trio will interpert the numbers.
is well known to
students of the university, having
played the leading male role In the
first Guignol production of the sea- the
son, "Let Us Be Gay."
In the lower bracket of the girls'
division the teams were more evenly matched, with the Paintsvtlle
misses showing enough form to go
-through to the finals without much
Play in the boys' division produced many upsets and elimination of
favorites. Danville
Program To Consist of Music High school's Blue Admirals were
and Speaking; Winners of the firsta of these to fall, succumbfighting Hazard threat in
ing to
District Contests Will Com- the second round,
No other outstanding upsets were
recorded In the second round but
teams had
For the past week district high several of the well-liktime winning their games.
school contests have been held all a hardHigh's
win over the
over the state in preparation for courageous Birmingham boys in two
periods Friday afternoon
the twelfth annual High School over-tim- e
week program, which will be held was considered by many to be a
fluke win as the losers
at the university from March 29 to opportunities to win the lost three
game beApril 2. The third district contest fore the fray ended. Newport, the
was held at the university Training supposed strongest team In the lowschool Saturday, March 19, and the er bracket, managed to hold on to
Waco dark
papers have been sent to the ex- a slim lead to beat the Greyhounds
The Paris
tension department for grading.
played an almost per:ect game to
The program will consist of win over the Ashland Tomcats to
speaking events, including debating, conclude the second round play. In
oratory, the girls' division Cloverport elimdeclamation,
story telling, and extemporaneous inated Clay City
while the
speaking: instrumental music con- won from Jamestown,
tests, including
band, orchestra, Woodburn misses coasted to a 41-string quartet, piano, violin, and win over Newcastle.
Earlington, whose colorful playother instrumental solos. The speaking events will be held Tuesday and ing throughout the meet had drawn
Wednesday. March 29 and 30. with practically all the fans to its supgame
the final debate Wednesday. March port, fait, red in its semi-fin30.
with the woodourn cnampions ana
Blue, phenomenal EarlThe music program will begin lost
Thursday, March 31 with boys' quar- ington center, was held scoreless by
center of the
tets, girls' trios, and mixed quar- Chapman,
tets, piano, violin, and cello. Fri- Black and Gold winners.
The Paintsville Comets went to
day, April 1, the program will consist of glee clubs run in three dif- the girls' finals after a stiff battle
The work
ferent sections at the Alumni gym- with CloverDort,
nasium. Memorial hall, and the of Mary Rice and Irene Davis, for
Training school auditorium. The wards, was responsible for tne vicglee clubs will be divided into tory.
Paris High school lost the first
Classes A. B. and C according to
game Saturday afternoon
the schools' enrollments. Approxi- semi-finIn a
mately 80 glee clubs from all sec- to the Male Purples,
tions of the state have registered heartbreaking contest. The LouisGreyhounds
for these contests. Solo events will ville players found the
and getting the Jump
be held Friday afternoon.
Saturday's program will consist on their foes, eked out a win.played
of bands and orchestras. Classes A game was the second best
and B bands and orchestras will ap- in the tournament, Hazard the
surpasspear at the Alumni gymnasium, between Male and
while classes C and D will appear ing it in tenseness and fierceness
In Memorial hall. Thirty-tw- o
bands play.
High school's phenomenal
and 16 orchestras have registered. defense, coupled with an uncanny
offense, dropped the Newport Wildcats from the tournament in the
biggest upset in the tournament.
After trailing 13-- 3 at the halfway
mark the charges of Coach Pat Page
came back to chalk up a 4 win.
The long shots of Waldo Combs,
midget sub forward, and Napier, of
the slick
the Hazard boys, off-sbask- work of
innocent of such a scheme for
the Newport crew on passes
ing in the limelight, program for and shots. Hazard won because they
the evening's entertainment which never quit fighting and dogged every
will include the Janitor's verson of step of their larger opponents.
college life. Intellectually, socially,
After witnessing the tense struggle
educationally, a.s betrayed by the of the
the fans were
condition of the schoolrooms after hardly prepared for the titanic
classes, will be presented in April.
struggles that took place Saturday
Members of the faculty, safe in night In the finals. The Woodburn
the guise of blackface comedians, girls, champions, defending their
will make premeditated and unsus- crown, were opposed by Paintsville
pected cracks, wise and otherwise, and every expert in the house conwho ceded them a victory by a goodly
at collegiate eds and
will be curious and wealthy enough margin, ut the Comets, coached by
to deposit at the door the necessary James Walker, not a team to be
which It is rumored will taken lightly, took the lead, led the
be extracted from each person who ultimate winners at the quarter
views the evening's performance.
and were still within striking disThe predominating Idea for the tance at the half
entertainment seems to be the minDuring the lust half Howes was
strel show, which will take the form unable to keep Helen Chapman from
a janitor's meeting and discus- dropping In her famed long heaves
sion. It is rumored that hi addition and this was the end of the title
to a complete and correct discussion hoes of the Comets. Howes playof campus politics, there will be an ed great ball but no one could have
educational demonstration of the stopped Chapman's long shots.
workings of high political bodies Paintsville
staged a
such as the League of Nations, etc comeback as Mary Belle Stapleton
(Continued on Page
(Continued on Page 4)
Bro-Kah- n,

36-2- 5.



