xt71ns0kwb7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kwb7v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1980 1980 1980-03-31 2020 true xt71ns0kwb7v section xt71ns0kwb7v \
A f // ' ht, / . fl ' ta dream fOI' UKBd/IlilliSt/‘BTOI' Vl/i/liamson
' 8 (“INS ('A‘Vll-‘RON' clad in sweat pants. shouting Williamson came back to l K‘s college students are an "excellent
R) h ' I ' instructions to the squad. He at“, (‘ollcge of law. from which lie risk lhat is. the college studentwill ”:fg
”('1 ~
(V \ accumpanies the cheerleaders on road graduated ln W74. ”l cttmc its an usually show upin courtlhe nextda) ll 1
Some people say I. lynn trips. architecture student." he said. "but I It‘lelm'd on his 0“" tCCUllnl/am‘t'
Williamson walks in his sleCp ' So when doesthis man havetimclor (lt‘fldt‘d ”W “3* “01 ll" nie lh-td law lhrough a PBS” ‘l'blcm- . '-'
'lhat may be questionable but one 20 sleep? in the back of my mind " \\ illiamson is connected with the Us
thing Mom“: l-‘K‘sassociate dean Associate Dean of Students l1rank Williamson began working In the Police and carries with himatalltimes . m.
of students works in his sleep Harris didn't know the answei. "I Dean of Student‘s office prior to his ii l’f’rl‘lh'c microfiche reader along . - 1
As part of his duties Williamson is of hisiob limits his sleepingtimctoo don‘t have any idea how many hoursa graduation from the College of law. with student records on microfiche . .
on call 74 hours a day seven days a he is well-known to those who sleep week this man puts in. but it'sgotto be and was named it” dw‘lum dean ”I‘d“ M
week as a legal adsisor getting out for tickets as the soicc behind the astronomical? Harris said. “He following hisIgraduation. ”C H‘Cs‘lu‘d . M“? ‘l‘ ‘5‘“: 9'15 flaw-EN?" " " »... a“
unfortunate students rcleasedlromiail megaphonethatawakcnsthc cold and probably puts tn anywherefrom 75 to hIS current “lit: 0‘ its-NOCIMC dean til midnig l d“ - a.m.. l ldmen _ "wwwi Q.-
' 1 t. ‘t . ~~ . . . t , .. -. .7 1 ‘ .
on their own recognt/ancc wears campers with the words. “lt's 80 hours a week. students July I. WK. said. And they aiItragL between list $4
He is also frequently seen time for a controlvcard check." A native of' Fulton. Ky..Williamson Williamson explained that his part and seven a week. . . ..
throughout the football and Another way heatoidssleepisinhis received his BA. from UK in [968 In aiding students release from tail is Willl‘detm satdtheImostnumhcrIOl .I .
basketball seasons directing the post as cheerleader sponsor. During bel'otc enlisting in what he termed to scrse as a verification that the calls he ever received in one nightwas . ~ 7-
distribution of tickets and student practices Williamson can usually be “Uncle Sam's wonderful army." After student Ls enrolled at the l nisersity. '5 l 1101 ”WWW." "0 "‘39P ‘hfll - .
admissionstoathletic eseiits. lhis part found pacinginsidethe Seaton Center. three years of military service. Experience. he said. proses that ( onttnued on page 5 T. l.\ 55 WILLIAMSON
' Vol. LXXII. No. I.“ K E r 2 l l'nivt’fsit} of I\:"-ntuc|t.‘
Monday. March 3'. 1980 In independent s‘udent newspaper Leungton. kentuck)
_ —
\ ,5 ,7, 74 _/,.;;§11 . . I”, .. .I . 1 1." . .7 -11 . ,. - 2 as - 11 . . _ .- 7,, 4, “’41 z . I /g i, '1
' , 5,4 1 =94 '11 t I" ...." “1-“: .'1s1. rt. L " .1 " 53 / 43.”: 7.4-" .1' '57???" fi 131 1.1” 7:1”.’ -' '
W, a .f, . ,3 a l . 77, 1 7 ,7..:.‘:::~°2=;‘1*= ...1‘ ,7 I, 1. ,2 ,3 WI . are A 1. 7, .1 ‘, .. . , . . i13."’11"": . .
