xt71ns0kst5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71ns0kst5v/data/mets.xml  1923]  books b98-59-43710168 English The Company, : [Louisville Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company History. Book about the L & N (Louisville & Nashville R.R.)  / Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company. text Book about the L & N (Louisville & Nashville R.R.)  / Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company. 1923 1923] 2002 true xt71ns0kst5v section xt71ns0kst5v 

          kg 385 L93bo

          A Book about the L & N (Louis
          HE2791.L878 B66 1923

          Copyright 1923, by
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company



i-.4 ord from the President

  On March 5, 1850, the Governor of Kentucky affixed
his signature to the charter which made the Louisville
& Nashville Railroad Company a going concern.
  It is needless to recite the revolutionary changes which
have transpired in all realms of human endeavor, and
not among the least in railroading, since the L. & N.
corporation was created 73 years ago. Rather, with
pride, may I call attention to the " imponderables "-
those principles of honesty, reliability, service-which,
among the policies of the L. & N., have remained stable
and unchanged. The population has greatly increased;
the country has developed; great wars have been fought
and philosophies discredited; but moral principles are
unconquerable, and the enterprise conducted on such
principles is both deserving and assured of successful
continuation. Again may I say that these principles,
upon which the L. & N. was founded, remain unaltered
and have become more firmly established through the
passing years. The ideals which influenced the acts of
its officers and managers have always been of the high-
est. For upwards of 70 years, through good times and
bad, the L. & N. has never failed to pay every dollar
due its workers, its creditors,its bondholders; and, a ma-
jority of years, it has paid dividends to its stockholders.
  This manifestation of honesty has earned for the L.
& N. the confidence of the public, but such attainment
could not have been accomplished on any railroad with-
out the co-operation of the men who do the work- the
man who handles the engine, the conductor who collects
the tickets, the trackman who drives the spikes, and so
on from the highest to the lowest. The L. & N. has been
able to serve the public successfully only through the
faithfulness and loyalty of its thousands of employees,
to whom this publication is respectfully dedicated.
  While living up to the record of service and success
which is behind us, may we strive in the future to make
even a better and bigger railroad and to render the
most efficient service possible. Let our goal be perfec-
tion, wholly conscious that though we fail we shall be
better than if we had not tried.
Your continued co-operation to this end is solicited.

aisville, Kentucky
June 15, 1923.


W. L. M

APOTHER,       I
  President   II

   =    =_'

I Loi



- --- I


.nm IT



It Takes Team-Work to Get Results

              "It ain't the guns and armaments
                 Nor the army as a whole,
              But the everlasting team-work
                  Of every blooming soul."
I N RAILROADING, every man is a link in the chain of co-
    ordinated service. Every man is a soldier in the army of
    transportation. If the units of this army do not function
properly or if they do not work together, the service rendered
will be poor. It takes team-work to win. A man may be the
brightest, cleverest person in the world, but he cannot accom-
plish a thing unless he has the help of others. It is a fact that
in any organization it is better to have a well-knit, close-work-
ing force of less individual power or ability than an aggregation
of more powerful and able men who do not work together. It
is better to sacrifice individual ability in order to get the "pull-
together" spirit of the whole crowd.
  It is better to have a team of oxen, or a team of mules, of
moderate size and average weight that pull together than to have
a team of more powerful oxen or mules that do not pull together.
Last year, the Giants beat the Yanks because they worked to-
gether almost perfectly. The Yanks had a million-dollar star,
but the team-work of the Giants won the pennant.
Now, a railroad is not so small an organization as a baseball
team, but the same general principles apply. Every worker in
every office, freight yard or labor squad should pull together
with every one of his co-workers; then every squad, or depart-
ment, should pull together with every other squad or depart-
ment. In other words, every employee of the L. & N. should vie
with every other employee to secure the best team-work for the
Company and to provide the best service for the public.
This little book of facts about the L. & N. Railroad has been
written for the purpose of telling you something about the busi-
           ness which is your life work. A study of its con-
           tents will make you proud of the Company yott
           are working for and will enable you to talk more
                       intelligently about it to any of your
     I   By -   1 k friends, or to anyone else with whom
                       you may come in contact.


