xt71jw86jn1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86jn1h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1927 journals kaes_circulars_207 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 207 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 207 1927 1927 2014 true xt71jw86jn1h section xt71jw86jn1h     il "
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S Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER. Dean and Director
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Junior Agricultural Clubs
Lexington, Ky.
f April, 1927
{ Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on
bij C°0Il€*1`HLi0n of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
x will U10 U. S. Department of Agrieiilturo, and distributéd in fUl’tl1€1’£ll"lC€
of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May S, 1914. l

Selected B00ks K
for A
Club Members  T
by .
¤  K

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· Golden volumes! Richest treasures!
Objects of delicious pleasures!
. You my eyes rejoicing please,
You my hands in rapture seize.
Brilliant wits and musing sages,
g Lights who beamed through many ages,
Left to your conscious leaves their story,
And dared to trust you with their glory; ·
And now their hope of fame achieved,
Dear volu1nes!—you have not deceived.
—Henry Rantzau.
 _ How do boys and girls spend their leisure hours? Reading?
·_ It is to be hoped that part of this time is spent in this pleasant
 i and profitable pursuit. As a. lover of books, Dr. Arnott said,
 A "ln a corner of my house I have books, the miracle of all 1ny
possessions, more wonderful than the wishing cap of the Arab-
  ian tales; for they transport me instantly, not only to all places,
i but to all times. By my books I can conjure up before me to a
* momentary existence many of the great and good 1nen of past
 ‘ ages, and for my individual satisfaction they seem to act again
  the most renowned of their achievements; their orators declaim
5 for me, the historians recite, the poets sing. "

4 Kentuelry Extension CircnZcn· N0. 207
If boys and girls read, what books do they read? If we
are, as some one has rightly said, a part of all we see, hear and
touch, come into contact with, it believes us to read the best
A books obtainable.
For the convenience of the book lover, and for the awaken-
ing of the reading habit in others, the following book list is
given. Any club member who wishes to try for a certificate of
merit on reading may do so by applying to his county or home
demonstration agent. This course is to be undertaken in con-
junction with some agricultural or home project. The require-
ments are:
To send to the county or home demonstration agent a satis-
factory review of books read.
To read at least
One book of nature
One book of travel or history A A
One book of iiction
Ten poems
` One book related to the club project of which the reader
is a member.
V These books are to be books that are suggested in the book
list, or satisfactory ones substituted.
Upon the completion of the year ’s work a certificate of merit
will be issued by the College of Agriculture.
V Author Title Publisher .
Beard American Boy’s Handbook of Camp
Lore and \Voodcraft Lippincott
Burroughs Bird Stories from Burroughs Houghton
Burgess The Burgess Flower Book for
Children Little
Chapman Bird Life Appleton
Comstock How to Know the Butterflies Comstock _
_ . Crowder Dwellers of the Sea and Shore Macmillan
Duncan Wonders of Plant Life Oxford
Duncan ‘Wonders of the Sea Oxford

 Selected Books for Club Members 5
NE Author Title Publisher
French Beginners Garden Book Macmillan
ld Lewis Astronomy for Young Folks Duffield
est Lang Animal Story Book
McFee The Tree Book Stokes
,11. Mitten Book of Stars for Young People Macmillan
is Parsons Plants and Their Children Scribner
. Stack Wildflowers Every Child Should
ol K
now Gosset
mc Wood Natural History for Young People Dutton
rtiS_ Abbott Christopher Columbus Dodd
Abbott Notable Women of History Winston
Bolton Boys and Girls who Became Famous Crowell
Bok The Americanization of Edward Bok Scribner
Brooks The True Story of Benjamin Frank-
i lin Lothrop
Church Illiad for Boys and Girls Macmillan
Coffin Boys of ’76 Harper
1 _ Eggleston A History of the United States Appleton
M G1 Finnemore Peeps at Switzerland Macmillan
Franklin Antobiography Burt
wok Hill On the Trail of Grant and Lee Appleton `
Keller, Helen Story of My Life Houghton
_ Lippincott Merrie England Ginn
mnt Niccolay Boy’s Life oi Lincoln Century
Page Robert E. Lee, Man and Soldier Scribner
Parkman Heroines of Service Century
Roosevelt Ranch Life and Hunting Trail Century
el. _ Scudder George Washington Houghton
Smith Old, Old Tales from the Old, Old
Book Doubleday
Strickland The Queens of England Macmillan
Twain Roughing It Harper
Barse & Hop-
kins, N. Y. Famous Americans for Young People
l ‘ Higginson Young Folks’ History of the United
States Longmans
ity Roosevelt &
Lodge Hero Tales from American History Century
sity Meadowcroft Boy’s Life of Edison Harper

