xt71ns0ksv9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0ksv9r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2000-04-may2. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-04-may2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-04-may2. 2000 2000-04-may2. 2011 true xt71ns0ksv9r section xt71ns0ksv9r 


                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                       May 2, 2000


Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees - 2000-2001

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees
       A.  Fair Labor Association - Worker Rights Consortium Report

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration (No items to report)

PR 4    Community College System (No items to report)

PR 5    Lexington Campus
       A.  Candidates for Degrees - University System
       B. New Doctoral Degree Program

PR 6    Medical Center (No items to report)

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Nine
            Months Ended March 31, 2000
 2.    Report of Leases
 3.    Capital Construction Report
 4.     1999-2000 Budget Revisions
 5.    Blue-White Fund Quasi-Endowment Transfer
 6.    William Stamps Farish Fund Pledge
 7.    Jack W. Graham Gift and Pledge
 8.    James F. Hardymon Gift


       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
May 2, 2000.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m., and the invocation
was pronounced by Dr. Elissa Plattner.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Ted
Bates, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. James Glenn III, Mr. Merwin
Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe
Miles (Chairperson), Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Dr. Daniel R. Reedy, Ms. Marian
Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Mr. Russell Williams
and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. C. Frank Shoop and Mr. Billy B.
Wilcoxson. The University administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington,
Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell,
Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, and Eugene Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming,
Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; and Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1: 10 p.m.

      C.    Approval of Minutes

      Mr. Miles said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on April 4, 2000 had been
distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Ms. Wilson moved that the Minutes be
approved as distributed. Ms. Sims seconded the motion, and it carried.

      D.    Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees - 2000-2001

      A schedule for the meetings of the Board of Trustees for 2000-2001 was distributed in
the Board packets.

      E.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. President Wethington reminded the Board that commencement is set for Sunday, May
          7th at 10:00 a.m. and that the Board members are to be present at 9:30 if they wish to
          participate in the ceremony. Congresswoman Louise McIntosh Slaughter, a native of
          Harlan County, Kentucky, from New York will be the speaker at commencement.


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       2. President Wethington informed the Board that U.S. News and World Report has
          ranked the UK graduate programs in elementary education, rehabilitation counseling,
          and nursing high in its most recent rankings. Elementary education ranked 22nd
          among 187 programs, rehabilitation counseling ranked 34th among 90 programs, and
          nursing ranked 36th among 69 programs.

       3. President Wethington stated that the Markey Cancer Center recently received a five-
          year, $6.8 million award from the National Cancer Institute to help expand and
          operate the Appalachian Cancer Network.

       4. President Wethington noted that the UK College of Architecture and U of L have
          opened an Urban Design Center in downtown Louisville. This center will be similar
          to the Design Center located in downtown Lexington. President Wethington
          commended Chancellor Zinser, Dean Mohney, and the others that helped to make this

       5. President Wethington stated that the UK Graduate Center for Toxicology has been
          awarded more than $10 million over the next five years from the National Institute of
          Environmental Health Sciences to continue to study the role of PCBs in the human

      6. President Wethington informed the Board that Dr. Jeffrey Dembo, professor in Oral
          Surgery, has been re-appointed as Academic Ombudsman for the next academic year.

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their

      F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to
appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Chellgren
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

      G.    Central Administration (PR 3)

      There were no items to report from Central Administration.

      H.    Community College System (PR 4)

      There were no items to report from the Community College System.

      I.    Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5A)

      President Wethington said that PR 5A is a recommendation that the President be
authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the attached list the degree to
which he or she is entitled upon certification by the University Registrar that the individual has


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satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which application has been made and
as approved by the University Senate. President Wethington recommended that approval be
given to PR 5A. Mr. Guthrie moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wickliffe, carried.
(See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    New Doctoral Degree Program (PR 5B)

       President Wethington said that PR 5B is a recommendation for a new doctoral degree
program in the College of Human Environmental Sciences. This Ph.D. in Family Studies is
designed to educate professionals who will be leaders and professional practitioners who will
address the problems associated with family interactions. President Wethington continued by
stating that this new program has been reviewed and recommended by the Graduate Council, the
University Senate, and the Senate Council. He reminded the Board that they would be giving
final approval for this doctoral degree program as it no longer requires CPE approval prior to
implementation. President Wethington recommended that approval be given to PR 5B. Dr.
Reedy moved approval. The motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, carried. (See PR 5B at the
end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Medical Center (PR 6)

       There were no items to report from the Medical Center.

