xt71ns0ksx3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0ksx3b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-02-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  8, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  8, 1929 1929 1929-02-08 2012 true xt71ns0ksx3b section xt71ns0ksx3b ig


Best Copy Available


Mecl W. nnd h. In
Men's Gymnasium Tonight

Wildcats to

Opens Monday Night, February
11, With "The Dagger"









N0L MYSTERY Large Enrollment



ed in the University

took place this
semester when the numucr registered
rerror and Nervousness of Cast yesterday totaled 2,259. This number
exceeds the last year total of the same
Threaten Success of
date by 151 students. It Is expected
"The Dagger."
that many more will register during
the ten days which remain for the
IN THEATER BASEMENT students to enroll.
This year the system of registration
(Supreme Mystery Drama to Re was slightly changed. Juniors and seniors were allowed to register early.
Third Guignol
In this year's enrollment as usual the
the girls.
boys greatly outnumbered
February 18 has been set by RegisDuring this final week of rehearsals trar Glllis as the final date for registration. A large number of students
of "The Dagger," at the Qulgnol thea
who change from one college to anter, conditions have become so bad as other In mid-teroften register late.
to threaten the success of the produc- Fees are charged for all late entrants.
opens next Monday night
tion which
for a week's run. Members of the cast
have threatened to withdraw at the
last minute because of the terrible
strain on their nerves which the mystery surrounding the play has evoked
and Director Frank C. Fowler himself
Is on the edge of a nervous prostration. stories Many Interesting Features Are
Of the many hair-raisiPlanned By Pan - Politikon;
which have been rumored about "The
Dagger" and the daring Guignolites,
Bejarano to Deliver Two Adone of the most alarming is that a
by a
skeleton has been discovered
member of the cast in an old clock in
The program for the
the basement of the theater. And
later drops of blood were found near contains many interesting features for
the spot I All of which is not condu- the coming months. February has
cive to pleasant dreams.
chosen as Mexican month and a
It is also reported that Margaret been
Lewis, who has a leading part in the series of talks, pictures and exhibits
play, is in such a state of health it is have been planned. On February 18
doubtful whether or not she will be Jose Miguel Bejarano, of Mexico, will
able to fill her role. Every night at give two lectures on "Whither Mexthe end of a second act she becomes
is Redeeming
almost hysterical with fright as the ico" and "How Mexico
scene reaches a dramatic and terrify- the Illiterate."
ing climax, and all appeals of the
March will be devoted to the study
other members of the cast to remem- of the background of
is only a play" are futile.
ber that "it
The origin, evolution and critiSuch circumstances have given rise to cism of it will be discussed. Prof. C.
of several that Barcla Trelles will be the principal
a doubt in the minds
it really is "only a play."
speaker of the month.
Certainly something very mysterious
During April there will be classroom
Guig- talks and discussions on
is going on "back stage" at the
nol, and Monday night will tell the
The dates for these will be
announced later.
Dean F. Paul Anderson will present
If you would be in on the premier
revelation of this great mystery, you during the month six moving pictures
had better get your seats right now, of Mexican life. These promise enterfor it is doubtful if the players will tainment for all who wish to attend,
last more than one night. And as a as the pictures are interesting as well
gentle hint I might add you better as Instructive. This week, colored posrs
bring your smelling salts and
ters of Mexican life will be put on exif you would return home in hibition in the Art Center. Miss King
you entered. states that there are many interesting
the same condition that
books on Mexico in the library. A series of classroom talks and lectures
have been arranged in some courses
Y. M. C. A.
so that the students will have an adeSoon quate opportunity to learn of Mexico
and to discuss its problems.
is a student organizaMeetings Will Begin February
tion for the study of international re18, to Be Held at Patterwas organized on the camlations. It
son Hall.
pus for the purpose of teaching modern students the living conditions in.
the orwork
"Modern Problems of the Modern foreign countries. The on by of student
Youth" will be the general subject for ganization is carried
The executive committee
consideration in the Y. M. C. A. dis- committees.
Kceney, Betcussion groups beginning Monday, Feb- Is comprised, of Roderick Smith. Prof.
ruary 18. This was decided at a joint sy Worth, and Cynthia
senior E. F. Farquhar is faculty adviser.
meeting of the freshman and
Y. M. C. A. cabinets and the senior
cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. held TuesDees
day night at Alumni hall. The groups
will be held each Monday night for
close with the confive weeks and will
vocation address of Dr. Charles W.
Gilkey March 25.
Clair Dees, president of the senior
Present, plans are that the meetings class, has named the following combe open to all students who are
will make the arrangeInterested and each meeting will be mittees, which
led by students on the campus. The ments for the activities of that class
discussion groups will meet in Patter- this spring:
son hall and occasionally some promiClass day committee: James ShropBernlce Edwards,
nent religious leader will be in attendshire, chairman;
ance us a member of the group. Fur- Carol Byron, Jack McGurk.
are being worked out by the
Ring committee: Elmer Glib, chairther plans
man; Mary Lewis Marvin. Lydia Rob.committees of the three cabinets.
president of erts, James Hester.
Miss Margaret Gooch,
the senior cabinet of the Y. W. C. A.,
Invitation committee: J. H. Butler,
presided at the Joint meeting, and chairman; Clarence Osthagen. William
discussed for the promotion Walter, Louise Dyer, Bess Sanford.
plan3 were
of the annual "Go to Church" Sunday.
Senior ball committee: A. S. JohnMnrniy 24. The social committees of
son, chairman; Lyle Walters. Margaret
the cabinets were also authorized to Thompson. C. E. Marshall. Beverly
sponsor a social during iwarcn at we
Men's dormitory.



