xt71jw86hq13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86hq13/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-04-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1931 1931 1931-04-10 2012 true xt71jw86hq13 section xt71jw86hq13 mw1 Best Copy Available



WES. First R. O. T. C.

mtwntmwm Parade Is Held Wednesday









Vesper Pianist





FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931

More Than 2,000 Compete
In High School Contests



0f Company F was Judged to be
Boasting its brilliancy and prouci,ine ucst platoon
Music and Oratory to
splendor with which Its
The rcclmentnl nnrnrln Wptlnni- Champions of Rig Ten to of the
Herbert Newman, of Faculty
Be Determined
members were arrayed, the unlver day was an Inauguration of pracOppose Kentucky Team
of Cincinnati College of
sity R. O. T. C. regiment Wcdnes tice drill In preparation for the
Jack Shuttlcworth
editor of
in Double Header
Music, Will Play
clay afternoon marched to the airs inspection by the ntional Inspection
is a member of Sigma
played by the "Best Band In Dixie," officers which will be held April
Regimental officers who reMICHIGAN WILL PLAY
and, hurling defiance at members
Bowman Grey president of R.
of the student body and faculty who viewed the parade arc: B. G. CrosJ. Reynolds Tobacco company, is
of State
200 Institutions
are of the pacifist creed, displayed by, colonel; Rex Allison, lloutennnt- a member of Sigma Alpha EpAre Represented at
i Composers
Liszt, Debussy,
and Itself in all the grandeur of militar coloncl; and captains, Joe B. HughUniversity
istic luster and directed its corner es, Carey Spicer, Louis McGinnls,
Dr. Ethel I. Sanborn biology
and Bach Will Be
Farrell to Get Pitching
w. acnucrmeyer.
ate unit over the fair lawn In front nna
Instructor at the University of
Officers of the first battalion are:
More than 2,000 students and
of the Administration building for
is a member of Alpha
Bus Henderson, malor: B. M.
the first parade of the semester,
teachers, representing 200 Kentucky
Xi Delta.
After the parade of the regiment, Chandler, first lieutenant: and J.
The regular Sunday afternoon
high schools, are competing at the
Gertrude Beggs; dean of wovesper service hour will be resumed
university this week ln the eleventh
If Jupiter Pluvlus, the great the Pershing Rifles, newly estab u. rasco, u o. Cleveland, and R,
men at the University of Minneheavyweight mennce from Ozone lished military organization at the Chapman, second lieutenants.
April 12, with Herbert L. Newman, sota, Is a member of Pi Beta Phi. annual High School week conducted
Officers of the second battalion
pianist and faculty member of the
by the university extension depart
the piercing attacks of university, drilled for the first time
drops under
College of Music of Cincinnati, preyoung Sol, the reigning cnampion to the music of the university band are: Kirk, major: W. R. Htimbnr.
ment, under the direction of Prof.
UniLed by the officers of the regi nrst lieutenant; and L. Wolf, R. W.
during the last few days, the
senting a recital at 4 o'clock in Tau Delta, Is president of St. Louis Clifton. The entire week is
'Memorial auditorium. Vesper hour
versity of Kentucky baseball nine ment, who were accompanied by Strombcrg, and P. A. Pemberton.
given over to determining the out
College in Tokio, Japan.
was not held last Sunday, due to
will open the season at 2:30 o'clock co-enamed by the cadets as sur second lieutenants.
Franklin C. Paschal Sigma standing students in various phases
on atoll lieia flciently high in the scale of pul
the Easter vacation.
Mondav afternoon
Nu, is Dean of the Liberal Arts of music and oratory.
against the Cardinals of Wisconsin chritude to merit the honor, the
Mr. Newman is the son of Dr.
College of Vanderbllt University.
In tfce boys' piano finals held
University In the first of a two army boys of the university dls
Dorothy Davles Alpha GamThursday afternoon, the winners
LV"!"!!!!S., "?
Herbert L. Newman, who will nrc- game scries. The Badgers will played themselves before the re
Is a member of the
ma Delta,
were as follows: first, John Mclntire
sent a piano recital at the ves- again encounter the local team viewing stand at the flag pole, and
Washington University faculty.
Bethel Academy of Wllmore; secper services at 4 o'clock Sunday the age of 16, under Frederick J,
Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday, endeavored to continue for the uniCaroline Shoemaker dean of ond, Frank Hlnes, St. Xavier of
attcrnoon, April iz, in Memorial Hoffman, and later studied with
Albino Gorno, Sergei Barsukoff and
the Michigan Wolverines will meet versity the high ranking which the
women at Purdue, wears the key Louisville; and third, Eugene Adams,
