xt71g15t9z61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9z61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1993 1993 1993-10-20 2020 true xt71g15t9z61 section xt71g15t9z61  




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By Holly Terry
Staff Writer


The University has given the
Student Government Association
permission to hold a rally Nov. 3 to
tell students about the possibility of
another tuition increase.

”Ihe event will take place in front
of the Administration Building
from noon to 2 p. m.

Although plans for who will
speak at the rally have not been fi-
nalized, the cost of higher educa-
tion will be the speakers‘ main fo-
cus. SGA President Lance Dowdy

He said this year’s rallies for
higher education will not take the
same form as last year‘s march and
rally in Frankfort, Ky.

In an attempt to appeal draw a
larger audience. each state-
supported university decided to

join debate
on sexuality,


By David Briggs
Associated Press


Masturbation is healthy. the
Bible supports homosexual unions
and teaching teens how to use con-
doms to prevent disease is a moral
imperative. says a task force lead-
ing the nation‘s largest Lutheran
body into the sex wars.

Four years in the making, a draft
statement going before the Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church in Ameri-
ca declares that the core of human
sexuality should be loving. commit-
ted relationships -— and not limited
to heterosexual marriages.

“It is the binding commitment.
not the license or ceremony. that
lies at the heart of biblical under-
standings of marriage." says the
statement. “In those circumstances
where a legal marriage is not feasi-
ble. communities of faith may need
to consider other ways of publicly
affirming and communally support-
ing a loving. binding commitment
between two people."

The 21-page report —- ”The
Church and Human Sexuality: A
Lutheran Perspective.“ a copy of
which was released to The Asso-
ciated Press — is to be sent later
this week to 19.000 pastors and
other church leaders in the 5.2 mil-
lion-member denomination.

Local churches have until next
June to respond. A second draft.
taking the response into account,
will be prepared for a churchwide
assembly of lay and clergy dele-
gates in 1995.

The report is the ELCA‘s first at-
tempt to grapple with sexuality
since it was formed in 1988 by the
merger of the Lutheran Church in
America, the American Lutheran
Church and the Association of Ev-
angelical Lutheran Churches.

Foreshadowing current US. fer-
ment over gay rights. mainline
Protestant denominations have
been convulsed in recent years over
demands by gay and lesbian mem-
bers that churches accord them for-
mal acceptance and the right of or-
dination. The United Church of
Christ is the only rrtajor Protestant
denomination to permit the ordina-
tion of homosexuals.

In the last two years. the Episco-
pal Church. the United Methodist
Church and the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) have rejecwd pro-
posals to loosen church strictures
on homosexuality.

ished from the sanctumies that
mucous protests by gay church
members and their supporters after
the votes. The Methodists. Episco-
palians and Presbyterians all me en-
gaged in new studies of homosexu-

Within the ELCA. the 67-

See SEX. Back Page



hold its own campus protest. Dow-
dy said.

“We had a nice turnout of 500
last year, but we hope to get a larg-


ly; therefore, we hope to see great-
er participation from the students."

Although Gov. Brereton Jones
promised college students last year



We have taken more time in planning
a‘ptodtlctive student rally; therefore,
we hope to see greater participation

from the students.

— Lance Dowdy,
SGA preSldent


er turnout this year by holding a
campus protest," he said.

“We have taken more time in
planning a productive student ral-

that tuition would not increase, the
tuition and fees for four-year Ken-
tucky universities increased 8 per-
cent for 1993-94. according to the






Tom Karells. a Shao-lin karate instructor, teaches class
yesterday at Memorial Coliseum.



Judge warns jury
to remain objective


By Michael F leeman
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — One juror's
fear prompted a judge to warn that
passion and public opinion have no
place in the Reginald Denny trial
deliberations. and that jurors must
show courage as they continue.

Superior Court Judge John Ou-
derkirk‘s quiet but firm instruction
yesterday came a day after the jury
acquitted two black men of 16
counts and convicted them of re-
duced charges in videotaped attacks
during the 1992 riots.

