xt71jw86m60s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86m60s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1991 1991 1991-11-15 2020 true xt71jw86m60s section xt71jw86m60s  


Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Friday, November 15‘ 1991

Vol. XCIV. No. 222



Three killed
in Michigan
postal shooting

Associated Press

ROYAL OAK, Mich. —- A fired postal worker described by a colleague
as “a waiting time bomb" walked through his old post office yesterday and
shot 10 co-workers, killing three, before critically wounding himself, an-
thorities said.

Two other employees were injured by jumping out of windows after the
spree began at about 8:50 am. in this town about 13 miles north of Detroit,
Fire Chief Bill Crouch said.

“i heard the shots; there were about eight or it) of them," said Salem
Benji, a bookkeeper who was parking his car in the post office lot. “People
came running out of the building screaming, ‘Call the police! Somebody‘s
shooting!‘ "

the gunman was identified by co-workers as Thomas Mcllvane, 31, of
Oak Park, They said he was fired last year and the firing was upheld by an
arbitrator on Wednesday. Postal service officials, while not releasing the
name, confirmed that the gunman had been fired

The suspect and three of the seven wounded workers were in critical
condition, hospital officials said

The man opened fire in at least three different areas, beginning with a
loading dock where at least three people were shot, Crouch said. He then
moved to an upstairs office, shooting another three people, before walking
to the opposite end of the building and firing several more rounds, includ-
ing one on himself.

“1 don’t think anyone can characterize something like this except chaos,"
Crouch said. “When something like this happens you don‘t believe it. i
don't know what the world's coming to."

Police Officer Joseph Hill said the man shot himself with a ZZ-caiiber
rifle. Authorities declined to give further detail on the weapon or weapons,
but there were broadcast reports that a semiautomatic was used

The post office was open at the time of the shootings but no customers

See SHOOTING, Page 8










Two crows congregate atop a safety cage on the root ol the Fine Ans Building the birds may have to vet ,_ - r ., '
today There IS a 30 percent chance ot showers it will be cloudy with a high in the mid-605



with union
of states

Assomated Press


MOSCOW ~ Seven of the I2
Soviet republics reached tentative
agreement yesterday on a new polit
ical union, but the powerful Ukraine
refused to back President Mikhail
Gorbachev in his effort to hold the
nation together.

Gorbachev has threatened to re—
sign unless the republics agreed to
halt the disintegration of the Soviet
Union and work together to create a
market economy. An earlier LTnion
Treaty was scheduled to be signed
Aug. 20. the day after the coup by
hard-line officials was announced,

Many key details of the accord
are unresolved, but it appears the
Kremlin will be restricted to foreign
atlairs, strategic nuclear arms and
some monetary policies. it also
would rename the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics the “Union of
Sovereign States" and replace the
old constitution.

'lhe republics wrll be allowed to
introduce their own currencies;
many already are taking steps to
create their own armies.

'lhe accord needs parliamentary
approval of each republic

“lt's dilltcult to say how many
starts will enter the new union. but
after today‘s discussion, i am firmly
convinced the unioti will exrst."
Russian federation President Boris
Yeltsin said. Russra by far is the
richest and most populous Soviet re-




Davrd House, of Cooper and Cooper Painting. pressme wash-
es the undersrde ol the Business and Economics walkway.

Contributing Writer

The University Sell'Study's find-
ings reveal a lack or community
among students and stall. accord
ing to survey results.

”People of our generation think
they're so sensitive, but reallv
they‘re just more subtle,” said Eng-
lish senior Karla Howell. “The
same echoes are there but in differ-
ent forms."

The Sell-Study, part oi the
Southem Associauon or (‘olleges
and Schools accreditation process,
began in February 1990. A commit-
tee will present survey results to the
administration in the spring.


Contributing Writer

Racism is like .i disease that
spreads because of separatism and
ignorance, members of a lJK group
said last night.

LTK's Baha‘i Assoc ration mct I.tst
night to discuss racism and how to
eliminate it from campus.

"Racism is like -l disease ‘I .
wound, said Lhristirte \Vc‘d'yct, .i
tilth-ycar architecture student illltl
chair ol the Baha'i Association

She said the orgtiiti/attori's goal
is not to eliminate differences ‘l‘iat
cxrst between people, but rathc; to
appreciate and bciictit trom diteisi
ty. rather than. .ilit wit}; dittcrcrites

it) \Cptll'rll; ills I'tit t \

GREG EANS Kernel Sta"



Economist (ingory Yavlmsky. an
adviser to Gorbachev. also wamed
that the agreement did not settle
such key issues as how to finance
the national army and whether to
maintain a single currency and
banking system.