Groups to Meet


Senior Committees

Opening of McVey Hall Most
Important Event of New Term
Descend Upon
iHordes of Journalism and English Students
Unsuspecting New Edifice ; Science Hall
Aspect of Tomb For Grasshoppers
By Sara Elvove

the new semester to
you, everybody. This is The Kernel
speaking from the lower regions of the
much heralded McVey hall which
opened with n flourish Monday morning. The department of Journalism,
you'll notice, is again situated on solid
ground. That's because newspaper
people always try to be on the level
(which is a very poor pun, but true,
InIn The Kernel's case, ut least).
deed, it Is so level, that ono can almost
Which Is
walk out of the windows.
another reason for Journalistic rupturesthose windows wo spoke of are
great, spacious openings that enable
one to gaze over the campus and far
uway stretching either the neck or the
Slnco tho desertion of the J. D.
(Journalism department) tho basement
of the Science building Is as quiet
hvs us tho proverbial tomb.
v.,.... Tin. K.fnmi ofilco. which hus
v,.t nuwd into its new quarters
seems to have absorbed some or that
scientific atino. phero ono smells in the
zoology lab rooms.
In McVey hall, however, all Is light
and cheerful. Literally, it has everything, including the English faculty,
tf us a vounu: Instructor remarked, u
few dormitories were added, life could
be spent very comfortubly within its
four walls. With the bookstore In the


Hal'- -



Is Recorded This
The largest enrollment ever record- MEETS MARCH 1- -2

basement, the cafeteria on top, and
tho classrooms sandwiched between,
all that Is needed is a stadium ana
movie theater to serve for the purpose
of recreation. Tho classrooms are ai
ready used by some students for sies
tas, so dormitories would ue 6uper

notice that students (and the
faculty, too) got a great thrill out of
in&pectlng the new homo of the EngJournalism departments,
lish und
Greenhorns, fresh from the native
heaths, could not have done a better
lob of "rubbering." The long, winding
stairway, terminating at the door of
the cafeteria dining room, called forth
gasps of admiration.
Quickly the eye pounced upon the
fact that there was no partition sepa
rating the faculty from the laymen,
There were gleeful chortles, and an
Inquisitive reporter Inquired:
"Aren't the fuculty and students going to have separate dining rooms?"
"Not unless wo put a screen or something like that around them," was the
smiling reply, and wo Immediately
thought of lipspltals and germs.
The Kernel and tho students of the
University have so much to bo thankful for thut anyone complaining of the
difference in dlstunco between tho Administration building and McVey hall
ought to have u standing of zero. Yet
well, there is a difference.