Assigning of Parts
For Stroller Play BEGINS MARCH 29
Now in Progress

P. T. A. Meet Held







At Convocation

Giffy, Winchester, will sing several
spirituals used at the original presentation of the play in New York.
Whosoever thinketh that mumps The convocation will be open to the
is an ailment to be laughed to entire student body.
scorn, that person has never been
The play, with its underlying
motive of Bfblical history,
is a
afflicted with mumps.
in its fantasy and folkWhen the portions of the knob masterpiece simplicity
beauty of
lore. The
in front, behind, above, and be- the parts leave that feeling which
low the ears swell until the mug' only an earnest, unaffected
appears to be a 'vase,' it may be can produce. Following the cronol-og- y
of the Bible, that history as
funny but not to the suffering
Southseen through the eyes of
patient. And when the unthinking ern Negro, is portrayedthe
with its
preparer of food chops up onion resultant pathos and comedy.
in the soup which the patient is Only a master writer could con
striving so delightfully to get be- ceive the incongruities existant in
typical production of the fantween his set teeth ah, death this
tastical and imaginative qualities
where is thy sting?
of those simple folk.
This dread malady, known to the
Mrs. Galtskill is
physicians of the modern day as throughout the state for her ability
parotiditis, must needs be twice in dramatic reading of plays, havdreaded by the undergraduate. For ing presented several readings benot only is the physical pain ex- fore the Woman's club of Bourbon
cruciating, but the mental pain, county, of which she is a member.
caused by the knowledge of classes Upon every occasion she has rebeing missed, is almost unbearable.
ceived the highest praise.
True it is (however much we may
Mrs. Gaitskill
Miss Wilhate to admit it) that said mental liams' Private attended Lexington,
pain Is caused not so much by the and finished her School.
education at Brisfear that those goodly pearls of tol School for Girls, Washington.
wisdom, so often emitted (or omit- For the past two years she has been
ted?) by our adored professors, may in charge of the Paris library, and
escape us, as by the remembrance during the summer conducts a camp
work that must be done. for children known as Louden Hall
of make-u- p
For the fact is known, sad as it is, camp at her country home near
that there are on our beloved cam- Austerlitiz, Bourbon county.
pus a few (?)
cruel instructors (and they have
mumps, no doubt)
never had the
who not only ask that the regular
work be made up, but demand
EXTRA work.
Ah, woe is me! For I must needs
read a 700 page French novel, perC. Perry Kraatz, senior
in the
referuse numerous
ences on the lord knows what, and Arts and Science college, has leadgiven one
make up six hours of hard labor In ing parts in of the
forthcoming Stroller
that worthy organization known as production, the
the university men's band as well Kraatz has had much experience Mr.
as to strive mightily to make up dramatics and played one of the
all work m the regular curriculum. leading male roles in the latest
And all this because the gods saw Gulgnol play, "She Stoops To Confit to punish me for some sin(s) quer." The part he is to play in
which I realized not that I had
comedy Is that of the
committed. Ah! "Whether it is bet- the Stroller
ter to bear the slings and arrows professor.
Epps will take the part of
of outrageous fortune or " no! no! the trainer. The remaining leads
I cannot, I must not contemplate have not yet been given. Also, acthat! I must live; I must fight the cording to an announcement made
worthy fight
Hugh Adcock, there
Friends, Kentucklans, Classmates! will Director 15 girls
and 15 boys
from this take warning. Since we selected about in the group scenes.
for use
are in the hands of our instructors, There are several scenes of fraterand since this contagious disease nity houses, sorority houses, and
is sweeping the university campus campus, which require
that this
by storm, we must take all pre- group be added.
cautions against it. Mind you, I am
A trio of male voices will be used
not advertising any product, but I
production, and at present
would advise Lysol. A quart of Lysol in the
two groups are trying out. One Is
and five yards of cheesecloth will the Delta Tau Delta trio, and the
constitute a most effective preven- other the Phi Sigma Kappa. Music
Soak the for
tive to this contagion.
the solos of the leading charcheesecloth with lysol and wrap it acters is in, and practice for these
the skull, leaving numbers is now in progress.
thrice around
only the eyes uncovered and taking care that the nose and mouth
are well protected. If this is accompanied by frequent sniffs at the
bottle (meaning lysol bottle, of
course) there Is a good chance (at
Approximately 200 members from
least 1 out of a 100) that you will
local associations attended the sevnot contract this dread malady.
enth district meeting of the
association at the Training school Saturday. March 19. Dr.
George P. Sprague, Lexington, talked before the group on "The Handicapped Child." A luncheon was held
May Day Souvenir Material at the Training school cafeteria in
honor of the Gold Star publication
Received By
Must Be
chairman, and Dean Sarah Holmes
April 10
was the principal speaker.
Josephine Hall led the singing durApproximately 300 subscriptions ing the morning session and a spechave been received by the editors of ial musical program was given at
the SuKy souvenir May Day pro- the afternoon meeting by Mrs. C.
grams. In a preliminary report H. Robinson, accompanied by Mrs.
Lela Cullis.
made by the circulation manager,
10 fraternities and sororities have
signified their intentions of subscribing to the book. Others must
notify the organization of their desire to subscribe by April 4.
Every fraternity and sorority
subscribing to the book will receive
a page on which they may record
their local history and pictures per- By MARY CAROLINE TERRELL
taining to their organization. The Elated with their success as a
booklet will contain approximately group of brawny athletes, who
40 pages, and several hundred copachieved fame recently In an
ies of the magazine will be sent to
basketball tournament,
high schools throughout the state members of the faculty are said to
as university publicity.
have turned their interests to anThe social orders which have other field, and It is rumored that,
Theta, with a desire of new heights to
subscribed Include Phi Delta
Kappa Alpha, Triangle, Lambda scale, they are considering plans for
Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa Tau, Delta the production of a dramatic masDelta Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, terpiece.
Alpha XI Delta. Alpha Delta Theta.
Dame Rumor has been vague and
and PI Kappa Alpha. Several of indefinite in reporting exact plans
these groups are planning to use for this display of talent. It has
their portion of the booklet as ma- been said that on account of the
terial for rushing activities.
cut In salaries, the production will
Groups subscribing to the issue be given for the benefit of the facmust submit the histories of the ulty. However, this statement has
together with the been repudiated and the theory adorganizations,
cuts they wish to publish, by April vanced Unit the proper organiza10.
magazine will be released tions to receive the pecuniary reThe
May Duy. May 5. It was announced. turns are the University Woman's
Gilbert W. Kingsbury is editor of club, the Faculty club, and the Stuthe book. The remainder of the dent Loan fund.
According to all available inforofficers will be selected at the meeting of SuKy circle which will be mation, which Is not definitely
known to be correct as members of
held today in the Alumni
the faculty pretend to be absolutely


