xt71ns0kwd5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kwd5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1996 1996 1996-02-02 2020 true xt71ns0kwd5s section xt71ns0kwd5s  






Many flock to Med Center as precaution

By Brenna Reilly
Nam Editor

and Jolt Vinson
(,‘pmpux Editor

Hundreds of UK students received precautionary
drugs from University Health Services, officials said
yesterday, for possible exposure to meningococcal
meningitis, which killed a UK student \Vednesday

The scare followed the death of freshman .lana
Oliver, 1‘), who fell ill late Tuesday afternoon. She
was taken to the UK Chandler Medical Center-
Emergency Room at about 3 a.m. and died four
hours later from meningococcal meningitis sepsis.

After 3 pm. yesterday students stopped coming in
for the drug, and officials decided not to extend the
center's hours. The Medical Center will reopen at 8
am. today.






Ofthe 330 students, faculty and staff interviewed
by the Medical Center, 264 people received the
antibiotic rifampin, said Dr. Spencer Turner. direc~
tor of University Health Services.



“In“ ME I 'K nun} luixlcctluil/ pre-

pui‘e to meet .1 young I’lu/‘ulu .vr/uiul ton/arrow

uric/noon (ll Rupp . lrcnii. I’i'ci'icu', page i.


WEATHER (fold and more}!

today, big/J near I i,- 4—6 inches
possible by tonight, 10:.“ near 20,-

i‘loiuly tomorrow, ltigl.t near I l.


Because of the disease’s fragile state outside the
body, Turner said that the chances of contracting the
infection from casual contact were “essentially zero."

The .\1edical (fenter extended its hours and offi—


Turner stressed during a news
conference yesterday at the Medical
Center that his team’s response to
the situation was more of a precau—
tionary measure. He and his team
took thedisease very seriously, but at
no time did they think it was neces-
sary to cause a panic.

“This was a single case, not an


will Ive 7:30 pm.
Sunday at Sacred
Heart Academy
Chapel, 317i
Lexington Road
in Louisville.

cially closed at 9:31) p.iii., but officials did not
finish interviewing patients until 11 pm.
During the night, 11) people were admitted
to the emergency room but they were not
found to be iiieningococcal infections, he said.
Four patients did receive spinal taps, but all
had no signs of bacterial infections.
L'niversity Health officials encourage stu-
dents who have questions to call 3335833 or




epidemic," Turner said, several
times during the conference. “It is a single isolated
incident, but we take it seriously because we would
be damned fools if we didn‘t."

He wanted to make sure that those students who
may have had intimate contact with Oliver under-
stood the situation and knew the courses to follow.

Amid questions about the disease and its effects,
Turner took timeout to mourn Oliver‘s loss.

“\Ve need to remember that UK students, L'K
sorority folks have lost a friend and lost a classmate,
and we take that concern just as seriously," Turner





“People can still come in if needed,” officials said.

Student smokers
react to state study

By Gary Wull
Stuff I l rim-

A group of college students
gather outside the \Vhite Hall
Classroom Building in a circle to
keep warm. as they light up their

:\ familiar sight nonetheless,
but do these students think about
the statistics related to cigarette

According to a government
report on tobacco use, Kentucky
ranks fourth in tobacco—related

More than 3‘) percent of adults
18 and older in Kentucky smoke,
compared to a national average of
23 percent.

Eric Nealis, computer science
junior, has been smoking since he
turned 18.

“I don’t really care about the
statistics. I continue to smoke
when I'm bored," Nealis said.

For Amy Spicer, a biology
junior, the statistics have had an
effect on her.

“I’m totally aware of all the
statistics and I have cut down
(smoking) a little," she said.

“I don't think it's something we
plan on doing for the rest of our
lives. It‘s just a phase that I‘m
going through."

She sees smoking as a way to
relieve stress, “\Vhen you’re sit—
ting there studying, the easiest
thing to do is light up a cigarette.”

