xt71ns0ksw1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0ksw1m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980-03-apr1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-03-apr1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-03-apr1. 1980 1980-03-apr1. 2011 true xt71ns0ksw1m section xt71ns0ksw1m 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 1, 1980

    The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees met in regular statutory
session on Tuesday, April 1, 1980 at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) in the
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington
campus with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. William
B. Sturgill, Chairman, Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. William R. Black,
Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer, Dr. David A.
Hull, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry McBrayer, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer
W. Ramsey, Mr. Mark Metcalf, Professor Constance Wilson, and Dr. John R. Woodyard.
Mr. L. D. Gorman was absent as was Mr. W. B. Terry. The University administration
was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack C. Blanton,
Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clamp, Lewis W. Cochran, Raymond R. Hornback,
John T. Smith, M. Stanley Wall and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster,
Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research; and Mr. John C. Darsie,
Legal Counsel.

     A.  Meeting Opened

     Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:25 p.m. and the
invocation was pronounced by Mr. Black. Following the call of the roll, to which
17 answered with only 2 being absent, the Chairman announced that a quorum was
present for the conduct of business, and called the meeting to order at 2:26 p.m.

     B.   Minutes Approved

     The Minutes of the March 3, 1980 meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees were approved without objection.

     C.   Letter and Resolution on Judge James A. Sutherland

     The Secretary read a letter from Mrs. James A. Sutherland of Bloomfield,
Kentucky thanking the Board of Trustees for their expressions of sympathy upon
the death of Mr. Sutherland. The Chairman asked that the letter from Mrs.
Sutherland and a Resolution adopted by the Nelson County Fiscal Court expressing
the sympathy and gratitude of the Court and County for the services of James A.
Sutherland be received and filed as a part of the Minutes of the Board of Trustees.

     D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     President Singletary reviewed some of the items in his monthly report to
the Trustees, calling particular attention to (1) the 11 alumni to be inducted
into the University Alumni Association's Hall of Distinguished Alumni on April
11, (2) Avinash Sathaye being named a Sloan Fellow, the seventh faculty member
in the Department of Mathematics to receive this prestigious honor in seven years,
and (3) the University debate team again having been invited to take part in the
National Debate Tournament. President Singletary then called on Vice President
Zumwinkle who announced that the University's top novice debate team, consisting
of two outstanding freshman debaters, won the Novice Championship on the campus
of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois this past weekend. President
Singletary remarked that the University debate program continues to flourish and
do extremely well. Attention was also called to the new method of cancer detection
which was developed by Dr. David Goldenberg and his colleagues at the University



and is now being used at a number of cancer centers around the world.
President Singletary noted also that the awards to researchers through
the University of Kentucky Research Foundation for the first seven months
of the current fiscal year is almost one million dollars greater than the
amount received for the same period a year ago. Upon recommendation of
President Singletary, the Chairman received the report and ordered it filed.

     E.  Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mrs. Hermansdorfer, and
passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved and ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes.)

     F.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3a)

     President Singletary recommended that approval be granted for awarding
the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters to Mrs. Harriette Louisa Simpson
Arnow, and the Doctor of Laws to Mr. Edward F. Prichard, Jr. The Committee
on Honorary Degrees has recommended to the Graduate Faculty and the University
Senate that honorary degrees be awarded to these persons and these two bodies
have expressed their approval of the recommendation. Governor Chandler asked
that the record show he was casting his vote against the awarding of the
degree to Edward F. Prichard, Jr.

     On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed, PR 3a was
approved. Mr. Sturgill asked that the record show the chair voted "no".
(See PR 3a at the end of the Minutes.)

     G.  Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3b)

     President Singletary called attention to the items in PR 3b and noted
the recommendation of the reappointment of Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer and
Mr. Barney Tucker as members of the Council of Supervisors, University
Hospital, for three-year terms which would expire December 31, 1982, and
the appointment of Mr. Ershal Harrison as the student member of said Council.
Also included in PR 3b is the recommendation of the appointment of Dr. Ernest
W. Chick as Interim Director of the Tobacco and Health Research Institute,
pending the selection of a permanent successor to Dr. John P. Wyatt. Dr.
Singletary also called attention to the recommendation that Dr. John S. Thompson
be appointed professor, with tenure, in the Department of Medicine, and that he
be named Chairman of the Department of Medicine, effective July 1, 1980.
President Singletary commented that Dr. Thompson is an especially talented and
gifted physician, and administrator, and believes the University of Kentucky is
extremely fortunate in being able to recruit Dr. Thompson.