24-1- 2.



21-1- 6.

13-- 9,


31-1- 0.

all-sta- te

18-1- 3.


18-1- 6,

Faculty Said to Be Making
Dramatic Production Plans







9-- 8.



� Best Copy
The Kentucky Kernel
(vhi iiihavs

rri'MPHFti on rtTsnAYS
KM 'or.nl i
Irt- r
r'11'' '






Vn'vrrsitv ot
Snh'rripl inn
in:tini. Ky




prriHNr iniiins mmnt.mn



A'soeuite Fditor

Assistant Fd Inrs
Marvin C. Wnclis
Jnhn M. Kiinr
ItoVjrrt nnxtr-Wish Warrrn
Ar.at'lo J Tnmnuln













J Ilrlninr A(inms






Elmnor Smith

Emily Hardin

Elizabeth Hnrdin



Special Writers


Jarq Rohy

H. Cassr









Art Fdttar

Literary Fdilnr


Ktwt Editor
Assistant Seus Editors
Mary C Terrell
Herman Graham
James Palmer





Reporfr rs
John St John
Joan Carigan
Charlton Wallace
Phil Ardery
Mary Caldwell
Btirnam Pearlman
Marjone Wrist
Jnne Hamilton
Mury Aenr-- Rrrnd
Betty Dlmork
John Potter
Betty Boyd
Myrtle Polk
Surah DeLonir
John C. Miller
flusiir ss Manager
Evelyn Trenbess John Good Ned Turnball


Ofcar Haiftht

Bill Durrett


Circulation Manaoer


rf t

The Three Masseurs

Jest Among Us

municipal government In Lexington, many swirpinn reforms
promulgated: but. Die
surprising Interest manifested by
reitain students at the university is n matter to cause reflection among the municipal organ-

We'll Hazard that Louisville Mule
isn't fi'i lir.t' so pnod rir.ht now
And that thoughts of the r.iintsviilc (Mil- - Wooribiirn anybody up


To the pagan, in ages long past,
Easter meant the festival which
celebrated the coming of that joyous season when all nature takes
on new life and literally, it seems,
makes a "new heaven and a new
earth." To the civilized world of
today, where Christianity prevails,
it means the time at which we celebrate the resurrection of the One
on whom the ideals and beliefs of
all Christian peoples are founded.
The question arises: "What does
it mean to the modern college student?"
To all too many students it
means only a time when one buys
new clothes and is given a holiday
from school. There are many students who will go to their homes
on Wednesday, spend the five days
in various pleasurable pursuits, and
return to school without having
once given serious consideration to
the season which is the occasion of
their holiday. Such an attitude defeats the very purpose of the university in extending to them the
privilege of time in which to observe this sacred seas