hall, is a member of the faculty
local unit has won for itself among
the Big Blue on Stall field.
of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Highlands of Ft. Thomas.
of the College of Music, of Cin- Hans Rlschard, in the department
of piano, and with Lillian Arkell,
The Wildcats were scheduled to the Reserve Officers Training Corps Efficiency of
Dr. James J. Dosper Delta
winners ln the girls finals were:
Cadets to be Judged and teacher of Newman, the conserva- a in the department of organ.
play Miami University of Oxford, of the country. After the parade
Chi, is dean of the college of first, Margi Fust of Louisville; secpiano at
Ohio, April 1. Inclement weather it was announced that Company F
Rated by Corps Inspectors, tory, is the son of Dr. Herbert He was graduated from College eduction at the University of ond, Martha Bruce Williams of
forced the postponement of the was chosen the best company of
Newman, of Versailles.
iof Music of Cincinnati in 1926 with
Paris; and third, Merle Hubbard
April 20, 21
the drill, and the second platoon
great distinction, being placed on
Eleanor Shaw an American
of Mlddlesboro.
! tne Junior faculty
pianist of distinguished ability,
immediately after
Coach Ouy S. Lowman looks upon
Annual inspection of the univer
Vera Mae Glebel, Newport, and
is a member of Delta Delta
the spring trip purely as preparasity unit of the senior division of
He received his
Jane Stafford, Berea Academy,
(Bachelor of Music degree the fol- - Delta.
tion for the coming conference
the R. O. T. C. will be held this
were given first and second place
Alice Holloman Chi Omega, is
campaign. He drills his men every
year on Monday and Tuesday, April
respectively in the cello contest.
president of the board of regents
morning and they play a game
ana 21. on these days Lt. Col.
SDent lhe year 1928.
Winners of the violin contest were:
except Sunday
every afternoon
E. N. Bowman and Malor C. A. TVv
of the University of New Mexico.
29 m Europe, studying In Foun-- 1
first, Lavelton Dye, Paducah; secfr Cnwtvial
Otis B. Brown head of the
Bagby of the fifth corps area will
while they are away. This year
ond, Eva Nunnelly,
Oriliailtainebleau .with Phllllpe, who Is
inspect arms, equipment, and uni
Coach Lowman must find new men
Journalism department of Stani tne
leading teacner at tne Paris
and third, Billy Davis, (Mlddles
forms and determine the cadets, ef- - Three Miles of Crepe Paper Conservatoire. From Paris he went
ford University, is a member of boro.
for every Infield position
The preliminaries
ln the
The first tennis match of the nciency on the drill field and in the
first base and must develop at. least
to Berlin where he worked with Alpha Sigma Phi.
male and female solo, the trio, the
m A 90 nnn Pine
season will be played Tuesday when class room so that they may fix
one capable pitcher.
quartet, and the boys' quartet were
.Leonid Kreutzer, one of the best
to We Used
known pianists of Europe, and the
held Thursday afternoon, and the
If Herman Schendel of Milwau- the University of Kentucky team the unit's general rating for the
premier instructor at the Berlin
kee and Art Cuislnler of Chicago meets St. Xavier of Cincinnati. coming year..
finals were being conducted at press
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, if
Almost three miles of crepe paper, Hochschule fur Muslk.
The inspection is to be non-colive up to their freshman promise,
weather conditions are favorable. petitive and the highest ratine 20,000 pins and 10W)00,000 bits o
Lowman will have a good combinaA feature of the week's program
slnce h,s return t0 clncJnnatl ln
tion around second base. If either the varsity and reserve tennis teams given will not be restricted to any
will be the mass singing of all the
definite number of units. The order ?fiH
falters, James Plankey, another will meet In a
high school glee clubs, in the Men's
tip SSLitv gymnasium er 01 Plano at the CoUeBe ot Music- For the past week an abundance of rating the units is excellent, sat. Seld.
Chicago sophomore, may get the
gymnasium, at 2 o'clock this after- Jtl(m of
lnthe, u,nlverslty
He also h)lds th
... ,n thp
pst. r!hlirph nf Rhrist.
call. Third base appears open, with of good material has been working isfactory, and unsatisfactory.
Inoon. The clubs will be given test
out, on the university courts In year the university cadets received
several promising candidates. WisSlatz Randall, nationlly known cMpntut in Cincinnati
- mpmhM- - prof. e. b, under the direction of
maestro of modern music, has been .
consin left the Badger camp last preparation for the team tryouts. the rating of satisfactory.
wtri by Mr. UL LUC Ittlliuuj uiwivw"j M
This general rating is based upon engugea iu lurnisn music mr me
