xt71ns0kw85k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kw85k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2008 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2008 Vol.79 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 2008 Vol.79 No.11 2008 2008 2019 true xt71ns0kw85k section xt71ns0kw85k Per. Dept. 5
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3:33:71 2 .
fl ' ‘ “'9 3 Kentucky Press Association PRE-SORT STANDARD - "
v.99 , 9 Kentucky Senate honors - l-
no. 11 it» 4 i Frankfort, Ky. 40601 U-Sl-JAP‘I’SHEC r- c g C) “n 3
2008 NOV. *3 ' ' ' 9‘7, ' l’l‘l Z > m A 5
( l newspaper pubhsher Frankfort, Ky. 4060] , g < 29, E g ;
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VOL. 80 - NOVEMBER 2008 - NUMBER 11 ‘3' y ‘ ’ " ' f"
d P Herald—Leader receives honor forWoody series 9
an apers . . :9
Tom Loftus, The Courier- o r -WI .9 ,
‘Journal’s Frankfort bureau chief, _
received the 2008 James Madison _ j
Award for Service from the Scripps Kriss Johnson e ducation- - :
Howard First Amendment Center at al outreach maria er for the i ‘- m ~ ~ “9 9 , E
the Universit of Kentuck . . g ‘ mar!!! gssntiafifi'fl I!“ 312‘ “‘59“ "7X , .’ :9 j -“
y _ y _ Lexmgton Herald-Leader 9 49,003 5‘; ~ 9 ~ i-
Loftus was the unanlmous chorce and 2007 president of the 9 ,4 World Young Reader Pnlfi: ~ 9, 1 ' .9 3 j:
. _ :9, _ , , .. _ , .4 4‘; - ‘_ .i 4
Sf C’lche Ejudges Kentucky Press Association, 19119-ch and 5"“ 5049“: Status :1; 9 . . ‘ '
‘ ase on 15 more ' 9 ' received the World ' t3xingtonl-lcrald—i-socrghimufi ~ 9, E ', . . ,_ , ‘ _ -
‘ than ' 3’ Mmefmwapm -= ' '* * sweaaesw 9.993.
I .H ' ‘ .a] i .a - 3'; .1... *4 ' Grand ‘Prize Oct. 16 in flfiggfflé . f 99 air/’97,”? H 4915;. ifffit‘f-‘tf" ’-
ist, durlng which .9 9 ,4 % ster dam a?“ “1“ 9, ,9 94;?!” ., 4,15, “Rygafi ‘ '?
he has repeat- “tr V Johnson and the Herald- I W” ' I  Without the input from the KPA/ KPS staff, the u
nal and external sources from 49 of the 50 states, ’ ' ‘ Board and the numerous other sources our recom- tran
1 the KPA/ KPS staff, the Board, the strategic plan— take the report and immediately develop a written mendations and suggestions would not be as robust We
. ning committee, a focus group of Gen Next stu~ plan of action to extend over the next three to five and exhaustive as they are. We are confident that Se 1
' dents at Murray State University, researchers from years. ' - . if these recommendations are implemented that o 1;
ARMSTRONG and Associates and several inter- This new written plan of action WOHlCl have well- it will help establish KPA as truly the ”Source of p13
ested KPA members. defined strategic themes, tied to well-articulated Excellence” in all that it does for its members and roi
‘- The project was designed to help the KPA Board goals, benchmarks and metrics, assigned deadlines that it will help elevate the organization to a level Sew
i find and follow a set of specific recommenda- and assigned responsible parties with the authority of unparalleled standing among other press associa— _E
b tions that leads to a strategic path forward for the and resources to accomplish the tasks agreed upon. tions. fryea
organization. A new vision and mission have been The plan, if appropriately designed and written, A new day is about to dawn on KPA and over a c cc
proposed. A long list of viable and articulate recom— frees up managers to manage and provides a well— the next few years a dynamic and exciting path for— roc
mendations have been made to assist the KPA staff defined path for actions to achieve tangible goals. ward will be undertaken. We are confident with the p L
I. and the Board in developing a written strategic and This business approach will ensure that KPA/ commitment of the dedicated staff of KPA/ KPS that Con
operational plan of action to help the organization KPS is meeting or exceeding their members’ expec- this effort Will exceed all expectations. Affi.
develop into a ”Source of Excellence” for its mem- tations and holds everyone accountable for goals We thank each and every person that contributed p
bership. that they help to mutually set. ‘ to this monumental effort. It has been a great honor
We have recommended that the staff and Board We have recommended that KPA publish the and pleasure to be of service to you.