“There's a list of quesuons Wilh-
out which there can be no move-
ment forward." Yavlinsky said.

The Ukraine, an agroandustrial
powerhouse of 53 million people,
was the most important of three rc-
publics to boycott yesterday‘s meet
trig at a government dacha. or coun-
try house, outside Moscow.

Associated Press

FORT lAlil)LRl)Al [2. Ha.
A congressional audit has found
that the llurnana (iold l’lus l’lan
signed tip members improperly.
failed to pay some patients' bills
and, in some cases. gate poor med
ical care.

US. Rep l1. (lay Shaw Jr th

Fort Lauderdalci. said the GAO
findings had “sobering implications
for South Florida seniors, many of
whom rely on Medicare HMOs for
all of their health care."

the llrllll‘tl s kitty: t ’it :.tti mainte
nitrite orgtiiii/dtiot. ll‘i the i'idcily.

iom Volaiid, litirzid iti‘s director
ol market ttllllllilllllt.ri:i‘li\ iii loin»
\ille, Ky . said that iztlii) pioblcms
cited by the (i \l) lid». bets tor


'l he (icncrai Accounting Ollicc
report released on Tuesday also tlll'
ici/ed the l7 S. Department ot
Health and Human Services for fail-
ing to halt problems with the plan.

llumaiid int n tuistt‘. in turns


‘Uit the \kllwit‘ t 1hr ,..i:: »\.t:~

Self-Study forums reveal
pluses, minuses of campus

Half of the (it it: undergraduate sli.lr.1l‘,‘i'"'
dents ~.trwved last semester
they had t-tpericnccd demeatorx
statements related to gender or it: c

"People may not act preiiidixd
intentionally. but they need '
.iware tit how others reel,” ntltl »\.
gene Wilson. an education p'ot '
and associate director oi iritcrridrtor
.il Affairs.

More than (iii percent til ti.
dents said they
cross-cultural wgckciids


st i.’k\llr'l‘\

\~ Cft.’

I iiit't ,f »
cussions and “MR it.yersr- tV‘in"
tiycs lll course ei‘l1l1.'ill.tls.\“ilii-‘J ,
the study

il “C tl‘c‘cltlt'tl {Hull \l.'.\ it

\itlllk‘lltitl} ii\'\\,: i litlh it ‘s'tilttl‘tlti-

Group discusses eliminating racism

ihc group has L'\Lll"ll\lli.'\l t'.r .i
\lllUiC l-‘or the Healing oi l‘le ism.
.t weekly
similar issues. i‘xll.l\llri}1i.l\'iic'c'l
mg, speaker Rhonda straits
ducted a stirtipie troit. .: pen...”
reduction workshop

Strauss \dtd lllc‘
designed to rttakc pct jolt swat
beliefs and attitudes it tlici.
illllli’t‘, t't ilditti‘ir '

session held t t:t\\.tl\\

.s t-i ksi’itti


"it the lristtttitc tor tric :icti.iii_,
Racism can
\ tdttais to change in .i posit.“
then we have made at: impact.
triathciiiatics .md lacuitx till-in.
the group. ”.‘yldybc i' A ~'v : 3‘;
dctit dll i‘\c‘t t.i::ipt.~

flictlllfdb‘c A ti”

lt‘c‘, il\\\\lcll\ 1‘it‘lc“~~v'

Congressional audit faults Humana insurance pl'Ogl‘tilii

not meeting i'lc'L'tl\ '1 " f‘c'
would see enrollni. ‘
up," Noland said lie said do.
than 90 percent oi i.‘.c iini 3's -~.r r:
bcrs are satisfied win". " -'

llie Hth has more 1a.: .
members. most oi iltr“ . .
The plan also operates to Ari/”m
Kentucky, Missouri and it \i “ '~ ‘lUMA'K‘A











Wildcats break century mark in beating So-
viet Union. Story, Page 3.

The College of Environmental Sciences in-
vites potential UK graduate students to at-
tend Graduate Student Day trom 9 am. to 2
pm. in 128 Erickson Hall. RSVPs preferred.

The Kennedy assi-
nation and what
might have been.
Column, Page 4.

\. newpor‘.

C lassdieds;




L- # ._._.


I , ., .__.,-.__..... ,_,-.

