xt71rn303608 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71rn303608/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1996 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 66, no. 1, Spring 1996 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 66, no. 1, Spring 1996 1996 1996 2012 true xt71rn303608 section xt71rn303608 7/ NTU 
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COVER: Gov. Paul 1995-96 OFFICERS   -V4r rw mT W TPTPYPTPTT W TWTYTTTT 7 l I  
Patton vratluatetljrozn
. i baeIielor’s (Iegree in William T. Uzzle ’62
Q mechanical engineering. Birmingham, Ala. " ‘“`” ’ ’`’` W ’’’’ )”")TT) "” ’ ’ ’ ’  
` Vol. 66No. 1 lSNO732- PRESIDENT-ELECT Ollf H0llSe is More than a Home The Alumni House needs a facelift 6
6297. The Kentucky Hank Thompson ’7I
~ Alumnus is publislierl Louiseille ,
q,,,,m,,·[y by {ju, Kentucky S 59th GOV€I`IlOI' Alumnus Paul E. Patton takes charge 7
University iyf Kentucky TREASURER
` AI ‘A.. ‘r’ , D —‘ISl»Ir ’66 . . .. .
. Lgmglonig;g:t,l,(;%U] Jen. Axlzylicciill Chancellor Ehsabeth Z1nSeI` Administrator and motivator 8
, its clues-paying mein- -
l bers. Opinions exiresserl SECRETARY · . . _ . _ .
are not necessarillj tlzose Bob C. Wl1ital Notes milf-¤f‘93*   ` ` ` 'l?°"'Y " ngré  
4322 or Tony Gray at Brenzla Bain L, ' _ _ _ _ ,C;,,,_,
l ` (6(}6)226-4227. ]uIiaBrotlieis · V ` " .
Linda Bnnnnelrl Faxhne Focus L __ {__ _ _ A    
; Margie Carby @K`l"’ ‘ " r"`
R"b¥I H""‘l'" ,, Presidential Postscript 32
. ]oIin Hoagland 69
¥ Cliarles Livingston
` Karise Mace
Stacy Merirletli
Carolyn Rliorer
I Svnmc: 1996 K1·;rvru;m*A1.irxn~nis I
S féggrn./<‘»(Q In ;;:»; l 3,-Z ·/'/`jé

  .   *5  ‘‘_ : 3 -—‘‘ . A i . .·v ¥  ~ v   ;;;L—   VF 3
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. RACIAL SELE-[DENIII:*ICATI()N monitoring the access of minorities to at families’ involvement in decision-ma.k-
home mortgage loans. ing — at levels ranging from major med-
Should the child of an African-Amer- . ical treatments to room arrangements —— I
ican father and a white mother classify after a person enters a nursing home. l
himself as black or white on govern- . UK’S LEADERSHIP R()LE Family involvement is key because
ment forms? more than half of nursing home resi-
How can a The Tennessee Valley Authority’s dents have some type of mental impair- l
person with board of directors has recognized UK for ment, primarily Alzheimer’s Disease, .
South American   its “extraordinary creativity and leader- and need significant help with decision- l
Indian heritage Q   ship" in addressing the issues and chal— making, said High. _
describe herself `   lenges facing Kentucky and the nation. “We were surprised to see how high
when the only   “Under the direction of President the families’ levels of involvement
current racial I i . Charles Wethington ]r., UK has steadily remained over time,” said High.
categories are { J   " advanced its national standing in both Bowles and High are still analyzing A .
white, black, .,, ,» ’,,A, *9 qi   me scholarship and its pursuit of academic the massive data gathered in their study. l
Asian or Pacific · if; .i» T   il-i—4   excellence,” said TVA chair Craven “This data can be very useful to ‘ l
Islander, and •. —-     if   Crowell. researchers and administrators because ,
American Indian or Alaskan Native? UK also was praised for recognizing it can help answer many questions about l (
\Vhich ofthe categories fits the per- the importance of issues related to the nursing home life,” said Bowles. .
