xt71ns0kw728 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kw728/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2010 text GLSO News, October 2010 2010 2010-10 2019 true xt71ns0kw728 section xt71ns0kw728 66,3: (10??
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[355;— G L S O
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 32 Number 10
Dark Ca rnivale
'11:,” '. “I , '
«L _ BACK TO THE 805
Newsletter Sponsored by:
Lexington Fairness ‘


DOORS OPEN @ s p.m. _
SHOW STARTS @ 9 p.m.
[ME @@N U T WEEE Eflflflé‘?
in men mean“ FDR n «m
mm. us“ or- E“TERTT-\\\W\E“T

 Issue 10 2010 Feature Story Page 6
Specral GLSO Edition
2011 Pride Festival Theme GSA
and Location Chosen Every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Pride Festival Continues Pride Center
Every Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2011 Pride Festival 6 Pride Center
Theme and Location
Chosen Bible Study with Karen
Every Sunday, 10:30 am.
Fairness and Fash- 8 Pride Center
ion...the Perfect Com-
bination PFLAG Support Group
Sunday, October 3 & 17, 2 p.m.
November is National 9 Pride Center
Adoption Awareness
Month GLSO Board Meeting
Sunday, October 10, 1 p.m.
SisterSound Begins 9 Pride Center
New Season
National Coming Out Day
Equality Forum joins 10 Monday, October 11
US Dept. of Education
to Recognize GLBT Pride Festival Planning Meeting
History Month Sunday, October 17, 6 p.m.
Pride Center
GSA: Searching for 11
New Advisors Back to the 805
Wednesday, October 20, 9 p.m.
Prayer 12-13 The Bar Complex
GLSO Resource 14 Dark Carnival
Directory A Masquerade Fundraiser
More information at glso.org. 3

 Issue 9 2010 _
The GLSO News is published Dennis Wheatley, President
monthly by and for the Lexington Thomas Collins, Vice President
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Jane Minder, Secretary
zation members and community. Ginger Minder-Moore, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA community. Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales
Orvis Kean, Events
The vision of the Lexington Gay Charlotta Brunson, At-Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA David Spencer, Webmaster
community through voice.
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in- Bill Chandler, Admin. Assistant
clusive, respect, integrity, dignity, 859.253.3233
service and competence.
The GLSO is currently looking for
389 Waller Avenue new contributors and editorial
Suite 100 staff. If interested, e-mail
Lexington, Ky. 40504 jesse@glso.org.
Want to become more involved?
GLSO is looking for new Board of Directors members
and volunteers.
Contact Dennis Wheatly at dennis@glso.org for more information.

W E N E E D YO U .
UK Rural Cancer Prevention Center
If you are a Kentucky man who has had sex with
another man, the UK Rural Cancer Prevention
Center and UK College of Public Health seek
your insights and information on a brief, 10
minute, anonymous online survey regarding
HPV (Human Papillomavirus). For more
information, please go to the following URL:

 2011 Pride Festival
Theme and Location EVENTS
Chosen GLSO Community Indoor
Jesse Howard, Editor Yard Sale

Saturday, October 2
The Lexington Pride Festival will Pride Center
have a new home and theme
in 2011. During the September GLSO Board Meeting
Lexington Pride Festival Commit— Sunday, October 10, 1 pm.
tee meeting, the group turned to Pride Center
another familiar downtown Lex-
ington location to host the pre- Pride Festival Planning
mier Central Kentucky LGBTQQIA Meeting
event, Lexington’s own Paddock Sunday, October 17, 5 pm
Park at REC] Mlle. Pride Center
“The Pride Fesitval Committee GLSO Variety Show
knows it is vital for the festival Back to the 805
to remain in downtown Lexing- Wednesday, October 20, 9 pm.
ton but the growth and trending The Bar Complex
showed that it is time to find a
location that will allow us to ac— GLSO Masque - Dark
comodate more participants from Carnivale
the LG BTQQIA community,” stat- Let your dark side out!
9d 2011 Lexington Pride Festival Visit glso.org for more details.
Planning Committee Chair Orvis
Kean. “After much research and
consideration, Paddock Park at
Red Mile proved to be the prime
location for the 2011 event.” Find out about other
Continuing with tradition, the 2011 upcoming GLSO events
festival will also have a new theme
- Trackside Pride. The call for art- by Visiting GLS0.0rg,
work designs to be used on official _
Lexington Pride Festival appearal Your commun'ty
is now open through October 15. . I
Artwork should be submitted to conned'on'
editor@glso.org. 5

