xt71jw86hn6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71jw86hn6x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1965-06-jun17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-06-jun17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-06-jun17-ec. 1965 1965-06-jun17-ec. 2011 true xt71jw86hn6x section xt71jw86hn6x 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Thursday, June 17, 1965, Board
Room, Administration Building.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the
campus of the University at 1:30 p. m., Eastern Standard Time, on Thurs-
day, June 17, 1965, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Chairman, Judge James A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Smith
Broadbent, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, and Dr. H. B. Murray. In addition,
Professors Paul Oberst and Lewis Cochran, non-voting faculty members
of the Board, were also present. The administrative staff of the University
was represented by President John W. Oswald and Vice Presidents William
R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley, and Glenwood L. Creech. Mr. J. B. Owen,
father of Mrs. Oswald, was a guest at the meeting and members of the press
were in attendance.

     A. Meeting Opened

     Dr. Angelucci expressed the sympathy of the Board to Mr. Hiilenmeyer
in the loss of his father, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer, a former member of the
Board of Trustees of the University, and asked that those present bow their
heads in silent prayer in his memory. Professor Paul Oberst was asked to
draft a Resolution on Mr. Hillenmeyer's death for presentation at the next
meeting of the Board.

     B. Roll Call

     Following the roll call, the secretary reported a quorum was present
for the conduct of business and Dr. Angelucci declared the meeting officially
open at 10:45 a.m.

     C. Minutes Approved

     On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and without
objection, the reading of the Minutes of the May 4, 1965, meeting of the
Board was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

     D. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     President Oswald commented briefly on the items contained in his
monthly report to the Trustees, copies of which were distributed to those



present at the meeting and mailed to faculty and key alumni later. Following
the formal report, Dr. Oswald reported informally on the summer session
enrollment, indicating that a total of 3, 203 students had registered to date and
that approximately 4, 300 will be enrolled before the end of the summer term.
These figures compare with 3, 771 at the end of the 1964 summer session. Ap-
proximately one-third of the 3, 203 students are graduate students. Dr. Oswald
in replying to a question from Dr. Angelucci indicated that two of the larger
community colleges had summer sessions--Ashland and Covington with en-
rollments of approximately 250 and 300 respectively. Students in the other
community colleges take summer work through the Extension Program.

     The President's Report was accepted with thanks and ordered filed.

     E. Dr. Stephen Diachun New Non-Voting Faculty Member of the Board

     Dr. Angelucci recognized the presence of Dr. Lewis Cochran and thanked
him for the contributions which he had made during his term of office as one of
the non-voting faculty members on the Board of Trustees. He announced that
Dr. Stephen Diachun, Professor of Plant Pathology, was the newly elected facul-
ty member for a term beginning July 1, 1965, and ending June 30, 1968.

     F. Mr. J. B. Owen and Mr. John Darsie Introduced

     Dr. Angelucci introduced Mr. J. B. Owen, Birmingham, Alabama, father
of Mrs. Oswald, to the members of the Board and the press representatives who
were in attendance. Mr. Robert Kerley introduced Mr. John Dail ie, the newly
appointed Legal Counsel for the University. Mr. Darsie is a graduate of the
College of Law of the University and, following his military service, was em-
ployed in Frankfort prior to coming to the campus.

     G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     Dr. Oswald stated that as usual, PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
contained important but routine items of business and that the recommendations
might be approved as a whole; however, before requesting action by the Board on
the items contained in the report, he called particular attention to the following:

1. The recommendation that Dr. Tom F. Whayne's title be changed from As-
    sistant Dean of the College of Medicine to Associate Dean. Dr. Willard
    explained that it was his plan to delegate more of the day-to-day duties to
    Dr. Whayne and the title of Associate Dean is more appropriate for his
    increased responsibilities, Dr. Willard added that with the continuing
    growth and increased activities of the Medical Center, it was possible that
    within the next year consideration should be given to the separation of the



    dual position of Vice President--Medical Center and Dean, College of
    Medicine, and a full-time person named as Dean. The appointment of
    Dr. Whayne as Associate Dean merely indicates his willingness to as-
    sist at this time and does not relate to possibilities of establishing a
    separate position of Dean of the College of Medicine.

