xt71jw86m24x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86m24x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 1995 KPA Advertising Contest text 1995 KPA Advertising Contest 1995 1995 2019 true xt71jw86m24x section xt71jw86m24x t . \
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1995 KPA Ad t' ° Contest
' Sometimes it‘s a f
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W**§‘%F j, ‘ ha re more way tut};
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- ~ the to w of the hill“
. 25 PICCCS 0t . ' }
Nautilus: . R Nautilus:
:0, Women ~ NautilusO Farr/omen.
Strength Training/Toning Equipment
Treadmills ° Stairsteppers ° Bicycles ° Nordic Tracks
. (‘5
2 Aemblcs (a: a
' ‘ . I I
l - Low IdeCt to Advanced I? ,5- ‘ | ‘
' - Cemfled Instructors . r '
_ . . , I . TWA \F
' 21:7: ‘: 41:31 a: “cmght Loss Pror '3‘“ . .
- Plush Locker Roon , " :.- » g ‘ L:
Fully Supervised Chil , 2 z' ‘ ctivity Center '~ . ,
F ‘ F O ' c .
' 7 7 ' E“ | E To the right. the Maytville Lodger lndopen- :
\( ~~ ‘ " .» I .,_ : dent won first place in the Professional
,, . ' I Services category in the Daily Clan I compe- '
/ , ‘ ~\ 1 t tition. .
, ’ ,v’ F F
HEALTH AND Frmssseéemha F0 = EMEN

 . i I
a I
- MAY 1995 ‘
tin-2. mm Whig Emmi.» ‘
WEEK” CLASS 1 First Place - TRI CITY NEws — Paul Wilder
Category I - DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNTIJEWELRY STORES ggn‘g‘g’gff’fia‘éfm gsafifilflg‘figfli's‘figmg ad'
35. “ace“:dcelérzElI'lLAND TRIGTY NEWS _ Delores I ackson/ Sandy Hodges Very neat and well balanced. Good clean photos. Super way to promote the
SezandeI FULTONEEADER Beck w dl' t “ewsPaW's ”meme
Vegnmtjgém Clean — Y a "‘8 0“ Third Place - EDDYVILLE HERALD LEDCER _. Staff
Third Place - TRI-CITY NEWS— Delores Jackson/Sandy Hodges Cute artwork. Nice display of information. Easy to read, \
Good use of artwork, but a little too busy, Category 12 _ ENTERTAINMENT/DINING
First Place - TRIMBLE BANNER —- Mabel Richmond
Category 2 ' AUTOMOTIVE Neat ad Use of screens Ver ‘ ‘
. . . , ' y appealing. Good use of small space,
glfgnmafgl':Efigmggili‘c’i‘QEDJ/flfiiiggm”'3 30" Second Place — EDDYVILLE HERALD LEDCER — Brenda Hollingsworth
r ~ . . , , , . , . _
Second Place _ TRI-CITY NEWS _ Delores Jackson/Sandy Hodges Esfzgoéfgtgnl/grk very good I erliaps breakup Information more With out screens and
We“ defined Appealing ad‘ Balanced Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEws — Ian Yotin /Shc Maddox
Third ”a.“ ' MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS .— Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox Cleverly done. Clearly defined and good use of artwof’k Y }
Informa'we- The numbers “9 °Ye*a“h“‘8' Honorable Mention - TRIMBLE BANNER - Mabel Richmond
Category 3 - HARDWARE/APPLIANCE STORES Good use of information but shadows on typeface distract from ad. _ 1
First Place — KENTON COUNTY RECORDER — Sandra Cupps _ . . I
Well defined and creative use of artwork (snowflakes). Elitsetfizzel-3TIEP-EI$IIC[I[E:IEICLIO(L)J§JSTY NEWS A Staff o i
Second Plafce - MCLEAP C?.UNTY NEWS :Izn‘Yokl‘Ing/dsmcy Maddox Unity through section Creative use of artwork Clarity of ads well defined. i
N‘Fe “590 “work A 0‘0 '“fo’mat‘F’n P“ 9 ”‘t ‘5 a - First Place - TIE - THE LAKE NEws —L,ovcl Ford/Dora Lummub I
Third Place - FULTON LEADER __ Leigh Ann Moore Super Clean ads' Good use of artwork — ‘
Nice headline. Ad definitely sells features and benefits Good photo Very eye— Second Place _ TIE _ THE LAKE NEWS _ Lovd Ford /, Dora Lummus I
appealing. Good clean ads Creative section I .