The multiracial jury. considering
a case focusing on the most notori-
ous brutality of the riots. returned to
work to try to decide two remaining
deadlocked counts against Damian
Williams 20. and Henry Watson.

The jury deliberated about 3 10
horas. but stopped after lunch be-
cause a womzm juror was ill. Delib-
erations were to resume today. Su~
pervising Superior Court Judge
Cecil Mills emerged from the
closed courtroom and said jurors
felt they were making progress but
needed sane rest.

The more serious unresolved

count was an attempted premeditat-
ed murder charge against Williams
in the beating of Denny. a white
truck driver. The other charge ac-
cused Watson of assaulting a sec-
ond trucker with a deadly weapon.

The court day began with the jury
forewoman, a black woman in her
30s identified as juror No. 431. tell-
ing the judge about a problem with
an unidentified female juror.

“One juror has expressed fear for
herself and her family. She didn't
elaborate." the forewoman said.

Ouderkirk asked the forewoman
if the jtror‘s fear was impeding de-

“I don‘t want to speculate." the
forewoman answered. “lt‘s possi-

'Ihe judge called the entire panel
and the one remaining alternate into
the jury box and repeated an in-
struction that they must only con-
sider the evidence and the law.

"I'm sure none of us — you and
none ofus out here —— will ever for-
get our roles in this important
case." Ouderkirk said. “And hope-
fully. you’re making the right deci-
sion for the right reasons and have

See DENNY. Back Page


OCT 201993


K6 “tucky Ke r

SGA to hold tut

' ndepenoent since 1971

Chronicle on Higher Education.

In addition to planning the rally,
SGA is circulating a petition for
students who oppose future tuition
increases to sign

SGA officials began collecting
signatures yesterday at the the Kir-
wan- -Blanding Complex Commons.
and about 400 students signed the
petition. Dowdy said.

Plans call for SGA to continue
circulating the petition every day
until the Council on Higher Educa-
tion meeting Nov. 8.

Dowdy said more locations and
times for students to sign the docu-
ment will be added as the meeting

“If somebody wants to sign up."
Dowdy said. “you won‘t have to
find (the petition carriers), they
will find you. "

tion proteSt rally



Students sign a petition opposing future tuition increases
yesterday at the Kirwan-Blanding Complex Commons.

Trustees discuss impact
of KERA on University


By Jim Abrams
Associated Press

Preparing Kentucky's future
teachers for the challenges of the
Kentucky Education Reform Act
was the focus of the UK Board of
Trustees meeting yesterday.

“KERA has had a profound im-
pact on the way the University. as
well as the public schools. do busi-
ness.‘ 'Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway said

Hemenway said KERA has affect-
ed the way UK‘s College of Educa-
tion trains both new and experienced
teachers as he introduced a presenta-
tion about the College of Education
and its work with KERA and its irri-

Dean of the College of Education
J. John Harris spoke briefly about



Drug abuse
starts today

By Jackie Flegle
Contributing Writer


Lexington will play host to.
day to some of America‘s top
experts on drug abuse preven-
tion. as the first ever meeting
of the Society for Prevention
Research kicks off.

It is the first time that such
a large group of experts on
this topic will come together
to compare notes. said Rich-
ard Clayton. a sociologist in
UK Center for Prevention Re-

The conference. which be-
gins tonight and concludes
Saturday afternoon. will cover
all types of drug abuse. rang-
ing from cigarettes and
smokeless tobacco to heroin
and cocaine. Experts from
across the country will attend.
as will guest experts from
Spain and Italy.

Among the experts who will
be on hand are Elaine Johnson
of the federal Substance
Abuse Medical Health Servic-
es Administration. Steven
Schinke of Columbia Univer-
sity and president of the socie-
ty. and May Anne Pentz of
the University of Southern
California. who will discuss
recent research on social and
community factors in sub-
stmce abuse.

Clayton says this year‘s for-
um will be relatively small. so
that as much information as
possible cm be shared He is
anticipating about 70 people
front other puts of the United
States ltd about 30 people

See DRUG. Back Page




his department‘s accomplishments
toward achieving KERA goals.

