xt71jw86m04t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86m04t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1893-05-20 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 9, May 20, 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 9, May 20, 1893 1893 1893-05-20 2015 true xt71jw86m04t section xt71jw86m04t '
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V31. 3. Lexington, Ky May 20, 1893 No. 9
. WHERE ONE TEACHER HAS dall’s ideal is advancing toward re—l ' '
. . TAUGHT lalization, mav he judged from its" m QF QFWQZXE‘ m
. ,nearly seventeen hundred students; , ‘ '
’ . . . re iresentinrr nearlv everv 1. tl‘lI'tOI' of?
The map ot the State of Pen" 1 h _ i ' .' .1 i, .l lN ALL‘ GRADES AT THE
Y0], lll(ll(“lte< th it 1 11: \1 miles the earth \vithout distinction ois 1
. \ . . 1. . z z 7- ' z; . . . '
south 01.)“ great ("1st and \vtst 1r '1'aee. color, or sex, and from the tart» 1
I I. (1.(. t 3.131“ . l ——\ ~\ 1 ' ' ‘
, . . h. , . , . . [that while vet among; the voungestl I}; At ) [9371—4 I S I ORE
tei 1es,—the I\ew \ork (entral rail—I f A . " . "'t' ‘t' . 1 I —4 ' .
‘ . . . o merit-an UNIVCI'L'] ies, 1. is 1'l\"1 — . — - ,
road and the lane (‘2llléll.—-—tl101'(‘. hes: . . ' i . . ’ . i 1 ll. 13 and 1") W- M‘Un Sl- ~
1 series ”f lonu narrow lakes which :111g in the hrti'adth of its aims, its
.., 1, . . ( . . . .', 1'... ..' r. r 1":
the g(‘(‘l()o‘i<1<:tll us at the7 Itsnltl E‘Illlllpinont. and 111 the eharaeter of l Balbliggan 511““ 30a 3'7; 39-, ‘10; ”0: 100- ‘
._.,. ,1 1 * . ' 1 . .,_ .~— . _— ,
. . ‘ . . .( . its personnel. the oldest. 1 Outing 5111115 3"): ”O; “’1 $17 51-3"-
ol great erosions during the glaelal . 7. - 1 - r
_ _ . . “v1 '1 , 1 ., .- ~ 1. ...] . . 1 “ theapest line of Hosiery 1n the W orld.
heriod of the elevated plam \\'l)l(‘lll ” ‘ ( 1.1111111; (“me “ll-19“ ”1")”. 7 - v‘
. 1 1 .. . , . 1 . 1 .. , .- x.1Don t huv SHOES until von have seen ours. \\ e sell the best .
extends over the eentral portion of1 "t ”'1 states, ‘1’” ”I 1“ eount11esl r .9‘ 1., r m; u. — C - m 7. 1
tl “it t TI 1. . HI 1 1 leycn for in qmdnntq Cornell [vni_1$l..)0, $H,'§p~.00, so, .514 and 3.1) bhoe 111 the market. Douglas 5:90 bhoes 1
1e .‘1 e. 1e Stir ace 0 1ese ‘1 'es ‘ 7 " “ "1 1 u. -— - i ‘
. l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l . . lil' . . _ . -. .- ltor b221,). 'l‘an shoes 111 all grades. 1
111 most eases. lies from three to live l \el‘glt-l 1‘6 out 0“ 11 £01ch 1“ 1111—, L *‘
hundred feet below the level of the I “Hun-V. ‘1 state institution. and an—; 1‘
plain and their shores riqe abruptlv nuall_\' reeei .‘es from its own state} J . D . PU R C E LL. ' l
l , in a hold sweep to the plain ahove, nearly a thousand students. 'l7l1L314e1‘—-————‘_—————_——
or in places take the form of preeip- students are drawn largely hm” the}
itous Cliffs. Sear fl“. renter ”1,- this smaller towns of the state, and as a, x:~"“’"’~z;, ° 9 E
group of lakes lies one, named, like (1‘1” ””59““ l” ‘L 111.1.1ked mg!“ ‘ (lfll‘llllllrl. 1 a . E C S o ' l
others of the group from one of the that rugged manhness and earnest ‘le
. l‘l'ilit’s ()i' .lndians wllit'h lbl'lllel‘ly 1 (tllt‘lCl'lll1111=1l110117 1 WI???) (Iilllllfl'litmllw‘i l ONEQ‘ .lg Representing the makes of
. - 1. - , .. - 1. . , 1ose \v 1o. 11m er (1 1en .ies, see c a 1 {’3‘“ "‘1‘" , . "
. '_ - , duelt 111 this 1‘s itilt. 1tg1on, (,.a_\ nuttl _ 7 . . i ;, A11 Amerlcan Manufacturers '1
This lake is fortv miles in length higher edueation. ‘ figi‘efih \ié’: . ’ i
- " . . . ' - .. .~~““‘ i’t. At ".00 .oo. .00 '.’0 "6:0 ~"~ .oo, r~10. 5'41 .18. L ’ .