Category 4 - FINANCIAL ' . . , _ , ,
First Place _ FULTON LEADER __ Leigh Ann Moore Super fun looking section Great idea Must hate high readership I
Good use of photos. Very easy to read. Good balance. Cate
. . gory 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS
second ”a“? ‘ FULTON LEADER ” L918" 5“" Moore . . First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS _ Jan Young/Stacy Maddox
Crabs attention. Easy to read. Message ls to me pOlnt. Artwork Simple but delivers Nice clean lavout Ads flow well together
”“9553“ . Second Place- TRIMBLE BANNER _ Mabel Richmond
thrdhl’lajcle ' FELTENfLEAgER Z Becky maglingtzg Screen and artwork are appealing Just a little busy, but still well balanced.
‘Ce 9“ "‘9 ea 9’ ”9“ Y a“ very we a “"C - Third Place - EDDYVILLE HERALD LEDCER _v Brenda Hollingsworth
Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Good use of white space Headline words with type seems to fight each other.
First Place — MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS — Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox _
By far the best" Great headline, super artwork Message clear and to the point. ElitsifizdE;FESICISILEESEIREEgiglfiadlington
Sec: on!EldrebalcltleaIIEI-‘arngljlEfrIyDrErEse—nlgeedgtl‘n?:r25rh4:;la: Very balanced Photos well defined, Good, neat ad.
Third Place _ FULTON LEADER __ Becky Wadlington fifigfdfgfie - BREATHITT COUNTY VOILE — Delores Chandler/Elesha
Reader friendly. Clear message. Good use of lots of photos. Nice layout, Well defined photos Clean, Good headline 1
Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS — Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox 1
Category 6 ' FOOD/DRUG/ALCOHOL Very creative idea. Clean layout, ‘
“‘5' “a“ ' MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS — “"95" Rev'ewsmy Maddox Honorable Mention — FULTON LEADER — Leigh Ann Moore
Clean layout. Very consistent. Easy to read. good use of screens. Very eye appealing. good use of screens Clean ad I
Second Place - TIE - FULTON LEADER — Becky Wadllngton ‘ ‘ " '
' Very eye appealing. Balanced. C
sewn" ““9 ' "E it‘d-EA.” CSUNTY NEWS — Teresa Rev'ewsmy Maddox Firstng-e - EDDYVILLE HERALD LEDCER _ Brenda Hollingsworth
1N1?“ well defined. rge prices raw attention, _ . ‘ Very clean, Good use of artwork and white space Very reader friendly
ird Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE —— Delores Chandler/Elesha Richardson Second Place _ FULTON LEADER __ Beck Wadlin um
Neat layout, Good use of lots of information that has been made easy to read. Good Good ad but print not reil cleir‘to read N)Ice artwrfik
use Of reverses. Third Place - FULTON LEADER ——- Becky Wadlington >
Category 7 - FURNITURE Good use of artwork Information flows well ‘
First Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE - Elesha Richardson . e i
, . a Category 17 - CLASSIFIED SE( TION/PAGE i
C°°d “59 0‘ ““90“" makes '“fom‘a‘m” “and 0“" “‘x’d “MOI" First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEws _ Jeanette stitheriin/Stacy Maddox :
‘ Second Place ~ BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE — Delores Chandler/Elesha . _ . y ' A I
Ri h rd Clearly defined and good flow of ads (iives reader needed inforiiiatioli to purthase
C a son . ad Nice banner across top of page Nice layout ’
Excellent use of coupons, Very eye appealing * y
‘ Third Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE - Delores Chandler ~ ‘
we" ”Named ad‘ 60"" use °‘ “”0““ ‘ CERTIFICATE OF MERIT _ BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE [)aVId Strong I .
. Category 8 - REAL ESTATE . y _ . . .
Appealing Color makes the ad Super press work Perfect regisler‘
Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES . ) . _ ~ . - i x ; ’C, , q _ . r .
First Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE —— Delores Chandler/Elesha Richardson attic/[13:]:‘:;:,WM((;rl:;tA:.:: twill) NLW’ J‘m YW'WJ- L“) M" ML“
ganzfiIAd- C$gfi$fiéwgrk 5'39 0" S'gk‘m’ “95'2”; H d Third Place . TRi—CITY NEws Delores Jackson/Sandy Hodges
Clog: ad fgwork simple but jumps 0;):‘58’98; :24” n y 0 ges Neat idea Very appealing Ad wouldn't be the same Without It
. . ' ’ ’ Honorable Mention - FUI.I( )N LEADER , Becky Wadliilgton
Third Place _ MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS __ Stacy Maddox Nice use of color Shading is very effective (‘oIor makes ad lump on page I‘
Artwork very appealing Nice ad. . '
e _ _ i
( r l) - . ' C . 1.