I ')


    Importance of Transportation
  The first advance from barbarism was due to
Trade. Trade is dependent upon transportation, '
and therefore it might truly be said that the civili-
zation of to-day has been brought about by
  The earliest form of transportation was that of
the human carrier. This is the method still used
by savages whenever they have anything to trans-
port, and in many parts of the East to-day the
backs of porters are ladened with merchandise. The
Egyptian Pyramids were built with slave labor. The huge
stones used in their construction were dragged and hauled for
hundreds of miles by human beings. Probably rollers of some
sort were used, but human energy moved the stones from the
quarries to their resting places.
  As soon as a country developed to a certain point, more
adventurous spirits turned to the sea. These were traders in
search of new fields to conquer. Again transportation was
necessary. They were obliged to use boats. The
Phoenicians built up the great trading cities of
Tyre and Sidon. They founded Carthage and trad-
ed with all the Mediterranean ports, even ventur-  k 2   p
ing out into the Atlantic as far north as Britain,  '/ i  1.
The successful cities, of the centers of civilization   _j
were always the trading cities. They were always j
near rivers or by the sea. Trade could never have
developed except for transportation.
Another means of transportation was by camels, the "ships
of the desert." The Asiatic cities of Bagdad, Damascus, Cairo,
and so on, were the crossing points of the land routes and so
became great trading centers. Coming down to more modern
times, Venice and Genoa became great cities because their
ships sailed all the seas. In every case, accessibility to easy
transportation made a great city, and often a great civilization.




             _V Ad [  8  s of ''I  7        The "De Witt Clinton"---
                                 LU-             first locomotive anod pas-
                                                 senger train ever run in
                                                 New York. This locemo-
                                                 tiue was built in America.

                         Many and varied have been the meth-
                         ods of transportation--in the desert
countries the camel, in India the elephant, in Arabia, and after-
wards in most of the civilized countries, the ox and the horse.
In pioneer countries, as for instance early America, the "prairie
schooner" carried thousands of people to the far Western states.
Then came the railroads.
  Truly, then, it might be said that transportation, more than
any other single factor, has civilized the world. No country can
live unto itself and progress. China is one of the backward na-
tions of the world because for thousands of years she did not come
in contact with any other peoples. She did not trade with other
nations. As a matter of fact, the civilization of the world develop-
ed comparatively slowly until transportation and a quick means
of communication were available to all. Practically all of the con-
veniences and comforts of modern life are due to quick and cheap
transportation. Transportation is one of the basic necessities
of life to-day. It is just as important as bread to eat, or clothes
to wear. Millions of people living in large centers would starve
to death in a few days' time if transportation were not available
to supply them with foodstuffs. Transportation brings an article
or product from where it is made or produced to where it is
most wanted. For almost a hundred years now the railroads
have been the quickest means of transportation on land.

      Importance of Railroads to America
  The railroads have developed America. It is true that there
were millions of people in this country before there was a rail-
road, but it is also true that since the first railroad started in
1830, the population has increased over nine fold. In less than
a hundred years, the country has gone from twelve millions in
1830, to one hundred and five millions in 1920. Doubtless the
wonderful natural resources of this country would have been
developed to some extent without railroads, and millions of
people would have come over from Europe to the new land of
opportunity; but certainly the United States would not be the
country it is to-day were it not for the railroads. Never before
in the history of the world were there such great inland cities
as Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Cleveland, Cincinnati, etc. The



railroads made them trading centers. The railroads ventured
into sparsely-settled lands, and within a few years thereafter
cities grew up, wealth accumulated, and millions of acres of un-
worked lands were producing foodstuffs and other necessities
for the nation. In many states the coming of the railroads meant
the making of those states. The Pacific Coast, now one of the
most thickly settled, most prosperous sections of the whole
world, owes its development to the trans-continental systems.
The United States has the finest system of railroads in the
world. Covering over 250,000 miles, the shining steel rails must
look like a giant spider web to the observer on Mars. In equip-
ment and service, the railroads of this country are the envy of
all other countries. Their management is a marvel of efficiency.

