xt71jw86hn7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86hn7h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1878-03-jun13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-03-jun13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-03-jun13. 1878 1878-03-jun13. 2011 true xt71jw86hn7h section xt71jw86hn7h 


                    connection with Ky. University and i. K. Faunt and Madison C. Johnson
                    are added to the above committee, with the same powers as the other
                    members thereof. Three of said Committee shall constitute a quorum
                    and any contract or arrangement three or more of said committee make
                    with State Commissioners in reference to the A. & iC. college shall
                    be regarded as the action of the Board.

                        The Board hereby ratifing and confirming the same as freely as
                   if made by the Board itself in open session.

                        3. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be furnished the
                   Committee certified to by the Secretary of the Board and under seal
                   of the corporation.

  (390)                On notion of Curator Steele the following Degrees were confered
Afternoon          on Mahlon lMackie   Bachelor of Science
Bession.            Moses S. Cole

Donferring            Thomas R. Hardin   Wiaster of Science
of Degrees
A. DgMr. eolege        On motion of Curator Smith the following degrees was confered
                       Thos. Clement Lyng       Bachelor of Arts.
Degrees in                  Stony Point,
College                              Ky.
of Arts.
                       Milton Hatley A    tn,   Bachelor of Arts.
                            Hickory Hat,
                         Provided that he pass examination on the remaining portion of
                    his course in mathematics.

                       Which recommendations were adopted and degrees authorized to be
                    issued as recommended.

                       On motion imeeting adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning
                                      Minutes read and approved.

  Seal.                        That the Regent be respectfully requested to turn over
                    the Seal of the corporation to the Secretary of this abard. Adopted.

   (391)                                    Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
                                                        June 13, 1878.
session of
June 13, 1878.                                     Morning Session

                                                           The Board met pursuant to ad-
                    journment. President Sweeney in the Chair, was found to be a quorum



of Executive

of the same
in part.


Lard 's

Report of the
Committee on
the Financial
History of
the University.


     On motion of Curator Bishop it was moved that the report of the
Ex.- Committee be taken from the table carried.

     The following resolutions were offered by Curator Withers-
Resolved - That the report of the Executive Committee as read to
the Board be and the same is hereby approved, with the following

     1st. The transfer of Eight Thousand dollars from the Endow-
ment Fund to the Transylvania Fund.

     2d. The authority to the Regent to receive the receipts of
the farm. Carried.

     On motion of Curator Steele it was ordered that the Secretary
of this Board be allowed 410022. per annum for each year already
served and for each year he may hereafter serve.
                          Carried unaniously.

     On motion of Curator Withers the resignation of Pres. Lard
heretofore tendered to the Ex. Committee be now accepted. Adopted.

     Curator Steele as Chairman of the Committee of the Financial
History &c of Ky. University-presented their report. and moved
that it be accepted and refered to the Committee raised by Curator
Smith resolution, composed of Curators E. D. Sayre, Geo. Stoll Jr.
& A. M. Barnes, and asked the privilege of putting a printed copy
thereof in the hands of every member of the Board. Adopted.

            Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.

June 13 , 1878.

Cont 'd.

laid on the

Curator Campbell offered the following resolution

     Resolved   That as it requires a majority of the whole Board
to remove an officer of the Ky. University, the repeal of a by-law
whereby an officer is removed by less-,than a majority of the whole
Board is illegal and revolutionary.

    The above resolution was laid on the table on motion of Cura-
tor Tibbs by a vote of a call of Ayes and Naye-4towit-

Andrew Steele
D. S.Goodloe
G.W. Givens
W. L. WMiliam
T. A. trenshaw

    Z. F. Smith
    W. T. Withers
    H. Miller
    W. E. Rogers
    Jas. G. Kinnaird
Total 16.

A. M. Barnss
R. e Gano
N. B. Wells
Sam'l Coleman
W. T. Tibbs




R. Lm. Bishop
Tos. Wasson
Yas. Patrick


  Jno. Shackelford
  Ehnos Campbell
Total 8


Thos. Munnell
Geo. Stoll Jr.
las. M. Graves.

Committee to
Amend By-laws
&c. to Report.


Morning Session.

