xt71g15t9w10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9w10/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1972 1972 1972-09-18 2020 true xt71g15t9w10 section xt71g15t9w10 WUCk an inde ndent student newspaper
y Vol. LXIV No. l3 9'3
Monday, September 18, 1972 University of Kentucky -
Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
« W 1
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_ umwm e sen 8 me, P ace on manner I‘ll es
5' | ' d It f I ' ' - — 7
_ to mg etory 5 es or approva or reiecflon ’ . ,~ ~ f
By MICHAEL CARR Zumwinkle said no demonstrations may sultation with the dean of students and the . . ) I
Kernel Staff Writer take place on the Med Center grounds, director of public safety, . I , ., ‘
The new draft to the Student Code Maxwell Place or any street or driveway protects rights , / .
concerning time, place and manner used for vehicular-traffic. . ‘ “It (the draft) may look as if it limits L , i ‘ x. i.
of on-campus demonstrations is now in the One of the most important paints in the people, but the effect is to give assurance . i. h i , M1? ,
hamls 01' Dr. .OUS _Sln_81etal‘yi UK document 18 the Rule of Reason. that the person’s rights willbeprotected," . ‘1 J I,
preSident, where it awaits final approval. This gives the dean of students power to said Zumwinkle f 3,, .. .
o - a M ' . .
The _d°°"me',“' °°m9°s°d by D" “be” Sleny the use Of an area} If, .m his Zumwinkle was first asked in the - i- ‘ i ., If x 7
Zumwmkle . Vice-preSIdent for student Judgement, a demonstration disrupts summer of 1971 by Singletary to developa t -
affairs, defines the. rules govermng all University activity or ‘jpresents an im- time, place and manner policy. , . s . , , , 36,»
campus demonstrations. _ minent threat of physical Violence or After about six meetings with a con- it ’2 - aft-J
Since reViSion 0f the Student (.30de m the destruction 0‘ property. sulatory group, a draft was formulated but , "
summer of 1970, no rules for time, place Disruptive situation not finalized. , - ..__ _T
and 'manner have existed even though “The Rule of Reason replaced a long list “The first draft was too cumbersome so - I. (It! ,
Section 3.4 states students must obey time, or. situations that would. constitute a the average man wouldnit read it," said - . .,
place and manner: regulations during disruption, 531d Zumwmkle. Many Zumwinkle. “Regulations of this type I /'_ 9 . ——
campus demonstrations. things are Judgmental in character. The should be something to be understood,” he ,9 ,
The new draft allows for two administration just can’t anticipate added. I .g _- _
“designated unrestricted areas” where everything thatwouldcauseit to say cease M d'f' dr ft . . i .g
blies may be conducted anytime the and desist u said Zumwinkle A 0 1 les 3 . f
355.8!“ . . . . ’ , ' Zumwinkle modified and shortened the 1' ° '
UniverSity IS in sessmn. These are located Should action be taken by the dean of d f h . 'th th I, a:
tot’ Alumni Gym and on the Student t de ts his decision ma be a aled raft. A ter anot er meeting w‘ . e i‘
wes . s u n ' y ' ppe group last month he presented the final 1‘ _ .
Center patio. h either through the vice-president for draft to Singletary. f . .
Free 599“ {"93 student affairs or the University Appeals Zumwinkle believes Singletary will give J _.
“The administration building lawn had B , d , V , _
been a free speech area in an earlier oar - his approval to the drafts content in'the ‘ r
.. - ,. .i - However. Zumwinkle stressed “the “very near future." After Singletarys ‘ ' I.
draft, said Zummnkle. but because it _ . . . . 1 ._ _ , . _
is occasionally used by ROTC and the black and white elements of the doctrine approval the guidelines would be availab e :7. .. I H,
