xt71jw86hn9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86hn9p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966-02-feb18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-02-feb18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-02-feb18-ec. 1966 1966-02-feb18-ec. 2011 true xt71jw86hn9p section xt71jw86hn9p 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, February 18, 1966.

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration
Building of the University at 1:30 p. m., Eastern Standard Time, on Friday,
February 18, 1966, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci,
Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, and
Dr. H. B. Murray. Absent was Mr. Smith Broadbent. President John Oswald,
Vice Presidents Albright, Willard, Kerley, Creech, and Johnson represented
the administration and members of the news media were in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and, following call of the roll,
announced a quorum was present and declared the meeting open for the conduct
of business at 1:40 p.m. He introduced Dr. Edward Weidner, Director of the
Center for Developmental Change, and welcomed him to the University campus.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Mr. Hillenmieyer moved that the reading of the Minutes for the November
19, 1965, the November 29, 1965, and the December 16, 1965 meetings of the
Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee be dispensed with and that the
Minutes be approved as published. His motion was seconded and, without dis-
sent, it was so ordered by the Chairman.

       C. President's Report on Activities

       The Chairman called on President Oswald for his report on monthly activi-
ties, copies of which are distributedtothose present at the meeting and which are
mailed to faculty and selected alumni following each meeting.

       Dr. Oswald commented briefly on the items in the report, calling particu-
lar attention to Item 1 relative to the Founders Day activities which would be high-
lighted by the visit of United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Arthur J.
Goldbe rg.

       Dr. Angelucci thanked the President for his report and it was ordered ac-.
cepted and filed.



      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      In advance of each meeting copies of the President's Recommendations
(PR Z) are mailed to members of the Board. The items in the report are im-
portant but routine matters which require Board action. Dr. Oswald indicated
that he would be happy to answer any questions concerning the recommendations
in the report but wished to call special attention to only two--the appointment of
Professor Robert M. Drake, Jr. , as Chairman of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering for a four-year term beginning July 1, 1966; and the granting of
professional status to Librarians.

       Mr. Kerley requested that Item V, Lease with Kentucky Utilities Compa-
ny, be deleted before the recommendations were approved. On motion by Mr.
Hillenmeyer, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and carried, the recommendations
contained in PR 2, with the exception of Item V, Lease with Kentucky Utilities
Company, were approved and ordered made a part of the official Minutes of the
meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplementary Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Copies of PR 3 were made available and the Board members took a few
moments to familiarize themselves with the recommendations contained in the
report. D-. Oswald then called attention to the first item in the report which
recommended the establishment of a Department of Animal Science and to the ap-
pointment of Dr. W. P. Garrigus as Chairman of the department. The present
Departments of Dairy Science, Poultry Science, andAnimal Science would be com-
bined to form the new department.

       Dr. Angelucci questioned how the one department would be able to handle
satisfactorily the problems of individual industries, particularly the dairy
industry. Dr. Oswald said that there would be an increased extension effort and
within each area there would be specialists. The combination of the three de-
partments into one would strengthen the research program, particularly since
basic research programs are similar for all the different animal species. It is
planned that the new department will be housed in a new building which will be
planned and constructed for animal sciences research programs. Through the
organization of animal specie committees for dairy cattle, poultry, beef cattle,
sheep, swine, and horses, it is believed that commodity identification will not be
lost and that industry-university relations will be improved and strengthened.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, and without dis-
sent, the recommendations contained in PR 3 were approved and it was ordered
made a part of the official. Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the
Minutes. )



       F. Approval of Candidates for Juris Doctor Degrees (PR 4)

       President Oswald reminded the members of the Executive Committee that
at the time candidates for degrees were presented for approval at the January
meeting it was noted that the list did not contain the candidates for the Juris Doctor
degree and that the list of candidates for this degree would be presented for ap-
proval in February. He called attention to the fact that the degree of Juris Doctor
is a new degree for the graduates of the College of Law and was authorized by the
University Senate to replace the LL. B. degree. It is a professional degree rather
than a graduate degree and no change in the degree program of the College of Law
was involved in the redesignation.