and from one to five miles ml 1“ resurd t“ the 11111111 WOI‘k 0f misl‘limfikl \(‘3 $0 $4 is .530 L» a ”9 , ' 5 5 i,
., 1 . ,. . , “5(9) - “,‘zillc‘ \gu $20, $22, $25. $30 and upward. 1
breadth. » it'ollege lite. the daily routine of} gal?fis§< $1,221 0 ‘
' . . ' . ' . . 4 . . .l ",gj?“ # i
A traveler going southward upon ,studies, snflice It to say “ML 1m“ ‘l'sl 251* 1t: 1%? FRED J H EINTZ
a steamer which dailv traversesll' “‘9“ ““1 1“” l” 1‘ l“ 1 1.14111. ’1‘“ 5 l .qé" gr \Hmrim‘i‘iime jI‘\\'I"Il‘R '
these. waters 111 summer, approaehes , on l1.” 1"?” ”f $011101 the 1‘0““ tom I "I:“ if Cusmm House Square-
at its southern end a ereat amphi— * l""l‘1t”)“ “’1' 110110“ “W1 SWHMWWSa : “viral? ~——0—— -
thpatm of hi“; LVillg‘ ppmuwm lalas, the same "unprepared. ‘ l ":13": {(érB‘Mail Orders Receive our Prompt Attention. j
these hills is thegrowing voune' eitv l A1“ the dormitt'irv system is not l l
of Ithaca, its stores and shops oeeu— l 1101'“ in operation. the “f" ”f 1h“
’ hVing the lower ground, and its students, “'11011 11M 1211;131:011 in (701' "\._\ 1 if ”* “
- . . ' '. . I . , = 1; : .w .15. ,. .
homes, dotted over the surrounding lege duties, 13 l’ilSFCd ”UlSldC Ol thel . a 1.1.3:, ‘ .i ,,:? 33.11" E" “,1 "1-.. ‘1
' _ . . r, . 1 ., ' : ,- ‘-: t». 4?. , . p. 5‘ ‘s- T. ‘
slopes, while. high up on the snm- UlllVCl‘Fltfif grounds. ”HWY lmdma l’l’ l’l 3,) 7'3“ 37' 335‘ 5% f. .- F2 5,} " l
. . . . “"3 : —~ .1 1;. 37‘. 5": '1»: 1}» :3-53
"m, of the eastern pl“, lookmg out homes throughout the town, others l \1_‘~:._../.1) ' - ,,:“---W, W ‘ " _7;_:" __ , l
over the valley and far doivn the associating together in the form of )1") l,“ ‘ t"' “11‘ t WP "11' 1 (1 itermined to do ““1 this l“
lake. stand the massive stone huild-ll“7)111“ll11.‘—5'170use elubs, while Still Midi: , i i M 5 ll 'll ( l i t 1 it i I
lugs ()l the UlllVUl'Slly \\‘h](»h IS 115l0tll0rs lllld their most ('Ullgellllll '~"‘" “I dnt In“ ( l 1 f
pride and “fa Nature (-onld searee— l (1(‘111’1panions in their chapter houses. , .1
' 1y have, [ii‘m'ided a more titling spot. 1 The fraternity is a prominent l'eat- Elegant Business Suits1 at 3510 to $12. 3} 1
~ - - . . . l . ' ' ' 1 . . L‘ av \Vorstet Dress Suits at 15.
-1 . -- . 1 . . me of lite at ,oinell. n 1111'] ' 1 . . ~ .
ioi a gitat 111m eisity. l. pon eithei ’ ( _ (s 5 ‘\ (1) All \Vool Cassiniei' Home” $2.75 to $31-50-
side ”f its broad and ample campus ‘ college secret society hemg repre— Summer Underwear at soc.
. a (100], gorge, put out of ti“. roekv isented h‘v a, chapter, many of them ”Mfume “”C“:“1:“:“C‘lgijghfllsss [13:10“, as $7.
hillside hy the ceaseless llow ol' ugoeeupying beautiful and ‘3"(‘11 lux- 1
: “up. stream separates it. from the urious Chapter houses. The frat“; These goods are not low priced but they are elieapithey are for the intelligent,
t . ] 711 't] t ' t nitits l10\\0\el (mt) y] t 1 economical youngmen.
. ma (‘l‘l‘L wor( “11.11111 seemin r o1 1 " '( 1" “ 14L W01“ ‘1‘ ' . . . . . . ~ .
l . l . 7 , , L I .. i . l . l , .. .. .‘ ()uting Shirts. Base Ball and Byeicle Suits, Belts, etc. “e keep everything in a
, set ll} apart, While yet. Within Sight l \antages it”) “my lllfihu» “mull." Gentleman’s outfitting line, and as low in price as you can get anywhere in the
“f the world‘s activities, as a l‘l‘m“ “1,0“ the rich. as the exponsps are United States. besides a discount often per cent to students.
. - ' l . - SUITS To ORDER AT 1:20. -
"" '4' ())’l"' .U " 51'1'4ri, 5 _ V ‘ .-
l‘d‘lm‘l t0 1““ 11mg. It] ( 3“ if”; t lpcllllllt t1“ ‘1‘” lb“ “1 \ on can 1 get these anywhere else for less than :35.
~.-..-1 _(,1, ("1(1.‘s.'1s1"-, H... . H , .. ,
. HUM ‘L “WW qualtel M (L eentu I (lit, ritu t t it n“ to’t U ono I‘ROPSERS ’I()()RI)]1.R Al :55. \on have paid 337.50 to ,‘plO for the. same goods.
l'_\' ”g”, (”)0 of earth’s nohlemen, l my, to indulge 1n them. heretofore. IIA’I‘S at $1.50 to $2.50 and as. low as 5()(‘. 901110 in and look.
. 1 himself deprived 1W stern neeessitvl The women 0f the. university. 11l1- Vt ell show you through our new and immense store rooms \vith pleasure.