C ~ - - - - - would be invoked only as a last resort. m the dean 0‘ students office. _ g .3 .-
ollege of Engineeringitis not included in _ _ .. . _ . 7 _ .
the final draft .. “The dynamics of the regulations are Dr- Singletary. needs “me ‘0 consider f . .. ; I e ';
Zumwinkle added the lawn is available that they eXist," said Zumwmkle, “But Lillie rgegmemgnilggrons Sgitdhglifr1$isle£lzally g .
on a reservation-only basis, but generally the dteantof studehjts Willttalktzn? do all he ‘ P‘pMost students upon reading .the » - . >
t' -S needed. can 0 s op any isrup ion 3 occurs. . ,_ _ i-’ . _ ..
only Short no Ice 1 The draft also permits marches of document carefully would see It as ‘3"? ( "if", infirmnrhz [lead
Other areas available on reservation groups larger than 20 provided the planned reasonable.“ said Zumwinkle. ”1 think all til: u: I; f": a. 'Sf'th' "If” Tn" :13,
only are indoor facilities, recreational route does not interfere with normal membersof the UniverSity community see X“? ”"..l""‘l‘ .0" Nth: ”(h‘ l ff
areas, the stadium parking lots and University activity. the need for these guidelines, provided Phl'h )"J‘mL 95- 010 .\ -c
residential areas of the campus. The route must be planned in con- they‘re reasonable," he said. " -' .‘
' " ; " ~m533§~$ . é?» 35 Eld ff d ft d 7
we V as V a " er 0 GI‘S I‘fl (I VICE .
i“ y . I I' I ‘- MM .: Freshmen seeking draft counseling “1 don't feel qualified enough in this — -
._ I 1 £36 I ' " I as» should try not to worry, according to Bob area. but I can recommend those who —: ,
we? . . .v .' '1. f "if , . . ' “fife ‘ Elder, of the draft counseling office are," said Elder.
Egg _ . .- 3.; . 7 it: 1.333% located in Patterson Office Tower. Elder offers the same advice to graduate -
" '- - : I , f 3 1’ I - . ' $923.23. “I inform students as to what laws there SiUdcnts. Careers in the Public Health —
”x32;_ '-. 3135., g If , f“: ' ¥ are and of any changes. I try to keep in- Service COllld be considered for grad ' ~ ' —
_ :3, ‘ Q: 2 x. - ' "‘ 3" formed," said Elder. students since individuals in this field are
\g}; g, M I 2 ‘gflg‘ . ' V . ‘ " According to Elder. if a freshman with a draft-exempt.
'th r"",:-»: a. “ {1% . _ . low number does not WlSh to go into the "It's becoming less and less of a ’—
, 3 5‘" . " . " __ service, he should look into other alter- roblem because of the lottery, As of July
. M ,. . p
‘f MM“ ‘9 natives. 1, they (students) have the option of
' 1'4 ~ - ‘ .- I: “I?“ _ ROTC. the National Guard, the military joining the reserves or the National Guard
:5? i ' I I ' A , _. , reserves or conscientious objector (CO) instead of serving in the Army,"he added. _
' ‘: , ' M . W . .- "‘ status are a few of the possible choices. ‘ .
, o 7 . If a student wants to declare CO status, l try to be objective 'andto have the
Foggy Moun'au' man Elder can advise him on the procedures student look at himself, said Elder: l.
and will recommend more qualified want the student tobesurein his own mind
l-Iarl Scruggs picks a little Bluegrass music for hand-clapping. foot-stomping fans at persons to talk to. by finding out all the information.“
the (‘oliseum last Saturday nite. (Photo by Jeff Beatty)
# -
U; ad h '
«IE MS! 9 t 9 Name Today- A
i 3 ° "' ‘
'K‘ ‘ " On page 4 is a story about the People‘s Party Apparently those 0'9 dog days
73““. i a proposal that may provide GLF with a way to use dog_day urc gonna‘bc wuh us until at least
/ ‘ ‘fl University facilities. More info on the new through 1905“)" "'3“ ”day '5
' \V __ marijuana laws concerning first and second of- “would in! the 80's w'u‘ lows
/ ' fenders is on page 5 and an article on UK‘s victory rerun tom" m mu hos '0 ow 705‘ H'gh
”’ \ " "‘ ,. , - - 'I‘ucsday. near 90.
,. A over Villanoya is on page I). -
Q _

