xt71ns0kwc32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kwc32/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1985 1985 1985-12-12 2020 true xt71ns0kwc32 section xt71ns0kwc32 . .' l I i
“fig“ {if I . ‘_j"_. * “W" ' ' _’ ‘ “'4 i’ r ’ " Universityofkonmehy. “urinate". Kentucky IMW tsinca ‘9" Thursday, December t2 I985 " ‘-
:S’Hlf‘h‘h“ . «my’a'rzq u, . . I . .» Iw , ’1.“ ‘5, _ . n . . .. . 1 . - . n I I
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Rep bl'can d f at
tax overhaul plan -. -. ,
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House speaker says GOP lawmakers ;
l - - -.; ; t i 533.
I ‘ . turned their backs on the preSident ’l‘
‘ ' ) .1 “I. .‘ ‘i 1' ‘3 hip."
h) “I“lhhfl H good faith etlorts «iii both sides of .uv ’hr-f' ’r I.
""MXH‘IHH H)» the .tl\lt‘ that our work should tie 3‘ . A. 5:.
l l \l t‘it‘ l; "k til .i ll; ll l til \Iil s -; '. ". A‘ '
. ‘ . .m. i “CASHING'I‘UN .-\ rebelliou> lltIeagaiisdlil W H e ‘I ' It '35":
/ t . House sidetracked far reaching tax "I". ‘I _ ." .-' -;
' ‘ l overhaul lehhl‘mhn thum‘h In contrast to the tax overhaul leg . 2’ '5 I. It;
.r,‘ .I r . » . . ‘; DOS-“Ml (looming h h" the 5"“le . islation the landmark tiill designed .; ". .-
. / I] .5‘ _'»' {I L . 1 while the Senate marched towairl h. lorci- d balanced budget mm} .I 5 'Is- I. .- 77?;
'j "I "L \ I I .. h' , . passage 0’ it “0”le by} d(‘>Il)lllt‘(l [th stll‘H‘vt‘tl 11 N‘ll‘rtlt' tt'sl vote 6331 5. _ '.' " I
' 4 ‘ l a? -- . .v > . ll ’ Mp“ out the hahhh ‘\ 3’0“ hhhhh ht“ Final approial was expec’ed later in ‘ _- , ‘ ’I’ ‘.I-.".'~"' -.‘~
' h a ' 7‘: I A I ' lcahhh),h?l‘ ) t t t ttl l th the day and House leaders said the]. I,‘-I‘. ; ‘ I ,~‘
' ' r e 3.14.); \tie it )0 en) t‘ V . .I 3.
' - > \ . Y . . I _ I . . . might stay in session long enough o I . “'2'.
I, : c LJ' *3 ” :- '. ' ~ t I I most swecping change ”1 [hl h” approve the compromise and send it '. . . '. '-‘
‘fis 5’1"". 4a .. laws in a lifetime was sparked n} ,(I Reagan The measure I\ attached . 2“
. '. is 8 .Ir \ a. / Repultllpuns in defiance of President “I a m” needed urgently h, ”N. the -. j ' .t th
“ r I l / ' » Reagan 5 “1‘th Hhth parties “on. nation sdetit liiiiit .itimesz 'rillion -_ ’ .' ‘j ‘ ..
‘ ‘ » ‘ k. «- ,7 left scrambling for political advan I ‘ a . .‘ .‘
I ll» '1 J 3 ‘ ' tage . senate Md)“rtt\ leader Robert \ \I . ' .' ._ ‘7
- I t . . ‘ 3» Republican leaders insisted the ‘ _ .. t -. . ‘ ,
t » ., .. I _ liole told reporters theie was \llil . - .- ..
\ ~ : ‘ .- , i, ,1 ,. “v ' '1‘ stunning vote was not a deli-at toi . . . . ., . .I . ,
i, a , » ,_ - ._ -- . a giiinmei that toiigress could 2 . ‘.
__ . c the president but lieinocratit House 1 - . . .
\_ ' _ » , “ . a , , . I , . I _ ~t t'ost' up shop ti} the unit I‘ll the 3- -. . ; .:I -~
. . 3: . Speaker Thomas l (txtill .ll saa. w ,. . . . I . . . . II z».
. . 1 _ , . , . . . . , Mk. even though Reagan um hold . .» _I ,
‘ l ‘ ‘ x - “a that (MP lawmakers tuined :heir . .. . .. . . -.
. . . .’_~ '- , . . ing out \eto threats tor tinx spending ~~ . i. .
‘ - I; . backs on the man who had tiioiigh . . , » ~ ‘. . A
A. ,.I .- g is h . I l i- ,1. i. . or farm measUie that he deemed too . ., .‘ _ ,I .-
“um WWW” t em victory ant prltt may (mm I. .' I. I
with glee in their faces Republican ' ‘ ' '. II ~ I . - '-
Tovota officials visit the site of the planned manufacturing plant yesterday with Gov. Martha Layne Collins and a staff member. congressmen voted to humiliate the .. . , ' .’
man who had ledthein ll)\lt'titt‘_\ lh" blueprint h” d ““l‘mhm "U“ _. t ‘ . ' .- ‘
. Democrats niet privately to \w it E“ “1“ “Wk?“ “Ut during “09k“ ”f ' . .. - 'I .
an overnight resurrection of the ta.\ tedious negotiations and “hum In?“ - .' ‘: 7
. bill would be possible. but tt'\eill s bl” automatic ‘lx’h‘hhh’ "UL‘ ”7 ht" . .- .’ ' __
statement said that was up to Rea fem“ and d“m“»‘h(' programs It ‘ ”h - ' . ‘ '. .
, gan --]f the president really cares gress did not meet pt‘t'ilt'NEf‘ldN‘tl ‘I . . I, .
B.‘ FR“ STI'Z“~"RT that It Will be as SUPPOTUVQ 0f tration. along with several other sources. America's fairest tax about tax reform. then he m“ (Mn deficit reduction targets for each of . . ‘ . I . .
N““‘l':‘l‘t"r this as we can be." said PTESI- states. submitted proposals to the system. a location central to the er the mug“ the speaker declared tht’m’XttlH‘H’dh .‘ 1 ,» I . .
dent Otis A. Singletary. cor ration during Tovota's stte nation‘s population. our commit "Otherwise. Dec 11 will lie l‘l‘ltlt‘lttr . . I .. _ ‘, ~ " g . ’
‘ - p0 I lh'trt * ts would tota \“ tiil ' ’ ..

