xt71g15t9z5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9z5f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1992 1992 1992-08-27 2020 true xt71g15t9z5f section xt71g15t9z5f  



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Vol. XCV No. 2

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kerne

Thursday, August 27, 1992


Low turnout plagues
giveaway of tickets

Start of classe
from first-day


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Fewer students than normal
turned out for the first day of UK
football ticket distribution yester-
day because of a conflict with the
first day of classes, an administrator

Rodney Stiles, director of admin-
istrative services, said tickets for
the Sept. 5 opener against Central
Michigan “went slower than in past
years" because students had “a lot
of other things to do" on the first
day of classwork.

Stiles said between 9 am. and 4
pm. workers distributed L400 tick-
ets, down from last year.

Tom Barnes, who works at one of
the ticket windows at Memorial
Coliseum. said the number of stu-
dents who showed up for the first
hour of distribution was lower than
he normally sees.

In addition to the conflict with
the first day of classes, some stu-
dents said a lack of publicity affect—
ed the turnout.

“I really didn‘t know about it un-
til my roommate told me about it,"
said David Butcher. an undeclared
freshman who stood in line. “Most
people are probably putting it off to
the last minute.”

Stiles said he thought the Wild-

5 keeps many

cats‘ new offensive scheme in-
stalled by Coach Bill Curry would
stir interest, but he said the team
must wm some games to really get
the fans excited.

“Anytime anybody expects any
changes , I‘m sure there is excitev
ment about it and I’m sure people
are curious to see what it’s going to
produce," Stiles said. “But we have
got to start putting some Ws on the
scoreboard. That sells a lot of tick-

To obtain the free tickets, stu-
dents must bring their validated UK
student IDs and activrly cards the
ticket windows at Memorial Coli—

Those who do not have validated
student le yet can receive tickets
for the game by bringing copies of
their class schedules and picture
identification. Students can receive
tickets this way for the Central
Michigan game only.

Students can purchase guest tick-
ets starting today at 9 am. Cost is
$18 for stadium seating and $14 for
end lone seats.

Unclaimed tickets go on sale to
the public Monday. Students still
can pick up available tickets, how-
ever. Monday through Friday from
9 am. to 4 pm. until Sept. 4.









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with class

Ombudsman helps



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BVL HENSLEV/Kornol Graphics




By Mike Molloy
Contributing Writer


and don't think you can handle it
budsman is here to assist you.
“The Academic Ombud exists as

administration. By Student Rights

issue. From this information she
laGodna estimates that her offic

The complaints that LaGodna
grades, evaluations and changes

some cases of sexual harassment


the Academic Ombud by phone at


When you have a problem with faculty or administration staff,

students and administration can be settled," said Gretchen LaGodna,
a UK nursing professor who is beginning a second year on the job.
LaGodna assists in settling disputes between students and faculty/

dent brings a problem to the Ombud which falls into the office‘s ju-
risdiction, she investigates, then determines if the case contains mer-
it, requires extended attention, and sets its priority. At this point the
Ombud contacts all parties involved to cover the background of the

tions that are acceptable to all parties.

dents during the academic year. Many students are seeking only in-
formation. About 300 are designated serious cases that require in-

Students are encouraged to remember that “no matter what the na-
ture of the case we treat all material as confidential," according to

The Ombudsman office is open on weekdays from 8:30 am. to
4:30 pm. in room 109 of Bradley Hall. Students may also contact

alone, it is good to know an om-

a place where disputes between

and Regulations law, when a stu-

attempts to find alternative solu-

e is contacted by over 1000 stu-

investigate often involve unfair
in course procedure, as well as
and discrimination in the class-




[ ( ~w.~71.o.—v}~_v‘~r 1s, me“, ~-









JEFF BURLEW/Kornoi Staff

Stacey Van Cleave, 18, a buslness management freshman from Atlanta, malmalns a sunny dlsposltlon, desplte carrying a
heavy load while moving into Blandlng Tower recently.