       History of Railroading in America
  All great institutions are developments. All great practical
inventions have usually been perfected from a crude model,
through a period of years. This is so true that the origin of a
great many of our most important inventions is unknown. No-
body knows who discovered gunpowder; no one knows positively
who invented printing; no one knows who invented the compass.
We do know who invented the telephone and the electric light
bulb; but "it is a far cry" from the crude product of the inventor
to the product in use to-day. Even in the case of the telephone,
Elisha Gray disputed with Alexander Bell the invention of this
wonderful instrument. So it is with the railroad. While it is
admitted that Stephenson ran the first successful locomotive
engine, on the Manchester & Liverpool Railroad, in September
1830, yet there were railroads before his time, and there were
locomotive engines in America before that date.
  The first railroad ever built in America is claimed by the state
of Massachusetts. It was built in 1826 and called the Quincy
Railway. Properly speaking, however, it was not a railroad but
a tramway, and it really did not become a railroad until 1871.
This road was built for the
purpose of hauling stone
from a quarry to build the
Bunker Hill Monument. It
was three miles long and
cost 34,000.                              _     

An 'Old-Timer"



                                      Peter Cooper's locomotive "Tom
                                      Thumb"--18.30, on the Baltimore and
                                            Ohio Railroad.
e             -;-.  t       --       --
  At the quarry, there was a steep incline, and the cars were
moved up and down by a stationary engine. At the foot of the
incline, the road sloped gently off to the river. The tracks were
five feet apart and laid on stone cross-ties eight feet apart. On
this stone sub-structure wooden rails were laid, and on these,
other rails or strap iron. Upon this road, two horses could draw
a load of forty tons. This is supposed to have been the first rail-
road in America and is still referred to as marking the epoch
of the beginning of railroading in this country. It was operated
by horses until 1871.
  It is believed, however, that the South Carolina railroad was
the first one built in any country with the idea of operating it
by steam power. On the 15th of January, 1831, the year after
the road was built, the "Best Friend" made a run over the tracks
from Charleston to Hamburg. This was one of the oddest loco-
motives ever built, in that it looked like a bottle. It had a
vertical boiler with the furnace at the bottom. The "Best
Friend" made several trips in 1830, running at the rate of sixteen
or twenty miles an hour, and on the anniversary of the building
of the railroad this engine pulled two coaches and carried one
hundred people. This curious locomotive soon came to grief,
due to the ignorance of the negro fireman. While the engineer
was away, the escape of the steam from the safety valve an-
noyed the fireman and he fastened down the valve lever and
then sat on it to hold it down. The explosion that followed
deprived the fireman of a job and the engineer of a fireman.
  On August 28, 1830, over what is now the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad, the Peter Cooper engine was given a trial. This en-
gine was one-horsepower and weighed only a ton. It was not
much larger than the hand cars now in common use. It had

The "Best Friend of Charles-
ton"--- firs! locomotive built
in the United States for actual
  service on a railroad.



tubular boilers, but it did not have the other principle of
Stephenson's engine, that of the waste steam blast, and conse-
quently was not a success. This engine of Peter Cooper's, called
the "Tom Thumb," made a trip from Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills
and back, a distance of twenty-six miles, seventeen days before
Stephenson's famous engine made the run over the Manchester
& Liverpool Railroad. Peter Cooper is believed to have built
the first steam engine in this country, and the "Tom Thumb" is
now in the museum in Washington as the earliest locomotive
made in this country.
   Massachusetts built a railroad in 1826; Pennsylvania, in 1827;
 Maryland, in 1828, and also South Carolina. In 1825 the New
 York Central was chartered, and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
 began operations on July 24, 1828. A famous trip of one of the
 early trains was that of the "De Witt Clinton," which made its
 first run on the 9th of August, 1831, over the Mohawk Valley
 Road from Albany to Schenectady, in less than an hour, running
 part of the way, thirty miles an hour.
 The success of the Stephenson locomotive in England soon
 brought a demand for them in America, and the first "powerful
 Stephenson locomotive" as it was called, cost 4,869.59. It weigh-
 ed only seven tons, but was too heavy for the rails upon which
 it was to run.                                         -
 In the following five or ten years, railroads were opened up
 in various parts of the United States, and the development of
 locomotive building was rapid. The first trans-continental rail-
 road, the Union Pacific, was built in 1859. The attached table
 shows, by decades, the mileage of railroads built from 1830 to the
 present time.
 1835           1,098 miles                        C  
 1840           2,818  "
 1850           9,021  " 
 1860          30,635  "                        I
 1870          52,922  "
 1880          93,671  "                      '
 1890         159,271 i-
 1900         192,940
 1910         238,609
 1920         253,090

 Read on later pages of
 the remarkable growth of
 the L. & N., from a section
of 185 miles to a system
of 5039 miles, traversing                       Beak in the Seeln
thirteen states.