 The Esliioiixmn 1894 AssistanlManaqngdifOI Katie McCarthy Edit a I
lot in .9 I mos axis an Man in EdO'OI Neill Morgan 0
KentUCky 51‘1ltxlq0llqczd'20fM:3":May'tn :S\Is:fln: Man::in: Editor Dean Crawtora | ['0 S
Editoiml Laiioy Gveq Hartman's Assistant Managing Editor Mike Board
Kerne' (.HHUU\ Editor Mike Yierncv Edilouals represent the opimons of the Q‘UI'OVS not 1hr UHIVQ‘V'H'V
New retest rules , 2 a”
'2 . . 2 . ‘ \‘ . « . , . (reassign/4;
P . ,2 i2. ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ / :‘ ‘2. , , 2 , WW W-
should be tried 1 t . . . ‘ s2 . 2 l . ,,~,,
, 2 22 . ‘ /, ,.: \ , it?! _,
. . 5/ i igfi; ,. ~‘ F‘Q‘ l g”?! : , ’
It t00k a year Of arguing, mind- 2/ / :2 i 2 PRISW 2 4‘ ~ it , . .
. . . //:/, fl: ,/ 4 I: 3; it?- \ \\. ‘ s‘. _ i‘ . 5, I mm :mwamw. : I, ,
numbing committee meetings and ////Z / i ,1. \ “‘.\ “w. , 3 .I'fi _ ., 2
voluminous drafts, but it appears ; {/2 2 i 2 2; SYS «\ . . 2 ., 2 ,, ,,
. . zw/:‘/:'/: 2/5 . 2322;;gt l ,, ' , 2 ’
,. «m 2 iiiffiézi - ’ " " I
UK may finally be near havmg a // , 2 2 WHOPEE‘K b _‘ "Ky; . ,2 2 1.. ,, ,
written policy dealing With the , I’ ’ t , i\_ I” ,1 ‘ "/ 22*"’”’*% ' .
time, place and manner of student f ., , , , Mg 2 .g , . 2 2 '2 t, (“/9 a ,
demmstmiwnsz / , 2 a O. it A - " ”I ‘1‘ 2
The ,Umversny has needed / 2 . 2,. ”0114. 2'2 ~~ 2 .
gmdelmes for handling mass / : i 42 W ,, , »
campus protests for a long time. M“ x g {/22 ' , y \.\\ \\,, .. m _, » ,
. 2, ,7 g t2; 2 , 2 ,1 I , ' " “t .-- - 22
In the last two years reactions to // 22; E4325; , , , \ f 2 2 ‘
demonstrations have ranged from ,' /// 2 ‘32 i étiégiiiit , 7;]. $1
tear-gaS-thI‘OWIng sprees by .24/ 232 22‘222 2 ’2 y“) 4 7 2 2
National Guardsmen to arrests to SBAWBUT flint; it; 2%,: 74/ \- 2 ti ‘2 ,
S‘mPIY watChmg- “”0 SUCH 3’ 2% i 22 ».< , i ‘=:2 w
2 n AGREAT WAT 222 it; , . ~ I ' ,7;- , , , .
30 we re glad someone as gmwggg/ 2:2 :2 g :22: , : ," ’ /Q/ 2,2
finally tried me down a definite 2 ‘ - \\ my I 2 22%;,- ~
Done» A number of formerly . ' ; . _ 22/ ,x-
' t are cleared u in the /W 2 ig% ' ”/770ch ., . 32/ 2/2. . ””2222: My
. vague pom S p 2,. ’/ . . /////////////”: ,, ,
proposed draft: where and how to " ' ' ’ ' ' '
reserve buildings and areas for
' ' O O
planned protests, prohibited zones H Ew b t b I b
and the Dean «Students, powers. ureaucra s ung my sex ias case
But we do fear the document _ _ . . _ . .
The facts seem obVious: The And the Univers1t Is now in the dra in .It has madea 00d faith
may be too broad and vague. For . _ . . _ . . _
instance, the Dean of Students is UniverSity, accused last Sep- odd posmon of being ready to take move in appomting a woman,
to decide if demonstrations are tember of sex discrimination in its anti-discrimination Nancy Ray, to head development