’ of most of the advantages of eduea— l like “10 11W“: ”1'0 provided with 1‘ l ONE PRICE CLOTHING HO U SE
mm, determined to found an ms“- 1 heautitnl home upon the university,»
1 lion, where, to meet his ideal, “any lgrounds. {“‘d "9"." naturally S‘Usf't‘l M IEAU FMAN & CO"
.. ' _. . . . I 1 . . . .. . . ' . .. - - ‘ ' '
, poison should lmd instruction 1111("ll‘:‘-’“ 1M1“ WWW ”W 0i ll” (“l-1.94 J4], Main street, Lexmu'ton. l\\'.
. .‘ ‘ > l.-- '. ..-' ". 4‘~..~i . . .I I .~ ~ ..
NH} slllll} ~‘ “OW “"‘ll I371” l“‘“’ 1 ll 1" ”1 lolll 1..“ H“ I‘ll l'll‘ 1“ ' l.‘ 1 .1\ Speeial Discount to Hndents. {Lt-'fi'dh'ees $12115: lor l\'( nt.
:1? '

 young,r lady is permitted to receive iable university library, and of the! .
callers upon two evenings each lsplendid building which contains 2601:2555 Teeth ;/ Rf 1th0ut Plates
week, so that the spacious parlorslit; of the melodious chime of bells 39% '_’: gm . .
. are almost every night filled with which three times a day ring out £13.53, A SPECIALTY
youi‘ig poo ile of both sexes, thus 211- over the hill and valley; and of its fail 3%, ~ ‘ _. ‘ ‘ . . ,.
lowinga Icultivation of the social beautiful Memorial chapel, beneath 2 01d teeth ("l‘l’ll?d “”11 30M. and altihl'lfllntfi:illi
nature, that young men in college which rests the dust oi’its founder, ,, h ' “Mlle “_1U“’Ut plates. hpt‘alxt‘l's and bulg‘jl? “1
. too often lack. but the limits of time and space for-,11nd ”WM" H great iin}:1:0\'enient ()\‘L“1’.tl'le "Id “'5‘." ”I msort'
Among athletic sports, i‘eot-ballibid nm from giving mm, than this} iiig tt’t tli oirplatcs. lhcy do not affect the speech.
““1 ”as“ 1““ “"0 "““msmstimuy bridSkCt‘Ch”fits““1”"”imlllmfis' iFine Gold Filling8$l up. Fine Silver Filling 75 Cents. ;
followed, but perhaps the greatest 9- \l ' M' l , ' , -
interest attaches to rowing. The M“ ~ i Vitalized Alt AdmlnlStGVEd 50 Cents
opportunitiles forltthe lalttcr spotrt age UNSUCCESSFUL i Teeth Extracted 25 Cents.
unsurpassei . anc iey legan o e __ s v " ,
' utilized early in the history of thel On Monday, April 347 an nnsuc—l N EW YO R K D E NTISTS! .
”“lVCTSitY' The "“110th association ccssful attempt was made by twol ll- 1"1- BOUGEN, I). D- 5-, MANAGER,
owns a fine boat house upon the of our State (30119?“ girls to “(Wei Lexington, Kentucky. ,
' “Inlet,” an ”“11 0f the I'd-kc: which with two of the dormitory boysiomce open Evenings. Permanently located 0"“ 01791111101159-
ati'orcls a reach of still water a mile The plan would doubtlesg have suc- i m—————————————————— '
. inI length, so that \}vhen the lalte it- ceeded, but the friends (,f the boysi . . -
S" I. is m“ roug '2 l 10 “"0““ stil have inter msed and rescued them from i L I 1: PI b I C
I a course to train upon. The inter— the clutches of the sirens. Hereto-l eXl n g 0 n u m I n g 0 m pa ny
:‘t .1.” rowing] extends t‘.’ general fore it has not been uncommon to3 H IG H G RAD E PLU M 'I N G.
I timiitsltniloiiirdtillL liillln sliliiiithiitialdt 1‘1““ OI boysclopllig “1th Plindnlgl HOT WATER AND STEAM HEA’l‘IXH. i
n school girls, but \\ hen giils take, -
“”1“." a “WHY picnic party to spend the matter in hand and invade the; . . - -
”ll afternoon 0“ til" Wilt”- , premises of a boys’ dormitory and E WI n d M I I IS, “i' Gas M a C h I n es, ;
’ ‘ v I ' i I v ’ . . ‘ ' A
llioiiatuie ot. the country Sal-lattempt-to capture two oi the. in~ll Sewer and Drain Tile.
, rounding the university, has no llt— mates, it is time the authorities. . K
h, tlc inlluenee upon the physical vig— were looking in“, the matter. '19 EaSt ShortStreet; LCXIHgton’ Y'
()I' ”I. it“ l’ul’ili‘h DI‘my “I the Stll- One of the, girls was heard to sa,_v,l—"—'————-—————-——
dcntsarc compellm'l to climb four to a friend afterwards that shel _ ‘ 1
hundril‘dlieet t0 reticl; the ul'iverlml'i“thought she had the boycott (Di P; H O E A ST E N 9‘ lICdIQI ill IOAIJ.
' ty, ant tie ragga )eanty of tie. ,8 0' ,.- .. ."i , , - . ‘ V . 7‘ . ‘-
' ”mum. tempts many a 1mm], mmhmt Olllflliinifiljim i - Office and Xaw'd .\'o. 13.3 luast, Main sticct .