History of the L. & N.

  Few people know that one of the oldest railroads in America
is the Pontchartrain Railroad which runs from New Orleans to
Lake Pontchartrain, now a part of the L.&N. System. It received
its charter January 3, 1830. The Lexing-
ton & Ohio Railroad, likewise a part of
the L. & N. System, received its charteri
January 7, 1830. Thus, two of the earliest
railroads in the United States were built  i
in Kentucky and Louisiana, showing that
the States of the Middle West and far
South were just as enterprising and up-
to-date as those of the East. These two
railroads first used horse power. In the
construction of the Lexington & Ohio
road longitudinal limestone sills and
iron strips for rails were used so that it
would be solid and thus endure forever.
Unfortunately, the heavy winter frosts
                                           This old stone sill, which
played havoc with the stone sills. An old  forned a port of the founda-
book of that time states that many curves  Ohio track, was unearthed at
were put in the track by the construction   Lexington, Ky.
engineers so that the conductor could see the end of his train

-now and then and be sure that all the coaches were there.

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  On March 5,1850, the Louis-
ville & Nashville Railroad
Company received its charter
and was giver. permission to
organize, but it was not until
September 4, 1851, that books
of subscription were opened,
when 1,058 shares were sub-
scribed for. The first payment
on the stock subscription was
58.00, of which 22.55 was paid
out for advertising. The re-
mainder was placed in the
treasury. The Louisville &
Nashville Railroad Company
began its career with 35.45.
The first president of the road
was Mr. L. L. Shreve. The first

depot was at Tenth and Maple Sts. in Louisville. The first
offices of the Company were at Bullitt and Main Sts., in the
Louisville Gas Company building.



  The L. & N. Railroad started off with an authorized capitaliza-
tion of three million dollars, for which the city of Louisville
subscribed one million, and several counties, three hundred
thousand, one hundred thousand, etc. This stock was afterwards
bought back from the cities and counties that subscribed for it
and they received over four dollars for every dollar put into it.
  The early promoters of the L. & N.
probably did not have in mind run-
ning their road farther from Louis-
ville than to Nashville. However
they later conceived the idea of  
going South to some point on the
Mississippi River. The first sleep-I           M
ing cars from Louisville to New Or-
leans operated over the L. & N. via
Humboldt, the Mobile & Ohiol the
Mississippi Central, and the New  Former L. & N. Office Building,
Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern. Second & Main Sts. Louisville, Ky.
  Of course, trains had been run to intermediate points before
the operation of the through train to Nashville. In 1860, the
road was 269 miles long. In 1871, the L. & N. Railroad leased the
Nashville & Decatur Railroad and acquired the Memphis,
Clarksville & Louisville Railroad. In 1872, the L. & N. acquired
the Memphis & Ohio Railroad and commenced operating the
South and North Alabama Railroad. From 1879 to 1882, the L.
& N. acquired the Mobile & Montgomery, the New Orleans,
Mobile & Texas, the Pensacola Railroad, and the Pensacola &
Selma; and built the Pensacola & Atlantic. To the North, it ec-
quired the Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington and the Owens-
boro & Nashville; it acquired the Kentucky Central, the Evans-
ville, Henderson & Nashville and leased the Southeast & St.
Louis; it bought controlling interest in the Nashville, Chatta-
nooga & St. Louis Railway; and leased the Georgia Railroad joint-
ly with theAtlantic Coast Lines. Subsequently it constructed the
Birmingham Mineral and the line to Norton, Va., and acquired
the Alabama Mineral, the Atlanta, Knoxville & Northern and the
Lexington & Eastern, extending the latter 100 miles into the coal
                                             Former L. & N. Passenger
                                             Station, 9th. and Broadway,
                                               Louisville, Kentucky,



Territory Developed and Served by the L. & N.