getting out of hand by applying the hiring of faculty, ad- “medicine”,and finding no one to of an “affirmative action” plan

the “Rule of Reason” defined as ministrative and staff members, administer it. for ending discrimination.

determining if demonstrators are has been placed on the hot seat of There seems little doubt that _

acting like “reasonably prudent” forced obedience to federal rules women have been Victims of The only remaining concluswn

persons. Whatever that may against sex bias. The UK Counc11 discrimination in almost all seems to be that the Department

mean. on Women’s Concerns is eagerly segments of the University of Health, Education and Welfare

Still, we think the proposed awaiting a promised investigation community. The CounCil on is more enmeshed than ever in the
time, place and manner of the changes by the Department Women’s Concerns report which legendary federal bureaucracy.
regulations are worth a try. If it of Health, Education and sparked the original complaint And is past time for the sofaned

, does happen that they limit first Welfare 8 compliance team. showed women here were slotted “compliance” team to unload the
amendment rights, they can—and The HEW. compliance team, in the lowest-paying and lowest lead from its briefcases, and get
will be_nullified through the meanwhile, is only now getting ranking Jobs. to the business of equalizing

' (t n u o o a o o n

University judicial system or the around to sending an advance It is difficult to blame the opportunities—if indeed it ever

courts. man” to survey the UK problem. University for the current foot- intends to.