. , ~ 7,77» 7m : . , . ...-4:44 .7 . .. 1: 7 . 1- - = ,_ -. ,
. 5,1,“; ‘14,»IM’4I. T, ,.. 1i. 1 ' / ‘ ‘ C’..~’-': jygzgv; '0'v/Z. , 'I .'1 ‘fI 'I" II I. .I . ‘ ' 1’. t 13:54‘ I " ‘I ' .‘
4.4 ‘ > '. /’ ”” '1 ’7 -. .- .:. 1:11,...»- . . 4‘” no.4 a. My ,1 -1 «sew . . .1 .- ,. . 1
'2' '/’-’ 4 ,4: ‘i ' " 7." "' 4’ ' {Vi-1% ”’1‘1 1‘ 4 . .1. «1‘1"? ‘ - ‘14 " ‘ >734 1. ,
77.. ., 4. 7,. "5 -___ __._,_.,., e,.__e “r'_‘_-~_—_‘~~vn_~__———————_—_——_._____——._____—_____
l ’ I h I 7 / \II
- Would real message to ran 9 p. , t
-s\\ s”: pm- :wniies trial iii; :r‘at ouslirps has created iii.iiiy problems lor your goteinnteitt as g g .
as“ st is s. gs it 't .:.: .irt riiirltia. suspect lstt hell .is or ts I. I
i. st, ,A-s‘g st, k, i s s,: ... ':.it s‘l‘ ltt.iiit l’iobleriis 'ridccd. \ird alter I49 days ol captiytty , DON T .
s s. l‘.\st (‘Jl'stll‘lt‘s tw- .li tire to- om h istirgcs lll lehran. the situation gets more I . '
. m“ . I . \ ‘3 rm. rh..t:rt;\.ii.r and rind riioit- tiirstrirtirig with each passing day. One eAve l __;\\
i1: ~' in \ i “ lIc' tzs ttrtith it. shire " wonders whether a yerilied message lrorii (‘artct‘ to / \ ~:\\
' .‘. n ~s_ .. *s genres tile: nll. ~t.;r' lt‘ tire I\lioriierir, itirirld cten britttl about the release ol our l\ ///I ,( *” s K
. \..;' .\ .s . l".'\ i: at l". 't"s (.is'tt'i Hostages ‘ f“ 11/ / .2 lyiv‘t
l:.irti.irr l oreigri \linistcr Sadegh (ihotb/adeh has l V . ll '5‘“, if A:
' ' \I\= '_ 'i - - - J I ' s" ‘I ”“3“ I“““ “ .tarcd that ‘tlie publication ol the letter will hate a , W' \‘ fi’IICF‘II‘IIInii‘I'IIs
sotis .ir « ' ”is“ -" ““‘ ‘I‘I‘I’ ‘5'” going iirtd posiiite el'lect." (ireat. but will it send our f l‘ . 45M Ii:
II‘HII‘II ‘ fl \ III WIIIII In“ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIiIII llt‘stthlt‘s home without a treason trial‘.’ No one in the ‘ l . 0 @
I "-1: I _- I‘I'I :I “ "“ II‘ ‘ ‘I I IV‘II‘II’II‘Ifl.’ lraiirari goyerniiieiit is willing to promise anything I il l
' E ' . sI “ ‘ ‘ i " “‘IIII‘II H close to that So where does all this leate us'.’ 4‘ l I\ l‘ k «x 4
‘ _:\l'. l“ 7' tilii-tb/trdth ltiither claimed that the White House ' ‘\- {-1in
. l .1. 1. . . ._ . . . l .iesiial ol the iircssage “will destroy any possibility ol .0. l _ , ‘ I
rst swam! l’. t 2 - ’ .. ». '~ 'rs .- l '.i;rh li.irrt.riis still hate in anything the American
I c . s . I a , ~~ _ _ r,. .‘ \. : “1," § lt, L'r’Kt‘tltlttcttl sins HI elites." But uc‘rc not asking lor \
. H .. .. '. . .. ' ls -s: '.ll t'ieii l.irtls were .isltirig lor respect tor international ‘ f
