xt71jw86m126 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86m126/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1990 text GLSO News, March 1990 1990 1990-03 2019 true xt71jw86m126 section xt71jw86m126 Nazi/EH1 990 Q???) L5 (6
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Ivy Youn , director of NGLTF's
Lesbian & gay Families Project
As you can see, 1990 ends in a zero. That involves more than a simple check off. The
means it's time for the decennial count, by the issue of government intrusion and rivacy is 0
Census Bureau, of the entire population. crucial one for many lesbians and) gay men;
Ordinarily, the Census Bureau ritual would yet, census officials have made no effort to
be of little or no consequence to the lesbian counter the fear and apprehension that could
and gay community. But his year things are lead to a serious undercount of same-sex
slightly different. Unlike past national counts, couples.
the 1990 census could have a direct impact on Given the Census Bureau's negligence, lack
some of the issues affecting lesbians and gay of forethou ht, and apparent disregard of the
men. lesbian ang gay community, what are our
For the first time ever, the Census Bureau options regarding the 1990 Census?
has added the category "unmarried partner" to For some activists in our community, the
the relationshi section of the questionnaire. answer is a simple one: boycott the i990
Expanding the selection choice beyond Census. Their rationale is basicoll the criticisms
"roommate/partner" or "roomer/boarder", the outlined above; a serious lack of, outreach by
new category is, according to some sources, the the Census Bureau, coupled with a deep-seated
Bureau’s attempt to get an accurate count of the concern over confidentiality, will lead to a gross
number of heterosexual couples living together undercount and a skewed statistical profile.
without "benefit of marriage.’ Unfortunately, this issue is more complex,
Be sim le deduction, however, Census and requires more than a simple solution.
officials wifi also be able to determine the Whether we choose to answer or not, the
number of same—sex cou les living together in question is on the survey. Statistics will be
committed relationships. That same-sex coupled gathered, no matter what. Whether we choose
information will be published alon with the to answer or not, we will be living with the
statistics on heterosexual unmarrieg partners. results of the census for the next decade. Public
For those of us working in the lesbian and gay and private industry programs are affected by
families arena, that information could prove vital census data; social and economic policy Is
to the success of our efforts in the future. guided by that same data; legislative agendas
The Census Bureau has been roundly are set, initiatives launched, and priorities
criticized for its failure to alert affected groups determined by the numbers gathered. If we
that the question even exists, or, for that matter, choose to deliberately absent ourselves from this
what "unmarried partner" actuall means. process, if we elect to ”disappear" what
There has been no outreach effort, no advantage do we gain?
community education, no discussion with lesbian Some lesbian and gay activists have
and gay activists in particular, about how best predicted that as few as ten percent of those
to ensure that the question is understood and couple affected by the "unmarried partner"
answered accurately. question will respond honestly. But a recent
The Census Bureau does not perceive, or poll conducted by the »Washin ton Bfade found
more likely, does not care that for lesbian and that of the couples res ndging, seventy-five
gay couples answering the survey honestly percent said they fCoontinued on Page 2]