Hurricane damage extensive
along Louisiana, Florida coasts


Associated Press


NEW lBERlA, La. - Hurricane
Andrew carved its way through
plantation country yesterday with
its now-familiar cruelty, throwing
tornadoes like darts at a lOO-mile-
wide target and pumping torrents of
rain at stonn-weary Louisianians.

Damage along the coast “looked
like Kuwait City,“ state Rep.
Hunt Downer said in Houma. Presi-
dent Bush was less descriptive but
equally dramatic.

“The destruction from this storm
goes beyond anything we have
known in recent years," said Bush,
who flew into the heart of the dam-
aged area to inspect the damage as
he did in Florida. The president met
with evacuees at a sports arena in

Andrew was downgraded to a
tropical storm early yesterday after-
noon after its winds dropped below
the hurricane threshhold of 74 mph.
It continued to drench Louisiana
with heavy rain. but it appeared that
its worst was done.

The hurrieane‘s 54-hour U.S.

rampage. the most expensive disas-
ter ever in the country, left I80,(X)0
homeless in Florida —— a refugee
population greater than the city of
Orlando. About 1.5 million people
remained without electricity.

Drinkable water, unspoiled food
and medical relief remained critical
priorities in ravaged neighborhoods
south of Miami. Search teams con-
tinued to explore wreckage for bod-

One death was rcponed in Loui-
siana, a 63-year-old tomado victim
from LaPlace found in rubble yes-
terday. Another death was reported
in the Bahamas, where three other
people died when the storm hit
Sunday. That raised the overall toll
to 20 dead.

Preliminary estimates in Flori-
da‘s Dade County alone put the
damage at $15 billion to $20 bil-
lion. although it will likely take
time for those figures to be veri-

There were no comparable fig-
ures available for Louisiana. But as
widespread as the damage appeared
there, authorities noted that it could
have been worse. The storm had

spun itself out a bit and weakened
before crossing the coastline. And it
spared the state's largest city, New

All around the low-lying south—
central part of the state. houses
were ravaged, trailer homes were
turned upside down, majestic oak
trees in front of antebellum man-
sions were toppled and several gas
leaks were reported.

Dozens were injured and at least
322.000 lost electric power. Seven
people from a sinking tugboat were
plucked from a cauldron of Missis-
sippi River waters; another seven
were rescued from a 70-foot Viet-
namese fishing boat that ran
aground in the Gulf of Mexico.

A dozen barges broke loose from
an Exxon refinery and were cor-
raled by the Coast Guard. Chabert
Memorial Hospital in Houma lost
power and pan of its roof; patients
were helicoptered to New Orleans.

“It's hard to be optimistic when
it‘s raining inside as hard as out-
side," hospital administrator Bill
Mohon said.

See HURRICANE. Back Page



An article and graphic in yester-
day's Kentucky Kernel regarding
the price of books at campus
bookstores contained errors.

Because of a reporter's error,
the article and graphic incorrectly
stated the condition of the French
101 book. It was used. The cost
of a new book at Kennedy Book
Store actually is $46, the same
price as the new book listed for
the University of Kentucky Book-

Because of a reponer's error,
the graphic incorrectly stated the
price of the Public Administration
623 book for section 401 at Ken-
nedy. It is $44.50.

The graphic also incorrectly stat-
ed the condition of a Psychology
629 book for section 001 at Uni-
versity of Kentucky Book Store.
The book was new.

Because of the errors, the
graphic incorrectly stated the cost
of the books selected at Kennedy.
The total was $416.20.

The article also incorrectly stat-
ed the difference in the total cost
at the two book stores for the
books selected. The difference
was $30.05 loss at Kennedy than
books selected for the some
classes at University.





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2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, August 27, 1992


UK student’s family wins $9.5 million in Kentucky lottery


By Karrl Smeal
Contributing Writer


For most people, winning the lot-
tery is just a fleeting thought - but
for one UK student and his family,
that dream is now reality.

James Mims. a political science

sophomore, and his family won the
Kentucky Lottery in July.