Journalists Will Convene at
Eastern Teachers' College
At Richmond, Ky.


Organization Composed of Senior Colleges in State; Now
Has Eight Members.
The spring meeting of the Kentucky
Press Association Is
scheduled for March 1 and 2 at Eastern Teachers College
at Richmond,
Ky., and this will mark the beginning
of the fourth year of the association.
The dates of the meeting were changed
from February 15 and 10 because the
S. I. A. A. basketball tournament which
will be held at Winchester.
The tentative program for the meet,
as framed by the Eastern Progress,
includes a luncheon, banquet, dance,
business sessions, presentation of cups,
election of officers for the coming year
and addresses by outstanding Journalists of the state. It will begin with
registration of delegates on Friday
morning and will continue through
Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2.
The Kentucky Intercollegiate Press
Association Is the executive organization of the senior colleges of Kentucky
and at present eight colleges
spring the meeting was held
at U19 University of Kentucky. James
Shropshire, business manager of The
Kernel, is president of the association,
and Raymond Hornback, of the College Heights Herald, is secretary.
The Kentucky Kernel has won the
record of being the best college paper
among members of the association,
and has received the silver cup which
is given by The Lexington Leader for
this achievement for the last two years.
The College Heights Herald, of Western Normal, won the cup last year
for the best advertising. This cup is
offered each year by the University
chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising fraternity.

Sidney Schell, Clifford Amyx,
and Richard Weaver Uphold
Negative Side of Question for


Wednesday afternoon the University
of Kentucky debating team met with a
girls' team from Ohio Wesleyan College and discussed the subject, "Resolved, That the principle of freedom
of speech and press in all political and
economic matters Is sound." The debate was purely informative and no
decision was rendered.
In this debate, the University of
Kentucky debaters. Sidney Schell, Clifford Amyx, and Richard Weaver, upheld the negative, while the Misses
Mary Kllgore, Josephine Spencer, and
Helen Mowr.v debated the affirmative.
This was Kentucky's first contest since
their international debate wltn tne
English women's team. Also, this
meeting marked the opening of the
newly constructed McVey hall to the
All the speeches of the afternoon
were excellent etiorts, prooaoiy me
best were those of Miss Spencer and
Spencer brought
Mr. Weaver. Miss
forth the very interesting point that
most of our riots are caused by suppressing the Ideals of radicals, and that
in reality they are benefitted by such
suppression. To support her theory,
she spoke of the European radicals
whose Ideas were estaunsnea oy me
nersecution of their originators. Also,
she discussed the novel Idea pursued
by the institution of Hyde Parte in
England, where radicals are given unlimited freedom of speech. By this
plan, people are allowed to exhaust
their excess energy In speech and
hence they do not Indulge in rioting.
Mr. Weaver discussed the danger of
freedom because of the great potentialities that It possesses. He contended
that, with complete freedom, any per
son with capital enough could finance
a newspaper and employ it to disseminate his own propaganda. In a
wav. he went on to prove that
the Evolution law In Tennessee, tho
Sacco-Vanzecase, and the wartime
impression of the Germans were all
caused by the prevalence of too much
The debate was characterized uy uio
undeniable logic of Mr. Weaver and
the rcfrcshlnir wit of Miss Spencer,
Many new angles of the question of
freedom of sneech and press were
brought to light and intelligently dis

Board of Trustees
Awards Contract
At a, meeting cf tho University board
of trustees, held yesterday in tho of
fice of President Frank L. McVey, the

general contract for tho construction
of the new agriculture dairy building
was awarded to tho J. T. Jackson
Lumber conmanv. of Lexington. Tho
contract totaled $90,G50, und called for
Immediate construction. Tho building
will be located In proximity to tho
stock JudidtiK pavilion on tho expert
ment station farm. Ofllces for mem
bers of tho Collego of Agriculture staff
will bo provided in tho new structure.

i. o. nox ni:i:ds answering

There is un importunt card ques
tionnalre In each student's postofflco
box thut should bo filled out und left
ut the postoillce window at once.