 ] Please send me an introducto issue
I and information on GLSO. ry AUNT MARY
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of —————
GLSO, includin home defive of the Dear Aunt Mary,
GLSO NEWS ang discounts at gtso
functions. Membership fee of SIO/yr. My mother, who remains a stron member of 0
individual, $15/yr. couple, is enclosed. fundamentalist church, has just ingormed me that
she read Dennis Altman's "The
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but Homosexualization of America" and thought it
please send me the GLSO NEWS each was well-written. A friend gave me the oak
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. several years ago but I have yet to read the
entire book. I'm not sure I can deal with this -
my mother is ahead of me in some of her
Name: reading of commentaries on lesbian/gay life.
What should I do?
Address: In a state of disbelief
City, St, Zip:
Dear Disbeliever,
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471
Lexington, KY 40575 Read the book.
Aunt Mary
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
GLSO News is published monthly by the your letter to: Aunt Ma , c/o GLSO, O Box
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. 11471, Lexin ton, KY 20575. For a rsonal
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), reply, includle a stamped, self adderessed
P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575. envelope. All names are strictly confidential.
Craig Clere, Managing Editor
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour CENSUS [Continued from Page lll
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist would answer the question truthfu y. Granted,
the Blade survey was conducted in a major
Additional Contributors: An ela, HRCF, Debbie, metropolitan area with a history of gay visibility.
Craig, GLSO, Alan, NgLTF, Mischelle, The Similar results ma not emerge from some small
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: town or hamlet. then again they might.
Craig; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Kenneth; Folding & Yes, there will be an undercount 0 gay and
Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Jim, Willie, John, Steve. lesbian couples, just as there is with every other
minority constituencyl in the United States. And,
just as leaders in t ose communities have done
allowing past national counts, we too will be
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the able to offer valid arguments about Why the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO numbers are not accurate: Census Bureau
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions insensitivity fears about confidentiality, the
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name chillin effect of the on-going climate of
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not homoghobia in the US, etc.
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the tight to alter Our responsibility now is to provide for our
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as community what Census Bureau officials did not
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or -- information and education. Our community
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does must be persuaded to put aside the fear of
not denote a person’s sexual orientation nor a business's bein exposed and answer the Census honestly.
customer preference. We have nothing to lose by being truthful.
2 Mar GLSO

 US SENATE PASSES FEDERAL HATE CRIMES sodomy should be enforced; (3) The federal
STATISTICS ACT government should not rovide discrimination
from NGLTF protections on the basis of) "sexual orientation;"
and (4) School curriculums should not condone
The US Senate, Februa 9 voted by a homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle in
92-4 vote to pass the Federal Hate Crimes American socuety."
Statistics Act previousl ssed by the US House NGLTF was instrumental in forming a
of Representatives. Eefgre votin for passage, powerful hate crimes lobby coalition that
Senate lawmakers re'ected, b 797-19, 0 move included People for the American Way,
by Senator Jesse Helms (R—KIC) to attach a American Civil Liberties Union, Anti-Defamation
four- art anti-Fay amendment to the bill. League, American Jewish Committee, American
TfTe Iandside vote marks the first time in Psychological Association, Human Rights
history of the Senate that the pervasive problem Cam aign Fund and the Leadership Conference
of anti—gay and lesbian violence has been on Cfivil Ri hts, among others.
addressed, the first time gay-positive legislation Peri Juge Radecic, NGLTF legislative director,
has passed the Senate, and the first time the credits assage to rassroots lobbyin by
gay and lesbian community has defeated Helms thousand: of gay and Tesbian activists andg their
on an up-or—down, ay-related issue. allies. Radecic stated, "Activists have moved
The bill requires flue US Department of Justice their legislators on this issue. This bill shows
to "acquire data about certain crimes which constituent lobbying work.”
manifest evidence of preiudice based on race,
reli ion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.‘' LESBIAN SURVEY RANKS PARTNERSHIP
TJrvashi Vaid, executive director of the RIGHTS AS #1 ISSUE
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force stated, "This from Human Rights Campaign Fund
bill is the beginning of the slippery slope
downward for homophobic skinhead bigots, A recent survey of lesbians ranks partnership
violent racists, anti-semites and other ri hts as their top issue for legislative advocacy.
perpetrators of hate crimes.” Vaid continued, TEe survey was conducted by the Lesbian Issues
'the US Senate sent a strong si ml to the and Outreach Project of the Human Rights
bigots and bashers in our country tTtat violence Campaign Fund.
against lesbians and gay men is as intolerable Over two thirds of the lesbians respondin to
as violence against racial, religious and ethnic the survey directed to women who Ead
minorities." contributed to the Campai n Fund or who had
The bill passed with an amendment offered participated in its Speak gut program, picked
b Senators Paul Simon (D-IL) and Orrin Hatch partnership rights as the number one issue on
(lg—UT), two maior sponsors of the legislation. their agenda. Lesbian and gay rights,
The amendment reads, ”Con ress finds that: abortion/privacy issues and parenting concerns
(I) The American famil life is tie foundation of followed close behind.
American society; (2) Federal policy should "It is time this country recognizes lesbian and
encourage the well—being, financial securig, and ay families as entities just as important as the
health of the American family; (3) chools Eeterosexual families and 'ust as deservin of
should not de-emphasize the critical value of support from our country's Iegal system," FTRCF
American family life; and (4) Nothing in this act director Tim McFeeley stated.
shall be construed, nor shall any funds be Kathleen Stoll, Director of the Lesbian Issues
appropriated to carry out the purpose of the act and Outreach Project, said the survey reaffirms
be used, to promote or encourage the Campaign Fund's initiative for the National
homosexuality." Famil Registry program.
The Simon-Hatch amendment was considered "The survey shows that lesbians are angry
a "pre-emptive strike" by bill su porters in an that our families have no basic rights, protection
effort to head off a Helms' amencfinent. or support. These very real families deserve the
The Helms amendment, overwhelmin ly rivileges and validation that society grants
defeated by the Senate, stated (I) Time Eeterosexual couples," Stoll stated. 'UntiI
homosexual movement threatens the stren th sociegl is cured of homophobia, we must
and the survival of the American family as fine rovi e our own ’institutions' to celebrate our
basic unit of society; (2) State laws prohibiting Eves." ’
Mar GLSO 3