TOW” “0‘0" (orporation has The Universit instruction 1 search.which beganin July ment to better education and. tiered as the date that Ronald [tea (I l -‘ “L II ‘:I~‘I‘ ‘ . . I' I_.
found a new home in the heart of rogram resealcsh ca bilitizs ”The process of selecting Ken- most importantly our hard-work- gan became a ‘lame duck on the 110.“.dn3 woluldI be made chrin m-‘l f- . I .' ~ .
the Bluegrass . :nd services will bemeftipffor the tucky as the site for our plant ing and highly productive peo- floor ”ftheiihuch' I\cai .mia Iheturity Iant \{\Pril . . :'- .

ShOlCh'm Toyoda. president 0f - .. , , ., was one of the most demanding ple."(‘ollins said . when} programs “”1““ h" ”(’ml’l - ’I . * ’ _
Japan‘s largest automobile man- corporations new pldhh he Mld- m Toyota g history ~~ Toyoda At the “llllt‘ House the president from the cuts, while the reductions ' . x '. .. . ,
ufacturing company. made the But any specific details Man .3th said ‘Z'tfany states provided us "You won‘t find harder work appealed for continued support ’Vte would be cushioned t()l' Medicare ' ' . ' ‘- ..
speculated offiCial at a press con- ance between the two institutions with‘excellent proposals ~ ing people anywhere." she said do not believe that after all our andcertainother health progranis :. . :‘I . _~ _I .
fereiice m the Hvatt Regency Will be announced laterIby Gov. "And that. combined mm Thy, I ‘ II ._ . '
vesterdav morning . Martha LaynetollinsIoffice Final details 0f the Kentucky ta‘s know-how. is what will make ' - t. I .

‘ andé-S announcement nam~ The IImanufacturing plant. package will not be released for a this operation a model for the iii- W0 en uc lanS m ove __ I' ’ II
ing Scott (‘ountv as the Site for “h‘Ch “'h be located on L300 fewdays.(ollinssaid. dustrveverwvhere " . . '
' -' ' ' t land 12 miles north 0f ”Toyota‘s deCision to locate its ' ' - ' . .
his corporation 5 new $800 million :35 (t) .-h 0d 200 000 . - _ , . I .
manufacturing plant was met :(ing gr: IV” pl] . "fete ‘ {'5‘ American-based plant It“ Toyoda said his company‘s goal c oser to X or St“ y , j '; ’
with resounding applause and a f.“ 0:20 ‘58”; IE3 eIr Ofeltali 500" U’Uht." validates the 9““ is to build a partnership with the w - " . . '
standing ovation by the crowd of '0" gins ”‘II 4 e pan “1 all of us have in the kentucky of American people '. .. . _. I'
about 3“) reporters. political flg- emplo? about 3‘Mpe0ple [0(18} sald Rep MIT." J HOP‘ B) BET" l..\\\§(t\ \‘(‘r.\ltI\. and “llllaln Eugene ThroI ; t l l.’ I . .4 '
uresandinterested people. "This '5 8 great day for the kins. Roth District. ”More im- "In one sense. this decision isa StaffWriter 22. of Elizabethtown. who attends ' ' , ',,:'