. ' .; .. :3 g .. -» ,. s-;» _ - . . i Wt it: my .rrid ethics; we're asking tor our hostages baclt, ’ l
,. z t.:.: . _ s:~. 31.9.. __: . : no: \rid -t we don't get them baclt soon. we may not be \FI } 7" , _ ; -
‘ . , : .- - s. t. 5R. .- is ' .‘th to .ixoal the admittedly tempting suggestion l ‘ ,’ ‘ .\ '
' L . . .. ‘ , ‘ .s . ,.s it - li 'r s .sstigli ress than .rppeti/ing. morally) ochpublican \
> . . r. . .. . ,‘ r ‘ . ..- . ..: :..; :titsideiitral candidate Ronald Reagan that we apply \ ‘
. I _ e. , . s-s ,,. - ss . .. usrrt-iite piesstirt" that cotrld “touch on a threat ol .- W ‘
I : ' -' l _ x; * ._ twice II \iid that would he a sad alternatite indeed 5W
_,_~____...____ .fl.__.._______«.,. m--.” a __-__.____—————————————_—__________________*_________
I L tt 1‘ th Ed It
. _ _..____...~-- .-___.-.,..- ‘ -_ .._,-.__.-. g“ ._- ..____ _.._-___.___—______________________________________________
I Freedom fighters LaCk 0f courtesy tilt catiorial deficiencies and their luck as the regularseason champions ofthe dedicated group ol students cast aside In the face ol this factual account of
I, - .' ' , . . . i . . , ,, __ ”,1 sh, .ri mistress and good tttattttcrs ht SEC dtls.‘ to “technical problems" and SOactoiws.theclaim«it"‘anapparent
' . ‘ I , , . , I -. II -I N {5, .s,_s. t occupying Rs" parking \ptlck‘\ ailoted I‘Ior proytding consistent perlors "ariihigtttms status" lack ol any real significant legislation \
, ~ I I . , , I. _: sq, (”is pl,“ to others. Rather students with manceand excitement tIorallthe fans. passed by l'ls's Student Government"
.- .I , !~» g . . V \I _ 1 I . s I \: \mnmsm [Ink-Mile educational shortcomings. piirireirlirr— we would express specialthanksin our Paulette Powell can only be fallilctous. l'K‘s 50 has ‘
_ _. g : -. ‘_ .1 , g \ W1 , _ , .‘ J W mm, H, pmgmg ly in the area ol reading skills. should farewell to seniors Kyle Macy. Jay I.Tl Handicapped Program problems 10 be sttly'ed. as do all
I‘ I I 1.: .; .tia. .. . . e isir,.,,,i.hi,,‘s. tint, outwit .rpply tor special parking permits Shidler and LaVon Williams. and to coordinator institutions. but the SQ we hate seen
I ., _. . g \ . .‘ ~ . l{ as... 31,; \M. l tcst‘t \ed tor the mcttta lly till the Wildcats. ourappreciatton and Rose Maruskin and bccnu tttul part olthtsyearmust
. I 4 . ,s g . 7 >~ :_ .s y. - . . _ . ,‘s‘. “new, .. handicapped contrnurng support LTI library technician only he termed valuable and ,
» I. _‘ L g. . 1. .,, .. g ‘. _ ._\. I X. .. “H” J i‘mi. mu. . . ‘ ~ concerned with the students.