  It may be said that the Louisville & Nashville Railroad
operates over the heart of the United States. Its territory is
approximately the geographical center of the country, and the
population center of the United States is reached by its lines.
The L. & N. enters thirteen states, and it taps the principal
cities and main arteries of trade of ten of them. The L. & N.,
therefore, serves approximately 20,000,000 people, or 19 per cent
of the entire population of the United States.
  All of the cities shown on the opposite page and the territory
surrounding them have seen their greatest development since
the building of this railroad.
  The L. & N.- a huge network of steel covering almost the
entire face of Kentucky-has been of incalculable value in
developing and carrying to the markets her vast deposits of
coal and other valuable resources. Its principal offices are
located at Louisville, and nearby its principal shops employ
great forces in the construction and repair of a large portion
of its equipment.    Approximate number of employees in
                       the state of Kentucky-- -  -   22,216
                       Approximate yearly payroll -   38,600.452
                       Annual state, county and city taxes  1,244,000
                       Approximate number of passenger
                fig flu  trains operated daily in this state - 244
           X  -2  v  Approximate number of freight
 -       -trains operated daily in this state -           341

  While the Louisville & Nashville Railroad
operates but two miles of track in the state of
Ohio, it employs approximately 500 people and
pays annually in wages and taxes about three a         I
quarters of a million dollars.                     0    0
  It operates daily to and from Cincinnati 24
local and through-passenger trains and an aver-
age of 62 freight trains.

  The L.

& N. operates 85 miles of track in Virginia; and con-
substantially to the resources and transportation

of tnis state.

Approximate number of employees
in the state of Virginia -224
Approximate yearly payroll -321,000
Annual state, county and city taxes -   68,700
Approximate number of passenger
trains operated daily in this state-       4
Approximate number of freight
trains operated daily in this state -10


     I    I---
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- - -














  The L. & N. Railroad reaches practically every city and town
of importance in this great State. More than one-fourth of the
L. & N. mileage operated is in Alabama, and 25 of the total rail-
road mileage of the State belongs to the L. & N. Four great shops
are maintained, at Decatur, Boyles, Montgomery and Mobile.
In wages and taxes, the L. & N. disbursements in Alabama are
second only to those in Kentucky where its general offices are
        .  Approximate number of employees in the state
              of Alabama -_--_  --___--_----9,263
            Approximate yearly payroll  -     -    15,461,415
 !A  -AeMA  Annual state, county and city taxes - -   770,500
            Approximate number of passenger trains opera-
              ted daily in this state -104
       !-.  Approximate number of freight trains operated
              daily in this state -74
  Every year the Louisville & Nashville Railroad invests large
sums of money in newspaper, poster and booklet advertising to
induce tourists to visit the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The Indus-
trial and Immigration Department of the L. & N. has done effec-
tive work in exploiting the agricultural advantages
of this state.
Approximate number of employees in the
state of Mississippi -481
Approximate yearly payroll -744,030
Annual state, county and city taxes -154,000       ,   l
Approximate number of passenger trains             
operated daily in this state -18--._._.-
Approximate number of freight trains
operated daily in this state -                18
  Direct, through-passenger service is afforded the people of
Georgia to principal population centers of the Central West;
Louisville, Chicago, Cincinnati, and through the latter point to
the East. Also through Montgomery to the Gulf Coast points
and New Orleans; and, via Nashville, to St. Louis and the West.
               Approximate number of employees in
               the state of Georgia -553
               Approximate yearly payroll -         -   925,554
      So't  a  Annual state, county and city taxes --------75,400
            \ Approximate number of passenger
            K    gG trains operated daily in this state -14
            i  Approximate number of freight
     ,_____ A,'  trains operated daily in this state ----------20



L. & N. Station
Evansville, Ind.


L. & N. Station
and Skyscrapers
Birmingham, Ala.

e 11 /2

Henderson Bridge
  ver the Ohio

on the L. & N., near
Evansville, Ind.