The Scott County plant "is a Pe‘I’IPle of Kentucky and for TOYO' portantly. this decision reaffirms way to return the warmth and Hanover t‘ollege in southern India _ " ' I, ‘ . ’
significant step in our long-held ta CONNIE said. “For our people our growing confidence In the loyalty that Toyota has always A fivermemher Rhodes .s‘chol na ’ ~ . .' .‘_’
dream of achieving a full part. ”I means JObS and better opportu~ Kentucky 0t tomorrow." enjoyed in this country. ' he said arship Selection (‘oinmittee met Ives- Because both Petersen and Thro ' . ' .I ,i . I. ’I .". :
nership with the American peo "mes; For T030“? lm confident Collins said Toyota's decision terday afternoon to choose two stu- are Kentucky residents they were I. p . r .
ple."Tovoda said this '5 the beginninguof a hlghl." Will be a successful one and Will "But, in a greater sense. it also dents who will advance to the able to compete in the state compe» . I r_- _

‘ . . SUCCQSSW] enterprise benefiteveryone in the state expresses our confidence that the regionalcompetition tition Raymond ltetts. committee , I‘ I: I , .. -, 1' ~.

That partnership will include Yesterdays announcement was "l'm confident of success for American economy. American in- Eleven Kentucky candidates. in Cl)~(‘hulrlnanI said anyone can appl} - .‘ lI " ’. .I‘ .-
an assoCiation With UK. . . the culmination of 1': years of the very reasons that Toyota dustry and the American worker eluding Ernest Allen Mills. a I'K poi as long up he or ,hp ,5 either a Ken . 3', .‘I , . . .

"t'K has 581d m the beginning work. COHmS said. Her adminis- chose Kentucky: abundant re- have much tooffer toToyota “ litical sCience maior. were consid tuck) resident or attends whom . .' . I; . II”;