Spicer understands the plight of
the secondhand smoker, “I'm real—
ly sympathetic to people who
don't like cigarette smoke."

“\Vhen I'ni outside and some-
one's sitting beside me who
doesn't like smoke I'll be more
than glad to put it out."

Lori Strosnider, chemical engi-
neering senior, has smoked 3—4

cigarettes a day for less than a

“I've heard the statistics, but I
try not to think about them."

To combat the smoking Stros-
nider tries to exercise every day.

“I usually smoke after I eat
because it tastes good," Strosnider

:\ L‘niversity ofi\1ichigan study
released last month showed smok—
ing among teens has increased to
the highest level in 16 years.

Is it any coincidence that the
average age ofa smoker is 13 and
becomes a daily smoker by 14 1/2?

Undeclared sophomore Rudy
Baca fits this description, having
smoked since the beginning of his
teen—age years.

However, the statistics are not a
concern to him.

“Of course I know what’s going
on, but I’ve been smoking since
13,” Baca said.

“I plan on quitting after col—

A familiar phrase but a small
amount of people actually do quit.

Part of the problem is the nico-
tine in the cigarettes. Nicotine is
one of the most addictive chemi-
cals available.

The report shows the state
spends $517 million in direct
medical costs related to smoking's

Stacey Phillips, an undeclared
freshman, maintains a nonchalant
attitude about the report.

“I don‘t really think about the
statistics when I light up," Phillips

“I guess I have a short—term
personality then because I really
don’t think about on down the

Phillips concluded, “I plan on
quitting someday, like everybody
else says."





HELENA IIAU Kn m/ 11.11?

Hands ICPIISS campus

Students nndjiu‘ulry mcmlteitv pnitii‘ipute in lan‘nigtun (,‘onimunity College‘s ltu‘l' ofliof
February‘s Black History illontlv yertci‘diiy. .‘It I'K. ll pivot/i cv/ti/vit oft/re .1 Iillion Mun .1 [MIT/.1
is being displayed in honor oft/Jr mom/J. Sec army, page 6.



_, ., -_ ,, -»-..-.,wmm. .u .. .


February 2, I 996


o (Iii/omnli 5 l)ll‘t’HIOIl\ 2
Z (illii/‘lb 5 Spa/1i 3

(Jun—“WIN, 5 l'ma‘pouil 4




uniioiii Congress votes
on sweeping changes

\VASHINU’I‘ON ~ Congress voted yesterday
to free the exploding television, telephone and
home computer industries to jump into each
other‘s fields and reshape the culture and coin—
merce of the 21st century.

The bill — saluted by Sen. Larry Pressler, R—
S.D., as a telectiiiimunications “road map" into the
new century —- flew through the House. 414—16,
and then the Senate, (ll-5,

President Clinton hailed the action, saying in a
statement, “consumers will receive the benefits of
lower prices, better quality and greater choices in
their telephone and cable services, and they will
continue to benefit from a diversity of voices and
viewpoints in radio, television and the print

The president will sign the bill “probably within
a w eek," Vice President Al (iore said in a telephone

The reworking of the 61-year—old Communica—
tions Act would let local and long-distance tele—
phone companies and cable companies into each
others‘ businesses, deregulate cable rates and allow
media companies to more easily expand their hold—
ings. It also would restrict smutty material on com-
puter networks and television.


Gingrich would accept smaller tax cuts

\\':\SI II.\'(;T( IN 7— In the latest budget retreat
by Republicans, House Speaker Newt Gingrich
said yesterday that he was considering a smaller,
shorter—lasting tax package than the (SOP has

In their negotiations over balancing the budget
over seven years, one of the severest clashes
between President Clinton and Republicans has
been over tax cuts. In their most recent offers, the
(i( )P was seeking about $201) billion in lower taxes
over seven years and Clinton $130 billion. Many
congressional Democrats want none.

But after a meeting of House Republicans, (fin-
grich told reporters that he would “look at a four—
year package with all the major tax cuts." He did
not say how much it would cost, but said it “frankly
is a smaller number."

