xt71g15t9z38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9z38/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1990 1990 1990-09-21 2020 true xt71g15t9z38 section xt71g15t9z38  

Jim, 1 awn mm Minerals: dawn» to“


Russian parliament calls for prime minister’s resignation

Associated Press

MOSCOW —- The Russian re-
public's parliament yesterday de-
clared that Soviet Prime Minister
Nikolai I. Ryzhkov and his Cabinet
are incapable of saving the country
from economic ruin and urged them
to resign.

The lawmakers passed a resolu-

tion on a 164-1 vote with 16 absten-
tions that also called on the national
parliament. tr Supreme Soviet, to
“solve the question of the resigna-
tion of the entire government of the

The resolution was referring to
the Council of Ministers — or Cabi-
net — and not President Mikhail S.
Gorbachev, who has backed a
sweeping 500-day program that

UK fraternity
seeks to amend
alcohol policy

Editor in Chief

The UK Interfratemity Council
took what many called a step for-
ward last year when it approved a
blanket alcohol policy, which essen-
tially put keg parties on ice.

But one year later, the poIiCy is
drawing criticism from at least one
UK fraternity, and student leaders
are fearful that part of the policy
may be revised.

The IFC will decide Monday
whether to amend the policy and al—
low social fraternities to centrally
distribute under 40-proof liquor —-—
kegs. party balls and mass hooch —
a move opponents say would be a
step backward.

“I don’t know how the vote’s go-
ing to go,” said Ron Lee, assistant
dean of students and fraternity ad-
viser. “I kind of think it will get de-
feated, but I’ve been surprised be-
fore. Most of our fraternities have
come a long way in their thinking
about this."

Kappa Sigma fraternity made a
motion to amend the policy at an
IFC meeting nearly two weeks ago.
Kappa Sigma president William
Feagin said there’s a simple reason

“On the surface we, with other
fraternities, believe that the current
policy is not acceptable,” said Fea-
gin, an economics and political sci-
ence senior.

But not all fraternity leaders agree
with that stance.

“If that happens, a lot of stuff is
going to come down." said Phi Sig-
ma Kappa President George Carson.

“To return to our old ways would
be a huge step backwards,” said
John Tilley, president of Sigma Nu
fratemity‘ .We took a responsi-
ble stance in favor of the alcohol
(policy) in 1989 and we intend to
stand in defense of it."

The policy was approved last Oc-
tober, primarily because of increas-
ing liability costs and mounting so-



Lexington Phil-
harmonic Or-
chestra performs
tonight at 8:00
pm. at the Otis
A. Singletary
Center for the




Cats hoping
to stomp
heels at NC.

Story Page 4

; Diversions ........................... 2

: Sports .................................. 4 I
‘ Viewpoint ............................. 6
Classifieds ........................... 7

cial pressure to regulate alcohol dis-

The policy prohibits UK‘s more
than 20 fraternities from buying al-
cohol with chapter funds and bans
distribution of all liquor in the hous-
es. Already. alcohol use is prohibit-
ed in UK's sorority houses.

The reasons for the change of
heart among some fraternities are

Many students and administrators
are concerned about the hazards of
drinking. Additionally, some nation-
al fraternities are buying insurance
policies that forbid chapters from
purchasing alcohol.

Victor Hazard, associate dean of
students, said that because of this
trend, a change in the alcohol policy
“should not” have any effect on the

IFC President Sean Coleman
agreed that the effect of revising the
alcohol policy would be largely
symbolic because only three campus
fraternities are allowed by their na-
tional charter to purchase alcohol.

“It’s very possible that chapters
are saying we need to change the
way the policy is stated," Coleman
said. This could be a gesture to
say something is wrong with it. I
don’t know. From my side it’s going
to be good that it's coming up. It’s
going to send a message that frater-
nities as a whole are concerned with

Coleman said he does not expect
the policy to be Overturned, but oth-
ers disagree.

Lance Dowdy, president of Pi
Kappa Alpha fraternity, said his fra-
ternity is leaning toward supporting
the amendment, and he believes
Kappa Sigma's motion probably
will pass.

Kappa Sigma “wouldn‘t have
brought it up unless they had count-
ed their ducks," Dowdy said.

A critical factor in possible revi-

See IFC, Page 5

would bring quicker market—
oriented reform than Ryzhkov has
called for.

