xt71ns0kw98w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kw98w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1971 1971 1971-12-01 2020 true xt71ns0kw98w section xt71ns0kw98w . The Kentucky ‘ ' '
an Independent newspaper published I ‘ ‘
by students at the university of kentuck. ..

\\'edm~sday, Um. I, l!)7l LEXINGTON. KENTII In «1mm. \nr |\||r‘ \t, t,‘ .- L '1

R omaman amb ass ado r *m'~"‘x"-" .. ~= .

speaks of cooperation , f -=

By RALPH C. LONG people to chose their ourr way" is llcc‘L'\\.ll') W , , is \ . .
KCI‘IIEI Staff Writer for progress in the world today . s; .- _ h" '
The key to international cooperation is .\ main premise of Romanian foreign 1 '
the respect of one country for another. policy, Bogdan explained is opposition to , '2' ,. ’ f y
. according to Romanian ambassador Corneliu interference in other people‘s problems: He ~53 ¢§ : Q: If
Bogdan. said differences on political issues should not 1
In a lecture last night, highlighting his prevcnt cooperation in other areas such as ' ' .. °‘
three day visit to the bluegrass, ambassador economic and cultural exchanges. ‘ m i . , y; j, .
Bogdan explained his country‘s role in the Progress? WW ., - r "0" 1
world today._ _ H . Bogdan said the United States and ‘ ‘ a :
Bogdan .sélld‘llls country seeks the active Romania were “making good progress" in : f . V ' :' - " ‘.
cooperation ot all countries and an equality these areas "We "in’t ‘s "t d* 1 g ‘ ._-. ..
_ H _ t .. ct epu .un LIIRStlll n ~ . .
among nations. circumstances. any better." he said. “'5 y '1 W 1. V" "3' .j :
Interference The ambassador said he hoped the p; ' g , 3.
According 10 Bogdan, the main exchange in the areas of economics. sciences ‘ W ' 1" , g: .
international problems in the world today and culture will aid in political ‘ , p2"
arise front interference of one country in the understanding in the future, » . W
affairs of another. He said “the right of all Continued on page 2. ('01. 3 _’ .
Was coach and athlete , :' " {.5
. Romanian ambassador Cornelui Bodgan makes his way ‘ . i
. I TI( to the podium to deliver a lecture on “Romania in the .-
lrwan O V e v 11 S ports Concert of‘Nations." Bogdan spoke for nearly two hours 'V
to an audience of over 200 people in the Classroom
Building last night. (Staff Photo by David Rose! _~ . ~
The death of Dr. Albert D. with a good sense of humorwho an ideal coach who was real .. , ,
Kirwan was not only the loss of meant business When he “'81de asset to the team." -' I ' A). 'y
a fine professor, but the loss of :1 onto that football field.” ‘Square-shooter‘ ‘ ,1, It." .1 3.
true sports lover as well. AS a In his six seasons as the first Off the field ls'irwan earned as (L‘SSI‘S LANLELLIZD I“ - ,"
student at UK‘ K‘rw‘i‘“ lettered Universitv of Kentucky graduate much respect as on. He was said ‘ . ‘ . ., f
in football and track m addition ever to hold the coaching job. to have been a “square-shooter. ‘ILI‘I()R‘ ()P “R klk“ -“
to heading the Wildcat football his teams compiled a record of who allowed his intelligence and ~ ‘1'; ' V
squad his senior year. Followmg ‘4 wins 28 losses and 4 ties. leadership to prove him a t A” University "“15““ ””d ”Mb“ “”1 h" ‘1‘““l 2" .‘
his graduation in 1926~ Kirwan - H ‘ gentleman in everv sense of the Thursday from 10 to 13 am. while the body of Dr. if. ’ ;
became teacher and athletic Famous players word.” ' <3 Kirwan is on campus in Memorial Hall. All 9 am. history ' j ‘ : ».‘
coact at Louisville Male ngh Two of Kirwan's rrrore "He was so personal and gave C1353“ Will 1‘0 ‘31”lk‘t’lls‘tl 0:30 1m» s‘l‘d‘W“ ”NF "‘3‘“ l”— ‘ " Y: z
School. from 1926 to 1931,8nd noteable players were Luke so much individual attention halt art hour at the discretion of the instructor. but the ‘ _ _
at DUPO“t Mantra] High SChOOL Linden. formerly" of the Detroit that he was almost like a second University will still close at 10am. ' j .