The Imperial Courty of Kentucky
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside
Shopping Center
KCHIP 877.524.4718
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Lyons 859.468.6371
Levi and Leather Club
Lexington Fairness 859.951.8565
Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish 859.338.1195
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867
474 Silver Maple Way
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Blue— _ 859.338.8483
grass Realty, ackermanteam@aoi.com
Gay and Lesbian Services 859.253.3233
Organization 7

 Fairness and Fashion... Fierce Tease, winner of the 2010 Gay Days
DJ Contest by GayInternetRadioLive.com.
the Perfect And, Lexington’s Shotz Witha 2 will be
. . presenting a command performance dur-
com blnatlon! ing the show. To top off the list of enter-
Craig Cammack, Contributor tainment, attendees will have the oppor-
tunity to come face to face with celebrity
Fairness and Fashion... the Perfect Combi- Reichen Lehmkuhl. The former Air Force
nation! pilot is knows for winning reality show
Amazing Race, with his then partner Chip
The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Arndt. Since then, Reichen has reached
(WEG) have begun and our community is fame as boyfriend to Lance Bass, actor,
filled with national and international guests. model, and most recently, star of Logo
From so many communities and cultures, TV’s A-List: New York. We are so honored
now is our opportunity to reach past Lexing- to have this activist and staunch advocate
ton and Central Kentucky, and promote fair- for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don't Tell"
ness and equality to a worldwide audience. as a part of the Fairness Fashion Show.
We should never lose focus of our overarch- Reichen serves as the host and a model
ing goal: fairness and equality for all. for the fashion show and will bring a new
level of excitement to the event.
Lexington Fairness is taking this a step be-
yond normal advocacy efforts. We are happy Not only will fashion be showcased during
to introduce the lst Annual Fairness Fashion the Fairness Fashion Show, but Lexington
Show, coordinating with the opening and Fairness is committed to ensuring that
closing weekends of WEG. Featuring the everyone attending realizes this event is
designs of Nickers by Chris Avery, the show about spreading fairness and equality.
will draw a diverse audience. Saturday, With Reichen speaking for repeal of Don’t
September 25th was filled with the Fairness Ask, Don’t Tell, Lexington Fairness will
Fashion Show Preview Party at Soundbar. also have an information booth and pro-
Working with Soundbar, Lexington Fairness gram including information on the work
was able to welcome visitors, students and needed to increase fairness to all Kentuck-
community members to a night filled with ians, including the Passage ofa Statewide
fun, education and fashion. Fairness Bill. In addition, with help from
the Human Rights Campaign and Ameri-
The Fairness Fashion Show takes place on can Apparel, the fashion itself will spread
Friday, October 8th at Buster’s Billiards & a message of hope and fairness. With
Backroom. Starting at 8 p.m., the show will press coverage, this event will continue to
include approximately 15 community volun— spread the need for equality.
teer models walking the runway. Nickers by
Chris Avery was chosen for this lst annual We hope you will make it to the show.
event for a few specific reasons. Chris, an It will be an amazing night of fun and
LGBT advocate in Louisville, not only brings fashion, while ensuring fairness wins out
exciting new designs and fashion to Ken- in the end! Visit www.|exfair.org for in-
tucky, but also fights for continued equal- formation on purchasing tickets, and find
ity and fairness, pressing for a Statewide out more about Nickers by Chris Avery by
Fairness Bill. Chris is truly an advocate for visiting www.mynickers.com and informa-
fashion and fairness - the perfect fit for this tion about Reichen Lehmkuhl at www.
show. thereichen.com.
In addition to this wonderful designer, you Your Lexington Fairness Friends
will be entertained by Kentucky’s own DJ 8

