xt71ns0kt953 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kt953/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-04-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1948 1948 1948-04-23 2013 true xt71ns0kt953 section xt71ns0kt953 The Kentucky ECernel

Spring Sports
Is Needed


Students Bill Provides
SGA Penalty
Fined By SGA For Absence
For Smoking

No Excuses Given
Members To Attend


Other Club Meetings

A bill providing

penalties for absences of members from meetings
will be reported on and discussed
at the SGA Assembly meeting Mon-

All Violations

Have Occurred
In Frazee Hall



A&S Honorary

Pledges 20
This Week

that three

unexcused absences from
Assembly will lead to dismissal. Excuses have been granted to members who went to other club meetings, especially those who split their
time among organizations.
Billiter Treasurer
Betsy Billiter, Commerce freshman, has been elected secretary, and
Fred Nichols. Commerce, junior,
named treasurer.
Ned Breathitt. Frank Gilliam, and
Tom Underwood were named to the
Judiciary Committe. Bob Coleman
and Marshal McCann were chosen
to fill vacancies on the Finance
K. Barnett, J. Barstow, J. Jones,
H. Miller, R. Russell, J. Sorrelle..
Planning: Crockett, R. Anderson,
J. Jones, F. Nichols, R. Spears.
Election: R. Park, J. Pride, R.
Spears, M. McCann, J. Graham,
R. Coleman.
Directory: K. Barnett, K. Green
wood. H. Holtzclaw, F. Maturo, A.
Fire Prevention: J. Owens, C.
Watts, J. BeU.
Extension : Windy
Myers, F. Maturo, J. Barstow.
Public Relations:
Barnett, J. Jones.
A. Macklin,
Kline, J. Bell, R. Park.
Chapter Application: C. Watts,
R. Wharton, J. Barstow, R. Anderson.
Athletics: N. Kline. J. Jordan,
Windy Myers, Crockett, 'J. Line, R.