The Russian parliament last week
threw its support behind a more rad-
ical SOO-day plan.

The national Supreme Soviet is
now considering whether to approve
it or one of two other proposals, in-
cluding Ryzhkov’s, the most conser-

Russia is by far the largest of the
country’s 15 republics —— home to
half the Soviet people — and its
lawmakers have considerable influ-
ence in the national Supreme Soviet,
which is to meet Monday.

Under Soviet law, the national
parliament could call an extraordi-
nary meeting of its parent body, the
Congress of Peoples Deputies,
which by a two-thirds vote has the

right to force the prime minister and
his Cabinet out of office.

Ryzhkov has been under fire for
months because of growing shonag-
es of basic goods that the Commu-
nist system has been unable to pros
duce in sufficient quantity.

“The people are living worse
each year," said llya Konstantin0v,
a Russian parliament lawmaker
from Leningrad.


Captain Hook

on Wednesday.



Freshman Porter Whitney shoots for perfect form on the courts next to Haggin Hall

J UK library launches drive

to increase funds, morale

Staff Writer

The University of Kentucky Li-
braries launched a multi-million dol-
lar fundraiser yesterday to raise
money for humanities literature and

The goal of the fundraiser. called
the “Challenge for the ’90s Cam-
paign,” is to raise $3 million by July

“This clearly marks another mile—
stone in the development of the UK
library." said Paul Willis. director of
UK Libraries.

The National Endowment for the
Humanities will provide matching
funds of $1 for every $3 the UK
raises. The NEH will grant up to

UK has already received a $1 mil-
lion donation from the Toyota Mo-
tor Manufacturing. USA Inc.. which
is the largest cash gift ever received
by the library. Willis said.

With the matching funds from
National Endowment for the Hu-
manities, the kick—off total is to

raise 1,250,000.

The federal grant is the second
largest grant of matching funds out
of 41 grants given to libraries
throughout the nation, said C. M.
Newton, UK athletics director and
campaign chairman.

“This is a real vote of confidence
to our system of libraries and offers
us a tremendous opportunity. one
we cannot afford to pass up." New-
ton said.

Most of the money raised by the
University will come from friends
of the university, mailing cam-
paigns, a book auction, student
groups, college libraries within the
UK system and from other corpora-
tions. Willis said.

UK President Charles Wething-
ton. who spoke at the press confer-
ence. also stressed the need for im-
proved libraries.

“This campaign is extremely im-
ponant to our libraries and to the
University as a whole,“ he said. "A
university draws much of its
strength from it's libraries."

Wethington said the UK library is
ranked among the top 100 research
libraries in the country.

The library began the campaign
about a year ago. but had to apply to
NEH three times before their grant
was approved. But Willis wasn't
bothered by the earlier rejections.

“In this case, three‘s a charm."
Willis said.

UK recently has added a substan-
tial humanities graduation require-
ment that applies to all majors, in-
creasing the need for humanities

UK has set up a glassed-in box
next to the Margaret 1. King Library
South entrance to show the progress
of donations.

The box is about 20 feet tall and
is marked with donation increments.
Books stacked inside mark the cur-
rent total of donations.

“It’s obvious that the Ryzhkov
government could not correct the
problem. It's also obvious that the
Ryzhkov government is opposed to
adopting the radical program of eco-
nomic reforms," he said.

On Sunday. thousands of demon-
strators marched in Moscow and de—
manded Ryzhkov’s resignation be-
cause of the failing economy.

UK teacher
reflects on


Staff Writer

When Anne Shclby sat down to write a few years
ago, she didn’t know it would result in her first book.

“We Keep a Store”

is a story of Shelby's childhood

experiences in her grandparent‘s general store in Clay


Shelby, a teacher at the UK Writing Center, said it
took about six months to gather material for the book
but only about an hour to write it.

"I remembered people always saying we write what

we know,"

she said.

“I knew what it was like to be a

The unique aspect of the book is its illustrations.
because although Shelby is white. the characters in
the book are black.

Shelby said she likes the idea.

She said she sent the manuscript to an L‘tilltlf who
in turn. said he had an artist in mind for the lilthlfli-
trons. The editor silld the artist was black and would
use black characters to illustrate the story.

Shelby said II took her a while to get used to the.
idea. because she was thinking about her family when

she wrote it.