 5 November is National Shapiro-Walton at Heart to
; - Home Adoption Agency. Phone
I AdOPt'O" Awareness — 859.489.3055 or email info@
' MONth hearttohomeadopt.org.
; Leigh Shapiro-Walton, Contributor
} My idea is to raise awareness S'Stersound Begms
) about adoption with the hope New season
_‘ that more people will consider _
; adoption as way to build a fam- SisterSound is beginning another
1 "y and to show that adoptiye great season! Rehearsals are be-
: homes are happy, healthy homes ginning and we’re accepting new
for children with loving forever members.
i families. Thousands of children
i in the United States are living If you’re a woman, at least 18
with a single parent or with same years Of age, and can match
I sex couples. Children raised P'tCh " we’ve got alplace for YOU-
, by same-sex couples appear to (You should also like to have a
3 do as well or better than those 900d time!) We’re a no-audition
i raised by parents of both sexes. group so don’t let audition jitters
', stop you from joining us.
i Adoption is not for everyone. _ .
j But if you want to parent please Rehearsals begin this Sunday,
i don’t think your sexual orienta- September. 19: at 5500 pm. Re-
: tion or single lifestyle will be an hearsals M“ be held at the Epis-
l insurmountable obstacle with copal ChUI’Ch 0f the Resurrec-
y the adoption process. There are t'eh- The church '5 about half a
‘ agencies that can support and mile past Brannon Crossmg, on
. guide you through the process. the left. It’s a stone church that
You can also 90 through the state sets back from the road and has
foster to adopt program. Right a large red cross on the front of
now in Kentucky there are 6,927 the bU'ldlng-
: children in foster care.
' If you used to sing with us, it’s
, For more information on fostering time to come back. If you’re
. call 1-877-994-9970. new, it’s time to start.
For more information on domes- Hope to see you Oh the 19th!
tic adoption and working with a
. private agency — contact Leigh 9

 Equality Forum Joins u.s_ De— for promoting with Equality Forum GLBT His-
. to Month to over 6,000 hi h schools and
partment of Education To Rec- colleges. 9 S
ognize LGBT History Month
Chip Alfred, Equality Forum Each day in October, an Icon is featured with
a video, biography, bibliography, download-
The U.S. Department of Education will recog— able images and other educational resourc-
nize October as LGBT History Month, with U.s. es. The videos are offered without charge to
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan providing Educational institutions, nonprofit organiza- I]
welcoming remarks at the Department’s first tions, for Pi’Ofili companies and the PUhllC-
LGBT History Month event. Equality Forum an- 2010 marks the 5th anniversary of GLBT His-
nounced that starting in 2011, GLBT History tory Month, featuring 155 Icons from 2006
Month will be renamed LGBT History Month. to 2010-
Information for GLBT History Month 2010 can
currently be accessed at www.g|thistory— Equality Forum launched GLBT History Month
Month.com or www.lgthistoryMonth.com. with 20 organizations having a GLBT History
Month link on their Web sites. In 2009, over
“Fora community deprived of its history, GLBT 650 nonprofit organizations, educational GS
History Month teaches heritage, provides role institutions and for profit corporations had .
models, builds community, and recognizes ex— a GLBT HlStOFY Month Link, making GLBT VIS
traordinary national and international contribu- HiStOI'Y Month the largest collaborative PFOJ‘
tions," said Ora Alger, LGBTA Employees at ED ect worldwide for our community. Equality The
President, US. Department of Education. “We Forum iS a national and international GLBT You
salute Equality Forum for spearheading this civil rights organization with an educational of ,
free educational resource.” focus. con
“GLBT History Month is an educational proj- Equality Forum coordinates GLBT History nee
ect," stated Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Month, produces documentary films, under- ”‘9
Equality Forum. “we are delighted to have the takes high impact initiatives and presents an-
U.S. Department of Education recognize and nually the largest national and international “We
celebrate our community's history month. We GLBT CiVll rights summit. sor:
salute GLSEN, GSA Network and Campus Pride nice
a???" [li- . Listening is probably the most im urlanl factor when Stat
. - 4;» 9 red
.32; 7% doing business with anyone. whether it he Real Estate
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10 at r

L Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
- E j
1033 Industry Road
. 859.338.1195
: GSA: Searching or New Ad-
- visors
l The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance for Homosexuality
r| Youth (GSA) is currently in search
' of a new advisors. As the program '
continues to grow, new advisors are a nd the BI ble
y needed to meet the program’s grow-
,_ ing needs. Presented by:
ii “We have a number of female advi- Rev' Dr. Llsa Dawson
sors, but only one guy. It would be
nice to have at least one more man,” Open Door Community
states Mary Crone, GSA Program Di- Fellowship Workshop
The GSA program provides an outlet 3938 Sohthem Parkway,
for young adults thorugh the age of LOUISVIIIe, KY 40214
20 an outlet to connect with other
youth to discuss issues of daily life October 22_24
as a young adult. The program also
provides opportunities for gay youth . _
to meet peers from throughout the Friday Seerce - 7:00 p.m.
region and create long-lasting friend-
Sh'PS- Saturday Workshop - 1:00 p.m.
“The most important qualifications is _
to enjoy spending time with teenag- Saturday seW'Ce ' 7:00 p.m.
ers," adds Crone.
. . _ Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m.
If you are interested in volunteering
to be an advisor, contact Mary Crone
l at mary@g|so.org. 11

 Prayer _ praise. Be thankful to Him, and N0\
Karen Taylor, Contrlbutor bless His name.” No matter Wh
how difficult things may be, “Gil
It’s not uncommon to hear someone no matter how difficult of a “Th
say, “I don’t know how to pray”, time we are having, we must ton
or maybe it’s because we are a bit maintain an attitude of praise. abc
sheepish about praying because Are we praising and thanking the
we think we don’t know how. I Him for the difficulties? No! one
believe that at least part of the However, we are restating the nee
reason for that is the lengthy, fact that no matter what, God thn
wordy, “Christianese”, type prayers is still God and is worthy of our us I
we so often hear in church. By praise. How was it that the W0!
“Christianese”I mean using words walls of Jericho came tumbling
that someone from outside the church down? Praise. What are your The
may not understand. What we need walls that need to come down? anc
to understand is that prayer is simply What enemy do you need to ma
talking to God, communicating your “face down”? The answer fort
heart, thoughts, feelings, to Him is in praise. Therefore, it’s exa
and allowing Him to talk to you, and important to begin all prayers T01
remember that communication is a two with praise. you
way street. him
Next, we pray for God's will red
Jesus knew we needed a model so to be done. We as humans and
He gave us one in Matthew 6:9-13. always think we know What’s don
“In this manner, therefore, pray, Our best. Not true. God sees all the
Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your that lies ahead, we can only I fo
name. Your kingdom come, Your will see in part. If we have given me,
be done on earth as it is in heaven. our life to God, we need to try
Give us this day our daily bread and trust that He has it, and that and
forgive us our debts as we forgive He knows what’s best. It’s ok in n
our debtors. And do not lead us into to pray for specifics, just keep eve
temptation, but deliver us from the evil in mind that sometimes what afte
one. For Yours is the kingdom and the we think we need is in fact not mig
power and the glory forever. Amen. what we need, or the timing to t
could be off. Papa may be if y(
Now let’s break this down into ok with us having “it”, but He Goc
compartments. First, we start with knows now isn’t the right time. mal
praise, “Hallowed be Your Name.” Again, trust God; be confident I ha
The Nelson Bible Dictionary says that that He has your best interest a sil
hallowed is akin to holiness. Holiness at heart. Jer. 29:11 “For I me
is godliness or moral and ethical know the thoughts that I think eas‘
wholeness or perfection. We should toward you, says the Lord, forg
always start our prayer with praise, thoughts of peace and not of of it
recognizing God as King of Kings, evil, to give you a future and to n
Lord of Lords, the most Holy One. a hope.” God, Your kingdom . Yet
Ps. 100:4 “Enter into His gates with come, Your will be done. He 1
thanksgiving, and into His courts with 12 hart