Will Represent Kentucky
Convention of World Federation of Education
Dr. McHenry Rhoads, former state
superintendent of public instruction,
now a professor in the College of Education, has been chosen as Kentucky's
delegate to the World Federation of
Educational Associations which convenes in Geneva, Switzerland, July 25
to August 3 according to an announcement to The Kernel.
The association meets every two
years for discussion of educational
problems common to all countries, and
this marks the second consecutive time
that Dr. Rhoads has represented Kentucky as a delegate. He attended the
convention which was held at Toronto,
Canada, two years ago.
Before attending the convention Dr.
Rhoads will tour Franco and England
where he will observe educational
methods. He will take the opportunity, during the meeting, of seeing
Switzerland and will later travel In
Germany, Holland, Belgium, Scotland
and Ireland.

Sixth Issue of University Periodical Makes Its Appearance; Miss Litsy's Poem Is
The magazine, "Letters," Kentucky's
literary representative, has "scored"
The sixth issue of this periodical is
In the hands of the public, and It has
upheld the standard set by previous
Professor Farquhar and his assistants
are to be congratulated for the success of the magazine. The University
is being favorably advertised by this
literary production, not only in the
state, but throughout the naion.
The poem, "Legend," by Miss Sarah
Lltsey, of Louisville, Is alone worth the
price of the magazine. It deals with
the legend concerning Da Vinci's selection of the faces to represent the
Christ and Judas in his famous picture,. 'jThe Last. Sapper." Miss Lltsey
was the winner of the Cale Young
Rice prize in poetry which "Letters"
ottered last year.
The article, "James Branch Cabell:
Dualist," by Joe H. Palmer, Instructor
of English at the University, is of spec
ial merit. In it Mr. Palmer has given
interesting insight into . the real
Cabell about whom the world has won
dered much, but known little. He
shows how the extreme of Idealism in
conflict with the extreme of disillusionment have fused to produce Ca
bell's actual beliefs.
The New Politics." by Amry Van- denbosch, professor of political science
at the University, is an Interesting
discussion of the trends of political
clence. and an analysis of the condi
tions which have retarded the devel
opment of better government.
The sketch, "A Bit Off the Campus,"
by Anna Louise Rice, junior at the
University, Is one of the best pieces of
art to appear in "Letters." Her sketch
fairly rivals that of "Cervantes'
House" by the internationally known
etcher, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, which
also appears In this issue of "Letters."
The poetry is excellent and better
than the average collegiate poetry
which one reads today.
Kentucky need not be ashamed of
her literary talent. Rather she should
be thankful to "Letters" for the new
day of
which this periodical is fos
Read the editorial pages (not only
of this Issue, but of previous ones), If
you would really appreciate the virility
and earnestness or its meais. in no
literary magazine will be found more
editorials man
honest, forward-lookin- g
In "Letters."

ERECTORS START Lounging Room For
5300,000 Structure Will Be
Used in Conned ion With
College of Education


Soft Earth Necessitates Use of
"Pile Driving" to Secure
Solid Base.
Excavation for the new $300,000
teachers' training building for tho College of Education will begin today or
tomorrow, it was learned from Maury
Crutchcr, superintendent of buildings
and grounds at the University. Contractors have moved on the ground
and preliminary measures for construction have already started.
Because of the softness of the earth,
It will be necessary to drive concrete
piles into the ground down to solid
rock. The foundation of the building
will rest on these concrete plies.
Crutcher said that this is probably the
first time this manner of construction
has been used in this section of the
It Is planned to construct one of the
most modern college buildings in the
state on this site, which was formerly
one of the city dumps. A permit for
the erection was granted Wednesday
by the board of public works.
The $300,000 fund which was appro
priated by the state legislature and
by a New York educational fund, will
be used for actual construction of the
building. Nothing of this amount will
be used for equipment for the building.
The building will be three stories
high and will be of brick and concrete.
Only the most modern designs will be
used. The J. L. Hardyman Company,
of Maysvllle, will be general contrac
tors and McCormick and Mitchell, of
Cleveland, will be architects.

University's Largest Building
Center of Educational Activities; Houses Journalism nnd
English Departments.