\Vhen they took over Congress last year, House
Republicans called their tax-cut plan the “crown
jewel" of their “Contract “'ith America" campaign
manifesto. The plan includes a $500 per child tax
credit for many children aged 18 and under, plus a
reduction in the capital gains tax rate paid on prof—
its ofproperty sales.

Clinton proposed a similar tax credit for chil-
dren, and has said he would accept a lower capital
gains tax -—— long a top (501’ priority - as part of a
balanced—budget deal.


Janet Jackson says lamily is normal
NEW" YORK —— janet jackson, whose brother,

as you know, likes to wear eyeliner and a surgical
mask and whose sister has set up a
tell—all 900 number. says hers is a
completelynormal family.

“The only difference is that
they're on television, you see their
faces in the paper and you listen to
the music on the radio,” Jackson
said in an interview which aired
\Vednesday night on Black Enter-
tainment Television.

She blames the media for the
negative perception of her family.

(fompi/erlfimn ii'ii'r i'eprn'l.\.






m mum Kandy“)!

m “I Many students qumioned more rban 20 adminbrraton

about UK, its operation: and politics.

Mr , c.

Students use chance to get

New S GA senator gives ofi‘icz'uls
opportunity to bearflom rumpus

By John Abbott
Senior Staff IVi-iiri'


Do you wonder why Alumni Gym is open at such cockeyed hours?
Are you a vegetarian miffed by UK's inadequate supply of leafy
greens? ,

I wanted to

Do on wish the band field had stronger grass so you wouldn't slip ,
organize [I71

and fal when you're strutting with your tuba during band practice?

If you were in the Boyd Hall lobby last night, you would have had Inf-077””,
the collective ear of more than 20 administrators and student organi- meeting where
zation leaders to make your feelings known. I could find out

The meeting, or anized by Student Government Association what people
freshman Senator Ji 1 Coleman, featured Dean of Students David wanted
Stockham, two assistant deans and re resentatives from Intermezzo, urban ed 93
the Central Advising Service, the Paniellenic Council and the VVell- 'g '
iiess Center, all ready to respond to the praise and complaints from
the student body. Jill cm


Thirty students attended the meeting. Mechanical engineering
freshman Bill Burke was the first to jump in.




“I was wondering why the prices are so high at Blazer?” he said.

Carol Raitz, one of the five re resentatives from Food Services who
attended, referred to a stack of igures on her lap to demonstrate that
Blazer’s prices were fairly competitive with surrounding businesses.

She also noted that Blazer has a number of expenses it has to cover,

1 9

some answers

including maintenance ofthe eating area.
Undeclared sophomore Josh Short seemed unimpressed.
“I'd rather have cheap food than nice wallpaper,” he said.

Food was the primary beef addressed, but other issues included the
campus crime rate and safety.

Coleman said that the idea for the meeting began

because she felt that she wasn't doing enough for
SGA, but she didn't know exactly what she was sup—
posed to do.

“I wanted to organize an informal meeting
where I could find out what people wanted
changed,“ said Coleman, an advertising freshman.

The idea ballooned.

Why not have some of the other SGA senators
attend, she thought.

Then: why not the administration, too?

“What better way to one, show students that
administrators are approachable; and two, get stu-
dents’ ideas straight to the people who make the
decisions, than to have these people take an hour or
two out of their Thursday night, show up at our
dorm, and listen,” she said.

And informal the mood remained.

Music education freshman Ryan Akers com-

plained that insufficient lighting on the band field made it difficult to
read his sheet music during night practices.

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Jim Kuder jokingly remarked,
“You guys read the music?”