       L.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
             Nine Months Ended March 31. 2000 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Chellgren, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance
Committee had a brief meeting that morning and dealt with eight action items and three
information items on the agenda. He stated that FCR 1 is the acceptance of the Interim Financial
Report for the University of Kentucky for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2000. He noted
that expenditures are currently about 72% of budget, and revenues are about 77% of budget.
There were no extraordinary items that needed to be brought before the Committee or the Board.
Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 1. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sparks, carried. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.    Report of Leases (FCR 2)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 2 is the normal report of leases. The first one is a new
lease for approximately 430 square feet, $3600 per year. The remaining thirteen items were for
renewals as is normal in the spring of the year. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 2. The
motion, seconded by Dr. Mather, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      N.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 3)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 3 is the quarterly Capital Construction Report. There were
no particular problems, overruns, schedule delays, or any difficulties that need to be brought to
the Board's attention. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 3. The motion, seconded by Ms.
Wilson, carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)


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       0.    1999-2000 Budget Revisions (FCR 4)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 4 is the ongoing efforts to match the anticipated revenues
and anticipated expenditures as we revise the budget during the evolution of a fiscal year. One
item of note is anticipated revenue of $27,476,000 in the hospital that is offset by the same
amount as anticipated expenditures in the hospital. Mr. Chellgren reminded the Board that with
just sixty days left in the fiscal year that this is expected to be the last revision for this fiscal year.
There were other smaller budget revisions totaling some $1.5 million. Mr. Chellgren moved
adoption of FCR 4. The motion, seconded by Mr. Bates, carried. (See FCR 4 at the end of the

       P.    Blue-White Fund Ouasi-Endowment Transfer (FCR 5)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 5 is a recommendation to move $1.6 million from the
Blue-White Fund Quasi-Endowment to the Plant Fund to support the construction of a new
football office building. It is anticipated that this reclassification to permit the immediate
initiation of construction of this new football office building will be repaid to the Blue-White
Fund Quasi-Endowment from a donor's pledge which will be paid over a multi-year period. Mr.
Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 5. The motion, seconded by Mr. Grayson, carried. (See FCR
5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.    William Stamps Farish Fund Pledge (FCR 6)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 6, 7, and 8 are three very generous pledges and
contributions to the Department of Urology of the College of Medicine at the University. FCR 6
is a pledge from William S. Farish, a long-time great friend and benefactor of the University, for
$1 million to endow a Professorship and Chair of Urologic Surgery Research. It is anticipated
that this pledge will be matched by the state's Research Challenge Trust Fund. Mr. Chellgren
moved adoption of FCR 6. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sparks, carried. (See FCR 6 at the end
of the Minutes.)

      R.    Jack W. Graham Gift and Pledge (FCR 7)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 7 is a gift from Jack W. Graham in the amount of $50,000
as well as a pledge of $100,000 to support clinical research in education. It is anticipated that
this gift and pledge will be matched by the state's Research Challenge Trust Fund. Mr.
Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 7. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sims, carried. (See FCR 7
at the end of the Minutes.)

      S.    James F. Hardymon Gift (FCR 8)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 8 is a pledge of $1,000,000 from James F. Hardymon, a
colleague of many of the Board members who served on the Board of Trustees, to create the
James F. Hardymon Chair in Urologic Research in the College of Medicine. Mr. Hardymon has
pledged this in five equal installments, which also will be matched from the state's Research
Challenge Trust Fund. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 8. The motion, seconded by Mr.
Grayson, carried. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)


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       T.    Information Items from the Finance Committee

       Mr. Chellgren continued his report with three information items that were discussed at
the Finance Committee meeting. The first item, presented by Administration, was the State
Executive Budget signed by the Governor on April 26th. A brief description of the budget and
the impact it will have on the University was distributed to the Finance Committee. Mr.
Chellgren explained that the actual enacted appropriations for the University were slightly better
in total dollars than the Executive Budget recommendation, and the University was given
bonding authority for a number of important capital projects.

       Mr. Chellgren stated that information item number two was the confirmation that the
Research Challenge Trust Fund program was part of the Executive Budget that was signed last
week. The University of Kentucky was allotted some $66.7 million, which of course is a one-
for-one match. Mr. Chellgren continued by stating that President Wethington said that to date,
including the actions of today, approximately $14 million in gifts and pledges have been
received to qualify for this match and that he was quite optimistic that some significant
additional pledges and contributions were in the works and that lots of effort is underway to
successfully match this money and receive it from the State.