McVey hall Is the largest building
ever constructed on the University of
Kentucky campus. It contains 800,000
cubit feet of space and is of fireproof
construction. The building includes
many new features heretofore unincorporated in University buildings.
A new system for the distribution of
drinking water has been installed in
the building. Drinking water is supplied to fountains on each floor through
insulated pipes so that uniformly cool
water Is available at all times. Re
machinery will operate
during the summer months long
enough each day to reduce the temperature of the water from 80 degrees
to approximately 50 degrees Faren- helt.
Use of wood and other inflammable
material has been restricted to a min
imum in the construction of the building. All window sills are of pink Tennessee marble. The floors arj con
structed of reinforced concrete cover
ed with linoleum which forms a sanitary covering and reduces noises.
Red quarry tile covering was used
on all tne stairways ana mncung.
Each stair tread is equipped with a
non-sli- p
tile nose, designed especially
to eliminate all chances of Injury from
The heating system Is of the low
pressure steam type. Each room s
quipped with cast iron radiators una
unit heaters, with fans thermo.it lineally controlled. During the winter
will be dischiuged
fresh air
Into each room.
The new building houses the Cam
pus Book Store, Postoillce, Kentucky
Kernel, Cafeteria, and faculty cum.
The journalism, mathematics and Eng
lish departments each have large elar.3
ooms and offices In the building.
The total cost, Including furniture
and fixtures will exceed $300,000. Mc
Vey hall will serve as the center of
educational activities upon tho campus.
A large organ, the only one of Its
kind in central Kentucky, Is being
built bv the Skinner Organ Company
for Installation In Memorial nan wnicn
is nearlnz completion.
Body Type
The Skinner company is recognized
by authorities as one of the leading
This issue of The Kernel appears In
companies of its kind, and the com
mlttee Is to be congratulated on us Its new dress with the body typo in
choice. The organ will be built be the new Ionic No. 5 type face. Tho
fore It Is sent to the University, and nonulnritv of this new typo has grown
It probably will be six months before by leaps and bounus wun tno news
It will be installed in tne cnapei.
nanors over the country, una The Ker
pl is nmonir tho first of the collegiate
newspapers to adopt this readable and
legible face.
Research has devoleped tnut tne
Each issue of Tho Kernel Is now Tonic tvne is the easiest read anil pro
available to students In tho postoillce
duces less eye strain than any other
mail boxes, the practice of placing the
papers in the book store having been face now in use. Besides 11 gives u
discontinued. Students who do not hotter "word count" and will
care to read the paper are requested more news to the column than tho
to notify the postmistress to that ef type The Kernel is discontinuing
The news 'matter is set m seven
nolnt tvne on an eight-poiTh old tvne face was set In seven
body, yet tho
point on a nine-poiIonic typo Is easier read una lur more

Memorial Hall
Have Large Organ

Kernel Adopts New


Final Psychological and Physical Examinations to Ik'
Today and Saturday
The final psychological tests for
freshmen will be held today at 3
o'clock in room 303 White hall.
Physical examinations will bo held
tomorrow at 2 p. m., in the dispensary, Neville hull. After tho dutes
announced tho rule regarding lato
registration will bo effective, und
the fee for lato registration Is $1.00
per day, not to exceed $5.00.