not appear at the hearing.
The committee recommended that
Tygrett and Davenport be reported
to the Dean of Men as delinquents
and therefore, if the recommendaantion is accepted, they will not be Phi Beta Kappa pledges were said
permitted to register again until nounced this week and officials
they have been brought before the students who will be graduated in
oe consmerea iot ram- committee. Tygrett stated Tuesday
that he was unable to attend the bershlp next Fall.
hearing because of
death in the The organization, top scholastic
family, but that he was willing to honorary in the College of Arts and
Sciences, announced its Spring quarpay the fine.
According to Harry Miller, chair- ter pledges will be graduated in
man of the Judiciary Committee, June.
six violators of the smoking ordinThe twenty students pledgedlhis
ance have been called before the week are Arthur Lieber, Robert A.
committee. All violations have oc- Bleidt. Geraldine F. Brock, John B.
curred in Frazee HalL
Brown, JacX Morris, Robert W.
Miller pointed out at the hearing poundstone. Beverly Ann Ritchie,
that the main purpose of the law Thomas G. W. Sorrell, Lee S. Caldis to protect the students. Because well, Corinna Cook, Samuel E.
of crowded classroom space in Fra- Crouch, Paul T. Crowdus, Fred H.
zee. a fire during class hours might Daupherty, Charles O. Hopkins,
claim many lives.
Lionel R. King, Ronald F. Mac- The danger of smoking In campus Donald III. Gerald B. Reams. May
ones, Belie Reichenbach, Oscar Sandus,
buildings, especially the older
was emphasized recently by a fire and Donald O. Spillman.
In White HalL The fire was appar- The honorary will hold a banquet
burnm cigarette f mmaU;s M
m tne gUB
Uld?! principal speaker will be Dr. Wm.
tat?, ,Rra S
had not y Houston president of Rlce InsU.
been discovered and extinguished.
White Hall might have been de- - !observaU
stroyed because of the condition of
Cherry, sophomore, will re- the structure. The building was filled
with students at the time of the fire, ceive the Phi Beta Kappa book
Social: R. Russell, F.' Nichols, A.
Miller said that the law would ward iar scholarship. Other quests Macklin, Crockett.
continue to be enforced. Violators NorrisInclude Veniu Dawson. Gray- Conrad Goldben. and
.in h.
Judiciary Committee.
. BeJJ.
lciauu niHiua, will. c. nwcu, bum
Allen F. Wilson, juniors.
Previously Phi Beta Kappa had
initiated 10 undergraduates, and
one graduate student, making a total
For the first time in 23 years,
of thirty members in the graduating
Kappa chapter of Phi Kappa Tau,
on this campus, owns its own house.
A ceremony installing at the UniThe house, located at 340 South
versity the Beta Upsilon chapter of
was purchased
Eta, Kappa Nu. electrical engineermonth through the efforts of Jack
ing honor society, will be held at
Reeder, chapter adviser, and other
& o'clock
tomorrow evening, in the
prominent alumni.
Student Union building.
After four weeks of work to reTwenty-on- e
charter members and
furnish the interior of the house by
IS pledges including five members
of new officers and members of the chapter, it is now
of the electrical engineering fac- cabinet members of the YWCA will ready for the Spring season.
ulty will be installed. Delegations be held at 7:15 p. m.. May 4, in the
In celebration of the opening of
from chapters at other universi- Music room of the SUB. Officers re- the house, a "disc party" was held
ties and members of the National cently elected were Sara Mae Friday night.
Executive Council of the society will Greene, president, Lou Constantine,
be present.
vice president, Betty Strunk, secreHeavy Vote
Dr. D. A. Wells, professor of tary.
physics at the University of CincinCabinet members are Evelyn In Alumni Election
nati, will speak on "Basic Prin- Ewing, freshman advisor; Louise
ciples of Atomic Energy" at a ban- Rhoads, world affairs; Dorritt
quet in the Football Room follow- White, race relations; Lois Ferring, Voting is heavy in the balloting
for Alumni Association officers, acing the initiation ceremony.
worship; Windy Adams, music;
Charter members are Robert D. MitTi Wilsnn T.ivA Wrx- - Tfcrt.hft cording to Miss Helen King, execuHayes. Alex H. Anderson Jr John norHlce Ward WSSF; Juanita Vlo-- tive secretary of the association.
The ballots will be counted May 3
Barstow Jr, Kenneth Blythe. W. ,et program; Virginia Henry, Social;
by a committee of Alumni officers
James Brockenborough, Morris E.
Nancy and the results will be announced
Broyles, Jefferson D. Caudill, Andrew Fotts dutch lunch
PoweU June 3 at an Alumni banquet, Miss
H. Clark,
Geigcr. publicity; Helen Deiss, hand- - King said.
Thomas B. ElllOtt, James W. rTa- rmmthv nnvl RvMal Kfrvirf
sure, Herbert L. Vogel. Leron M. Jean Eubank, Mary Sue McWhirter,
Holt. William M. Jenkins, Charles Jo Daugherty, and Eloise Eubank,
T. Maney. Joseph T. Maupin, Rufus members at large.
H. Ritchie, Leon F. Trimble, Layton
C. Tuggle. Chester E. Ward, and
The University Symphony OrGeorge K. White.
To Speak chestra,, under the direction of Dr.
Faculty members named as pledges Dr.
Alexander Capurso wil present its
are Nathan B. Allison,
8: IS p.m.
, annual Spring Concert at
Boyd, Arthur A. Here This
Barnett. Joseph A.
Thursday in Memorial Hall.
A. Bureau.
and Ernest
The concert is the last of the
Continuing the national foreign
Pledges include Carl E. Swanson, language
conference being held on scheduled Spring concerts with the
William F. Baxter. William R.
exception of the graduation recitals.
Peter B. Black, Edwin D. morrow. yesterday, today, and
Approximately 70 percent of the
Dr. James
Cantler, Bernard R Crouch. Ver- Ohio State University B. Tharp of membership of the orchestra which
will speak at
non A. Hopkins, John R. Mitchell, 9
morning in Memorial includes 65 musicians are students.
Carlton E. Steele, and James Hisle. Hall. His this
subject is 'The Place of The remaining members are faculty
Language in General Education." and townspeople which Dr. Capurso
Nationally known experts in for- said makes it virtually a civic
eign literature, language, and cul- symphony.
ture will present papers today and
John J. Hopkins. Carlisle senior, tomorrow in Memorial Hall and in
and Frank Warnock, senior in the the University School, Dr. Jonah



