xt71ns0ktn0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0ktn0p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1986-03-28 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 28, 1986, no. 476 text The Green Bean, March 28, 1986, no. 476 1986 1986-03-28 2014 true xt71ns0ktn0p section xt71ns0ktn0p $***-*-1.
Nc. 476 march 25, 1986
March 28 galle£y;§erie§: "Mnaic and Poetry cf
Elizabethan England,“ Cclleginm
Musicumu I
March 30 Vincent van Gcgh, lB53~l890,
March 31 Rene Descartes, l596»l650. ,
April 3 Gallerymgeriesz Readings from the
women Writers Gcnierencea Dr. James
Taggart, Marshall University,
April 3 Fire alarm test, King Ncrth & Scuthc
April 4 - Gallery Segiegz “Tne Emergence cf a
Claaaical Style: Graceful
l Uevertiment tc Dramatic Scnata." Dru
, \.,, Iames Taqgert, Maranall Univeraity.
April 6-l2 Naticnal Library Week, A
; April l0 Joseph Eulitzer, l847~l9lll
April ll gallirimgerieaz "The Gcnfiicr cf
Ccntempcrary Enilcecpnies= Sturm and A
Dranq val Rccccc.“ Dre James `
I Taggart, Marshall University- N
Next Green Bean: Ericay, Ayrll il, lQS6»
Deadline for inclusion; Friday, April A, l§86.
Prcducticn Staff: Editcr, Kerry Kreaee, Typiet, Scott Lwtg;
Printer, Cecil Nadiscnl

There's quite a lot in this issue of the GB, especially in
l the way of training workshops and conferences. KLA and SOLINET
are both providing good seminars, and it seems to be a popular
time for archival programs. And, don‘t forget - April 6-12 is
National Library week.
William Davis .............. Microfilm Center
Bobbi Stout ............... Microfilm Center
Vivian Hall, head of the Geology Library, will be retiring
March 31. Mary Spencer will be in charge of the Geology
Library until a replacement is hired.
The Robert E. Shaver Library of Engineering in Anderson Hall
will be the site of a reception held in honor of Mrs. Frances
Shaver. The reception is scheduled for Friday, April 18, 1986 at
3:00 pm. Mrs. Shaver has been a generous patron and supporter of
the Engineering Library for many years.
In January of 1986, the ACTS Executive Committee conducted a
survey of the clerical and technical staff in the Library system.
The results of this survey are as follows:
I 1. The ACTS Assembly members are interested first in the
development of the personnel:
a. Library Technician as a career
b. Library employee benefits
c. Branch library tours
2. The ACTS Assembly members would like to establish a standing
committee to assist new staff in becoming part of the library
3. The ACTS Assembly members would like designated
representatives to serve as a channel of communication
between individual staff, and the ACTS Executive Committee.
a. Use of the Green Bean for ACTS news and
b. An ACTS/LSO coordinating committee liason.
4.. More investigation of the Tuition Remission status.
5. Information from the Library Administration to the staff,
concerning the parking situation.
6. Required routing of Faculty and Administrative Meeting
Minutes, for the information of the clerical and technical

7. Opportunity for clerical and technical staff to evaluate
supervisors and administrators.
8. Regular meetings between Mr. Paul Willis and the whole
library staff to provide news, updates and to answer
questions concerning library decisions.
9. General consensus that there is too much work — for too few
people to do; also strong feelings from staff that they are
overlooked, undervalued, and generally left out of any
decision making process that involves them.
10. Library temperature control is still causing discomfort in
many areas.
There will be an ACTS General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday,
April 2nd, 1986, in the King North Gallery. The survey results
will be the main topic of discussion, with Mr. Paul Willis as the
speaker. We want you there!
-The ACTS Executive Committee
"Strategies for Growth" is the topic for the upcoming Spring
Conference for the KLA Academic and Special Libraries Section to
be held in Frankfort at Kentucky State University. The
conference, April 17-18, features Duane Webster, Deputy Director
1 of ARL, speaking on "Women in Library Management," and Herb
While, Dean of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University, addressing the "Gap Between Library School Curriculum
and What Directors Expect." Also speaking is Sharon Hogan,
President of ACRL. Her topic will be, "Technology in the
Delivery of Library Services." Registration deadline is April 2,
Fees: $25.00 KLA member, entire conference
$35.00 non—KLA member, entire conference
$15.00 KLA member, one day only
$20.00 non—KLA member, one day only
Make checks payable to: KLA Academic Libraries Section.
Mail registration and check to: Kit Roberts, Hutchins
Library, Berea College, Berea, KY 40404.
For more information call Kerry Kresse at 257-5954.
A pre—conference is also being offered on April 16. "Team
Building," presented by Michael King, a trainer for the
Government Services Center in Frankfort, examines teams and team
work. The half—day conference costs $12.50 for members and
$15.00 for non-members. The registration deadline is April 2.
Make your check payable to Linda Smith, Kentucky Department for
Libraries and Archives, P.O. Box 537, Frankfort KY 40602.