Tuesday on their annual Southern Several men from last year's freshSaturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
of 1924. directed the chorus which
baseball jaunt. They were to play man squad have reported and these the proficiency In training inspec- occasion. Eight hundred guests are Newman will include:
men with the returning varsity tion and applies to the unit. After expected for the entertainment.
Chorale Prelude
In dir ist sang at the sunrise service given the bands and orchestras will have
eight opponents on their trip.
members should provide a squad the inspection the corps
over National Broadcasting network their contests in the Men's gym-nsiucom which probably will have one of Freude,
The Wisconsin team played of players well versed In every de- mander will inform the area
This will be the closing
at 6:30 a. m.. Easter Sunday. This
largest attendances ln the social
Bradley Wednesday, Washington partment of the game.
authorities as to the rating of the the
service and the one held ln the contest of High School week.
University of St. Louis, on the folHollywood Bowl marked representaThe first part of the week was
Headed by Captain Earl K. Senff, unit at the inspection.
lowing day and meet the Com- the varsity squad consists of Kee,
An outline of the unit training,
tive Sunrise Services from the east devoted to debate, orations, and
in Lexington last night, and will
modores of Vanderbllt today and Spicer, Farquhar, Bishop, Klein, inspection follows:
Papillons, Schumann.
to the west coast of the United extemporaneous speaking. In the
be taken for drives to the various
Saturday. After the double-head- er
Ballade in G. Minor, Chopin.
Foster, Haag, Kaplan, Green, JenStates.
oratorical contest, John Knuckles,
Inspection of theorlcal in points of interest,, In the Bluegrass
field, the Cardinals will nings, Phelps, Grahm, Stark, Bread-we- ll
DocU;- - DeCoursey, now in the Red Bird high school, and Robert
struction Including: first, observa by members of the fraternity today, j Nocturne In F Sharp, Chopia
encounter 'Western State Normal of
Etude in F, Chopin.
Medical Corp of the United States Tate, Ashland high school, were
and Kane.
tion of the conduct of unit InstrucKalamazoo, Mich., and on April 16,
Slatz Randall, director of a . The Engulfed Cathedral, Debussy. Army, was a membr of the local tied for first place. J. B. Wblls Jr.,
The following men will cdmpete tors with a view to reporting on the
they finish their spring trip against in the Saturday matches. .In the efficiency of the instructional meth- urunswiCK recording orciiesi.ru ana
Serenade for the Doll, Debussy. ichapter of Delta Tau Delta frater-Inlt- y. Paintsville, was the winner of the
the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame doubles, Kee and Farquhar vs. Wil- ods; second, examination of at an alumnus of Kentucky Alpha
He was active In the Ken declamation contest.
Gold Fish, Debussy.
at South Bend, Ind.
son and Smith; Senff and Bishop least one section of each class for Delta of Phi Delta Theta at Centre
Sonetta 104 del Petrarca, Liszt. tucky band and choral ciuds, ana
Beverly Chancellor, Stanford, and
College, has been engaged by both
After the series with Wisconsin vs. Damaron and Brown.
was president of the Glee club. Mrs. Parker White, Somerset, were sec
La Campanella.
The a period of approximately 45 minthe 1930 champions of the Western singles include Spicer vs Banaag; utes covering theorlcal subjects of the Centre and the Kentucky chapThe first annual Sunrise Easter DeCoursey, who was formerly Miss
great University of Klein vs. Yost; Foster vs. Braden; the program of instruction.
will play service, held last Sunday at 6:30 Esther Fertlg, a graduate of the ond and third respectively in the
Conference, the
ters of the fraternity. He
Miss Mildred
oratorical event.
Michigan team plays a single team Haag vs. Barnes and Kaplan vs.
b. Inspection of the practical in- for the annual formal of the or- a. m. in Memorial hall, and spon- class of 1924, Is a contralto In the Nolan, Maysvllle, and Miss Anne
struction, covering: drill and com- ganization at Danville tonight and sored by the Young People's Re- chorus.
Farllegh. Hopkinsville, finished secCoach Pat Devereux of the KenThe program for the services con- ond and third in the declamation
Those out for positions on the mand, practical exercises in com will come to Lexington for the Ken- ligious Council of Lexington, was
tucky team has given out the lists freshman team are Ringo, Howard, bat principles and tactics of the tucky Epsllon entertainment tomor- attended by 300 persons.
sisted of several selections rendered event.