- .. _' __,_.-WA— -. a,




,._ .._-..---~A.~-~.L_

2 Friday. February 2, 1996, Kentucky Kernel

New CD3 0
en ergy, [lllgel‘
By John Abbott

Sen/111' Sniff (.Ilfh

and Robert Duffy

. I111 It'd/(111'

Stabbing \Vcstward
I'Vitber Blister Burn 4» Perl
* 1k [/2
900 “I'm such an assIItIILH/Litnl I'm
such a stain/I iust keep fuLkmg 11p






again and again.” These are the
opening lyrics to "I Don't
KC’NIIIBKY , Newsroom: .‘S'I-I‘IIg
' ., . '- Advertising: ZST—JhTI
' . 125-1900
E—A‘Iail; Kernel@pop.uky.edu
-- «1" Internet:
Lance Williams ................................................... Editor in Chief
Jennifer Smith .................................................. Managing Fditor
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... \ews I ditor
Jeff V inson ........................................................... Campus F1Iitor
Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Ftlitor
Matt Felice ....... ...F11_Iitorial Fditor
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... SportsF Fditor
Robert Duffy ............................................................... Ar ts Editor
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design ILdItOF

Claire Johnston ........................................................ KeG Fditoi
IiBien Tham ............................................... Photography FLli tor
Benjamin Abes




Andreas Gustaf fsson ........... .. . .................... On-linL- Fditors
Ashley Shrewsbury ..................................... Asst. F.1li1orial Iiditor
Chris Fasterling ............................................ A $51. Sports F.1Ii1ur
Julie AndersonAsst Arts FLlitoi'
Dan O’Neill ...................................................... As st. KeG Fditor
Tracie Purdon
Sheri Phalsaphie .......................................... As st. Design Fditors
John Abbott, SLott Gordon Brian Pri1ett. Jeff\1nson
Tiffany White ....................................................... Copy IL1litors

Are You. . . ?

-—A leader



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2! 4 I . Mdlll - 2}! 4:997 - lllsl Run $4.50 - omen a Muium- sr_7'.

NEE PARKING my a u ran/~41; 04 r City m Anna: may. mm to Pauco oopr.

First time director Noah Baumbach
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An audience pleaser."

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liL'lie1e " the opening tracks to
St abbinu \\ estward .s new albutn
II irIvu' Illitru‘ an + [’.1']. Now,
don t lLt this slap' in the faLe scare
you away; the rest of the '.'ilbum is
filled with intense l\"',iiLs good
music and excellent production
by producer John I‘ryer (Nine
Inch .\ .11,ls I1o1e L\" Rocket).
“\Ah'.1tI)oIIIave To Do,- ' is a
sad tale of a lover wanting to make
things work Beginning with a
softly sung vocal by ( hristopher
Hall, the song h as the appearance
of .1 ballad. How'e1er, before you
get .1 L'h".'1nLe to settle into the
song, guitar riffs from hell burst
out of nowhere and take the lis—
tener to a new musical dimension.

There is also a very noticeable
industrial sound to this albutn.
“Sleep," for example, uses a com—
bination of synthesizers and
drumming to make the song
almost h1pnotic.

I wouldnt Lonsider Stabbing
\\ Lstward he'a1y inet'.,1l only
because that term is too silly these

I also wouldn't consider them
alternative or industrial. If you can
think of 1.1 nice combination of all
three of them, then you've got a
pretty good idea of what they‘re
all about.

Stabbing \\'e.stward should be
commended on the energy that is
felt in their music. It's 1.1 rare occa—
sion when you can hear the blood.
sweat and tears that go into mak—
ing an album like this.


The rapy?
Infernal Love
it t [/2

I he I1‘1sh trio 'I lit-t'apyF, whose


. - ». o“---m~~, 1




catchy tune “Screamager” made
the rounds of college radio a few
years ago returns with a new
Iong— player, Infernal I1 0111

The album 5 first single,
“Loose,” is pretty snappy, and has
the added hook of dropping the
occasional reference to cross~
dressing, but most of the tunes
here are fairly unremarkable p1 ist—
punk guitar Workouts.