     Curator Tibbs as Chairman of the Committee appointed to amend
the by-laws &c. made a report which was acted upon through the
following motion by Curator W0ithers. The Committee on by-laws
made a report through their Chairman Curator Tibbs- That the report
be adopted and the printed copy of the By-laws with the amendments
thereto, presented by the Committee, is hereby directed to be filed
with the Sec'ty of the Board, and are hereby adopted as the By-laws
of the University.

     Time was given the Committee until the next annual meeting of
the Board to make recommendations as to farther changes of the By-
laws. which was passed by the following aye & nay vote.

 Andrew Steele
 D. S. Goodloe
 G. l .Givens
Z. F. 3mith
W * . Tlithers

Total 21.


Liorace Miller
W.E .Rogers
Tas. G. Kinnaird
A. M.Barnes
R. M.Gano
R. B. Wells


Samel Coleman
  T. Tibbs
Thos. Munnell
1. S. Sweeney
Tas. Patrick
T. A. Crenshaw
,.tm. Mlitchell


R.M.BI shop
  Jose Wasson
  Total 6.
     The report from the
then read.

  Report of
  the Committee
on the

.no. Shackelford
Enos Campbell

las. y. Graves
Geo. Stoll Jr.

Com. on Industrial and Military Dep't. was

     We the Committee of the A. & x. Department beg leave to make the
following report.
      No papers having come into our hands, not even the report of
Pres. Patterson which he informs us was handed to the Ex. Regent, our
report may appear some what meagre.

      XIse find the Yost building contains much valuable machinery not
now in use and. oing to some extent to waste. Ile have not the means
now to bring this into valuable effective operation and unless this
is done we recommend that the same be sold.

      ;We recommend as Prof. Crandall has expressed a willingness to
do so that he be requested to deliver Lectures upon the relations of
Forests to Agriculture- Relation of Geology to Soils, Economics,
Entomology or the relation of Insects to Vegetation and upon the



Physiology of Plants. Also that Dr. Peters be requested to deliver in
practical illustrations, Lectures-upon Organic Elements in Soils and
upon Inorganic Elements in Soil and upon the Chemistry of vegetable

     We farther state that Prof. Crandall has lectured upon Practical
Mechanics with practical illustrations in his own Shop at a cost of
$150- per session and this can be done so much cheaper than to put
in operation the Yost building we therefore recommend that the same
be continued.

Morning Session.

    Under the present connection with the State we would only say in
reference to the Military that the instruction seems ample uhder the
labors of the office in charge who is provided by the General Governmexlt-
Classes in Military & Civil Engineering have been taught by Col. Howell
& also a Class in Surveying.

     Col. Howell is willing to continue these extra dutins without
additional compensation for which he merits the thanks of all concerned.

    We are also requested by Prof. Patterson to return his thanks to
this Board of Curators for the kindness and courtesies in the past, we
ask the same to be received and the Committee discharged- adopted.
                                        R. M. Gano
                                        Sam'l Coleman.



Report on
the Com-

     Curator Goodloe offered the following-
                                            Whereas the Executive Committee
of Ky. University did in January, 1877, sell stock, crop and rent a
portion of Ashland and Woodland for 12 months- Notes were taken payable
to D. S. Goodloe Treasurer. Among said notes was a note of J.A.Dea-4o
with ;I. L. Lipscomb security at.12 months for $100022. and a note for
$150022. signed by Messrs Hanna's which notes said Executive Committee
direct- D. S. uoodloe Treas.(and*said D. S. Goodloe to sell or hypoth-
icate to pay obligation of said Ky. University- which he did- now said
notes being unpaid)responsible for amount borrowed on said notes which
has caused him considerable trouble and inconvenience. Therefore be
it resolved that the Executive Committee of Ky. University at their
earliest convenience arrange for a amicable settlement with said parties,
with reference to said notes, with a view to the collection of said notes
and paid over the loan negotiated by said Goodloe and said Goodloe re-
lieved of his responsibility- Adopted.

     Your Committee to whom was refered the report of W. i. Smith Prof.
 of Commercial College beg leave to report that they find that the past
 session has been quite a success. No. of Mbatriculates (68) represent-
 ing 6 States, 1 Territory, 3 Foreign Countries. All of which is
 respectfully submitted.                Signed
     Adopted.                               D. S. Goodloe
                                            Horace Miller.

Curator J. M. Thomas
declines.            The declination of Curator J. M. Thomas was now received and upon
                  motion of Curator Tibbs was not accepted.



to Charter
& publication.