of the probable starters and the Meyer, Woolum, Stokley,' Wagner', arm, technique of weapons and row evening. Mr. Randall was at
The Rev. George Heaton, pastor by the United States Army band,
In extemporaneous speaking Miss
batteries for the Wildcats for the Seavy, Ward, Ashley, Turner, An- equipment, and Inspection of arms, Centre in the days of the famous of Felix Memorial Baptist church, and a sermon delivered by Dr. JuGoodwin, Mt. Sterling,
three tilts. For the game on Mon- derson, Rice, Banaag, Paul, Moore, uniforms, and equipment.
"Red" Roberts and "Bo" McMillan addressed the uudience on the sub- lian E. Yates, chief of the army Beatrice off first honors. She was
day, Paul McBrayer will pitch and Massie, Steitler, Clo, Benjimen,
and played at many of the enter- - ject, "The Challenge of Easter to chaplains. Chaplain R. Earl Boyd carried by Clarence Miller,
Barnes will be behind the bat at Lowenthal, Daugherty, Mlllus, and
tainments which were held after the Modern Youth." Reverend Heaton was in charge of the program, feasecond; and OUie Mershan,
the catcher's position.
football games witn nis men wen was Introduced by Roscoe Stephens, tures of which were "A Living Cross"
Delta Sigma Pi, professional com- known "Centre Six." In an Inter freshman ln the Arts and Sciences and a tableau depicting "The Empty St. Xavier, Louisville, third. In the
If McBrayer Is able to go nine inFirst year men who are ineligible merce fraternity, has pledged the
discussion group. Miss Mildred
nings, McMurray will pitch Tues- for varsity and freshman teams
view last night Mr. Randall said College, who presided at the meet- Tomb."
Ravenscraft was Judged winner, and
day, and Farrell will go to the comprise the reserve team which following men: Paul Howard, HarVy that he was happy to return to ing.
Rosemond Bayne, Mlddlesboro, and
mound for Kentucky in the Michi- has several games scheduled this Lair. Bernard Spellman. E. New- - , Kentucky and that he deamed it an
invocation was pronounced W. S. G. A.
W. C. Turner, Louisville Male High
gan encounter.
to the fact, season. They are Wilson, Damaron, man. rnisei urauy. nm miucc, uu, honor tnat ne was selected to play by The
Howard Page, and special music
finished second and third
that it is the first game, there is Brown, Yost, Smith, Braden. Barnes Baird, John Bertram, Earl Surgen- f both the Centre a'nd Kentucky was rendered by the Transylvania
Monday school, order named. Miss Ravens-cra- ft
To Be
in the
er, W. Coffrhan, Bill Marshall, Bill ph, Delt formais.
some doubt whether Paul McBrayer and McAdam.
composed of G.
male quartette,
represented Harrison County
will be in shape to pitch the entire
Shelton, A. Reese, H. Leet. and C.
Committeemen for the dance:
game and he may be relieved by
Election of next year's officers of high school.
William Ardery. chairman, social Wunderllck.
In the Wednesday evening session
Woman's Self Government AsMcMurray. If such is the
committee; Thomas House, Richard
case, Farrell will pitch Tuesday with
sociation will be held Monday, the Berea Academy debating team
April 13, from 9 until 3 o'clock, with team was judged to be the best
McMurray doing the furling on
Cabel Owens, chairman decoraNOTICE!
ballot boxes for voting being placed debating team in the state. This
Ballots for the annual election
tion committee; Butler Carrington,
in the Administration building and defeated Louisvile Male high school
Augustus and Captain "Dldlake" Officers of Organization Are of officers for the university Y.
Spring archery for women will
in Boyd hall. All women in the ln the final round of the tournaplaced in the Thomas Bannister.
are both capable men at
M. C. A. have been
Chosen; Reynolds ElectHughes, chairman invitaWheat
ment. The subject of the debate
university are eligible to vote.
begin Monday, April 13, on the
the backstop position and both
post office boxes of members of tion committee; Billy Hubble.
ed President
field In the rear
women's athletic
Nominees for the W. S. G. A. of- was "Chain Stores and their Effect
will see service during these games.
the association, according to an
Edwin Humphreys, chairman sofices, who were nominated by a on the American People."
of Patterson hall, it was decided
"Red" Bach is another pitcher who
announcement from Bart Peak, cial conduct committee;
The Political Science Forum will
The last half of the week will
will probably do his share in the
secretary. All ballots must be Carrington, Emmett Whipple, Butlers at a meeting of the council of committee of the Woman's Admin
Nor-rlmeet Monday evening, April 13, in mailed at the post office or deistrative Council and by petitions be devoted to the determination of
pitching assignments.
the Woman's Athletic AssociaJolly, John Hatcher.
