xt71ns0ksv85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0ksv85/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1979-01-jan30-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-01-jan30-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-01-jan30-ec. 1979 1979-01-jan30-ec. 2011 true xt71ns0ksv85 section xt71ns0ksv85 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
January 30, 1979.

     The Statutory Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, convened in regular
session on January 30, 1979, at the hour of 2:00 p.m., EST, (local
time), in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office
Tower on the campus of the University at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, presided and, upon call of
the roll it was ascertained that the following members of the
Executive Committee were present: Mr. William R. Black, Mr.
Albert G. Clay, Mr. George W. Griffin, and Mr. Homer Ramsey.
Also present were Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Secretary of the Board
of Trustees and ex-officio secretary of the Executive Committee;
Professor Constance P. Wilson, Professor Michael Adelstein, and
Mr. Eugene Tichenor, all members of the Board of Trustees. The
University Administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle,
Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, John Smith, Jack C. Blanton,
and Donald B. Clapp; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate
School and Coordinator of Research; and Mr. John Darsie, Legal
Counsel. Members of the various news media were present.

     A. Meeting Opened

     The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:15 o'clock.
Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Sturgill, the Secretary
called the roll and reported all members of the Executive Committee
were present. The Chairman then declared the meeting officially
open for the conduct of business at 2:16 o'clock.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the reading of
the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on
December 12, 1978, was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved
as published.

     C. Opening of Bids on University of Kentucky Housing
         and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series J and Series K

     The Chairman indicated that the first order of business
should be for the Executive Committee to open and read the sealed
competitive bids theretofore received in the office of the Vice
President for Business Affairs for the purchase of the $1,900,000
"University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds,
Series J," and the $4,584,000 "University of Kentucky Housing and
Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series K."



     Before submitting to the Executive Committee the purchase
bids theretofore received in his office, the Vice President for
Business Affairs tendered to the Executive Committee the following
instruments, which upon his request and recommendation were made
a part of the minutes of this meeting, without requiring that the
same be copied in full in the minutes: (a) an Affidavit of an
employee of the Bond Buyer, New York, New York, showing publication
of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds" on January 16, 1979, (b) an
Affidavit of an employee of The Courier-Journal, Louisville,
Kentucky, showing publication of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds"
on January 16, 1979, and (c) a copy of the "Official Statement"
prepared on behalf of the University by First Kentucky Securities
Corporation, and which had been disseminated to prospective bond
purchasers. By unanimous agreement the same were approved, and
were ordered to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the
Board, as constituting records of the Board of Trustees in
connection with the public sale of such bonds.

     At the invitation of the Chairman, the University's Vice
President for Business Affairs delivered to the Chairman of the
Executive Committee the sealed competitive bids theretofore
received in his office for the purchase of the above-identified
bonds, and the same were publicly opened and read, and were ordered
to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, in summary form,
as follows:



J.J.B. Hilliard - W.L.Lyons
  Company, Inc., and




1980/1985 - 5.75%
1986/1988 - 5.90%
1989/1995 - 6.00%
     1996 - 6.10%
     1997 - 6.20%
     1998 - 6.25%
1999/2000 - 6.30%
2001/2003 - 6.35%
2004/2008 - 6.40%

NIC - 6.384726%

Merrill Lynch, White Weld
Capital Markets Group;
Pain, Webber, Jackson
g Curtis, Inc.; and

$1, 871,500

1980/1991 -
     1992 -
     1993 -
199 4/1995 -
     1996 -
     1997 -
     1998 -
1999/2000 -
2001/2003 -
2004/2008 -

NIC - 6.444934%

6. 45%




Johnston, Brown, Burnett
S Knight, Inc.; John
Nuveen S Co.; and




1980/1991 - 5.75%
     1992 - 5.80%
     1993 - 5.90%
     1994 - 6.00%
     1995 - 6.10%
     1996 - 6.20%
     1997 - 6.25%
     1998 - 6.30%
     1999 - 6.40%
     2000 - 6.45%
     2001 -  ..50%
     2002 - 6.55%
2003/2005 - 6.60%
2006/2008 - 6.625%

NIC - 6.5400%

UMIC, Inc.