UK Fraternity

EE Honorary

Buys House

Installed Here

YW Installing
Cabinet May 4



University Orchestra



Be-cra- ft,

For Spring

Law College from Greenup, were se- W. D. Skiles, conference
of the Kentucky announced.
lected as
Law Journal, official quarterly publication of the college, according to
Prof. Roy Moreland, faculty advisor.

,.. .......

Libby Reynolds, Kappa Alpha
Thcta. and Charles Pritchett,
Sigma Nu, were named winners
of the third annual Sigma Chi
Contest held in
Memorial hall Wednesday night.
Mi&s Reynolds received the title for the second consecutive
Pritchett received the initial
award of Varsity magazine's
Plaque on this
campus. He will be pubicized on
Varsity's radio program, and
stories will be sent to the major
newspapers. Both winners received an assortment of gifts from
Lexington merchants.




McNamara President
Of ROA; Westlake,
Watson Also Named

J. B. McNamara has been elected
president of the University chapter
of the Reserve Officers Association.
Other officers include Ed Westlake,
vice president, and Henry Watson,
secretary-treasure- r.

Retiring president of the organization, J. K. Hickey, told the organization at a recent meeting that
the ROA scored a major victory in
getting through Congress a bill providing inactive training pay for reserves.
The bill provides training pay for
reserve personnel on inactive status
who are attached to active reserve
units and take certain reserve

Draft, UMT Needed,
President Asserts
In Conference

Stars In Night Honors
150 Outstanding Coeds

The bill, which was introduced at
the last Assembly meeting by Rusty
Russell and Jack Sorrelle, is now
being studied by a special attendance committee appointed by SGA
President Johnny Crokett. It provides that no excuses shall be
granted to attend other club meet-

The present constitution states

Shel-byvil- le





Es-pl- n.


Donovan Home Again;
Urges Military Force
In European Program

day night.

The deadline for submitting
applications for membership in
Omicron Delta Kappa, national
men's leadership honorary, will
be April 30th, it was announced
today by George Barker, presi-

Three University students were
fined (3 each for violation of campus smoking rules In a hearing before the Judiciary Committee of
EGA Monday afternoon.
The students were David E.
Lexington freshman, Robert
Gash, Harrodsburg junior, and John
P. Gorman,' Lexington sophomore.
Two others, Richard Tygrett,
sophomore, and John Davenport, Lawrenceburg freshman, did


Jligh Of 78




Partly Cloudy,
Scattered Showers;











Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the University, is shown above at his
desk. Dr. Donovan returned to the campus Tuesday after a six weeks stay
in Germany. While in Europe, he surveyed German Universities.

No Corsages'


At IFC Dance

Veterans who do not want to re
ceive pay for the vacation between
Spring and Summer terms should
tell the Veterans Affairs Office
about it before May 5.
The Interfraternity Council
The office announced that stu- that no ccrsaees be eiven at
dents who receive pay for the
the annual interfraternity dance to
vacation period will have the amount
held from 9 till 12 tomorrow night
w"i-ai me Dauroom 01 tne student un- 15-d-



has been paying for

be- -

vacations in order to
avoid stopping and starting subsistence checks, a procedure which
frequently causes the first subsis
tence check to be late.
The VA office on campus is in
Room 204 of the Administration
tween-quart- er

i0n Building.
The dance will feature trumpeter
Randy Brooks and h 1 s orchestra
who come here from stands at the
and Roseland
Garden. In the latest nationwide
popularity poll by Downbeat Maga
zine, the band placed third, topped
only by Stan Kenton and Duke Ellington.
Tickets may be obtained now from
any council member.