room 4 of the Administration buildsigned by women voters, are:
the best vocal soloist, trio, quartet,
(Continued on Page Four)
tion Wednesday afternoon. Praclivered to Mr. Peak ln his office
ing, according to an announcement
President, Elizabeth Ann Ewing, chorus, Instrumental soloist, band
tices will be held daily at 3
before 7 o'clock Tuesday night,
received yesterday from Robert W.
Alpha Gamma Delta, and Kather-In- e and orchestra.
o'clock. Daily practices in base14 if they are to be countDr. W. D. Funkhouser, of the'
Smith, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
High School week has been an
CONCERT Reynolds, president of the organ- April All members are urged to university graduate school, address-- 1 ball will be held at 4 o'clock beed.
vice president, Lois E. Neal, Zeta annual affair at the university for
ginning Monday. All women are
get their ballots immediately,
ed a meeting of the Kentucky Den- -' eligible to take part in these
At the last meeting of the Forum
Tau Alpha, and Dorothy
years. Practically all the high
the secretary said, and mall
secretary, Carolyn Ray, Chi schools in Kentucky were entered
the officers for the coming yearl them to him as soon as possible. Ital association at 12:30 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, at the Phoe-- 1
were chosen. They are: Robert
Omega, and Gayle Elliott. Delta ln the preliminaries this year. The
nix hotel.
Mary Griffith, winners of the opening events were
Reynolds, president, William R.
New Spring Events Will Re-gi- n Pearce,
Kappa Delta; and town represenand Kermit
sent to the university this week to
tative. Christine Johnson. Delta participate in the finals of the state
in Amphitheater of Pack,
The speaker on the program for
Delta Delta.
contests. The extension departMemorial Hall Thursday, Monday night will be Mrs. Amry
Results of the election will be an- ment has complete chargp of the
April 23
nounced at the annual banque of entire event, which is under the
Vandenbosch who will tell of her
recent travels in India. Her subject
the Woman's Administrative Coun- personal direction of Prof. Louis
The annual series of spring twi- will be "England's India" and procil, which has been postponed until Clifton.
This event which has
light concerts will begin at the mises to be one of the most inter"Poems are made by fools like me, forester, speaking of the observation
Students of the university have Tuesday night. April 21. in the grown to large proportions elnce
ampitheatcr esting lectures of the entire series. But only God can make a tree!" of Arbor Day, stated, "The dollars long cooperated with the foresters Phoenix hotel ban room.
its Inception, has been a big factor
Thursday evening, April 23. The After the talk by Mrs. Vandenbosch Such were the immortal words of a expended in trees and their care by working, either as individuals
activities of
ln the
concerts will be presented each there will be an open discussion poet who rose to great heights in will bring in a very high per cent or ln groups, toward the planting of
Kentucky high schools.
Thursday evening through May 28. in which all present may enter. the field of literature, yet consider- of profit, but more important, they trees which will contribute to the
Last year the concerts were at- The speaker has signified her will- ed the works of his own pen as will add greatly to a happy environ- pleasures of those who will enjoy the
women s club to entertain
tended by large audiences composed ingness to answer all questions that only mediocre when compared to ment and consequent appreciation surroundings in the years to come.
of members of the student body and those present may wish to ask her tho wonders entwined in one of of life."
The purpose of the planting will
The Women's club of the univer- townspeople, and crowds at the
stately arbors which,
colony of nature's
Today, citizens of Kent'ucky decide very largely the kinds of
nhvstcs' at
University of sfrt will entertain with a dinner at
concerts are expected to be even concerning this romantic
stretching its green boughs heaven- throughout the state and students trees to be planted and the method Cincinnati
C30 o'clock Monday night. April
will Ss
larger this year. The musical pres. Great Britain. Is interested ln the ward, sways gently in the breezes
Any one who
of the university will pause ln their of planting. This will be regulated speaker
a Boyd hall, in honor of
entatlons are given at the ampiForum may attend these meetings and offers its coolness to the travel- day's occupation long enough to to no small degree by the amount
IsfaT loTm. be of tt faculty who hav. been
pertheatcr whenever the weather
any phase of Political science. The er weary of his way.