     On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey, and passed, PR 3b
was approved. (See PR 3b at the end of the Minutes.)

     H.   1979-80 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

     The budget revisions recommended in PR 4 being of a routine nature,
President Singletary recommended approval. On motion by Mr. Kessinger,
seconded by Mr. Farmer, and passed, the budget revisions recommended in
PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)



     I.  Capital Construction Project (PR 5)

     Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mrs. Hermansdorfer
moved that the Board of Trustees approve for submission to the Council on
Higher Education a capital construction project proposal for the Community
College System. Mrs. Hermansdorfer's motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey
and passed without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

     J.   Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 6)

     President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments to the
Governing Regulations which were received and tabled at the March 3, 1980 meeting
of the Board be removed from the table and approved. These proposed amendments
deal with the reporting of positions and salaries to the Board of Trustees.
Professor Wilson so approved. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey
and passed. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

     K.  Confirmation of 1980-81 Fee Schedule (PR 7)

     President Singletary recommended that the Board of Trustees confirm
changes in the fees charged students on the Lexington campus as adopted by
the Council on Higher Education and establish corresponding part-time and
Summer School charges under the guidelines of the Council on Higher Education.

     On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Dr. Hull and passed, PR 7, Confirmation
of Fee Schedules, was approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

     L.   University Research Professorships (PR 8)

     President Singletary said it was with much pleasure that he was recommending
approval of four University Research Professorships for 1980-81 to be awarded to
the following professors in recognition of their outstanding research achievements:
James Barclay, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling; Allan
Butterfield, Department of Chemistry; Charles Roland, Department of History; and
Fred Zechman, Department of Physiology and Biophysics. The four recipients
were present at the meeting and were introduced. After thanking the members of
the faculty for being present at the meeting, Mr. Sturgill called for a motion
for approval of the naming of these individuals as University Research Professors
for 1980-81. Mr. Clay so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Metcalf and
passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

     M.   Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 9)

     President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments to the
Governing Regulations as recommended in PR 9 be received for consideration and
put on the agenda for Board action at the May meeting.

     Without discussion, on motion by Dr. Hull, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed,
it was so ordered. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

     N.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

     Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported the committee had
met on the morning of April 1, 1980 and considered four routine items to be
presented for action, the first of which was the Interim Financial Report for
the period ending February 29, 1980. The Committee found the University to be
"on target" and Mr. Clay moved that the report be accepted. His motion, seconded
by Dr. Woodyard, passed and the report was accepted. (See FCR 1 at the end of the


     0.   Authorization for Incineration of Paid Bonds and Coupons (FCR 2)

     Mr. Clay said it was always a pleasant duty to burn paid bonds and coupons
and moved that the recommendation in FCR 2 providing for the incineration of
paid bonds and coupons be approved. His motion was seconded by Governor
Chandler and passed without dissent.   (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

     P.   Resolution Approving Report of the Director, Auxiliary Services,
Reciting Inspection of the Housing and Dining Buildings and Appurtenant
Facilities of the University's Housing and Dining System, Previously Approved
by the President, as Required in Connection with the Prospective Delivery to
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development of the University's
$4,584,000 "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series K," Purchased by
HUD at Public Sale on January 30, 1979 (FCR 3)

     Mr. Clay reminded the members of the Board that the Executive Committee,
at its meeting held on January 30, 1979, awarded at public sale the University's
$4,584,000 "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series K," dated as of
December 1, 1978, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment ("HUD") on its bid of face amount, at an interest rate of 3% per annum.
The Series K Bonds (together with the Bonds of Series J, authorized and sold
at the same time) were for the purposes of (a) reimbursing the Board and the
University for the earlier purchase of the Linden Walk-Rose Lane Apartments,
(b) financing the 200 apartment-type units of housing designed to accommodate
students or married student families (completed and occupied in the Fall of
1979), and (c) substantial reconstruction of Boyd, Patterson and Jewell Halls,
constituting parts of the Housing and Dining System, involving removal of all
windows, installation of new thermal windows, together with thermostat control
valves (presently nearing completion).

     Mr. Blanton stated that the $1,900,000 "Housing and Dining System Revenue
Bonds, Series J," were awarded at public sale to a syndicate of municipal bond
dealers and have long since been delivered and paid for. However, at the time
of the award of the Series K Bonds to HUD, it was well known that it is the
policy and practice of HUD not to accept and pay for Housing Bonds until such
time as the buildings and appurtenant facilities intended to be financed thereby
are actually completed, inspected by HUD Engineers, with an audit of all
construction costs, made by HUD's accounting staff. Meanwhile, however, upon
being satisfied that the progress of construction warranted advances by HUD, HUD
made an advance of $2,830,000 to the University on the 28th day of August, 1979,
and an advance of $1,471,000 on the 23rd day of January, 1980, upon the Board's
delivery to HUD of "Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes" in those respective amounts,
bearing interest at the same 3% interest rate represented by the Series K Bonds;
and with the understanding of both parties that a settlement of these advances and
the interest thereon will be accomplished when the Series K Bonds are delivered
and paid for.