 6 Kcniuclry Ecvlension Circular N0. 207  
Author Title Publisher  
Abbott Molly Make Believe Century  
Alcott Little Women Little  {
Aldrich Story of a Bad Boy Houghton  {
U Antin At School in the Promised Land Houghton I 
Bacheller Eben Holden Grosset  V.
Barrie The Little White Bird Scribner  ?
Blackmore Lorna Doone Crowell  l
Bulfinch The Age of Fable Lothrop  »
Bunyan The Pilg1·i1n’s Progress Dutton  V
Burnett The Secret Garden Stokes  ‘’·
Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Macmillan  
Church Stories from the Odyssey Macmillan  
Connor Glengarry School Days Grosset  ”
Cooper Last of the Mohicans Macmillan
Craik John Halifax, Gentleman Crowell  I
Dana Two Years Before the Mast Houghton  Q
Defoe Robinson Crusoe Crowell
Dickens Tale of Two Cities Crowell  ¤·
Dickens David Copperfield Grosset  ·
Dodge Hans Brinker Ginn  Y
Eliot Silas Marner Houghton °‘ 
FOX Little Shepherd oi Kingdom Come Scribner ·
Gale Friendship Village Grosset  5
Goldsmith The Vicar of Wakeneld Houghton  "
_ Grenfell Adrift on an Ice-pan Houghton  A
Hale Man Without a Country Little ~
Harris Uncle Remus ADDIGUJI1 `_
` Hawthorne Wonder Book Houghton `
Hawthorne House of Seven Gables Macmillan `
Hawes The Mutineers Atlantic Monthy `
Press _
A H01lgh The Covered Wagon Appleton _
Hughes Tom Brown’s School Days Cassell `
Il‘Vi¤g The Sketch Book Cassell _
Irving The Alhambra Macmillan
Ives Dog Heroes of Many Lands
Jackson Romona Little V
Kingsley Westward Ho Scribner  ’
‘ I, Kiplillg Captains Courageous Doubleday ‘
Lamb, Charles r
& Mary Tales from Shakespeare Harper  
Lindsay John Smith, Gentleman Adventurer 5

  Selected Books for Club Members 7
  Author Title Publisher
I.  { Loudon The Call of the Wild Macmillan
  Lytton The Last Days of Pompeii Dutton
  Mallory Boys King Arthur Scribner
gl  Oulda A Dog ot Flanders Lippincott
 __ Page Two Little Confeclerates Scribner
 A Porter Scottish Chiefs Crowell
  pylo Story of King Arthur and His
9 Knights Scribner
  pylo Men of Iron Harper
; Richmond The Indifference of Juliet Doubleday
{ Rice Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch Century
 2 Ruskin King of the Golden River Altemus
 . Seton Wild Animals I Have Known Scribner
 ` Seton Biography ot a Grizzly Grosset
Sewell Black Beauty Dodge
  Scott Kenilworth Macmillan
  Scott Ivanhoe Crowell '
 P Shakespeare As You Like It Macmillan
  Shakespeare Merchant of Venice Macmillan
  Sharp A Watcher in the Woods Cenutry
Yi  Singmaster Emmeline Houghton
 I Stevenson Treasure Island Grosset
  Stockton Rudder Grange Scribner
 ‘ Tarkihgton Seventeen Grosset
  Twain The Prince and the Pauper Harper ’
  Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under
 . the Sea Grosset
 · Wallace Ben Hur Harper
I Webster Just Patty Century
v_ Wiggin Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Grosset
lonthy ` Wiggin The Birds’ Christmas Carol Houghton
Wister The Virginian Macmillan
. WYSS Swiss Family Robinson HarD€1'
_ Bally, Liberty
· H. l Wind and Weather Scribner
 . Bryan, G. S. Poems of Country Life Macmillan
{  _· Burrell Book of Heroic Verse
‘ Drlnkwater The Way of Poetry Houghton
  Field Poems of Childhood Scribner
Q F1`0thiHgh&II1 Songs of Challenge
  Fwthiugham Songs of Men

 ‘ 1
~  >
8 Kentucky Extension Circztlur N0. 207  
Author THIN Publisher  
Kipling Songs for Youth Doubleday  
Matthews Poems of American Patriotism  _;
Palgrave Golden Treasury of the Best Songs  
and Lyrical Poems in the English  
i Language Macmillan  it
Riley Rhymes of Childhood Bobbs-Merrill `i 
Riley Book of Joyous Children Bobbs·Merrill  {
Stevenson,  ~.
Burton E. The Home Book of Verse for Young  P
People Holt V
Robt. Louis A Child’s Garden of Verses Scribner  .
Untermeyer This Singing World Harcourt _

   Salccfed B007cs for Ulrub Members 9
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 12 Kentucky Exteiisioii Circular N0. 207  ii
Traveling libraries furnished by the state are available i,_,   _
clubs that do not have local libraries. For information rgggmt    
_ ing the use of these books, write Kentucky Library Coiiiniiggm  i LO;
State Capitol Building, Frankfort, Kentucky.  i` Lot
Types of libraries available--  é Mw
(1) Collections of 50 l)OOlu¤l1·' »_  U