Report of
Com. on the Co
College of

Liotion by Curator Steele  That the Ex. Com. be directed to procure
the amendments to the Charter and publish the same with the By-laws
as amended for use of the Board.    Adopted.

    The Committee on College of Arts respectfully report that they
have examined the reports and papers relative to the College of
Arts and have to say that the suggestion of Pres. Pickett with
reference to the damage to Morrison College be refered to the Ex.
Committee, and that they be requested to give early attention to
the same. That sundry other suggestions embodied in the report
of Pres. Pickett be refered to the Ex. Committee.


signed z. I.T Smith
        T. S. sweeney.

Curator Crenshaw offered the following

  Rent of
  Ashland &

the purpose
of the

      Resolved, That the Ex. Committee be authorized and are hereby
 instructed to rent at their earliest convenience all of the Ashland
 & Woodland estates, Not necessary for the use of the A. & M. College.
 Refered to the Ex. Com. with full discretion to act in the premises

      The following preamble and resolutions were offered by Curator
          Whereas, An impression exists in the minds of some persons
that the change made in the Management of Ky. University, in abolition
of its Regency &c., by the recent action of its Board of Curators, is
a declaration of the purpose of the Board to conduct the University
upon a narrow sectarian bases therefore be it Resolved

1.    That it is the unaltered purpose of the Board of Curators of KY.
University to maintain and preserve inviolate every trust and interest
committed to them by the act of consolidation identifying the Transyl-
vania with Ky. University.

2.   That every dollar of the Funds of Transylvania University shall
be most sacredly maintained and preserved- as also every other interest-
connected with the Transylvaania University.

3.   That every trust committed to this Board arising from the relation
of the A. & R. College to the Ky. University shall be most sacredly main
tained and preserved.

4.    That it is the firm purpose of this Board to condact Ky. U.
in strict conformity with the Charter of same, and in strictest harmony
with the intention of the original Founders of University-


      on motion of Curator Withers
                                  Resolved that the account of the Treas
E. D. Sayre be, and the same is hereby approved, and the thanks of the
Board are hereby tendered to the late Treasurer for his gratiutous dis-
charge of the onerous duties of his office.     Adopted.



on A.& M.


     Committee of A. & M. College report through Curator Steele
that they have no report to make from the fact that no papers in
reference to A. & M. College were put into their hands until this

Resolution by Curator Withers.

  the Regent
  in his

  Committee to
  inquire why
  the order of
  the Board
  passed last
year has

Geo. StollJr.
Thos. Munnelll
Sno. B. Wallace

 of J.M.Thomas
 as Curator
 - (398)
 Curator, J.B.
 elected and
 put on the
Exec. Com.

     Resolved that the Regent be respectfully requested to turn over
to the Secretary of this Board his report as Regent made to this
meeting of the Board with accompanying documents.

     The following was then offered by Curator Campbell

Whereas at the last regular meeting of the Board of Curators it was
resolved in substance that no part of the proceedings of the Committee
appointed to examine the reports of the Officers, Regents, and others
should be given to the general public prior to an adjudication by the
Committee on Arbitration, and whereas it appears further that the re-
port of B. L. Swope accountant was published in the columns of the Kyv
Gazette a semi-weekly newspaper published in Lexington sometime during
the past year and again said report with a report from the Investigating
Committee was distributed in open session this day-
Therefore be it Resolved that a committee be appointed to inquire why
and for what purpose the solemn order of this Board has been disregarded
Committee appointed to investigate above*
Above being adopted as a motion to lay the sawe on the table was lost.

     On Motion Meeting adjourned to 2j o'clock this P.M.

                                           Read and approved.

                   Afternoon Session

     The Board met pursuant to adjournment at 2- o'clock on call of roll
a quorum was found present.

      On Motion of Curator W~ithers the resolution declining to accept the
 declination of J. M. Thomas as Curator was reconsidered and on motion
 the declination Jas. M. Thomas was accepted.

      On Imotion the By law providing for the election of Officers shall
 be by ballot was suspended and John B. Wallace of Lexington, Ky.
having been nominated, was unanimously elected member of the Executive
Committee to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of Jas. M.
Thomas to accept.
                      Minutes having been read and approved-

On Motion the

meeting adjourned
                    .. S. SJweeney
                    Prest. of Board.
A. 1X. Barnes, Secretary
  of the Board.