       President Oswald recommended approval of the candidates for the Juris
Doctor degree as listed in PR 4 and, upon motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, it was so ordered. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Honorary Degree Approved for Arthur J. Goldberg

       President Oswald reported that he had received a recommendation from
the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that Arthur Joseph Goldberg be
awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws during the convocation ceremno-
nies on Founders Day, February 22. Ambassador Goldberg will deliver the
principal address on that occasion. He read the following biographical sketch of
Ambassador Goldberg and indicated his concurrence in the recommendation of the
Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that the degree of Doctor of Laws be
conferred upon him,

                         BIOGRAPHIC SKETCH

                         ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG

       Arthur J. Goldberg, former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
    of the United States and former Secretary of Labor, is the Permanent
    Representative of the United States to the United Nations with rank of
    Ambas sador.

       Justice Goldberg was nominated by President Johnson to the United
    Nations post on July 20, 1965. He was confirmed by the Senate on July
    23, 1965. He took the oath of office on July 26, 1965, and presented
    his Credentials to Secretary General U Thant on July 28, 1965.

       Justice Goldberg was born in Chicago, Illinois on August 8, 1908,
    the son of Joseph and Rebecca Goldberg.

       He received his elementary education in Chicago Public Schools and
    was graduated from Benjamin Harrison High School in 1924. Justice
    Goldberg attended Crane Junior College, a branch of the City College



   of Chicago. He received the Bachelor of Science in Law degree in
   1929 and Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1930 from Northwestern Uni-
   versity. He was Editor in Chief of the Illinois Law Review.

      In 1929, Mr. Goldberg was admitted to practice before the
   Illinois bar. He qualified for practice before the Supreme Court
   of the United States in 1937.

      He was engaged in private practice in Chicago from 1929 until
    1948 and was a member of the firm of Goldberg, Devoe, Shador and
    Mikva, Chicago, 1945 to 1961.

      Mr. Goldberg was General Counsel for the Congress of Industrial
   Organizations, (CIO) 1948 -- 1955, and United Steel Workers of
   America 1948 -- 1961. He was Special Counsel for the AFL-CIO,
   1955 -- 1961, and General Counsel for the Industrial Union Department,
   1951 -- 1961. He was Legal Advisor to several individual unions.

      Mr. Goldberg also practiced law with Goldberg, Feller and Bredhoff,
    Washington, D. C., 1952 -- 1961.

      Mr. Goldberg served as Secretary of Labor in President Kennedy's
    Cabinet in 1961 -- 1962. President Kennedy appointed him Associate
    Justice of the Supreme Court on August Z9, 1962. He was confirmed
    by the Senate on September 25, 1962 and took his oath of office and his
    seat on the Court on October 1, 1962.

      During World War II he served as Special Assistant with the ranks
    of Captain and Major with the Office of Strategic Services.

      He is author of articles in American legal publications and journals
    of opinion, and the author of several books, including "AFL-CIO;
    Labor United."

                            * go       *   *

      Mr. Hillenmeyer made the motion that approval be granted to award the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Arthur Joseph Goldberg at the Founders
Day Convocation on February 22, 1966, and that the President be authorized to
notify him that he has been selected to receive the honorary degree approved. The
motion was seconded by Dr. Murray, and passed unanimously.

      H. Resolution Adopted Relative to Paducah Junior College (PR 6)

      Before asking the Board of Trustees to adopt the Resolution presented in
PR 6, President Oswald said he would like to outline some of the steps which had



led to the presentation of the Resolution. Since the fall of 1963 a group of
citizens from Paducah and McCracken County have discussed with University
officials possible ways in which Paducah Junior College might be related to
the University Community College System. Paducah Junior College was es-
tablished in the mid-thirties, following an act of the Legislature which author-
ized establishment of junior colleges in second class cities. It is supported
primarily from the local tax base, fees from students, and certain funds pro-
vided by the State Legislature.

       Paducah Junior College has developed a fine new site during the past two
years and has an enrollment of slightly over 800. Its Board of Trustees has
been concerned with how to obtain sufficient support to meet increased en-
rollments. Outside consultants were asked to make studies and for the past two
years a joint liaison committee of the Board of Trustees of the University and
the Board of Trustees of Paducah Junior College has worked on the problem.
The University members of the liaison committee are Dr. Albright, Mr. Kerley,
and Dean Hartford; the Paducah members are President R. G. Matheson, Mr.
J. P. Rottgering, and Mr. Edward Tilley.

