xt71g15tb00k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15tb00k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1996 1996 1996-11-14 2020 true xt71g15tb00k section xt71g15tb00k  






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By Gary Wulf

Assistant News Editor

Student Government Association shelled out a
total of $4,446 in a full senate meeting last night,
funding a variety of events.

The most expensive bill of the evening set aside
$1,545 for an on-campus conference in February
about a variety oftopics ranging from Emily Dicken-
son to the X-Files.

Rebecca Weaver, Connections Conference coor—
dinator, said this conference will enhance the educa-
tional experience of undergraduates and will aid the
professional development of graduate students in a
variety of disciplines at UK.

“This is the type of conference we are here for,’
she said.

The financial bylaw that was passed in mid-
September was put to the test for the first time in a
full senate meeting last night.




A simple request for $1,500 by the International
Students Association for their Nov. 21 hunger ban—
quet was amended after Graduate Senator Michael
Tomblyn pointed out that the fiscal )olicy, which he
authored, restricted the use of SGA nds for food.

SGA had two choices with this realization to sus-
pend the bylaws to allow funding for the

anquet or amend the bill.

However, senators thought suspending
the bylaws compromised the laws value.

“Ifwe suspend the bylaws we are setting
a dangerous precedent,” senator at large
Phil Feigel said. ,

After the votes were counted, the senate chose to
allocate $1,250 for the banquet.

The smallest bill of the evenin allocated $301 to
the printing of the much-heraldecT Designated Driv-
er Card.

The card allows a erson to receive, at the very
least, a non-alcoholic (ii-ink at some area restaurants.

WEATHER Partly sunny with
flurries, high 40. xl/losfly clear,
low 20. Partly sunny tomorrow,
high in the upper 40s.

”RINK'NG AGE ()m' ofi‘ol/ege student’s

favorite pastimes is one that can lead to bad

times. See KeG inside.


~n~t‘-~‘§ a.


The card is designed to prevent students from
driving while intoxicated.

The Designated Driver (lard will be free to UK

A bill for a graduate student publication, disC/o-
sure, also passed unanimously.

The $1,350 bill covers the )rinting and
mailing of the journal of socia theory that
has been published yearly since 1991.

disC/osure editor Susan Mains described
the publication's mission in a letter to SGA.

“I“.ach issue is a new creation embodying
the energies of numerous students and fac-
ulty members at the University of Kentucky, and
essa 'sts, artists and poet from around region and the
world," she said.

Mains said the publication gives a unique oppor-
tunity for graduate students to get their works pub-
lished and have universities from around the nation
recognize their ability.



By Rusty Manseau
Staff Writer

About 30 people minded their P’s and Q’s at a
dinner meeting about etiquette for job interviews at
the Lemon Tree in Erikson Hall last night.

The speaker was Myrna Wesley from the dietet-
ics department.

Wesley said corporations are starting to pay more
for appropriate etiquette, which she referred to as
“efficiency” and “kindness.”

“Very helpful,” is how Rachel Farmer, senior at
UK, described the meeting.

“Most of us are approaching real world job inter-

Wesley explained many useful rules proper for job
interview dinners. She said the basics include sitting
up straight and speaking clearly.

She also said a handshake is important — one
should grasp the hand firmly for 3-4 seconds, then

Wesley said it is important to remember the
names of those at the interview.

She gave the example of associating “Mr. McIn-

Mind ‘90s


tosh” with his blue stripped shirt to remember his

Wesley talked about the “12-inch rule."

The first part of this rule concerns the appearance
of the top 12 inches of the body, such as the hair and
the face. The second part of this rule concerns the
bottom 12 inches, including the feet and their posi—

Wesley said both feet should be on the floor at all
times and within one’s space. The third part deals
with what to say during the first 12 seconds of the
interview. For instance, one should introduce oneself
with confidence and clarity.

Wesley said women with lipstick should blot it off
before drinking from a glass. She said it is important
not to wipe it off.

Other basic rules offered by Wesley include
refraining from such things as referring to others by
their first name unless told to do so, slurping soup or
making clatter with the spoon.