of money available for the work and
witness the planting, or to actually
mits. Inclement weather forces the organization does not purport) to
And yet how few of those who take part ln the planting of trees tho time that can be expended upon The subject of his talk win ue "ine
directors of the concert to hold it
deal Intensively or technically with are blessed by this most beneficial which, when those students who are it. Both of these considerations Nature of Matter and
inside Memorial hall.
of nature's plants appreciate the
Professor Wells has made a recschool planting and such
Band director Elmer G. Sulzer tho problems of politlcul . science cool quietness found under tho now in school have passed on to confine entirely to planting a few ord for himself as a radio speaker.
said yesterday that lt was his hope but each meeting a talk Is given by shadows of a tree. Today, April the business world, will stand as almostor shrubs about the school or He has been Invited here by the
some well known person in the field
monuments to the thoughtfulness
iUnt n vulW Inforost In iiiiikIr rnuld
on account
10, will bo observed by all true
among tho students mid also some phase of local or nature lovers of Kentucky as Arbor of their planters. The comfort to home grounds, but in many cases College abilityEngineering his thoughts
be developed
Would you like to be a big
to present
at the university and that tho audi- - national politics is discussed. This Day a time to replenish the fertile be derived from shade trees has this can be trees of theextended and of hisfascinating and popular manname ln radio?
in a
parks and
usually is some happening that
ences this spring would exceed all
Every student in the university
grounds which have been forced long been recognized. Tho early
who may be interrecords. Selections for the serves mention, duo to Us timell-concer- ts to sacrifice their trees. Through- settlers of this country saved fine towns and even to renovating the ner. Everyone
lias a chance to become a memorchards or reforesting nbandoned ested in the modern theory of radihave been chosen with re- - iiess.
ber of the staff of the university
continent, especially trees about their homes, on the vil- pastures or cut-ovland in the Im- ant energy will find tho lecture of extension of WHAS. Announcers,
President Reynolds extends to all out the entire
gard to the taste of the student
cordially Inmore settled parts, and most lage greens, along the country
members of tho audience and the a cordial welcome to join the group of the in its cities, there has never roads, and in the fields. During the mediate vicinity of the home or great interest and are
technicians, musicians, vocalists
vited to attend.
to please even the next Monday night.
series is expected
and all others who are interested
been such widespread inter- last flvo years hundreds of com- school.
most discriminating of music lovers.
bined schools have been constructed
Kentucky state forest serIn radiocast work are requested
is now manifested in trees
The university band was divided NtfcblDfcNT McVLV Kfc'lUKNS and as
ln the United States. Every school vice has aided schools of the state CENTRE ENTERTAINS PLAYERS to communicate with Elmer G.
tree planting for shade and
Into tho basketball and concert .
planting on
which has been established has a
Sulzer at the publicity bureau
Pres. Frank L. McVey will re- - ornament on highways, schools, and yard, ibe it small or large, land in procuring trees for
bands for the recent basketball sea
Members of the casts of the one-a- ct Immediately. Auditions for the
their grounds. The university toson, only members or tne concert turn today from Oxford, Ohio, other public grounds.
plays which were presented at
various endidates will be arrangcun truly be said that trees those who sponsor Arbor Day each day will commemorate tho event
band will play for the spring series. where he was the speaker at the will
year are striving to cause each of according to usual customs, and will the Gulgnol on March 31 gave a ed with tho present staff of the
make life more
The concerts will be held at 7:15 convocation of Miami University serving as companions worth living, these schools to realize that on each have emplauted upon Its campus second presentation in Danville last
university extension studio.
to man and
students Thursday. The subject of
on the following dates:
yard there should be planted one or a tree which may climb with the night at East Hall on the Centre
April 23 and 30; May 7, 4, 21, ills address was "The Use of Leis- beast, us well as adding value to
university, toward unknown heights, campus.
real estate. W. E. Jackson, state more trees.
ure Hours."
and 28.