, its hills and through its almost iii—l j liOXIIig‘iml. 1‘3'
v.» ,. I‘“ accessible ravines. As physical! YE EDITOR’S DREAm’ , __ "Q, N
measurmncnts are taken ot‘ each, —- l
: student at the beginning, and at I dreamed the other night that ll STU DeNTS I
i‘ ‘ stated intervals through his course, died and went on high, i - '
a clear proof has been given 01. the To the heavenly mansions far above, GO To
invigorating influence of this con- tlic blue ethereal sky: , . r _ ) \\ .
‘stant climbing, in the increased Old Peter, standing at the gate, \\ ’1— t1? \: 5 'f th
. lung capacity which the students asked me what l had been. , - (/1 X 1 1/1 S C 1/1 1 1 ,
Q. g ‘ acquire. In addition to these out-I“An editor," was my mcck reply] MIR BARGAINS IN fl”. KINDS OF FOOT WEflR. ,
, door facilities for athletics, a large “\Vell," said he, “come right in!" i'l‘llt‘)’ keep the best $3, $4 and $7) lines of h‘lil'istantlal Shoes
1 mammaaaaawmwammmnmememwwmmmmmma
. . ing nothing else to do. , l Mam St, Lexmgton, Ky. ,
, training the crews and ball teams A britrbt and “l’lCV It‘ll)” (“1ll(‘(l Tllt‘i
3' , for their summer contests, never ‘ i b ‘ l} ' ‘ Y ‘ im—
' Heavenly \\ hat is heir. l p , 7 CT- ., 7 j
l H‘Nh' ‘ l ran across rcpm'tcrs bv the dozen.) a l . ~ )fiQ-i ”W l l
; ‘ ‘ y In its purpose to develop a well— even more. ' . . Cl ( kl ' y
' rounded manhood in its students. As 1-0,. printers they applied tori _ . _ _ . . ,
_: the university has not neglected the work bv the everlasting 5.0011,. i PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. '
5 religious side of character. A noble .. “ ‘ 5 Corner Main and Mill St. Lexington, Ky. v
' (Thristian Association building The “pel‘RUIiillS” “W0 ”15“" got cm I Te“1’11"“e 30”-
, 1 serves as a. center for the religions early, got em late. , , j———————_—________
‘ activities of those assembled here. Jug? had ,a shorthand WNW]. inter-, B SI M R L L '
,4, . A‘broad catholicity ol' spirit is man- I, fired? old Peter “Lt the gate. l J ' ' A i .
iii-st in all its work. and its tciiden- Society ments “ 01:0 OHS-V “’0‘ the: 9
ties are all toward the promotion of ‘ WWW)“ sort oftlimgs. l i Iru [St ‘
. a typc ol' christianity which is ag— ho long essay on "what they wore)", gg ' ‘
grossivc ' “‘ltll‘ml being‘ intolerant. I .lllSt' “had on a new pair 0f wings" i Cor. Mill and Short Streets. Telt‘phone 195.
l'lwll ”It‘ll Sill’lttllll during “10 <70l- Subscriptions came like sixty, 2111(li_—__—'—_—'————K
. legit year, lilt‘l-p is 'brought‘ to the ads \vcre plenty. too; ! Great Comblnfltion 0f Cigars,
university one of the foremost Butjust before we went to press l! j, . .
prcachcrs ol' the land. and in the heard a great ado! : 151110 COHS]gIlID(‘Ht 0f smOklng.
beautiful ('11:! )(‘l (W'lt‘d by 0111‘ of In came the tbrcman t'rotliin f, :ndi -
1‘ its bciictiictorls, is heard a. series of said be, “Your lieail ain‘t livel: i Large TrUSt Of C'gars'
V sermons such as is rarely given in How do you expect to run tliisi SIGN S I TTI N G I N D l A N.
"ll“‘l' l’nll’ll-‘W sheet whcn wcliavcn’t any devil‘?”l ’
' Much might bc said of the valu- “Cincinnati 'l‘ribunc. l 101 EAST MAIN ST

 . I , p .‘
. mm
1 __ . _ m— ,
| . ,
ATHLETICS, [own players played much betterl“. H. WARREN. ‘ J. A. WARREN.
, _._ lthan in the. first game. '
FIELD DAY, MAY 12' j» The game was close for several in— ar BPS
. . . i ‘ . , i . , ,. ,
This was the lust of the kind , nings but the L. of M. boys then v v - 5
ever held here, and much interest made lour runs and our team could CORNFR HIGH AND LIMESTONE
was manitested in the events. The ' not overcome the lead. . ‘
new grand stand, which adds a, Plus team had VOW goo‘cllortune Staple and Fancy Gl’OCGl’lGS, Pl'Oduce and '
- great deal to the appearance of the i 0“ It‘s ‘southern tnl)? giving the D (1 G d P 1131' .
. ‘) . . u . r . ‘ 9. '
grounds, was well filled With spee—‘CLMIC College team a bad heating. 18888 (11113 an 011 y.
tutors. They “1'0 a very gentleinanly set 01 Teas and Spices. A fine line of Cigars and Tobacco,
fellows and they have our best wish- m
’ ‘ > k. I
the hundred vards dash was won t i
,H “Um Red 1, 2, 'r' les. MEN 8 FINE SHOES
f ' ) . me It t. une ” 1 H ‘
I, . . . , Apri 22. Linwoods, of Cinein- ‘
’~ l'tunmng,r high pimp by lxnox. . . , H .