' . convenient on campus. women ’s collective, as well as the rapidly The candidate for US. Senate spoke for I

CYCI'S'S be cafer' Marion Jordan proliferating women’s groups (KWPC, an hour and a half outlining his proposals

lwas most interested to read in Frida ‘5 I775 Mooreland Drive IWPC' WEAL‘ CWC‘ WOMEN) should for legislation yet your entire article

Kernel that the Plannin Commission hyas Lexington havetbeen covered by the Kernel. centered around questions WhiCh were .

r ed tw k gf b‘k th f It IS likely. however, that the Kernel asked in the last few minutes of the ‘

53:25:02] art's]: wiwuldobe l e p at tsh' or I does noteven know of these. Instead it fills meeting. 1

. certaifilv for studeiit a d ffgrlefh t ”igt Raps women 5 coverage its pages with hysterical reaction to in- Iam not doubting the importance of his (
~~ 5‘ n _99 a a 0 . Significant issues. The Kernel is out of stand on abortion and grass yet is not his 1

of faculty.staffand others might commute The only sentence in Thursday’s - ’ . E

. . . . . touch With the campus. as also demon- stand on the war defense spending and the

by bicycle if it were safer. editorial on the Free U. poster which - . . . ‘ . i

w . . strated by erroneous editorials on the day environment Justas important and equally
(yclists. however. must bear some made sense was the headline—“Poster . - - . . . t
. . . . . . care center (the origin and progress of woth mentioning? Incomplete stories such
responSibility for their own safety. Many controversy barely worth noticmg." An . - . . i
~ _ , . ~ . _ . which was completely distorted) and on as this one do on] har t ll erned
do not seem to inSignificant inCident which was handled y m 0 a conc
. - _ _ _ the student store (which is not a money- and l urge YOU to rectify the situation you
I have never anywhere seen so many in about30minutes by CounCil on Women's making project) have created I
cyclists riding against traffic on a one-way Concerns members and Free U. coor- The - l . . '. . .
. . se mi t k l ' '
strcct. going the wrong direction in a dinators was needlessly belabored. . S a es p us 8.13.110.“ editorial Perhaps an in—depth interView With Mr. (
, . _ , . , . analysis reflect an unWillingness or Bartlev would help clear up some of the
traffic lane. ignoring traffic lights and The poster per se was not important and ~ - - . 4 . . ” . . ‘
. , _ _ , , . inability of the editorial board to do misconceptions you have created in many
never giving hand Signals. This is un— no CounCil member suggested it was. . , . . . . . . l
. . . . . careful. accurate. and serious ”1- people s minds. In fact a series of articles
iimiing to tho (il‘ltt‘l‘ oi ii car. to say However.the issue of sex1$m is important. vostigatorv work - ,~ - - ‘
nothing of (fungi-mus to thc cyclist The low percentage of women faculty " ‘1 V' to; interyiews with all the candidates for l

I am not referring to children. but the members. the low pay scales for women A argarctczendelsdorr e ( .\ arious offices. would be of gr?“ I
t'nivcrsity students and other young workers on campus. inequities in treat- (‘ouncil W f'rf‘m'm" nervice ‘0 the UnivehSIty community.
adults who are hopcfully mature and in: ment of women students, sex biased on omen '8 (oncerns diam I urge you to repair the damage you '
telligcnt enough to know that cyclists must testbooks are issues that the Kernel should it] cjirillflbh‘mg the paper up to the standards
follow the same rules as drivers. have dealt with. Di n 0'

Reference tothc “archaic City law which More accurate and extensive coverage 8 ked Barney Story _ JOh" Metcalfe I
now keeps bikes off sidewalks" is I think of the actions women‘s groups are taking; . Has the Kernel dropped to a new low in Agriculture sophomore . I
out of order. Cyclists deserve a chance to such as the formation of consciousness- Journalistic efforts 0l‘ are you just totally tl‘lditor‘s note: The Kernel. HS in past t
proceed safely. but so do pedestrians. raising groups. abortion counseling and opposed to William Bartlcy and People’s elections. will run interviews with each of t

The bike network is an excellent idea. the free clinic. the WBKY radio program, Party? The front page article on Thur- thc candidates. They are in preparation 2
and as a corollary the University should the KETV series. “Women in the ivory sday, 'Sept. 14. was the worse piece of and will appear in the newspaper in Oc- '
takc steps to make biking safer and more Tower" publication. the newly established reporting that I have ever seen. tohor.) l