son who is one-quarter Irish, one-quar- mral Southeast, actively supporting the "Our primary message to families is l
ter janiaican, one-quarter African- creation of the Center for ‘Do your research when choosing a  
American and one-quarter English? Bural Studies, and advancing   nursing home because there are I ,
Clearly, how Americans racially cate- the significance of its `   many differences among .
gorize themselves — a topic currently Appalachian Center. them,’ ” said Bowles. “Also, Q
under review by the U.S. Office of Man-   stay involved. It is well  
agement and Budget in preparation for   known that family involve-
the :2()()() census — is not a simple black- - FAMILY _,_ ment is a positive influence .
or-white issue. INVOLVEMENT on the lives of loved ones ,
U K sociologist Doris ¥Vilkinson `58, a gig; in nursing homes.” I
nationally known scholar in the field of Many of us imagine a nurs- In I l
racial sell-identification, wrote a 1990 ing home resident as an elderly man or I
article on this topic that recently was woman, alone in a dingy room and for- I S0E·I*WARE VENTURE I
selected as the "landmark article" for gotten by relatives. That’s the stereo-
that year by the journal, Society, a social type, but a new UK study reveals a Tracking a chemical spill or testing a 1
issues forum for scholars and prominent much less lonely picture of nursing new landfill design normally would l ,
public figures. home life. require a complex computing program 1
\\’ilkinson`s article, "Americans of “\Ve found that families are not aban- and an expert to run it. But a program a
African ldentity," was among 32 works doning nursing home residents, but are called KYSPILL, developed by UK civil -
published in Society. one for each year remaining very heavily involved in deci- engineering associate professor Sergio l 1
since the journafs founding in 1963, that sions concerning them,” said Dallas Serrano, has made such jobs easier. ? ]
were chosen as the most significant arti- High, a philosophy professor and KYSPILL is unique because users only I 4
cles of the years in which they appeared. research associate of the Sanders—Brown need to input some basic data. It automat- ,
Bacial classifications are used in Center on Aging. High conducted the ically does the complex equations which ,
many crucial government activities. such study with Graham Bowles, professor of usually require thousands more data. _
as collecting census data; reviewing state geography and associate director for For example, the program could easi-  
redistricting plans; collecting education. social and behayioral sciences at the ly determine whether or not a spill 1
health and labor force statistics; evaluat- Sanders-Brown Center. caused by a truck wreck would contami- ,
ing federal aflirnuntiye action plans; and The three-year study is the first to look nate a nearby well. After entering infor- l I
2 l{I·ZN'|`l'l`kY .·\I.I'NI\l`5 SpRIN(; 1996 I

 j ,   R   ~·=A yy _ T   »»»/  _ » i   rj  
J          a           
  t     .; R. ,   J     g   - ington State University, the University
/ _     A                 ’  ofArizonaand UK.
j     A,    A ,   1 '               q Among its major findings is that
      V’V`;                   Americans believe continuing educa-
  Vgi. .   ”`Vii     if,                        .   i.i,i;   V:;¤—   ,;-;     =-:=-=»~~   mm 0rM€1¤¤g*mi¤giS i‘“P°"““" if
R V'f*   j               “ * ‘tr·V’V'   ’'‘·   they are to keep their edge in the
yu   j i  V        ·      yi pl R mt;}.  R V  I   IUK Lexington Campus Chancellor
··     J  r: »   4;, t  ,. r  t   wr  lr .-il   i       Elisabeth Zmser Silld, \Ve are really
  ·-·· `“'  gr,   ip    `  `i`' A { 4 ST- GUUR9   proud that UK was a participant in this
    i   s   gk NGDWQL   study through the expertise of Paul
»\ lj   l ° J   °°*mR Mgigfjggp VVarner.” VVarner is a faculty member in
R   R M  \HEE(3;Jii§§;j0t VV —,   MREHHDKY ipral sociology andrassistant director of
  jj , ,____Tm   /x_    tie Cooperative Extension Seiwce lll
y`. t I ° {ji   ‘  *   . \ •: UK s College of Agnculture.