"9d here "We are in a very competitne “', u l.’ I‘ .
. Each year 32 students are chosen area. 'Betts 581d '. ' I. I3' 4. (I I.
. from the t'nited States to participate lt has been about 3o years since ' .'II. . 1.3“ , . f ‘.'
0010 0 y receives awar or exce ence .....
These students receive two or three a Rhodes Scholar. he >‘d1d . I“. ' '1. " . I,’I
. years of advanced study at Oxford Earlier yesterday morning candi» I . , I .- I-‘I _
If) \“B' "“44 granting. researchoriented depart- graduate teaching. Brooks was cho- training program for graduate stu- t'niversit} in England dates participated in a zominute in _. I’ .' I ‘ .
tontrihuting “m" ment (thati decided to take very se- sen for the position and was then dents who teach undergraduates and "It's never an easy choice." said terview consisting of obscure ques . ‘ . ,,‘ .‘t'.
, _ riously its mission of undergraduate evaluated for tenure solely on the interdisciplinary ties to related President Otis A. Singletary. who tions on their majors or fields of - ' . .’ i’,
9‘ 5"th "humus“ on teaching has education." basis of his teaching and his involve- fields on campus and other schools Served as a committee chairman ”new“ Several 0f the candidates ' . .I .‘ : . ~
h"ll’9d l h 5 department 0‘ socmlogy James (‘hristensoiL the depart- ment in program development, inthe state “They‘reallvery line students " chm the} didn’t hm“ hm 1., answer . . ,‘ _- Il-I‘I . ‘
I receiveanationalaward. ment chairman. said the socmlogy Brooks came to t'K in 1976 and re- Most introductory stx-iological The candidates made it [1) the chm..."[thuechhng I' I. - -' I III‘ ."Q .
The American SOCl0l0glC3l Asso- department has made a concen- ceived tenure six years ago for his classes are taught by tenured face state competition through various "They asked me gt’tlt’t‘iillleil ques- I‘ »' ‘. "
"who" recognized the department trated effort to have an excellent teachinginvolvement. ulty. Christenson said. Teaching as» reqwrements, ranging from noiiii lions." Mills said "They weren‘t . .-"I .
and particularly the work of Michael teaching program. Brooks' position is a personal one. sistants are usually in the master‘s hating committees and appl]c;]t|()n_\ outlandish or anything likethat ' . I. I . ' 'Ii
Brooks. an associate professor 0‘ 50' Emphasis on undergraduate tea— Christenson said. He provides coor- program and have taken a graduate to recommendations Requirements ‘You wonder if you did the right . I -. . .'
00mg)? h '5 the h“! ”he the ching started about 10 years ago. dinated advice to students as a course in teaching. They have a tea differed at each college and univer~ thing" during the interview. said Pe- ' " I' ' '
award “'35 given to an entire de- when faculty members decided to backupadviser. ching practicum. where they are vi- 5n}- tersen. who has a double maior m . ' . ‘_
partmentI _ implement ideas they had for devel- Christenson said other changes deotaped and monitored a type of After a long wait. the tension psychology and German ‘ I . ~. ' ~ ‘ . .
”9d (ampbell.I chairman °fI the oping an innovative undergraduate were made after Brooks became di- “practice teaching." he said "We broke as Singletary announced the "Did 1 make m" Thro asked him . . ‘- ' . ‘_
SOC'MW’WI assomations committee teaching program. he said. rector of undergraduate teaching. have had the highest teaching eval- two who will advance to the region self many times while thoughts of ‘ ‘_ ‘
0“ teaching. d¢‘5('rlb9d l-IKI 5 depart- One innovation involved the estab- These included a major revision in uationin the college."he added als Amy Jean Petersen. 22. of \“(nHmnI page: ' ' I;
mentasa graduate training. PhD lishment of a director for under- the curriculum. a comprehensive SeeS()(‘l()l,O(i\.pageltt Louisville. who attends Indiana l‘ni . ‘ . . .‘ 'I. .
S V' ' C ff ""
anta Claus . , / iSitors enter 0 ers ~ .-
/ ' . . . .
l h b \ /' ° ° h ° 1] IT ‘ ' ' '
te ep ones fl». -. msrg t into co ege l e a .. a... 5...... ...., W . . ..
‘ 'i '37 \ Q \— _ their hellfire and brimone evange- :
O .z‘ ’I -. I ‘ . . ‘ ‘ . . . . I . .