Stuart Mims, James' father, won
after playing Quik Pick in Ver-
sailles. Stuart will share half of the
$19 million jackpot with another
winner. After federal and state tax-
es, the Mims family will collect
$361,000 per year for the next 20


While the additional money has
been helpful. James said. it has not
been used for anything extravagant.
Stuart continues to work at Skilton
Paving and Construction in Lexing-
ton and James is searching for a
pan time job.

James also said his friends are

Iraq will not heed ‘no-fly’ zone,
suggests investigative committee


By Andrew Katell
Associated Press


yesterday it would not heed the al-
lies’ “no-lly zone" but sought to
defuse its showdown with the West
by suggesting that a “committee of
wisemen" be set up to investigate.

At least three other potential
flashpoints between Iraq and the
United Nations were emerging:

Deputy Premier Tariq Aziz
warned U.N. Undersecretary-
General Jan Eliasson that if the
“no-fly zone" is implemented, the
presence of UN. guards in Iraq
“would no longer be tolerated."
The 120 guards have safeguarded
humanitarian deliveries.

-U.N. weapons inspectors, with
whom Iraq has interfered in the
past, scheduled two more visits.

-Iraq rejected a UN. commis‘
sion's proposal for redrawing its
border with Kuwait.

Iraq's UN. envoy. Abdul al-
Amir Al-Anbari, said he offered a
"peaceful initiative“ to the U.S.,
French, Russian and British ambas-
sadors when they informed him of
the allied plan to protect Shiite
Muslims holed up in southern Iraq.
Iraqi warplanes would be barred
from the area. on pain of being shot

“Iraq is calling for the establish-
ment of a so-called ‘wisemen com-
mittee‘ composed mainly from
members of the Security Council,
as well as from members of the re-
gion in order to visit Iraq and to in-
vestigate the situation and report
back to the countries concemed."
aI-Anbari told reporters.

Diplomats said the committee
was designed to check on the condi-
tion of Shiites, whom the United
States and other countries claim
have been attacked by Saddam
Hussein's forces.

AI-Anbari said its purpose would
be to “defuse the crisis as well as





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August 27 12:00 and 4:00 pm.

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September 8 3:30 pm.

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establish the truth as Iraq has been
saying it."

British Ambassador Sir David
Hannay said the Iraqi offer “doesn’t
really address the root of the prob-

“We don't think it will basically
change things," added French Am-
bassador Jean-Bemard Merimee.

The allies scoffed at earlier Iraqi
offers for foreign lawmakers to visit
southern Iraq to see for themselves
the Shiites were all right.

The state-run Iraqi News Agency
and Baghdad Radio said Al-Anbari
proposed that the “wisemen” com-
mittee include representatives of
China, India. Austria, Indonesia,
Morocco, Venezuela, Zimbabwe,
Turkey and Oman.

Al-Anbari stood firm on Bagh-
dad’s earlier rejection of the allies‘
threat to shoot down Iraqi aircraft
flying below the 32nd parallel in
southern Iraq.

He noted that Iraq‘s Council of
Ministers said two days ago that
Iraq would not abide by it.

“We will consider the invasion of
our airspace as an act of aggression
and we would resist it, even by
force. if necessary,” he said.

The confrontation began with
Saddam‘s invasion of Kuwait in
August 1990. Iraq has resisted
scrapping its weapons of mass de-
struction, refused to recognize
U.N.-suggested boundaries with
Kuwait and refused to sell oil and
use some of the money to compen-
sate Gulf War victims.

On the other issues:

-The International Atomic Ener-
gy Agency scheduled a trip by nu-
clear weapons inspectors to Iraq for
Aug. 31. A UN. commission
charged with scrapping Iraq‘s mass

“all pretty cool” about the situation
and have not. as of yet, asked him
for a little extra money.