. front 193] to 193.7. LlONS. and lrmal Allelic the filthT-H élddCd McCubbin. UK Parking permit holders who will attend the tuneral ~i .. .'1
Returned 1n I938 number one assistant for the A reat man and desire to accompany the procession to lexrngtor; _

In 1938 “Ab“ Kirwan L‘amt‘ Dallas Cowboys. ‘ g ,. . Cemetery should make arrangements tor special railing 5i ‘
back to hl‘ alma mater as head 01” “l Kirwan‘s advantages on . Probably kirwan S greatest upon .rrritai llrrirsdm mommy! \srtlr the irltrtc: '1. "f5
fomball coach. His players the football field was his contribution 1“ the. MON“! main gate l iznestoiie Slicer
le‘JH lll-‘l‘l it di‘t‘l‘ TCSPL‘LI {OT supreme intelligence. Said Bill program here ‘” m“ ['I'HVUN'Q‘ Saviors? yrrlarie spaces 31>: ilz; ;'\-;‘.\t.;l §x.l~1i._ l~ '1 _' '~
hlS dedication.rndsrnccrit}. MCCUl‘l‘lH. KlTWdH‘S assistant rem “H‘Cd ““19”“ ”Wk reserved at the main entrant.- .zrul the Row; so. ‘ .

Harold Rlack.a rmmhcrot‘thc coach in 1040 and r045. “His RObmW't ”M“ ”l" "W" ”‘1” r entrant: . .‘
1935 MIN“- recalled ”Dr'- intelligence dcfiriittly showed in “‘3 brought 1” the ganic “m1 f _ ., .. 2‘ 3
Kirwar‘. um ;: \sell-rw-zrcetcd I'HH his coaching strategies. He was (‘ontinued on Page 6. (‘01. l % '“H'VI' 3"?" 'V , i » ’ i ' l - g; '

o o . ,
. . 9 Lack of funds ls biggest hassle a
for UK cycltsts who want pathways » ...
v ‘ . .
By KATHI MlLUMET Rose Street a problem _,g ‘3 .,
Kernel Staff Writer Mirttrztgly said Don Burrell who heads the '~ I.‘
Temporary plans for bike routes around the [‘rK Planning ('rrrrrrrrrssrtrrr favors a comprehensiyc .‘__.' .
campus are being drawn up. but the "WW program «It l\r:\e\v;r\s on l‘uclid Avenue and Rose . ' -‘-v
’ problem now is a lack of funds. Street. but called Rose Street .1 problem because it I ' “ .
‘ According to David Mattingly of tllt‘ so Physical is so narrow. W ‘ 1 ' .
Environment Committee and UK representative on BUNCH WSW-“Cd when ”ks-IMO“ .L’H downtown i 7' «_
the Lexington-Fayette County Planning they use Harrison or Lexington Avenues instead of . .'.' '. ‘
Commission. “the most difficult part of bike Limestone which he s‘éllls‘d “100 clogged." 5 .- “ . '. .
routes is money." Burrcll is a member of the Wheelnren Club. a '. ‘
He said a law recently passed in Oregon requires recreational group that has also designed scyeral .. ; ~.' '§ ‘ ‘
“five percent of the appropriations to highways in ”Hill hlks‘ mills“. Siild Mattrngly. ‘ . -' '- ' _‘- ‘
()regon goto bicycle and pedestrian safety." In 196“ there “3‘ 11 study concerning ”A ‘ ' ’-
"‘ Mattingly has “asked a state senator to study recreational “'1‘” ”W“ lesrngton l” ”l“ Ks'nllls‘k} ' ‘ r' T -
' ’3';— and see if a bill of this nature is feasible.“ tHc River in the fates (‘rcck .rrea torrrdor " “llrrs rs in . | I ~ ,‘ .
y 3'23 “U'ild not identify the senator.) lllk‘ NWT“ t‘l l‘l‘lllL' sl‘“’\‘l“l‘¢d~” \ltlllllll’l} \lltl K"
‘. F... i “What \st‘l hal‘hcn remains to be seen.” He admitted NW” lllt‘ l‘lfl l‘l“"ls‘-’?’ “l it lslsl» 1"? " ». .
‘ \lattruch \Jhl. " _ -.
P Sewral problems (ampus “mm”; t _ . - I
f llrc l‘lrt‘xrv‘c ('o'timissiou has scwral problems \ ”numnk. w km”. \1 ,n. g up In“ V ‘1 f
to 53-...l u-rh “\\c ilet'ded the biggest probtt'r' :s lmhmi‘: ,ijix, j‘p. .ih. t“; _ -- ,l; M; I: ‘. ‘t : .
\ th'. {'it‘d' mr‘nbet wt l‘ikes \vrtluu the l :mers is W My...” .1 . “M l k H . , . ‘-
yHLtlllltHll} \l.tllift\_'l_\ sud, “lhcrc .rre \rl‘o‘rt Mummy .r ,r; ,_. ,;.\ \‘w2. .. t _ ‘ : =~'\ j _» ;.'
15th) l‘ll‘.\‘ parlsu on an average kl.l\\ \la) an“; er ‘t‘\ Arm: u .led on. \‘ ‘V ‘ "
‘ lle :ro'etl the Planning (‘omrnissron has no ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ '
’ rurrsurttr‘n .\\.:‘r l l\ property. but their lust 'lfiv wrumfltw my and WW ' " "li . _ ’.