I ~ .s »I . -. .. . . _ , 7- . .s -. “.3 A, l g min Stefan Rokeni Frances Jones Mills font spencer ,
‘ in. _ I I , I g . .. - . i 3 .; {ix-i, Pharmacy staff Secretary of State. Kentucky Is" “'9" counselor 530W Armstrong
I I II It ' 'I s r. ,s. ' , ‘- at“. " 1.: ..lil lsrt\\ lit ('indy Leonard :I‘weedh senior
' - ' . . .. - . . . - - - stroll ' ' [.TI (on eratite Education and -I i8 ministratite RESISIBHI ,
‘ . _ , . . I .- . I i .,_ art-i ii: tl‘iIt' Great performers worthWhlle mOVle Placementpcoordinator Robin Hissong
. . w . . ., .s ' s:. .- . .s- ll‘iL trrsr I am sure that etery sports-minded l 'UUHd ”MW“ reacting “Until.“ ‘0 Pat Powell Political Science/Spanish senior
- I I. I‘ - . s g _ KCIIIUClslan \Mll jmn \HIlI me in \II, RtlhlllsUnIs comment ill IhC end Ol (IIHOI Snyder s" administratite assistant
A ' , I . . . ~ i, _ I\ . . . a scrs in: time expressing sincere congratulations lt’ts tune“ iII (Hod/RUM”: Daughter ITI secretaries
" , . . * . ‘ - . ‘ s . ‘ll ivsi: sl . . re‘i'tion to the l'niyersitt of 11111 “mm 1 C ICHWC'.‘ “WW“ I I _ I '
II I . :I i . . .I . . ' iIll [Pk IlIs'IIIe-(iitduI:Il:\ Lbiasltetball team and to I'lllll‘fillithlt‘s" Although ‘1 ““5 Karen Shipley MOSCOW warned
‘ I .I sI 'I .s . . . s. .s * v .s ' '\' - .ii tires slltl‘llil ('oach Joe B. Hall for another \‘Cl'_\ slmhltlll‘lll‘ “hL‘lllCl h“ lOUHd them *0 LII ”1'5"“ It is heartening to read Stephen
Is ‘ : * _ ., . , . ~ '. . - . ' - it?” on outstanding season. The student body MUN-W hs‘ lht‘Ut-"ll SP‘Yfl‘l‘I‘ and “ohl‘s opinion (kernel. March 27).
I' ' . _ ' ' ~ s i , .- ts , hgsporsiirid and tans arealsoto becommended for ltmt‘tIInlt’néilltm‘ \H‘R‘ second r‘dls‘ or $6 valuable l he ()lympic boycott has recently
I, . _ ' ." l . 1 ‘ g E, m l: “H“ m m, the staunch euppfln they hate giten because he simply dislikes the ‘ g ‘ ‘ seemed to some to be a meaningless
‘ ' . . ~~ - s. . . s a; s. s-ijitjtfit‘s i:.i-.-_s inii \e’l this tear. mountain WI} 0‘ \Pt‘dklntls hi‘ I k-Student (roternment h‘” been gesture that \tottld not affect the
’ . ‘ fit: he . ,i-iii-it and The Wildcats hate been great per- Prtthfihl} "1030‘ llk’ latter. I! it a the obviect‘ol misplaced and ml‘gU‘d‘Id Soyiet llnion significantly. but this
I ' . llitn 3 l’tnll . “t- l . s..t' lttits' these tormers this year with a 28-5 season \hitmt‘ that ii PUW'V “ll“ '\ In the analysis.Student(internmenthas'had statement demonstrates to me that
l - ltssirigi s: I‘\\ : . .l . s‘ . s." sssstra'e their record. the V('AA bid. and finishing MN”?SN 0' ls‘HUWltg moyies has >0 many dm'C’f‘h'“ and superlrcral Moscow is indeed worried about the
. lilllC iipprCldIltm itHI th‘ \iiflCI) ()l traumas \‘thh dISIIItCICSICd dnd b0\c()1[ and Is [rung cnergeticallv [0
U l ways people ‘pwi‘ the I:nglrsh uninlormed obseryers hate magnified ayert it. lhe lseIrm'l might wellIfeel
, ' Look at current events paints to .......