Quik Pick is one of four on-Iine
computer games, said Kim Meiman
of the Kentucky Lottery. Pick 3. a
daily computerized game, offers
various prize totals up to $10,000.
A second game, Lotto Kentucky,

requires players to match three,
four. five or six numbers out of a
possible 49 for a minimum payoff
of $2 million.

Cash 5, is a pick five game pay-
ing $100,000 if all five numbers
match. Power Ball offers a
SI(X),O(X) prize, but is held in con-
junction with smaller states that do

not have on-line systems.

Meiman said the Lottery Com-
mission also supports several in-
stant cash games as well.

The lottery was originally pro-
moted in Kentucky by former Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson to increase
state funds.



Associated Press


chairman of the Executive Branch
Ethics Commission said yester-
day it would set a good example
for Gov. Brereton Jones and other
officials to pay for their tickets to
university sports events.

Livingston Taylor, a former
state government reporter for The
Courierolournal, said he was not
taking an official position.

"My personal feeling is that I
think it would set a fine example
if executive branch officials paid
for their tickets,” Taylor said. “I
just think it would inspire confi-
dence with the public if they did
so. I’m certainly net saying it's
unethical for them to accept free
tickets at this point."

Jones said in a statement re-
leased yesterday that he felt

obliged to take the tickets.
“I want to make it absolutely

clear to everyone that not only do
I we no conflict in the governor
of Kentucky accepting tickets
to any state university’s sporting
events, but rather, I see it as a
duty of the governor to attend and
support such events.” Jones said.
“I will continue to support the ac-
tivities of the University of Ken—
tucky and all of our state‘s uni-


Official: Jones could pay for tickets, be example

versities and it is absurd to think
that a governor should have to
buy tickets to fulfill his duties as

Lt. Gov. Paul Patton has al-
ready decided to pay for the free
tickets to football and basketball
games that he receives from UK.

Jones’ cabinet secretaries. as
well as several members of his
office staff, receive two tickets

Patton. who plans to run for
governor in 1995. paid on July
27 for four tickets to each con—
test. Patton wanted "to eliminate
any doubt that he was not doing
the proper thing,” said Patton
spokesman Kevin Goldsmith.

Patton also will pay for future
basketball tickets, he said.

For years, UK has given free
sporting event tickets to all 138
state lawmakers and dozens of
government officials, but the

General Assembly‘s Board of
Ethics recently quesuoned that

tice. Last week, on a tie vote,
the board decided to let lawmak-
ers keep them.

UK is to receive nearly $310
million in tax money from the
state this year. The govemor and
legislature determine the amount.

Jones' code of ethics, which he
signed soon after taking office
last December, requires execu-

tive branch officials to disclose
gifts worth more than $1,000. The
code makes no distinction about
the source of the gift unless it is
from a family member.

For this season. two tickets
would be $238 for UK's six home
football games, and $450 for the
15 home basketball games.

That means the governa's
eight free tickets for each borne
football and basketball game are
worth $2,752.

"The ethics code is to disclose
private benefits.” said Frank Ash-
ley, the governor's press secre-
tary. "the UK tickets come from
a public agency.”

Some members of Jones’ staff
have decided to pay UK for the
tickets, but Ashley declined to-
identifv them.

Also yesterday, Chief Justice
Robert Stephens said members of
the Supreme Court have decided
to pay for the tickets or decline

Secretary of State Bob Babbage
said Tuesday that he wrote a
check last week to UK for his two
free tickets for this foorball sea—




By Kathryn Abney
Contributing Writer


Construction across campus will
be part of everyday life again this
year, but do not expect any new
projects to begin soon.

wealth Stadium.

But Universitywidc budget cuts
have halted any plans for new con-

“No new buildings will be con-
structed on campus in the near fu—
ture, just renovations of existing
structures because of a lack of mon—

No new campus construction expected

proves full funding. “Those plans
will be discussed when the General
Assembly meets next in January of
1994," Clark said.