1980/1995 - 6.00%
     1996 - 6.10%
     1997 - 6.20%
     1998 - 6.30%
     1999 - 6.40%
     2000 - 6.45%
2001/2003 - 6.50%
2004/2006 - 6.60%
2007/2008 - 6.70%

                                               NIC - 6.57344%


     The Vice President for Business Affairs reported that the
only bid received in his office for the purchase of the Series K
Bonds was the bid of the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, submitted in accordance with its Loan Agreement
with the Board of Trustees, the same being for the purchase of
all of the Series K Bonds at a uniform interest rate of 3% per
annum, subject to acceptance of any equal or better bids received
from other sources; no such other bids having been received.

     A motion was made by Executive Committee Member Clay that
all of the listed purchase bids be referred to the Vice President
for Business Affairs and the Fiscal Agent for verification of
computations, and for submission to the Executive Committee of
a report and recommendations with regard thereto; and that
pending submission of such report, the Executive Committee
proceed in the transaction of other proper business. Said motion
was seconded by Executive Committee Member Griffin, and upon call
of the roll it was unanimously adopted, and it was so ordered.


     D. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     After reviewing briefly some of the items in PR 1, President
Singletary recommended its acceptance. Without objection, the
Chairman received the report and ordered it filed.

     E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     Noting that the members of the Executive Committee had
received PR 2 in advance of the meeting and that the personnel
changes recommended in it were routine in nature, President
Singletary recommended that PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
be approved. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, PR 2
was approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     After reminding the Executive Committee members that the
materials, received after the tentative agenda and supporting
data are mailed out, are included in PR 3, Supplemental Recom-
mendations of the President, President Singletary called attention
to PR 3a which contained recommendations relative to personnel
changes, the designation of the Vlice Chairman of the Council of
Supervisors in the University Hospital, and appointments to the Board
of Directors, Ephraim McDowell Community Cancer Network, Inc.
He then recommended that PR 3a be approved as a whole, but
suggested that prior to action being taken, Mr. Black, Chairman
of the Council of Supervisors might like to give a brief report
of the first meeting of this body held on Tuesday, morning,
January 30, 1979.

     Mr. Black reported that all 13 members of the Council were
present at the meeting and had reviewed the program to be followed.
He said that for the first five months, the Council will meet
monthly. After the annual meeting in June, they will meet every
two months.

     There being no further discussion, on motion made, seconded,
and passed, PR 3a was approved as a whole. (See PR 3a at the
end of the Minutes.)

     G. Multidisciplinary Center for Gerontology (PR 3b)

     At President Singletary's request both Dr. Cochran and Dr.
Bosomworth explained the recommendation in PR 3b to establish
a Multidisciplinary Center for Gerontology saying that such a
center would provide more effective coordination and administration
of the multidisciplinary programs for research, instruction and
service in gerontology. Following their remarks, President
Singletary recommended approval of PR 3b.

     Without discussion, on motion and second, PR 3b was approved.
(See PR 3b at the end of the Minutes.)



     H. E. A. Edwards Professorship (PR 3c)

     President Singletary explained that the will of Evalyn A.
Edwards, deceased, provided for the establishment of a fund to be
held by the University and used for the purpose of "... scientific
study and research in the area of cause, remedy, alleviation and
prevention of brain dysfunction or physical abnormalities contri-
buting to or associated with the development of schizophrenia."
The Vice President for the Medical Center and the Dean of the
College of Medicine have recommended the establishment of the
professorship described in the recommendation in PR 3c as the
most advisable way of complying with the wishes of the donor and
have recommended that Arnold Ludwig, M.D., be appointed as the
first holder of the professorship.