Other no—no’s: leaning toward the food, and plac-
ing elbows on the table.

Wesley mixed humor with some of the topics.

For instance, one question dealt with what to do




P: MD “'8 (Left) Elisabeth Nirhels and Kathy Con—
vety, interior design seniors, enjoy french onion soup
while learning etiquette. (Above) Myra Wesley demon-
strates the proper way to hold stem ware.

when you notice someone has food between their

Wesley said if it were a company executive, try to
get someone else to say something. However, “ifit
was your friend Kristin, you’d lean over and say, ‘I
think there’s spinach in your teeth.”

The Lemon Tree was decorated with white table
cloths, green napkins and flowers on each table.
Printed menus were available for everyone.

The five-course meal included cider, French soup,
marinated vegetables, sorbet, roasted cornish hens,
saffron rice, sugar snap peas, acorn squash, petit pan
rolls, cheesecake with berry sauce and Irish coffee.

Monica Jackson, family studies senior, described
the meeting in two words, “Professional, elegant.”




.-'.-~.. ..‘.-~~-.-...



November I 4, I 996



o Classifieds—T Cartoon 5
Z Crossword 7 Sports 2

Police log 4 Viewpoint 5




NATION Officer Sllllt ill leg
ill violence alter verdict

ST. PI‘Z'I‘IQRSBURG, Fla. — A police officer
was shot in the leg yesterday and dozens of gun-
shots were fired in the neighborhood where riot-
ing broke out last month after a white police offic
cer fatally shot a black motorist.

The shooting yesterday evening happened
hours after a grand jury ruled the officer was justi—
fied in last month’s shooting.

“We're trying to get control ofthis as quickly as
we can," police spokesman Bill Doniel said. He
said the officer was bein treated at a local hospi—
tal, and his wounds were not life-threatening.

At least two dozen squad cars screeched out of
police headquarters at the first report of the shoot-
ing. The streets were immediately blocked off, and
moments later dozens of gunshots were heard.
There were shouts of“(Iet down, get down,” and
tear gas filled the area.

The officer was shot in front of a house where
members of a black separatist group, the National
People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, meet.
The group has called for the executions of the
police officers involved in last month’s shootin .

The group handed out fliers Wednesday ager-
noon, after the grand jury ruling, promoting a
6:30 pm. community meeting. The shooting
occurred shortly before the meeting was to have
taken place.

STATE Candidate asks l0l‘ recount
LOUISVILLE _— U.S. Re .Mike W'ard asked

yesterday for a recanvass of t e votes cast in the
Nov. 5 general election.

\Vard, a freshman Democrat, was defeated by
Republican Ann Northup by 1,299 votes in Ken-
tucky’s 3rd District, which is made up ofJefferson
County. The 3rd District seat was heavily targeted
by Republicans because \Nard only won the seat
by about 500 votes in 1994.

In that election, Republicans contended the
conservative vote was split by a third party candi-
date. The votes will be recanvassed Friday at the
Jefferson County Board of Elections in the Urban
County Government Center, saidJefferson Coun-
ty Clerk Rebecca Jackson.

Pl'0l8880l' speaks on “80“an

Professor Thomas Guskey of the College of
Education will be giving a speech entitled “Effec—
tive 'I‘eaching and its evaluation."

IIis speech will address the role grading plays,
as well as education research.

The speech will also discuss how effective
teaching can be evaluated. Guskey will speak today
in 122 White Hall Classroom Building at 3:30



Gov.t:arroll BfllllIfllllll Jim Bakker

FRANKFURT, Ky. — Former Gov. Julian
Carroll, whose administration was tainted by scan-
dal, is helping fallen televanglist Jim Baker put
the pieces of his life together.

Carroll is counseling Bakker through the New
Covenant Fellowship and Restoration Center Inc.,
a nonprofit ministry that Carroll helped establish.

The former governor said he talks to Bakker
often and is convinced that Bakker, the one—time
PTL minister convicted in 1989 of bilking his fol-
lowers out of millions, is a changed man. Bakker

ot out of prison in 1994. Carroll was governor
from 1974 to 1979. His administration was the
subject of a five-year federal investi ation of cor-
ruption. Nine people were indicte . Carroll was
never charged, but his career was crippled by the


Compiled fiom staff wire reports.