. . . ' ‘ screenplay pom“ detelops Ms. or St; aetiyrties. [)espite poor public document.
. . I . Lynn‘s problems and adiustments and relations. I K5 S0 has fullrlled ”5 -
' . I fb , h d "S In U 8 her career as a singer blossoms. WWW“ ““deth March 27 0""?! Gerald Janacek ‘
'_ ’ ‘1. ease 0 UYIng an 9" l l Iloweyer. the authenticity and beauty “dll‘mali IIS‘Udcm (lO‘Iemmcm “a” Russian associate professor
. ' ' g of (00/ Uirlt’rIt Dung/11w Ty portrayal lortned 1" sert‘e “Udell“ and CQn‘C.‘
, ‘ . \ .-. f .._ , - ; "j . , tli .s o‘ rlIi .i risilrtw slutty" Mid it you get out ol bed and of 1m. mountains and the mountain student messages to the administra- ' ‘
_. . _ . i. . . \ \,.. . i , .2 .s: .; .lrms star: creeping around the house people.includingthetrlangttage.made tion and other regulating forces by Letters pal/0y
“ - A .._ . . \K . , . .L, . . . V.‘ ‘x I. i NHL- it», ll exert looking tor the source ot the noise. thisaworthwhile and enioyable moyie enacting legislation." lhe ”my, may condense or .
_ . . 7.. ~ g _ I H. ‘ J. what ll it should turn out to be no 10 1h“ “w” lhe Student Senate'and Executrte reject contributions. and frequent
‘- .' s , g .. ,. _ ... his-is. , ‘sri-«s .llttl iss‘: \\r_ imi burglar at all but one ol the l\ld.\ tor l979~t<0 academic year hate * . . .
‘ , " ‘ _ . ~ . writers may be limited, Editors -
., ‘ . h. it, s. ._ . , .. ~ , g. 1. to»: \f?‘.t'l't.lll\ tilted to Illt' \Hs‘ttktntl I” link" “Film“ ”1C MUCH 01 Kathy (“if continued taluable programs in the reserte'lie iighitoedit lorcorrect
2.. .. I. _ 5 - \g, \h . ‘ my. -. i .» \s..i lltlt‘ tic lllstst‘ same lltt “M man" “hi” ll W“ didn‘t Medicine senior “Udell” interest. free legal counsel. s ellin urarirm'ir and clarity
. ‘ . . : .s H I .. ' U l; .. . .m“ sjooti \Illt'llL-lll\ recogni/e ban in time“ What it you free LsK telephone directories. lree 'p d g; ‘ d ,]:[. hiring; ‘
, ‘ '- ’ ‘ " " " ’ - l : s \l ' "\ “sll‘s'll-‘ssll‘ “Us “’“l‘I . . u - discount (Buying Power) cards. lree an ‘ [’1'de ‘ k k t 1
I,- " s. . t \ h ,1 1 J,‘ ‘. 'l ,. k l “I; ‘3» ; tfi‘tiz' :l‘. Ih\ I‘sl'fll‘ll’s‘ \tr llIL' \L‘ll-(lt‘lc‘ltst‘ argument seems ExerCIse In fut'l'ty “Making ll" handbook for incoming ‘Idttmtnlk ‘ r
. E ‘ . 'I . . ’ s, y. y. .n l . ‘ I“-l‘ I 4,.“ _i.mm_.t.' \ot.ii to me erroneous lhe tigurcs are not For seteral tears. I ll “Mm“ students. free “(‘oping‘ niaga/ine ('ontrrbutions should be deli- _
II ‘ I .‘ i I_ ‘ r‘ w. .s . r s: ins ;\ . . \ sis. (tis' :‘z-rceiit ot .it's handgun amtlahlc. but it wotrld be my guess attempted to organize an elIlecti\c (women’s handbook). tarious tree tered to Room II4 Journalism. .