     With President Singletary recommending, on motion by Mr.
Black, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed, approval was given
to the establishment of the E. A. Edwards Professorship in the
Department of Psychiatry and to the appointment of Arnold Ludwig,
M.D., as the first holder of the professorship. (See PR 3c at
the end of the Minutes.)

     I.  Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4)

     President Singletary recommended that approval be given
to the awarding of degrees and/or certificates as specified to the
persons named in PR 4. Without discussion, on motion made,
seconded and carried, it was so ordered. (See PR 4 at the end
of the Minutes.)

     J. Budget Revisions for 1978-79 (PR 5)

     The budget revisions recommended in PR 5, being of a routine
nature, President Singletary recommended approval. On motion by
Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed, the budget revisions
recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at
the end of the Minutes.)

     K. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

     Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that the
Committee had met on the morning of January 30, 1979, and had
considered the items to be presented for action, the first of which
was the Interim Financial Report for the five month period ending
December 30, 1978. Noting that the University was "on target",
Mr. Clay moved acceptance of the report as presented in FCR 1.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

     L. Authorization for Sale of Land (FCR 2)

     The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that
the University declare 11,892 square feet of land along Viley



Road surplus to its needs and authorize the Vice President for
Business Affairs to sell the land to the Urban County Gcvernment
for the purpose of widening the Viley Road approach to Leestown
Pike. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     M. Revision of Policy Statement on Refunds to Students
         Upon Withdrawal from thc University (FCR 3)

     Mr. Clay reported that the Finance Committee had considered
the revised policy statement on refunds to students withdrawing
from the University as proposed in FCR 3. The Committee felt
it desirable to amend the report prior to its adoption by inserting
in (6) page 2 the phrase "within a year's time of withdrawal"
following "... of the community colleges". Number 6 would then
read: "In all types of withdrawal, except for students enrolled
through the University Extension Division, the student must request
officially through the Registrar's Office on the Lexington campus
or at one of the community colleges within a year's time of
withdrawal a refund of fees paid, otherwise no refund will be

     Mr. Clay then moved approval of the policy statement as
amended. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed with
all present voting aye. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     N. Determination and Acceptance of Best Bids Received

     The Vice President for Business Affairs then reported to
the Executive Committee that all purchase bids for the "University
of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series J and
Series K," had been duly reviewed by him in conjunction with the
Fiscal Agent, and that all mathematical computations submitted by
the respective bidders had been verified.

     The Vice President for Business Affairs tendered to the
Board a proposed resolution, prepared by Bond Counsel, embodying
the conclusions so reached.

     A motion was made by Executive Committee Member Clay for
immediate adoption of a proposed resolution, drafted by Bond
Counsel and submitted by the Vice President for Business Affairs;
seconded by Executive Committee Member Homer Ramsey; and read by
the Secretary, in the following text:





     Section 1. It is hereby determined and declared that the
best bid received for the purchase of the Board's $1,900,000
"University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds,
Series J," was and is the bid of J.J.B. Hilliard - W. L. Lyons, S
Company, Inc., and Associates, offering to purchase all of said
Series J Bonds at a price of $1,871,500 (plus accrued interest
from December 1, 1978, to date of delivery) and stipulating interest
coupon rates, as follows:

                   Interest                               Interest
Year    Amount       Rate               Year    Amount       Rate

1980   $15,000      5.75%               1995   $25,000      6.00%
1981    20,000      5.75%               1996    30,000      6.10%
1982    20,000      5.75%               1997    45,000      6.20%
1983    20,000      5.75%               1998    25,000      6.25%
1984    20,000      5.75%               1999    65,000      6.30%
1985    20,000      5.75%               2000    95,000      6.30%
1986    35,000      5.90%               2001    90,000      6.35%
1987    55,000      5.90%               2002    90,000      6.35%
1988    40,000      5.90%               2003    90,000      6.35%
1989    55,000      6.00%               2004    90,000      6.40%
1990    60,000      6.00%               2005    90,000      6.40%
1991    30,000      6.00%               2006   200,000      6,40%
1992    45,000      6.00%               2007   215,000      6.40%
1993    25,000      6.00%               2008   235,000      6.40%
1994    55,000      6.00%