“UK continues to be a vital part-
ner in the revolutionary effort to
improve education across the state
of Kentucky.“ Harris said.

“UK is serving as a working part-
ner in Kentucky's bold education

In the past three years. the col-
lege has added 16 courses that in-
clude KERA concepts. Harris said.

“We are preparing teachers from
a very different perspective today."
he said.

“We are preparing individuals to
be true education leaders.“

Enrollment in teacher preparation
programs for middle schools and
secondary schools has increased at
UK over the past three years. Har-
ris said.


enrollment has de—

clined slightly for elementary and
special education teachers.

The decline is due. in pan. to
more stringent admission standards.
“We have about six or seven differ-
ent criteria. and that s weeding peo-
ple out. Harris said after the trus-
tees meeting

“The real issue in the elementary
and special education (programs) is
the issue of quality. ‘We are mov-
ing to get the best students we can."
In other action yesterday. the trus-
tees approved the establishment of
Kentucky Excel. a scholarship pro-
gram for economically challenged
and historically underrepresented

The scholarship is a result of an
agreement between UK and former
UK basketball player Jamal Mash—
bum. now a forward for the Dallas

Co-ed fraternity
at your service

New UK group Still in petition stage


By Heather Bolster
Staff Writer

Irene Hong thought UK needed a
service organization.

With the suggestions and guid-
ance of Ginni Button. the UK chap-
ter of Alpha Phi Omega National
Co—ed Service Fraternity is being re-

Hong. a psychology junior. was
voted chapter president. She said
she is what some people call a “re-
sponsibility chic."

Button. director of the UK Stu-
dent Voluntecr Center. is the advrs-
cr for the UK chapter of Alpha Phi

Both Button and Hong had been
looking to bring some type of stu-
dent service organization to cam-

“I think the need for this type of
campus organization is reflected by
the number of people who have al-


ready joined.“ Hong said.

“There is a lot of enthusiasm out
there." Hong said. “We welcome
everybody as long as you have the
spirit and the time."

Alpha Zeta is the name of the pc-
titioning campus chapter. 'I‘cn ser-
vice projects must be completed
and various other steps must be tak-
en before Alpha Zeta can become a
full chapter member of Alpha Phi

Until then. Alpha 7cm is consid-
cred a petitioning chapter

“At the rate we‘re going. we may
be an official chapter before the end
of this year." Iiong said.

The alternative spring break is
the fraternity"s largest service pro-
ject planned for this year. Members
are encouraged to devote Il‘lt‘lr
spring breaks to helping the com-
munity. Hong said.

Last year, Transylvania Universi-

See SERVICE. Back Page


Mew!“ teltettentudtrmtef.‘ I .


yesterday 5 newspaper. Robinson was a medical technology 3}


Sports ..





Men’s golf in 3rd
after first round

Staff reports

The UK men's golf team is
in third place going into the
second round of the Persimmon
Ridge Intercollegiate today in
Louisville. Ky. Miami (Ohio)
leads the tournament by one
stroke Over Fast Tennessee




,1 .
:g 14

‘\ State. UK is two strokes behind
\ :8 Miami.
\ - Freshman Grover Justice

leads the Wildcats with a one-
under 71. which ties him for
third place individually. Senior
Andrew Price is tied for 10th
with a 74.

Michigan State's Heath Fell
is in first place after carding a
69 over the first 18 holes. ‘lhe
tournament concludes today.



‘2- MuekyKornol,Wodneorhy,0etobor20,1m

Katfish swim laps around Cards

Rivalry not there as both men and
women take all the events in meet


By Brett Dawson
Staff Writer


This basketball season. UK will
open its schedule with the Louis-
ville Cardinals in a nationally tele-
vised game.

Next season. UK and U of L will
square off on the gridiron in what
certainly will be one of the biggest
football games in the history of this

These days, it's even a big deal
when UK and U of L meet in soc-


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cer. volleyball, gymnastics, golf —
you name the sport, and the Cats
and Cards have a rivalry in it

Unless, of course, you're talking
about swimming and diving, one
area in which UK athletics has far
and away outdistanced U of L.

