xt71jw86m54k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86m54k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1985 1985 1985-09-26 2020 true xt71jw86m54k section xt71jw86m54k ‘
.___.____ __________._ ____ ____ _ . __ ___~.,..___~.,. .. .. . .
Vol. LXXXIX, No. ‘94 Establish! 1.“ University at Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky lndopomlont Ilm 1911 Thursday September 26, 1985 . ' ‘
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TObaCCO harvest time Workers push o cortlood of recently cut tobocco into a born on County. The nor) will be heused until it Is dry and ready ‘r ' ‘~ . -‘ 1- , ‘
Costleton Farm on Mount Horeb Road in northern Fayette the market ‘ ‘ : f y a 1’:
Frat n't t dl l’ ht ' '1 mt t'n arth 'd 1
B) HR.\I)(’UOPI~ZR South African government." said heid. the fraternity this week has know it won‘t beaccepted. it Will not "Everyone i~ Tt‘ixi excited \th kt. . ' '7 -’ ' . y- :' y ‘ a "
(‘ontributing Writer Vince Weddington. the fraternitys given out red. green and black rib- spread ” dington said People are \‘tll‘pl‘lH'vZ Int 1:“ i' n ’ ~ . r .~ ' ' '.-. x
\igil coordinator “The vigil is a bons ithe colors of the South African Tuggle hopes the Mg” Wlll get the that no one has come up WI”) 'lll\ .i' 'hv en- ,; . ' .- ' f ~ _ »_ ' -- ‘f’
Kappa Alpha Psi members hope to sht)“ of unity. bringing the black flagi t0students campus and the Lexmgton commuv idea before » a p: .- 1v - ' ' ” | .. ‘- . " "
contradict the very theme of their \‘0lCL’l0g0theI‘ " nity involved in the anti—apartheid Toggle \“m ”A”. “mph. a“ , :t-uw s' ‘ ' “ ‘ g .. ' " . V, .
anti-apartheid Vigil tomorrow night The candlelight \‘lgll will start at “\then we hint‘ something like movement "The Vigil Will make teresttxl m anti apartheid m. 'Wf', ‘izz .. .iv -. .i . . ' 2‘ " t .v y ‘ "
“When all is said and done. more is the Student (‘enter parking lot at T apartheid. exeryone suffers." said people aware of apartheid and let know what I“ 4,, “h”. Hit. ”it ..; !- .. - , .' a y. 1 y .1 . ' . . .
saidthan done ' pm and proceed around the pe~ Tim Tuggle. the fraternitys publlCr people know that we care what goes people (”mm the \17; m}... 1 jwt-w . . ' " .. .‘r ._
“I felt it was time for us to make rimeter of campus In an effort to ty director "If it uas accepted it on in other countries. not Just here. ' in“ (mm M. llllllr. “m”. 'ha' 1‘» : ' y . " ’ 3
a stand saying that iie oppose the promote the Vlgll and protest apartr would spread. and as long as they he said hpsgmj ’ .. -. .-. ' . .1
o o .. 3,, y _ _. _ ‘ 2- y 1;, -'
A t t t n i ._ East Coast prepares
g experimen s a 10 . .. » . if: . . _~ .~   -.— ~.
. , .. $5.32" -133”. 0 .~ “
celebrates 100th ear ‘ ”“ "' ‘ w ' i " f3]. {1'0 1C a] ‘10??? ' - i
It} HHTIII.\\\SU\ ductioii and double-cropping (the » ‘ — . V’ u . . ‘ .3 c ', . . ‘ i H ‘ 1 , . ' '
Contributing \‘iritei' combination of soybean and _ 471%.... ’« 2‘ ~ HurrlLanL CilOtld b} pd\\L‘ Ltl .’ i cl ‘ i iii “. . _ 1- y'_ _ ‘. ' L.
wheat pl‘tXlUCUOn'. in which Ken- ,' .’ wflywzggt. i}. :5 . ' y .‘ 3 y.