       About the first of February Mr. Kerley and the President were invited to
meet informally with the Board of Trustees and citizens of the area and the latter
group explored with them the possibilities of a relationship between the two insti-
tutions. President Oswald indicated that the initiative for such a relationship
must come from Paducah Junior College and that the University was interested
only if the city and the county would continue the tax base with the idea that this
would allow enrichment of the college programs. This meeting resulted in
action on February 10 by the Board of Trustees of Paducah Junior College which
asked Dr. Oswald to transmit to the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky a request that the University of Kentucky seek permissive legislation to
permit the inclusion of Paducah Junior College in the University Community
College System under circumstances acceptable to the respective boards of
trustees. A copy of the Resolution adopted by the Paducah Board of Trustees is
included in PR 6.

       Dr. Albright, who headed the liaison committee, said that he felt that this
was an excellent opportunity for an outstanding program in that area of the state
to be effected through the combination of the usual University support and keeping
the local revenue.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and unani-
mously approved, the Resolution Relative to Paducah Junior College as presented
in PR 6, was adopted and the proper University officials were authorized to take
the necessary steps to obtain permissive legislation during the current session of
the General Assembly. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )



     I. College of Commerce Renamed College of Business and Economics (PR 7)

     Dr. Oswald called attention to PR 7, a copy of which is included at the end of
the Minutes, which recommended that the name of the College of Commerce be
changed to the College of Business and Economics effective July 1, 1966. He re-
minded the members that the Academic Analysis Committee had recommended a
change in name for the College of Commerce in the Academic Plan which was ap-
proved by the University Senate in November 1965 and referred back to the College
for implementation. The proposed name change has the unanimous approval of the
faculty of the College of Commerce.

     Dr. Murray moved that the name of the College of Commerce be changed to
College of Business and Economics effective July 1, 1966. His motion was second-
ed by Judge Sutherland and, without dissent, it was so ordered. (See PR 7 at the
end of the Minutes. )

     J. Resolution Relative to Grant Funds under the Higher Education Facilities
Acts Approved (PR8)

     Mr. Kerley explained that the University has been receiving money under the
Higher Education Facilities Acts but that the Government now requires the filing of
the Resolution as drawn up in PR 8.

     On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Resolution Relative to
Grant Funds under the Higher Education Facilities Acts was adopted. (See PR 8
at the end of the Minutes. )

     K. University of Kentucky Named Agency to Administer State Plan under
Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965

     Mr. Kerley said that one of the principal parts of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, Title I, Community Service and Continuing Education Programs, provided
a mechanism by which the Federal Government will provide funds for support of
programs to help urban areas. A part of the bill required the Governor of each
state to designate an agency in the state to administer the program. The Governor
has designated the University of Kentucky as the state agency to act in close co-
operation with other institutions and agencies in the state.

     Dr. Angelucci, on behalf of the Board, expressed pleasure that the Governor
had designated the University as the agency to administer the plan and confirmed
the University's intention to work closely with the other institutions and agencies
in the state.


L. Report on Center for Developmental Change

     Dr. Angelucci requested that Dr. Albright give a brief background on the
Center for Developmental Change and present Dr. Weidner who would report on
the future plans for the Center.

     Dr. Albright said that about three years ago, somewhat informally at first,
a group of the faculty and some of the department chairmen and others began
meeting and discussing how the University could address itself more directly to
some of the problems which are urgent and which have been recognized by legis-
lation at the Federal level--such as, redevelopment of underdeveloped areas in
the State and, on a much wider scope, in the country. At that time, the University
was already addressing itself to such a problem through two contracts in an under-
developed country overseas. These meetings went on at some length, a number of
people became interested, and it became apparent that in order to cross discipli-
nary lines and research interests some vehicle must be found which could ac-
complish this. Two years ago the Center for Developmental Change was authorized
by the Board of Trustees. A search began immediately for a director. After a
very careful and exhaustive search, the unanimous recommendation was made that
Dr. Edward Weidner head up the Center for Developmental Change. He is one of
the eminent people in this country and on the international scene in public adminis-
tration, has written widely, and the University is fortunate to have him to launch
the Center and its activities. The University took on a $200, 000 contract before his
arrival which has been turned over to him and negotiations for another contract
amounting to $270, 000 are inthe initial stages. The Center is already recognized
throughout the country as a unique development in higher education and Dr. Albright
predicted that it would become very well known in a short time.