“This guy that I‘ve never seen, who's about l,‘
years younger than me. a \‘lSllal artist in New York
you know we couldn’t be any more different in a lot

of ways,

" she said.

John Ward, the artist. was livmg in Next York. and
called Shelby to ask her some questions.

“It‘s also interesting because he really didn’t know
what a country store looked like. yet he knew. he un-

derstood perfectly. n hat Ii was really about

he I n

ti kid and being in a family and being in a commune

Iv.“ she said.

Despite a few initial doubts she had about the final
product. Shelby \uld it turned out to be very realistic.
with acrylic drawings of her uncle‘s house and grand-

parent‘s store.

Each pages contains an original acryla‘ painting
which took Ward almost two years to finish.

“We Keep a Store“
“Pick of the Lists”


was listed in American Book.
in a recent fall l,\\‘UC

Shelby said it has received good reviews so far.

But ”i have had some negative response to it.“

She spoke of one bookstore representative who was
disappointed by the characters' color.

“She didn't think white people would buy it.”
said. “She said she didn‘t have that many black cus-
tomers and she wasn‘t gorng to promote it."


Shelby said she thought the bookstore representa-
tive was contributing a lot of racrsm to her customers

See SHELBY, Page 5

Wk CLEVEmEfl/Komd staff

UK President Charles Wethington illustrates the goal of $1,250,000
needed to receive National Endowment for the Humanities matching
funds at yesterday‘s Mi. King Library fundraising kick-off.




 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, September 21, 1990

I)! V15 R SI ()NS



New Prince
more varied,
on ‘Bridge’

Associated Press

Prince is back. Let's haul out
the adjectives — thrilling, auda—
cious, breathtaking, frustrating,
aggravating. They all apply.

In fact. they all apply to the
first 17 songs on Grafi‘iti
Bridge, setting this album's
tone. “Can’t Stop This Feeling I
Got“ is a unique combination of
'50s rock and '90s funk that im-
mediately indicates Prince is
taking this project seriously. But
just when you expect the song
to kick into overdrive comes an
annoying slow break ushered in
with the prophetic words,
“Pardon me for living, but this
is my world. You can‘t make
me change."

OK, we‘re willing to accept
Prince on his own terms. He
hears things others don’t, tries
things others won‘t. When he
succeeds, it opens the endless
possibilities of music that re-
tread workers such as MC Ham-
mer can't even I‘r‘mnrf‘hcnd.

That’s part of what made
“Batman“ so disappointing for
Pnnce fans. lt was paint-by-
numbers funk. seemingly writ-

See PRINCE, Page 3





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Antietam album interesting blend

Contributing Critic

Triple X Records

It’s always interesting to hear an-
ists from Kentucky and listening to
Burgoo has done nothing to change
my mind.

While this is their first release for
California's Triple X label, it has
few of the problems you might ex-
pect. That‘s because these guys are
seasoned artists. The Louisville na-
tives have been kicking around for
about ten years and have lived in
New York for several years —— play-
ing places like CBGB, honing their
sound. It shows.

Like the title of the album, the

music of this trio is a wonderful
blend. Guitarist and vocalist Tara
Key’s voice sounds like a myriad of
instruments. She handles most of
the vocals, which usually flow in
and out of the music. Occasionally
she lets the words rise to an arching
wail. It all works.

I haven't quite decided where she
fits in the hierarchy of female vocal-
ists. She has the cold distance of a
Nico; the whimsical qualities of a
Natalie Merchant On “Eaten Up By
Hate", where she duets with bassist
Tim Harris, it sounds like nothing
less than John Doe and Exene Cer-
vcnka of X.

But it seems dangerous to com-
pare Antietam too much. They’ve
crafted a unique sound here. It was a
few days before I really got around
to a lot of the words, because the


” , lMarthacouldn’tbe, Premcterttandaovemor

'f’iComriaumt by Ltoy awed, a‘ first~year raw student






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Call the
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music is so interesting. In some
ways, it's like a good jazz number.
You can just sit back and listen,
hearing the way all the instruments
mesh together. The drummer,
Charles Schultz. usually sticks with
subdued snare and cymbal work.
The guitar jangles. The bass is out
there somewhere. But you can hear
each of the three doing very differ-
ent things, every song.