The Kentucky Agricultural l'Ix tuck) leads the nation {*j y ‘ of ”Q ' “7 1 - h m \ 1' ll” ( ' . , i ‘5 7 . 9 , x , y .- 3 w ~.
periment Station, which affects (‘harles H Guile). assistant to I.“ , 'y ~ pwfiié‘??? . h 135 mph ll d5 I rtdlk’l 1 t “‘ ‘ “‘“ .' ‘,. . ;- j ':' ,1
the dull} |1\'(’S of Kentuckians by the dean for the (‘ollege of Agrir - ’ 1" d ‘ -3“, - . g H) .mllN FLESlll-lt l: ' an... :. ' - ' ~ . I 1
monitoring such actions as the culture. said the main purpose of f. g g; of” . ‘ ' .xssticiiitedl’ress itn.‘.3= . » . ” , , ‘ ’
purifying of milk. rationing ot pet the experiment station is to make ii." { ‘“ “g; ' y ' \t‘i. l- : .i: .~. . K . . V y f ,. - . '
foods and planting. of t‘t‘op seed. farming more effiCient. "As far 35.: ‘~ v: MANTEIL \ (' Hilt‘t’lt'tifit' (no iii_i;v~i-.i:,i i .. ' '4 1‘"
marked its tooth ilnlll\‘(‘t‘\'£ll"\ _\‘es- as quality. we feel that the exper» ' ‘ ria. one «it the most phut’l‘f‘ii s"it‘ll'i~ Ha ' ’ ' j '1 " " '.-‘ " '
terdayin Seay.-\uditorium inient station and the College of . ‘ ever recorded in mi. up” tilantii [WI-7 g . .. ._ . y -- ‘I ‘ _ , .. ’
l'K‘s station, the 13th oldest of Agriculture rank top in the coun— " A 7?. ; spared the Bahamas and new”: my in... ;..; ,;. , - . » > _. g ‘4.‘ ' ' - ' ,~ 3
"5 km“ m m“ mum?“ 1* i‘ “n” ”.‘th-‘md \\ § the East (has? M'slcrdti} as it ~pur W: .. l ' ,- z ' :' f "i ‘._-..
of the College of Agriculture. and t‘urrently. the experiment sta~ \\ it an)» the >0“ mm 13;, mph “imam i”,- g , . . - ~ .- ~ . ‘ _, 7 ', >‘ ..
its primarymissionis research tion is working on 200 separate - X. v.4 Q (iloria “m threatening the t‘arol- in": w... « . y .. , . . .. ‘ i y‘, '1‘ ‘.
R0." Kottman. dean emeritus "f Pmlt‘CI-‘U “'thh include animal “\tl -. oats. and .i l‘iutricane watch iias tarp :w .~ ~ . i - . t . ' - ". ' i,
the Ohio State l'nii'ersity (‘ollege science. agricultural economics. . posted from South t .”~.~,lin., to \ it ”as . . ' . .- . . . A ’5 y, ' . '2- .3?
of Agriculture addressed a plant diseases and virus diseases ,\“ ginia, including North (-umimd ‘ X. y i‘ 1, I y y , _ J > '. .' .' y ,4 )1. .1...
crowd of about 330 at the centen~ of the horse. said (ilenn Collins. \ vulnerable mm” islands. “hp“. mm. .‘s . y t. _ _..m; ,. _ :1 . ' P. '. - '
nial convocation by glnng a his- associate dean for research and campers began ”Kunming 7‘. _ “M. __, ‘1.” . M Wm .4 1‘ ’ y '-_" ..‘ [-
tory of the agricultural expert assoctatedirectoratthestation. IICKLJLKINSKeMcSiaH Although the “mm uhich hm: mph“... ,1 ..;i~ r. - .. \i 3- - :-
ment stations 'n the country and "It's an extremely diverse set Roy Kottmon, dean emeritus of the Ohio State University College packed 130 mph wmds wt'akent-tl .ins ~ vim. - . ' iiztit. _ ‘»j .‘ .2,
providing S08!“ and challenges of research programs." he said. of Agriculture. speaks at the Agriculture Experimental Stations 135' "'Em emergency 914”“ “”3 “Y" ““ "‘4’” ‘ ‘ ' ‘ l "i“ + ; : - . ' ,-‘ .'_'_
forthe‘nexlltllycars The Kentuckv Cooperative Exten- 100th anniversary celebration yesterday. drafted and residents \H'l‘t’ uilt'ticu din-iiia... .1"; . . :r»; .-.a:'t. ' . .' - ._ ' . _ .‘
"“9 re m 1h" WNW-‘5 ”f "rt" “on 50mg; and the College of to keep track of ultiria in otliei stwt'ii v. - , , . y‘
ating new knowledge." he said- Agriculture work together as a those who have directly or indi- Kentucky; Catherine Hammonds. coastal areas llicliest sits i :. 7 ~ .- ~i ’it ,n .i' . H. . ‘
adding that agriculture rt‘st‘élFCh team and are statewide in both rectlyasSisted Withtheprogram. daughter of the deceased Thomas Before iieakcning the .WU-lllllt‘ nine «ii. ritiv on» .; mm: ' 7" = f ' " '.' ‘ ‘;
is “the best mWStmem the state lac‘lities and staff hesaid The following received awards: Poe Cooper. former director of wide hurricane had been ranked as around i‘w:::3,i: I 1. .' ’
orcountrycan make” ' ’ ' ' Kottman. Paul Everman. exec- the experiment station 1918-1951. a "borderline" category .3 storm tiliirin 'iil‘l‘.2~ 1 - . 'T'Iimili tie ' . Vi-
Kentucky has had some tre- At the end of the convocation. ull\'8 Vice prestdent of the Ken- and Lida Seay. wife of the def capable of catastrophic damage t)l‘t’\'~iitf. 'iea' mm ., :o \illt'u . a v ' '-y y, -’ .