2. Leave of absence without pay for Dr. Thomas D. Clark. Dr. Clark
    has been asked to accept a position as Sesquicentennial Professor of
    American History at Indiana University during the calendar year 1966,
    a recognition of his value as a teacher and a scholar and an honor not
    only to Dr. Clark but to the University of Kentucky.
3. The resignations of Dr. Rene Menguy and Dr. Michael F. Wilson.
    Dr. Menguy will assume the chairmanship of the Department of
    Surgery at the University of Chicago College of Medicine and Dr.
    Wilson will go to the University of West Virginia as Department
    Chairman of Physiology at West Virginia Medical Center.

    On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, and without ob-
jection the recommendations contained in PR 2 were approved and ordered made
a part of the Minutes of the June 17, 1965, meeting of the Executive Committee.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

     H. Supplementary Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     Since PR 3, Supplementary Recommendations of the President, contains
items received too late for inclusion in PR 2 and the members of the Board had
not, therefore, had an opportunity to examine them prior to the meeting, the
members took a few minutes to examine the items contained therein. Mr.
Kerley explained the May 31, 1965, Financial Report, and indicated that the
University should complete the fiscal year with expenditures approximately 2
per cent below expenditure authority.

     Dr. Oswald indicated that two additional items should be acted upon at the
same time as the recommendations contained in PR 3--(1) a request from Mr.
William J. Barber, concurred in by Dean Shaver, that he be permitted to retire
at the age of 65 because of health reasons, such retirement to be effective June
30, 1966; and (2) promotions for the members of the voluntary faculty of the
College of Medicine as follows:

                              Present Faculty Rank     Recommended Faculty
Department of Medicine

Ullin Leavell, Jr., M. D

Assistant Clinical Prof.

Assoc. Clinical Prof.



                             Present Faculty Rank

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Recommended Faculty

Philip S. Grossen, M.D.

Assistant Clinical Prof.

Assoc. Clinical Prof.

Department of Pediatrics

Maurice Kaufmann, M. D.

Associate Clinical Prof.

Clinical Prof.

Department of Psychiatry

Richard B. Heintz, M. D.

Clinical Instructor

Asst. Clinical Prof.

Department of Surgery

Warren Proudfoot, M. D.
Richard B. McElvein, M.D.
David A. H~uIl, I'M. D.
Douglas E. Scott, M.D.
N. L. Bosworth, M. D.
M. Randolph Gilliam, M. D.
Raymond M. Slabaugh, M. D.
Harvey Chenault, M. D.
Andrew M. Moore, M.D.

Clinical Instructor
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Instructor
Cl. Asst. Prof.
Cl. Asst. Prof.
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Instructor
Cl. Asst. Prof.
Cl. Asst. Prof.

Asst. Clinical Prof.
Asst. Clinical Prof.
Asst. Clinical Prof.
Assoc. Clinical Prof.
Assoc. Clinical Prof.
Asst. Clinical Prof.
Asst. Clinical Prof.
Assoc. Clinical Prof.
Assoc. Clinical Prof.

     On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Judge Sutherland, PR 3, Supple-
mentary Recommendations of the President, with the addition of Mr. Barber's
retirement request and the College of Medicine Voluntary Faculty promotions,
was approved as a whole and ordered made a part of the record of the June 17,
1965, meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

     I. Administrative Appointments--Dr. Stuart Forth, Dr. Robert Murphy,
        Dr. J. C. Falkenstine, and Dr. Lawrence C. Davenport

     Dr. Oswald said he wished to recommend four major administrative ap-
pointments. Dr. Angelucci requested that all four recommendations be presented
at one time and that the Board would act upon the recommendations as a whole.

1. Dr. Stuart Forth as Director of University Libraries

    Several months ago, Dr. Lawrence Thompson indicated his desire to devote
    full time to research and teaching in the Department of Classics and a



   committee of the faculty and administration was appointed, first under
   the chairmanship of Dr. Albright and subsequently of Dr. Cochran, to
   consider and recommend candidates for the position of Director of
   University Libraries. The committee has completed its assignment
   and recommends that Dr. Stuart Forth, Acting Director of Libraries at
   the University of Kansas, be named Director of Libraries at the Uni-
   versity of Kentucky, effective on or about August 1, 1965.