More than 150 outstanding coeds
were honored Monday night by the
University and approximately
campus women's organizations in
a special
"Stars in the
Night" convocation
at Memorial
Sponsored by the Women's Administrative Council, the convocation is an annual event for women
students and serves as a means of
recognition for superior scholarship,
leadership, and service.
Preceding the honors ceremony, a
program of entertainment was highlighted by a skit, a dance demonstration by Tau Sigma and numbers
by the Women's Glee Club. Dr. Jane
Haselden, assistant dean of women,
gave the Invocation and Miss Helen
Hutchcraft, president of the sponsoring organization, presented the
welcoming address.
Recipients of major awards, members of leading honorary and leadership societies and new organiza
tion officers announced at the con-- j
vocation included:
Mortar Board, national senior
women's leadership honorary, new
members: Lois Ann Flege. Frances
White, Nancy Shinnick, Mary Beth
Kaulbreier, Julia Broaddus, Mary
Anne Faulkner, Amy Dean, Betty
Sunley, Jeanne Asbury, Nancy Jean
Potts, 'Dorritt Jean White. Betty
Ann Shropshire. Mary Sue McWhir- ter, Sylvia Ann Smith. Betty Bright
and Elizabeth Ann BickneU.
Award to freshman woman with
highest scholastic standing made
'by Mortar Board: Mrs. Norris Gold-Hot- el
ben, with a 2.94 standing.
Mortar Board plaque nominees,
sophomore women with average
academic standing for first two University years of 2.6: Betty Hammock
Marjorie Cutler, Anne Park, Helen
Deiss, Martha Martin, Joan Rerun,
Frances Kennedy. Martha Swofford,
Mary Watkins, Jerry Hinson, Mary
Alvey, Bettye Mastin, Frances
Venita Dawson. Elva LittrelL
Virginia Henry and Dorritt White.

May Queen Voting
Will Be Tuesday
Nine finalists in the May DayiQueen contest will be chosen in a Sciences senior, 2.7 standing, vice
student election Tuesday. From the president of the Student Union
remaining .candidates, the Judges Board, Kentucky Queen attendant,
will choose the queen, her atten- head of the Student Union Board
dant, and seven members of her activities committee, member of
Dorm Council at Boyd Hall, YWCA,
faculty com- newly elected member to Mortar
mittee chose 18 nominees on the Board, and president of the Delta
basis of beauty, brains, and per- Delta Delta social sorority.
sonality. From these, the student
Mary Jo Ridley: Beaver Dam,
body will select nine candidates. Home Economics freshman, 2.45
Sponsored by SuKy, the student standing, national
Club Cover
pep organization, the May Day pa- Girl, representative of McDowell
rade and dance nave become an an- House for Kentuckian Queen, YWnual tradition on the Kentucky cam- CA,
Club, Home Economics
pus. A
technicolor movie Club, recently elected to Cwens, and
of last year's parade and program an independent.
may be obtained by any campus
Katherine Greenwood: Hopkins-vill- e.
group for a free showing by callHome Economics junior, 2.4
ing Photographer Mack Hughes, standing, representative of Hamil3863.
ton House for Kentuckian Queen,
Members of the faculty committee May Queen at Bethel College in 1946,
were Home Ec Club, YWCA,
which selected the nominees
Mrs. Sarah Holmes, dean of women; SGA, journal correspondent of Alpha
Dr. A. D. Kirwan, dean of men; Xi Delta social sorority.
Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, bookstore;
Nancy Taylor: Hardinsburg, Com
Mrs. Dorothy Evans, social director; merce senior, l.a standing, atten
Dr. B. H. Wall, director of the men's (dant to 1946 May Queen attendant
dormitories; Miss Jane Haselden, tQ 194g Kentuckian Queen, student
assistant dean of women; Miss Caro Union Committee, YWCA, Alpha
lyn Spicer, YWCA faculty advisor, Gamma Delta social sorority.
and Miss Mararet Story, director of
Priscilla McVey: Lexington, Arts
residence halls. Those selected by and Sciences freshman, 1.1 standing,
the faculty committee are:
member of the Kentuckian Queen
Lyde Gooding, Lexington, Educa- Court, YWCA. and assistant rush
tion senior, 2.0 standing. Military chairman of the Delta Delta Delta
Ball Queen, attendant to the Beauty
queen, secretary of the Panhellenic social
Betty Elliott: Lexington, Arts
Council, member o f T,a u Sigma and Sciences Junior, 1.5 standing,
former rush chairman and vice
of Tau Sigma, YWCA.
president of the Kappa Kappa Gam- treasurer
1947 Student Union Committee, and
ma social sorority.
(Continued on Page Four)
Frances Write: Cadiz, Arts and
eight-memb- er