mendous contributions in re Charles Barnhart. dean of the tucky Farm Bureau Federation ceased William A. Seay. 1962-1966 The last time (1 storm anywhere .il‘it‘i sun-p .itvzo.» 'llt tannin lil' ' ' ' . ‘ ‘
search since 1949. Kottman said. t‘ollege of Agriculture, presented Ed Sutton. president of the Na- director of the experiment sta- near the strength of tiloria hit the nearli ll.ti .i...s r-. We .'"‘il('h!l‘i£,'. . ‘ ' ~
noting the state's n0-tiliagv Pm‘ 100th anniversary medallions 10 tional Farmers Organization of tion. East t‘oast. it killed 6m people in hulflc'.it‘.(- «mum, .i;; ;. _..»..iw 7.; . ' ' ~'
____________————————- NewEnglandin With trpli “l.\llll‘l.1j~ . . . 3 _ .
' ‘ I .~ I ‘ .l
0 ‘ " ‘1 H m m' d t ' ht "
" y p , , ~ .
Speaker urges gr up > zit—«9‘ 0 eco mg para e, roar 0mg . ‘
, a . . . ,
O 0 O A i ' 9 Staff repOrts Hilltop. Proceed up l'niVersit) lime \eil l,:‘io lit: .‘ l ’es' inc. 'lit‘ a: i ' . I - " . '
‘ {we and endatt'ommonuealth Stadium nouncciiien: :lii . .i- 'lllfflpriiunlnp‘ ‘ y .
0 maln aln pr] e "' Homecoming festivities Mil COD- Students can Jom the parade as it queen mill-sh .i' l ’1' e .3.l.’\ .~ > "
. . tinue tonight With a parade and thf‘ passes by their fraternity. sorority contest iiinnei' - y y _
. . y. ' annual Wildcat Roar . or residence hall by walking by their l‘hi mm My; m. . Ht. “my ,1 y ' ' _ y
34* I The parade, which begins at 7:25 car decorated with balloons. streamr naleflit “H.“‘l‘.k\ fl 1 “M licht '.
In epu 1c an par y Q“. ‘3 p m.. will be led by a UK police car ers and soap \h‘m ' 'y ~ '
‘38:? ; followed by a fire truck. the Louis Straub. “ho is in charge of ‘
s... ’ - cheerleaders ndins in Old Blue. the the parade. said there are more The riiar ~rzi-iil’ w ‘ watt-er. s ;u . ~
ByTIM JOHNSON added “That means we‘re doing 16 homecoming finalists in the trol- than 20 different groups sponsoring and twp in ‘>
Senior Staff Writer something right if we‘re getting peo- ~~ ley and finally. the entrants in the carsthis‘ year __
ple interested with our organiza- crazv car contest. The t d- l i y - _
~ . 4 .- ~ para t “1] tnd .it i 43 pm
Ifipitethtwoc hfckler; ”(:31 (:59. tior)i. { h ‘ y t' A] n The parade will wmd its way up when the Wildcat Roar will begin 'NSIDE ‘
fi’r‘é‘i‘aeeiifig oi’ii‘ifietveaf‘ié‘gt‘iiigm ci‘é‘ifa‘iimle‘l 33:33:; said the AW 0‘ ”WW "‘9" ‘0 “‘ithhiahhmsiit W “W“
. ' 7 . ' . ‘. Rose Street. Columbia. Woodland. se .“on The ro;r \iill feature the
ended on a high note. as Tim Phil- after the meeting that he was disap- \ a‘ l 1.0 m 2.," Wm mcmitm an:
POL a candidate for Fayette (‘ounty [filmed With the ”triVialn nature 0f ‘ . showing what playing .ollegc golf ls
attorne.“ urged Republicans ”Wim the meeting t 0 ay ast ay 0 l e all about. t-ei details. «cc SPORTS.