He has more than 25 years of saga... . . ‘
PEOPLE advertising and publishing experi- C I t I ze n -
. ence with newspapers in Kansas, “TQEW
Continued from page 1 Minnesota, Wyoming and Wisconsin. W 3
Originally from Racine, Wis., ‘ l“ . .
: . . . . . Keebe's newspaper began ‘ J O u r n a I ISt
. Kelli Borders has joined the Sentinel-News as an ad about 26 years ago at hls hometown '
‘l consultant. ’ paper ' the Racme Journal Times ' -. . l . . , , is.»
She Previously worked at KayserRoth. vylhere he SOId, advertismg space for vi wo r ks h 0 film
- Borders is married to George Borders and they have t. e newspaper S Pennysaver publica- fl
two daughters, Abigail and Mary Catherine. tion. “ t
, . . on Nov. 1 3
Joseph Dill has been named managing editor of the The American Cancer Soc1ety has
Sentinel-Echo in London. announced that the Commonwealth Journal has been h . ~
Dill holds a bachelor’s degree in honored with the Beacon of Hope Award for Media If you. ave consrdered starting your
journalism from the University of , Excellence in Kentucky by the American Cancer Society’s own online blog or blogging for YO.“
Wisconsin-Whitewater. .r . Mid-South Division. local newspaper, or learning to write )
”l o e has the type of experience and The award recognizes both print and electronic media news. stories, press releases .or opin- - a
news judgment that I was looking for 2‘; whose in-kind contributions amounted to $25,000 or ton Eleces for print or acquiring skills a;
to lead and direct our newsroom,” labia more during a fiscal years. in t e 1:188 Of Vldeo’ you WI“ want to
‘ Publisher Willie SaWYers said. ”ml: The honor is a non-competitive award given to all attendt eKentucky PressAssoc1ation S
Dill has been active in Kiwanis, Page??? I qualifying nominees. C11 tizen Journalist Workshop .NOV' 13'
. library friends and historical organi- . :V‘ , T 1e event is open to the public and all
_ zations in the Past. , - .V e 4 . . . . . Kentucky journalists,‘ -
‘ He has two children and he and f . 2% fi’ .‘ Steve Doyle, a former editor with the Orlando . The Citizen Journalist Workshop -
~ his wife, Carolina, are expecting ~‘ . b . . .-. ~ i Sentinel, has been named the editor x .. W111 be hffld from 9 am. to 4 pm.
twins in February. JOSEPH of The Sentinel-News, a semi-week- a: ‘ ‘ / (Eastern time) on Thursday, Nov. 13 a:
Dlll. ly newspaper in Shelbyville. a at the Paroquet Springs Conference W
. . . . . Doyle worked as a deputy manag— . , . Centre at Shepherdsville, .15 miles
‘ Duringits annual convention, the Southern Newspaper ing editor for several sections 0f the : :17 V . south Of downtown Louisv1lle. The
Publisher Association honored excellence on the part of Orlando Sentinel from 1981 through 3;; fotrifercerticzgenter IS IUSt Off ex1t 117 on Q
. its members in the areas of page design, web site design, early 2901’ when he became assoc1ate if 3‘” n 61:: :11: worksho artici ants will - 8*“.
multimedia story presentation and local stories. managing editor for content develop— “ebb/l 1 f f P, p1 bp - b '
In the category of Best Use of Multimedia, The ment. ' We. earn 'rom P30 eSSlena S a Ollt- 381C
Lexington Herald-Leader placed third for a multimedia , He holds a bachelor Of science in ieportmgl an gnfimg for the web,
story about a Kentucky mother’s struggle through drug journalism from the University Of '5' ow to 0g an t e use Of St-l 11 and
Southern Mississippi. Video cameras. Plus, a multimedia ‘“
court. _ STEVE expert will be there to answer your
Lexmgton wasthe only Kentucky paper to place in u. . . DOYLE uestions.
any of the categories. q - - . -
Kentucky Publishing Inc. has announced the hiring Seating 15 llmlted to 25 people.