Case in point: UK‘s men‘s team
for the third year in a row cruised
past U ofL 119—92. while the worn-
en‘s team cmst the Lady Cards

Swimming coach Gary Conelly
said the rivalry between the schools
has been diminished by U of L’s
lack of ability to compete with the

“It's not an intense rivalry like
basketball or the football would
be." Conelly said. “Louisville
comes in, and they know that if we
want to, we can really pound them."

Which is what the Katfish did.

UK swimmers had the best times
in all 22 events (11 each for the
men and the women). Several of
those times were recorded by swim-
mers competing in events other
than the ones they usually swim.












Grand Ballroom

Because some of the Katfish
swam in events in which they don't
usually compete, sane of UK's
times were considered exhibition
scores. meaning U of L actually
won a few events even though UK
had better times.

One of UK's exhibition swim-
mers was sophomore Chad Cu-
mins. who swam the 500 yard free-
style as an exhibition and didn't
show up in that event's final stand-
ings, despite the fact that his time
of 4:59.43 was the best among the

“(Louisville is) having a little
trouble with their program right
now. and that takes some of the
competition out of it. But it‘s nice
to get a first win,” Cumins said.

“Now we‘re going to try to get a
second win. a real big win, against
Tennessee. They're one of the best
teams in the nation."

The win over Louisville was the
first of the season for the men‘s
team, which fell 59-54 to Arkansas
last week.

In that meet, the Cats actually fin-
ished with better times than the Ra-
zorbacks, but a UK swimmer was
disqualified for going in the water
at the end of a relay.

Still, Conelly said. picking up a
win wasn‘t all that important to the
men‘s team.

“Swimming isn't like basketball
or football where the wins are real
important,“ he said. “What matters



“It‘s possible that at the end of
the year, we may come up with a
real lopsided win column without
very many wins, but still have a
vu'y successful season because
we'u qualify four or five swimmers
to go to the NCAAs."

For the women, trouncing the
Lady Cards improved their record
to 20 following their 58-55 victory
over Arkansas.

The women's team was paced by
freshman Jenny Eckert who won
the 50-yard freestyle event with a
time of 25.27, as well as the 1%-
yard freestyle with a time of 55.16.

The UK diving squads also had
little trouble with the Cards.

In fact, U of L’s women didn’t
have a diver place in the top four in
either of the two diving events. the
one-meter and three-meter dives.

UK's Tina Johnson won both
events with a score of 215.85 in the
one-meter diving and a 230.17 in
the three-meter. Her teammate
Heather Pollard was second in both
events with a 199.57 in the one-
meter and a 226.12 in the three-

On the men's side, Chris Allen
won both events, easily outdistanc-
ing U of L‘s competitors by scoring
a 231.15 in the one-meter and a
257.77 in the three-meter.




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Soccer team
to play rival
Transy today

By Brett Dawson
Staff Writer



UK men‘s soccer coach Sam
Wooten likes rivalries.

He likes it when students
from both schools show up in
thoves and cheer wildly for
their teams.

It doesn't happen too often in
the world of UK soccer.

But it probably will happen
today, weather permitting. as
the Wildcats play what Wooten
calls UK‘s most exciting game
of the year.

It's not Louisville. And the
Tennessee Volunteers aren't
even on UK's schedule.

biggest rival in soccer is cross-
town foe Transylvania.

Forget the fact that the NAIA
Division-II Pioneers are the
only team on the Cats’ sched-
iile outside of NCAA Division

Forget that Transy is not
competitive with UK in any

Just listen to Wooten talk,
and you‘ll know what this
game means to UK.

“I think that Transy is the
greatest game of the season for
this community in college soc-
cer, without a doubt.“ Wooten

“We have more people at
that game than at any other
game all year."