. .-I “ I‘ . j m t . . .. *‘. .r‘s: —-—--_‘_‘———— mill lhk‘nllthI ()lL‘rll‘lllltttls“htthlnc group 0‘ lL‘lldCIS capable 0i political forums. tree \otcr [HIVCYSIU 0f Kentucky. Letting-
' ' ‘ ;', ‘ .Ks , . . . ‘ -. H. ‘2. been killed in sellodclcnse by innocent establishing 5“!de (iotei'nmeiit registration scr\icc§ (we mug-35w the ton. Ky. 40506.
. .' ‘ . . . . ~ . . . z . A i“ . braden report citi/ens iritadcd in their homes or held representation. ‘0“ that suchagroup number ofrcgtstrantslrom last year by PM legal reasons. contributors ‘
| I, . , i . .. ,, . ., ._ , ._ . upon the streets rnrrstberrilinitesin‘ial film at I ll. H appears that certain I000). numerous blood doses, and must present a I'K II) beforethe
' ‘ ,i ' t " l‘ i'“ . ~ ' 1’“ ' ' __.._._._______._ ”KI” “hl h“) ” Im’ldgu'lII 5” ”“1 members ot the [is Sttrdcnt PrOdUClltm 01 "l‘K Presents" on It'eriie/ will be able to accept the
3 _' ti ,- s. . . .s ,. , A“ 1“ m. 1 mm mm mm uncutthcchtldrcncuntmdstand play (imcmmcm im- determined in Wlt‘X-IV. material-
. V11 - A.‘ «WV. -: . . ‘1_ LL.“ ... .. ”WWW“ [mix 4 percent “I with it’ Or in the etent that you undermine these ellorts. Ilhis year's $0 hasgonc beyond the
' wj'I ' ‘I: I 1 ‘Z\ ' I 'I ‘ -"Is' . ‘I ‘ ‘ ‘Fs .-. - Illl isi .i'trilseri .riiioiit' t‘t'opl; \ylto yorrrsell ‘ImI someday ‘mwd “”1 a m In response to Senator Mitch CH“ 0l dill,“ ”1 ("WW/mg and Letters: '
‘4 , .; .. g.' ' .. gr . i \t is» . i .. . ,Hur.‘ dim HM FUN”: “I “l "”210: “mm W” “l” ”gm ll” “ (tIlIlIlt‘lIh comments at the Student Plot'ldlng ncw. \filuable student Should belOlinesoilessand no
LI .g , tr . v s» ' s ‘s r IL _ yum. imr twinks”. A“. ”R. “m'mc' “that “h‘” ""PPCW tothe (ioternment meeting last Iuesday WWCCSI M‘, I. . ktntz lI'PCWIlmE more than 200 words. Ilhey
, 's , " ' " “ 'L I . -' ‘ » ‘ - . ss .s o: °s~i.ivi:.-iis .itts-i.s {'K “Nd"mm“ “I the \laderia Schooi' night. we are curious as to the SCTVICCs “99 .l0g8m8 ”1 the (oliseum. should Concern particular issues.
i ‘I I‘ “ - " ‘7 I I Is ‘ \is “its. do tie it on \isljmu Mld' of course. ”I‘ “I‘” possible that ”technical problems" associated with one-mealsa-day card. night hU-S ““1le concerns or events releyant to the
I . r . . t . 1 ‘ ‘ minder l.\ .i: slit. tats. «tr s-ttt' exert ll )0“ ”UNI“ may grow alrttlecra/y l‘ the issue of III representation. We etxcnsion 0f “brill." hours 3‘ exam I’K community.