. l




‘Scenario’ haunts Spurrier
as Cats travel to Gatorland

Assrstant Sports Edao:

Florida could win its first legiti-
mate Southeastem Conference
championship tomorrow

The Gators (8-1 overall". 6-0
Southeastern Conference) have (in-
ished the season atop the SEC
standings three times in the 19805.
but NCAA penalties have prohibit-
ed them from winning the champi-

Last season was one of those
years. The Gators finished (H tn
the SEC, but sanctions rendered
thent ineligible for the champion-

But secondsyear Honda coach
Steve Spumer didn't need a trophy
to tell him where the Gators fin-
ished last season.

”That learn last year will be first
with me forever." Spurrier said “I
can assure you that.

We have tied for first right
now. And if we're fortunate enough
to be successful. we will finish first
again. That‘s the way 1 look at it.
I'm very proud of that 1990 team.
Shoot. I'm very proud of this team,

The Wildcats lost 411‘ to the


UK Wildcats 9-6; 0-5)

Florida Gators ($1; 6-0)

When: 1:30 pm. Tomorrow
Where: Florida Field
Gaineswlo. Fit

Fladlo: Live on the UK Radio
Network with Cawood tedtord
and Ralph Hacker and Didi

TV: None


Gators in Lexington last season.
With l'lx' do. (15) playing in
Gainesville. Fla. tomorrow, the
Wildcats are Til-point underdogs. It
would seem the title ts all but a lock
for Florida. Spurrier, however. does
not subscribe to that theory.

“I guess the Indiana game is the
one that scares me because I know
that Indiana is an outstanding
team.“ Spurrier said of UK‘s 13-10
loss to Indiana. .. Of course. I can
see a scenario. I see them coming
down ready to knock the crap out of
us and us standing around doing





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taking it and not being ready to

“When a team is not ready. they
can get beat. We know we can be
beat. We know we can very poorly.
I thought we were ready to play up
at Syracuse.“

Florida lost to Syracuse 38-21 af-
ter winning 35—0 over Alabama.
Spurrier said he is worried that a
team like UK, playing the fifth-
rankcd team in the nation, could
ride emotion to victory.

UK played a solid game against
Big Ten school and interstate rival
Indiana. UK had a chance to win
the nationally-televised game game
late but faltercd.

Curry. however, isn't buying
Spumer‘s concem with UK's near
win at Indiana.

“Steve is reaching for something
nice to say, and I appreciate that,"
Curry said. “Well, we have a lot of
different players playing because
we lost a lot of players since IU. A
lot. And a lot of the ones that are
out there now are operating with
one shoulder and we were at full
bore against 1U. We are an entirely
different team."

Irnuries and freak plays have
plagued the Wildcats all season.
L'K's 3-6 record may not be indica-
tive of how good the team might be.
but the question this week is wheth~
er the Wildcats are good enough to
beat the nationally-ranked Gators.

Florida‘s offense is led by Heis-
man Trophy candidate Shane Mat-
thews. the SEC's top passer.

Florida averages 8.77 yards when
Matthews throws the football. He
boasts a 61.3 completion percent-

“I think he‘s the best quarterback


in the nation ~— without a doubt,"
Spurricr said of Matthews. "When
you look at what he's done for us
t)\ er the last two years. One of the
great things Shane does is he iiist
does not make the real bad play

“He’s had It) or 12 interceptions
this year. but I don't know it
he‘s throwrt an interception on our
side of the field. Most of those my
terccptions have bounced of: re

Matthews and a talented crew of
receivers have made Florida the top
passing offense in the SEC.

The Gators average 311

“Matthews is a genuine All
American candidate He has that



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UK fullback Dale See holds on tight as he falls to the turf. UK takes on SEC leader Florida tomorrow.

kind of talent and ability." Curry

Florida's offense will face the
worst pass defense iii the confer-

I'K is dead last in total defense as


-I.'K is 111 the midst of art 11-
g.ime losing streak on the road. The
last tinte the Wildcats won on the
road was Nov. 11, 198‘). when 17K
defeated Vanderbilt 14.12

-thdcat flanker Kurt Johnson is
approaching the 1K career record

for kickoff returns. To date, John-
son is second with 1,118 yards
With 71 yards against Florida to-
morrow, he will surpass Dicky
Lyons‘ (1966-68) record of 1,188
yards. Johnson also ranks 15th in
the SEC in career kickoff return

-Tailbacks Clyde Rudolph and
Damon Hood, center Chip Garner
and tight end Steve Langcnkamp
are listed as questionable. Tailback
Donnie Redd hit Gary Willis, and
long-snapper Chris Reedy will not

Cool Cats battle ‘Grind’
as they play host to Tech

Senior 9321‘ Writs-r

After the “best back-to-back
wins" 111 ['K hockey team history.
the (‘ool (‘ats are now getting hack
to the old grind

Grinding Southern Collegiate
Hockey .-'\ssociation opponents into
ice-bitten ribbons is what L'K does
best But beating Northern clubs.
like it did last weekend in sweeping
powerhouse Miami (Ohtoi, is what
It llkt'S itt‘sl.