 d Now, make your petitions known.
What is it that you need today? Now we ask for protection,
“Give us this day...” Matt. 6:34 protection from the evil one, the
“Therefore do not worry about one who is always looking for
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry opportunities to trip us up. The
about its own things. Sufficient for devil is a liar and we need to stay
the day is its own trouble." Take as far away from him as possible.
one day at a time. What do you James 4:7—8a “Therefore submit '
need from God now to see you to God, resist the devil and he will
through the day? God promises flee from you. Draw near to God
r us that He will take care of all our and He will draw near to you.”
worries, just give them over. 1 Peter 5:8, 9 “Be sober (self—
controlled), be vigilant, because
Then we ask for forgiveness your adversary the devil walks
? and we give forgiveness. As the about like a roaring lion, seeking
prayer itself says, forgive us as we whom he may devour. Resist him,
forgive. Take time here to really steadfast in the faith, knowing
examine your heart before God. that the same sufferings are
To forgive someone doesn’t mean experienced by your brotherhood
you have to be best friends with in the world.” We can rest
him or her. It simply means you knowing God will always have our
recognize that we are all human back.
and mess up; that I myself have
done hurtful things to others Lastly, we end as we began, with
therefore I should be willing to say praise and thanksgiving. What
I forgive. Ps. 139223-24 “Search we see is a three step process of
me, O God, and know my heart; praise and thanksgiving; making
try me, and know my anxieties; our petitions known; and ending
and see if there is any wicked way with praise and thanksgiving. We
in me, and lead me in the way don’t have to make it hard. Jesus
everlasting.” Am I following hard used everyday words in His model
after Christ? Is there anything I of how to pray and so can we.
: might be doing that’s displeasing
to Him? Examine your heart, and Father, I thank you for all that you
if you find anything, simply ask are and all that you do. You are
God for forgiveness and help to worthy of all my praise. I bless
. make things right. On occasion, you and thank you for hearing my
I have had God bring someone or prayers. Father, I ask that you
a situation to mind that requires help us to understand how much
me to forgive the person. It isn’t we mean to you and how much
; easy when you have been hurt to you desire to simply talk with us,
forgive, but it is necessary. Think to spend time with us. I pray that
of it this way, I have done nothing you take these words and use
to receive God’s forgiveness of me. them to encourage others. Again,
. Yet He laid down His life for me. I thank you and praise you for all
He forgave me even when I have a that you do. In Jesus name,
2 hard time forgiving myself. Amen. 13

 GLSO Resource Directory . _
A community resource page for gay and/or gay- Religious Groups
friendly organizations throughout Kentucky. To Integrity(Episco‘pal) ------859'533'9851
add your listing, scroll to the bottom of this Intervveave (Unitarian) -859'266'5904
page. Lex Friends (Quakers)....859-254-3319