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. September 18. 1972—3
> ' 400
Ommenl e“ at
4% ’ can
. I ) \
. . . o C
' IIIIOT (ISSOI S emu e (IC'I’IVISTS ~—a——— 5°
' e o o < \Cm‘y » 1
By '.".)HN JUNOT . The conclusion is obvious. biit now a pleasure from females. is not to advance '
cofnnrigiiiita‘ndAlcsilinflsi-thiatiiesjm: write this historical argument. . _ equal sexuality. but a‘sexuality. Nothing; 2012 Regency Rd- -
h ‘ 3 ea 0 regret i One constant protest of women actmsts sexual nihilism. it defeats their purpose. In Southland
ave always had great respect for the has been against being “treated as a sex This, perhaps, is the tragic flaw of the
campus women 5 groups. They are the object". No one has noted the irony of this. women's movement.
most well-organized, effective and for that position is at least a partial Banning the Free u poster is symp-
together or any movement groups. reversal 0i the past goals Of the women's tomatic of this trend. Women activists on C I,
More importantly, though, they are the movement. this campus are in danger of Succumbing ar 5
_ ggiiligzgonadcgfsigngmfgétxflra hi? to a rampant Mrs. Grundyism. Already at M u sic Ce nter
thinking and analysis from the 5009'" COII‘N‘OI tltjixF‘tiiiaenykhg‘dienZigefid from Gloria Steinem
psychological to the soCiological to the Roughly speaking, from WWI to the How odd toseeour local women activists BUY A GUITAR,
political. Because of this, I have always publication Of “The Feminine Mystique,“ attack an innocuous photo taken by Mike GET CASE FREE
felt women’s liberation to be the most sophisticated and intellectual women Walker a male while giving away other
important and significant aspect of the fought to be regarded as sex objects. That more explicit pictures made by a women‘s . . -
Movement. is, they struggled for public acceptance of collective. -' 3“ i ’i tit" 5‘ '
So I have avoided public criticism of the sexual nature and needs of the female And how odd to see these women the l" in" 151 03.":
their excesses and absurdities; and there and the destruction of the virginity bedfellows of the John Birch Society and
: have been quite a few. Ifigured they WOUid myths. She demanded control Of her own Richard Nixon who would love to ban
i recognize them and resolve them them- sexuality, but it was first necessary that filthy pictures from the campus. But, of ’
i selves. her sexuality be openly and non- course, if Nixon or the Birchers tried it. we
But the recent flap over the Free U. hypocritically recognized. would suddenly have hundreds of instant ‘ ‘
catalogue-poster was too disgusting to This goal has been accomplished, biit it female civil liberties fanatics. xv
remain silent. There was a cry of “sexist" has been only 3 partial victory, for female But let 1 d ‘th 7'\\" t 3‘6 i\ I -
by women activists; the catalogue was sexuality is Still largely the property 0f the my fellow $230223; :eewnlmal: $35325: ./\\;- sk’ Qfi‘
censored—and let us recognize that action male. Women today are seizing their own ' 7 ‘ - - WM ‘ ” «liter i,\ . .
. _ , . . . . fall prey to Penis Guilt: the (noneXistent) ~ - ,- §'\\\
for the ugly thing it is; the Free U. was sexuality from the male inch by lnCh- collective uilt of males for 0 ressin 3 5‘3
compelled to get rid of the first But I can absolutely state that women fim I 'g H] d b , ppt' ,- [g “52/“ y: a
h catalogue will never have complete control and e , 3 es ms' e y women ac ms 5‘ I 00:06}? J if“;
' defining power over their sexuality. To unintentionally or otherWIse. 6 ° "/3800 ”J 1
1’ CC‘IGIOQUG I10" SOXiSf that degree that a person is only what Instilling guilt for the way one was ’6‘ +6 9’ m“
It . other people think he is, and exactly to that born—by race, class. or sex—and trading L 45 1h 3
n N0W~ i Wiii prove that the Free U- degree, men will always “control“ upon that guilt is a cheap. petty. sordid o 3.1.7
Catalogue is not sexist, biit that the women — 0
who acted to ban its distribution are. . . V
Look at the Free U. poster‘ then turn to Jon" Junot, U '97] "K graduate, has long been a flMthf 0.
2 age 221 of the WholereEegvtvhofefngil: (hair-twirling) campus figure. An actmst, he once talked uessme number otsmngtin
ere you Wi see a V o o o o 0 0t staples in “1e jar-
3 and Their Bodies," Written and distributed on arres,'ng Off'cer 'n'o buy'ng h'm a meal. he jar is approximately squar.
I by the Boston Women’s Health Collective. — 3" x 3" x 43,41". Look for th.
’ Two pictures accompanying the review. women’s bodies and sexuality. The con- trick, prehistoric in its origin. [Lifehgb‘elyctit g5” egfiité‘éfi-dmon
- taken from the pamphlet, show-a nude verse is also true: in that coming day of As women demand not to be oppressed allyguaranteed. ltstaples. tacks
i woman with breasts and pubis in plain true equality of the sexes women will for possession of a womb. I refused to be mends and costs only 986 sug
E sight, and a baby sucking a breast. likewise define men. oppressed by guilt for possession of a oested retail price at Stationery