Ionight at the stroke of midnight
l K 47-1 ) will face off against Geor-
gia Tech. The (‘ool Cats already


have whipped the Yellow Jackets o.
2 this season,

It‘s not always easy for the reign-
ing SCHA champions to get up to
skate through league teams like
Georgia Tech.

“I‘d say it's tough to get up for
the games (against Tech). btit we
love hockey so much and playing in
front of the crowd that we play hard
regardless." offensive man Jason
Smithwick said.

The (Tats. irt winning backio
back SCHA championships. are the
class of the league undefeated in
league play the last two seasons

Wins against teams like Georgia
Tech are almost a given. but the
Cats are wary of taking any squad
for granted

“We have to be careful not to let

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down and overlook these guys."
Smithwick said. ”That's what Mia-
mi did with us. They thought they
were going to have two easy games
and we beat them."

One method of cornbatttng any
complacency caused by their domi-
nation is setting scoring goals for
the weak games

Goalie Eric Sanders, who starred
111 the wins over Miami, said the
team is shooting for 20 goals
against Georgia Tech this weekend
in the first game.

“We want to keep the edge that
we gained last weekend," Sanders
said. “So we want to break the
record for the most goals ever
scored by a Kentucky learn this

Two weeks ago, the Cats traveled
to Georgia for a road swing that in
cluded Georgia and Georgia Tech.
UK won both games handily.

Chad Cooper once again is dottti»
nating UK's competition on the of
fensive side. He scored a hat trick
against Tech in the 0-2 victory,
while six other UK players score
one goal apiece.



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For information, call 257-3134
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Mashburn powers
Cats to 112-92 win

Assistant Sports Editor

Jamal Mashbum continued to
show signs of greatness last night.
Tlte forward led the Wildcats with
24 points in UK's 112~92 victory
over the U.S.S.R. National team at

Rupp Arena.

And. team-
mate John Pel-
phrey said, UK
will need that
throughout the

“Jamal has

really come on
for an 18-year.
old," Pelphrey MASHBURN
said. “We need him to be an All-
American this year. And so far. he‘s
doing everything he needs to. He's
got the body. It's just a matter of
him going out and wanting it.

“Jamal has played great so far
and we're looking for great things
from him."

Mashbum was coming off a 29-
point, eight-rebound performance
against Athlete tit Action in UK’s
first exhibition game. The sopho-
more, who will turn 19 Nov. 2‘), has
added strength and agility to his
game over the ot‘flseason.

UK coach Rick Pitino said he
liked what he saw last night, but he
added that his team is still not
where it should be at the beginning
of. a season. The CaLs open the regtr
lar season Wednesday against West



Virginia in the first round of the
National lnvitational Tournament.

“We are still not a polished team
ready to open up the season," Pitino

“And that’s because of a lot of

reasons. Number one, we’re young
in certain positions. And. two, we
have been going slowly at this pro-
cess, trying to get ready for this first

Mashburn wasn’t the only Wild-
cat who impressed the near-
capacity crowd.

Senior guard Sean Woods, after
scoring only one point in the first
half, came alive after the break. He
finished the game with 16 points.
four rebounds and five assists. Sen-
ior forward Deron Feldhaus also
shone, contributing 13 points.

The victory was a convincing
one, with UK leading most of the

Two big runs allowed the Wild-
cats to pull away.

Senior guard Richie Farmer ignit-
ed a 13—5 run midway through the
first half. With UK leading 17-16,
Farmer immediately passed to Jun-
ior Braddy. who took the ball the
length of the court for the score.

UK then stole the tnbounds pass
and Mashburn pumped in one of his
five three-pointers to put UK ahead

After the surge. the U.S.S.R.
teant matched L5K poittt-lor—point
the rest of the period to stay within
5 L44 at the half.