     Section 2.  The purchase bid identified in Section 1 of this
Resolution is hereby accepted by the Executive Committee, acting on
behalf of the Board of Trustees of the University, and said purchase
bid, together with this Resolution of acceptance, shall constitute
a firm contract for the sale of said Series J Bonds by the Board
of Trustees, and the purchase thereof by said identified bidder, in
accordance with the announced conditions of the public sale.

     Section 3. The $1,900,000 "University of Kentucky Housing
and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series J," shall bear interest
from their date at the respective coupon rates set forth in Section 1
hereof and the Fiscal Agent and Bond Counsel shall give proper
instructions for the preparation of the bonds by a nationally recog-
nized bond printing firm in accordance therewith. When the Series J
Bonds have been prepared by the printer, and have been executed in
accordance with the authorized proceedings, the same shall be tendered
to the Trustee for authentication, and shall be delivered by the
proper officers of the University to the designated purchaser,
upon payment of the purchase price therefor.



     Section '! It is hereby determined and declared that the
only bid received for the purchase of $4 7584 000 "University of
Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds Series K," was
and is the purchase bid submitted by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") pursuant to its Loan Agreement
with the Board of Trustees of the University, offering to pay
therefor $4,584,000 conditioned that all of such bonds shall bear
interest at 3% per annum; and said purchase bid is hereby accepted
in the name and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the University.
The said purchase bid, together with this Resolution of acceptance,
shall constitute a firm contract for the sale of said Series K Bonds
by the Board of Trustees of the University, and the purchase
thereof by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development. HUD having elected to receive the Series K Bonds
in the form of a single fully registered Bond, as authorized by
the Board, the Fiscal Agent and Bond Counsel are hereby authorized
and directed to cause a nationally recognized bond printing firm to
prepare such single fully registered bond; and upon execution.
thereof in accordance with the authorized proceedings, the same
shall be tendered to the Trustee for authentication; and after
authentication the same shall be delivered to HUD at such time
or times as may be in conformity with the authorizing proceedings
and the known policies and practices of HUD.

     Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and
effect from and after its adoption; and the Secretary is hereby
authorized to deliver to the respective named purchasers of said
Series J and Series K Bonds one or more certified copies hereof, as
evidence of the respective contracts for the purchase and sale of
said bonds.

     The motion for the immediate adoption of said Resolution
having been made and seconded the Chairman of the Executive Committee
called for discussion; and after full discussion, put the question,
and upon call of the roll the vote upon said motion and upon the
adoption of said Resolution was recorded as follows: Voting
"Aye": Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Mr. George W. Griffin, and Mr. Homer Ramsey. Voting
"Nay": None.

     Thereupon the Chairman of the Executive Committee declared
that the said motion and Resolution had been duly carried and were
in full force and effect.

     0. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business, upon motion and vote the
meeting was adjourned at 2:50 o'clock.
                               Respectfully submitted,

                               Betty Pace Clark, Secretary
                               Board of Trustees
(PR's 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, and 5, and FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                                 Office of the President
                                 January 30, 1979

                                 PR 2

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
     and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that
     the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
     approved by the administration be accepted.

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or
     other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees
     in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
     of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to
     the Board by the appropriate vice president through the
     President and have his concurrence.

     Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
     appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
     President or other administrators who are required to report
     their actions to the Board. This report follows the recom-
     mendations requiring Board approval.