Graduate students practice presentations

Research Day provides
trial run for real world

By Kathy Redlng

Assistant News Editor

Michael Byers decided to research steroid hor-
mones in the ovary. Luna Hilaire is using MRI tech-
ni ues to measure fluid distribution in tissues.

he average person looking at their research dis-
plays of abstracts, charts and graphs may not under-
stand the to ics.

But to t eir faculty supervisors and fellow stu-
dents, their research is quite understandable and very

Both of these graduate students in the College of
Medicine, along with 73 of their peers, practiced

explaining and reportin their research findings to.

students and facu
research da .

“It’s a chance for us to see what everyone else is
doing,” Byers said. “It makes us feel good about what
we’ve done.”

Byers said graduate students begin narrowin
down their focus area during their first year throug
classes and some lab work.

During successive years, the lab work increases.
and the students, after lab rotations, choose a faculty
member to work with who specializes in an area they

r i 1

ty at t e annual graduate student


want to investigate.

“As a graduate student, that’s your job,” Byers

The College of Medicine is divided into various
departments such as biochemistry, anatomy and

tant. We have to convey the
importance to other peo le.”

Phyllis Wise, chair 0 the physi-
oIo department was impressed
wit students’ work.


physiology. Byers, a second-year student
in ph siology, said graduate students go
from ookin at one department to focus-
ing on the e fect of one substance on one

“All the labs have a very s ecific field
they work in,” Byers said. “ hat’s how
you carve out your niche when you gradu-

Hilaire, student chair of the research
da and a doctoral candidate in biomedi-


Some of the
work we’re
{10mg “pres/7 to keep up with the lat-
mpommt. e
have to convey

“They’re doing
more as sophomores
than I ever did as a
raduate student,” said


Hilaire said the rea-
son raduate students
do a vanced research is

est technology and to T“
be able to obtain better '


ca engineering, said it helps give students {be MW“ positions after gradua-
different perspectives and exposes them to to WWI,» tion and better research
more of t e latest research. V nts.
“It forces them to learn about others' “You have to be
work because two displays from the same "I‘ll.“ 3"“ aware of what's been
department are not together,” she said. WWW" done,” Hilaire said.
Byers said explaining his display of “'4'”? “You have to read the literature and


research to fellow students and faculty is


go to the conferences”


ood practice for what he will do in the
ture when he has to go to meetings of national
experts in his field, but here the opportunity comes
in a less stressful atmosphere.
“They’re reall goin to be focused on what
you’ve done, and ey're e e rts,” he said.
“Some of the work we’re oing is pretty impor-

Byers said the detailed work also helps
him kee up with topics of interest on the cutting
edge of the research world.

It also helps them have their results published in
medical journals.

Althou h he said he is just at the “beginning
stage” of his graduate studies, he already has some





Tmmul "BIN Elena Braithwaite, College of Medicine graduate stu-
dent, explains her research results to Mary V ore, toxicology graduate direttor.

career ideas.

“The classic role you take is to be a professor
yourself and do research at the universi ,” Byers
said. “Or you can go into research for pub ic indus-
tries and pharmaceuticals.”

Hilaire said she wants to obtain a faculty position.

“When you do teach, you get to understand the
material at a different dc th. she said. “Research
helps you present materia to students at the latest ,


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 vli‘U‘f".-‘D-pl. . 1%.». .‘


2 Tbunday, November 14, 1996, Kentucky Kn‘ml

By 0. Jason Slaplaton

Senior Stafan'rer

Freshman Annabel Kosten is taking the UK
women’s swim teatn by storm.
Kosten is from Breshcn, Netherlands, orig—
inally but spent last year swimmin in North
, Carolina at T.C. Roberson High School in a
\\ student exchange program.
\ She wasn’t exactly what you would call a 'i‘




blue chip swimmin r prospect. however. Kosten
“Annabel was a )it of a gamble ," said head

“(NT/I0“ $353?ng 225577337?