Mercy Ministry Church ..859-358—3357
Anonymous & Confidential HIV Testing MCC Paducah ...............270-443-3339
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. (AVOL) .....859-225-3000
Health Dept., Fayette .................859-288—2437 Student Groups
Health Dept., Jessamine ............859-885-4149 Berea College ACE .......859-958-3633
Health Dept., Woodford .............859-873-4541 Centre College (BGLA) ..859-238-5332
UK Adolescent Medicine .............859-323-5643 Morehead State Univ. .. 606-783-2294
Volunteers of America (VOA) ......859-254-3469 OUTSource (UK) ..........859-323—3312
STD Testing & Treatment ...........859-288-2437 UK GSA .......................859—559-7464
Community Groups On the Web
24-Hour Crisis Line ....................800-928-8000 AIDS Volunteers (AVOL)
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line.............800-999-9999 avolky.org "
Alcoholics Anonymous ...............859—967-9960 Imperial Court Kentucky
AA/Alcoholic Teens, office ..........859-277-1877 imperialcourtkentuckyorg
Bluegrass COLTS .......................859-225—9169 Integrity (St. Marthas)
Council for Peace & Justice ........859-225-6999 integrity.stmarthas.blogspot.com _
Discussion Group ......................859-253-3233 Kentucky Bourbon Bears Nai
Fairness of Louisville .................502-893-0788 kentuckybourbonbears.com
Gay Straight Alliance for Teens ...859-266-5904 Kentucky Pagan Forum
Imperial Court of Kentucky ........859-619-7521 go.to/kypaganforum
International Gay Bowling .........859-276—3058 Lexington Fairness —
Lexington Fairness ....................859-951-4450 lexfainorg Adc
Lexington Human Rights ...........859-252-4931 Lexington Lyons Leather/Levi Club
Lexington Insight Group ............859-230-2428 lexlyons.org
Lex. Lyons Leather/Levi Club .....859-468—6371 Lexington Pride Festival
Lexington Pride Festival .............859-253—3233 lexpridefest.org f
MACT .......................................859—358-8335 Lexington Fayette County Health Dept Cit)
PFLAG Lexington .......................859-338—4393 Iexingtonhealthdepartment.org
PFLAG Louisville ........................502-329-0229 Mercy Ministry
SisterSound..............................859-806—0243 mercyministrychurch2006.net __
Social Services (Lexington only) ...............211 PFLAG Lexington Sta'
Speakers’ Bureau ......................859-266-5904 pflaglex.blogspot.com
TransKentucky ..........................859-963—6606 Rainbow League
United Way ..............................859-313-5465 rainbowleague.net

United Sister Circile Alliance —
HIV/AIDS Information and Services unitedsisters.org E-n
AVOL ........................................859-225-3000 Volunteers of America (VOA)
Health Dept., Fayette .................859—288-2437 voaky.org

Toll-Free ......................877—606-2437 a 1
Cumberland Re ion SE K . .......606-864-3776 _

Toll-Frge ..f......213........888-425-7282 GLSO News Deadline Sne-
HIV/AIDS Legal Project ..............502-584-1254 Ad‘
Lexington STOP Program ...........859-254—3469 0cm” 2°
Pitfall:$223.”..1:1:11:111111'.11111111123375:3:2; Send and to
NKY Region................................859-341-4264 editor-@gbo'org

 1 Couples Union
4 Counseling Ceremonies
39 Rev. Kenneth Waibel
3 Professional Spirtitual Direction
4 . . . .
2 Ecumenical ' Hol/st/c 0 Inc/USIve
4 kypadre@aol.com
r9 Newsletter Subscription
m m—
m Name
rg Address
:3 City
et _ —__
m State Zip
rg E-mail Address
E] I would like a one-year subscription to the GLSO News and a
one-year GLSO membership.
*Additional donations welcome.
Please send this form and payment to:
GLSO, PO Box 1172, Lexington, Ky. 40588

 v - ' ,, n n ,1
A ptace Qt dreams, trvhere tmagtna’ttens tun twtd,
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fl, "' A Masquerade Fundraiser
._ 1.3.; f u)" . . ,
,, y; 1, To Benefit the GLSO
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