guts" to “stand up and not be .. , page 2.
ashamed .. I wanted to learn about the new TIM PHll POT
.. ‘ . Republican college life and. obvious . y, . . . ‘ .
Why dont P9091? Who always ly. they only covered trivial mat- svstem that works? The building or ecem er e fees Clhk ‘tekvismn ids izlcascd this
vote for the Republicans have the . ,. . ~. . moni‘i « mom \chcdulc For a pre-
SUtS ‘0 register Republican? Be- ters. nothing Ideep. Creech said. Willjustbetorndown, view set DIV’l-‘ltfilrws page't
cause most of them are scared since More or “55‘ n was propaganda. warding €263,338 kan datmosphere Staff reports in December Will be granted. pro-
thiS is a Democratic state." PhilPOl But Susan Quinlisk, a finance ju- bi deallgi-naf‘a 'ettunCen t ‘Yinghisl no Vlded the senior continues to he aca-
‘OId the group 0‘ about 60‘ “But you NOT. said the speech was interest- 8 i. y e oun y. . I p0 Today is the last dav for students demically successful this fall semes- WEATHER
~ h ed fbe' bl'- . H . - said. Young people are dying bee . .'
C8" 1 be as am 0 "‘8 Repu 1 mg. I ve never heard of him before . ,. planning to graduate in December to ter
.. . cause of drugs and alcohol .
can. tonight. but he really seemed en- file foradegree. It is im rtant for seniors to a l\'
Throughout Philpot‘s 30-minute ergetic and excited." she said. “He Philpot. 34. a native of Fayette Seniors must go through their aca- t the r p0 deniic dean‘s‘officcppby '
speech. the two men continued to had his platform and his ideas that County, graduated from UK in 1974. demic dean's office to fill out an ap the deladlfi: although some late at;-
ask questions. which. according to he wants tmmplement down pat, He has been a trial lawyer‘ in plication for a. degree card. The plicants are‘ accepted for a one. or rod” will be doudy with a .0 pa-
College Republican chairman Alan . . . . . . Fayette (‘ounty for "‘9 “‘51 9‘3," deans office M." then go over Sm twodav “grace period " said Linda cent chance of rain and a high inthc
Holt was not the urpose of the Andtop priorityon Philpots list is years dents transcripts to determine g ' 605 . .
‘ p ‘ the t ‘ riminal “1-" d Hensley of student records. Seniors met . Torin!“ mll be My
meeting, toughening CW" y 5 c .. . y . , . whether they have f fi ed gra ua- . . . . , . cloud! “in me low . m w ‘.
. . h' h he lied um The county attorney position is . . who miss this semester 5 application in t
. . . . .. justice system. w '0 ca .. “0“ requirements ' ' ' Toma-row will be and 0‘.
”This wasnt an issue meeting. most important thing fora city.“ the most important one to hold. he deadline for graduation in pecem- . sunny
hesaid. “()tirwrposetonight was to said. “And Fayette County needs If they meet the correct fulfill- ber mist wait until the spring 59- mmuuflyhflnmflfi.
hear Tim speak. “What good is it if we build great someone with experience in the merits of credit hours and required mester to apply for graduation next
“But we love it anyway," Holt buildings if there is not a criminal courtroom tofill that position “ courses. permnssron for graduation May

 2- KENTUCKY KERNEL, My, W25, 19“
Am Editor
B] d d b kd . bl th . month
' l . B) “ E5113" “ll-”‘3“ . _ . _ . free POWs. Like "First Blood." this . ' ’ N
Stuff “mvr A movie that introduces an incredible twist on flick throws credibility out the win M s J,“ _ J“ i
h . " , t t ' h 984 duw; a total audienceoriented -"£§'1; ' . , ' .-
h 5 [he Mmmg of the month the breakdance craze ist e preposterous 1 movie. Not my good. but it does my . i .1 r“ .