. priorm ts to U‘l‘islllicl b kcwah around town. “M” ”Ml Ml: “l ‘1“M'“ll*“‘l‘ 51”“ \“" ‘- "‘w‘l“ ‘ i
‘ ‘ Bike routes are a possibility on Nicholasvrllc Rd . have l‘k‘K‘llH-lh “l‘t‘W'lNl WWW“ .rnd “\ PM“ ”will ~ . .
. Rose St.. liuclrd »\ve.. and Limestone. \“Tl‘lcnl-‘~ . .. \ .
Another proposal was presented by Grace \litlllngl.‘ “Nd lllt‘ls‘ “3‘ “Us Lilith” “‘1”! ”W ' .
.‘\ Donnely of the Sierra Club. Mattingly said. She WWW“? ““mh” ”l h'Wkl‘W " ‘ £“”‘¥ “‘ gt" . - .
\ ‘ favored widening the SldL‘WalkS on the campus side “"‘r-‘“- .~ ,' . ‘
of the street starting from the Med Center going Mattingly feels “it Will be two years before ' -
out to Nicholasvillc Road. She said a majority of anything concrete is realr/ed. 'lhe l’ls' campus is .
.tl“. ‘ Med Center people live on Nicholasville and ride already crowded even the sidewalks are ‘ -
\ bikes to work, crowded.” ‘

 3.. iiiiv kl'Vl‘l ( l\\ kl-‘l{\l-‘l . \\(’(llll'\(l.t\. net. l. I”?! __ __ m ________________________________.____-___
P k' 9| l ' [I l ' '
h ' a a “ l o ) o o '
( mg. . ldll‘r ldl. ("1.21 IOU ()ll llllH Ial \
K P K or
T o 9 o o o
‘ ' IlTOI’l S f l” ‘t 118 1088 ‘
' i v , ~ I ll . ~ ~ I , b ,, ,
' . . . . 1‘ Mtl t ' "inn: “W“ d i not “'I‘“el
\\ \ .\ ll l \ t. l U \ Sliiiiieha: and llaiieeliou lel‘ e._iil\ —iiioriiiri§: hours ma} be least one stop. l.=. it , i it, ., o \Il:Itl iI III p I\\III (II t \. t
- . . ' . . »» _ . ) I. _ , y - . . l \ ' VI
i\l‘l l‘r‘esi-lcn' \isoii plans to .‘l~3h \\‘lll not result in bringing: deioted to laee-to-taee talks Would attord tlu ltU‘Ll‘HI “‘1 UR?! ll. 11 t“ til ”I (hit
“ . l ~ - ~ . ,. . II- _.. 1", ~ Liv-v . “g t l"‘
» spend .1 tuil wees iii ( oiiiiiiunist peace to \ ietnairi oi settling the Wllll ( hinese leaders, oitltt'lldlllll l“ ll ‘l lmd “l” I “H H, iwutli ‘kslllklt I t (I; 'I‘iiwliii
'l‘ 1 U l ‘- “ " ' ‘ z . 'iiis ‘lt to time-Ame c l;lllg1&“. . “I 1-1 M k » .H t i .
‘ (1 AH J‘i dull”? “I“ dillL\ WEIR (it I 11“ mi} p 'l " Schedule uncertain I“ k he said. "the United States
. - curing: iis .iistorie touriie\ tieie issinger. ti: resiten S . . . . . t ‘ ‘ ~ - " 'i i l’. . . , ,
‘ . ~ ~ ' l- .1 i ' 't' , .1 ... . t ,H:- . ,I l\“' . ‘r The President s tull itinerary 5““1‘”) ”l Still“ .WIHI m . position is that the ultimate
. . in L \ruar). na lt iia stcuii _\ a airs t L 1st . l I I l II t" ‘“d l l\" II Rogers and kissinger \\’lll III I' ‘l '1 b‘tW‘en 'l‘aiwan- l
, ' \tt .. l . Wl' _ ll . l” ., 'd \“x in’s Writer‘nc ,5 with itis not iun i.\c )Ul issingtr I I. II a ions 11; c L 1 ant
. ' “l l“ “I“ 0““ ”h“ k ”“1 “ 1“ “ “L ‘ L ‘ .. 'd \v. ld . l' accoinpanv the President. l 1" use Re iubli‘ of (‘1' ,
1‘ ' ' the announcement Tuesda}. Dr. Chairman Mao Tse-tung. l’remier 5;“ -_l'\““ WOIU “(ZIP 9”) (I’ll ' , tit ISOIl L .ttlL‘l th k r} d‘nm
. I , I t. 6 . . y . ‘ . “ “ , I e e. a x , . s t .
: .I . Henry A. Kissinger “Id summit (lion l‘n-lai and others would .I‘IImIsrlkdn HTENQY) ‘IIITIIIU: 1/: In summarmng llIlIL f\mtrican shou . In stII L rougi lrLLl
. .. . . . v . . ' . . . . - s ~ ‘ ., \ - .
- - talk; to lag mm m Peking. locus on prolilcnls ot direct 13‘” to ill“ from ( “'14- I approach to talks. kissingtr said negotiations.