Wooten's excitement comes
despite the fact that his team is
struggling this season, while
Transy comes in having a ter-
rific year and boasting one of
the toughest defenses in its di-

But the UK-Transylvania
matchup goes beyond win-loss

Wooten played his collegiate
soccer for the Pioneers. and he
can still remember the days
when Transy refused to play
the UK men‘s soccer team be-
cause UK‘s squad was a club

Those days are long gone,
though. and since the Cats have
become a varsity sport. they
own a 2-0 record against the Pi-

Playing an NAIA team might
make some teams overconfi-
dent, but Wooten says that his
team will not overlook the Pio-

“Transy has a lot of pride,”
he said. “They have a lot of
character, and I really respect

Wooten has managed to find
a silver lining in the cloud that
has been his team's 4-7-3 sea-
son. He is overjoyed with the
character his team has dis-

“1t‘s been very difficult for
me because I‘ve never been this
far into the season without be-
ing up,“ Wooten said.

“But (the players) honestly
think that they can pull this sea-
son out and at least go .500.

“I’ve heard forever that you
don‘t find out who you are until
you go through a struggle. I’m
finding out who we are. and I
like what I'm seeing.

“We‘ll find our direction





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Fine Arts Institute offers home
for creative Lexington minds



By John R. Wicker ll
Staff Writer


The UK Honors Program
currently is accepting submis-
sions for the 21st edition of
Jar Creative Magazine.

Jar, an annual publication.
features poetry, prose and crit-
ical essays, as well as black
and white photos and artwork,
and photos of three dimen-
sional artwork.

The magazine is funded en-
tirely by the UK Honors Pro-
gram and is published by stu-
dents and faculty involved in
the program.

Janice Winner. a math soph-
omore in the Honors Program
and one of the magazine's
three editors, said Jar accepts
submissions from students in
the Honors Program, UK stu-
dents and the general public.

“We'll take submissions
from someone in France, as
long as it‘s good work,” she

The deadline for submis-
sions, originally Nov. 1, has
been extended to Nov. 16. Edi-
tors are looking for entries in
all areas, including artwork.

There also is a contest to de-
sign the cover for this year's

"lhc winning designer will
receive a certificate for dinner
for two at deSha's restaurant

Submissions should be from
500-700 words, and Jar will
accept works that have been
previously published.

Entries may be hand deliv-
ered to 1153 Patterson Office

Smaller works may be submit-
ted via electronic mail through
the PRIME computer system.

They should be sent to

All submissions will be
judged by the magazine’s
three editors, as well as a pan-
el of volunteers.

Final decisions will be
made before Christmas break,
and the people whose work
will be published will be noti-
fied before the semester ends.

Another important aspect of
the magazine is a monetary
award for which students in
the ilonors Program are eligi-

Barrett awards will be given
in three major categories:
poetry. prose and critical es-

English professors from
Transylvania University will
judge this competition.

Jar has featured works by
UK faculty in the past, as well
as faculty from other universi-
ties. lt does not emphasize the
publication of student works.

“Historically, we‘ve had a
selection of excellent student
work to draw from," Winner

While the editors try to
maintain a mixture of poetry,
prose and fiction, Winner said
the main criterion for inclu-
sion in the magazine is quali-

'ihe magazine will be pub-
lished next semester before
April and will be available for
free at UK Bookstore, as well
as the Honors Program office.
(‘opies of last year‘s publica-
tion still are available at both

“We‘re very interested in a
good representation of the u-
tistic qualities of Lexington
and UK," Winner said.

By John Abbott
Staff Writer







Are you an amateur artist looking
for some professional instmction?
A budding guitar genius looking for
someone to jam with? Or are you
just eager to learn a new skill?

If you any of these, UK's new
Fine Ans Institute may be just the
thing for you.

The institute is intended to pro-
vide arts opportunities for the com-
munity, said its director Tom Brotz.
It will offer a wide variety of non-
credit classes in music, dance, thea-
ter and visual arts “for everyone
from 3 years old to 103 years old,"
he said.

The institute will make it easy for
anyone, UK student or not, to re-
ceive quality training in creative
disciplines, officials said.