I               ,'
kF I I--



  The L. & N. does not traverse the whole of Florida, but direct
passenger service is afforded its people to New Orleans and
the Southwest by this Railroad. It also offers direct service
to the principal cities of the South and Central West.
Approximate number of employees
  in the state of Florida -1,340
Approximate yearly payroll -2,123,166
Annual state, county and city taxes - 177,500
Approximate number of passenger trains
  operated daily in this state -18
Approximate number of freight trains
  operated daily in this state -32
  While the L. & N. Railroad operates but three miles of track
in the state of Missouri, it gives employment to more than 540
people and pays to residents of that state, annually in wages,
approximately a million dollars.
                   The State of Missouri and the St. Louis ter-
                 ritory are benefited principally by the excel-
           I     lent freight and passenger service to the South
                 and Southeast afforded by the Louisville &
                 Nashville Railroad; the L. & N. operating 10
  i     0through-passenger trains daily from St. Louis,
               -  and averaging 18 freight trains.
                   The L. & N. is the only strictly Southeastern
road with c freight house and terminals of its own on the St.
Louis side of the river, situated near Broadway, the main ave-
nue of traffic in this city. This section, which is convenient to
the wholesale district and within two blocks of the retail and
jobbing fruit and produce district, also provides a market place
on L. & N. tracks for the wholesale distribution of fruits and
vegetables in car-load lots.
  The L. & N. anticipated the needs of St. Louis shippers thirty-
two years ago when it built a freight house in St. Louis, Mo.,
proper.               LOUISIANA
  The L. & N. mileage in Louisiana is small, yet in this state
is the Southern terminus of the railroad. To New Orleans, the
largest city in the South, and the second port of the United
States, the L. & N. brings the products of the valley to be shipped
out to the whole world.
Appro:dmate number of employees in the       ---
state of Louisiana                     819
Approximate yearly payroll          1,394,747
Annual state, county and city taxes  134,000
Approximate number of passenger trains
operated daily in this state-           20
Approximate number of freight trains
operated daily in this state -16

r[ ,]


Union Station
Louisville. Ky.


              Union Station
            Nashville, Tenn.
A:OfAd      :  

Union Station
Lexington, Ky.

f:00 I


                 NORTH CAROLINA
  While the L. & N. operates only 13 miles of track in North
Carolina, it affords the people of this state direct passenger and
freight service to Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati and is an
important factor in     Approximate number of employees
the state's affairs.     in the state of North Carolina -- 40

-  O    CAROLIN A e
               .   ,

Approximate yearly payroll -45,810
Annual, state, county and city taxes  6,200
Approximate number of passenger trains
operated daily in this state-          2
Approximate number of freight trains
operated daily in this state-          2

  The L. & N. operates 180 miles of track in Illinois and gives
direct passenger and freight service to St. Louis, Evansville,
Nashville, Birmingham and New Orleans. It is a valuable
asset to the state.                                    -  

Approximate number of employees in
the state of Illinois .-.--- - ----         - 909
Approximate yearly payroll -      -  -     1,559,167
Annual state, county and city taxes---       196,200
Approximate number of passenger
trains operated in this state-   -    -14
Approximate number of freight
trains operated in this state-   -    -24



  Although the Louisville & Nashville Railroad operates less
than 1 of its total mileage in the state of Indiana, its annual
disbursements for wages and taxes in Indiana amount to more
than 3  of its total all-over-the-system figures for these items.

!   T     !
I v !
i 2  

Approxcimate number of employees in the state
of Indiana -1,623
Approximate yearly payroll -2,823,864
Annual state, county and city taxes -16,100
Approximate number of passenger trains oper-
ated daily in this state -14
Approximate number of freight trains operated
daily in this state -48

  As shown by the map, the Louisville & Nashville Railroad
affords excellent freight and passenger service to all parts of the
state of Tennessee; operating more than 1,000 miles of track or
something over 25 of    Approximate number of employees
the  entire   railroad     in the state of Tennessee-       6,818
mileage in the state.    Approximate yearly payroll - 11,625,039
                         Annual state, county and city taxes - 623,000
    - - brig,- S -E- -7 Approximate number of passenger trains
                           operated daily in this state -118
,               .1/ tbun    ; ,- Approximate number of freight trains