       Mr. Chellgren stated that the third information item was presented by Dr. Bramwell
regarding the University's efforts in intellectual property, technology transfer, and patent and
licensed income. A packet of information was given to the Board members regarding this issue.

       U.     Other Items

       Dr. Stumbo informed the Board that approximately 450 East Kentucky leaders met in
Harlan County this past weekend. One of the groups major concerns was about the technical
expertise leadership to help East Kentucky solve its problems. There was discussion about
forming a technical institute, similar to the plan that the late Governor Combs presented as well
as the plan that President Kennedy proposed. Dr. Stumbo passed out copies of the letter that he
sent to President Wethington concerning this issue and the importance of the Appalachian Center
in East Kentucky.

       President Wethington agreed with Dr. Stumbo about the importance of the Appalachian
effort by the University of Kentucky. He stated that there is currently a search for new
leadership of the Appalachian Center as the head of the Center has indicated that he is stepping
down. President Wethington stated that it is very important to the University that new, strong
leadership be brought into the Appalachian Center. He shared Dr. Stumbo's concern that the
University of Kentucky play a considerable role in the East Kentucky initiative and that the
Appalachian Center should be a part of that effort. He assured Dr. Stumbo that he would keep
him informed as to the progress of this leadership search.

       President Wethington highlighted a few items concerning the budget. He commented
that the Operating Budget of the University of Kentucky for the next two years was increased in
the General Assembly from 2.4% in each year to 2.7% in the first year and 3.7% in the second
year. Regarding facilities, the President stated that everyone, including the Student Government
President, spent time in Frankfort to try to ensure that the University was given bonding
authority for a student recreational facility on campus. When the Executive Branch called for the


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University to finance the building through cash, the students voted to increase their student fees
to help pay for the cost of selling bonds to finance the facility. The University has been
designing this building over the past year and now approval has been given to build the facility.
President Wethington thanked Jimmy Glenn and the students for their assistance in helping make
this project possible. With the approval of the Executive Budget, this building should be getting
underway this summer.

       President Wethington went on to say that for the Bio-Medical Sciences Research
Building, a key building for the University in its effort to keep enhancing the research enterprise
of the University, the University of Kentucky was granted bonding authority to finance the 40%
of the cost of the building for which the University is responsible. The recommendation from
the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Governor was that the University pay for 40%
of the building and the state pay for the other 60%. This building now has to be designed since
we could not anticipate that we would have money or bonding authority for it.

       President Wethington stated that he was very pleased that the Research Challenge Trust
Fund was approved again at the same level as before, 2/3 to UK and 1/3 to U of L. President
Wethington emphasized the importance of this initiative for the University and urged the Board
to commend the Governor and the General Assembly for approving this again.

       V.    Ad Hoc Committee on Board of Trustees Committees Report

       Dr. Mather circulated proposals to the Board members from the Ad Hoc Committee on
Board Committees. He informed the Board that the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Committees
approved, by unanimous vote, proposal one which dealt with committee structure and committee
charges; proposal two, which deals with the term lengths of the Board Chair; proposal three was
not approved; but they did approve proposal four concerning the Consent Agenda. He stated that
they are referring those to the Board with the recommendation for Board action and discussion.
They are also proposing that the Board meet the evening of June 5th, before the June Board
meeting, for a dinner meeting to discuss the committees and committee charges. He informed
the Board that all of the information will be forthcoming in the next few days.

      W.    Presidential Search Committee Report

      Mrs. Wickliffe reported on the status of the Presidential Search Committee. She
expressed appreciation and thanks to President Wethington and Peggy Way for their assistance
in setting up the office and the equipment for the Search Committee. She informed the Board
members that the office of the Search Committee is located on the 1 8th Floor of Patterson Office
Tower in Room A, and the secretary is Ms. Wini Humphrey. Dr. Reedy has also been asked to
assist the Search Committee with various things they will need on campus.

       She reported that the Committee had its first meeting, at which they developed a tentative
calendar for future meetings of the Search Committee; a tentative schedule for the search
process; and appointed small groups to look at a search firm, the presidential attributes, the
values and the qualifications, and to identify constituent groups for interaction with the Search
Committee. She stated that there was discussion about establishing a website for the Search


       Mrs. Wickliffe indicated that there were questions about the unity of the Board at the
present time. She stated that there were ten trustees at the meeting and all of them agreed that
there is unity among the Board and that everyone is dedicated and committed to selecting the
very best president that is possible. She encouraged the Board members to attend all future
meetings of the Presidential Search Committee and asked them to assure the people of the
Commonwealth that the Committee wants input from every citizen.