Lawyers Formally
Opened By Mothers


smoking and
lounging room for students in the College of Law formally opened at n tea
given there from 3 to 5 o'clock Thurs
Generals Have Scored Nine Sucday afternoon by tho Law School
cessive Victories Ry
Mothers' Club which is composed of
Wide Margins
or racuity members and mothwives
ers of students In the college. About
150 law students were present.
The smoking room has been decidedly Improved.
The tables and chairs
have been repainted and new benches Six-Da- y
Jaunt Nets Wildcats
have been added. Window shades and
Two Wins and One
curtains have been secured to harmonize with the furniture.
Ono of the
outstanding features, also, Is the presentation of pictures of some of KenHy Wayman Tliomasson
tucky's famous Jurists which have been
donated by alumni and friends of the
Tonight a great Washington and Lee
College of Law.
basketball team Is playing the Wildcats In the gymnasium. The Generals began the season tardily and have
rapidly overhauled some of the best
teams In the Southland by scoring nine
victories in quick succession. The Virginians record reads like a Merrywell
novel as Lawry, Cox, Williams, Wood,
University Players to Present and Hanna have scored 449 points to
"Square Crooks" in Harlan, their opponents' 19D, averaging 50
Pineville a n d Middleshoro, points per game and making no less
Manager Reports.
than 42 points in a single game. Their
opponents have been held to an averBookings for "Square Crooks," by age of 22 points per evening.
James P. Judge, were made In Harlan,
Now the Virginians began this
Pineville, and Mlddlesboro last week
ride over all comers on Janby James Shropshire, business man- uary 9 when Kentucky and most of
ager of Strollers. The dates for these the other prominent Southern teams
performances are: Harlan, Thursday, had already played three or four
March 28 ; Pineville, Friday, March 29, games. Thus, the boys pulled a sort
trick on
and Mlddlesboro, Saturday, March 0. of
and culminated an evenThe Lexington presentations will be
ing's workout with a 45 to 26 victory.
given after the tour, on April 4, 6, and
0, so that a more finished production Two days later Brldgewater fell vic
tim to the plague and got broke ll lima
will be the result.
to about a 77 to 22 drurblnn. Georid
In Pineville, booking was made by Virginia, V. P. I., and ''Maryland ffi"e II !
Ill ,
Herndon Evans, who at one time was few of the other victims. The uen-cravery prominent In the Stroller organitapered off Tueaiayjihiht
zation, having served as director of a 42 to 14 victory over Maryland
Strollers for two years.
Three members of the
Charles Briggs, a New York mana- nush the measure ud .round 0 1. t
ger, made the booking In Mlddlesboro. 3 inches and the other two bSisttfcisfn?.
.anu uox, nave oeen ibkiiis v '
Mr. Briggs Is sponsoring dramatic development In the mountains, and he ball from the big boys and making
most of the points. Lowry has scored
recently had Madame Schumann -118 points this season, Cox 112.
Heink there.
liams, the big pass receiver who made
C. C. Bowling, manager of New Har such a name for himself In football,
lan theater, made the booking in Har- plays center and has looped the loop
lan. Mr. Bowling sponsored the Stroll- for 92 points. They are all funny that
ers in Harlan last year.
Rehearsals for "Square Crooks" will
Now Kentucky has Just drug in from
begin next week.
jaunt among the Creoles
down New Orleans way. Coach Johnnie Mauer piloted the 'Cats to two
victories over the Mississippi Aggies,
25 to 23, and 32 to 14 before romping
into the old French town on Sunday
where his boys took a day of rest befootball
Medals and Certificates of Hon fore losing another 24. Ten game to
Tulane by 32 to
or Presented to Outstanding
took part In the melee with the TuAgriculturalists
lane nlavers. referee, and spectators.
The floor was much smaller than the
The ten men chosen as master farm Kentucky floor and bleachers came,, far
goais so mat
ers by the Progressive Farmer and the down under tne tho basket usbalLL ej
University College of Agriculture were rnnnim? under
down In a spectator's lap. Thi; Mreuld.'Ajj
honored by a banquet on Wednesday, be alright
if you could choose U irl&ht
January 30, at the Lafayette hotel.
to pick
After the presentation of medals and spectator, but mid-ai- r,hardespecialrv when
certificates of honor to nine of the men blond while in
and a tribute to the memory of the the eye is supposed to be on the n?i4kct
Anyway, the boys droppedl hjje.:
tenth, who died since they were chosen,
each man who had been successful In lourtn conierence game ana
passing the severe test which are the a percentage of .500 In the Soutl
loop. A win over Washington ti id
requirements for those who are awarded the honor, was called upon for a would nut Kentucky among th, l
most teams as the 'Cats ard fi 9M .
short speech.
The masters gave unstinted praise sure of coDDlnc at least one came.
to the College of Agriculture for the Ole Miss in the double-headconference
part it has played in the education of February 22champions in Lexing I,
and 23. Kentuck- state and the devel
the farmers of the
opment of agriculture In rural regions. won seven games and lost four t:
Each one expressed the opinion that season. She has not suffered w;
Kentucky is destined to take its place feat outside of the conference,
among the outstanding farming re nlng over Eastern Normal, Miami,
Notre Dame. One other non-cogions of the nation.
ence game with Centre remains on
The men who were chosen as mas schedule. The Mauermen will Iteo
ter farmers are: Joe S. Bray, Bed- the Southern Tournament Marclly.lj
ford; Norton Garth, Trenton; R. R.
The tentative lineups follow
Giltner, Eminence; Joe Glass, FrankfPos.
ort- Malcolm Harrison, Farmlngton; Kentucky
W. T. Hicks. Wlldie; Lovell J. Jett, Spicer
Cynthlana; J. E. Ramsey, Carlisle; C. McGlnnis
Hopklnsvllle; Princeton Milward
Bailey, the farmer who died after the McBrayer
honors were conferred.