“Stories" gets '.1 saxophone
boost which fattens the groove
nicely. “A Moment of Clarity" is a
six-minute opus which, for once,

'aLtually justifies its length. A lot of

longr songs, especially in 'a genre
which is particularly given to
brevity, are needlessly so, but this


one sounds like it really needs all
six minutes. Great drama, great

“Me Vs. Y on" is a terrific piece
of storytelling.

The ambiru ruous lyrics refuse to
surrender al of their secrets on
first listen, dropping only juicy
hints that draw you in and make
you want to learn more about the
hidden story.

Songwriter Andrew (iairns
strikes exactly the right balance
between clarity and mystery, le'a1 »
ing room for differing interpreta»
tions. (Iairns‘ vocals are weirdly
mixed for that extra edge.

Included also on Infi'l'nnl [111:1
is 1.1 seriously misguided co1er of


By Lisa L. Miller

‘nh/‘I II 11111'

IntLrnition'il music will onLe
attain bit I K is l .11lysmith BlaLk
\lamba/o performs as part of thL
\'L-w \\ orl1l 1\l11siL Series offered
by the Student Acti1ities Board.

(In Monday night, the South
African ensemble will grace the
stage of the (Itis -\. Singletary
(ienter for the Arts with the music
that has made them an interna—
tional success.

Joseph Shabalala, founder and
leader of I1adys111ith Black Mam-
b.1711), created the group as an
answer to a vision. In the mid
1050s, he left the family farm to
work in nearby Durban.

\Vhile workin1r at '.1 f.'1Ltorv, he
found his own talent of singing.
After pL rformingr 111 '.1 few groups


Photo [in 711.1er

80 "lions “Stabbing II em. 1111] returns rifle; a two year Inca/1' uitIJ II ir/m Blimr Burn + P111. 11 liard- Ldged
dIImm that borders on angst and lonelr'nm'.

Hiisker Dii's classic rape-and~tor-
ture anthem “Diane." Recasting it
as a morose orchestral piece isn't
the problem; in fact, those sighing
cellos are a pretty neat idea. But
the way (Iairns sings it is all

Grant Hart's half—sung, half-
spoken vocal is critical to the
song's creeping menace. (Iairn's
earnest singing makes it sound
like he's auditioning for the opera.
Those multi-tracked backing
vocals don‘t help eithL r.

['11 I11111'1'o/1111I 11/1/11 of (/11 111': '1I/I’llII/1 I'v
Sh/Ivlvnlg II 1“".\r‘..'.II1/.I1nl II11"11I/71'./. I'm!
the Kenn! ()n—I./n1' .11
I'll/1'z’/':.":.":." 1111111-1111/I1'111111-11111.1.1 ;'11".;'
fI‘h 4111",.


Black Mambazo to ignite UK

in Durban. he returned home to
form his own groups. Unsatisfied
with the results, he felt that sortie-
thing was lacking.

“I tried to teach the music that
I feel, but I failed until 1964 when
the dream came to me," said Sha—
balala in a news release.

“I always heard the harmony
from the dream, and I said this is
the harmony that I want and can
teach to those guys."

Led by his vision he began to
recruit members of his immediate
family includinr three brothers
and cousins. T e group has 10
members who sing the harmonies
of Joseph Shabalala's colorful

Since 1970, the group has
recorded 10 albums, selling more
than three million records in their
African catalog and abroad. ()ne

of their most famous works was
with Paul Simon on Grate/11ml.
After having listened to 1.1 cas-
sette of their music, Simon made
the trip to South Africa in order to
meet the group. He was captivated
by the stirring sound of' bass, alto
and tenor harmonies and decided
to incorporate the traditional
music into his album. (1111111111111
was regarded by many as seminal
to today s explosive interest in
world music
Isicathainiya, the traditional
music sung by Ladysmith Black
Mambazo, was born in the mines
of South Africa. Black workers
were taken by rail to mines far
from their homes and families.
Poorly housed and paid, the work—
ers. would entertain themselves
after a six day week by singing '.1
capella into the wee hours e1ery


WRFl brings


music into 20th century

By Julie Anderson
.'l1'1‘1\'mnr .'I1'ri' lull/1111'

(:oined '.1 show with “cerebral
orchestral intent." \A'RFL's
newest addition is “Post Nuclear
('h'1111l1Lr.'.\IusiL' airing I111. sdays
from ‘I 1111 to noon

\\ ith '.'1nou1L1'a11 othL-stral 1.,1im
tliL program highlights music that
Lvol1L1l from thL "rand orchestras
and L'litL L“l11111bL111111sic of old.