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Editor In Chief ............................ Brenna Reilly
Managing Editor ........................ Jacob Clabes
Chief Copy Editor .......................... J eff Vinson
Assistant News Editor ................... Kathy Reding
Assistant News Editor ......................... Gary Wu f
Features Editor ......................... Lindsay Hendrix
Editorial Editor ........................ Tiffany Gilmartin
Assistant Editorial Editor .................. Chris Campbell
Assistant Editorial Editor ...................... Bruce Mee
Sports Editor . . . . . .‘ ..................... Chris Easterling
Assistant Sports Editor ....................... Rob Herbst
Arts Editor ............................... Robert Duffy;

Assistant Arts Editor ......................... Dan O’Nei
KeG Editor .............................. J ulie Anderson
Photo Editor ........................... Ste hanie Cordle
Design Editor .............................. racie Purdon
Assistant Design Editor ................... Sheri Phalsaphie
On—Line Editor ............................. '. .Ben Abes

The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky

Founded in 1894 Independent since 1971
026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506~0042
Your first copy of tbe Kenmc Kernel is free.
firm: copies are $1. 0 early.





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coach Gary Conelly. “I saw the facilities she trained
in and wondered how she would adjust.”

“A lot of the people on the team had never
even swam before,” Kosten said. “It was most-
ly just for fun."

The road to Lexington was a circuitous
one for Kosten.

“My coach sent my times up here because
. his son went here for a while,” Kosten said.

Once her times got her noticed by Conclly,
Kosten visited the campus and decided that
UK was the place for her.

Kosten was hampered by having
arthroscopic knee surgery right
before she came to UK.

“That limited the amount ofdry
land workouts I could take part in,”
Kosten said.

Conelly said that they brought
Kosten along slowly so she could
get accustomed to the workout

It didn’t take Kosten long to get

She stepped right in and became



the Wildcats’ best freestyle sprinter, swimming the

50 and 100 yard freestyle.

In fact, Kosten won the 100 in her first
ever collegiate meet on October 18 against


“Annabel didn’t have a lot of problems
adjusting to our system,” said Peter Knox,

Kosten’s sprint coach.

“The only problem she really had was get~
ting used to the different terminology.”
Kosten has fit in well with her teammates Conelly


“She‘s not that different from the rest of us," said
Jennifer Clifford, Kosten’s teammate and roommate.
“She gets all the jokes and everything, sometimes she

just gets her words mixed up.”

Kosten said that she hasn’t seen much of Kentucky
yet, but what she has seen she likes.
“I don’t have a life,” Kosten said. “I never get off


Kosten has won seven races already this season
and there are sure to be more on the way.
All the same, Kosten didn't come in with any

expectations of winning.

“I didn’t know what to expect,” Kosten said. “1




she said.


Freshman Kosten making a splash withlllt swim team

didn’t know what kind of a conference it was or any-

Conelly said he wasn’t sure where Kosten
would be at the end of the season, but that he
wouldn’t be surprised if she did well at the
SEC cham ionships in Athens, Ga.

“I woul)
Annabel to be on the Dutch Olympic swim-
ming team the next time that rolls around,”
Conelly said.

Kosten is not looking that far ahead in her
career yet.

“It's a dream, but it’s four years till the next one”

d think that they will look at

Swimmer sets record

Freshman men's swimmer Nat Lewis set a school

record in the 1,000 freestyle by swimming a 9: 14.97

in last weekend’s tri-meet against Ohio University

and Ohio State in Columbus.


TAKE A DRINK Ann/live] Kosten has made :1 lug impact on the UK swim team as afresbman.

Rick Barber won the 50 freestyle by swimming 3
season best 20.88 in the meet.

Other winners for the men included so homore
Todd DcSorbo, who won the 200 individual)
and Chris McCabe, who won the 100 freestyle.



I :

Pbom Furnished


Bats end tall season with accomplishments

By David Gorman
Staff Writer

Looking back on the fall sea-
son, the mcn’s tennis team can
smile proudly.

The team accomplished a lot
and received great contributions
from unexpected players as well as
from the top players.

UK has one ofthe best players
in the nation in (chric Kauffinan.