, .‘ . ' " nati, vs. S. (r. lhis game was plav- . »
; Height 4 it. 11 in. “
, . . / . ed on a cold day and we were badly '
Halt mile run by Roach, Hill an _ . ‘ . . ”
. . ' .. . “ beaten. This semi-professwnal team
inch or two behind. 'lime 2m .rOs. . . .
. . was quite too much for us, in spite ‘ ’
Running broad inmp by Hobdv. f . t 1 1 tt 1
. ‘. ' " 0 our iin )or‘e( )a . .e 'v. ‘ 1 y .
' Distance 18 ft. 10 in. 1 ' i 20 Last Main.
, Quarter-mile run by Redman. . . ‘ ——‘———_——
Time 55);} Spa Otll'rtllll‘tl game was Wltll‘ (Ieorge— F res h B rea d a n d R 0| IS
' Puttingr shot, by Bryan. Distanec ltown LOllegC’ Ilhursday alternoon, ’ -~-.
, ' r " 2 ‘. . -I ,
. as i... , ”til 6 . 1 C no. OSBORNhS <3: CO. .
‘ One mile run by Hill in the very e @111“ 0‘ 4t "Ct“ngO“ 31 “t 0-0 I G I 1
slow time (,f 7 111.36 see. p. m. llie weather “as line and e ‘ N I 1 e; a 1’ l I i l er »:
pole vault bv Hobdv. Height theyailne wlasziliignototnmgs,flfitap‘se . I
. ,. ., . “ ' ‘ we iat sue. 1 i] asv 1111‘ o .. 'e. . . . , , . . -
; 1 ft. 5 m. 1‘1 ‘t t‘ k> _ .tplw - H A ()d I COR, VINE AND [PPER STth’l s.
1‘“ Tl . .' 1 1 . . . 1 H 1 1 , tn .no ‘1 L (in; h H ‘Lh 11‘] ‘ M' " ' 1 Best Bread, Rolls and Cakes in the city. Fresh Bread and Rolls ready every even ;
" _ ironing t )0 ““1le 1V 0 )(v .\,~ inning,r thus giving:r the (10()l‘g(:t0\\"lll ing at 5 o‘clock. '
Distance (37 feet. boys qmte a good chance to do _____________—_—_ '
One mile relaV bv the team, Cas- sometl'png ““3 theyfi lmll’gOVCdP it
Q ‘ , ‘ , ‘ , , . somew iat. Score 2 ‘ to . tori I h N G
. 1311:" “((0% OOBush (“"1 ltulman. five. innings they did not score but5 8 eW roce ry’
l l’ll‘lt. 1.1" 7* ”U" . as Burch had a bad headache after]
, lug-ot—Waiv won by an lllt‘ll.£tlmt’ they were ”1m. to (10 “mm, J A W! LLI S & ( :O
‘ ‘ Team—4lowherd, Carnahan. Smith ! thing. i ' ' "
and Garrcd ““01””. ' We missed the train and had tot DEALERS IN
’ ‘ - ‘ . 1F we- - th'
'l‘herc was also a potato rat-c won uni ll“ 10"” 1‘ m‘ . ‘Stflplo dn( (1“ (1‘ .1100 91](.S, 01111 '1) 10-
, . fl , , J l ‘ lho (,icoi'getown pollee were; ‘ _ _ ‘
"l," l) “NHL .. . [afraid ol'oui'lmttle cry, so we had (11100 ()i all klnds.
; . l lll'C(“l(‘§«'§i"“l 1'11““ by [\11'l’." and to be very quiet till train time. L _ _ _ .. . \ _ 1’1
7,1? ()rton. 1 (lot home about ll, a tired but 5 I iompt attention given to all orders. No. 7 \\ . iIaiii. 10116 303.
. l Sack race, hundred yards, byllmlil‘y(‘1"“"‘l- t 1 1 {l
i ' rrangemen s cannot )e mate
. Mirr- ‘ -‘ n ., T . . ,.a HAMILTON FEMALE COLLEGE.
. . lwnh ( ential Lniwisit) that (no. i rt K . .
, -' As a prelude to all this there was . satisfactory to both sides and it’ Le" “3- °“' 3' .
'- l, a dress parade by the cadets. But seems as though there will be. no‘T1 ] t1‘ 1 F l' 91 1_ t] S‘t t X‘connnid'itious fim class.
‘ ‘ , W y . . , 7‘ I" more games with that team tliiS‘ ie «arges ‘Cnl‘d e loaning \.C 100 in 10... a e. r t L t . .
t ' all)“ all“; “ 1m In]? “1d, t”! Ln“ 1 the “an. i : Heated bv Steam and Lighted by Gas. Hot and cold water. ‘
‘ nter- ,‘o wriato *i s ( ): v in st ~ ‘ ' . . ' , ' . s, .
i . h . ( 1‘ .11 But one very important action; Bath Rooms al‘dA‘“ filler-L
train and get into the, best possible 1mg been taken by the collefi'esi _
shape. which will apply to base-ball, foot- ! Send for catalog-“Q J. B. SKINNER, Lexington, Ky. ‘
Let me urge the boys to come out ball, “W1 “cm HWY”? 1t} 15a that 1“" _________—________
. and practice on the different events one unless a bona tide student
. ll ' ( 2’ . ’ ' . . " will be allowed to enter into these;
The track is in very good condition gmmq This shuts out trainers l SHELBY KINKEAD & BRO' .