. H . . of Tommy Kimbo as a writer with the Carlisle County Registration l5 $39 per person _ and ‘
‘ Pat Keefe is the new publisher at the Central Kentucky News. . . . . 11:31:18: 55,: ind m advance. (Lunch 18 on
. N e ws-Journal in Campbellsville. Kimbo, a resident of Clinton, Will be reporting news Y F dd' . 1 _ f t‘ d i
Keefe comes to the newspaper from Junction City, and feature stories. ‘or a itiona m orma ion an a ‘
Kan., where he was the marketing director of The Daily . Kimbo comes to the newspaper after working as a fire registration form}; go to wkaypress. 1
Union, a 5,000 circulation Sunday through Friday daily investigator for 28 years. ism -0r- call t e 1:61:81; y Press ' .
newspaper. ssoc1ation at (502) 22 — .

 J 5
s . .
I . .
f The Kentucky Press . November 2008- Page 5 1 .
i V .-
Newspaper finds new partn f d
:1 AdvertiSin Plus r/z/ " in house to Affinity Express was done to better man- .
Lexington Herald—Leader has a new partner 9 r” ' 1% age the business efficiently and control costs. f
in layout and design with the addition of Affinity lg 1‘43! Random calls to negvspgpers don’t indicate fiat
. . , man are oin outsi e t e U 't d St t f t ' '
EXPFGSS- BY TERESA REVLETT ..:,,. .y g g “1 e a es or ‘5
Since September, the second largest newspaper in . serVice. . ' ,
Kentucky has been outsourcing ad layout and design KPS Director of Sales 1.“ LWUISVIHE’ a Gannett property, all layout and
to a company in Manila Phillipines. ,aa deSIgn lS done locally and still in house. The Courier ,
”We began the set up process in April and began i waéymg$fi . Journaé, Louisvflle is the state’shlargest newspaper. . .
transitioning the ads to the Manila team in August. . . In ov1ngt0n, t e state S t 1rd largest property
st We have been fully live since the beginning of nothing drastithas changed at the newspaper. and another Gannett paper, the Kentucky Enquirer
September,” said Mary Ann Hatton, advertising ”1h preparation for thls ProleCt, we compared our and northern Kentucky Recorder newspapers are V
operations manager. deadlines to those of similar sized papers. We found also still locally produced. . :
According to their Web site ,, Affinity Express that ours were considerably later and we realigned ”We still print the Enquirer. A sister paper prints '
Provides Print and web ad prOduction, serving the our deadlines to’be more in keeping With the rest Of our weeklieVs. All layout and design for the papers W I
newspaper and direct mail industries with technolo— the industry, said Hatton. is handled 1n51de. We recently started outsourcing ‘
W gY-enabled solutions that combine our highly-trained In addition to layout and de51gn prOJECt, Affimty some 0f the less complicated ads,” according to Mike :
creative personnel offshore with robust onshore Express offered an ad management system that Hornback, sales manager for the Covington papers 1 l
account management and detailed implementation 1161,11)? ‘ d'd h, In northern Kentucky. _ ' . ;
" processes.” They partner with 140 newspapers. e 1 not ave an ad .manageri‘e‘,“ system Hatton says that Lexmgton Herald—Leader man- '
e Lexington’ 5 parent organization The McClatchy before contracting With Affinity. Affinity s eProofs agement is happy with the new system. ‘V
it Company has other newspapers working with and AdWatch database giVES us workflow man- For now, the process has only affected the adver- ;_ ’
Affinity Ex 13 r e s s so the fit was natural. agement tools we did 1101: have pIEViOUSIY," added tising department. All but two of the affected staff i f
d Hatton said a few deadlines were changed but Hatton. . . . found other positions With the newspaper. l '
r She said the decrsron to change the process from . v
Senate honors publisher SI ' d 't d' ‘ ' d
an er SUI Ismlsse i
» . a a I n st n ews a e r
, .._ 2..., $5. ‘. .éiéfiW' "W i" . , A defamation claim against The Lebanon Enterprise was dismissed Sept. 5 13:;
1W. .1sax .. h : in Marion Circuit Court. ‘
ivmaW/ , , W I ”. X Judge Doughlas George signed an order dismissing the claim filed by con— g
' g WWW‘W ' V V it angwgénééfi ager Stevie Daugherty, advertising manager Mary Anne Blair, and the insurance I
it W ééfw ‘ : 3‘ company providing coverage to the other defen‘dants. j .
” {3‘1‘2 3% V, . .. “W ‘ “m" $54? . Nicholas had filed the suit based on an advertisement ublished in the Au . l
fat; V- I‘M“ t , M W , 3 WWW, 17, 2007 edition of the Enterprise. He accused th