- The point is: women‘s groups have been So for women activists to demand that penis. And the only times 1 will bow down ariety and College Bookstore
. distributing this booklet from the Student men never regard women as sex objects. to a woman when I know she‘s wrong is in Wthchi get/9n sligglgibaggslehnny
. Government office for over a year! to publicly and blatantly derive sexual a formal introduction or cunnilingus. fiand Staplergs for $1.98 each. ,
' Fill in coupon or send postcard N-
h d E t s m st b
Sgetcmgfkeedmteymtrxleov 3t; H1372 aund re
d b D. 8 1972 Fr .l decusm
. . .un aymon noc s a Kerne story giléfilndepei‘ifmntwdqmg onrzianizatlon
In case of tie. a drawmg determines .
inner Offer subiect to all laws an
By JILL RAYMOND least the potential of a payoff—either in oiit, as itl‘appearst on_such geatlyIPundled Iglgdgfggv-IMI’II/fgefgu-I“g'ungsseofigf‘d
Well [thought id suffered through my security. money. status or some sort of mines as campus actIVIsm and student he envelope, lower/ellhandcorner
last Kernel expose on all the various attainment—in their lifetimes. radicals“? How any of them keep from ’I”-‘~~‘
r breeds of radicalism which pervade the Secondly,they are often atastage where quchucskiIngsaltmthfn veryanutseevrgn tchoolie (’4 ”“4133?“th \l
5 UK campus. but I see by the issue of they need to pick a cause celebre to show p rase s o g ’/ SQ ‘ “z” ‘~
. Monday,Sept.11,thatlexpectedtoo much. everyone else what “Side they are on, prehend. . . 1’ egg. s: ' «e s“
: After this paperts attempt last spring to and play Don QUixote, at least for a The nature of such minds is best I 3:“:th V? "e 4.32M: I I
' - analyze SMC. the success or failure of semester or two. exemplified by one comment that was I t _,‘ I
2 student protest etc I submitted a letter — included within the article: “Personally, I I _ ‘”‘. .w I .
(which was published) with the plea that 15" Raymond is a ium'or ”mm W. " r9,” is "we“ mm 'mpmiam : i & T‘,*3t~f.v.z:.:i='-M> i :
‘ -. - than petitions. What more can I pOSSIbly 33);...I.g_,t-:)b,’\ *dfy'
the Kernel cease and deSist its absurd, . . . . 9 _ . I I. tees?!» I) “It... I
sterile. and imperceptive accounting of manrmg "I English. She scream about 3 That line says 't all. I ,thZ-vfzgswat ‘f-tt,’ . I
what at least used to be human (whatever I! k d . I. P I I Now, what gives me the authority to be I <§"x:"gx_e Lil t I
else they might have been) efforts at 08 NOT 9 W" GOP e 5 iii e22302222f530];3£; migzindthi'odild—l I “gt"? 3'; ». l .
ideological change. f . ' _' m3 - I . ---‘:;;‘;3_._:._.I«;.. flag/,3 . I
Fvidentl Iwasn't outrageous enough in Party, SMC and "I9 interview you about this stuff. as I was I ‘w\\52 ’7‘. . I
th‘lt letteryso I will try againi , . , askedin one hasty phone callone night last I Q“ ‘ We " -. I
d i . . Ken'UCky An""mper'a"sm Spring‘ from a Kernel reporter over a I I. \\ ..,...: ' I
[was personally horrified by the article .- 'l' . t' -l . F r C d's sake The an» I ,0“? “~./\\ I
of Sept. ll, beginning with its headline Movement. hiiiii‘it‘ “it t“ 0 '0 ‘. ~ . . . , l tlpxpe‘thigaogiflim . _ I
“The Last Hurrah" through to its final 5“” ”Jittouree‘ for nothing. ‘0 mi space I 300 Tots mm the I I15, I
. s . f ll f _ (in the back page to make me feel im» I Sl'w’estmtheia" 135/ I
non-sequitur. For it has been a down a o . . . . . , I Swlngllne Honda 6 \ l
visible student protest that it has usually The result is that what might have come portant or whatever. . I p o Box I I
been conducted in the spirit ofa spectacle about over a deep political. economic, or Authority here is rarely ever given; I I New York. N Y 10016 I
and an amusement social issue becomes a ridiculous circus; a just went ahead and took it. I suppose so I THERE M15— STAPLES'N THE JAR l
' chance to appreciate one another's long that I could assuage in." own ego. and yell I Name ,# “AA- - ____.|
. . hair, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to again into the bull-horn. as it were. myself I I
need ded'cohon yell “Fuck You_l” into a bull—horn. But the time is approaching. I certainly : ”0'9” ,I
Of course, those who‘ve dedicated their My point is that these tendencies are hope. when we will have to read. listen to. I out,” , _ "“l
lives to such work—and I mean their aided and abetted by amateur and inept and put up with the assertions of all our ISM“? 72,0 ,_,Hi
‘ livesiknow that it is essential to retain journalism, all which we need less of. not self-appointed authorities me. you. them. I I
their sense of humor and perspective more. It seemed to me that the article in or whoever no longer By then. we Will I"~’"‘°"°"° ”0 ' “—"rI
toward what they are doing. But students question was a prime example of people have each found some kind of a cubbyehole I E ’3 , , 'l
are in a separate catagory. firstly because playing the same old games; who of the or perch. from which we can as inleIduals l I
most can‘t even imagine spending their "old veterans" can resist some reporter work. and be JUSt as effective as we can LIZ-)O—S:~:":e-L:\q-Is::;l-IN-V_H-‘S’J
lives doing something that didn't hold at approaching him i0i' hi5 analySis ‘0’ lack posmbly be