     Dr. Weidner concurred in Dr. Albright's statement that the Center for De-
velopmental Change at the University was unique in American higher education and
its uniqueness was probably the primary factor in his acceptance of the director-
ship. In describing the difference between the University's program and others,
Dr. Weidner stated that the tendency is to point at other people and say that "they"
have development problems while ignoring our own. There are many international
programs of one kind or another and no large university is without some locus for
this function. The University's program, however, will include the "we"l as well
as the "they". Rather than always studying problems in other places, attention
should be given to the study of common problems, such as a comparative study of
the depressed mining communities of Kentucky and the depressed mining communi-
ties in other countries. In making such studies the individual professor is handi-
capped by limited time and limited resources. One role of the Center for Develop-
mental Change will be to facilitate this type of study. Appalachia and its develop-
mental problems will provide another area of interest and the Center will wish to
"take a look" at the community, an approach which other universities take sparingly,
preferring to worry about the broadtotalpicture. The University has many re-
sources which can be utilized- -the Sociology Department, the College of Medicine,



and other colleges and departments which are community oriented- -and through
these, help can be given to communities and to the Commonwealth which will
enable them to develop more rapidly. Everyone, all countries, all groups, should
seek to change, to better, to develop their systems to higher levels and, in this
sense, developmental change is universal.

     Dr. Weidner continued that the only effective way to relate, to develop, is
to work with leaders of the community. There is no magic formula, no way in
which the University can solve problems in a community if the community is not
willing to take the initiative. At present the University has a contract with the
Office of Economic Opportunity to study the impact of the community action program
on Knox County during the next three years. No look has ever been taken to see
what effect the Economic Opportunity program has on programs already in ex-
istence in a community.

     One major responsibility of the Center will be to meet with the faculty and
administration to work out specific goals within a broad context as well as to be pre-
pared for particular projects which "knock at our door". Another role the Center
will assume will be the training of pro.ressional people for the various new programs,
particularly the poverty programs, which can only be as good as the people who at-
tempt to effect change. Economic development is also another focus of the Center
for Developmental Change.

      Dr. Angelucci thanked Dr. Weidner for his report and said he looked forward
to later reports on the progress being made in achieving some of the goals which he
had mentioned.

      M. Meeting Adjourned

      Dr. Angelucci, having first determined that there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion was
made by Mr. Hillenmeyer and, being seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned
at 2:50 p.m.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             J.A. Sutherland, Secretary
                                             Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 6, PR 7, and PR 8 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the February 18, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.



                              February 18, 1966


     Highlighting the 1966 Founders Week, which will formally conclude
the Centennial observance and mark the University's 101st birthday, will
be a February 22 address at the Coliseum by the United States Ambassador
to the United Nations, Arthur J. Goldberg. Classes will be dismissed
between 2 and 4 p.m. in order that all students and faculty members may
attend this most significant event. The 2:30 p.m. convocation is also
open to the public.

     Opening the week-long observance will be the Founders Ball, which
is expected to draw a capacity turnout of faculty, students and alumni
to the Student Center tomorrow night, February 19. Music will be by the
Lester Lanin Orchestra. Net proceeds of this event will go to the
Centennial Scholarship Fund.

     Other Founders Week events include a concert by the Indiana University
Chamber Singers, scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday, February 20, at Memorial
Hall under sponsorship of the Student Centennial Committee; a February 21
dinner to be given by the trustees and the president in honor of the
Faculty Senate; a Guignol Theater production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth
Night," February 2:.-`27, a February 24 Presidents' Dinner to be given by
Omicron Delta Kappa for the heads of campus organizations, and the Univer-
sity's annual Legislature Day on February 26, Members of the General
Assembly will be guests of the University at the Tennessee basketball
game in the afternoon and at a post-game dinner in the Student Center.