                         BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Allen, George P., Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary
     Science, College of Agriculture, 12/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Artzner, Philippe, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of
     Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through 5/15/79.
Beach, Lawrence, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation
     Medicine, College of Medicine, 12/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Benthall-Nietzel, Deedra, Associate Professor (part-time), College
     of Law, 1/16/79 through 5/15/79.
Carter, Charles, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical
     Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 1/1/79 through
Clark, Perry Wilson, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of
     Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture, 12/1/78 through
Flashman, Robert H., Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of
     Home Economics Extension, College of Agriculture, 12/15/78
     through 6/30/80.

*SpeciaV'T tle Series



Fletcher, Roger, Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80.
Hammons, Stanley, Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
     Community Medicine, College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Hughes, Terrence, Instructor in the Community College System,
     Hazard Community College, 1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Jacob, Robert J., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,
     College of Medicine, 11/15/78 through 6/30/79.
Keohane, John J., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer
     Science, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through 5/15/81.
Koch, Michael H., Instructor (temporary), Department of Family
     Practice, College of Medicine, 4/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Lee, Gwendolyn, Associate Professor*, College of Nursing, 1/1/79
     through 6/30/79.
Lee, Joe, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/16/79 through
Meyers, James H., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,
     College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Milner, Sam, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/16/79
     through 5/15/79.
Moore, Escum L. Jr., Professor (part-time), College of Law,
     1/16/79 through 5/15/79.
Perlman, Pete, Associate Professor (part-time), College of Law,
     1/16/79 through 5/15/79.
Robinson, Thomas C., Associate Professor*, (with tenure), and
     Associate Dean, Department of Allied Health Education and
     Research, and College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
Roszell, Calvert T. Jr., Professor (part-time), College of Law,
     1/16/79 through 5/15/79.
Savage, Joe C., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/16/79
     through 5/15/79.
Shah, Ashokhumar S., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
     College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Sjogren, Staffan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
     College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Sopori, Mohan L., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,
     College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Vish, Donald H., Associate Professor (part-time), College of Law,
     1/16/79 through 5/15/79.

Non-Academic Appointments

Casale, Frank, Operations Coordinator, Department of Community
     Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/78.
Ferguson, Susan, Nutritionist Coordinator for Diabetes Education,
     Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive 1/1/79.
Gorton, Charles Edwin, Assistant Budget Director, Budget Office,
     effective 2/1/79.
Householder, Dean D., 4-H Horse Extension Specialist, Department
     of Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture, retroactive 1/2/79.

*Special Title Series



McNamara, Michael J., Assistant to the Director, University
     Information Services, University Relations, 1/29/79 through
Reece, Linda C., Extension Specialist in Home Economics, Home
     Economics Extension, College of Agriculture, retroactive 12/15/78.
Spano, Joanne, Labor Education Specialist, Continuing Education,
     College of Business and Economics, 12/18/78 through 6/30/79.
Sutton, Carroll S., St. Systems Analyst Programmer, Department of
     Regulatory Services, College of Agriculture, 1/1/79 through
Torbert, Kenneth W., Dental Auxiliary Educator, Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive 12/1/78.
Wiseman, Elizabeth C., Extension Information Specialist, Department of
     Public Information, College of Agriculture, retroactive 1/1/79.
Wrathall, Leila. Program Administrator for Residency Programs, Center
     for Labor Education, College of Business and Economics,
     retroactive 12/11/78.

Administrative Appointments

Bean, Kenneth C., Associate Professor in the Community College
     System, (with tenure), named Assistant Director for Business
     Affairs, Somerset Community College, retroactive 1/1/79.
Hoffman, Donald, Associate Professor, Department of Art Education,
     College of Fine Arts, and Department of Curriculum and
     Instruction, College of Education, named Director, Council
     on Aging, effective immediately.
Wright, Ballard D., Associate Prcfessor, (with tenure), named
     Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine,
     11/1/78 through 10/31/84.


Lyon, H. Edward, from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     to Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
     Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 1/1/79 through

Tenure Granted

Wright, Ballard D., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department
     of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, retroactive 11/1/78.