" . concern to the two countries .
. .. ' rather than those involving third R 0 ll ° 1
, .~ COMPONENT 1mm omaman ca 5 or cooperation ‘
- - ' " ‘ ' Successful outcome 1
“ .‘ STEREOS Tl W1 ’1‘ H I II t‘ .- (‘ontinued from Page 1 surcharge that the surcharge Ambassador Bogdan left the
‘ . ,7 Il‘ I H, k I_‘ [Ills "I“I‘E’: . R -. -. I addition did not hurt Romania bluegrass at seven this morning. I
' ‘ ' , ‘ ‘.' AM FM Stow; Rad” ll 0 ‘ H y 5 p l Ill 1 ll“ I: l l A! Puff; demd t]: m ‘i as much at it hurt those His visit to the University and l
“ i L.“ . . ' “ “ .‘1‘ 1 ‘ . .‘zt .. . . 1 ,
I I g With bum,” 8 Mick a.“ ”IllI’lEUIll‘InIlI‘I “ llfIl “IVI‘ I‘II‘InI ENEI‘II 0 'l ‘Ilf OlImLIIIl )1 “1‘1“ p riViledged trading partners. the surrounding area was at the (
, , j - Garrard Chamc’r 311.17 95 man int itate iI reasonaII. _\ ocean. vx itrt 1 I cannt IL such as the western l-uropean invitation of President 0m I
. . . - . . . . each lnspect I" siiceesstul outcome tor the tirst considered one ot the Imore countries. SingletarV. ,
- . x . ~ \'l:sll ever made to mainland developed countries oi the ' ‘ ‘
. . “ UN'TED FREIGHT SALES (‘hiiia b_\ an American president. world. E
. . _ _ . 2123 Oxford Circle Kissinger said \i\on will Btlt'd‘lll s'iid Rom'iniins are A . k .
3 ‘ ' . . '“ . . . ., . “ . . . - “I: t ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 1 o ,-_
.~ Hours. Monday-Saturday, 9-9 guild, at ihNi ton; Ikld’w 1m "aware ot' all our (the 1 lltlwal Vetel an to Spea a
" ' , L I” 3* ‘1 n l I 1‘“ l H Romanians) difficulties and i
l ' shortcomings.“ and because the) John Kerry. a lea ti i 111:
= -~ ‘ “ ,. .3 ’ i I reeogiii/e their difficulties need si‘iilxc‘slllilll tor the Vietnam “~ ' ”I: 1
. i us ‘. . i " . . a.“ . .. O V
- ' . “ ' . BEN SNYDER DEP T S'ORES world peace. Peace is trial to \eteraiis .~\e.:iirist the “at. \\ili I“ “ ; £33,.» I. l
' , - us." he said. speak lliurstiii'i inch? in the .. ~11, ‘
~. ., . For f ' . . ,. , . : . - w .
I I You Complete One Stop Shopping _ . . . _ (il'tlllLl lsailrooin iv. in» sitizrit-m ‘, ' . - t
~ . f 'n The B. Al. G ()ui iiiziioi toiiiiil‘utioii to Hit“ ("11' r t x I in f ,: S
, .- ‘ . . -. e .i ,, i. . . . »
r, I. . ]_HOUR FREE PARKING n ' oroge “Olltl. said Bttflkl'dtl. iiiiist he to Kl: \ \\ I‘ I_ it th I , . . b
' i ' ‘.‘l '15 t‘.l' ( L‘ ’.i |K\l\ . .1. .
, f - ~ With 33 Purchase establish relations lietneen . K ' _ I, . L \ l “ Kai « ~
. -' .~ .- ot the \ \ A“ demonstrations iii 1% x ’ f
. , . '. nations. . I, . . . I (a; a t _ ,
, I - .1 “tlblllllgltlll. l). (. last \la) and . 3M. Ix» J
. “A 'l i ' rI‘HF ’I‘R]: ‘QLTRF TR()V’F Bogdan said Romania at has been an actix'e in political {W 1.; i
, . s, '. , ‘J ‘J‘ k “‘ ‘ present is in an “underprn— etiorts to elect candidates 3%: El ~
~ , . ' . . , . . .. . . . I. Mil-3‘3. \ - N: .
" . ‘ I 7 has opened "5 iledged position in its trade opposed to the Vietnam \\ai. . 1_ ” ,. ' I;
' '. T . ' '11s Will] th' Unit ‘d States. He himself received an earlv ‘1? e” . «6‘
1 , ARTS and CRAFTS CORNER “I‘m” , .‘ , k . . . , . . . “ w. 1%: 1/”
‘ f . Bogd an explained the 110“ discharge trom the .\a\_\ ll] order ”1:33;.- 31*29» 5‘
- ‘ ,i ' eaturing import surcharge placed on to run for Congress in M“? f“_._ W‘s
.» . ' , DECOUPAGE, CANDLE KITS, goods had no effect on Massachusetts. but later ififfr'a.” Ig11z§§~<flw I
. . ‘- MACRAME—CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, 5th Romanian products. wrthdrew in support ot the ekgw»§ eI 4%; A?