4-- H

4-- H




The May Day Dance, presented annually by SuKy Circle-- ,
will be held May 8 in the SUB
ballroom at the close of the festivities on Stoll Field.
The dance will be

Dr. Donovan
Heads KEA

Dr. Herman L. Donovan

Alnha Gamma Delta social soror
ity award to outstanding freshman
Louise Thoads.
Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes
read the honor list of 3.0 standings
made by women.
Phi Beta, honorary professional
music sorority, national award to
outstanding woman in profession:
Helen Hutchcraft and Jean Kesler.
New president of Phi Beta: Mary
Anne Faulkner.
National service scroll award by
Phi Beta: Mary Beth Kaulbreier.
retiring president.
Chapter award to senior member
on basis of service to Phi Beta:
Frieda Cornelius.
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
women's scholastic honorary, senior
book award: Judith Keen Johnson.
Senior certificates: Miss Johnson,
Patsy Burnett Gish, Floye Mullin-au- z
Perkins, Donne O'Donnell
Beverly Ritchie, Jane
Street and Martha Yates.
Alpha Lambda Delta, new members: Jeanette Anderson, Helen Barker, Julian Bradley, Virginia Cunningham. Martha Durham, Pat
Shirley Farmer, Mary King,
Martha Lee Pennebaker, Maxine
Littrell, Mrs. Norris C. Goldben,
Rosemary Haley. Mary Lou Hiten,
Betty McGinnis. Louise Rhoads,
Mary Kay Swetman. Jane Carpenter Tucker, Elizabeth Ann Vaughn.
Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism honorary, award to out-

we should back our




in Europe wi:h mili-gir- l:
Urv 'orce to snow the communists
0141 we mean business.
"It's utter folly to send supplies
and not have the military force
to show the communists that
don't want them to take over En- rope," the University president said
this week after his return from p
survey of universities in the American zone in Germany.



Dr. Donovan will be honored
6:30 Tuesday
night in the Student Union
Building Ballroom. The dinner
is sponsored by the faculty and
Students, faculty, and townspeople are invited to attend and
may make reservations until
noon, Monday. Dinner tickets

at a dinner at



Dr. Donovan told a press conference that he believes we must ruivc
the draft and Universal Military