The second half opened with



Sophomore center Gimel Martinez grimaces as he shoots over So-
viet defenders Martinez scored 10 points in the contest

much of the same as Kentucky and
the Soviet team traded baskets for
nine minutes.

With UK up 7966, Woods hit a
three-pointer front the comer to
spark a 15-4 run that allowed UK to
put the game away.

Carlos Toomer nailed two free
throws with 5:35 remaining to push
1K to the century mark.

l’ttino had mixed emotions about
his team's play.

Ruggers’ long, strange trips
end with ‘Grundel’ Tourney

Senior Staft Writer

After a lot of long. strange trips.
the l'K rugby club has worked out
away to play ,, finally - at home.

The club invented the Grundel
Tournament , named for an ob—
scene act (the nature of which is un~
printable t.

The (irtindel Tournament. which
has attracted some of the best clubs
in the region. was designed to give
the roadweaiy ('ats a chance to
play at home

“It's a fun tournament. not SCflv
ous." 13K cocoach Taylor Manet
said. pressured by time Martel was
in a rttsh before practice yesterday
to get a liquor license from the Al-
coholic Beverage (‘ontrol Board for
the inst-tournament party.

“We wanted an cnd-ottheyear
toumament to play some good rug-
by and have some fun and brtttg an
end to the fall semester "

The (‘ats (4—7t have been on the
road the last eight weekends. and
have struggled with a lack of travel-
ing players The (Tats averaged 12
players on the road. Each rugby
side reqmres 15. players

“We haven‘t ticlded the same
team twice this season." Manet

My rugby president .‘ylark l’htl
lips doesn‘t hesitate to put the road
woes itt perspective “It's been
hell," he said.

The adversity, losses and moon?
sistency of team has its good side.

UK ts now ntade of a lean. hard-
hosed teant that has stuck through
the bad times.

“If not maturity. there is dctintte-
I) a certain hope for next semester,
Marrct said. “That hope has arisen
trout this season

“We are playing with a lot more
cohesitcness. and we should get
most of our players back next sc

The tournament champion will be


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named at the party. In the spirit of
fun. the champion will be the team
that parties best at the warehouse.
rtot the team that plays best on the
rugby field.

\‘larret and Phillips have con
firmed Indiana, Vanderbilt. Eastern

Kentucky l‘hiversity and the l.ex~
mgton lilackstohes. l’urdtie is es-
pccted but not confirmed.

’We got some pretty good com-
petition for this." \farret said. "We
should see some pretty good rug-
by ..





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“There were a lot of thtd things
tonight," he said. “We played a
very good man defense at times
Our motion was very good.

“But we were a little sloppy try-
ing to be fancy and trying to mess
around a little bit with the basket-
ball, rather than trying to make the
tundarttental plays We had 34 ttint
overs, and that's 1“ more than we
want. And we also have to get bet—

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Kentucky Kornol, Frldoy, November 15, 1991 .

GREG EANS Mr ‘3 t"

Martinez shoves one Soviet and grabs another as he defends or
the baseline Jamal Mashburn, who has added strength arc:
to his game. led the UK attack wrth 24 pomts


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Susan Shannon's “Grandfather‘s Clock" (left) and Monica Church's ‘We Travel" (right) are two of the featured works currently on exhibit
in the PreStdent's Room at the Otis A Singletary Center for the Arts. The Graduate Exhibition is on display until Monday



PHOTOS 8V GREG EANSJ-a'oet. it ‘



JFK, America and What might have been

Edttor'.s Note: On Der. 30.01””
Stone's controverszttl film. "JFK."
Will open at theaters ticrtuvt the
country, once again ratstng quay»
[[0fo about and ,tttrrtng tnterext in
the assasstnatton of President Ken-
nedy. Former l'K student and lung-
ttme Kennedy rereart her John
Crow oflcrs hrs instghts (ont‘crntne
the assassination [It's rnltwtnt wtl.’
appear each Frtdav on this ,r
the next several weeks

On Nov 22 ism. 33 years ago
ne\t week. John F. Kennedy. 15m
president of the L'ntted States was
brutally assassinated while riding in
a motorcade through the streets of
Dallas. Texas (in that day. a young
president filled with new ideas and
new hopes for the future of America
was violently removed trom oiitce,
the vt.:ttm ot a well-orchestnttsd
coup detat w htcr had been carrtetl
out with military-like precisto“

it was a conspiracy which tr.
voived the (‘l.-\_ the Mafia. the led-
eral Bureau oi investigation. high»
ranking members of the LS. gov-
emment and powerful flgll't‘Vsltitl
extremists who all had their \‘\\ll
agenda for the country -» an agetttia
that could not have been realt/sd
while Kennedy. with his “challens
es of the \ew Frontier." was in th‘
White House