i - 5+    U “Americans’ strong support of higher
R Ojjqeialsjhrmt UK, Z\l0reheatl State University and St. Claire Medical Center have education obviously bodes well for the
announced an erlucatianal paitneiwsh ip to prouicle health care training for the benejqt af countiy, particularly in the area of non-
people in northeastern Kentucky. traditional students,” said VVarner. “The
opportunity is plainly there for UK to
j mation such as the initial concentration one-time Medicaid payment awarded to continue to reach out to non-traditional
l of the chemical, annual rainfall and tem- UK Hospital with the assistance of for- students at their own sites and in their
perature and soil composition, the pro- 1ner Kentucky Governor Brereton C. own time frames."
gram will simulate the progress of the jones, and interest earned from the UK, \Varner continued, “is obvious-
spill over time. Fund for the Advancement of Health ly on the right track and ahead of many
V “VVe’re getting a warm response from Education. In addition, a three-year states in its use of interactive television
the environmental community,” Serrano start—up grant received from the Bureau classrooms, both for
said. “It’s very nice, veiy friendly.” of Health Professions Division of   credit and non-credit
. Nursing will assist in funding the nurse _ courses, throughout the
practitioner program, which began in   .,_ Commonwealth? The
I EDUCATIgNAL PARTNERSHIP january. The physician assistant pro-   `;¤ W College of Agriculture
I gram will commence in August. The two A · has more than 50 coun-
A new educational initiative, _jointly new programs begin to fulfill mandates ties with “down]ink” sites which can
sponsored by the UK Chandler Medical of the Health Care Reform program that receive satellite-transmitted courses
j Center, Morehead State University and requests that the state’s universities pro- and training.
’ St. Claire Medical Center, was recently duce mid-level health care providers to Philip Creasley, director of Universi-
announced. For the first time, two major serve in its medically underserved areas. ty Extension, said that UK has experi-
UK health wrofessions yrograms will be enced a 38 percent increase in the past
A offered in ll/Iorehead td train health care year in video-classroom enrollments. He
i providers to benefit people jp ngrtheast- - L]FE]__()N(; LEARNING also said that FK now has sevin off
1 ern Kentucky and other me ica y campus sites or interactive vit eo —
undersewed areas of the common- UK played a prominent role in a Ashland, Hazard, Owensboro, Paducah,
wealth. A UK nurse practitioner pro- national study of attitudes toward high- Elizabethtown, Prestonsburg and the I
gram and a physician assistant program er education showing that Americans Covington Campus of Northern Ken-
will be offered in Morehead using the are demanding lifelong learning experi- tucky University.
facilities of Morehead State University ences that are convenient and reason- "VVe have made some great strides,”
, and St. Claire Medical Center. Funding ably priced. \Varner commented. "But we have a
for the programs will come from the The study is a joint venture of VV ash- ways to go to meet the demand.”
Sriuxc: 1996 Kicr<·1·1r<:xr Ai.m1m=s 3

  .  l I ,‘,-V   , _   V   K, 7. pif., p, V!
I CHAMPIONS X SIX record for most three-point goals made the UK athletics department at  
in a game, nine, and is steadily moving http://vrzvtrx2v.uky.edu/Alurnni and links to  
The UK cheerleading squad came up the scoring list to a top five finish for · other sources like USA Today; The Ken-   I
home from the 1996 Universal Cheer- his career. tucky Kernel off the UK home page at
leading cornpeti— A V K my »   LL http://www.uky.edi1/KyKerne1/; the SEC {
tion with a second I {_   __ { · -,»;·*·—   rg  _   _ homepage at http://www.sec.org with
consecutive ~   _'I_   ,`   _       ticket information and stadium diagrams,
national champi- _ _   ·   _ Q `—tl ‘       H        .   and try http://www.secevent.com for l, ._
onship and its V $ A » Ar], if . Ill'? t  , ,.   E     _   everything you need to know about the  
sixth title overall. _ ill        _  Vip  r l .* l  I · ‘   Road to New Orleans   how the SEC I
The Cats are the  ·_ l"’     l I I i     ,    \\· ~    regular season is playing out, restaurant
only squad to put A     rmyiilii           A { hotel and entertainment information, a
together back—to- "C j ` ‘”'  ..-•   A  Q ` ` `   gx ’  A \ map of New Orleans and more.