"The time has come when every
young man should be willing to
serve two years in the army," he
"I thought the United Nations
would prevent that sort of thins;
(the draft) but it hasn't. We must
standing freshman journalism stu- arm to defend ourselves and our
dent: Ann Vaughn and Mary Kay democratic allies," he added.
The University president said he
Swetman. New members: Helen Deiss
belived that if we show the Russians
and Louise Ayres.
Cwens. sophomore women's hon- we mean, business war will be
orary, new members: Juliet Brad- averted.
ley. Martha Lee Durham, Sue Doe-se"We should draw a line and tell the
Laura Fannin, Caroline Free Russians that if they cross it. it
man, Rosemary Haley. Priscilla means war. So far we haven't con- Hancher. Elizabeth Hiess, Rachel vinced the European governments
Ann Johnson. Betty Jane Levy, Ann that we mean business. A statement
O'Bannon. Ann Macklin, Jo Ann by Congress what we mean would do
Mills, Wanda Rykowski, Louise much towards restoring stability to
Rhoads. Mary Jo Ridley. Elizabeth Europe.- - he declared.
Ann Vaughn. Juanita Violette.
Dr. Donovan said he is convinced
from his talks with German educators and students that the Germans
do not want communism. He said
most Germans believed that there
would be a war between the United
States and Russia, but the Germans
don't want the war.
One student complained to me
Initiation services were held last
week for members of Phi UDsilon about the Military Government, and
Omicron, national honorary home 1 asked if he wanted us to leave. '
economics fraternity. The ceremony ljr- uonovan saia.
too place in the Home Economics
"No. sir." the student replied, ex
plaining, "if the western allies leave,
A banquet in honor of initiates the communists will take over."
was held in the evening with Dr.
"The Germans aren't yet ready to
president, presided.
take over their government and we
Initiates were Mrs. Jane Dabnev must continue to occupy Germany
Peck, and Misses Jane Blount. Doro- - lon- - maybe 10, maybe 25 years,''
thv Dovle. Emerv Lou Flanders. he said.
Marian Fisher, Evelyn Hammond,
He explained it is difficult to obNeree Hatcher, Pat Lawson, Claire tain personnel for German governMabry, Betty Triplett, and Dorris ment posts because the German,;
fear the Allies will leave and they
will be "severely dealt with by the

Phi U Takes
11 Members



Dr. Herman L. Donovan, University president, was elected president of the Kentucky Education Association at an Association meeting last week in Louisville.

"In Berlin some 1600 persons who
have accepted government posts or
spoken out against communism have
been kidnapped by the Russians," he
Dr. Donovan spent most of his
time at Hiedelberg University. He
visited Berlin twice and little rebuilding is being done there because they fear the Russians mav
take the city. Some rebuilding but
not much is going on in the titles
In the American zone.
Dr: Donovan made the trip to
Germany by plane
Lexington Tuesday morning.

Freshman Honorary

held at the Brown Hotel, ten Uni- versity administrators and prof es- ..
sors presented papers and spoke be
fore meetings of professional organizations.
Two graduate scholarships of S300
The University sponsored a dance each will be awarded to members
in the Crystal Bali room of the ho- of Phi Eta Sigma. Freshman Honor
Society, this year.
tel on Thursday.
The grants, which are to be used
for first year graduate work, will be
based on the individual's high
scholastic record, evidence of creative ability, financial need, promise
Gov. Earle C. Clements will ad- of success in a chosen field, and
dress a joint meeting of the Uni- personality.
versity and Central Kentucky ReFunds are to be provided by the
serve Officer Associations at 6:30 Arkle Clark Memorial Foundation.
Tuesday night at a dinner at the Persons interested should contact
Lexington Country Club. Tickets at Ryburn Weakly, president of Phi
$2 each may be purchased from the Eta Sigma.
organization secretary.
AU reserve officers including those
who are not members of the organDon (Dopey) Phelps was listed as
ization are invited to attend.
an Independent in the Most Popular Man contest story and in the cut
line in the last issue of the Ker
nel. He should have been listed as a
Kappa big.

uiiers ocnoiarsnips

Clements To Address
Reserve Officers

Hutchcraft, Bingham
To Present Recital


Helen Hutchcraft, pianist, and
Florence Bingham, soprano, both
University students, will present a,
recital at 4 p.m.. Sunday at Memorial Hall in the second cf a sei :c ;
of concerts featuring outataiidm
music students.