and everythingr is ready for the 0th- eonnnereizll students profession-tit -
er events. men and members of the taculty. iSOIe Agents GLEN MARY COAL & COKE CO. ‘
The award will be given to the (“H‘llél‘lllfitlLr if]0g.lifflifl‘éoxli:1 liii'lesl 51 N. BROAD W AY,
college scoring: the most points: 5.vented it. ‘ I l FATTEBSON & MERINO STS_ ,
.~_ {0" first, 3 f” second, 111"] 0116‘ 1‘01“ May 13th they came again and at
: third in every event. (told medal very good game was the result. It ____ W ,
.1 to cverv first winner. silver to see- was the. best college game we have ' ‘
‘ mid and bronye to third had this spring, but the. Georgetown SEFURE A POSITION » -
l 1' _ l A. ' lboys were, again defeated to the tunej ‘— “3‘ “UCH‘IWK’ 111“ “_ .
4 . Let “my “101“” male ”H“- “WW 9 to 6- _ _ j LEXINGTON BUSIN ESS COLLEGE.
31 Stat. ('()ll(:g0 may lead. ; May 20th the team picked from, CONVFCTFI) WITH q'rm‘p A & M C()I.L1€("wli.
1‘ . . 1 lx'entuckv University and Lexinrr— ' ' ‘ ' ' i' ‘ ' ‘ ' '
'5 —-— ' - ’ ' - . ’ ‘2
3 ton, although advertised as the kl BOO K‘- K E E Pl N G H \
r‘ BASIC BALL. ll. tom”. was our Opponpnt 211](l‘ \Vitli GENERAL BI'SINESS COURSE 'l‘horoug‘lily and liraetieally1 lzuiglittby luxt— ‘
LY - . ~ . . i < . . )erieneed Teachers. Our students are in great ( einani ; severa 1(l\’(‘JllS aecep —
F (“‘1‘ second game “115‘ “"1111 ll”? ‘31“ IU'H t1, ”(Ml gaunt. ff‘lll'htflufiylhlt7i positions. BUSINESS l’iammxsnir a speciality. "
linivei'sit V (l' Miehitran t an (f I.“ )0” ‘ us ’5' a seoreo .l’ 0 ’l
' ‘l ) . , h i n ) still they had to work lor it as our.‘ S HORTHAN D AN D TYPE WRITING
' All” Al'l’m'v All,“ l‘" It was it Cold llltfll put 11]) 11 strong game, thei Although we have filled hundreds of positions during the pastyfew years, yet
' 5 tlle and not \‘t’l’v pleasant, at lt‘nst pitching especially ln‘illi-Ji good 3 the (lyinIaInd is 1greater than we can supply. lundorsed by Lenn Iitnian and jel-
; . ' ‘ . H ’ '. ~ ’ , .' l 1 . 1.5’ )wari.
' -' tor spectators. It was quite a good HWY “'1” l"! “hull““tfl‘d M" a . 0 m [ TELEGRAPHY
‘2 Name resulting In :1 score ol- 9 to 5 Hh‘ll‘H-V College gum“) that 15‘ ””0 l” l The best way to railroad promotion. practically taught by an ex-ehiet nail-mad
f f . ' r , Wlln‘li only bona lltlo silltlt‘an. :15 operator. All Diplomas signed by the (it)\'t‘l‘ll()l"v()l‘ the Commonwealth. Send tor
‘ n) lavol' the I" "l M- (I(-“]]Q(l in the K y, lnt. (full. Assn. eatalogueand make arrangements to enter at once. I t'\‘ l’ , . 1
”111' in] l' ‘l i ' *r.’ I " _ - .. 3 . . ' .. . v ,._1 C. C. CALI Q ., rineipa, .
I. ' po l“ ”1.“. ‘ (ll'l “‘ H 1,111" *3 “ .1” l" ‘IH‘H‘l/‘l l” l'l‘ll‘ l‘\ [01- .\. L. I’eti-rnian. Secretary. 135437 East Main street, Lexington. IX"-
that is two ol them did. and our cept trainers. whru-annot lwbatter‘v.‘

 WW 1
. ,,7 ,fi_~,, .,AA111_—___ *1- —___‘~__—WMM— __ ——.—————_——— 5'
" I Regular Meals Only 25 Cl ents.
' Meals to Order at all hours. ()vsters Lanih Fries and S )l‘infl’ (‘hickens a S )ec- l
l ' . _ a l . l i
«;'.=.-2 ! lalt-y. Seating capacity of hall 150. l
, Gus Luigart, Proprietor fir
r\ x ’\I\ Ii a \ \ \ V l i
”“41 51A“: LOLLEGE CADET, so few of the dregs oi sorrow as 5
11—11___.____ when thev attempted to drink of St t ‘ olle e Of Ix ‘ 7.
Published Monthly during the Collegi- the fountain Of knowledve at the a e g s/ .
ate Year only, in the interest of every ' , '2'" i
' Department oflhe State College. I A. & M.; and when in the future{ ‘
_,,1,,,_....17,:;ng —A ltheir thoughts shall he borne on Agrlcuuural: B1010g10a1, CIVI'IfiEngllnee'rlnlg,VNIteChan- }
4 i -. ' ' . ' ' ' ' . 6 er— .
Que Year... - - ~ ..... - - --- - -- - ~~-- ~75C i the gossamer wings oi memory hack . lcal Englneerlng: SClentl C, aSSIC?‘ ’ ,
hlx Months..--.----.--.--....-----.50ci ' . . . . inary, Normal School and Commerc1al Courses.