‘ once again, and time for the pay flle ‘Ninja 1” The Domination’ . . . beatstudying. . . .5 t '54 . A "' ' ‘-
'. ' .‘ channels to load up with new mov~ _ _ . _ Premiering tomorrow on HBO is i i" r- g
. . .. ~ 195 The blg tour «HBO. Cinemas. this film stars Lucmda Dickey as a breakdancer 1984‘s Breakin'. the first of many “ ~ _. - j .
' ' - ~ Showtime and The Movie Channeli 3 ~ . ‘ ~ ' breakdance exploitation films. This TV . “r .c I i i
. , ~ boast nearly so premiere films in “11h ESP “ho becomes possessed by the Spirit outing features little plot and lotsa ‘ _ ) ’ l ‘1! \ q. ._'
- - the coming week. the following are of a really nasty Ninja, gyrating in the tale of three break- (4 \ . ‘ g h A J
" " ‘ ' . ‘ the most memorable ' ' ers trying to make it big, If you c \ V i." q.” i V" ;
- ' ' V‘ ' Premieriiig on all four major pay . _ enjoy this kinda stuff. it‘s worth ‘ 15.0 l s" - i
f . '1 channels tor a total of seven show» Clalnk‘d drama ““1595 0“ the pre _ Paul McCartney 5 13195? excurSion watching. Otherwise. avoid reli- / . ~ ‘\ “\ . 1""
‘ .. " . - ~ ings Le 1984 , \II of “a which casts l-‘armAid troubles of family farmers into the movie industry Will debut on giouslv. \ ‘ . .- , ‘ “‘-~—~e" _’
. K - . 5““. Hum“ ‘13 a d0wn~0n-hlS*luck Jessica Lange and Sam Sheppard. Showtime Wednesday afternoon. ’ . . _ rs‘ ‘ . F V {1/ . 5' L” 4
- -_ . . . ‘ 1am“ “med [0 share ms body with who battle to hold on to their planta- Last year's (iive My Regards to A movie that introduces an incred- . . ’i _ " .1 . l
. ., " ' x j ‘ . . . ‘ tion in the face of l‘inanCialruin. Broad Street is a disa intingv ible tWiSl on the breakdance craze ‘5 ' ' " " . ‘ 1
~ . .. _ ‘ prudish iiiillionairess Lily Tomlin ' P90. . . .. _ W _ y
Y A ' . . - im oneot her funniest rolesi This was one of the best movies of over long “deo about the day m Fhe the preposterous 1984 illek Mn-la. "I: ,. I“ x. ' ‘_ » ’
. y -, Martin 13. to say the least. physt 1984. garnering Jessica Lange an life ofa popular rock star-No brains The Domination. which premieres (“I x‘ A 5., r , \ . l
it ‘ ' .- 2 “3“} adept m “15 best performance Oscar nomination and practicallv m S‘ght‘ and the mus” 15"! even next Friday on The,M°V'e Channel. "5“ f z \j" /‘ 1
i x r . . Mm) “The Man With Two Bramg erasing from the memory her re- that good. Listen to Abbey Road In- Definitely an acquired taste. this Ah .i: _ I
._ f . m mm. mm”). wacky. thoroughly en- grettable r010 m the remake of stead. or else dig up a yideocassette film stars Lucmda Dickey as a y 4/ . ~_, ,_ . (
. ~, ; . 3 I Joyiiblc comedy By the way. if you "King Kong " 0f.“ Hard Day Snght: breakdiiljce; “tlhh ES'P‘tWh? becomles J minus iii-memo“
:' ., ‘- .' . .. - ssess ' eSiri 0 area.'