Engineering Frat Pledges
22 In Traditional Ceremony
Alpha of Tau Beta Pi,engineering
twenty-tw- o
engineering stu- dents i n the traditional manner
yesterday in Memorial HalL
Pledging consists of tapping the
student on the head with a wooden
sledge hammer. To be eligible for
membership a student must have a
2 point standing or better, have at
tended the College of Engineering
for two quarters, be a second quarter junior, have qualities of leadership, be of reputable character,
and pass a comprehensive examinaMcrMl rtaol
faculty committee as candidates for the 1948 May Day queen. They are, tion.
Pictured here are the girls who were nominated by an
Pledges can be recognized by the
left to right, first row: Lyde Gooding, Frances White, Mary Jo Ridley, Kathy Greenwood, Nancy Taylor, Priscilla McVey, and Betty Elliott. green
beribboned sledge hammers
Second row: Nancy Shinnick, Sue Allen, Elizabeth Walters, Barbara Bid well, Mary Pribble, Forgy Kirkpatrick, Nell Payne, and Joan Rehm.
they must carry for one week. Pledge
when the picture was taken were Fawn Grey, Sally Branch, and Sylvia Smith.




Ab-ie- nt

duties include the writing



gineering paper, memorizing the en- gineering creed, polishing a laru.:
metal casting of the Tau BeU Pi
recognition key. and being avaUaoiu
for duty for actives.
The following were pledged antl
will be initiated on Thursday: Guy
Vansant. D. F. Montfort. W. J.
Stevens. W. R. Belcher. A.
W. L. Broadfoot. J. N.
Williams. Eugene O'Neal. S. Ozt;ur.
P. W. Walters, Leonard S. Havr.es.
J. W. Barstow. Clarence Reynolds.
B. H. Durham, W. R. Becraft. G.
K. White. R. L. SaUee. J. W. Woodv.
J. R. Bell, David Noble, G. T. Mur- ray, C. L. McHargue.


� Pap-- e



The Kentucky Kernel



trtleloo mnt catena are to b Ja:k SoMtniF.
tontiimt Wie apftttoii or thr mritrrt Martha Evanj
n4 to not
rjarif rrfirrt Haskell Short
Tom Hiskin
tht opinion ct Th Kernel.

dtt ten


"" "



In fn
















Reprinted from the
February, 1948 issue of r squire


194t by




advertising solicitors


The Spice Of Life
By Helen Dorr and Fat Uuinn
The races are over. Students are
all either rejoicing or lamenting the
lact that they ever came to town,
but we should all rejoice that we
didn't go to school bark in 186C,
when the University had a rule such

The largest collection of men on
campus certainly must belong to
Jrhie Anderson. Don Donahue is
her latest victim.
Bobby Lou Foil has been dating
two men with the initials II. 1L
keep them straight
ls,' this:
by H. H. A) for Harold Hunt. SAE.
No student shall be allowed to
frequent gaming houses, play at and II. H. (N) for Harry Hinton,
cards, or practice any species of SN.
or attend gaming, or Roger Grayson so seldom drives
dunking, or billiard saloons, or the- his car, that the Sigma Nu's have
aters, or circuses, or racefields, or been calling it the Indian-mobilbe guilty of profanity, or any act meaning big heap.
of violence, or keep the company of Mary Porter Armstrong's
turned out to be a costly
persons of 111 repute, or be guilty
of any other vice; and the use of venture, because she broke her arm
tea dance.
intoxicating drinks is prohibited. Nor at the
Who is Bill Taylor's new flame
shall any student be allowed to carin Boyd Hall?
ry any deadly weapons."
Constant twosomes: Betty Lyons
You'll have to admit that such
a ruling mould interfere with stu- and Jim Hubbard; Libby Collins and
Bill Boiler; Hoot Reichenbach and
dent iife.
They say Juny Albrecht has a new Ogden Thomas; Jean Stubbs and
flame. Is that so. Ruth McC racken? Karl Christ; Pauline Gover and
Nancy Hurst is not loo patiently Hart Hagan.
awaiting the arrival of the A TO pins Girls will never learn! One coed
We wish that there were some way found that out early this week,
when, after turning down two dates,
to hurry the jeweler.
Although Caroline Van Santvoord she saw one of the boy's best friends,
isn't wearing Jack Feierabend's Phi plus three other boys she was datMu Alpha pin anymore, they still ing at the same time, all in the
seem to enjoy each other's com- space of about five minutes. The
crowning blow came when she saw
pany very much.
One couple that got unpinned the other boy whom she had turned
this week, that ought to get back down, with another girl. She was
together again are Windy Myers with some other girls at the time.
P. S.: We refuse to print any
and Mary O'Neill.
One of last week's unpinned libelous statements about the encouples are back together again: gineering college!
Fat Mason, and Rodney Beck.
Pinnings: Libby La Eur to Bob Landlady (setting down a bowl
Kaiser, Snaanne Rogers to Ken of soup) : "It looks like rain, doesn't
Fetly. J ana Davis to Winston Pan- it?"
Boarder (taking a wiff): "Yes it
ne", Lois Jackson to Ld Rankin,
Perry Leach to Paul Hundley, Pen- does, but it smells a little like soup."
ny W eight to Tom U'aerdeman, Tat
Basslian to Charles Gulley, Jeanne The young duckling must have
Heibner to Oakley Brown.
when he
Unpinned: Joanne Marsh and Abe been terribly embarrassed
found out that his first pair of
Hammonds (again); Johnny Wal- trousers were down.
thall and Polly Thompson.
Tri-Del- ts