Ten Master Farmers
Honored at Banquet





Final Curtain Falls as SemesiecJ
Comes to End; Grades AwM


I'iisi Term mnv a matter 01 insiory, ivuruui leporlec'K,
Collegians to porget Failures and borrows and Strive to
Make This Stretch More Successful Than Lust



from it he produced tho "quitter." The
Hy Martin It. Glenn
'quitter" is a
animal with
With a reverberatlvc thud and a con- a festering brain, ti cork-scre- w
cusslve crash the curtain has been
and a backbone constructed of Jelly
dropped upon the past semester.
and glue. Where other men carry their
Grades have been awarded, honors
hearts ho carries a tumor of decayed
have been bestowed and the onrush of
principles that have never been warm
students has been
ed by tho good things of life.' When
successfully met by those courageously
he promenades down the boulevard
dignified professors who asserted, in no
honest men turn their backs, angels in
uncertain tones .that "they shall not
Heaven weep, und Satan locks tho
gates to bar his entrance.
The past semester Is now u matter
The first act has ended and tho
of history. Therefore, It behooves each sumo majestic
curtain that so rudely
Individual student to discard tho mem
terminated the first canto has been
ories of failures and sorrows and strive
hoisted uguln, presenting a gorgeous
to make this semester tho most suc- panoramic sketch of the next four
cessful period In his or her collego ca mouths. There Is an exquisite illusion
reer. The ability to smile and work of a fairy vista extending over a car
earnestly und sincerely In the shadows pet or grass, across a rippling stream
of hardships and dllllcultles is u wor und Into tho haze. Sweet little co-ethv attribute to uny person, and stu are rocking to und fro to droll synco
dents should strive to uttaln this noble pations anu uggruvuung tunes emancipated by u group of highly ebonlzed
A Model U Linotype was Installed In
But that Is not all,
tho detestable und degen
tho nress room of Tho Kernel this urate all of of people, tho most ubhor- - there are scenes of toll, labor and conkinds
week bv tho members of the mechanl
able poison is tho typo thut willfully scientious efforts.
Tho muchlno is sim- - doecends to that baso und morbid specul department.
Students uro presented with two alUur to the other Linotype already In cie of human beings thut ure com ternatives.
They may either carry a
use. It cost approximately $4,000, und monly reforred to us "quitters."
role In a stupendous scholastic producwill bo used to set tvno for The Kernel,
finished making tion of they may laugh and play in the
When the Creator
Letters, Kentucky Picas, und uny other the vumnire, the Uzurd, the skunk, und llelds with tho daffodils us they merstudent nubllcat ons. Don uroio 01 tho rattlesnuke, there was a quantity rily trip over the crest of the hill of
existence. Which will you
tho inechunlcul stall" will operate the ol "vile stult" left. Lutw tho Devil "hum-drum- "
found this seething muui ul stench und choose?
new machine.



� Best Copy




And Help the Association

Greater Clnciniintl; Dinner on the

Alumnus and Member or Class
of 1909 Returns to United
States on Business and Pleas

ure Trip.


Arthur G. Ynnkcy, who was graduatfrom the College of Engineering
with the class of 1909, and who for
several years lias been engaged In