K Chlldren ‘t" :10 it!“ "‘ 'A “f l B) SEAN A.\[)laRM)N “hen potential studean visit ll\. unfit: country. hmbeoome .
U ~,. 2 t I t ' I Staff Writer the center has the dav planned for an arm . event. for ‘ look at "
0. _ '. thcmmbehindthcbiblc.seel-ZN~
m ROI \Nl) \Il'l l IVS‘ \ W N I . them. Jordan said The studtnts can m 3
Contributing Writer: I K I‘ I I, UK'S VlSltm‘S are “0 longer 19“ to talk to an adviser and if interested '9‘" ' ,
‘3 ’ 1W\} ‘ 0 if?” for EMT-“4:95 fgdcamPUS-ITM in a particular college. an appomt 1-. u back in DWI,” m. .
".5 (‘hristmas and Santa Claus is . . 9a ‘ Visitors enIer. oca across IIrom ment is arranged with an adviser or Hm “trilogy. has to live up .
. . - t Don‘t be Q "K ~ the Universny Bookstore. provides professoriiithatcollege ‘o‘um on“: first mm For
once again coming to own. ' I "-1 . an rtunitv for them to learn '
surprised though if he calls first. / 1"“ ‘:?:""IE=:aI=Z::E;: oppo -. . . . I review of So Long And Thanks for
‘ ‘ \ .t ' , 2:3}. .- on ...=- about UK and find their way around The students also can tour some of
(in Dec 17 and is the campus :....:=;.. .» ~ . All the m. so: Invasions.
. ‘ . - .:-'.;l..:3.=5z::.:é . . - . . . the reSidence halls accompanied by 5
recreation department WI" spomo; t , : - g: ' J; Becky Jordan. an adVising coun- members of the hall Staff For stu- page '
"Santa calls." a program “’th ' ' ' ' ’ selor and director ofthecenter said dents “Sm .
. . I t _ _ _ ' ng during the summer. UK an. m each can w
gives children Of UK students, Sta“ h . - one of the main contributions Of the some halls have mock rooms set up is pleased that be won the sect:
and faculty members the chance to ‘ ' t ‘I Visitors Center is informing pro- “Peeple appreciate seeing those.“ Di Ill : or the y.“
speak directly to Santa Claus over _ _ A x . .. t...» spective students and their families Jordan said M. ha ha ”'1 think he b
the phone. noun wum larnotGraohiu about the Universny This semester , m i the m Pu “I:
This is the fourth year campus _ I . . , . I .. the center has dealt with a total of The Fem" also 9‘95 campus at 7' m‘
recreation has sponsored the pro- Deadline for applications is tomor- Santa give their child some specific 2 400 people _ 634 of them prospec- tours With student guides Tours are "IS-M .
gram. Becky Headley. former club rOW. but Kathy Rose. cum“! club instructions. ,{vesmdem conducted on “Old Blue." l'K's dou
sports directofi began the program sports director. said applications Rose said parents usually want . bledecker bus and walking tours of
m 1981. She said becausethecity of- willbeacceptedaslateas Monday. Santa to tell their children things The center can inform students central campus arealsogiven
fered a similar service. “we wanted The application is a questionnaire like “clean your" room." or “eat about all aspects of campus life. Cindy Palormo. one of the student
h‘ h' h uldbeofferedto - .. .. - your vegetables. Other requests such as selective admisswns and guides said many potential students _ .
”met "‘8 w 'c co ”‘3‘ 9mm“ 53"“ w‘m “e“ "are pretty intemting like 'Don't how to apply financial and student she talks to are worried that UK is
theUKcommunit ease - - h . . . . , . . .. s . _
y I'lf' xggtgbfihdm¢£%;ugf bite the kids in day care.‘ “ actiVitics and hoimng. The families too large. - & flu“, ‘ . g I.“
Students, faculty and staff with as a a . y . . . . are shown videotapes about the “On the walking tours. people just *mdlfidcuh
h'ldre he of mi pets. It also gives Santa the speCific Headley said the phySical educa- d m- 1 Mt -- ¢ Q 0 O. A I” “'d
c ‘ " ”we“ as” 3 a a he 11 I enter the child's (ion facult and Seat Cent taff “mt“ ‘" "‘8' " a "0'“ set to see central campm. she ,
' ' ' ' to re- route m use 9 . y on er 5 col] as such as a iculture - .. :‘fi~ h *“I
who would like their childrenI incasethe reis no chimney members who make the calls 3|. some as . . 81' said. but on the bus people see . . . .
ceive a call from Santa can pick up “0“” ' and fine arts. have provided tapes to s_.I v, _" . « .I .~ I» . .
an application in ‘35 Seaton Center. Parents also ma t that SceSANTA.page9 thecenter. S«(‘EN11£R.paget0 “ " ' ‘ ‘ “‘5
y requa