Spring Sports Attendance
The University of Kentucky baseball team lost two
games to Vanderbilt ovr the week-en- d
but the lack of. attendance at Legion field showed that very few students are
interested in the team whether it wins or loses.
If it hadn't been for the townspeople, the high school set,
kids who got in through a
and the hordes of baseball-hungr- y
slat in the fence the showing would have been even sadder
than it was last Friday and Saturday.
The baseball team and all the other teams which participate in spring sorts put forth a lot of time and effort to improve their competitive skill but all the practice1 in the world
won't bring the needed spirit which student attendance and
backing brings to any athletic team.
Kentucky teams don't achieve their fine records and reputation with mere skill and brawn. Sprit is what makes any
Big Blue squad go and that spirit stems from the interested
members of the student body who do not participate, as well
as from the athletes themselvs.
Let's have a big turnout for all the spring sports events
and show our teams that they always have student support,
win or lose.

It's a



MARTIN'S has a lovely selection of Dummer sport shirts
in stripes and solid colors. Add
one to your wardrobe for tennis,
golf or campus wear. They have
long sleeves and elastic insets
under the arms. Tha collar can
be worn open or high. Prices are


Need a new date dress?
have a large variety of lovely
dresses in bemberg cheers and
rayon jerseys. You will find them
in prints, checks and solids in
many colors. You have your
choice of one or two piece dresses with flared or draped skirts.
Add several of these reasonably
priced date dresses to your ward..



Of The Week


ous Contos shoes have been received at BROWNS BOOTERIE.
They're a must for your sports
clothes. Choose from natural
and red elk leather with the
hand sewed vamp and kicker.
They're yours for only $5.95.




Rob Rleidt - - - Saturday Night

Gentry's Old Mill



It seems as If warm weather
is here to stay and now is the
time when we begin shedding
our woolen clothes for cottons
and other lighter weight fabrics.
MEYERS have a collection of
low neck peasant blouses in cool
cottons. These attractive blouses
with push up sleeves are em






Because He Flunked The

Dottie Miller

or eyelet trimmed.
They sell for $".95 and $10.95.


ream-Oi- l




Sieaking of blouses. Pat Campbell looked pretty in a lovely
blouse of white voile. It has cap
ilee.'es and a dainty peplum
which can be worn either inside
or outside the skirt. The blouse
is decorated
broidered flowers.




Before woolen clothes disappear this spring, I want to mention some attractive ones seen
on the campus. Lorraine lloru
I has a lovely two piece wool dress
of deep blue. A tiny collar, long
full sleeves, and a pleated peplum are attractive features of
the jacket which buttons in back.
A belt of matching wool trimmed
with three gold buckies ties in
the front.
Georgia Portmann added Ingenuity to last year's black suit
which, because of the longer
skirt lengths, was too short. The
result is a smart l