The Library‘s Annual Book Sale is scheduled for Thursday and
L Friday, April 24 & 25. It is not too late to donate materials
for the Book Sale, and it is not too soon to begin saving your
grocery bags for the purpose of bagging books at the sale.
Collection Development will be happy to receive materials for
the Book Sale, and you may deposit your grocery bags with those
‘ folks or with Paula Pope. Staff volunteers are needed to work at
the sale, and for setting up on Wednesday afternoon. Please call
Paula at 257-9401 if you are interested in signing up.
(Submitted by Paula Pope)
Or, rather, your paperclips. Budget shortages have caused
paperclip shortages in Acquisitions. Please send as many as you
can spare to Acquisitions, King North, 0039. The standard size
is preferred, but they’ll take what they can get.
The Better Business Bureau of Lexington is considering half
day workshops on Japanese culture. However, before they commit
the time and energy, they need to make certain the interest is
there. If you would like to attend please call Carole Ludwick at
; Kentuckiana Metroversity Library Council Continuing Education
Committee is sponsoring an OCLC search strategy workshop at the
Ekstrom Library at the University of Louisville on Friday, April
11, 1986 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. SOLINET staff members will
teach users how to sharpen their search skills, review the
principles of searching the Online Union Catalog and review the
indexing/searching process. The workshop will cost $25.00.
Lunch is available, for an additional $4.50, at Masterson's
Restaurant. Make your check payable to Kentuckiana Metroversity
and mail it to: Kentuckiana Metroversity, 3113 Lexington Rd.,
Louisville, KY 40206. For more information contact Rebekah Heath
at Jefferson Community College, (502) 584-0181.
Saturday, April 19, 1986 "Exploring the rocks and caves of
8:00 am - 5:00 pm 3 Eastern Kentucky." This event `
$40.00 (includes breakfast begins at the Carnahan House and
lunch, & transportation) continues to McKee, Ky, where a
local guide will tour you through
the forests and caves of the region.
Call 254-1060 for details.
April 14, 3:00-4:30 pm "Religion and social change in
Rm 231 New Student Center Appalachia." Presented by Dwight
Billings, James Houghland and Tom

 . Q4-
A COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY is offering a number of one-week courses
this summer at their Rare Book School 1986. Topics covered
include: The History of the Book; Historical Children‘s
Literature, 1744-1900; The History of American Book Design 1850-
1970; Introduction to Rare Book Librarianship and Strategies for
Special Collections. Courses vary between $300-$400. For a copy
of the brochure contact Kerry Kresse at 257-5954 or write to
Columbia University, School of Library Service, 516 Butler
Library, New York, NY 10027.
Thomas D. Clark Summer Internship in Archival Administration.
The internship will be at the Public Records Division of the
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives in Frankfort. The
stipend is $2500 and is for undergraduate seniors or graduate
students in archival administration, history, library science,
political science, public administration or records management.
For more information contact Kerry Kresse at 257-5954 or Friends
of Kentucky Public Archives, Inc., Thomas D. Clark Endowment
Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 537, Frankfort, Ky. 40602.
KENTUCKY COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES announces their Spring Meeting
on Thursday, April 10, 1986 at Western Kentucky University in
Bowling Green. Lewis Bellardo, State Archivist, and Lowell
Harrison, a WKU Professor of History, will present the morning
l programs, and the afternoon consists of a panel discussion on
users of archives. The cost is $12.00. Make your reservations
by April 4, 1986. Mail your check to Penny Harrison,
Manuscripts, Kentucky Library, Western Kentucky University,
Bowling Green, Ky. 42101. Call Kerry Kresse at 257-5954 for more
KLN will hold its annual membership meeting on April 4 in
Louisville. The election for Board of Directors will occur at
this meeting. Both Gail Kennedy and Omer Hamlin have been
nominated for Directors-at-Large. Good Luck!
ACRL is again assisting the French government in arranging
exchanges of librarians between the U.S. and France. You must be
a U.S. citizen, speak French and have at least tentative approval
from the Library administration. The following positions are
Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire de Montpellier.
Science Library of approximately 850,000 volumes.
Responsible for cataloging and public relations with the

Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire de Toulouse.
g Science Library of 60,000 volumes, 950 serials. Responsible
‘ for information retrieval, both manual and computer based,
interlibrary loan supervision, and technical services. ·
Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire d'Aix—Marseille, Aix—en—Provence,
‘ Humanities library of approximately 250,000 volumes.
Responsible for acquisition and processing of works in French
literature, art and archaeology, music, and cinema.
Bibliotheque Americaine de Nancy.
Responsible for the management, functioning and organization
of a library of 9,000 books and 40 periodicals (in English).
If you are interested in any of these positions, please send a
letter of application and current vita by April 30 to: Mary
Ellen K. Davis, Program Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron Street,
Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 944-6780.
In case you were wondering, these titles are submitted to the
Green Bean by Rob Aken. Thanks, Rob!
Chinese Traditional Bookbinding:__A Study of I;sMEyglution”ggg
V Technigues by Edward Martinique. Chinese Materials Center,
; 1983. Call number Z270 .C6 M37 1983.
Books are Basic: The Essentialggawrence Clggkyggwell. Edited by
John David Marshall. Tucson: University of Arizona Press,
1985. Call number Z1003 .P8483 1985. Reflections on books
and reading, libraries and librarianship, writers and
Austerity Management_in Academic Libraries. Edited by John F.
Harvey and Peter Spyers—Duran. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow
Press, Inc., 1984. Call number Z675 .U5 A88 1984. Worde to
live by.
Introduction to Cataloging and Classification. Bohdan S. Wynar,
seventh edition by Arlene G. Taylor. Littleton, CO:
Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1985. Call number 2693 ,W94 1985.
Library Instruction and Reference_Services. Edited by Bill Katz
and Ruth Fraley. New York: Haworth Press, 1984. Call
number Z711.2 .L732 1984. More deliberation on BI, and what
patrons really want (or if they know what they want...)
Melvil Dewey: The Man_and the Classifigatign. Edited by Gordon
Stevenson and Judith Kramer·Greene. Albany, NY; Forest
Press, 1983. Call number 2720 .D5 M44 1983. Chronicles the
life of the librarian of the modern age. Includes chapters

 § __6_
y by Keyes D. Metcalf, wayne A. wiegand and W. Boyd Rayward.
Planning the Administrative Library. David Overton. (IFLA l
Publications 26) Munich: K.G. Saur, 1983. Call number Z675
.G7 090. Geared from the ground up (literally), this volume
offers hints on things like planning, location, lighting and
color schemes that may well apply to other libraries as well.
Electronic Publishing Plus: Media for a Technological Future.
Edited by Martin Greenberger. White Plains, NY: Knowledge
Industry Publications, Inc., 1985. Plus what?? Plus public
access terminals, plus cable TV, plus copyright, plus 30 or
so informative chapters on the electrification of the word.
° Cost Management for Library and Information Services. Stephen A.
Roberts. London: Butterworths, 1985. Call number Z683
.R58 1985. Covers a lot of territory in 176 pages.
Catalog Librarian.` University of Arizona. Salary: $17,000
minimum. Deadline: May 15, 1986.
z Assistant Library Instruction Librarian. University of Arizona.
· Salary: $17,000 minimum. Deadline: April 8, 1986.
Head Acquisitions Librarian. University of Arizona. Salary:
` $31,500 minimum. Deadline: April 18, 1986.
Assistant of Associate Librarian. University of California,
Berkeley. Salary: $22,872—$30,696. Deadline: April 30, 1986.
Public Services Librarian. University of California, Santa
Barbara. Salary: $22,872-$29,256. Deadline: April 15, 1986.
Head, Circulation Department. Emory University. Salary:
$19,843—$22,3l8. Deadline: April 15, 1986.
Assistant Librarian, Reference. Purdue University. Salary:
$16,000 minimum. Deadline: April 18, 1986.

L Systems Librarian. Tulane University. Salary: $25,000 minimum.
Deadline: April 1, 1986.
Assistant Professor, General Services. University of Nebraska,
Lincoln. Salary: $17,500 minimum. Deadline: May 15, 1986.
Physical Sciences Librarian. Dartmouth College. Salary:
$17,500 minimum. Deadline: April 30, 1986.
Cataloger, North Carolina Collection. University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline:
April 15, 1986.
Head, Monograph Processing. University of Cincinnati. Salary:
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: April 21, 1986.
Technical Services Assistant. Wittenberg University. Salary:
variable. Deadline: April 1, 1986.
Reference Librarian. University of Pittsburgh. Salary:
variable. Deadline: May 15, 1986.
Assistant Business Librarian. University of Pittsburgh. Salary:
variable. Deadline: May 15, 1986.
Social Sciences Bibliographer. University of Pittsburgh.
Salary: variable. Deadline: May 15, 1986.
Librarian, Automated Systems Department. Virginia Commonwealth
University. Salary: $22,500 minimum. Deadline: May 1, 1986.