Category to - MULTIPLE ADVERTISER/"SIG" PAGE Ngeégfifififlfl A" “my;
First Place - EDDYVILLE HERALD LEDCER a Brenda Hollmgsworth ' ”
Good use of large photos Very eye-catching Super way to promote band” (_ "e . . . . I
. _ r gory 21 - GENERAL/MIS( ELLANEOUS .
59““ Place ' FULTON LEADER 5‘38" An“ ”mm/3“” Wad‘mg‘m First Place - EDDYVILLE HERALD LEIx ;ER ~ , Brenda Holllngsworth ,
.. [lots of information, out good use of it. Perhaps llne around schedule would help By far the be“ Very dean ad Super artwork
‘ ‘- Pxoflafafiigfiwscgfl'gfiifggg{gfzexgl‘l‘ Mam” Second Place - FULTON LEADER . Becky Wadllngton '
' ‘ ' . . . r I _ C. r I
Honorable Mention - THE LAKE NEws, CALVERT CITY — Loyd Ford/Dora Um‘frgflfijfjfigagfihfi SN; ‘f‘fifif’rfl :32)“: "“1 ”‘y'h "‘ ”‘ “
Lummus ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ . . Clean layout Good use of boxes and screens Well balanced
C“ “I“ N’“ “Y°“‘- V“? “Y” a”Wk"!!- 00°“ “3" 0‘ "mm" Honorable Mention - HICKMAN COURIER . ioiin O’Neal Jones
Super idea' What a keepsake“ ‘
I: ‘ Cur-:- ’;“"' ' ’s ‘ 1"(5 .‘ ' ‘ h" ‘ , ' ' .. ' H j ' >o ,.e ,a, », at”.
.5}; ,‘ I‘.‘ 1.1."... . g ._ ' . x , . .- . i
a u > Mr . ‘ , '4 , . f , . g e ' Q \ I

 l ,
1 A "f IQHS 1995 KPA Advertising Contact Tab, Page a '
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3‘99 J ¢1YEAR \V “it.“ an ‘15 It ”Lt/t5 -\ ,.
WARRANTY ' ,h‘fl; \
\/ FLUSTMEM ./‘\\ ‘,v p E l (l(ll()“ 1 \7]
' 3 DV ' -... mm [ \‘- , \ 3. Silk Noile Coordinates of ‘ -
g l MOTOROLAAC PHONE , “ ‘ , _ /
l , / . ’ , z 3 ..
i owaGHsssouucss C $4495 / \\ F 07/ C3 thy Dame/5 25 (y "”
i orghlABESEgATTERY PLUSTAx . M 6 Q L”: Bla/ers - Skirt; 7 limb - Blous‘w 0 Reg, l’r/(e
: '2yeuh-pedttmmim
V i - v ('7 ’533
.‘ ‘ MOTOROLA ad'es [/7 g~\ ,«'::| 3 Ladies
L $99 i> BRAVO PLUS PAGER (oret of California ”(l ll i\‘ If! Koret of California
\/ UsTAX i Iroup Of f/ Fig‘ l7/ {:1 Grouping of Linen / '
U » CALL 421-3663 "ranCIsca Sportsweary;// 1/ Al \ .' Blazers, Skirts, Drcgses
‘ K) . h 0 off ‘j i " :4 i‘xl ‘ Pants - Sage & Natural l
CAR FONE entec o ll. , 30V
Of CinCinnati Cellular& Paging Dealer adiee H 0 Reg. Price
‘ - gun-amun-purscayvrmum rmmnuuunvmwhdwmm‘wm-Mrmm ' ‘ I: _.
i mm“. "Mmummlkun-puumnmmwmrhur lmwmw g \j
‘ “mmfi” \lfred Dunner .
I Linen Coordinates Complete line of Children's Wear
SAVE Natural & Periwinkle . , a. c n 3‘
.- \ . a “ . w
on Baseball & + 2 "\ ’ ff :3“ Iv. 9:?“ fl (:4 i‘n" A ‘ fit
7 \\ 5031““ Trade Ins 0% ”157.) O l W“ 313 .. 3.} g»,
\ \\\/N l" , 0 Reg. l’rlm l1); 5%. ‘T is} .349; A! it at}
‘3 \\ \ \ ,l ‘7 :3er " .14, ‘3 P' .1 $4355 ~ ,0 1‘" .