Brethren! Sistern!




Racqueteers to
Meet St. Xavier
Team Tuesday

r el t a TL

Engages Alumnus feSan

r lay ai r


Former Student
Is Director of
Easter Program

.".nr" nr..


Political Scientists
Meet Monday

Get Your Ballot!



Planting of Useful Trees and Shrubs Will Feature
Annual Commemoration of Arbor Day in Kentucky

Speak at
Engineers' Assembly








� ifwy



Words may come easily sorrow may be ex- -'
pressed In touching vividness or, haltingly, '
gropingly, and withal n sense of awe and
the pen may humbly attempt to
National College Press Association
record the passing of a great man. Whether
Lexington Board of Commerce
with tho versatility of the genius, however or with
0,1lel1 NcM).ipcr of Ihr Students of Hie Unlvmlty
naught but the willingness of a sincere heart,
of Krntuelcy. Lrxlngton
each writer realizes Ihc utter futility of any
Subscription J.OO b yct Entered nt Lealngton. Ky., attempt to eulogize fittingly the man who in
Potsnice ni prond dftss mnll mnttrr
life would permit no eulogy. Students at the
university will remember the man who through
his Interest In sports and through his willingVIRCHNIA DOUOHBRTY
ness always to help those who came to him, at
. Managing Editor
various times has assisted in the selection of
Awlnunt Managing Editor
People everyDramatic Editor Kentucky coaches and assistants.
where will remember him as "Knutc Rockne,
Flnlnr Bm.ilcll
the man who loved his fellowmcn." Of him
Morten Walker
M.irgnrtt CmidltT
E. Kfii
few will write the conventional "Requlcscat in
pace," for none Is willing to admit that Rockne
Virginia Hatcher
Virginia Nevlia
has gone, but take courage In the feeling that
Louise Thompson
Daniel dixxlmnn
the Ideals of clean sportsmanship for which
News Editor
ho stood will perpetuate themselves and him,
Sue Dlckeraon
WUIiam Sharer
Lawrence Itftrrm
and through these, Knute Rockne, the charIZEH
acter, will live on and on.





Society Editor
Emily Hardin
Polly Reese

Sports Editor




Jack Keyscr





Ralph E. Johnson
W. D. Bohon
a. L. Crulchcr




George Waitc
Mary E. rrlce





J. D. Adams


Fannie Curie Woodhead
Gertrude Evans

Oay Lourldge

Edythe Reynolds

Eleanor Daiop
Harry Varllr
Mary Prince Fowler
Turner Howard
Mary Galloway Griffith
Malcolm Barnes
Mary Virginia Halley
OUbert Klngsbcrn
William Martin
Mary Alice Salyers
Ueitna Mnthls
O. B. Coffman
Gladys McAtee
Emmctt Whipple.
M. E. Price
Robert Baxter
W. W Sacra



Busness Manager
Frank Worthlngton

Advertising Manager
Wm. Ocary
Jimmy Randol
H. P. Klrkman


Circulation Manage

In observance of the annual custom of planting a shade tree on Arbor Day, still another
beautiful touch will be added to our campus
today. The need for treos is becoming recognized more as the ruthless march of growing
and expa