The progeny of yesteryear are

the string quartets, jazz ensembles
and rock groups of today.

“Since the music on the show is
defined by a concept and not a set
instrumentation or musical style,
the content is very diverse,"
explained Thomas Owens, general
manager of \\'RI"I1. “I think a
variety of music is good and with
the technological advancements
during this century there are
many options for the show

Although the title implies post



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\A'orld \A'ar II compositions, the
program draws from 'a myriad of
20th century musical styles.

“In the first show alone we
heard the cerebral tan 0 of
Argentinian Astor Piazml a, the
avant ballet “Sinister Footwear"
with a distortLd guitar solo, :1
Shostakmich symphony and the
uluating voice of Meredith
.\Ionk," Owens said.

()wens, who also hosts
\VRFI...'S “\A'orld Beat Show,"
came tip with the idea for “Post~
Nuclear Chamber Music" several
years ago in an attem it to re—aim
public attention on t e array of
talented 20th century musicians.

“I kicked around the idea of a
show focused on 20th century


Sunday morning. “hen the min—
ers returned to their homelands,
the tradition went with them.

The music of the Zulu workers
is now being incorporated world-
wide. Playwright ’l'ug Yourgrau, :1
white South African who immi-
grated to the United States when
he was 10, wrote a script that
reflected the experiences he
LnLountereLl in his niti1e home.
T he play, [/11 Sung off/1111b Zulu,
presents the grief oer violence
and '.'.1pirtheid while utiliring all
original music by Ladysmith
Black Mambazo. By captivating
audiences within the United
States and bey,ond I1 '.1dysmith
Bl' .'1Lk Mambazo has prode that it
is not only 'a group that sings well.
but also presents '.1 message that
needs to be listened to not only


music for a long time." Owens
said. “The program is more
focused and avant garde, than
other cerebral/classical shows that
rely mostly on classical music
from 1600 to 1800s."

The show's musical line—11p
runs the gamut from John
Coltrane to John (iage. As well,
()w'ens intends to provide air time
to ensembles whose music directly
touches the UK campus, such as
the Kronos Quartet. hosted
through the “Spotlight on Jazz

“This program serves to hope~
fully educate and entertain the
general public about what is the
musical equivalent to fine litera-
ture," Owens said.