Three Months ......................30c ‘over the kaleidoseopic scenes of life, .
ml” L 0p} 7__ 0L 1 they Wlll find connected with their TWENTY EIGHT PROFESSORS 1
EDITORIAL STAFF ileollege days, many a happy inci— I ' .i '
' {dent that shall hold their tancy “111 AND INSTRUCTORS_ . l
H- M- Gunn, EdltOI‘. lwilliiig bonds and sweet captivity.” . l
-» I”. C. ELKIIAI, BAhnnnuS WW)“ l At a recent meeting of the class. ConntV ADPUlllteGS adn'iitted to tree Tuition. Board in Dor- ' l
i . I“ RAND, ; ' . ‘. . Y I”) . . '. ‘. A .. , . '_,1 1.. _ - . 1.
Associate Editor and Business Manager- in ei'nlilnlltce was appointed t" make llllt()1'\1 lipa.¥£hfillTP1 H in lidlllll10b SP3 light? Ad‘lsioglm l
. * <~' , ,- or s a») '
\V- 1; DRURM arrangements to have photographs “ Ct " . ‘1 91111 K551": 011 8001M (( 7 ‘
Correspondent Patterson Society. f. t1 1 t 1‘ l 1 otl .1 day in September. 1* or catalogues and .
. . , o ii c ass a ’en ai an 31‘1" wis ‘ - A - . ‘ ~ ‘
‘ \VM. PA’I‘TICRbOR. ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ l | other information apply to
, Correspondent I'niou Society. lappointed to see to havnre' classi
. i . .
Miss Lizzm beor’i‘. ‘trees planted. The olnect is to planti JAMES K- PATTERSON, PH- D" PRES
. Corres )ondeiit from Hamilton Colle re. . . '
I H . _ 5“ a Single tree tor the class, andi LeXIhgtOF‘I, Ky'
_ l. R. Dleh -~ i __—__—_____~__—____________
Correspondent Y. M. C. A. around it a tree for each individual i
H' H' Hui,“ , _ meniher. It is designed to he a tit-l .; 12%;" i x". 535'
Correspondent Athletic Assoeiatioii. . . " _ l "has“;v‘“ .. é; 4.. _.;._ 351 .
C. C. COURTNEY, [ting cmhlein oi the hopes and aspir—i “a?“ g g; V 11.31“... 1...}; «my; 5 _
t . . ' . . .-» - i .‘ i' ) mie~ .7. -) -"t . \‘ :fifimlfij‘.
Luricspmident of NO‘iill‘dl Depaitiiient. ' ations of th(. (la. s. is “(ll as a. plach :Z—E—Eée. N0_ 6. E. Mann
R- A- BURIION» . lfor luture elass reunions. May thei‘ «equZT—QW‘W. . . . . . ‘
General Corres ondeiit. . . l 3§iJ-§‘\~Za“‘i. ‘ ‘ i ' “ ' H ' ‘ 7 ‘ .
p itrees live longr and thrive. and may".j ‘““Wbi:“:§y1 lidl (Qt llllhl lltlhh hilllh lll SllOCt‘. , ‘, .7
~— .1- 1—1,-.- -1 ' . . . i m2: gum-(u. its}
)1 . l 1 - i . . u ‘ v x - . I K 2:5 .1 1:537". ”Mr/Mg?» irglyfit‘n’32- . . ..
Address all eoniiuuiiiea’tiOiis to the (‘1‘ h mtnihti 01 fl“ (l‘l‘h lll‘u‘lfl' 3': ‘ 4.19:: fifi‘l’tge'Ten per cent reduction to eyery student who
State College Cadet, A- & M- College, live and flourish as a U‘i‘eei’i havl -. MW” " mentions this advertisement.
Lexington,Ky. . h " l ’
«1 #111111, , ",1 1___-... ”Afi tree; and as the trees will he an orn—‘—+—————————————-————————————-—— ,
lament to lllfllfllfllfit‘zipfl, so may thel
EDITORIA L' iclass he an ornament to society andl N Ottn ag ie & B r0
1 I
. . . Ilhc world at large. is the sincerest: v. . . .
Most oi the examinations are , .H ‘ ‘ . . l’ROI’RIhIOkS ()1‘
. wish oi liir:( .\l)l-I'l‘. I
now ovcr. and coininciicemcnt is1 ‘ i
. , , V 1 __,___ _ _____,_ 1 ~ 0 ~'
quickly (ll'tl\\'lllf._‘,' near. .l he gradu—i . . q '
atine‘ class this ycai' will consist of: This is (11o last issue, 01‘ TI”; CA.’ S 1 all ‘ 0 e] l S l
. > I :
fourteen members: one from the [new for the present term, and with I l
. . . - r V l
classical department, seven from the other niemhcrs ol thclnittalion. “ml M'ANWMQ'J‘I'RERS AND DEALERS IN l
scientilic. two from the normal, onc CADET will take its three iiionths'l
‘ from the veterinary, one from the vacation, This is the last attempt l Fancy Family Flour, Corn, Meal, Mill Feed. etc. Paragon Patent. Sterling. Choice {
- mechanical engineering, and two l of the present editor at college iour-l mmllfi Sllwr Leah R011“ Patent. XXX Family, Sullc‘rfille. ..