There are no filler tracks on the
album. The best ones, however, are
the dreamy, sparse “Naples”, “After
The Tide" and the instrumental
“Acid Song". It’s a harsh bit of dis-
torted loudness, reminescent of the
Velvet Underground.

I’ve only got two complaints -—
no lyrics and very few liner notes.
Sorry, but that’s a must on every al-

Antietam sounds vaguely famil-
iar. They are, however, doing some-
thing different - and doing it quite
well. The only thing holding them
back is an audience. Give this group
a listen if you love your ears.


Lousiville natives Tim Harris, Tara Key and Charles Shultz are Anti-
etam. They will bring their blend of punk and folk to the Wrocklage
tonight at 3 pm. Their first album Burgoo is was released by Triple
X Record and is available at local record stores.


night, cover is $3.

tonight and $7 on Saturday.


-Goshin’s Tavern,

is $3.

night and Saturday, cover is $3.
-Wrocklage, 361 W. Short St.,

and Saturday, no cover.


-Breeding‘s, 509 W. Main St., 255-2822, Johnny Somebody with
the Atoms Family downstairs tonight and Saturday, cover is $3 Lar-
ry Redmon upstairs tonight and Saturday, no cover.

-Calico Club, 115 W. Main St, 233-0737, Patty Butcher and the
Bingers tonight and Saturday, cover is $1.

Cheapside Bar, 131 Cheapside St, 254-0046, The Bruce Lewis
Band tonight and Saturday, cover is $1.

~Coconuts, 225 Southland Drive, 278-5494, Jim Richardson to—

°Comedy On Broadway, 144 N. Broadway, 254-5653, Tim Wil-
son, Mike West and Chris Speyer tonight and Saturday, cover is $6

-Fergie’s, 395 Waller Ave., 252-3374, no band or DJ. this week-

1803 Alexandria Dr.,
Center, 278-8229, Kevin Harger tonight and Saturday, no cover.

-JD’s, 815 Euclid Ave., 268-0001. DJ tonight and Saturday, cover

-Lynagh’s Irish Pub and Grill, University Plaza at the comer of
Euclid and Woodland avenues, 255-6614, Black Cat Bones tonight,
Nowhere Poets Saturday, cover is $3 both nights.

-Two Keys Tavern, 333 S. Limestone St., 254-5000, Bad Guys to

231-7655, Antietam tonight, Af-
ghan Whigs with 330 High Saturday. cover is $3 both nights.

-2 Pub, 154 Patchen Drive. 266-0056, Jack of Diamonds tonight


Pixies (Elektra)

Living Colour (Epic)

Anthrax (island)

Gardenside Shopping

Lemonheads (Alantic)

Jane's Addiction (War
ner Brothers)

Bootsause (Vertigo)

Corrovled by Staff Writer Mary Madden

Bewitched (No.6)



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 Kentucky Kernel, Friday, September 21, 1990 - 3


Mark Hendricks, Jon McGee and David Angstrom are Black Cat

Bone. They will perform at Lynagh's tonight at 9 pm.


Continued From Page 2

ten in Prince’s sleep. The preceding
“Lovesexy” may have been an un-
godly mess, but at least he was try-

Graffiti Bridge is a comeback be-
cause Prince indulges himself while
still worrying about public taste.
And the exciting moments simply
outnumber the boring.

Let’s catalog some of the success-
es: “Shake” is an updated trashy
rocker from the ’603 with a huge
beat. “Love Machine" sizzles with
Morris Day and Elisa‘s sexy dia-
logue. The stately voice of Mavis
Staples combines deliciously with
Prince's playfulness on “Melody

“Round and Round,” sung by the
youthful Tevin Campbell, is a mes-

Black Cat Bone’s music escapes categorization

Arts Editor

There are three things you have to
know about Black Cat Bone:

- Yes, they use to be called Skin-
ny Bones, but they had to change
their name because there is a band
called Skin and Bones.

- They have an album called
Truth coming out on a record label
called. World of Plum

- No they are not a heavy metal
band. They prefer to call it “Post~
Funkadelic Blues Fusion Rock.”

“Don’t even mention heavy met-
al," drummer Jon McGee said over
the telephone.