But what it Kennedy had lived’
What would America he like today
ll the future of the country had been
forged out of Kennedy‘s vtstort‘
Where would we be now? Would

America have
become a nation
in which all of
as chi/ens
could partici-
pate in and a
feel a part of.
free of the cyni-
cism and nits—
trust of tederai

Bulldiplmu“ to KENNEDY

There :s a sufficient amount of
dtxuniented evidence that Presi-
dent Kennedy, at the time of his
death. was tn the process of pulling
out of the Vietnam War. sparing
the nation years oi agony. frustra-
tion and division

in No). Kennedy had sent mili-
tary advisers and equipment to as-
sist the people of South Vietnam
who were fighting the communists
to the north Before long. Kennedy
reait/ed that the war could not be
w on ii the government there did not
have the support ot its own people
in October Wt“. Kennedy an»
nounced at a news conierent‘e tltat
l.t'iit‘ 't S. personnel would be
withdraw n from South \t'tettittm by
the end of l‘ibS. This Presidential
("tier v,\Lllli‘li;tl Security Action
\ientttratidtitii :Mt was still tti et-
tect the day Kennedy was assassi-
nated in Dallas.

Three days later. President Lyn<
dot: ll. Johnson and the Pentagon
"re-evaluated the situation" tn Viet-
natit, quietly rescinded the order

Spotlight Jazz brings

Ass:stant Arts Ecno'

On the heels of last month's st/-
zltng. soldout performance to
Diane Schuur, the 't'K Spotlight
Jan. Series will present saxophone
Jazz. artist Frank Morgan tomorrow
night at X tn Memorial Hall

Morgan. a modern-day
Phoenix rising. is many lhiliL’s

He's a streetwtsc alto-sax poet.


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'REEDY S DCAC ”‘5 Find.

’4 Ht' Stir (Pot m
s .~
ERNES' SLARED's'th rm.

flif‘t’)i'>¢f' R

blow mg a heavenward song oi grat—
lliitlc‘ a gritty bandstand warrior,
playing like the charge of the Jan
»\ge Brigade: :1 Ill-yearrold debut
drunk upstart with a Sh-year-oid's
cool confident e. a fallen angel
clitiibtng out of the gutter. who
never lost sight oi the stars. a low
\lcls, moonstruck musician. gently
refusing to give tip on the power oi

Morgan. “h, performs as ll he


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\R (lllt'i N‘s \l‘vfi
SI ATS "\3 sn

and quickly escalated the war. Over
the next decade the Pentagon spent
tens of billions of dollars within the
miliuiry-industrial complex on a
war that cost more than soooo
American lives.

In the short time he was in office.
Kennedy also proposed the most
sweeping civil-rights legislation tn
history to ensure all Americans
equal opportunity in education. em»
pioyment. public accommtxlattorts
voting and access to federal pro~
grams. This eventually led to the
passage of the Civil Rights Act ol
l‘lol. which then-Texas oil rnatt
George Bush opposed, gtvtttg new
hope to millions of minority Amert’
cans who long had sought to be free
oi social and economic oppression.

Kennedy also was committed to
pttrsutng a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
with the Soviet l'mon. the first dts~
armament agreement of the nuclear
age. which eventually was signed in
October 1963. The treaty would ne—
gotiate a ban on all nuclear tests in
the atmosphere. in ottter space anti
under water.

The day before his assassination.
President Kennedy asked his eco-
nontic advisers to prepare a "War
on Poverty" program for WM. Kcn~
nedy'. who himself had lived a life
of wealth and accommodation. had
encountered many poor anti under-
privtleged Attiertcans while catn-
paigning for the presidency in 19m
and had vowed to “help them help
themselves." He had also vowed tn
his 1961 inaugural Address that “if

were borti again. He‘s living a sec»
ond, channed life tti which every
day is a gilt. He shows his thanks
by playing the alto saxophone. In
reality. the music is a cover for the
spiritual rejuvenation of a black art»
tst. The stage is his church; his audt
ence bears witness to the miracle

Today. Morgan is considered the
greatest living aitosax player in the
world. Jazz wunderktnd Wynton
Marsalis has said of Morgan



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