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'“W - - ;.... v ‘ _,_,__._.-.mw~-‘. .- . __ ,, . , . . - ...ugr-IM'F‘W‘P?W”WHVI *- a .‘I
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ANN/.1. Ki ,-, i." fun/.11 I'il'rr'lmn J I‘lWi a
CC....‘O....C.............................O...............C....... P “I O................I...IO.COIOOOOOOOI.'QIOOOOOOOOOUOIOICOOICOOOOOIOC
By Ty Halpin one ofthe nation's elite: chronic free-throw prolilL‘iii.
serum-MI}? ll'rim “The nature of athletes is' to “\Ve need to piLk up what we "K V8, Hurlfla
line up and enjoy playing against call gang rebounding," Pitiiio said. . ‘ .. 7,,
Poll quiz: \\'.is‘ Florida basker— thL best ' 'l‘he (Iats have been outreboiinded 10mm“)... I [1.7)].
ball coach l.on Kruger speaking Spurrier right? Nope. KrugLr iii their last two galiies. “\\'L- need Rllpp .‘fI‘L’II/l
on the Southeastein (Ionic-range used tLrtns often associitLd with all fiie players on the floor to hit
teleconference, or was it ({ator the gridiron, probably LoinLiden~ the glass hard and really make it a UK (17- -1 7- 0 SEC)
football headiiiaii Steve Spurrier: tally. But his verbatitn is fitting. priority." Pfobab'e Starters ”3- Hair
'l‘JkL. a 1‘,th .it L1“. outtakes. as The (iatois will need ..ifootbill l’itino singled out leading sL‘i)r~ err. ”r W“ ‘89 39
thL (thnrs l‘) ‘1 our.” 4 4 SH‘) inentility to beat the ( its espe‘ er Tony Delk and junior Derek film‘wnflu‘lpea‘ 18% fl)?
prepire to meet \o. I L K( ci lll\ at Rupp L' F does not lTL'iHC Anderson as prime offenders. f/DeiiikArideLrgoh 92 28
‘0) tomorrow at Kl'l‘l’ \rcnlnl; the athletes to run with L K; .\s for Florida, the (iators will EArilomeWalker 161 81
V( )n the \\ildc.itdefense-”1U“ try — as countless otherl: be playing their sLL'ond road giine 893ml":ROliMeri:er,801JDg.MarkPODG
“\Qm‘yc am to be alert us- have ~ to slow the pace and hope in four days \ftLr filling behind Ais'Amhmyl‘pDS abJefl Sheppard4 7'
_ , b . . leil Edwards 34 Ndll Mohaiiiined 25;
receivers. \nu ve 141,: m mm-c to for the best. by H at :-\l ibama \\ ednesdav OliverSimintii 20. Lanieroi MlllS 15
make yourselfavailiil'ile." Kruger brin s' a youthful Llub Floridi rallied but lost (18-65 la oriLathrem 05
VOH the opportunity to play to Lexington a ter losing :'\ndie\i . KrugLr s Llub is Lle irly rebuild-
Def kind and Dan ( ross to grid— mg. lhe (xators‘ have nine fresh» Florida (9.9, 4.4)
uation. Lack of experience isn .1 men and sophomores and two prom“, Starters: P18: Rab:
the only factor going against L l‘. seniors th it see pl iying time. 5 Greg Williams 104 27
Their tallest starters are (15' lhe (iitors eirly— —se.ison play QEddle Shannon 97 )7
(Datnetri Hill and l.eRon minht be expliined by theii cal- (FJPeaFiiifillillH _ ‘5: l9
_ ,. . . . vi .anis 8a 49
[W \Villianis) and there is not much of low ness. lti losing four of its first FBrran rhmww” .35 53
a bench to speak of. six by an average of 18 points, UF Reserves: Grieg Stolt. 7 4 pogKendrick
Generally, that spells major turned in performances with as SDWF’H 7- DanWllllams 241J0€l Reinharl.
trouble against UK. The (Iats go much strength as a wet noodle. lall,Pémlsl?gUX/i'fvfihglfggfl gem? 9*
ir- 10 deep, with every player averag— “This is a group that has made Mar'Fan'an‘dvm ' J ' ‘ I
'lt ing double figures in minutes. By a lot of progress." Kruger said of
1“ contrast, Florida centers its min- his team. T _
ng utes around six players. Delk has been L'K's steadiest W: WK“ lChanirAi27ilivo
UT “Florida gives you a number of performer, averaging 18.9 points .1
all different looks," UK coach Rick game. After the senior three-point l“ A‘” “CHEW "l -'l 8 l’mm‘e