 t t t . .
2 - KENTUCK Y KENNEL My, m 12, 1915
u ‘ '
ng 18 pro CSSOI‘ S l m as . A, 1 t. '3' l
5 r e ' 5s
:3} i " Sr. 9
' ' N w Y0 k A ~
II ‘fwi’i‘ \’ :in , ‘ . *
debut screening in e r .
I, e, I f»); . v. ,2 gt; 1 i
I M'H‘fith‘,‘ .
I . I .‘1I. ~ v‘» “s, , III lo». *3
it» k \lu \ \III I Ht ‘ For several years I Just thoughI l the great choreographer and artistic - L ‘ , ’
sldl writer was having fun shooting around the director of the New York my ballet. . As . I
“0‘59 never With any particular but it has everything in the world. ... ,I , ., 9 1 ' 'lII .
. U- linker ”all -m English Pm- plan 7 always seized by something as I see it, to do with dance. and the a ' @ng . .. . '
l , J't‘l l'K graduate. has taken I saw." he said “It was always ”1 tone and feel of the film is that of a ; IL-Eté \ ‘ i
‘ t . ,mitssional work as a writer. the back of my mind that I would at requiem." Hall said. 5 3“ l I? .
. . tine ant photographer one step fur» some point go in and edit the Ifilm Hall said the”. “-111 be several '7‘V‘. f...” ‘
. , "it :uti'iiiiniaking and make several small films from parts to the film. each one a dance - ' '2“ ‘31-,“ .. “A,"
t ' . ' ‘ m . Z‘t‘i’t‘llll} witnessed the it “ I in the terms of the images of nature v ., I. n» I
'- I ti "t'lnillt; of his first film at the Col- Hall prefers certain types 0t days and the movement of colors and I . 1‘ , - I
. . A * ' “‘1' l-l‘lnti Cinema ”1 New t‘OF filmmg and depends a 101 on shapes in the frame as well as the \ ‘Ir, ’
, .I . \. In ‘l‘ht- iiliii titled “l“iresttCKS." movement. particularly movement action of the wmd and light as m I ‘_ . #3 3.
_ i llt itArzttilt‘ silent. non-narrative caused by the wind and movement "Firesticks “ .1: './' A ‘ \\ v. II
‘ '_ win that rivals “ith the tram- that results from light coming and "The Dance in the Middle," :1 six» 2* yj - ‘ - _,
‘I t , A ...,t t- .it exit-re.) that takes place in going or seven-minute segment of the film. I‘ ‘ " . . .i
- » - I ~ ' 9“ "\'er_\ often the thing‘ l Ohms" ‘0 involves a dog eating a rabbit. and n} " , I {f I
, -. I ' . ' t min» of tilni Hall produces is shoot are shapes and colors moving Hall 531d 1t expresses both the beau- .-~ I:
'I IA :‘t" 'f-ill‘, \lllfllt‘ films [I has and often acting in response to the t} and the terror Some of the 1-: 1
~ I‘ . I , - lt'Ml'lllt‘tl in man} \\a_\s. such wind I like days with a writ) of images are clear and in focus but ' »
” ‘- . ‘ .' _ t .1". unrvle mperiiiiental and light. particularly bright days “he“ others are abstract. only dealing six
. I ‘ I 7 ,. - .. r... lllt’ tilins are usuall} the sun is coming and going." llall \h'lthcoltn‘s and shapes \ ‘ . ‘
A. t , A t It tint or two people and fre- said “Fast cuts that I often make Gurney Norman. amassociate pi-o- ,t
, AI « 'A _ ,, l‘.‘ dt‘ftsts who work in other while filming alsoadd movement " fess” of English. called llall “one
. ‘ ' a l WW ll |> L’Pttt‘riill.‘ ‘htl‘m ‘0 'd The screening 0t "FlreStK‘k-‘H 1” of the most versatile artists that . ' .‘a;
. 3 , ' i~ wail; .izirlient-e iii few places New York resulted when a ”19nd Kentucky has produced as a still . ” . If; ill‘af'i‘3-37 - - \.
.~ . I“ z -‘ ‘ . . A a fru-wuntri and fellow filmmaker from New photographer. {Mum writer. p00, (“MCUMMINGS KIIII ,
a: _’ . I m opemng .st't‘llt’ ol "FIR" York who sat“ and liked Hall's film and now filmmaker CPR-101
.‘ ' ‘ . H Hall tzlins ti cat killing a knew of an opening on a new \\'h t‘ t .IA th I l
.. . - ' . . m t. t . , .~ .. . . .A “ a s mos mm in is a .iiii A , _ , , _ ,
.- ‘ . - Av ' ‘5‘” ”l" ”‘1 of It? “In; filmmakIers prtzgiam “l ”‘9 (Ofoll I: a verv modern artistghere m Ken Brenda Crank, left, an employee at UK Medi. traimng in cardiopulmonary resuscnation from
. "“ I» >“ "l” “til““ll’ “”945 ” 9‘1“” “"9 tor “mg ‘inema one 0 e ‘ '. . _ A A . . ‘ol Center in aut- atleril s chiatr receives Bill Re nolds afirst- ear dental t dent
. ~. . " - " :1‘ .A.t:k scorhst' two places in New York which tuck}. “hull lb >9mt‘lhlngIlth state L p p V y, Y Y , Y S U -
A -. A . I . il.t \mpv ”I rm, chipmunks shows film of this kind hadlIx IneedsI . Norman sait Hi,-
-: ' 1 . . :lsi' ‘t‘.tt)pt‘iil‘.\ in various stages Hall said the film was received “OH‘L‘HMO’MU _——_n
‘ M J ' V l V , V hymlm‘m'm throughout the very well by criticsin Milly)” I .. Hall's immediate future plans are . annnnta
' '1 ' ‘ '. ' “" “ll" map” m the mm are "There were ”"9”“ “lmmal‘v” returning to his fiction and poetrv
'A i , . n’lt .xa; or the other t-ontinuall) there whOse respcnse I was pgll‘llC but he also plans to commmi work Bos-‘l’ype
, , ‘ * ‘ mums: and changing mt” 0th“ uiarly interested in. and the} were on h“ film ‘ t mlltlltlcdli't‘mptlgcmlc
A , L ' 4*“ Hail sLlltl "The agent for encouraging their response was ’ . , 257-6525
‘ ' " \ nanee as light through manipur qUite gratifying " "\‘that 15 quite dlfferent and so so his interview went through his mind, hentucky in the Great Lakes llis» Des-Type
'. ' ' " ' , - l, ,- . ‘ ~r‘ it tin o-\p()slll‘8. through what Hall is planning future films. one ductive about mm for ma“ Hall He has a double major in political trict competition held in Chicago on
H - -, - ~ . > l-tKlfle.‘ 6 find how l'm seeing of which Vvillbefeature length said. "is that I can achieve degrees \‘t'h‘ttt‘l‘étndlttlSiness administration Saturday. F91" students “'l” he Ch” 257'6525
' . I ' . -, -‘ ‘ "l hth‘ in th \\0t‘ks fllllb slmllal‘ (ll concentratlon for long periods «it 59“ from IthlS dlStrlCt t0 “1‘91"? the 4;;‘4§;~.
, -' v in? ~ rtlmmukms‘ dt‘H‘IOPt‘d "0m to ‘Firestick>.‘ but my basic interest time in film that I find impossible in Mills said he “felt confident going SChOlarShtPS
' - ‘ " A ' , t Amr interest in photograph} now is ma feature-length film called flt‘llOn and poetry the level of in to the interviewi and good com-
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KENTUCKYKERNEL 1W]. Dooombu 12, 1905 -’
gpenoipioyw“ ‘1' "i '
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Husband and wife ' 'J "
‘1‘ 4 ‘I ' I. I .1 ~'
speaks out . ,
O I Q ‘ I.’ 'I . '-
brlng thelr evangellsm . Editor's note: The following are excerpts II'IUnl Jed -' .l
. Smock's book WI!) Will Rise Up'.’ Copyright 1985. . j -i' , I-
. , V, I Huntington House Inc. Reprinted b)‘p9rm:.‘,.¥lon. 9.1.; 1-" ,
to nation 5 campuses :. .. oyrnomscyvm 'l -' ' .
f I.'. n ’s 8W a of ‘atorisa , “'1", ' V
.. .. . .‘ whethershesellsherbodyorgivesitawayfiexual 1" . '
B ' FRAN STEWART . . . . . _ ' '. . u‘ - ‘. '~ '
News Editor 3' . II'III, .s , expressmn outside of marriage is forbidden by God‘s I'; I- y {4:7 .._. ,I ..
”7'1 l; .r I «w law. . . . Personally. lhave more respect for the pro- . .1...-‘.r’3 .. f ‘II.
' ' ." , If» fessional prostitute than the ‘rl that gives it away. .5 T' ‘ " -' "