       X.    Comments by Mr. Williams

       Mr. Williams commended the Physical Plant Division for the work they have done to
make the campus beautiful. He also informed the Board that the University will be having its 7th
Annual Staff Appreciation Day on May 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Memorial Coliseum.
He encouraged the members of the Board to come and mingle with the staff and to see the
exhibits of the different departments from around campus.

       Y.    Fair Labor Association - Worker Rights Consortium Report

       President Wethington referred back to the last item on the President's Report, Fair Labor
- Worker Rights Consortium Report. He introduced it briefly and expressed his appreciation to
the students for their indulgence in staying through the Board agenda. He reminded the Board of
the last meeting when both the Board Chairperson and he indicated to the students present that if
those students chose to go through the proper process, their points of view could be expressed to
the Board. The students did, in fact, submit a request in writing to be a part of the Board agenda.
President Wethington so indicated to them that they could do that, and they are on the Board
agenda for this meeting. During the last month, there have been a number of activities connected
to the sweatshop issue that he would like to comment about.

      President Wethington stated that 12 of the University's students were arrested following
the April Board meeting. Since that time he has met with 11 of the 12 individually and had some
considerable discussion with each of them. The 12th person was scheduled for a meeting, but she
had to cancel it. We have not been able to reschedule it. President Wethington has also met with
some other students individually who wanted to talk about the issue. In addition to that,
President Wethington spent a Sunday evening, Easter Sunday, with several of the students who
asked to meet with him. The students sat down with him in the Gaines Center and talked about
the issue for quite a long time.

      In short, President Wethington thinks he has a good understanding of what the student
feeling is about the sweatshop issue and thinks they have a fair understanding of the reason for
his decision. They have continually agreed to disagree which is probably the best way to put it.
He said that Mr. Luke Boyett was the representative of that group, the United Students Against
Sweatshops, and would be making the presentation today. Following Mr. Boyett's presentation,
Dick Plymale, General Counsel for the University, will make a brief presentation to let the Board
know what the administration's role has been up to this stage. He will then ask for questions and
discussion. He expressed his appreciation to Luke Boyett and recognized Monica Grant who
was with him. This report is on the Board agenda for today as an information item to get the
Board better acquainted and better informed about the issue that is presented to us, one that
everyone feels very strongly about and are on the same page, in terms of the seriousness of the
issue. We simply have a different opinion in terms of the best solution to the issue at present.


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       President Wethington said that Luke Boyett is a student from Henderson County in
Kentucky and asked him to make his presentation.

       Mr. Boyett thanked President Wethington and the Chairman of the Board for having the
students at the meeting. He also thanked the entire Board for giving the students their attention
and being very open to what the students have to say. Additionally, he thanked Monica Grant
for her assistance with the PowerPoint presentation and also all of the students and supporters in
the audience.

       Mr. Boyett stated that he was a student representing for the moment UK Students Against
Sweatshops, which includes not only the more vocal and active students the Board has seen and
heard about on campus but also over 1,000 students who have signed petitions in support of their
campaign over the course of the last month.

       Mr. Boyett said he would like to briefly explain, in the short amount of time he has, why
the students think this is an important issue, what they have been doing about this issue in the
course of the last year, why they think the Worker Rights Consortium is an important
organization for the University to join, and talk about establishing a process by which they can
further discuss the issue and start coming to decisions at the table together.

       Mr. Boyett gave the following presentation:

       "Why is this an important issue to us? I think I can speak to this pretty well. Personally,
I traveled to El Salvador this past August with student representatives from five other
universities around the country. We went there to speak with workers in their homes, outside of
the factories, on the streets; attempting to get into some factories to see conditions; speaking with
human's rights leaders in the region; speaking with academics at the University of Central
America in El Salvador. And we kept hearing the same things over and over. We kept hearing
about what we traditionally associate with the word sweatshop: we heard about 70-, 80-, 90-hour
work-weeks; unpaid overtime; we heard about wages that were so abysmal that workers could
not feed their children on anything but coffee and beans because they couldn't afford anything
else. We heard about continual verbal and physical abuse within the factories, sometimes sexual
abuse of the women. In fact, many of the workers in these factories are young women much the
same age of myself and the other students here. In fact, 90% of the workers in El Salvador in the
apparel factories are women and the same goes for many of the other countries in producing
regions. We heard about bathrooms that were locked or dysfunctional. We heard about lack of
ventilation. We heard about workers who had chronic carpal tunnel syndrome because of the
inhuman production standards that were set for them. They were expected to, at times, produce
up to 5,000 pieces of clothing a day. Can you imagine producing 5,000 pieces of clothing a day?
It's beyond my comprehension and I imagine yours as well. So, basically, we were hearing the
same thing from every worker we were talking to, that these conditions are abysmal; these
conditions are absolutely horrid, and yes, we need these jobs but they can be better.