The construction most visible to
students is the Civil Engineering
Building and the ASTEC project,
which are located on Central Cam-




.wps. \ a

Projects now under construction
include a new Civil Engineering
Building, the Advanced Science
and Technology Commercialization
Center. a new classroom building
for Lexington Community College
and the fieldhouse near Common-

ey," said Dall Clark. UK‘s manager
of construction.

Projects currently under construc-
tion were not affected by the 1992
budget cuts because they either
were federally funded or were ap-
proved during the 1990 General As-
sembly, before falling revenues
forced the state to reduce its fund-
ing for UK.

Clark said new projects will be
limited to design work and initial
site preparation for a proposed $58
million central library and a $19.5
million medical research facility.

Construction on these projects

STUDY ABROAD SERVICES - 105 Bradley Hall - 257-8139 destruction weapons said it would


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pus in the Engineering Quadrangle.

Ken Clevidence, director of de-
sign and construction, said a map
to negotiate students through the
construction will run in the Ken-
tucky Kernel.

The Civil Engineering Building,
funded with state money. is set to
be completed Nov. 15, 1993, while
the ASTEC projtxzt, which is feder-
ally funded, is expected to be com-
pleted by March 15, I994.

The fieldhouse and the new LCC
building both are set to be complet-

can’t begin until the legislature ap- ed by mid-February 1993.

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Frisbee club searching for
casual or serious members


By John Kelly
Sports Editor


Yale Schoenbom knows how
easy it is to join the LR Ultimate
Frisbee Club.

“If you cart catch a I rrsbee.“ It;

Well. you get the idea .

Ultimate Frisbee is ort~ of more
than 20 club sports offered by lYK‘s
Campus Recreation Department.
And Schoenbom says it‘s one ol
the easiest to join.

Showing up tor a prat nt st \s’lttlt
with a willingness to learn I\' about
the only requirement Ior liccotntttt'
a member of the club.

“We'll work with t‘reople.‘
Shoenbont said. “We want any
body who‘s interested tn ultimate
Frisbee — frottt casual to really se

The Ultimate Frisbee club prac
tices at the club sports llc‘ltl\ on
Alumni Drive on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings front (I put to
dusk and on Sunday alternoons.

The club ts exerted about the
coming year. One reason ts that it
is getting the opportttrttty to be a
first-round sight for :t national
tottrttantent ot lllttrrtate l‘ll\l".“‘


Sclioenborn said the tournament
begins in October.

The game itself ts a hybrid of
several types ot sports. although It
really resembles none of thent. ln
\llttfl, it ts a game that combines
running, jumping and throwing.
{Inc of the attractions of the club is
the exercise tnvolyed.

“You get yoursell irt peak car-
dto yascular condition playittg this
gartte." Sehtx‘nborn said. “The
.trnount ol physical acttvity is in
.tedtltle ”

Another attra tron ts that club
'ttctnbers aren't asked to dedicate
I‘ttjit Il\t' to the Lllll‘.

"I like ll because I can come out
rtv three or four toumarrtents," club
II!<_‘IIIl‘-t‘l' Brian Taylor said. ”I don‘t
llll\t‘ to come to cverythittg. They
_|ll\l want people who want to
play "

'I he \IIII" tt‘ateled to seven tour-
narrtents last year and plans to do
more trawling this year. itt addition
to tire portion ot the national tour-
nament that “Ill be held at l'K.

"The tournaments are really spe-
cial," Sltoenbom satd.“The touma-
tnettts nsnally get about it! or so
learns trorn different parts of the
country and you spend a whole day






70 yds.







F—--—— 40 de- -—--i - advancement towards



25 yds.









general description:


- 7 players on a team.

a score comes by
complete passes to
fellow team players
(you may not run with
tlte trisbee).

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a turnoy er.

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fields by LK Stadium.
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a re working \\'lill all

slsill levels.





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with these people. You detelop a
sort of bond. The antbizutce ts great.
Nobtxly thinks you're a jerk if you



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__ ,..__.__.-___'————


Being just like Mike
not as easy as it looks


By Jim lett
Associated Press


CHICAGO —— Being Michael
Jordan is not as easy as it once was.
nor nearly as easy as you might
think. Even he is finding it difficult
these days.