back rratiorral    * ` Q   p_  , , For an Internet provider with local
titles mace. They   g,.    T. `   _   my  g ‘ _-L dial-up access throughout much of Ken- [
did it in 1987 and ` " '   ·     if _ g i tucky, call about UK Online through j
1988 and now in   fr A {  » I  campusMCI at 1-800-808-UOFK. l
1995 and 1996. THE UK CHEERLEADING squat] celebrates its second consecutive l
The Cats’ ron- national title. UK teams have won six Universal Cheerleading Association
tine takes two chanrpiorzslrips, three in the ’80s and three in the ’90s.Photo by Chuck Perry I BASEBALL HONORS ‘
minutes and 40 , 5
seconds and was set to japanese music. I SPORTS ON THE INTERNET The Wildcat baseball team began the 1
ln addition to the routine, which season ranked third in the SEC East l
includes cheering and gymnastics, 20 Broadcasts of UK men’s basketball Division. UK center fielder Chad Green {
percent of the score is based on crowd games by the UK Radio Network are was named to Baseball America’s 1995
interaction. Each competitor provides a available over the Internet. The service Pre-Season College All-Arnerica first (
tape ofthe squad working at a football uses software known as “RealAudio” that team and also to Mizuno’s second team l
and a basketball game. The UK team works with Web “browsers” to transmit all-American list by Collegiate Baseball l
received the highest crowd mark in audio streams over the Internet directly magazine. Green is also listed ninth on a l
NCAA Division I—A. to the user’s computer. No longer will list of Top 100 pro prospects playing col- I
you have to search for the best coordi- lege ball. Baseball America calls Green A S
nates in town to pick up the Kentucky “the fastest player in college baseball”   (
I PLAYER 0F THE YE  broadcasts or do without your basketball and counts him as one of the top center t
when you’re in Europe   as long as you field candidates for the 1996 Olympic A
I}  ·#»~··     —-=-—·.   Tony Delk`s mid- have the technology. To use the service, team. Green finished 1995 batting .350 _ ‘
    yy   t season stats had you need a sound card and modem with with five home runs and 43 RBIs. Along { l
  coach Rick Pitino a minimum speed of 14.4k; access to the with Green, who was also predicted to l (
  pointing to this team ‘ Internet by any provider and the be the SEC player of the year in the ~
  leader as a candidate for RealAudio software, which is available SEC East, outfielder ]ay Tedesco, catch- l
  SEC and national player free at the UK Sports web site: er Todd Young and pitcher Scott Downs S
ofthe year. Halfway http://www.uksportscom. Games can be were listed as players to watch in the I (
through the conference sched- ordered quickly after everything is in conference. l
ule. Delk was averaging 19 points and place. So far, fans from Australia, Ger- l
four rebounds per game, and was leading many and Israel are among those who l
the league in tlwee-point accuracy. have tuned into the Big Blue via their I EXCITE NIQHT l
Delk was doing all this while averag- computer. E
ing 29 minutes per game and playing Other web sites to look up: the UK Cheerleaders and dancing girls; a big l
relentless defense. He set a school Alunnri homepage with information from crowd, loud music, strobe lights in a dark- l
·l l(I·Z\J't`l`tZKY .·\l.l`\l\t'> SpmN(; 1996 E

lj . what other teams The UK team captured both of the top
ji val- '  have when they awards in the conference for the season.
y     " {sl are at home and Coach \Varren Lipka was named coach of
l   —· I .. I A '     ` that takes a full the year and junior midhelder Carrie
ig   ,   _ _ AA A 1,/ · Goliseum.” Landrum was selected player of the year.