Previously, if people in the com-
munity wanted to take a music the-
ory class, for instance, they had be
UK students.

“Now they can just pick up the
phone and take the class," Brotz

Brotz sees the institute as a meet-
ing place for the high professional-
ism of the College of Fine Arts and

swim out swim out

all of the rogues

soon get started
right on, ride on. right on


the moon it shines down the white lines

of the highway flying put him

outside the wind roars through windows, doors

that pull him to his destination

floats oil the ground he feels the sound

and smells the scenery that awaits him
younger eyes, the thin disguise

that keeps the selection natural

that came in droves looking for in victory party
they just nod their heads and quake
the sleds u they ride them to where they’ll

it’s automatic once you've got it
griots, kings and tannen know the secret



Tom Brotz, director of the
Fine Arts Institute, says the
institute will offer courses in
music, dance and visual arts.

the community.

“More academic approaches to
the arts can mingle with popular
culture." he said.

“One the one hand, we‘re going
to offer very professional classes.
but on the other hand, we‘re going
to try to find a more popular ap-

“Both groups are going to have a
lot to offer each other,“ Brotz said.
-“It can be a kind of cross-

The institute will enable young
people to take advantage of training
the Fine Arts Department offers and


—Chrls Sullivan
Undeclared fredlmsn


0 Until/iv: poems per student

0 Allpoetry must be
typed and double-spaced

0 Include major, class and phone
number with submission


The Kentucky Kernel ’s weekly poet’s corner is for all UK students.
All aspiring poets are encouraged to submit poetry.

Send Poetry to

Poet ’s Corner

Attn: Nina Davidson

Room 35

Grehnn Journalism Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington. KY 40506-0042











meme-n." _5"/l






Kentucky Kernel, Wed”, October 20. in - 3


"$5! 17
MBTUDYK ,) ti, AsteoAtfis


will allow them to take more ad-
vanced classes sooner than they
otherwise would have.

“It can really enrich the experi-
ence of young artists, and it should
raise the level of competence in the
ans community," Brotz said.

A class that Brotz has been con-
sidering is a rock‘n‘roll ensemble
for musicians who would rather
play Hendrix than Haydn or Han-

Classically oriented students have
the orchestra and the band, but “the




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kids who play guitar and drums can
really get left out." he said.

If students have suggestions for
activities or if they would like to
teach classes at the institute, Brotz
said they should call the College of
Fine Arts at 257-1707 and leave a
message for him.

He noted that while most of the
teachers probably will come from
the College of Fine Arts, that
doesn't mean people from outside
the department cannot participate.

Brotz received his doctorate in
music education from UK.

In 1972, he graduated from the
Dalcroze School of Music in New
York, which specializes in teaching
rhythmic skills through movement

The following summer, he went
to England to study at the Laban
Art of Movement Studio and Peter
Slade's Educational Drama Associ-

From 1982 to 1993, Brotz was
the director of the Children's Sum-
mer Program at UK.

The program expanded greatly
under his guidance.

in 1982, Brotz had an operating
budget of $8,000 for the entire sum-
mer. By last year, Brotz said his
budget had expanded to more than



Bur-n it you love the Kernel




till/it'd 5lril85&

Islamic World


A Panel Discussion:
Professor John Stempel

Director of Patterson School of Diplomacy

Professor Robert Olson
History Department
Discussant: Abdollah Mohammad
Political Science Department

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1993
Time: 6:30 PM.
Place: 363 Old Student Center
University of Kentucky

Sponsored by Muslim Intellectual Student Association



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Kentucky Kernel
Established in l894
Independent since 19'”



Editorial Board
Tyrone Reason. Editor in Ouef
Chris McDavid. Editorial Edna
Mary Madden. Managing Edna
Dale Greta. Exectnive Editor
Lance Williams. News Editor
Brian Bennett, Senior Staff Writer
Meredith Nelson. Columnist
Anne Saint-Aignan, Staff Writer
Jerry Voigt. Editorial Cartoonist



Higher education study
contains information
everyone already knows





A person who graduates from college will make more money in