“Mentally." Jordan said. “I‘m
drained. At least as far as basketball
is concerned. I‘ve been going non-
stop from last fall until the Dream
Team finished, what now, two
w eeks ago‘.’

“I need some time to rejuvenate.
to renew the mental challenge. I
don't see myself going to training
camp. I don‘t want to step up there
half mentally ready.

“I don‘t see myself staying out
until January. either. But right
now." he said. “l don‘t know when
'hat’s going to be."

It sounds like whimpering when
grown men making millions of dol-
lars playing kids~ games say ~— on
the eve of the season. yet ~ they‘re
not ready to go back to work.

Jordan‘s case. though. merits a
hearing. And it ought to be before
the tongues start wagging. which
they will do it‘a month from now he
is not back tn the Chicago Bulls’
fold and at the center of the NBA

Jordan is tired from I l months of
constant pounding on nearly every
part of his body. But that’s not what
is bothering him. In his first inter-
view since the Olympics, he never
mentioned that once. And it's not
like he is tired of the game. either.

Just last Sunday. Jordan wan-
dered away during a visit to his in-
laws’ on the South Side and
dropped in unannounced at a near-
by playground. We know this only
because someone from the neigh-
borhood ran home for a video cam-
era. then ran the film over to a local
television station.

In one memorable sequence aired
the same evening. we saw Jordan
being stripped of the ball. hustling
to get it back and then dunking.
Very authoritatively. It made clear
that he was not tired of competition.
either. His opponents. in this case,
were teen-agers.


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No. what Jordan is probably tired
of is this running public opinion
poll on his life. on what he should
and should not do. Anyone who re-
sponds to challenges as supremely
as he does must have both pride and
contrariness in his nature. And so it
would not surprise if Jordan is chaf-
ing under all the criticism and the
demands heaped on his slender
shoulders since last fall.

He flashed that contrary side just
before the season by skipping the
NBA champions‘ visit to the Rose
Gardent. He did it again by clam-
ming up for a few days after the
book “The Jordan Rules" first made
headlines and then again when his
sizable personal checks turned up in
the pockets of known golf hustlers
and con men.

You might even say (though Jor-
dan won‘t) that his 3-point torchirtg
of Clyde Drexler for one incredible
35-point half in the NBA finals was
simply his way of making a point.

Still. everything might have been
all right tor this season if matters
had ended there.

Coerced into playing with the
Dream Team by the very same pub
lic opinion poll that was narrowing
his choices everywhere else, Jordan
responded with mirthless profes-
sionalism. He wouldn't take over a
game the way he might in the NBA
because that would be showboating
and snubbing his celebrated team-
mates. He didn‘t say much away
from the games because the ques-
tions seemed to him to be about the
wrong things.

“1 knew there wasn’t anything to
gain financially. I never got any
compensation from any of the com-
panies I worked for. I don't need
more deals. And I already had a
gold medal. I didn‘t join up for an-
other one.

“My incentive." Iordan said,
“was the opportunity to play with
Bird and Magic, who were on their
way out, and all these other guys.
To see how they practiced and pre-
pared for challenges.

“I wanted to see for myself,
where did they get the motivation?
Did they practice hard, or serious-
ly? How did they get up for games?
The way it turned out. the games
were secondary and the practices
were the real thing. Sometimes the
level of competition was unbelieva-
ble. Just that made it worthwhile."

There were other things, of
course. Card games. traveling. talk.
ing. joking and the time Drexler
brought two left shoes to practice
and pretended nothing was wrong
until Charles Barkley caught on and
needled him mercilessly.

In fact. Jordan brought back plen-
ty of things to laugh about and a
few to be proud about as well. But
there were plenty of regrets, too:
the luxury hotel flap; the you-
better-wear-this-suit-or-else flap;
the whole commercialism flap. And
he still blames Dream Team orga-
nizers for those.

“They knew what they were ge