  , _   if     eg Q 1 T, · _'t`‘  A V I,   7 ,·   in Coach Little Landrum played a key role in Ken-
          ft;  ),,_.-gvjglyyjj V!      extends an invi- tucky’s successful season. A consistently
j A      .    .·’   .   j —"`“ _ _   VV»_: i  ig; _A.j    j  A   {és  . _,W ,¢ tation to come tough player in the midfield, she staited
lil T . A jg %j   Q  *  ~ it    1 "     A ~    ~     Out and gee the all 23 of Kentucky’s matches. She scored
T   " V j  A     `   ·       excitement of six goals and had three assists as she led
,VV_ _ V,   V _ if . _   · `_ g lll   the sport and fill the team to seven straight wins as they
  ,..... . ,. ,.y_ i ,   - i`__I ‘ y · V_.ll` A ij . . the stands with entered the tournament field of 24
  Q V »· li `· ` i -       Blue and \Vhite. teams. She was named the most valuable
4 ‘   , Q j This year the player in the SEC Tournament.
· f SEC Champi— Coach Lipka left the men’s team in
THE GYMNASTIC S TEAM ’S Excite Night rivals Midnight Madness in onships will be 1991 to help build the women’s soccer
its theatrics, but the goal of NCAA competition is serious. Above, senior held in UK’s program. This year his team exploded
jenny Hansen peijinrnis afloor exercise. Photo hy David Coyle Memorial Colise- onto the national scene with a 17-6
um March 29. record, gaining key victories against
ened arena, door piizes and athletes Remaining Schedule higher-ranked regional opponents.
__ showing their stuff. It all sounds like Mid- March 9 GEO. VV ASH. 7:00 p.m.
night Madness, but this lavish production March 23 at Towson State 7:00 p.m.
belonged to the gymnastics team’s 12th March 29 SEC CHAMP. 7:00 p.m. . HEAD START
annual Excite Night extravaganza. (at Lexington)
Gymnastics coach Leah Little intro- April 13 NCAA Regionals 6:00 p.m. _$$-  \ Six UK football
duced Excite Night to call attention to (at Gainesxdlle, Fla.)   A . A.  signees are already
this varsity sport that boasts eight-time April 25-27 NCAA Champ. All Day V R     enrolled in class and
NCAA champion jenny Hansen in this, (at Tuscaloosa, Ala.) °   _V_,,. A looking foiwvard to get-
her senior year. No athlete has accom- Q  /»/’ 'ill ting a head start on the
plished as much as Hansen in her colle- ;‘ 1996 season when spring
giate sport. She is the winningest I SOCCER CHAMPS practice begins. Four freshmen and
Q collegiate gymnast in NCAA histoiy. two junior college transfers were eligi-
Hansen is pursuing a fourth consecu— The UK women’s soccer team cap- ble to begin classes in january. The
tive all-around NCAA championship tured its first SEC title in only its fourth freshmen are offensive lineman David
l while the whole team hopes to qualify year of competition last fall. The match- De LaPern·alle, wide receiver Dietrich
ji for post-season NCAA competition. es throughout the tournament were Harrington and defensive linemen
li Gymnastics is another sport where close with the VVildcats winning the George Massey and Omar Smith. They
Southeastern Conference schools popu- final 2-1 over Alabama. Allison Rooney join juco kicker/punter Tobin Ander-
I late the Top 25. In fact, in the pre-sea- scored the game-winning goal off a son and wide receiver Marvin Love.
son poll, all six teams from the SEC that cross from Amy Buerkle with a little This is the first time Kentucky has had
compete in gymnastics were in the top more than 15 minutes remaining in the as many as six signees in school in time
19 with Alabama at No. 1, Georgia at game. A 1-0 overtime victory over two- for spring practice.