   Dr. Forth, a forty-one year old native of Michigan, received his under-
   graduate education at the University of Michigan, receiving his B. A. and
   M.A. degrees from that institution. He holds a Ph. D. degree in history
   from the University of Washington. His professional experience includes
   library work in Oregon and Seattle prior to his going to the University of
   Kansas where he organized the undergraduate library. He has a strong
   reputation as a good professional librarian as well as a good adminis--
   trator. The committee feels that his qualifications at this point of time
   in our library planning fit him admirably for the position.

   Dr. Oswald expressed his deep appreciation for the great service which
   Dr. Lawrence Thompson has performed during his service as Director
   of Libraries at the University and noted that when Dr. Thompson came
   to the University in 1948 the total acquisitions amounted to 437, 000
   volumes. In July 1964, the Library report indicated that the Library
   had passed the million mark. Under his leadership the new Library ad-
   dition was built and the University will always be in his debt for his
   contributions to the development of an outstanding Library.

2. Dr. Robert D. Murphy as Director of the School of Journalism

    Dr. Niel Plummer, after having served as Director of the School of Journal-
    ism, for many years, is returning to full-time teaching and research in the
    School of Journalism. A search committee was appointed to seek a suc-
    cessor for Dr. Plummer and this committee now recommends Dr. Robert D.
    Murphy, presently a member of the faculty of Syracuse University, as Pro-
    fessor of Journalism (with tenure) and Director of the School of Journalism.

    Dr. Murphy has seven years experience with newspapers and press associ-
    ations and eighteen years as a teacher and administrator. He holds the
    Doctor of Philosophy degree in political science from Syracuse University.
    He joined the staff of the Syracuse School of Journalism in 1946 and has been
    chairman of the School Newspaper Department since 1953. Under a Ful-
    bright Grant he spent several months in 1964 in El Salvador as a consultant
    to that country's National University in developing a journalism program.
    He has also served as a Community Relations Consultant to the General
    Electric Company in Syracuse.

    Dr. Plummer was present at the meeting and Dr. Oswald and Dr. Angelucci
    both expressed thanks to him for the leadership which he has given to this
    important phase of the University's instructional program. Under his
    direction the Department of Journalism became a School of Journalism and



     many distinguished journalists in Kentucky and in the nation have received
     their training during his tenure.

 3. Dr. Lawrence C. Davenport as Director of the Somerset Community College

     The Somerset Community College will open September 1, 1965, and Dr.
     Oswald indicated his pleasure in recommending the appointment cf Dr.
     Lawrence C. Davenport, presently Associate Dean of Technical Education
     for the St. Louis-St. Louis County Junior College District, as the first
     Director of the new college, effective July 1, 1965.

     Dr. Davenport is a native of Missouri and received his B.S. and M.S. and
     Ed. D. degrees from the University of Arkansas. He is well qualified for
     the position and his experience in technical education will be particularly
     helpful to the entire Community College System as it develops additional
     semi-professional and technical programs.

 4. Dr. J. C. Falkenstine as Director of the Southeast Community College at

     Dr. Paul Clark has submitted his resignation as Director of the Southeast
     Community College to accept a position at Milligan College in Tennessee.
     Dr. Oswald indicated that he concurred in the recommendation of Dr. Ellis
     F. Hartford, Dean of the Community College System, that Dr. J. C.
     Falkenstine, a native of Paris, Kentucky, be named to succeed Dr. Clark
     as Director of the Southeast Community College, effective August 1, 1965.

     Dr. Falkenstine received his Ed. D. degree from the University of Kentucky.
     He has taught agriculture and science in several West Virginia schools and
     has served as School Principal and Superintendent in Scott and Bourbon
     Counties. He is thoroughly acquainted with the people in the Cumberland area
     and is an excellent choice for the directorship of the college at Cumberland.

     On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried unani-
mously Dr. Stuart Forth was named Director of University Libraries, effective on
or about August 1, 1965; Dr. Robert D. Murphy was named Professor of Journal-
ism (with tenure) and Director of the School of Journalism, effective September 1,
1965; Dr. Lawrence C. Davenport was named Director of the Somerset Com-
munity College, effective July 1, 1965; and Dr. J. C. Falkenstine was named Di-
rector of the Southeast Community College, effective August 1, 1965.