. . . . . ' ,. - , ‘ L i rt , K -
lrom the civil <.‘H.L"11H'01‘m§:'~ nalisn'i, and he hiils THE Caniri‘ a l66 “ mm“ m ' ex “5. o" ’
~ Sonic ol' these—as llcnny Smith l'onil l'arewcll with the hope that it ~
says—will return to take a “post— will spring intoa new era of pros- . ht d M
‘ . .. -. ~. , ‘ er an A e GI'S
inoitcin (ouisc, hut loi the lililJUI- peril) under a management that ‘ ’ E'
. . n n - ‘) I . . ‘ ‘ V V
. ity the hrsl ol June is thcir last day shall he more successful in rohlnng lllUAlllfiRb lb 1'.
ii 'lw'i.: : ': -' :"";'x-' ... " U- » . ,' , a ‘
i ml (,1 ind on 111 ll llli liil d i) 1its ieidtis to lllt i,\ti nt oi tln ii Fl'CSh NIGHT, Bacon, IA“ (1 and Sausage.
their hearts will hcal a reiliiicnr in lsulwcriptions I
i‘ ' ‘ ' ’ f 1- q o 1 _ »— o
incinoriain to their halcyon colh‘g‘l‘l In this. our last issue ol'the term.’ 14 V‘ ‘ 8110 t ‘ t1 ('Ot' .‘
. _ i / ' ;
hie. Many arc the happy honrslwe desirc to extend our thanks toi
they have Sliciil at the Slate (Tol- l thc liheral, the wise. and thc l'ool-l L EXI N C I O N 9 KY.
here: many a lil'c long l'riendshiplish, 'l‘hc lihcral l'or paving theirlm
have they made within its walls :isuhscriptions. the wise for their con-
”Wl MW“ ”"2" “Wk lW‘k l“ “Hm"ll‘llllilililiH. and the foolish i'or l'urii- J . B. R60 R DO N & AC (:>
ycars across thc \‘isiia ol' the pastuishine‘ us with material for witti- .
. they will «lonhtlcss lind no period «is-ms. l'ntlcr the second head, mi MERCHANT TAILORS’ FURNISHERS
l" “'I'M‘ll1"l""’~‘l’"ll.l“." contained l would thank the various liit‘llllll'd‘fill ~10 lCasi Main Street. ’
v ‘ 'V’. . __.__ 1:. , '7 ,A1_ , , , ,,_..,A. , , v

 , I ' h,’\
. t. r
W”— ; 2
'——*'—%—4fi——---——————W—_—fi\‘_—_—__#_ _________._4—~ .. ‘L L
oi'the faculty who have favored usithe program which always meets ’ l
with interesting articles tlirouglioutl,With it" due Shut“ 01‘ applause— ‘ l
' the year, and we are especially grate— ' “Th“: Student,” b." 1‘2 J- J- \Voods, I I I I I er 1‘ ,
ful to Miss Lizzie Scott, our eorres- l or (Ththhhhh ,Ky. “10.1)211)“ was 5 I i
\ , _ iiinusually good on this occasion, — »—\ ,
polident oi Hamilton College, whose i but just as Mr. Woods began to read BA 1% B b (R. " .
‘ . WWW" -"”l’l"”'t "1 THE CADETlthe lamp chimney cracked and the (for, Short and )iill Streets. Hair Cuttillo' ,1 Specialty, {
since its very birth, in the way ot'lliglit had to be extinguished. This D ' h » E
attractive contributions and words threw the reader at it great disad— ' _ . w a. .. 3
ol‘ encouragement, none but thoselmnmgg .35 119 had to stand at the LEX-lngtOll Steam] Laundl y. L
intimately ””11”li with the staff rear portion oi the platform to be speCial Rates to students. 1‘ L
, j _ near the gas—light; but in spite of 109 and III E. MAIN ST. ,*
huh “T” imagine. all the (.litiiculties .uiider wnieh he J _ w_ WOO D, AGT. ‘ l .
tinder the third head we would was 131,011,,g7 the author (it"‘Tlie Stu— Room 14 Old DOI'lllltOI‘V State ColleO'e. i
thank Mr. Auliek, Mr. Kerriek, dent" was equal to the occasion and ’ h, b _ _ i _
hit-k Stoll, “Big lke” Driiry, and ‘ carried (“it his part Of the program ' ' S
, sundry others, male and female, too i much. to the lehthht'l‘linmhht and ad— sayre Female InStltute, '
. danrrcrous to mention. As for those hhmhhh Of his delighted listeners. i
h . The president, R. C. Stoll, then LEXI NGTO N, KY. 5 ‘
“ml” the (“ht category, we passed announced the Patterson Open Ses- H. B. McClellan, A.M., Principal. l l
, “10m 10' as net heins numerous sion which will take place on smir- ll SELECT BOARDING AND [my SCHOOL FOR YOUNG l
enough to.mention. day evening, May ~‘_)7_ The audi-l LADIES ,
—~-—————~—»——— lence wasthen dismissed with a bell-i _‘__ ' _ 'A____~ , ,1 i
' U' L' 8' ltdihthhi' t1 1' l s 1 G d ’ C l S . l:
.onn' we ie i. e. aiii ma ' ‘
— . . liteontiiiue in the future the wooi‘ll or on S as 1 tore' ii
The May open session was given} > _ . . > b l . i‘
on Monday evening, May 22. i’l‘lie | work that has characterized its pastl 67 East Mam Street ll
attendance was not large, because of‘ .__.__._ —___._ _ l MEN’S LADIES :71: 5i
a confusion of dates arising from N‘ L'