3“ \\; " z» \rT/‘r‘ ’ l: ' .___ ‘ i z ., j “ :d: a "’
‘ grills: N \ “is E K E ii” L“‘\‘ i , ‘i i l I‘
i\ ,4 w at: 3% :1 ~ g:- ' the Prom? ,. .
I *y Cm £7,533 VL/\/~J ’I' - ‘ "* us for . \l-~ . ,
? V'é Trade a v 3.3% \ r ~ ieledion 4 7 1‘ Botany Slit) 99 V
f 40M” 3 YOur § ‘1‘ 1w“ ‘ 51 \r‘! m l rices lfl‘lifv'é‘ly ' ,
l i 3; Used 5 l \x H." ”—22: 27,, JP . /\;§ fully-it.“ [)/'(‘\\ _\/lll'l\
i \t: a ’\ iv \\ t ‘ is. 3.1“," «l a— Ii ' I: I I: l-wv‘t i /‘ >l" "I" | i
l . 61.2”? 72K; “I" i\ c$ysk“'$ V 1;?- ,. _\ V9 your («ill - ,5. Hilly} \lli ill \lt‘t‘U“ : l: (:0
598cm] (3 ' n _ '{i *"r‘Vh‘i‘Q-Wg if . 1.; ‘ f 9 HOW! ' ‘W' a, ’ Killulx (\ StripiN H.
Discount W 1/, On 4‘ ,m , '7"- _ \
j Prizes S? A f? V .. /"‘a » 1.: A '
~ 3:; New 2 [i \ . . _ (x «MA? 3—-
138.3“ 'Bats \: Cleve! $fl‘/V§‘\\ _// '- T lini‘ilu '
LOUISVIHQ Slugger TK ' i \ a . Rl‘lll.ll\
$15.99 ‘5 ‘(3 Baseball ' i ”,5, I Hi i
i * Eamon 40838-314 99 3 3“ \J \ C132; - '
i 7 Little L . g Cleats ES \ \\ ‘; \‘ / I Highway 15 North Jackson Plaza Jackson. KY ‘ l V
i Easton 5:533:22: Sf 25 P} a i \\\ ) i ’ .
‘ . - /\ I, R K“ \\\ ,'
l Saigon ”(g-$3139 Off r> \V l Top left, the Kenton County Recorder won first place in the Hardware] "
on LK6—538.99 «7 lu . / Appliance Store. category, while, to the left. the Eddyville Herald Ledger ,
PLUS 3 " :7, \ - Sf - won liret place in the General/Miscellaneous category. Above, the Breathitt .
3 g. 2/, £1":V(‘d.'.' :3 l County Voice won lirst place in the Clothing Stores category.
attin Cl v 1. s on 3;; ,\ l
Youth: Agzfifzoh 0 ’ g Louisvill‘. 53 l
' ff \/ Slu . A l
v 88” A
ATHLETIC CENTE . \T Rate at ’4‘;
How “am i” R, ”\C Bags ,
_ ""1 t‘liln i
lee 3(1‘,-:~;()”
l l — a -“ ‘N! ‘ K ‘k

 Page 4. 1995 KPA Advertising Contest Tab ‘M A Y IQUJ ;‘
_________.____._________ ‘
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A _ I III-I“ ‘ W l
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E“ Ill-E ‘i‘fif‘mz‘iigr’i If ‘ - W?" ° °- Vfaz‘q 12¢, , ‘ Jr
gmg alflilll IE , - . I *3 ‘ 352-: F: Q ”E“! "’ 'T‘ “l <' O
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.[fl mm m! [ . " J. ‘”~47,-@%§VM.{E§= \ ‘ W3" '2 ,
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p.41 ' ,. 9.5. n I ”r“ / ,1, (Q "" /”, I “3?“ i. '.4 I,
ll. '3 "’ I“ I .-- ,l'L , ‘0 ,1 ll gr .,4/;
‘ ' , 0v 1 ‘ Q a , l
v ’7 fl ‘ ‘~. . t;
O we n s b o r Ago: ,‘ ’ . 4v“ 2,, 8591K} j,
Entire Stock Summer Special / '/ ”fl “filmy/i: ‘ ' \ ‘l‘x ‘
- . a ‘Izs'xrl‘ .1 / , ' ‘ '
Sprmg & Summer 1 / 3 m. . . I 00' , ”mp/9,1 m/’""’”‘“i w \ I n, wl ,
Clothlng wmcomid ‘ L 040/, (ye/u hasty/(m. :- ..////r//,,(. [/0 x x ‘w y." r i
meme \ A "' " ' u (I '0 ".7/ SI ., ' .l’./’// / '2
F More ' Q‘ 4 G. i 3 'L ; ‘ / ”(INK/100d VI/(Iys/H/ UNA/U” a”
- ~ ' ‘ ~" r‘ W . . (I! u ' ‘ s '
o O F F WE‘VE}: $l5§$\\ o I ~ % I v ‘3 i I; / Hr/ (I /” 05/1177 & I :V
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[HT ‘9 ‘ 1 > 'i .