“I don't understand how someone
can call Poison and Bon Jovi heavy
metal and label us heavy metal in
the same breath," said guitarist and
vocalist Dave Angstrom. “We have
too many different styles to be
called heavy metal and that's what
makes it cool. We can sound really
fresh instead of the same old, same

McGee and Angstrom have

The East Meadow by Zale Schoenbom











played and written songs together
since they were sixth graders in
Glasgow, Ky. They listened to
bands like Cream. King Crimson
and Frank Zappa and dreamed of
making their own music.

When they came to Lexington
they started doing that in a string of
local bands before they finally start-
ed Skinny Bones,.

“This town is loaded with talent,"
Angstrom said. “It's good to have
places like the Wrocklage where
you can go play or hear another
band. I’d rather be here than in a
city like Los Angeles with eight mil-
lion other bands."

Angstrom said things have begun
to look up for the band since bassist
Mark Hendricks joined a year ago.

They now have gotten a manager
and a music attorney Linda Mensch
working for them.

“They helped us in shopping
around our tape," Angstrom said.
“Having a manager has also helped
come together as a band. Right now
we are trying to move into areas
outside of Lexington, where we al-
ready play."

Playing the recording game has
been fnrstrating for three guys who
just want to concentrate on making
good music.

“You’ve got to be out there with
the sharks,” Angstrom said. “A lot
of music people don’t want to fly
out to Lexington to see you. We’ve
been told we should go the Bon Jovi
route and sound like him. Why

would we want to sound like him?"

Nobody has been album to figure
out exactly what Black Cat Bone
does sound like. Angstrom said they
tend to write songs as a band now
with him contributing most of the

Because each of the band mem-
bers has different ideas on how it
should sound, the music is hard to
classify and that's the way they like

“We experiment a lot, we‘ve
learned our lesson," Angstrom said.
“You can branch out and leave gray
areas in the music. That way no one
can categorize you."

Black Cat Bone will perform to-
nrght at Lynagh's Blues Emporium.




Cl A decade ago, they earned their stripes on the grueling ‘
Los Ange/es metal club circuit. Throughout the Eighties .
they stayed on the attack — on MTV, on stage. on one solid

album after another.

[I Now they're set to strike again. With a bold new album
produced by Tom Werman (Motley Crue. Poisoni.

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” J’I' 6"70‘” "”5

merizing piece of funky reggae.
”Graffiti Bridge“ is a ballad that mm m

compares favorably with “Purple ‘ W““““‘“‘“‘“““““““"‘“““""

Prince is usually a do—it-yourself
musician, but he benefits here from
collaborations. particularly with his
Minneapolis cohorts in the Time,
who are at the top of their game.

CI Stryper. They'll rock the hell out olyou.






Igor gets punished again.





“We Can @ _
Funk," the fascinating collaboration 0 TRACKS lEXINGTON Turfland Mall
with George Clinton, comes out / g
and “Tick. Tick, Bang" are unwel—
\ //
able moment here — it's a testa- ‘Ye 't
handicap. The cosmic sex-and-

The 68-minute disc is not without . .. eco
its disappointments. \ “ ,
sounding better in theory than in
practice. “Elephants and Flowers" “9
come self-indulgences.
Lyrically, there‘s hardly a memor-
ment to Prince’s musical ability that
he can maintain interest despite this
spirituality dichotomy is showing
rmysarounameedges. Do you want to attract
And by the way, what the heck is
“Gmffiu’ Bridge"? Guess we'll the Student Market. . .?

have to wait for the movie.



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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday. September 21, 1990

51 ’()R TS

: ‘Sixty Minutes’ is the news
Curry wants to see at UNC

Staff Writer

The UK football team's next try
at what coach Bill Curry calls “60
minutes of concentration" comes to-
morrow when the Cats travel to
Chapel Hill to take on the North
Carolina Tar Heels.

“Teams that don't have the luxury
of great talent have to work harder,”
UK head coach Bill Curry said
Tuesday at his weekly press lunch-
eon. “We have to concentrate on
every single snap.”

Curry primarily has been con-
cerned with minimizing his team's
lapses in performance — and for
good reason.

In UK’s loss last week to Indiana.
UK was bitten lmrd by a few big
plays after they had fought their
way back from a 17 point deficit to
tie the game.