 t—Tlll-I KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. September l8. I972
G [b f d8 possible SOIUfiOn
THE TREASURE TROVE 1'0 USE Of University facilities
l.i~I.\l.\(i'l'lt.\"S ('l"l'|".S'l' ('03le I.\ .\.\'l) BROWSE
Gay Liberation From :9 e We 9.3- ;:
. 1 1 : . i , ‘ d a § : t 29:29.
284 South Limestone _ Corn r ((JLI‘) may havef.nally .foun . W . .-
. e Maxwell Sf' temporary solution in Its long . . W
Tel. 25410038 OPEN TILL 6 p.m. struggle to obtain use of Q 9 . .3“ 3:" ”it ' .
. University facilities. " i 1 = e
At a UK People‘s Party 3 _ ’ g %
meeting Friday night Howard 1 ‘ e fi =
_ Stovall. chairman, announced a "9;; ,-i '3 J
0° motion would be put before the' ‘ i ¥ ‘ 5: : 3:35. " g .
. . party this Wednesday. ‘ .ng "
Cass. . .:. 5' '=.
In . 3": i : '3 "3,”“22, i ""=' 3;-
wl|ere we re 9. 9. The motion would enable GLF § .9 .- 3 it 2:. . £5 W
We cover the South. touch base in the Midwest. and sw1ng ‘0 Plafle 3 representative on the . .1: ; a 5'
along the Eastern Seaboard . .over 75 cities. 12 states and Steering committee of the _W. -. e9; , . .9 .
jet-power all the way! P909163 5 Party: .9. 9 ._ «Sign. W - -‘ i;
Reading the proposed 99;: : 9 .. ‘99 9.
resolution, Stovall said. “Any ‘“ __ ‘ g.
Y 25905 on: AND mice OFISSUE special interest group within the M ' it .
9 party with at least five registered
. members may form a caucus. Stew Lubin. an instructor in the department of Human Develop-
: This caucus may elect a went and Family Relations. appeals to the audience at Friday
~—-—-———N—————~—-——————-— representative to the steering night's People‘s Party meeting for help in setting up a gay coun-
‘ committee. seling service.
“Mum" Equal rights
”The representative will have University policy. This policy main area of research is
EXMRATION our equal rights with members of the now prohibits the use of UK homosexuality.
PIEDMONTAIRLINm steering committee and will have facilities to GLF members.
the right to reserve University Roger Ware. GLF off-campus Guidance and advice
YOUTH FARE CARD facilities in the name of spokesman said this is only an
If and is lost, stoten or destroYOd, 0 MW Card M be ”mum“ People‘s Party for caucus ac— interim solution. The service ‘would provide
. I tivities." Recognition appeal guidance and advice to those
LOOK IIOIII 90" CO“ 9° w'th 0’. The petition received the He said GLF is still planning to individuals who are unable to
Piedmont Airlines Youth Fare Card' $3 Good 'till you're necessary five signatures at the petition for recognition through cope with their homosexuality
22 Good for reserved seats Good. for. savings of about meeting. the Umversnty Appeals Board. and at the same time teach them
20%! Call Piedmont, or see your travel agent. Stovall said if this motion If they are thwarted at this to co-exist with a heterosexual
carries GLF will be able to make level the group plans to take the society.
an end run around present case to court, he added.
7 Steven Lubin, an instructor in Lubin was actively involved in
\\ the department of Human a gay counseling service at the
& Development and Family University of Wisconsin. An
2 Relations asked members if they interest in the service was ex-
\‘ would be interested in organizing preSSed by most of those in at-
a gay counseling service. Lubins tendence.
is : exisatt, : '- , «9M9mw
-. . .- ., * new”
0.: 3.5.3.: o. ': '0’. 9. . “@9699:gskgkfiif'iwk.” 4A..“g - .
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(K 2" - ., .,' ”1“?” ”c’. c
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' " ’t‘i‘h ' -—-¢l-or Sale.—— ForSaIe:2.3speedbikes,iikenew,s40eacn;
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~ . . .‘2'3: {A} ’ . . mountain land wmileslrom Lexington near 72 Honda CB ‘50 Pertect. Purchased AW”-
. , 3.3:: 2- ‘ 0 Irvine. No house. $6,250 call 266-6651. 14518 Warranty. Helmets. saoo below cost. 252-
. . 233:2: :5. 0.. 0123. 11516.
' o .0 €53"... ‘* 3:}. .. .. 65 VW 1300 series New tires, suntroot. Very \
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0... 53... ‘\H . E II 1.3.. ‘ o . Tape Recorder-Sony TC 630 3 heads, sound R
.-.-..', {1.1- O 0 on sound, Ex. cond. $225 257 1255 11516 9M: 3 rooms 8. bath —Top half of house—
0.0. 93...}; alr "counter 4.1-5 ’0‘. Call 278-3929 18520
O o .‘.°.°;-'. 5:": Acr : T tiv _ r ' ' . .
N. ,. H .' . . eage wo eac e lots in reS1dent1al
.. ‘ ‘.°.'.°°.', For Guys and Gals! 3.3.: o . area off lronworks Pike. Less than l0 miles ———Wanfed-——
. .t 3'53? #3:" .0 0 to Lexington, close to L64. City water and
.0.0.' .9123: (nine in and let us get acquainted. '3." e a. roads the ””805 ‘55”
. . . ::.°. \ .. A r t :rn K r k K I ks talented
0.01:3: \\<- \\ Iii i'estylt‘ your hair tor i all 72 and we a... "9 0"" 67' E‘Ce"°"' C°"°"'°"' ‘5'°°° carrizasturisi: 51'; giagnifarifiisstfior work on
. 0 )romise to do it “N! the \1' 1 x l \\ ml 2'3}: .. . miles-$2,600 phone 277.6090. ”5‘9 The “melts egi'ma'énd new? ”995' Pay
0 3'..- I ‘ I ' d‘ ' ()l ‘ ’ 10:. .. "7! International Scout 4-wheel drive, 6- on a perdrawmg ba515. Sme” samples '0
0 1‘3} .3;; . cylinder Locking Hubs, dual gas tank 24,000 Gregory Hartmann, 114 Journalism
..9 1-2.1. Iil'iIILZ in this ml tor Sumo“ on J Fashion ('ut .‘Z'J' .. mi'es' "500' 25533“ ‘75"! BU'wmg' “755' ”520
.,-:.. ~..'." HI w r : I t .11 . .to2
'. :.’." liimti \lmulu). ‘I‘ui-silu). “mini-silo), ‘ 2132:?! giv;£172::'::1:2flerfigsgissene Deck. 9:: Mfigofi,d“,§°,§; 5:33.95 33.85,,
0. . 3:. \Ii' \iltill'N ”t'i'm.‘ Salon '1'}. ‘. i I Rock Band needs basement or garage, etc.
. . ,3: ‘3': . Motorcycle—197W: Honda C8450 900 miles. to practice in at owner's convenience. will
0.. lor ilDDOlllililt‘lli phone 21’. '. Accessories. wru trade for car. 253-109. 9” ca" 75‘1"“ “52°
0... 33-