- i " . . eventual winner. Father Robert f“ w...
II» . I Located 0 1414 Village Dr. (Behind Shoppers Choice) Surcharge didn't hurt l: llrin'm -- .;'Ef‘;i§3"If’; ' a: ‘ g ’i g.
. 3. J '. x . o“ Versailles Road . , .. ' . I ‘ ‘ . M f; _
' . ‘ 1 . . 284 S L' ' ( t C l M II He said the taritt on goods \‘lliiie sening iii \‘lk‘lllllllt. . egg, egg“ *2;
“. ., I O ‘T‘I 0' In." one 3 "Her ° axwe ) imported troiii his country is Kerr} was awarded 7he Silvet " ~ ”’i ' I" g
' ~' -. ', V ' . p" ' 6 p'm' PM“ 254‘5642 alread) so high Without the Star the Bron/e Slat. and three , .l “' .55. “5
'V I‘ ' l’nrple lleaits. I .5 l; .. if
. i '_'I ' ll“~ iti‘§7_‘1llttl':t .“ sgwrisi-red ff? .
“ 3 .. “. h} The station < liiint‘tl ' 1-3371?
I D y S , 11].] ~ I:
a U (m c, sror as ,8
I. ' .~ ‘ ~‘ \‘ l .
. II I H" '. . I I ‘ I . I .
“ '- . j - ' “ a '1 . “ s
, joy (. mummis up
I I‘ V'l “I‘VW »' :' ' . l’. Kr; .il.i.E£:1:“_ ,3 lite i i.
" “i ' . . .' i i‘“ 'l' “ " ’ ». ~ l“.1i\.’ ? liilslt_\‘\.tl.il oil' .,
I. . ‘1I~ ‘vfi'f‘ I ' \‘:“ii.. i t» M 131. 1 me: foai‘i‘wo‘t ariiisiit‘itu
I I I~I I . I ‘ :‘il':i ’l \i vl.“'>_l’ l‘ (l: Ill. _tll\‘.
I‘ ' l‘l\ ‘. i “ii“ \ V i “u . -
j , .f . ‘ ‘, - s ' l n l l“ "““ “ '~ fried lost September
“ . ‘v '~ c'tllli’iliiltk til il‘t‘ litigi‘ w? , .
~ . .' . 1- ° ' 'l'ruste-‘~ ”Fwy”. ”I “.1 last September \iiiin rejected
' - , .1 , .I ‘ . .~ . . , K . \l’cridelsdoit”s "roposal to be
. . lit .1 ltllt.‘ ii): 1711 out". six, l . l ‘
. I .' I". Wendelsdint said. “'liie name-t. Student (ode standing
. . I4. ,I .' I. . current chairman, new“, hommitttt chairman. lIlowIcHt.
, . ~~ '. . .‘ I. 890 East ngh (Chevy Chase) 269-237] (lril‘tiin, goes oil the board at the ' uInn urged ”mm?“ ('nttm.m
i. . ~I ’ end ot the month. so the idl‘ d (ode congiImtIItee lllL‘Lllllg
E V - '“~ appointment ot a new chairman [‘18 soon as p059] ) e. i
.. ‘. z .I CATERING SERVICE WITH FREE BEER AVAILABLE! is email”, in mac, ~3 Nothing has happcncncd ‘
II ,5 I II I C O U P O N I _ _ _ _ _ Ford. who will be inaugurated {shout .~\unn 8 request).
' ‘~~ ’,' i 1 DEC. 7. Will succeed (iov. Louie .. Lndelsdorf wrote Ford.
. -‘ , 50C OFF ON ANY $2 00 PURCHASE Indeed, more had been done by
. ‘ I 'i ' 0 I WALLA l the (‘ode committee last year by
. " 7 I CES BOOk Store this time even without the i
I II ' ' . WITH THIS COUPON! Is Now Reserving (iovernor's express mandate to
. . :5. I Textbooks expedite matters.
' ' .' . . —" - — - _ _ - — — - - — — — . “Students understandably see
1 . .i . _, For The Spring Term this as a deliberate move on the
- 3.3 ; ~. I, .Vl . part or Nunn and the board to
'. I , -’ ' I“ . . ’ " ” ”W" ' ’ """" '" ’"" ""‘“"'" """"'"‘"""“"”""""‘"’"""""""“W"‘”"~“‘"~"--~-m--—-m—— brush the (‘ode under the carpet
.“'- ,3 3 a The Perl-Willa by Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg h “V ”‘ “ l‘ ‘ n g g“ C T‘ C l ”l”
“- “. ' announcements before the
“ , 1‘ ._- , i..i.,.....;_~' v . _.-,;--_-£M- W5! =WM.'-'..“~ -- 3- » .. I. . . » ,
, ', ' - - _ - w . Am“: ' ‘q ‘ '1‘ lcleVision cameras and then not
. I - I. -. II I I ; I . W -I » .1 = q “(3:54” W I sIIIII WC 3" . s is a lVUllHVk’lng through."