     Bobby Joe Guinn of Paint Lick and Miss Elaine Baumgarten of Louisville
have been chosen by a committee of faculty members as the University's
outstanding Greek man and woman of 1965-66. The honors were announced at
a February 9 Greek Week dinner at which former President Frank G. Dickey
was the guest speaker.

     Miss Baumgarten, a senior in Arts and Sciences, is vice president of
the Panhellenic Council, president of Kappa Delta sorority, chairman of the
UK Quiz Bowl, a member of the Homecoming steering committee and the Committee
of 240. Mr. Guinn, a senior in the College of Agriculture, serves as presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council, vice president of Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity, and is a member of the Student Centennial Committee, Lances,
Keys, Lamp and Cross and Omicron Delta Kappa.



     One of the last major events on the Centennial calendar, a Health
Sciences Communication Symposium, ended yesterday at the Medical Center.
The two-day program, which explored possibilities for improved communications
in the health sciences, attracted over 100 registrants from 11 states in
the South, East and Midwest.

    The symposium, arranged by a committee headed by Dr. Michael T.
Romano, coordinator of Medical Center television, featured an interchange
of ideas presented by noted representatives of both the health sciences
and the communications professions. Participants included Alton L.
Blakeslee, science writer for the Associated Press; Ralph P. Creer,
director of medical motion pictures and television for the American
Medical Association; Paul Haney of the NASA Manned Space Craft Center, Houston;
Norman E. Isaacs, executive editor and vice president of The Courier-Journal
and Louisville Times; Dr. Richard Orr, director of the Institute for Advance-
ment of Medical Communications, University of Pennsylvania; Dr. Floyd S.
Cornelison, head of psychiatry at Jefferson Medical College; Joseph Roizen,
international video consultant for the Ampex Corporation; Dr. Ellis A. Johnson,
coordinator of scientific communication activities for the U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare; Dr. James Lieberman, director of the U.S. Public
Health Audiovisual Facility, and Dr. Howard S. Maclay, director of the Institute
of Communications Research at the University of Illinois.


     A University chapter of the national law fraternity, Delta Theta Phi,
received its charter at a February 12 ceremony in the College of Law.
Designated as the Alben W. Barkley Senate of Delta Theta Phi, the chapter
initiated 29 students as charter members. The chapter adviser, Prof. W.
Garrett Flickinger, said the fraternity will stimulate learning and academic
excellence, promote high professional standards, and serve as a link between
law students and practicing attorneys.

     Charter members of the Barkley Senate are Ronald Wheat, James L. Pate,
Robert Patton, Winn Turney and Norrie Wake, all of Lexington; Gordon Finley,
Melvyn Price and John H. Thompson, Louisville; Charles Bedell, Oberlin, Ohio;
Dennis Bricking, Southgate; Stephen Cawood, Pineville; Fred Cohen, Pittsburgh;
James A. Crary, Fort Thomas; Sid Douglas, Harlan; Robert Gallenstein, Maysville;
Keen W. Johnson, Paintsville; William F. Knapp, Dry Ridge; Orson Oliver,
Franklin, Ohio; Clyde Richardson, Frankfort; John W. Richardson, Berea;
William G. Rivers, Rochester, N.Y.; Kendall Robinson, Booneville; John Seelie,
Fort Mitchell; Charles Shackelford, Richmond; Richard Stevenson, Covington;
Carl Swanger, Neon; Robert Vance, Williamstown; John Vigor, Ashland, and
James G. Welch, Erlanger.