, i I ‘ “ ' ‘ " ' I s 5 ‘s .. .«sirits’ that “h“! happneed I” lh‘I triend ”' alsowish that Senator leslre Bingham “m“ “C“ stop-light at Harrison and
,. 'I, . I ' “ I I ‘3 ‘ “ ‘ \t'2t delcrtsc llt.il\ tl'lt‘ irigiziiterit s\llard lowenstern" \yould clartly‘ what ts meant by the [UCl'd SW33” ”1”de funds 1" . _
' I " ' ‘I "7 I ‘ " II 1 ' ' ‘s it .7 5 tot. .irs. \titlhl'lL‘ down tht street lam told. 0‘ course. ”‘3” 'l “C him "ambiguous status of III students." (‘ommons thck-cashirtg W‘IHCC- “Pln'om‘ ,
I. i I "“ 'I I I " ~‘ at ‘s~‘s"l"l"stsl'. soils:- tr L'lrll .r. toiir ”W ‘illt‘ ”l handguns “ml "1““ ll l.ll students are indeed I'K HandicapAwarenessdayl‘ambodran Should he“) lines'or less‘a'nd
I ‘ i: itcii : "t . . . - ._ .. “Mg “m, L,“ ”immI.‘1ylw.imm\c illegal to owrionc.crimrnals will betlie students lhey pay [7K acttttty ”35‘ Recognition Day. (‘ampus liason. ‘thd '8”8 and explaina posrtion
.1 ; ‘. .it' .. l». .-; r..s;:,.s..r.s ‘ gm J, 1M, pnglusr‘Wishing-“L111”! only people with guns. line. I say are subject to UK tuition hikes. reside 'mpm‘Fmem of withdrawal pfilu‘y, rn pertaining to topical issues! of
‘ ' sr' ' t..‘l " “ " I .. t t s l “Ls,” \Wi l‘lt‘ll\ \HH- m ht" “Hm“ lhdl “Ill separate the honest L‘llllt‘ns In l'Kdorms.eat in l’Kcafetcrias.and the University Senate (extended from Interest {0 the [‘K community.
. , . ,. y...» s. _ .;s .- .i' :__ s... \’sl‘l“‘“ H.“ imp ‘, pm J, ,mmc lrom the dishonest Itery time we otherwise tunction as [K students In one week to three weeks). printing of
. g . "'l H‘s \ r .m is \1\ ”HM. “gr ,,._,_. ml” it.“ mm. a make an arrest we pick tip another accordance with the above. wht' “New Rights for Icnants."tncreased ‘ '
I I " " ” ' l» “ ‘ pistol .i' M: I'I’.il\1\lt lll rise eteiit a 11“” '1 mil.‘ “”35“” hlllc‘m‘UJl'.‘ should there be any question campus lighting and better campus (OS‘IlIimeIIinIIltIIICSOI' | with
, ‘ ' i re rs t‘ss tn: ‘. :~ :t smut.“ Mn. ,i we'd hate it tirtually handgun-less wliatsoeter 3‘ to I 'll‘s “gm to equal police foot patrol. Sure. Student ‘ 0" thé 8(I)(Ilc:t:Ird?SIThese
. . .rsii' tsl'tf \t" tent . s .- ‘ ,._. .. .t l dost _..d._...m]d mg in“. h,“ society ‘\nd.thI‘L‘lUIC. a much better rcprflemammsi Government could he “disbanded." no-rrltore’ drIcIiserted tor authors
“I"‘II' I “" ' - 1var .i sm "i 'ltc llt'iltl or the night one With such an unwelcome response but would you care to sacrifice these artrc es are ‘ y , ,
. l ”A.“ MW. “.1 ..i. ... \ .. r- ‘ _ . . . ‘ I ortant sert‘ices‘.’ It IS interestin m who. inthe editors opinion. hate
on Mr. . rt.ll .irid irirnmagt .iroirnd .. . . from Student (roternment it would be mp . g g “ml credentials experience.
“'I‘NI‘ “I‘I ‘I‘ "I I :I' .iiriidsr the biioits. looking tor the sun ‘0'" Braden ""95 ' nation-Hy- no surprise if III students chose to "”10 that "C" “0" all these WINCCS in in or other IuIalifications to
, , I "I‘ “III‘II‘””I“ ‘II “” I "' l: the burglar t'lllt‘f\lllt‘ bedroom who syndicated column 0‘” of discontinue their attempts. It almost 10' students. [I