eorge Edward Smock ledadouble life The t -. ‘ - "- ‘ 'I At least the professionals pust some value on their 5’11. '-.’.’ a:

cleancut. churchgoing son his parents saw was .1 f ' A- bodies. fl" '1. .- "'4- $3",

0'11." a facade for a selfdescrlbf'd drunken. dope "‘ - " - 3:3," The college campuses are becoming so wicked that .'l if": , ' 3’. .
llend. . - ~"‘ >4 ‘ 17". . . -0'4 I don‘t see how a professional whore could make a ~29} ’i ,‘

He began drinking attIhe age OH) and "wasa . . ' . . . .- x. . ,2"; , i. ‘ii .- I‘ . living in a college town, since there are so many y Li'l‘JI-I.
di'unkard from then on. He started smoking while in _' ‘ ty I ' . . .. ‘. » . ‘2‘ ‘ ~‘ . ‘ strumpets. slatterns and trollops in the dorms givim .; v'. "2- 1:" . -.. “.
college. Drugs becamea part of hislife hedeveloped “3" . . , ff , _ * ' ‘ "'1 a .“f- .; O“. ‘5 i: it away. In addition there are. morr liiissies tarts ' 35' 35'. I".
a daily craving for marijuana and experimented Wllh 2.1"?" i I, I ‘ P.’ .. - "L i ‘. and vixensinthesorority houses. I“; :Il'. I‘ “a '5
lSDand heroin, . " E i ’ ~ erg; _ . .. II "T. I) . l ‘ 0N MASTURBATION: l",I iI.‘.I:.Iy;

"I wasn't a prude by any means atcollege." he says 3 I . ’0'} C“ l f. _ In" ;- .-.—-‘ y , Masturbation is one of the first expressions of lust. . I i i ‘p '2 'Iu‘i‘ l
”l “'35 very in 10 the partying 5C9”? H ' ' 4"" .' .' a ' . . it" ' Your masturbator of today is very likely to be your ’i 371:"; ' 5'

But Jed Smock doesn‘t pretend anymore Now his i ' 9'49, "‘ ' , ’ {.1 H t homosexual of tomorrow. Your homosexual of toinm- " '3 .‘- ".' 3i".
euphoria doesn't come fronia bottle orajomt It comes I , ‘ ‘ - . “ " ‘0 row could be your psychology professor of the next I . , .. .-' :2. 7.23:
from God. "1 s ‘ r. ' . day. In fact universities are graduating lYUl't‘ queers . ".' I" 5.3,“

I I . ‘ I .I a , ‘ ' '. l ,_ ‘. , " . '

Ever since he found God at a Burger King in Terre ‘ ‘..‘, ‘v. -I . . i - .’. than PhDs. '- ’i. » If, i '. :
Haute. ind. in August of 1972. smock hastakenitupon . . ' § 3.6‘ " 0N HOMOSEXUALITY: f. r'.‘ ut’ii'- "z.
himself to see that college students throughout the ’4 t ‘i -" .. Homosexuality has become accepted on the uiiiver- ‘2. ‘ . 3.. ’IIII' : y". I
nation hear his message the message of God. 3 1 9r sity campuses as an “alternate lifestyle." But the 32"; 1.7:.