. i . ...w_.4.i.~. ~1..-.4.-......,~.. W... 0 1...“. . 0.144;. a . . a»... a. -. 'w-l " . i i g \3 . . I I
t “ . ’ . . . ' z ws—w,.,.v.7-.-.-- W— . I, {4“ lI L ‘ I ll \‘l endelsdort is named (ode
. ‘ l .; Aorta/ta. ”NIHLQLJ’Z: f“ ‘ ‘ ‘ l ' 1 W" ‘“”""“~’ . ‘ “ .“
.' ' - ~ .‘ ES 1 I ‘ .g Wit.- l “‘fi‘W‘m-s‘ g committee chairman. he “ill be
i » > . - i . i n S i ‘H?.‘\. - e9 _. . , .
_ ' ‘~ . ~ “ 1,» \ q ‘11 i i, ’- . ale angy«~“.vgi;/fil N the tirst student trustee iii [k
. . , _' : . . __ e . i j . , ,1 \ 1‘. : . , 1.1:: /, ._ . - .
‘. , I: . l I . I I I \ I , I l' ‘ ,. ; KN l- :54 SWl 0 history to be chairman ot a
v ' i ' V . 4, . x ./ 11’ A' x i i .' WK 3 " 5‘ / V '
I , .. ~ ‘ . ' 1'51? ' t". t .". ~ . * t i .1 ‘ggfi; 3; E\ ‘l‘ 11’" i ‘2 312:; -”" I board committee.
, - -' ' “ “1‘17”” 7* l" frag; w, ii n .,-. .l . a i, /' l I 1;! '-
‘ = '. . .. - .: 3/131“:,~“l§1i;~.~1’wx ,6 ~ l9 f ,- ' it t \t/ M " 6%; ~~ Tl»
, 1. ~ . . . . I. (‘3, g ,a. 9-; 5,, : a , s 3; § ll $31.13,? ,1 c Kentucky Herncl
., »‘ .7...” a" 7/ .‘ " .'« w .“3‘ - , J ‘~ "1-: J . .
. ' . » ‘ i I“ " 2139111 "" ft £2.)— 37- 1..“ 1. f“ \ I l 1 l' ' sfl k§%\c, The Kentucky Kernel. Universrty
“ . . : . , -- ‘ r)? - 2" “Ii ‘ 13“,. , . ‘ [/0/ ‘ § /;5 $ t ; § 3 find»; y «3% ; Station. Universrt)“ of Kentucky, Lax»
'I . . . - .1 ‘ a _. . . “ l l f ; "V i“ :75/ § 1'” \ .\ Z < § 3.17f;§;2::;.,!f§. :“sfl ,f Hutton. Kentucky 40506. Second (‘135S
; ' .' ' ‘ .' b - t “ V " ‘ '“ “WV"? V ,5 i l § Qié? ' twist-120 paid at Lexrmzton, Kentucky-
I I . , a I ; /' 3“,, I“ "l“ .I . i “\ \ fix/ Mailed five times weekly during ”‘9
' ,‘ ll) ‘ ' v f {r t ,’ 4 ' § % ,\\% N school year except holidays and exam
' " '. - , fl / l l ’I . fi/f § § "’—:-.-:-'5‘”/¢:§:?.I--_, periods. and once during the summer
‘ _ ~ , . v; . "-. .f ' ’ . x \ ' r ‘ session.
, N ~ . ~ “ 3&2 . , I6 ._.I = 3 .. H .. ~ ' 1» Published by the Board 0: Student
, O i. - s : I: - - , . it‘ll l“ t > "1 Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986.
. “ O' I. 34 ' g _ _I . Wild ~ . . .;. ; K” Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
- (o) > ._ ’ t\.»~" "l i .,, . q if! ’ ‘ . published continuously as the Kernel
1 , ‘ 3~ i i ll1 lit ‘31 A" ~ ii “M“ ”15‘ .
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 _-___ \“fi 'i‘iii; ki-‘Vi'l ( M ki-.R\i‘i._ “taint-«Ln. rm. l. l‘lTl : ' ‘ '
‘ 0 O o I o ' .'