Joint Appointments

Fleming, Juanita, Professor, (with tenure), College of Nursing,
     also named Professor, Department of Higher Education, College
     of Education, 1/1/79 through 6/30/81.
Rosenthal, Gerald A., Associate Professor, (with tenure), School
     of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, also
     named Associate Professor, Graduate Center for Toxicology,
     retroactive 1/1/79.


- 4-

Siegel, Malcolm R., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Plant
     Pathology, College of Agriculture, also named Professor,
     Graduate Center for Toxicology, retroactive 1/1/79.


Gaitskill, Kent, from Producer/Director, to Production Manager,
     Medical Center Television, Medical Center Library and Communica-
     tions Systems, retroactive 7/1/78.
Granacher, Robert, from Assistant Professor (adjunct series), to
     Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Psychiatry,
     College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79.
Nadler, Sam, from Visiting Associate Professor (part-time), to
     Visiting Associate Professor (full-time), Department of
     Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through


Crawford, George, Painter, Physical Plant Division, after 22
     consecutive years of service, effective 4/1/79.
Dean, Willard H., Staff Assistant, Business Services, after 24
     consecutive years of service, effective 2/16/79.
Gentry, Nonorl B., Food Service Worker I, Auxiliary Services,
     after 32 consecutive years of service, effective 1/27/79.
Hager, C. R., Assistant Dean, University Extension, after 22
     consecutive years of service, effective 3/1/79.
Harney, Willard N., Assistant Farm Manager, College of Agriculture,
     after 20 consecutive years of service, effective 2/28/79.
Peel, Edna S., Food Service Worker I, Auxiliary Services, after
     21.5 consecutive years of service, effective 3/20/79.
Scanlon, Michael J., Typesetter V., Business Services, after
     29.5 consecutive years of service, effective 3/31/79.

Early Retirement

Tate, Martha L., Assistant Director for Business Affairs,
     Community College System, after 21.5 consecutive years of
     service, effective 1/3/79.

Post-Retirement Appointments

Bowman, Cecil, Maintenance and Operations, College of Agriculture,
     7/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Duncan, Joseph G., Associate Extension Professor* (part-time),
     Department of Public Information, College of Agriculture,
     1978-79 academic year.

                     ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

Andrews, David, Instructor (part-time), Department of Business
     Administration, College of Business and Economics, 1/15/79
     through 5/15/79.

*' Special TitleSe7ries



Bible, R. E., Visiting Instructor, Department of Physics and
     Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Boyd, Michael D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of
     Pharmacy, 12/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Broadus, James M., Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of
     Economics, College of Business and Economics, 1/1/79 through
Brown, Keith Ray, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of
     Pharmacy, 12/1/7R through 6/30/79.
Burkhardt, Robert J.. Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of
     Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through
Burkhead, John D., Irstructor (part-time), Department of Sociology,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Burks, Joseph E. II, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Art, College of Fine Arts, 1/1/79 through 5/15/79.
Carroll, Edward C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department
     of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 1/1/79 through
Feinberg, David L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department
     of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through
Hammerschmidt, Patricia A., Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Nutrition and Food Science, College of Home Economics,
     1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Hartman, Donald G., Instructor (part-time), Department of Business
     Administration, College of Business and Economics, 1/1/79
     through 5/31/79.
Hester, Norman C., Adjunct Assistant Professor* (part-time),
     Department of Geology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79
     through 5/15/80.
Howard, Leonard R., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time),
     Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences,
     1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Kogut, Paul M., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79
     through 4/30/79.
Lee, Hsiao-hwa, Instructor (part-time), Department of Germanic
     Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences,
     1/1/79 through 5/31/79.
Levy, Francis, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 9/20/78
     through 6/30/79.
Redmon, Delmar Ray, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of
     Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/79 through
Reeves, Edward B., Instructo