“I felt real comfortable against
them (Indiana)," UK offensive line-
man Chuck Bradley said. “I felt like
we were moving the ball well
against them. But once we caught
up, we sort of eased of

“We’ve been practicing a whole
lot better," C urrv said. “We’re still
having letd0wns. though, and when
you have those ietdowns, you get

Curry will be looking for UNC to
try the option play.

“They're practicing it (option)
right now,” Curry said. “They can’t
wait to run it. They‘ll use two



quarterbacks. One is a big tall pas-
ser and the other one is a quick guy
that runs the option well."

The Tar Heel offense is engi-
neered by junior quarterback Todd
Burnett — the “big, tall passer.”
Burnett has thrown for 347 yards on
65 attempts in North Carolina’s
three games.

Trying to stop the Tar Heel's
passing attack will be UK’s banged
up secondary.

UK will have to do without the
services of senior comerback Chris
Tolbert tomorrow due to surgery on
his right hand. Tolbert is scheduled
to have surgery Tuesday at the
Chandler Medical Center.

The loss of Tolbert will have re-
verberating effects for UK‘s already
troubled defensive secondary. With
defensive specialist Gary Willis
who has been the jack-of-all trades
for the secondary — playing full-
time fill in Tolbert’s shoes, Curry
will have to throw out even more in-
experience onto the game field.

“What we lose is that we used
Gary at all three positions," Curry
said. “Now we’re going to have to
use true freshmen there —— which
we don’t want to do."

UNC's running attack will be led
by Eric Blount, who has 171 msh-
ing yards this season and is averag-
ing nearly four yards per carry. He
will be running behind a huge front
line featuring 293-pound senior left
tackle Kevin Donnalley.

“North Carolina as a whole is
bigger than Indiana was," UK de-
fensive lineman Jody Matthews
said. “They've got some big peo-

The weakest link in North Caro-
lina’s armor may be their defensive
secondary. And that has caused Tar
Heel coach Mack Brown some con-

“We haven't defended the pass
well so far,” Brown said at Tues-
day’s teleconference. “South Caroli-
na and Connecticut both threw for
300 yards against our defense.”

Quarterback Freddie Maggard be—
came UK’s ninth passer to reach the
2,000-yard mark with his 282 yards
passing against Indiana.

Though the Cats have lost their
last two games by large margins.
Brown won't be too comfonable
when his team takes the field tomor-

“I really feel scared to death
about this weekend,” Brown said,
“because I know he (Curry) will
have them ready."


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UK quarterback Freddie Maggard lets one fly in practice as offensive
lineman Joel Mazzela sets up to protect him. Maggard's 282 yards
against lU made him the ninth UK passer to throw for 2000 yards.

Golf team swings
into 1990-’91 season

Contributing Writer

UK mens’ golf coach Tom Simp~
son has mixed emotions about his
1990-91 team as he prepares for
tournament play in Chicago today.

After a disappointing season
opener in Colorado where UK fin-
ished ninth in a twelve team touma—
ment, Simpson says the problem is
simple — the Cats need to relax.

“We'll be playing another tremen-
dous golf course," said Simpson.
“It’s extremely challenging and
should be good experience for our
young golfers.

“We need to play as relaxed up
there (Chicago) as we do here in

practice rounds. If we do, I‘m sure
we’ll move from eighth or ninth-
place up to the top three."

Though the Colorado Invitational
Tournament produced less-than—
spectacular results for the golf team.
Simpson feels the trip was a good

“It was a tremendous touma—
ment,” said Simpson of the 12-team
field and the 6,290-yard Fox Acres
Country Club Golf Course. “The
course was beautiful. I’ve never tak-
en a team to a better tournament.

“After two rounds, I felt we were
in pretty good shape. We just didn’t
play well on the last day and we had
a fifth man that was playing in his

See GOLF, Page 8


8t 25, 1990.

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UK runners
to debut
in Canada

Staff Writer

UK cross country coach Don We-
ber will debut the 1990 UK men’s
and women's teams this Saturday in
London, Ontario at the 16th annual
Western Invitational Cross Country

Bob Vigars, the University of
Western Ontario cross country
coach and meet chairman, said the
running competition annually fea-
tures top Canadian and American
universities, such as Penn State, Sy-
racuse, Yale, Waterloo and UK.

“It’s a real treat to get UK," Vi-
gars said. “Our team used to' run at
the Horsepark and we really loved
Kentucky. I hope they (UK) enjoy
the same cultural experience we
shared in