, ‘ , aren‘t “me “1)! T“: u m” week, do“. F01” whatever Tea-*0“- Showtime Another popular premiere on pay» 2:51), Ninja). Thrilihng. humorous.) fast Club." “St. Elmo‘s Fire") as a feature the cable premiere of the
_ ‘- .y " , ““er “ “l * 0“ ‘1”. ”lo” “me? will premiere the 1984 bloodfest l-‘ri- TV is 1984‘s Missing in Action. which offbeat; definitely headed for cult hood hired by snobby Dana ()lson to 1960 classic Polyanna. Fourteen
.‘ .' 1 . . lht it‘l‘lm‘mg “99k “5 m" outing 1“ day the 13th — The Final Chapter on premieres 'hiesday night on The status. ' take his place at prep school. This yearold Hayley Mills won an ()scar,
’: ‘3 . -. . TUt’Mid} night on HBO Tuesday Jag-0n. that lovable. devil- Movie Channel and later in the week one was loaded with comedic possi- along with the hearts of millions of
~ .. , .. _ 1’ « . » ' The he“ movie of the week is last may-care meathead. wipes out more on Cinemax and HBO. Karate kid Premiering next Friday on Cine bilities. but unfortunately it deliv< moviegoers. for her portrayal of the
_ . v_ year‘s country. which premieres on stupid teens until Corey Feldman Chuck Norris plays a bitter. bad~ass max is last year‘s Making the ered onlyafew. lovable. determinedly optimistic or-
'. 3 y. , . The Disney Channel on Tuesday “The Goonies”> gives him his tem- Vietnam vet who. in the finest Grade, an unspectacular little come- phan. who moves into the mansion
. y _ ‘ ' ‘ and HBO. t‘inemax and Showtime porary comeuppance Not even fun bloody Rambo style. battles the dy that stars Hollywood Brat Pack» Golden ()Idie of the Week: This of her rich aunt A150 stars Jami
. , y later in the week This critically ac- for sadists North Vietnamese in an effort to member Judd Nelson t"The Break— Saturday. The Disney Channel will Wyman and Karl Malden
’ " M k l mb'n ' Al k k
- . » " _ 5 . ' ‘ o ’ o
,- ~ pop, rican c ant . . mail-order brides
7' _ : , By (i \Ry Lipgm- —————-—-—-——-—-— Vi ' ' By PAL'LJENKINS where tree stumps serve as stools at
' . , ’ Contributing Writer Associated Press the cookhouse table
' ' ' ' . PAYSTREKE. Alaska 7 Out here "" “'35 "‘U‘ual'y agreed WWW"
_' ' ' ‘ \\ aiting for the Rain Hugh Masekela REVIEW 8 1‘ . . a in the boondocks where the d1” road her and the guys that there was no
’. . . Jive Atrika Arista Records ~ \ a: ”F S « shrinks to a rock-strewn path. Tom spark there We still hax e outhouses.
‘ I ' . I . r1. I 1 ‘ Williams and some of his crew are n: ”firm? "Vil‘éerb 3‘91 :ifld ‘h‘:
. . ~ .. Jazz with a danceable beat. Afri» .1 . 1B willing to put up with no telephones. t oug t i wou e ii it t more
‘ . can chant-influenced vocals and a * -* p y _ f »: t, electricitv or running water. But complete. None of the men were in-
' " _ ' . little blues describes the style of flu- "Tonight," a song that is remi- .M __ \ fi (fi- 3’ they‘re tired of doing without terested Iii“ her and she w'asn t inter
‘. . ~ , ' , . gelhorn trumpet play-Eirvtflughh‘lase- niscent of the soulful work of Marvin . ' . ‘3 women. ested 1-“ t. em,“ r . ..
. . . kela s new album. Waiting tor the Gaye. and "The Joke of Life," an m- . I" v. . r "We were all sitting around the Williams says, he .o‘und hlsikd} to
, . -. , , Rain strumental featurlng Masekela. fin. ‘ I" .‘ cookhouse talking. They were kid- Alaska in 196v after .ossing .i dime
- . =- _ _ Masekela. a native of South Afri- ish 5mg one 1 i h x . ding me. ‘Where are the nglS')‘ And ontoamapin an lllinms bar
' . - . 7 cram reletaieg msmfllgz 8:11:31 $313123): The flip side opens with another ”‘ ‘3’. ‘ y ‘; y . l’told them. I‘m not about to be a Williams lives in a oneroom
. ' , l .13): figs” of albums Since instrumental. "Hun No More IA \‘uo " p . ‘ ‘ ~ leP‘ P”? id 599 what 1 could d0~ cabin Outside are two giant dogs.