No. 5, LSU at No. 6, Florida at No. 9, time defending champion Vanderbilt Kentucl    ef F` ~‘  T N 
.         ?2.;_ V ??..,....· .. T?   ’r  ir   . _.   °  *51 
` ·‘i mj %» ;   .   ~;/ 1   gi Ti J M ·1 [ _   j y   ~ _) *  — H  
.` lumnus Paul Edward Patton with people. P _ V. I ._  9w,,  __
} { ¥ became Kentucky’s 59th gov- “1 did that in ¥ ] YY ,_ {   A;   .    
ernor at one minute after Pike County, and 3 J;     i' A  ,_     Illl T iw}
midnight on December 12, nowlbelievelcan 5 ___? , g   I     sl   (       `
I 1995. Patton joins the list of UK alumni do it for the state           (   »;» _
who have held the chief executive post, of Kentucky.”     =_I H Q; if   l ` i
with the most recent predecessors being Patton led the     gi `   ‘ _ `
Martha Layne Collins (1979-1983) and state Democratic     if . _ _
john Y. Brown jr. (1983-1987). party from 1981       , V
Patton sees his election as an endorse- until 1983, when       C cf   »
ment for improvements to higher educa- he was elected  Q .     `_ ix M l` be .
tion and to the juvenile justice system, of Pike County         l
the Kentucky Education Reform Act judge-executive. Tlie Leadership in Franlcjbitput togetlzerby Gov. Patton includes
(KERA) and tax cuts for working people. He established (l€_fl to rigbt): Leonard Gray; Legislative Liaison; See. Robert S.
Speaking before the Council on High- Kentucky’s first Peters, Personnel Cabinet; Lt. Gouernorancl See. jbrtlie Cabinet jbr
er Education, the first governor since county-wide gar- Human Resources Stephen Henry; Cov. Paul E. Patton; See. Laura
Collins to do so, Patton said he plans to bage collection M. Douglas, Public Protection antl Regulation Cabinet; and See. Roy
create a higher education task force after program, began oil Peterson, Education, Arts anrl Humanities Cabinet.
the 1996 General Assembly adjourns, recycling in Pike
with the intention of calling a special leg- County, and established a work program creating new job opportunities.
islative session in 1997 to address higher in daycare centers for welfare mothers. Believing education is the key to eco-
education funding and possible reforms. It was also duiing his tenure as judge- nomic development, he has said. "I want
Again in january before the UK executive that he put programs together to create opportunities for eveiy Kentuck-
Community College Futures Commis- using tax breaks to attract jobs to the ian so we can improve our quality of lite
sion, Patton said, “If anyone out there area. He was responsible for luring the and secure the future for our children.
hasn’t gotten my message, it is to look at first major manufacturing plant, a cookie \Ve want our children to be able to pur-
how the higher education system works factory that employs 1,000 people, to sue their dreams right here in Kentucky."
together in all of its elements.” He Pike County. Patton has served on the Pritchard
pointed to his budget recommendations Elected lieutenant governor in 1991, Committee for academic excellence and
as his statement for higher education. Patton also sewed as the state economic on the task force on workplace literacy.
Among the recommendations of development secretaiy. He was the first Because of a constitutional amend-
interest to the UK audience were a 9.5 lieutenant governor to serve as an ment approved three years ago, Patton is
percent increase in the operating funds appointed cabinet secretaiy. He’s con- this cent11ry`s first Kentucky governor
l for the Community College System dur- tinuing that concept with the appoint- allowed to seek a second term in office.
ing the upcoming biennium, and three ment of lieutenant governor Dr. Born in Fallsburg in 1937, he is a
I community college buildings as well as Stephen Henry as secretary of the Cabi- 1955 graduate of Louisa High School in
two teclmical buildings. net for Human Resources. Lawrence County. Patton earned a
During the 1995 gubernatorial cam- Patton helped establish the first East- mechanical engineering degree from
paign Patton told why he had made the ern Kentucky Leadership Conference, UK in 1959. He and his wife, jndi. have
decision to enter the political arena. “I and is a founding member of Leadership four children and three grandchildren. V
had made my living, and I wanted to get Kentucky. He was in the coal business in Pike
involved in politics because I thought I Patton is the author of "Kentucky’s County until 1979 when he began his
could really change the economy of Approach to Economic Crowth,” a book public seiyice career with (lov. john Y.
Eastern Kentucky because of what I explaining his understanding of the Brown jr.`s administration as deputy
learned as a businessman and working state’s economy and his commitment to state transportation secretany.
Srnnsc 1996 Ki·:xrr<;i