       The members of the Executive Committee requested the President to convey
their thanks and appreciation to Dr, Lawrence Thompson and Dr. Niel Plummer,
who are returning to teaching and research, and to Dr. Paul Clark, who is resign-
ing from the University staff, for the excellent jobs they have each done.

       J. Dr. Murray Named to the Council on Public Higher Education

Dr. Angelucci indicated that he had served as one oi the three representatives



from the Board of Trustees of the University on the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation for the past twelve years and that he felt someone else should be named in
his place. Dr. H. B. Murray agreed to serve, with Dr. Denham and Mr. Kings-
bury continuing to serve as the other two representatives. Dr. Murray's attention
was called to the next meeting of the Council scheduled for July 12 in Frankfort.

     K. Resolution Authorizing Execution of ARA Form-74 (2-65) (PR 5)

     Attention was called to PR 5, a copy of which is appended to the Minutes,
relative to the authorization of the President to execute on behalf of the institution
ARA Form-74 (2-65).

     On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, the following Reso-
lution was adopted by the Board of Trustees:

            Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of
            Trustees of the University of Kentucky that the President of
            the University of Kentucky is hereby authorized to execute,
            on behalf of the University of Kentucky, ARA Form 74
            (Assurances of Compliance with the Regulations of the De-
            partment of Commerce promulgated pursuant to Title VI of
            the Civil Rights Act of 1964).

     L. Resolution Adopted Supporting $176 Million Bond Issue Program

     Dr. Oswald read the following Resolution indicating the endorsement of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky of the $176, 000, 000 Bond Issue

                      PROPOSED RESOLUTION




the citizens of Kentucky will be called upon in November to take
an important step forward in support of the $176 million bond
issue program, and,

that program has allocated $17. 1 million for higher education in
Kentucky of which more than $5. 7 million is allocated to the
University of Kentucky and its Community Colleges, and,

that sum of money will make it possible for the University to
greatly accelerate the implementation of its new master plan
for capital construction, including the building of student resi-
dence facilities, classrooms, science laboratories, libraries,
and other needed facilities, and,






such facilities are desperately needed to care for the growing
student population at the University and its Community Colleges,

our sister-state institutions of Murray, Western, Eastern,
Morehead, Kentucky State and the University of Louisville will
also receive financial aid from the bond issue to assist them in
their work for higher education, and,

the states surrounding Kentucky are embarking on ambitious and
worthy programs to provide for their classroom and dormitory
facilities for their young citizens, and,

goes on record in support of the bond issue and its program for higher edu-
cation and undertakes a program to communicate to all citizens the vital
necessity for its passage.




     On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Judge Sutherland, the Resolution
was adopted as presented.

     M. Contract wit i Lane and Gorwic, Inc. Authorized

     President Oswald presented the following recommendation and background
statement relative to a contract with Crane and Gorwic for continued planning con-
sultant services:

  RECOMMENDATION: that the President be authorized to execute a contract
  with Crane & Gorwic, Inc. for continued planning consultant services to be
  rendered to the University over a period of one (1) year beginning July 1, 1965
  and ending June 30, 1966, for a fee based on the actual time and materials ex-
  pended by the consultant, the total of which shall not exceed $96, 000 during the
  one year period of the contract.

  BACKGROUND: on March 19, 1965 the Executive Committee authorized the
  President to negotiate an extension of the Crane & Gorwic planning consultant
  services contract to cover continued three dimensional planning for the
  Lexington Campus, program analysis and land use planning for the Community




  College Campuses and University farms, and review and analysis of
  individual project programs and architectural development. The exe-
  cution of this contract will provide the University with a three di-
  mensional master plan for the Medical and Agricultural Science Centers
  and the housing areas east of Rose Street, land use plans for the Com-
  munity College Campuses and the University farms, and a full range of
  planning consultant services in connection with the implementation of
  the "Central Campus" plan and the development of individual projects.
  The contract provides that the consultant shall proceed only at the di-
  rection of the University and will be paid on a monthly basis only to the
  extent of actual time and materials expended, the total of which shall
  not exceed $96, 000 during the one year period of the contract. The
  President requests the authority to execute this contract at this time in
  order that the University's development may proceed without delay.