29° iii, "m” 9“” Wm...” ° \ -' -. ‘ § '7 9.2%.: ~ V?” ’
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~ rmrn e 2 m ', 2 a .«m l
.‘J(€(L)(€l.(!rls ,7' sad “ 213.13" s flu. l. .
Phon - ’ - ’ W V: . ‘ .
109 We 37:! St. (“to-6:2:v‘7’136thn‘". Bunk) H"; Enwnlhmdfr momma“ F’On' 0°" tit/2:: 5110'. Le. AM% I d. k k i l
._ ~ , l . r w James'o [Ea'msoh Hobbq N” . ‘ . f 5
,\\ _ e ‘ Butt;v W ‘ r. ‘ J l
r , Mudd's wants Summer Clear ance 3 2 5 . ., ’wc om “W “WM ‘ 2
' ' I, "719 .
) you to . ’t - ~ . no" , 59 , am” 5;, , ‘\. ‘.
Sleep Like 50% OFF T-Shim « La 2 dainézzrgzmbw
A B I y Hma‘fiuhOf'lhelm V % .. I, .3 I . H, Vow
_ _’ ez’v . . , ' , ’ ‘
oTeam U f . .113}, .u (""fl; 3 m,§, ,‘ . ‘
With a new 'Jag‘k'e‘tgmiCaps "18 .. . _= ,~ I V V] 3a “#1)”. ' ‘ .”
EIAWM Mattress 'Complem Sportswear Lettering I _‘ ‘ 6‘ V (f?) I' ’4‘ pi) :3 ‘7 72’
0Vinyl/Magnetic Signs . 3’ . 3 r" g ".2 Jl " ' -
. l 'Volume Pricing t” _ -. ‘ f, 11g _ . . ; a ,2 ,1 7 , r , a ,’ .
r ‘ - "l 1 /' l
‘ I ”We” 5800 WW ‘. 4.3m ~. . ». [
Starting .8 low .8 n n \_&w J I ”'_D9"bol A 2 > . 2 y 1‘ l
t m w ‘ Custom Screenprlnung ' 2 ‘ Ax, 8;; ’4" ‘22 ~£
- - "' O‘WMWO ' / - We'll Promote Y B ‘ . ' : 4, 2 22 __,_ «L' V _ /' '
m Dem", “MM” C.mudd S School [-0809 30:: L0 times ‘2' _ ! 5—K -._’__’—— ,‘1 ll}?— _ ‘
Toll nee unaware"; lumen-nu 3 w .1 .fl ‘9 2 ,1
-~ 72—mer,_s _ MW—‘m7 m w 2nd: "‘ c ., /_.s ’ v I» - , . / \’ ,n
' 2 Iu’mmm ‘
. L ‘ , \‘\
"i I/ ,‘ 2 « / Sport“,
.( l l 3‘ I Start your summer nit "ng with llnx
‘ ‘ -‘ . , SUN-SEASONAL otter from the l7l2( I“ News‘
Top left, thehhchean County News won first place in the Group Promotions ’ ~ /
ca egory. w ie. top right. the Fulton Leader won lirst place in the Hol'da " . ’ ' WE ' ' /‘
Greeting Ads category. To the right. the Tri-City News won first place'in txie \ ‘ ' V" Eta S’MMQ/‘t/flfé 000 6
Creative Use of the Newspaper category. \
:i‘ 1‘ Mia/7’0“ “Afar/[er CU (£6
. I#
,r' 7W—8/77/l/[h/5/
/ You get 52 issues of your 1
local newspaper packed / A
. with news, sports and information ,
V \, about the people around you plus —
' 0 . l"
‘ '. a FREE summertime cooler, “a
i all for only $14.50. .- 5-5;}
Sign me up now! i
u l
Otter good to local residents only low a
2 limited time For mail orders, subscriber u ’
' \ _ responsible for picking up cooler at our
‘ ‘ offices 2 none will be sent by mail.