      Corporations and companies can do business responsibly and we think they have a
responsibility to do that. That is what workers were telling us. And I think it's really important
that we note that many of these workers, like I said, are the same age as the students here. These
are the same workers who are at the same point in their life, many of them well-educated I might


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add, who had gotten high school degrees and articulate about what they were experiencing, were
very clear on what was happening to them, but because of the opportunities available to them
they are not able to take advantage of the things the students here in Kentucky and around the
United States are able to take advantage of. And I think that's a very important thing to
acknowledge, that these are people just like ourselves.

       Every time these workers tried to organize, they told me, every time they tried to
organize to educate themselves further about their own rights and about the companies and about
how they should be treated and when they tried to organize to stand up for their rights to defend
themselves, every single time that happened they were fired. Every single time that happened,
they were blacklisted and were no longer able to get a job in the apparel industry and many
times, many, many times this would end in death threats, sometimes workers being killed,
actually being killed. And this is not unusual; this doesn't happen just in El Salvador, it happens
all around the world. It happens in Indonesia, in Vietnam, in China, in Pakistan, in Eastern
Europe, in South America, even here in the United States in large cities like L.A. and New
Orleans and New York City and Chicago. It is proliferated across the globe. It's not just El
Salvador, but that's what I can speak to personally.

       I'd like to tell you also, just a particular story, of a woman I met there. Her name was
Daisy and she worked at a factory that was producing clothing for the Gilden Label. Gilden
contracts with the University of Kentucky, in fact Daisy identified a tee-shirt that I brought with
me as having come through her factory, in fact having even come through her line in the factory.
She told me much of what I've already said to you about the conditions in the factory, but she
had a particular poignant story that really moved me to tears, to be honest. She had a couple of
children and she had been working at the factory for about six years. She was in her late
twenty's and she became pregnant again and the management decided she was having too many
children. So, the factory guard pistol-whipped her, beat her unconscious, and they fired her;
didn't give her severance pay, didn't give her medical benefits that are mandated by the
Salvadoran government. She was hospitalized for three weeks and then delivered her child in the
hospital. When she returned home she had no severance pay, she had no money to feed her
children, she had no medicine to feed her children who had become sick over the process of her
being in the hospital. And this isn't an isolated incident. This happens every day. And it's
absolutely intolerable. That is why we are here talking about this today. This is why we are
outside with our picket signs. This why we were here last month, unfortunately disrupting your
meeting, which I apologize for.

       So, I think what we have here is a real opportunity for the University to take active
leadership on this issue. We can take a clear stand on it, much like high profile universities
around the country have. Like the entire University of California system, or the universities of
Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina Chapel Hill, IU, universities we often compare
ourselves to and see as brothers and sisters within the larger university community in the
country. We can say, like these universities have, that we insist on doing business responsibly,
that we insist on doing it in a manner that is consistent with our morals and the principles that we
expect to be treated with here in the United States. And that's what these other universities are
doing and that's what we can do here today and in the future.

       So, the combination of this dilemma of workers, and this opportunity for active
leadership, I believe, gives us a moral responsibility; a moral responsibility to act on this. We


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are not an island. The University is ro", an island isolated from the rest of society. We are the
flagship university of our Commonwv .ith of Kentucky here and I think that honor also gives us a
responsibility; a responsibility to uphold the universally recognized human's rights that we
understand to be deserved by everyone, not only here in Kentucky, not only here in the United
States, but around the country and we can start doing business in a manner that effects that and
that's what we're here today to insist that the University does. So for these reasons, we've been
active on this campaign for over a year. This is not a month-old campaign. I know that some of
you were not aware of this until last month when we were here. But, we have been working on
this since February 1999. We began our campaign and did a lot of educational activity; we
passed out fliers on campus, we tabled, we spoke to classes.

       In early April of 1999, we protested the University joining the Fair Labor Association. I
want to be very clear on this. From the beginning we have been opposed to the Fair Labor
Association and that will not change I expect. In May 1999, to our dismay the University joined
the Fair Labor Association and we were very clear as to our disappointment regarding that
action. Of course, over the summer we had down time, unfortunately due to our nature as
transient students. In the fall of 1999, we continued our educational activities; we