(.lves birth control llllOI‘lllalHHl . ' ,
y 0 o '
c 18 tn utes 00 3t JUNIOR MEN’S HONORARY :. .. ' ,,
Applications now being taken through December 2 -, , - .
w“! By KATIE MCCARTHY “it has the most complete Booklet is political ACADE I , , _f .» . ; g 4
' Kernel Staff Writer information in it.” . When asked whether she felt M C RECORD "WN GPA 2 89’ ‘. . " V. '
inext- A booklet which strives “to The handbook ““5 MIX blrfh ”W bOOlet “’35 I‘Olitlk‘ill. LEADERSH‘lP (PALIFK‘ATIONS _ ( . ,' ,» _
:wan. provide men and women with 'cogtrpl‘ lsdusetd! how hl-t‘fls twig Sutherland said. N“ l” political l“ [N “0L “EMENT IN CAMPUS AFFNP‘ ' .. ' '
Ltates the information they need to ‘1') t1“ 5;. t L “it's? ”iii“! that it takes a strong stand on so, Info'mafion coma": 2' ‘ .
mate control their own bodies” is “slutty drOl?”1NLtl' mSV m"- the population movement,” but BRUCE COMBEST 2574550 _ JIM WILSON 253-2081 .
i and being distributed free by the Sutier an a S ‘ “S 1‘15 im Sllt‘ (1005 “01 teel “that , i ‘
‘hina Council on Women‘s concerns. lmfl’om‘.“ flslfifmb (3 . [11$ disagreement Will] ”W political ‘ '1 -
1m.“ "I'h‘ t* _ f ti . intormation, since the circulars philosophies" espoused by the . '_ , .
- L duo c 38- rom 1L provrded by pharmaceutical booklet should “hinder it from i
introduction t9_ Blrth Control companies often minimize the being useful," THE RENDEVOUS 5 e‘ .
Handbook, originally published dangers of their products. ‘ , _. ‘ ,fi l
b McCill Universit but now . . The Council on Women s . y .
yd th y} . 'v- t> Illustrations and diagrams 0” Concerns plans to staple a page A‘m” l'°'“ Eastland B°"’l , ‘ -
un er e auspices 0 d p“ d L the female body, hormone cycle to the back of the “Birth V, - " -
group. and proper use of birth control ‘ , - - - , =
the One thousand copies of the methods are “reall ood H '(ontrol Handbook wrth Appearing Nitely : ;
nin , b kl , d *d M‘ . y g, - information on where to get .1
“it Boob Ct g”: or in bl” bs. according to Sutherland, bl” the birth control advice and devices : .7. ~
t‘tl > ar ara ut 1?” dn- .d mcm er booklet “shouldnt take the in Lexington. The handbook is T W 0 plus T H R E E
K ot the Counc1l, Sdld she wanted dam of a h srcran It should . . _ . ’ ,.
Otis t d) 30 000 . "s s. , for I. p y ,‘ l . available to the UK community a . . g
' 0 or “r ~ ’ to?“ g one glVC women enough intormation in the Student Government _ . :2 .
everyone at the Umversrty. The so they can ask intelligent office. GO-GO GIT/S 5_9 Daily t. :.. g 1‘
200““ was ordered due to a questions of their physicians.” . . ‘ f.
‘ tremendous amount Of women The booklet is “geared toward HAVE YOU DanCIng 9—] Nltely . ..
“1 lflK who hgve gotten women, urging women to take ' ' ' ,. ,' ; . ‘ '. (
'f‘bort‘ol‘s ‘hrCZE’gh "”men 5 Lib responsibilities on themselves," Reserved Your Happy Hour 6-7, 9-70 Mon. thru Fri. '
in Lexmgton.‘ Sutherland said. Sutherland said. But “it gives a Spring Textbooks at z '. ' .L:
, The estimated 300 UK women couple the opportunity to talk . . s 3“ -'
'- who have obtained abortions about and decide what method WALLACEIS 800k Store NO Cover —- NO Minimum ‘ . . '
fl have not gotten the information is best for them. The man is able at _ .’
they need on birth control, to participate and share part of - ._
,; Sutherland said, and “this the responsibility, too, that is ‘ .
. booklet is the best one" because really important.” she said. _ ~ '_ . .
is wee s uertlla Theatre - \
The Committee on Militarism met Monday . . ‘ ‘
night and planned two Guerilla Theatre skits WIll be Swen at the 7'. «. V
for this week. _
Members plan to satirixe the Lexington St H 0 , .
Herald-Leader’s “Nail the Pusher“ [Ident ea t e V c
anti-pusher campaign in a skit scheduled for r I e ’. ‘ '1
Wednesday, Dec. 1. One member will be tied ‘ ~ , ~_ 2 .
to a pole and deposited at the Herald-Leader Tl'IUI'SClO)’, December 2, I97] 1'. ;' ‘ '1
office and the group will ask for the 9 a m l'O Noon __ 1 P m l'O 4 P m ' . ,
“bounty“. I ' l ' ' ' ii I V
A lottery skit is planned for Saturday, . . , ’ V
Dec. 4‘ h the Student (mm patio. Om CHARGE. Students With Part A Insurance .....(costof materials} 50c .
member will portray an army general calling Other Students, Faculty, Staff $2.00 ’> p
ott birthdates while other members drop .. ' - ~.
dead. . ‘ .’ ,
save add up to dollars at
iliLq 1 , I.;
I Long tapes have low totals , , , - ,
dine . , . I , . '. . '
:ver. ' c - . _ . fl. -;  
212: O K" «23,, a Z leper m a”; - , . .