     One of the conditions set forth in the Board's June 1, 1965, Trust Indenture
with Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company, Frankfort, Kentucky, as Trustee,
creating and establishing the issue of "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds,"
is that each Series of Bonds may rank on a basis of parity and equality as to
security and source of payment with all previously issued Bonds only if there is
a written report, made by a proper member of the University's staff, approved by
the President, and submitted to and approved by the Board, showing that there has
been a physical inspection of all of the facilities of the System and that they
are found to be in a good and tenantable state of repair, ordinary wear and tear
excepted. Such a certificate was made and approved by the Board prior to the



delivery of the Series J Bonds, and it is now appropriate and necessary that
the same step be updated prior to delivery of the Series K Bonds to HUD.

     Mr. Clay tendered to the Board such a certificate made under date of March 20,
1980, signed by the Director, Auxiliary Services, and bearing the written endorsement
of approval of the President. He requested that the same be approved by the Board
at this time.

     Board Member Clay moved that the tendered certificate of the Director,
Auxiliary Services, be approved, seconded by Board Member Griffin. After
discussion, the Chairman Dut the question and upon call of the roll the motion
was approved by unanimous vote of all members present. (See FCR 3 at the end
of the Minutes.)

     Q.   Financial Statement of Spindletop Hall, Inc. (FCR 4)

     Mr. Clay noted that Spindletop Hall was operating in the black and moved
that the Board accept the financial statement for the year ending December 31,
1979. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin. and passed without dissent.

     R.   Biennial ReDort

     Copies of the biennial report were distributed to members of the Board
of Trustees. The University of Kentucky is required by statute to submit
a biennial report to the General Assembly. This report, "The University of
Kentucky in the Seventies", covers a 10-year period. President Singletary
called attention to the map of the Commonwealth showing the number of students
in each county. He also noted that the report was paid for by private funds.

     S.   Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded, and carried, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned
at 2:47 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Betty Pace Clark, Secretary
                                    Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; FCR's 1, 2, 3 and 4 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                                       Office of the President
                                                       April 1, 1980

   Members, Board of Trustees:


I. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

   Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or
   other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report
   relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the adminis-
   tration be accepted.

   Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other staff
   changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
   Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
   recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
   president through the President and have his concurrence.

   Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments
   and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other adminis-
   trators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This re-
   port follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

                                 BOARD ACTION



            College of Agriculture

            Anderson, Kim Barry, Assistant Extension Professor*, Agricultural
                 Economics, 2/26/80 through 6/30/81.
            Johnson, Douglas W., Assistant Extension Professor*, Entomology,
                 3/24/80 through 6/30/81. /
            Nielsen, Mark T., Assistant Professor, Agronomy, 6/1/80 through

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Brunn, Stanley D., Professor (with tenure), Geography,effective
         - Elitzurx, Moshe, Associate Professor (with tenure), Physics and
                 Astronomy, effective 8/16/80.
            Rush, Thomas A., Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies,
                 effective 7/1/80.

*Special Title Series




        College of Medicine

        Stallworth, Hugh F., Assistant Professor*, Family Practice,
             5/15/80 through 6/30/81.
        Stevens, David B., Associate Professor*, Surgery, 3/1/80 through

        College of Nursing

        Adkins, Nancy S., Instructor and Pediatric Nurse Clinician, Pediatrics,
             2/1/80 through 6/30/80.



        College of Arts and Sciences

        Brunn, Stanley D., Professor (with tenure), Geography, named
             Chairman, Geography, 8/16/80 through 8/16/84.



        College of Business and Economics

        Andrews, David M., Management Specialist I, Office of Research,

        Graduate School

        Dedic, Richard P., Technology Transfer Coordinator, NASA/UK TAP,
        Ockerman, Mary A., Senior Research Associate, Human Development
             Program, 3/1/80. (Promotion)

        Institute for Mining and Minerals Research

        Taulbee, Darrell N., Assistant Chemist, 2/25/80.