- 3 -


     Fifty paintings and drawings of two 17th century Italian artists,
Sebastiano and Marco Ricci, are currently on exhibition at the Fine Arts
Gallery. The exhibition, presented under the patronage of Sergio Fenoaltea,
Italian ambKassador to the United States, was assembled from private and
public collections throughout the nation by Michael Milkovich, visiting
instructor in art. The exhibition--which includes loans from the Metropoli-
tan Museum, Princeton, Harvard and Wellesley College, as well as many
leading private collectors--will continue through March 60


     Two students in the School of Journalism, Miss Ruth Colvin of Spring-
field and Robert C. Owen of Russellville, have been awarded expense-paid
summer trips to Europe. Miss Colvin will spend two weeks in Greece, her
reward for a prize-winning essay submitted to Time Magazine in connection
with its recent Man-of-the-Year selection, Mr. Owen will spend two months
in Switzerland under auspices of the Experiment in International Living


     A grant of $10,400 was presented last week by the Easter Seal
Research Foundation to Drs. Charles Be Wilson and Horace Norrell of the
Department of Surgery in support of research into the cause of infantile
hydrocephalus, The project outlined by Drs. Wilson and Norrell will in-
volve the study of possible abnormal pressures and their relationship between
veins and spinal fluid in the head, Between four and five children in every
1,000 are affected by hydrocephalus. Approximately 60 are treated each
year at the Medical Center,


     Roger F. Field of New Orleans, Class of 1951, has been selected by
the Department of Civil Engineering as its alumnus of the month. Mr. Field,
who is regional sales engineering coordinator for Humble Oil & Refining
Company, returned to the campus last week to accept the award. During his
visit, he was guest speaker at a meeting of the student chapter of the
American Society of Civil. Engineers,




    One of the most amazing records of physical growth recorded on
campus in recent years is that of the Instructional Materials Prepara-
tion Center in the College of Education. Housed at its inception five
years ago in quarters that might have been mistaken for a broom closet,
the Center has grown, in answer to the demand for its services, until
it now occupies much of the lower floor of the Taylor Education

     Under the direction of Dr. Ollie B. Bissmeyer, the Center helps
train teachers to communicate more creatively with students. Its
facilities are available to all University students and faculty members.
Dr. Bissmeyer attributes its rapid growth to the fact that teachers at
every level of education are becoming ever more aware of the need for
using all types of audio-visual equipment to better explain subject
matter to students.

     Equipment presently available at the Center, along with demonstrations
of its potential use, includes dry-photo copying machines, a motion picture
camera and projector, tape recorders, Polaroid camera and attachments,
machines which dub sound on tapes and make copies of the tapes, copying
lenses, a machine which can laminate anything from photographs to tree
leaves, an overhead projector, and TV receivers which can pick up all
offerings of the Midwest Program of Airborne Television Instruction.

     Dr. Bissmeyer now is developing a library of resource materials, which
will make the Center increasingly useful to teachers at all levels. The
Center can be particularly helpful, Dr. Bissmeyer believes, to University
faculty members who are named recipients of teaching-improvement grants.


     Students in a fiction writing class offered last semester at the
Southeast Community College have found a ready market for their products.
By the end of January, a total of 41 pieces turned out by the students
had been accepted for publication by eight different magazines. The
instructor, Lee Pennington, is high in his praise of the young Harlan
Countians. "They have worked for me as no other students have," he asserts.

     Sixteen students enrolled for the course last September. Three were
forced tc drop out during the semester to go to work. Of the 13 who
finished the course, 10 have had stories or poems accepted for publication.
One has been elected to membership in the United Poetry Society of America.
The students also gained experience as publishers, turning out a 50-page
paperback collection of their short stories and poetry.   It is called
"Spirit Hollow."



    A volume of 22 critical essays on the poetry of Robert Browning
was published last month by tile University Press.  Titled "The Browning
Critics," the b.ook is edited by Boyd Litzinger, professor of English
at St. Bonaventure University, and K. L. Knickerbocker, chairman of
the Department of English at the University of Tennessee,


    Twenty-one recently retired non-academic staff members whose careers
totaled more than 600 years of service were honored by the University
on February 3.  President Oswald and Mrs. Oswald were hosts for the
event, which was held at the Alumni House.

     The 21 former staff members honored at this ceremony have retired
during the past 18 months. Plans for similar events to be held annually
in future for those who have retired during the preceding 12 months are
being drawn by Donald L. Sproull, director of personnel.

     The first group of honored retirees, and their respective periods of
service to the University, include: Ruth M. Earnest, Kentucky Geological
Survey, 43 years; Elizabeth Gault, Student Center cafeteria, 46 years;
Bethel Lipps, Home Study office