 ———————__— GLSIO Boabrél hmeetingjs are hopgn hto jthe
enera mem rs i an are e t e ast
LOCAL NEWS gt/ednesday at the rlraionth. Consult the Directory

for a contact number.

Irom Debbie Currie and Craig Clere

Sometimes I worry that I have written this

The January meeting at the GLSO Board at column Ior almost 4 years and that I repeat
Directors began with a presentation by Charles myself. My friends Melanie and Debbie told
Earley from AVOL's Stop AIDS Bluegrass Project. me the other day that there are only eight or
Earley explained the project to the Board and ten messages in the world and their variations
requested the Board's assistance in promoting are played out over and over apain. It
Stop AIDS meetings. A question and answer reminded me of something Wila Cather
session followed. (American lesbian writer) wrote, ”There are only

Edwin Hackney presented a pamphlet as a two or three human stories, and they go on
possible resource for Board agnproval. The repeating themselves as Iiercely as it they have
pamphlet, "And God Loves ach One", is never happened belore."
published by a support roup within the United How true. How otten we make the same
Methodist Church. graig Clere suggested mistakes, the same decisions, lace the same
contacting Interweave, the Unitarian Universalist choices as those around us. I think at how
lesbian/ ay group, about purchasin some at eople have been treated over the centuries.
the boolaets in conjunction with Pride TNeek. fi/hat have we learned?

Clere announced a one year advertising Often, I think one basic human story is that
agreement with the Kentucky AIDS Education eople are basically unsure. How many times
Program tor a monthly one pa e ad. have people been cast out, rejected, scorned,
Beginning with the February issue a? GLSO even killed because people were unsure enough
News nearly all layout activities for the about others, about themselves, about how litte
newsletter have been computerized. differences seem more important than the basic

Bill Loggins, coordinator at the Speaker’s similarities of people's lives.

Bureau announced a meetin in February. Two As lesbians and gay men we have been
speaking engagements haveqbeen scheduled. treated diIterentIyI for centuries because we are

The treasurer reported continuing stabilization dillerent. But t en how different are we Irom
of income and expenses. Additional revenue all the others on our lanet who have been
has been generated by increased subscriptions treated dillerently as well. It makes me think of
to GLSO News and GLSO memberships. hothave treated others.

Reminders are now sent prior to the expiration My human story is like so man others. |
of subscription or membership. too am unsure. I, like everyone else, need to

Work on GLSO's promotional brochure is be told I'm valued, loved, and needed. I have
nearing completion, with a rough draft to be been treated badly and treated others badly. I
presented to the Board at the February meeting. have been treated nicely and treated others

GLSO's participation in Pride Week was nicely.
discussed in some detail, as well as a As I repeat this human story that has been
Iundraising drive in conjunction with Pride repeated so often, I hope to break this cle oI
Week. iII Loggins reported great success in jud ing people by how they are not like me
lining up sponsors for a Rattle. John Cutright andJ see how we are more alike than dillerent.
reporte that Crossiws has already pledged Those who wish to persecute me, persecute us,
$ 50 towards Pride eek. The Iirst ride Week are more like me than they are different.
Committee meeting will be held March 7. And as I write the column tor the 30th plus