     On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed
unanimously the President was authorized to execute a contract with Crane and
Gorwic, Inc. for continued planning consultant services to be rendered to the
University over a period of one (1) year beginning July 1, 1965 and ending June
30, 1966, for a fee based on the actual time and materials expended by the con-
sultant, the total of which shall not exceed $96, 000 during the one year period of
the contract,

     N. Association of Governing Boards Meeting Scheduled at UK in 1966

     President Oswald asked Mr. Hillenmeyer to report on the spring conference
of the Association of Governing Boards held in Williamsburg, Virginia, on May
17-18, 1965, at which he represented the Board of Trustees of the University of

     Mr. Hillenmeyer gave a brief resuml of some of the sessions attended and
then reminded the Board that the University of Kentucky would host the 1966 annu-
al meeting of the Association of Governing Boards, probably to be held on May 1-3,
1966, He indicated that in the past the annual meetings of the Association have
been held in the fall of the year and that the 1965 meeting would be at Terre Haute,
Indiana. Following this meeting, the annual meetings will be shifted to the spring
and the 1966 meeting to be held in Lexington is the first annual meeting under the
new schedule.

     It was felt that it would be highly desirable for all members of the Board of
Trustees who could possibly do so to attend the meeting in Terre Haute so that they
might be more familiar with the goals and purposes of the Association. Mr. Hillen-
meyer expressed the opinion that at least 350 persons would be in attendance and
there might be as many as 500. The Association has recently expanded its member-
ship to include private institutions and, with the increased emphasis being placed on
the role which Trustees play in higher education, the attendance at the meetings has
shown a steady increase.



     Dr. Angelucci indicated that planning should begin immediately for the
meeting and said that he would confer with President Oswald and name a com-
mittee within the near future to develop plans.

     0. Insurance Committee Report on Group Life Insurance Programn

     Professor Oberst, as chairman of the Insurance Committee of the Board
of Trustees, was asked to present the report on the group life, insurance program
which was referred to it at the May 4, 1965, meeting of the Board of Trustees.
He presented the following recommendation and background statement:

Recommendation: The Trustees ad hoc Committee on Insurance recommends
that the Board, pursuant to the provisions of KRS 164. 220, authorize the Presi-
dent to enter into an agreement with the Commonwealth Life Insurance Company,
Louisville, Kentucky, for the purpose of providing a new Group Life Insurance
Program for the staff of the University of Kentucky with the understanding that in
any agreement the President require that Commonwealth Life Insurance Company
attempt to establish a reinsurance or coinsurance pool on an assets-ratio basis,
composed of those Kentucky domiciled companies writing Group Life Insurance
which desire to participate in such a pool.

Background: The University's Group Life Insurance Program has been operative
since May 1, 1932. Participation in this program has been required of all regular
full-time staff of the University. The program has retained its basic provisions
since that time with some occasional -modifications. The major change occurred
in 1959 when the insurance coverage for the employee was doubled to the present
maximum amount of $5, 000.

In the early fall of 1964, President Oswald requested the Employees Insurance
Committee to study and make recommendations on the possibility of improving
and liberalizing the Group Life Insurance Program. This Committee drew a list
of specifications it felt should be incorporated into a revised Group Life Insurance
Program. These preliminary specifications were reviewed by the AdxninMi-tration
and submitted to the University's Insurance Advisor for further refinement. The
final general specifications were approved by the Board of Trustees and the Board
authorized the President to obtain proposals from insurance carriers. These pro-
posals were secured and have been reviewed and analyzed by the Administration
and the Board of Trustees Committee on Insurance.

Based on quotations submitted from 9 of 23 firms requested to- quote the Trustees
Committee on Insurance has concluded that the Commonwealth Life Insurance
Company, Louisville, Kentucky, has proposed the program which will result in
the lowest net cost to the staff of the University.

     On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and carried
without dissent, the President was authorized to enter into an agreement with the



Commonwealth Life Insurance Company of Louisville, Kentucky, for the purpose
of providing a new Group Life Insurance Program for the staff of the University
of Kentucky with the understanding that in any agreement the President require
that Commonwealth Life Insurance Company attempt to establish a reinsurance
or coinsurance pool on an assets-ratio basis, composed of those Kentucky domi-
ciled companies writing Group Life Insurance which desire to participate in such
a pool.