. 1' ' 5:91; oved hit status in the ’605 with Mon" an upbeat song with some ‘1 C ‘ at said \‘lilliams. a bear of'a man with mixes of Great Pyrenees. Great
' 4' h < ‘31.]? "Grazin in the Grass ” haunting choruses 0f female “”095. ~. /‘ . t! 5" ‘ a hand—made 80“"? knife strapped Dane and Saint Bernard. He carries
' " ‘ L 51. g ' ,. g ‘, The second song on this side. "Coal ‘ F ‘ "~ “.4 tohiship ”‘9 BUM" km“ becaust a scrape
. and worked “uh Herb Alpert on ”0 Train iStimela is a bluesier tune ; —' a.” . With the 1' w 'q . t u . . left h
. V' ' > . albums in the late ‘705 In 'n om ) .1. ‘ bl' 1‘0 . , . ‘ About half the men on his iii-man 1 ll . ‘j‘b ‘3' “ ecnagcr ‘ ‘ 1”"
. . ' ' This time out. Masekela confronts \l a k ‘lllm Lb‘ '1‘ng 11”: V‘ \fmtcls , . crew. who are trying to turn this old Cgahy una ‘1‘ 1° 0“" (”’9‘"le and
. .Urica’s political turmOil in his flat? eta 3‘1““ 9“ ‘31 I n\ 9 . 3 ‘ gold claim into a tourist attraction. ‘_n I ‘7‘ neck )Of [the “00d“ ”1‘?”
- . strong lyrics and delights the ears rhOfih'ot e‘dflfctin C0? 1mg?” d" are unmarried. The nearest Civiliza- “)met'mhfi air: bdd“t‘mpert‘(i CH!’
. , . with extremely tight melodies writ- 9” d r ) eirover or b y tion is Hope. a tiny community of ("Mm ‘ “1“ 9“
’ ten inlazzpoptuswh style. "Stimela” features trumpet 50105 i 150 people some 8“ road "“195 south Paystreke‘s name comes from the
' . Side one of Rain begins with two by Masekela that are so bluesy that of Anchorage It is not Las Vegas original patent grampd by Presuient
y danceable tunes ~ “Lady." a song the mood SWlhg 9f the next L, North There are no bars. no dance- ('alvin (‘oolidge The land patent
t - - . With a chant-like quality In “S \0- track."Ritual Dancer. takes you by halls and few single women was supposed to be for the pay,
’ I 7 , C815. and some $1le 811W" and me» flurgnfsle 11:15 a dlanceb [“319- lflih ! treak Placer Mine. but somehow on
~. ' 10‘“ percussion WOTkZ and "POh- “1 uge am 50 05 .V A 359 93 momentum "to.“ “Most of the people in the area the documents it came out Pays»
.' I ~. “Clan-'- a ”0‘951 against the 59h" and lyrics (1951an [0 ‘make you voumu are older and retired.” said John trekc
, ' . * ’ serving bureaucrat. WhK'h may be ”110;" your {Nth "Llihmmg strikes Hugh Masekela's new album mixes iazz and African rhythms. Lueders. an unmarried carpenter
- ' , best summed u in the words of the Wit everystept ey ta 9 " . - W] . .. . f . _ .
- ' . l ‘ song's refrain.p"PolitiCian. where‘s “Zulu Wedding.“ a frivolous song Trevor Huddlestone. once went what he heard that he sent a trum- ::;:lyrfffg:“;vl:l?ge ~- R g kind 0 Nowadays. “llhilms. W. 15 imam"
.2 ‘ it your credibility” with a reggae beat. winds up side backstage a‘fvter ayboiuis Armstrong] pet. to South Africa for Masekela. ' 322' llfldffi'ilo‘hmf‘mf bi}. (59’1“? ROE
.. . "Politician" sports some capri« two concert in . ew or City to tel Waiting for the Rain is one more W'll' h _. If n d ‘V‘9 5 dm (am 0 “r. en T06 f
" . ‘ ‘5 Cious solos by Masekela and alto ”"9 interesting fact about “359' Satchmo 0f the young Masekela. reason for us ‘0 thank Louis. wher- seizedmurgdn (mugs; of :direfii‘slfng amtfyl?lsghe%re -”lf Alaska any?“
_ . - _ - ’- saxophonist Barney Rachabane. kela an ex-teacher of his. Father Armstrong was so impressed by ever he is.for his foremghted gift last week for "mail-order" brides m Clll:\' vi“? liavlen 38;:‘393rzbnéla:
_ ' ‘. . V ' . . . an Anchorage newspaper, Within a holic 1800s saloon. cancan girls.