The junior is ranked No. 2 in
the nation and is showing every—
body why. Living up to expecta‘
tions, Kauffman advanced to the
finals of tlic Rolex Regional lll
Indoor 'l‘cnnis Championship. He
will play against John James from
South Alabama in the champi-
onships. to be held in February.

“Cedric has rebounded frotn
some injuries,” Coach Dennis
Fmery said. “Since then he has
played some of the best tennis 1
have ever seen him play going to
the finals of the Indoor Champi-

UK’s No. 2 seed is Ludde
Sundin. The senior has had a fall
season to remember. He has
worked hard to improve his game
and it has paid off this season.

He played extremely well in the
All—American tournament in
Austin, Texas, winning three
matches. Sundin made the semifi—
nals in the Rolex Regionals before
losing to James in a tough match.

“I think Sundin one of the
hottest players in college tennis in
the fall," I'imcry said. “He was 15—

4, and two ofliis losses came to the
player who is No. l in college. llc
should be in the top ten in the

UK has another talented duo,
but this pair plays together.
Juniors Marcus Fluitt and Dan
Spancr were ranked 25th in the
preseason. They stepped it up in
the 11.”. Downing Fall Invita-
tional, reaching the finals.

“Dan Spancr has been a big key
to our success,” limcry said. “I le
has to play well for us to succeed,
especially in doubles.”

Fluitt was ranked No. ()3 in the
preseason and all looked well. But
the Miami native was diagnosed
with mononucleosis in the middle
of the season forcing him to stop


Ariel (iaitan and I’atrikJohans-
son have really come on this fall
season. The two met in the Sin-
gles B Championship of the ”II.
Downing Fall Invitational. The
match, which lasted 3 1/2 hours,
was even throughout before Cai-
tan came out on top.

An unexpected surprise early
on in the season was Brad Walu-

The freshmen won his first
collegiate tournament at the Mid—
dlc Tennessee Fall Invitational.
The Ililton Head, SC, native fin—
ished the fall season off with a
strong 6—2 record.

“I think that win (at MTSU)
gave him a lot of confidence,”
F.mery said. “He provides good
depth on a very talented team.”


lll0 Improvement
Ill hasehall talks

NFAV YORK —— Chances for a
baseball labor deal withered when
acting commissioner Bud Selig
failed to have a substantive con—
versation with union hcad Donald

Baseball’s ruling executive
council held a conference call, but
there were no new developments,
according to a source.

Fchr and management negotia-
tor Randy chinc set a Thursday
midnight FS'I’ deadline for a deal.

After that, free agents can start
signing with new teams and base»
hall would be locked into another
offseason under the rules of the
contract that expired in December

That deal remains in force
under a federal court injunction

Proposed changes
PHOENIX —- The pitcher's

mound would be raised and the

~x..,¢ww.M-.u..o—' - ' ~ ".‘ - - . .

use of graphite composite bats in
the minors would become tnore
widespread under rules proposed
at the general managers‘ meetings.

Dan Duquctte, general manag—
er of the Boston Red Sox and co-
chairman of the meetings, said
they will ask the playing rules
committee to consider raising the
pitchers’ mound from 10 inches to
I S.

The height of the mound was
last changed following the I968
season, during which major-
leaguc hitters had a collective .237
average and pitchers threw 335
shutouts in L625 games.


TAMPA, Fla. —— Left—handcr
Bobby Sea signed with the
Tampa Bay Il)evil Ra for an esti~
mated $3 million, t e first mar-
quee player for the budding
cxpansron team.

Seay, 18, was 9-2 with an 0.70
ERA and 122 strikeouts in 14

amcs last season with Sarasota,
ila., Iligh School.

He was the 12th player chosen


- .. ,......,-- 0 '

in the amateur draft by the White
Sox, who didn’t offer him a con-
tract within the allotted IS days,
making him eligible for free agen—

coach caught shoohmng

BF.AVF.RCRF.F.K, ()hio ——
Wright State basketball coach
Ralph Underhill was cited for
petty theft for shoplifting vitamins
at a store near campus, and report-
edly will be suspended by the uni—

Underhill, 54, head coach of
the Raiders since 1978, is sched-
uled to appear in Fairborn Munic-
ipal Court on Friday.