Pitino said, referring to UF's dif— shooting assassin. the (Eats can “ '1 lC " Crlth‘ lC‘l l’.‘ Kim." “1""
lf— ferent defenses. “\Ve expect they’ll punish with anyone from Antoine ”""‘1_ “Kl L K -‘ ChC'm‘") “9““
he play a lot of zone, which I thought \Valker and \Valter .\lc(lartv “"t mix. 0" and water, th." “ul-
1‘s would be our weakest area coming down to Allen Edwards. the It has not test~tubed “Ut-
nd into the season." V unlikely hero of L'K's‘ win at killWll‘lShm‘“ l“ Ill“ norm, 110‘
ra. “'hat Pitino said next should Georgia. lel‘l“ “l‘h- In {RICK ht‘ hi“ I”
ng make even Kruger shudder: “It has “They set the standard iii a lot UFL'C Wills” Pl “US I“ Ml"! \htm
been our strongest." of different areas," Kruger said. \\L n .1 \er\ hungn baskLt»
f'i‘ STEPHANIE CORDLEK‘ .1 .. Since UK's loss to [Mass .\'ov. “\Vhen they sense a little bit of bill tL .iiii " l’itino said ‘\\L \e
*r/ ”l“ "‘"l 38, the Cats have played without a tentativeness out of an opponent. been hungry .ill LL..r. hr
BIG ‘0' (‘Aufiit'ff'I/Vt'1'11} [rev/r rwi'rlf blemish. Pitino, the ultimate proc» they really turn it up." That \lll iuld make (iator fans ”MN“ “All ‘
r/‘i’i/omrimrrirgMgr/17will/rt l/i— tor of L'K's progress, sees trouble The (hits ll.l\ e turned it up all Li‘inge or turn thoughts to fooi- TAKE IT I" l i.'\ I’m for .1. kW" ‘4 ”l r‘r ” l’v’” " 'r '- ._.mr. .r/ .
erlllt‘ Il'lr'IHINQ troy/L spots with rebounding and a year. In its 17 wins. [K has won b.il| season. ll ill/Ii Irma/17‘ .:..r\ 713-171“ .«' l" «r '.I L. i r 1' r r2 r /.\f
. V
[5‘ After two consecutive 20-plus point outings against Texas Christian and Georgia.
Tony Delk was held to 14 points in 30 minutes of action against South Carolina.
.rs Delk is being touted by many as a legitimate National Player of the Year candidate.
l|_ Florida‘s backcourt is anchored by junior Greg Williams. Williams is one of only two FLORIDA 5‘77] ff
’ a Gators averaging in double figures this season. v
:n tiiuiiircouiir
1": Team statistics After shooting a dismal 40 percent from the free throw line against Georgia, Antoine Hill Team statistics
6. ill/Walker came owut against Elotinh Carglirgja and shot batterdtharbss peregrlilt from the
c arit stripe. a er cou e matc e u a ainst ori a's ametri i tomorrow.
"K _ Opponents Hill is leading the Gators in scoring with hi; patented baby jump hook which has I": opponents
.492 Field Goal Percentage .400 been dubbed Da Meat Hook by members of the media. .414 Field Goal Percentage .427 ~
.679 Free-Throw Percentage .659 m .661 Free-Throw Percentage .671
.411 Three-Point Percentage .323 .323 Three-Point Percentage .291
923 Points per Game 69.6 After the Gators‘ fiTrrst fiv: starters, phnlyctwto playersf are avgraging moremthagi 10h 55 8 Points per Game 67.2
minutesa game, iss ou ive e asa signi icanta vanta eon e enc , '
42-1 Rebounds Per Game 37-3 with ten players averaging moSie than 10 minutes. Against Souttharolina, UK had 36-4 Rebounds Per Game 37-8
14.3 Off. Rebounds Per Game 14.6 29 points from its bench, including 10from Anthony Epps. 112 Off. Rebounds Per Game 13.4
21.6 Assists Per Game 11.5 12.9 Assists Per Game 13.8
17. 3 Turnovers Per Game 24.1 ' 14.8 Turnovers Per Game 15.7
5 4 Blocks per Game 31 Florida is two years removed from its Cinderella run to the Final Four, and coach Kruger 4.8 Blocks per Game 3.9
12 6 St I P G 8 1 Lon Kruger's squad is young. Only two seniors return from last years team. The
ea 5 er ame - Gators have had an up and down season so far, gomg from a 15-p0int loss to 7-9 Steals Per Game 79
South Florida to a three point win over Mississippi State.