        College of Allied Health Professions

        Daniell, Elizabeth 0., Media Development Specialist, Center for
             Learning Resources, 3/1/80.
        Worth, Judy K., Media Development Officer, Center for Learning
             Resources, 3/1/80. (Promotion)

        College of Dentistry

        Bingham, Stephanie C., Senior Program Systems Analyst, Office of
             the Dean, 3/3/80.

*Special Title Series



       College of Medicine

       Fosson, Sue E., Media Development Officer, Office of the Dean,
            3/1/80. (Prombtion)
       Olver, Rebecca C., Allied Health Specialist, McDowell Cancer Network,

       College of Nursing

       O'Donnell, Humbert Shirly M., Instructional Specialist, 2/1/80.

       College of Pharmacy

       Adams, Margaret A., Pharmacist, 2/11/80 through 6/30/80.
       Slaline, James, Pharmacist, 3/1/80. (Promotion)

       Vice President for the Medical Center

       Dickey, Kenneth M. II, Attending Veterinarian, Animal Care Services,


        Lexington Technical Institute

        Leonard, Cynthia W., Assistant Professor in the Community College
             System, named Coordinator of the Cooperative Education Program,
             3/1/80 through 6/30/80.


     College of Medicine
        Goodman, Norman L., Professor (with tenure), Pathology, and
             Professor, Community Medicine, also named Professor, Medical
             Microbiology and Immunology, effective 3/1/80.



        College of Agriculture

        Dougherty, Charles T., Associate Professor, Agronomy, 7/1/80 through
        Newman, Louis E., Associate Extension Professor*, Veterinary Science,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.

        College of Engineering

        Carter, Joseph C., Visiting Associate Professor, (part-time), Mechanical
             Engineering, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.

*Special Title Series




       College of Medicine

       Beach, Lawrence, Associate Professor, Radiation Medicine and Associate
            Professor, Department of Physicsand Astronomy, College of Arts
            and Sciences and Professor, Health Radiation Sciences, 7/1/80
            through 6/30/81.
       Castle, Eugene A., Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and
            Gynecology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
       Crossen, Philip S., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
            Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
       Edger, Donald E., Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and
            Gynecology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
       Gray, Laman A., Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
             7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
       Hyde, Gordon L., Associate Professor, Surgery, 7/1/80 through
       Shafer, James W., Associate Professor*, Ophthalmology, 7/1/80 through
       Woolsey, Elwood L., Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and
             Gynecology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.

       College of Nursing

       Lee, Gwendolyn, Associate Professor*, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.



        College of Arts and Sciences

        Abbott, Susan, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Anthropology,
             and Assistant Professor (without tenure), Department of Behavioral
             Science, College of Medicine to Associate Professor (with tenure),
             Anthropology, effective 7/1/80.
        Alvey, Richard Gerald, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
             English, to Associate Professor (with tenure), English, effective
        Herring, George C., Jr., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
             History, to Professor (with tenure), History, effective 7/1/80.
        Hougland, James G., Jr., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
             Sociology, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Sociology, effective
        Lesnaw, Judith A., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Biological
             Sciences,to Associate Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
             effective 7/1/80.
        Nelson, Daniel N., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Political
             Science, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Political Science,
             effective 7/1/80.
        Sabharwal, Pritam S., from Associate Professor (with tenure), Biological
             Sciences, and Associate Professor, Graduate Center for Toxicology,
             to Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences, and Professor,
             Graduate Center for Toxicology, effective 7/1/80.
        Uglem, Gary L., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Biological
             Sciences,to Associate Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
             effective 7/1/80.
*Special Title Series



       College of Fine Arts

       Domek, Richard C., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), School
            of Music, to Associate Professor (with tenure), School of Music,
            effective 7/l/80
       Elliott, David G., from Associate Professor of Applied Music* (without
            tenure), School of Music, to Associate Professor of Applied Music*
            (with tenure), effective 7/l/80.
       Hamann, Marilyn D., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Art,
            to Associate Professor (with tenure), Art, effective 7/l/80.
       Peters, Jane S., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Art, to
            Associate Professor (with tenure), Art, effective 7/1/80.
       Ploch, Robert S., from Assistant Professor* (without tenure), Theatre
            Arts, to Associate Professor* (with tenure), Theatre Arts,
            effective 7/l/80.