The misdemeanor charge car-
rics a maximum penalty of six
months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

In March 1991, Underhill
pleaded guilty to driving under the
influence. A jud e ordered him to
take part in an aIcohol—counseling

Underhill has a 356-162
record. The Raiders play in the
Midwestern Collegiate Confer—

Wacker STEDIIIIII down

MINNEAPOLIS ——- After five
losing years as Minnesota football
coach, Jim \Vacker is leaving at
the end ofthe season.

\Vackcr is one of four Big Ten
coaches who will not return next

Indiana fired Bill Mallory; Pur-
duc coach Jim Collctto announced
his resignation; and Monday, Illi—
nois fired Lou Teppcr.

The Golden Gophers are 3—6
and on a six—game losing streak
following a 45-28 loss Saturday to

Two games remain, both at the
Metrodome, against Illinois and

Wackcr, 15-38 in five seasons,
has a mandate to win five games
this season.

\Vhen he signed a two-year
contract extension in 1995, it
included the stipulation that he
would resign if he did not win at
least five.

Comp/ltd from wire report;


W’" 3—“



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Cat looking tor recognition




Pbm F mulled

”BIBBUN' Greg Lobn'ng and fillow Cats are preparing f0?“ the XVI/1C Tour-
nament, which takes place this weekend in Bowling Green, Ohio.



.. -..._..~.._..a . .

‘Lobes’ leaves

with memories

By Jill Erwin
Sufi” Writer

This season, UK defender
Greg Lobring has toiled practical—
ly in anonymity, at least as far as
reco 'tion from Lexington media
and ans.

Lobring is a sweeper, which is a

osition seriously lacking in pub-
licity. Defenders don't score goals,
the don’t have spectacular assists
an they don’t have many high-
light-reel lays.

“Every dy on the team knows
that everybody contributes,”
Lobring said.

“The ys that I’m around
every day flow it, and that’s more
important to me than having peo~
ple read my name in the paper.”

Consistency is one of Lobring’s
greatest attributes.

Until a late injury against
Cincinnati, he had started in 39
straight games. He’s missed the
last two.

“‘Lobes’, over the past three
years, has been our most consis-
tent player, day in and day out,”
UK coach Ian Collins said.

“His intelligence and his dedi-
cation really make him someone

Others obviously agree.

Last year, coming off a school
best 16-5—1 record, Lobring was
named team MVP by his team-

, .wm.....,a..-. . .

mates. He helped starting goal-
keeper Chris West achieve a
school record .69 goals against

“I got a lot of the recognition
for it, but in job was made easier
by the people I had around me,"
Lobring said.

“I enjoyed getting it, and it
meant a lot to me, but I’d
be more than happy to
share it with everyone

Surprisingly, defender is
not Lobring’s first posi-

His freshman year
Lobring was a midfielder
and scored four goals and Collins
two asststs.

When Collins took over as
coach three years ago, one of his
first moves was switching Lobring
to sweeper.

“I don’t care where I play, so
lon as I get on the field,” Lobring

“Be it in the midfield or at
defender, ifI can contribute, I’m

Lobring has formed many
important memories in his time
near the net.

Included in that is last season’s
landmark win against perennial
power Indiana University in

“We went in there with noth-
ing to lose, and we came out with
a win,” Lobring said. “That win
kind of put us on the national

There may have been a little

NO 0118 llllOWS jllSt WllBl‘O Burgess Will lantl

By Brett Dawson
Senior Smfl‘ Writer

Depending on who you listen
to, Chris Bur ess, the top-ranked
high school Basketball player in
the country, has eliminated either
Duke or UK in his quest
to make

Actually, you shouldn’t listen to

Though one newspaper report
in California says Burgess is down
to Duke and Brigham Young and
another reports it’s between UK
and BYU, truth is the 6-foot—10
center from Woodbrid e High
School in Irvine, CaliliE, hasn’t
eliminated any ofhis final three.