lt'samessage most would rather not hear.he says. 3 ‘ ' y . - . ' a , -. - ~\. HolyGodofthe universe still calls it an abomination, y. ,. .~
Instead ofa forgiving. loving God. his message is ofa _ . ,,. .3! ' ‘ ‘ ‘ unnatural.vileandtheresultofareprobate mind. 'f ' 1. §;'_'_"---
wrathful God who sent the disease AIDS to punish the ’ ‘ ’ - ~ ‘ \ ,; 0N AIDS: ‘.I." I , V’.‘ v.33:
sinning homosexuals and who mandates the death . '63"- ' 5.... "T ' c"? The cursed AIDS disease is a natural . ”mpquenee .4 "Id r‘
Penalty for adulterers , T; .. "‘"z' " of such perverted behavior. It is nature s severe way f. 7, i .‘

He and his wife. Cindy. have been insulted and y 95 _, " ; , " . ., of telling people they are doing things for which I I ‘
assaulted asaresultoftheirtestimonies andtheir T" - . ’ a“ were never thsigned. The fact that llll'lOCQ'il bail: ;' - l ' ‘.
beliefs Theytraveltoabout fitlflcampuscs each year. , '2. v. I) _i , .» wry ., I I, I . ‘ i . . . . , . ;. ,. i . _ have suffered with AIDS disease should tell us that -' ' i‘" .’ ' ‘1
spending every school day making college students .4. ' ‘33 if .3" " j . .9 ' W if. if b... ' y is"?! ~‘--7.~_.r\o-'. L ' .; ‘{ .. ”i i v y L » "$1. "’ we cannot sit back and ignore such sins against God ‘ ' it 1 . ' if
aware of their sins and transgressions ' ' ' " -’. 213! f ii¥§?‘¥i‘ f: ' 2?~’.~I‘..'ti‘o.&e .4214; a fugu’“ ‘33:. 7'“ b and nature. lfwedo.allwillsuffer. - " . I‘ '.

Smock said he never stays in one place for more than m, ON ALCOHOL: - 1' - ‘i "
two months The next week means the next hotel down ‘ ' n" W ' One thing that has helped to promote campus im- J. V". - .' i"
theroad. - - . - moralit istheunrestraineduseofdi-us'nd l J -"'~'

. Jed Smock preaches in the free speech oreo dur~ wile Cindy provoke ridicule debate mm y g“ d aco- i ' ' ‘ » .

"We don't havea home." he saidduringa recent . . I ' bol. . . . 0n campus drinking beer is almost as com- ‘- v" ' - ‘ ' :
mmrf'ew. "I'velivedliketliisfor more thana decade mg h's UK appearance 'hls loll. smOCk and his bought at ObOU' 500 composes 90wa mm ”‘0". as drinking water. . . . What has become a way ‘ 1. ‘ i '.
now drugs.it'stoput tosleep the miceoftheirconsciencc I'niu-i‘sity morethan liiycars ago "lwaiitcdothi-rstri 0‘ MEI “"11 SIOOU become a. way of death and their .7 .I ' i \ I

he Smocks have [)ecinne familiar faces on L'K's They know they‘redoing wrong " hear the good newsof what (‘hrist could do in their 309d "mes Willproduceamiserable eternity. .- , . ’~ .. ' ‘ \‘.
campus over the 135i ClghI years All students. Smock says God uses him toawaken studi-nis' lives ‘ 01‘ DRUGS: _ 1. », - , .‘ '

including freshmen. know of .led Smock and his consciences. Since that first testimonial. smock says he has M0“ students may POI: realize that when they use ‘ - y _. ' .
“born-again virgin” wife Although he admits he meets witha great deal of influenced numerous students toward a lifcot st‘l‘Vlltlllt' drugs they are practicing 5°"?W- WWW." some : -: y . ' .

Some come l00kllll3. for answers. others come looking resistance. some students embrace h“ “195%?! ”l‘ “’6‘“ from the Greek word pharmakeia. WhICh m Lnglish ‘ " ' A ‘ .
for amusement But regardless of their reasons. once or Wife did .s‘mock‘s ministry . The l 'ampus Ministry. is gwobgmég‘fiyorm . ' ' . ,
twice each year students flocktothe Student (‘enter . d . . t .. . , . \ , , , headquartered in lmxmgton andhis cuinllt‘lNIi 1' ‘ ‘ z . . 7 " ' . , ' « I ’
free Spam area to hear Smock‘s Open~air sermons $3.533?firixiiiifiltlilirigfi