; \ (fi;‘_...._"":7:.’..;.:7;7.:::7: :3.
, g...
' no.
. I I
\ \ : m b, ,5 IA!) '
' . \“112'.'.':‘.‘L'::_"_’_':.“. L21”?! " -" . 50.".
‘ . -\ v " ~ _ -o\r¢
i k _ ’/ ’ ’. - , .1 'v. (‘0' _:.’..
‘ m,'¢.5“ . ‘
a ' ' ‘ by ‘ ‘ . \‘. W' h I V
' V .. l l

 i M AY lg 95 , .
3' 1995 KPA Advertising Contest Tab, Page 5
i Second Place ~ ADAIR PROGRESS —- Lisa Robbins/Ion Coomer
i WEEKLY CLASS 2 Draws readership for a whole month.
I Third Place - ADAIR PROGRESS —- Lisa Robbins
l Category I - DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNT/J‘IEWELRY STORES _ Good use of white space.
l First Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Barbara Starkey/Lisa Turner
r Dominant artwork Very eye-catching. Good use of white space. Category 12 _ ENTERTAINMENT/DINING
%. Second Place - RUSSELL SPRINGS TlMES JOURNAL — lenny Jones First Place - GARRARD COUNTY NEWS — Karen Penchoff/ Debbie Rhodus
- Ad balances. 301d prices. _ Great artwork Goes well with theme Good layout.
Third Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Barbara Starkey/ Lisa Turner Second Place _ UNION COUN [y ADVOCATE _ Lisa Turner
Screen background and large SALE draws attention. Good use of white space.
Third Place — UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE —- Barbara Starkey/Lisa Turner . '
Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE Cutel /
First Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE -— Lisa Turner ‘ ’
Dominant artwork? Bold pricesl Categon' 13 _ SPECIAL SECTIONS
Second Place ' CADIZ RECORD —Jan Witty First Place - CADIZ RECORD — Jan Witty/Rebecca Boggess
Great use Of Wh‘te 5P3“?- ‘ Great looking cover. '
Third Place — HENRY COUNTY LOCAL — Dave Eldridge Second Place _ UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE _ Staff ' ’
Reverse portion of prices makes ad stand out. Good proportion of type size Good title ' \
' Third Place - HENRY COUNTY LOCAL -— Dave Eldridge A
Category 3 - HARDWARBAPPLIANCE STORES Money makerl Good clean ads. ‘ ’
First Place - ADAIR PROGRESS — Donna Crowe/Lisa Robbins .
Great artwork” _ Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS
Second Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE -— Barbara Starkey/ Lisa Turner First Place - CENTRAL RECORD _ Staff
Very close to first place. Attention- getting header. Dominant artwork
Third Place - IRVINE CITIZEN VOICE 8: TIMES —— Jenny Ervin/Tina McMullin Second Place _ CADIZ RECORD _ Rebecca Boggess ‘
A lot of info well distributed. Good balance
Third Place — TOMPKINSVILLE NEWS — Gina Kinslow/Sharon Fister
Category 4 ' FINANCIAL ‘ Good use of screen and individuality
: First Place - LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS —— Sean P. Reding '
‘1 Clever COPY and artwork, clean looking ad _ . Category l5 . HOLIDAY GREETING ADS
. Second Place - FALMOUTH OUTLOOK — Debbie Doom? First Place - ADAIR PROGRESS _ Rita Murrell/ Lisa Robbins
Good use of white space. Large type looks great Good use of graphics. Large photo, spacv
Third Place - TOMI’KINSVILLE NEWS — Sharon Fister Second mace -‘LVNIQ.\‘ COUNTY ADVOCATE ._ gm”
Good introduction ad Reverse is good attention-getter Lots of names, We“ organized .- i
, Third Place » BIG S.»\\DY NEWS, LOI'ISA L" Olin ia Ray "Rose Mills 1/ I
Categorjt' S - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Dominant ”Many-G
' First Place - ADAIR PROGRESS —— Rita Murrell /' lisa Robbins ' .
Dominantadl? Categorv It - AGRICULTURE/LAWN AND GARDEN t
Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN — Shorty LaSSiter/ Kim Hupman First Place _ TOMPKINSVILLE NEWS __ Sharon Fister .
Cute headerl Good border.