“There are a lot of conflicting
reports out there on the recruiting
trail,” Burgess’ coach, John Hala—
gan, said yesterday. “And pretty
much all of them are totally

Fact is, Halagan said, that
Bur ess has pared his original list
of “ ve or so top schools” down to

UK, BYU and Duke. And he’ll

his college NOTEBOOK

make his decision known on Tues—

“Ifit were a horse race, it would
be a three-way tie right now,”
Halagan said. “He has not made
any kind of decision. I can tell you
now that he hasn’t eliminated
Kentucky or Duke.”

Most every recruiting
expert in the country lists
Burgess as the nation’s top prep

At 6—10, he can play either the
center or power forward spot and
has the ability to play facing the
basket or with his back to it.

Burgess eliminated local
favorite UCLA early in the
recruiting process.

Halagan all but ruled out the
possibility of a dark horse sneak—
ing in late to snatch Burgess.

“It’s going to be Kentucky,
Duke or BYU,” he said. “That’s
about all we know at this point.”

Strike tour

IfBurgess picks BYU or Duke,
UK will suffer a rare Strikeout of

prospects who visited Big Blue

In 1992, Midnight Madness
proved vital as a recruiting tool,
with UK signing all four prospects
who attended — Tony Delk, Wal-
ter McCarty, Jared Prickett and
Rodrick Rhodes.

James Felton, a 6-foot-9 for-
ward from Bayonne, NJ, became
the fourth Big Blue Madness invi-
tee to turn down the Wildcats
when he committed to St. John’s
earlier this week.

UK didn’t receive any letters of
intent yesterday, the first day of
the fall signing period. The Cats
have received verbal commitments
from Deerfield, Ill., guard Ryan
Hogan and Neptune Beach, Fla.,
forward Myron Anthony. Both are
expected to sign today.

fOl' starters

UK lists the following as its
probable starting lineup for
tomorrow’s opener — its earliest
ever -— against Clemson: Wayne
Turner at point guard, Derek

Anderson at shooting guard, Ron
Mercer at small forward, Jared
Prickett at power forward and
Jamaal Magloire at center.

IfMagloire, a 6-foot-10 fresh—
man, does get the start, he’d be the
fourth UK frosh to start a season
opener in the Rick Pitino era. The
other three? Jamal Mashburn in
1990—91, Rodrick Rhodes in 1992—
93 and Mercer last season.

”Dill! "IO lllSlI

Though senior Anthony Epps
isn’t listed as a probable starter —
he’s started a season opener only
once in his career —— he’ll see con-
siderable action against Clemson.

If he does, it’ll give him a
chance to improve on his standing
on UK’s all-time assist list.

Epps currently ranks seventh
on the list with 351 career assists.
He’d need an unlikely 296 assists
(or about 8 per game, counting
postseason) to break the career
record, held by Dirk Minniefield,
but Epps is just 147 shy of second-
place Roger Harden.

Gator much
like Maytag

Associated Press


His classmates would never sus-
pect that Michael Younkin plays a
key role for the No. 1 team in the
country. Even some of his team—
mates didn't know who he was
after the first game.

That’s why Florida coach Steve
Spurrier had Younkin stand up
one da after practice so he could
formal y introduce the Gators’
long snapper.

“I told the other guys, ‘This is a
valuable member of our team.’
And he certainly is,” Spurrier said.

Younkin waved nervously,
pinched his lips into a grin and
thought to himself: “Cool.”

What could possibly be better
than going from a freshman trying
to survive fraternity life at Florida
to playing before as many as
107,000 fans on national televi-

Sure, he is a mere number in
the middle of a line for some of
the most routine plays of the

But that was Younkin’s plan all
along when he decided to walk on
in the spring.

“I knew I wasn't going to pla
offensive guard,” Younkin said:
“So I went with something that
might give me a chance.”

e plays the most anonymous
position on the team and stands
out as the layer who least looks
like he be ongs on the football

“He doesn’t look like a football
player,” Spurrier said. “He proba-

ly walks around campus and the
girls don’t know who he is. But I
can assure you, myself and Barry

D \

Wilson, our special teams coach,
we know who Mike is.”

Younkin has put all of his snaps
on the money to punt