     P. Insurance Committee Report on Workmen's Compensation Insurance

     The Insurance Committee appointed in May was charged with the responsi-
bility of studying the best method for the University of Kentucky to provide the
benefits and protection of the Kentucky Workmen's Compensation Act for its
employees. Professor Oberst, as chairman of the committee, presented the
following report:

Recommendation: The Trustees Committee on Insurance recommends to the
Board that the President be authorized (1) to implement the provisions of the
Kentucky Workmen's Compensation Act for the employees of the University,
(Z) to provide the benefits under the act on a self-insurance basis, (3) to enter
into any agreements or arrangements necessary to insure that the program will
function in the most effective manner for the University and its staff members,
and (4) to initiate such a program as soon as the operating details can be de-

Background: Recent legislative action and an attorney general opinion on that
action requires that the University of Kentucky provide the benefits and pro-
tection of the Kentucky Workmen's Compensation Act for its employees. Subse-
quent to the Attorney General's opinion, the University has investigated the
various alternative methods of implementing this program. Quotations were
obtained from several insurance carriers, and their proposals have been
thoroughly discussed and analyzed.

Investigation of other organizations which provide this protection to their employ-
ees by utilizing the alternative method of the self-insurance mechanism provided
strong evidence that a considerable reduction in total cost could be effected.
Final evaluation of this data resulted in the conclusion that the University wouldalso
be able to implement this program on a self-insurance basis with a substantial
cash savings to the University.

      Mr. Broadbent moved the acceptance of the Insurance Committee report
relative to provision of the benefits of the Kentucky Workmen's Compensation Act
for University employees. His motion was seconded and carried without objection.

      Q. Resolution Authorized for Mr. C. Robert Yeager

President Oswald called the attention of the Board to the mountedCentennial



medallions which had been presented to the University of Kentucky by Mr. C.
Robert Yeager, president of the L. G. Balfour Company, and indicated that
these plaques would be hung in the Board Room. The Board expressed their
appreciation not only for the plaques but for the many generous things which
Mr. Yeager has done during the University's Centennial year. Mr. Hillen-
meyer was asked to prepare a Resolution expressing the appreciation of the
Board to Mr. Yeager for adoption at the July meeting.

     R. Adjournment

     Dr. Angelucci, having first determined that there was no further
business to come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. On
motion by Judge Sutherland, duly seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned
at 2:50 p.m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            James A. Sutherland, Secretary

(PR 2, PR 3, and PR 5, which are attached, are official parts of the Minutes for
the June 17, 1965, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky. )


Missing report(s)


                                                       Office of the President
                                                       June 17, 1965


 Executive, Committee, Board of Trustees


 I.  Financial Report (see Attachment 1)

     Recommendation: that the financial report covering the period from July 1,
     1964 through April 30, 1965, be accepted and made a part of the record of
     the June 17, 1965, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of

     Background: The letter of transmittal from Mr. Robert Kerley is self-explana-
     tory and the report shows that the University is operating on a sound financial

II.  Contracts and/or Agreements

     Contract with United States Department of Defense

     Recommendation: that the President of the University of Kentucky be authorized
     to execute the contract between the United States of America (Department of
     Defense) and the University of Kentucky authorizing the University to offer
     correspondence courses for the United States Armed Forces Institute for the
     fiscal year 1966.

     Background: This contract,. which is effective July 1, 1965 if approved, is
     similar to other such contracts approved in the past. Under the contract the
     University of Kentucky is authorized to offer certain of its regularly offered
     correspondence study courses to military personnel of the Army, Air Force,
     Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. The Government will forward the total
     amount of the enrollment fee for the course selected and will pay to the Univer-
     sity the amount of $2. 00 as an individual lesson service fee for each lesson
     corrected and graded by the Contractor.

III.  Fee Increase for Preparation and/or Revision of Correspondence Study Courses

      Recommendation: that the fee for the preparation and/or revision of Correspon-
      dence Study courses be increased and that a graduated scale of pay for program
      development and course preparation be authorized within the limits given below:

      College Courses                                 Proposed Scale    Present Fee
          Preparation of a syllabus (3-hour course)  $300-$750        $300
          Revision of existing 3-hour course          $150-$300           $150

      High School Courses
          Preparation of a syllabus (1/2 unit course)  $200-$300      $150
          Revision of existing 1/2 unit course        $100-$200           $100


     Background: The present rate of pay fo