Third Place - TOMI’KINSVILLE NEWS —— Sharon Fister Second Place - ADAIR PROGRESS — Rita Murrell/Donna McKinley
Outline of ad draws attention. Informative, good border.
Third Place — UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Margo Sprague/ Lisa Robbins
Category 6 ‘ FOOD/DRUG/ALCOHOL Very informative. Good selection of type sizes.
First Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Lisa Turner
Overall 800d layout Good graphics . , _ Category 17 - CLASSIFIED SECTION/PAC E '
Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE 8: TIMES — Jenny Ervm/Tina McMullin First Place _ UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE _ staff
Good balance. Great looking ad! . An easy winner. Bold, informative banner.
Third Place - ADAIR PROGRESS —— Rita Murrell/ Donna McKinley Second Place _ CRITTENDEN PRESS, MARION _ Pat Nielson
Good composition. Large prices attract attention. Neat, well organized.
Third Place - LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS — Staff '
Category 7 ‘ FURNITURE Good banner, somewhat cluttered.
First Place - CADIZ RECORD —- Rebecca Boggess
Cute ad- Eye-catching border . Category 18 - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS
Second Place - ADAIR PROGRESS — Rita Murrell/ Donna McKinley First Place - CADIZ RECORD _ Ian Witty / Rebecca 3088955
Good clean ad. Good cover.
Third Place - CADlZ RECORD - Ian Witty Second Place - CENTRAL RECORD — Staff
093“ ad, '0 the POP“ L080 could have been more dominant. Good information. Close first, needs better cover.
Category 8 - REAL ESTATE . Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR '
First Place - HENRY COUNTY LOCAL — Tiffany M- Clark First Place - LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEws _ Sean P. Reding
L05 0‘ info. Good pinpoints.
Second Place - ADAIR PROGRESS - Donna Crowe Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN —— Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman
Balanced layout. Photos could have been more informative. Border fies well with processed photos a,
Third Place - CADIZ RECORD —Jan Witty Third Place - LA RUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS — Sean P Reding
Needs more information (prices, etc). 1 like that yellow’ ‘ ‘
Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES _ Category 20 . BEST AD SERIES 7
First Place - RUSSELL SPRINGS TIMES JOURNAL — Kathy Haynes-Ellis First Place _ LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS __ Sean 1) Reding LI, ". _.
Like big logo. Clean ad. Follows theme ._ .» ;
Second Place - GARRARD COUNTY NEWS —— Debbie Rhodus/Karen Penchoff Second Place _ UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE __ Staff fi- ,
Concise! Good idea' '
Third Place - CENTRAL RECORD, LANCASTER - Staff Third Place _ CRITTENDEN PRESS _ Marty Kares - .
Informative! good awareness promotion’ ' . I,
First Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Staff First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN — Shorty Lassner/Kim Hupman _‘
Great ideal! . ’ Great background" _
Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN -— Shorty La55iter/Kim Hupman Second Place - CADIZ RECORD _ Rebecca 8088955 . ‘
Like uniformed space. Good artwork. '. I .
llmd Place - CADIZ RECORD - Ian Witty Third Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE — Barbara Starkey/Lisa Turner
Good clean layout. Good balance, (moi "_
First Place - CADIZ RECORD — Staff
Dominant artwork.
.c _,..... _...--.~‘Wmv .. - -.. -—~ .. . v r 7 _ ' f

M6,!“ KPAthhlngConto-tTab MAY 1995 :
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I: Epomncod mum”. in I" > ,._ { “__ , - 025 ’\\. m n.
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i 555 TERRY OR TONY =5fl‘w";.//{§E ":Wa‘ ‘ a; -- ‘5‘ , BA N |< g 5‘; 1
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. Row Th re on as
i. \ ‘ r e n o te T o ! / Top left, first place in the Agriculture/Lawn 8- ‘l‘ .
5 . Garden category went to the Tompkinsvilie News.
W D M’ while. bottom left, the Garrard County News won
«a "flit-- LY B‘R BREA ',"?‘,_'.~ 7 first place in the Entertainment/Dining category. '
, ‘ ' gkg ’ KPA ’ Top right, the Larue County Herald-News won first
- I ' th B t Ad S ‘ t .
© y (Eel S]. \fl @ p ace In e es enes ca egory
L 7 ' ' V ’
.3 Grand Opening Specual ( 1
i $229 Saturday, November 19 Only i g
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mthxrvaé -; ”My; 7,... Pannikra Cr‘rozil !