.-' . - y ‘ ’ t l t t N l r t da_V of publication. there were four gifts shops and other faumws
~ . OS y 0 hh 0“ 0p In 3 es 1e sen a lugs responses. and two of the women
‘- '. * - : said they wanted to visit the 1800s
' i ~i ,‘ I The \ssociated Press todate rankings are unavailable this 3. 27 NBC. 206. 17.7 million 7- "H9“ Town." NBC 13-7- “31 replica gold-mining camp that “11' =-_;! __.9- g__-!.-_—!
. .. l ~.-. week due to the Nielsen computer homes. million homes. lla‘mS and his men started budding Mr,-
7 ’ j .- ' NE“ voRK ~ Here are the Top Pmblems ,4-.”Fam”5' Ties-H NBC 203- 1“ 32'1“? A'Team” NB“ 1” 16'” lamearonbacreb " A R R E N T A l-
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. r. ‘ - ' ' " ‘ the week. and total homes. Season» "“1110“ homes 189‘ 16-2 ”“1110" homes. 8‘ The, Emmy Awards. ABC .
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 W KENHICKYKERNEL Thulfiy, Sophmba26, 1985—3
————-—-——-————————_ ._____.____————————_.___-__ -m.-..h". -. _
Wllllo Klan
Sports Edit ,v
John Jury
Assistant Spot's tditu' A
9 s s ' - Vols down I rad Kats
e 2; i ~ ’2 ' .r . - .
’ ti»; ‘5‘»: g A * . 4%: Tx . A .
o o l. ' 4 ‘v i ' ll ,h V. '
strokes of brilliance " .. t I, . 1“ *0 er €035th malt ~
. . . f By Msox WILLI ms “km, ,.,.A, A ; . . i: is, '. r' .'
ByJOIINJL'RY knew l'K would be the place for A . A , .A , (‘ontributing Writer ‘, imi (A _, . A iiir u. .t m- ”75;. . ' ,
AssistantSportsEditor him. 3 ‘ ' AA' 1 iiigimd i- ,wi .ir'. A , _- 'A
“My parents knew (‘oach Simpson ' ‘ . A), ' Q The Lady Kat \iilleyiiali team has HpshhAAArA i‘. A. .5 ....~ 1 p x r -1 .AAA

UK men‘s golf coach Tom Simp- would be outstanding.“ Grant said. ‘ i - .. improved in many areas in” ii) AA ; A ,AA_ AAA AAA . A a. .t 'r. AA J 1' .
son calls them the most talented and "They wanted me to get away from ‘ - n :A 1.. la. 10-day break but there \ one arm “(Ang- Al - . AA. Ir” - AA ”A. . 1.1 .=' J 3; ‘A
uniquefreshmeninthenation. homeandexperience " . g? :> .51 that only time can Overcome 'nt‘ti “.m. AAAyA . AA h... A;._A. ..;."- J. . , "4' Ai~_ .

Olen Grant and Steve Flesch have The strongest part of Grant‘s ‘2 . a; ';.A'A'";‘i perlencc A.AAA.,A,. .A:. AA, ,A A ,AA. .A,,. :21.)
already made Wildcathistory. game is his thunderous drive “()len A g}: M *vgfi The Kats‘ )0ulh4lrlt‘nlt-(l attack .... ,A in. A A. _,. -. 'i: A‘ A' A {1'- ~.' .A .5

Last weekend. they led UK to first hits the golf ball farther than any- . ‘2. ' - gave Tennessee's lady \‘niuniwn 1 Ah. i.;,;u i . ,.. A; : "it": .J‘ ,.A
place at the Murray Intercollegiate body I‘ve played with." said sopho- . ~ good match last night ii: Memoir.“ i.A,-A..,, , . ‘r. -, :w i. A. .... ”I, :1; r;
Tournament in Murray, Ky. Grant more teammate Bill Lundeen. who v... ~ . A 5 a.“ (Tolis