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Lexi ‘ >V§‘\&3‘€‘vw‘- \ .1 . ‘\_ . ‘ . . t”, ‘ ' 1‘; x i‘ ‘ M0 3‘
. , , . ‘ .» low-cost institutions, Also because education buttgttts and as we all “We honor his name and Students nominated him for high N.
~ g of the sliding scale of credits know the first programs cut are memory in the hope and honors almost as often. and those
‘ I . allowed. Iht‘ hill 111W“ families ell usually those that heh‘ the poorer CXPL‘Cliihhh IhiiT his ’10th C‘JFCCF honors were not uiinierited. In a 1
' . .. . ‘ low and middle incomes. students. Will htSPh‘s' in future generations 01 statement to the Board of Trustees
.. ' - I' The bill has alread\ passed the By threatening to veto the entire Kentuckians and all Americans that during his tenure as acting
‘. Senate by a vote of So to 3‘ and ta\-cut package. which we feel my“ selfless devotion. to country and president. l\lI‘WLm said. .4 . we A‘
' - ' . now sits in a House—Senate some much needed relief to the dhl)’ that ilhlth‘d hlm through hlS need to concentrate more or our 3
3' , ‘ ; conlerence committee with several poor and middle class who are 10“? and illustrious hlh- lith‘hth)” and more 01 our interest Yh
i i h i ‘i other proposed PM CHIS. caught in the throes of a recession ll seemsappropriate 101ml“! the upon the undergraduate students.“ mi
i . . . . . .. T .h H i . , . . , s ,. ' . . ~s s s v g9
.- . \ot surprisingly Hollings bill and Nixon has shown his true colors. Sdmt stattnitnt to Dr. lsirwan. Ills PthMS Wk“ “0t hOhO“ pc
' , 7 j the whole tax cut package. which By vetoing these measures for UK 5 SCW‘hih l‘rCSldChl- PhlhtUCh‘S- A former student writes. ,
1 ,‘ ' . it in e l u d e s r a i s i ng bersonal middle Americans while still Dr. h‘rWhh ““45 ‘h the Old “1 have tWO 50115 who antlcmatc ah
i. , I: e\cniptions plus the controversial demanding a S70 billion Defense SChOOl' “9 “"15 ”SPOh-hhh“ attending Uh ‘h the near tuture. I te
' " .' campaign spending Proposal. is budget and a 830 billion tax credit hard-working. ChthhSla-‘hh3 hhd hOPC they are fortunate CHOUEh t0 Cq
" I I ' being opposed by the Nixon to industry. Nixon will prove that made {CW enemies. lle believed in have Dr. Kirwan. or a man of his
. j ‘3 administration. he is a Republican in the truest his country. hhd worked selflessly integrity.aspresident."
i - . Administration spokesman Clark sense: a tool of the rich and ‘0 dCh‘hd what he determined to h“ WC pay tribute to Dr. Albert T
. , ' 5 . MaeGregor calls the whole package powerful and an enemy ofthe poor in the better interest (h hls h’hOWS- Kirwan. The UNIVCFSHY 0‘
. . .- . ' “highly inflationary” and said the and weak. 501110 may CYitiCi7C SUCh tr‘dltS Kentucky will miss his presence.
' "_' o
,, K ernel Forum. 9 rea ers mm 9
’ ' ” " I‘m", Wimp“ "’"l l‘(’t(’r(lllS food stamps. for as long as everyone else I doubt if the Kernel can produce .4 . l ,- h . ‘
. . . , , . , . . . . . . . rlicu ate J0 n Kerri
. > 7 In that never-ending comedy-tragedy lS getting a hand-out. why not students? Similar jUSIlfiCaUOflS tor the college .
~ . known as the Kentucky Kernel a new low What offends me is the author‘s total students: (1) In the 46 months 1 was in Many thanks t0 the Student CCNCF
‘~ ‘ J , f has been reached. In Monday’s editorial insensitivity to the sacrifices of a the service i received poverty level pay (I Board f0T bringing John Kerry 10 the
‘ > _~ , entitled “Special Interests?" the Kernel serviceman, began at less than $90 a month.) (2) a University. Probably the most attractive
I, has slithered to the depths from which it 1 am not pro-military. In fact. I am forced loss ofidentity (3)10ng separation and articulate young man to appear on
_ - may never return. almost as disgusted with the military as I from family and friends (4) being subject the national scene since the death of
, I ' . 7 What begins as a typical Kernel tirade am with the Kernel. However, the to the whims of persons of dubious President Kennedy. John Kerry should be
' ‘ ".1 at the Republicans or anyone to the right American veteran and the American fairness and intelligence (5) being thought heard by many members of the campus
' ” g.- -7; ’ -, 2 of Abbie Hoffman. ends in a dis ustin militar establishment are se arate of and treated as service trash by the community this Thursdav evenin .Tlierc
. _ . _ . . g y P . . _ _ _ . g . r
.' i . . ‘ put-down of the American veteran. entities and one should not be criticized Civilian population. is no doubt that he Will be heard from in
' ' g . . What rationale does the author of this because ofth