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Fnday And Satur ay » . , ,
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AsAFollowUpToTheTobaccoFestival. ‘&‘ %§ § - _ F";
On Sunday, September 18th ll! 2‘00 ‘ @‘\\S 7S . r W
PM The Tobacco Festival Will Help ‘ . $9 \ ' \
Sponsor Anthony BUlge'» A" ‘ i??? . ‘
" . Ancnmnlished Pianist, In Concert Al 75:9 - . '
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Top left, the Lancaster Central Record won first place in , J T . \l. V " f
the Group Promotions category. Top right. the Union ‘ 1' . . . v '1‘ 'r" 7
. County Advocate won first place in the Classified Page , x , ., 4H _ {"1 fr..." ll ‘ ‘ O
3 category. while. to the right, the Springfield Sun won first I “ ‘ t "1,1 ., A” “M h I" "as! .
3. 1 place in the GeneraUMiscellaneous category, ‘ 8;" ””'~ in. ,mm, hm I 'r , .» '
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Inc In:
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Pogo a, was KPA Advertising Contact Tab M AY ’v ~v’ l
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WEEKLY CLASS 3 Very neat and well balanced. E
First Place - CYNTPHANA DEMOCRAT — Lucy Vanhook/ Debra Hignite 5:581:39 _ BOONE COUNTY RECORDER _ Staff '1
Good layout See d Pl — LEBANON ENTERPRISE — M . A Bl ' M M E
Second Place - BENTON TRIBUNE COURIER — Patty Stockhaus Dogfinanfggm, make; ad a” ”“9 a'” My ay “
Eye-catching border Third Place - CYNTHIANA' DEMOCRAT — Staff
Third‘Place ' CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT _ Rosemary Whitaker/Michelle Football helmet borders offer a good variety. Using business logos is better than same
Cunningham type for all
Good theme ad Honorable Mention - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK _ Staff
Category 2 — AUTOMOTIVE Cood community seri'lce Great idea‘ Layout and design could be Improved '
First Place - HARRODSBURC HERALD —- Chris Freeman Category 1] _ CREATlVE USE OF THE NEWSPAPER
Good use of COPY and an First [’1 fee - CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT Linaa Wri . ~' *
, _ .. . t —— ght/Mitnelle Cunningham
:econdt 12x9 ’ BOONE COUNTY RECORDER " Kelly R0bm°0n Eye-catching ArtWOTk relates to special promotion
ye—ca C mg Se‘ ll’lt ‘ - HARRODSBURC HERALD — [3 ll M H
Third Place - BOONE COUNTY RECORDER — Kelly Robinson my: Em 1;:an ' L" ‘
600d sue 0‘ graphics for small Space Tn d 1’]; - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK w Stt tt
Honorable Mention - MT STERLING ADVOCATE — ioAnn Halsey Infiirmm‘fi: ’
An work IS great leader ""0 ad: Honorable Mention — CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT C, Staff
C 'l l' 'thth l3th
First Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE —- Eva l0 Nugent/ Mary May Category 12 _ ENTERTAlNMENT/DINING
(300d theme. 800d graphics- E t I’L? — MT STERLING ADVOCATE — A H I ~
Second Place - CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT m Rosemary Whitaker/ Debra ngnite clad (31‘: (Mn ad N dog” of what dd N A; ““9 a 58"
Eye-catching. Could have used more white space 9,. d Plt,‘ _ l EBANON ENTERI’RlSE h M A , Bl ,r M . M ,
Third Place ‘ LEBANON ENTERPRISE — Mary Ann Blair/Mary May ARREOTk :Ol‘nades With name of restaurant "(VA m“- 1er l” a}
Great border, descriptions may have looked better smaller Third Place _ MEADE COUNTY MESSENGER _ Linda Heibert
‘ 77 Good use of small space
Category 4 - FINANCIAL
First Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE —— Mary Ann Blair/Sue Brown Category 13 _ SPFClAl SECTIONS
Precise message First Place - OLDHA M ERA _ Start
Second Place ‘ MEADE COUNTY MESSENGER “ Linda Heibert Immaculate edition” Newspaper and community should be overioved With this
Good use Of white space. Good art. Simple message product ‘
Third Place - CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT —-- Rosemary Whitake'r/ Michelle Second Place _ HARRODSBURC HERALD __ Staff
gmmghfm Great. Captures splendor of special time,
n 5 cu on page. Th d Pl — CREENVlLLE LEADER NEWS — W Th .‘ Mt :h C