       College of Medicine

       Braen, G. Richard, from Assistant Professor* (without tenure), Medicine,
            to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Medicine, effective 7/l/80.
       Coleman, Mary Sue, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Biochemistry,
            to Associate Professor (with tenure), Biochemistry, effective 7/1/80.
       Massie, William K., from Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
             Surgery, and Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
             Practice, to Clinical Professor (voluntary), Surgery, and Clinical
             Professor (voluntary), Family Practice, 3/1/80 through 6/30/82.
       Walzer, Peter D., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Medicine,
             to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Medicine, effective 7/l/80.
       Wilson, Emery, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Obstetrics
             and Gynecology, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Obstetrics
             and Gynecology, effective 7/l/80.
       Yeh, Shu-Yuan, from Assistant Professor (adjunct), Pharmacology,
             and Associate Professor (adjunct), Graduate Center for Toxicology,
             to Associate Professor (adjunct), Pharmacology, and Associate
             Professor (adjunct), Graduate Center for Toxicology, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.

        Department of Pharmacy

        Diamond, Louis A., from Professor (with tenure) and Associate Professor,
             Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, to Professor (with
             tenure), and Professor, Department of Pharmacology, College of
             Medicine, effective 7/1/80.



        College of Allied Health Professions

        Hensley, Janice, from Instructor (part-time), Clinical Nutrition, to
             Assistant Professor*, Clinical Nutrition, 2/15/80 through 6/30/80.

*Special Title Series


Missing page(s)



       Simpson, Pam, Clinical Instructor, (voluntary), Physical Therapy,
            2/13/80 through 6/30/81.

       College of Pharmacy

       Cummings, Ted A., Clinical Instructor, (voluntary), 3/1/80 through


       Jefferson Community College

       Bush, Cynthia T., Instructor in the Community College System, 3/1/80
            through 6/30/80.

        Somerset Community College

        McCartt, Andrew K., Instructor in the Community College System, (voluntary),
             1/1/80 through 6/30/80.



        College of Allied Health Professions

        Coughlin, Kathryn A., Instructor, (part-time), Clinical Nutrition,
             also named Instructor, (part-time), Pharmacy, 2/1/80 through



        College of Agriculture

        Allen, George P., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Science, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.
        Anderson, Robert G., Assistant Extension Professor*, Horticulture
             and Landscape Architecture, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Apland, Jeffrey Dean, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Bokemeier, Janet L., Assistant Professor, Sociology, 7/1/80 through
        Carlson, William C., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
        Chang, Sun Joseph, Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
        Clark, Perry Wilson, Assistant Extension Professor*, Animal Sciences,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Colliver, Donald G., Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Dawson, Karl A., Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences, 7/1/80 through
        Douglas, Robert H., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Science, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.

*Special Title Series



       Dunwell, Winston, Assistant Extension Professor*, Horticulture
            and Landscape Architecture, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Erickson, David L., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
       Ferriss, Richard S., Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology, 7/1/80
            through 6/30/81.
       Fetsch, Robert, Assistant Extension Professor*, Home Economics
            Extension, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Fountain, William M., Assistant Extension Professor*, Horticulture
            and Landscape Architecture, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Garkovich, Lorraine E., Assistant Professor, Sociology, 7/1/80
            through 6/30/81.
       Gentry, Rebecca C., Instructor, Animal Sciences, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Giles, Ralph C., Assistant Extension Professor*', Veterinary Science,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Heersche, George, Jr., Assistant Extension Professor*, Animal Sciences,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
       Hensley, David L., Assistant Extension Professor*, Horticulture and
             Landscape Architecture, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Hilliker, Jo Ann, Assistant Extension Professor*, Home Economics
             Extension, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Hong, C. B., Assistant Clinical Professor*, Veterinary Science, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.
        Householder, Dean D., Assistant Extension Professor*, Animal Sciences,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Jacques, Robert M., Assistant Extension Professor*, Agronomy, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.
        Katsigianis, Theodore S., Assistant Extension Professor*, Animal
             Sciences, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Lin, Paul P. C., Assistant Professor, Agronomy, 7/1/80 through
        Liu, Calvin J., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
        Maronek, Dale M., Assistant Professor, Horticulture and Landscape
             Architecture, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Maurer, Richard C., Assistant Extension Professor*, Sociology,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        McComb, William C., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.
        Meyer, A. Lee, Assistant Extension Professor*, Agricultural Economics,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Miksch, Duane, Assistant Extension Professor*, Veterinary Science,
             7/1/80 through 9/30/80.
        Moore, Ian D., Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering, 7/1/80
             through 6/30/81.
        Muir, William Martin, Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences and
             Assistant Professor, Statistics, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Muller, Robert N., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
        O'Leary, Joseph, Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences, 7/1/80 through
        Olson, James R., Assistant Professor, Forestry, 7/1/80 through
        Olson, Kenneth E., Assistant Extension Professor*, Animal Sciences,
             7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
        Orf, James H., Assistant Profe