Debbie Currie reported the Januar time, I wonder how many times wanderings like
Coffeehouse and Dance generated over $506 this have been repeated. When does a story
in proIit. Currie su gested appropriating $25 ever end? Like everyone else, I’m unsure. And
per month for an incfividual to control the stereo we’re all together on that.
system at the dances. The Board approved. I hope to see you at Dignity soon. Keith
4 Mar GLSO

LOCAL NEWS from GLSO News staff
———"'—— The February Forum of GLSO was held in
conjunction with the weekly meeting of GLUE,
PLANNING BEGINS FOR LOCAL Gay & Lesbians United for Education. GLUE is
LESBIAN/GAY PRIDE WEEK ACTIVITIES the student/faculty/staff roup recently formed
from GLSO News staff at the University of Kentuciy.
GLSO's Board of Directors was introduced to
This month the I990 Lesbian/Gay Pride GLUE b Steve Savage, GLUE's faculty advisor.
Week Committee will begin lanning Lexington's Craig Clere, GLSO President, explained GLSO's
annual June observance of3 gay and lesbian role In the Lexington lesbian and gay community
gride. The committee will meet on March 7 at and described the services the organization
pm for an organizational meeting. John rovides. Edwin Hackney, Debbie Currie, and
Cutri ht, GLSO at-large board member, will Bill Loggins also reviewed GLSO's Gayline,
coorginate the initial meeting. All lesbian/ ay Coffeehouse & Dance, and Speaker's Bureau,
and supportive organizations are encourages to respectively. All encouraged that GLUE
send a representative to this meeting. For members take advantage of t e activities that
meetin site or more information call Craig GLSO organizes.
Clere 8266-8887) or John Cutright (254—7396). Following the presentations, Ray Stump,
The Louisville March for Justice Committee GLUE co-chair, presided over a question and
has be un planning Pride Week activities in that answer session. The two organizations agreed
city. Tie fourth annual March for Lesbian/Gay to coordinate activities, as much as possib e, to
Rights is scheduled for Saturday, June 30, in avoid an overlap of services. It was also
Louisville. agreed to have formal representative contact
between the organizations.
STOP AIDS MEETINGS The meeting concluded with an informal
BEGIN IN LEXINGTON "getting to know you" time. Both groups
from AIDS Volunteers of Lexington expressed the desire to continue the process of
mutual cooperation.
A Stop AIDS Meeting:
is a one time, 3-4 hour discussion; AVOL HOSTS SUCCESSFUL BENEFIT
is Eacilitated by a trained facilitator; from GLSO News staff
IS ree;
is not therapy; On Sunda evening, February 18, the AIDS
is not instructional; Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) hosted dinner for
aims at having participants share their about 85 supporters at the Radisson Hotel.
personal experiences and struggles with the Belinda Mason, 0 member of the National
epidemic so that we can learn from one Commission on AIDS, and Ron Jerrell, secretagy
another; of the National Association of People with AID ,
is s onsored by AIDS Volunteers of Lexington were guest speakers. The dinner attracted a
(AVOLII.3 number of community and political leaders, and
The general purpose of the proiect is to received supportive coverage from the local
support t e community in dealing with AIDS by press. State Rep. Paul Mason attracted special
bringing large numbers of community members media attention because of the omnibus AIDS
into a dialogue about the epidemic. Through legislation he introduced in the current session of
this dialogue we hope to et the community the General Assembly.
mobilized to deal with Rte ongoing and Dinner at the Radisson was followed by a
changing needs of the epidemic. reception at ArtsPIace. The rece tion was less
Anyone interested in attendin a STOP AIDS formal and similar to previous fienefits AVOL
meetin , please contact STOP AIDS Bluegrass at has held at ArtsPIace. The evening concluded
(606) g76-2865. with the awarding of "silent auction" prizes.
Mar GLSO 5

from National Lesbian & Gay Law Association

The National Lesbian and Gay Law discrimination based on race, sex, religion and
Association has announced the inclusion of a national origin. After receivin oral and written
ban against antigay discrimination in the court testimony from NLGLA the dgaft was changed
systems. to state, "A judge shall not, in the