xt71g15t9t9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9t9k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1938 Vol.10 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, July 1938 Vol.10 No.1 1938 1938 2019 true xt71g15t9t9k section xt71g15t9t9k a?» J J .
gJJs :
J" , . JJ
. .- JJ J J
_ JJJ . Published In the Interest of Community JJJJJJJJ
J . :J J J‘J‘ ‘ JJJ .
_ Journallsm - - OF, by, and for JJJH
J . J:
v Kentucky Newspapers f 'JJJJJ'JJJJJJJJ
- J :J
__7J ' Volume Ten Number One JJ ‘J
-. * » 5 JJJJJJJ

 1 1
1 11 1 1 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1938 I”
i 11 g .1 1 .
111 dividual has taken advantage of [1ch mp]
' 1 1 1‘ ' ° lack of zoning: ordinance to fill a 504‘ l ‘
1' 11 1 11 What COmmunlty seerCe lot with junl: right out to the curbolifim 2611s“
1 1 13111 1 a residence distrilclt. Balie elmbanlqnems 53:0
' 1 1. 11 111 A N R d 7 and a swamp acc to tie ( ismal scene. 1
1 1 1 111 MUSt ewspaper en er. The paper repeatedly calls it to tlie1 .T1.
" 111 1 1 . attention of the calloused residents. {£17101 11'
f.‘ r; :11 By EkNiis'i: HARRisoN, Editor, Rittman Press, Ohio inspires resolutions and petitions m r close
1 , council. A license law is passed, finally “Wk
1 '11111 What community service must a news- of town, and we all wake up Sunday forcing the junk yard out. Civic Oi‘gaii- 15 110th
1 _‘ .1 per render? . morning with a lreadache. Possibly we izations make a project of beautifying tlgeni
11 1 The wording suggests that it is man- made money.‘ sleihaps we even got the landscape. The whole community“ 1111‘
:11 1 1‘ datory that a newspaper should give a some new subscriptions. Did we ienc ci is proud of the ellort. bet“,
.. ‘1 1 community- servlce. _ I interpret .11 to a community serVicer . _ An electric utility announced quietlyl ktit.l
.1 1 suggest also a choice lor the editor in the ' Next it seems a'good thing to pub- that it. would present a new rate 0mm (1 in
I 1 1 1 service that he mus/ render. Theieloie, 1191‘s.”? organizations oi th: conunun- ance to council to replace the one About r 1me
ii ‘11 1t lalls upon me to pick out the most ity by iiinning the pictures o the piesi IOCXPH‘C- The newspaper learned from 1,1
f ; 1111 important community service and then dents. or to make as many parents as a very reticent utilities committee that _ \i to
, 1 1 to show why the editor should give his possible very happy by printing the pic- the proposed rate was higher. It in ilile i
. 1 1 1 best. efforts to carry it out in his conl- tures ol their inlants. So we run a long mediately warned th ecoinmunity and , ecitn
‘ 1 munity. For me and for the purpose of series, spend much time and money council 01- the impending imposition. .. to 111
1 1' this discussion, it will be best also to making many people leel good by break— Council slept on. The newspaper print- 1 E1111;
1 limit the subject to its application to ing into picture-print. Perhaps we cre- ed the lower rates of neighboring com- I T
1‘ 111 1 the small town by the small newspaper. ate a. wave of good feeling in the com- munities. It printed many bona fide p 1111:
1-11 In Rotary we try to live under the munity. T‘Ve may increase the sub- letters to the editor demanding a lower,1 1111
_' , 1 motto “He Profits Most Who Serves scription list. Did we render a com— not. a higher rate. It wrote editorials: eyeiy
. _ 1 Best.” In the service club we try to munity service? . on the front page and inside. It urged 1 1\)}ll)c
, I . 1 : keep our motives altruistic. our outlook \Ve run a prize puzzle contest, placing people to attend council meetings and 1 116:];
. "1. f1 mmmunity-Wide and world-wide, and great emphaSIs on its simplicity and the have their interests properly cared lot. 9 able
. ‘ 11 3 to take a sincere and helplul interest in [act that everyone can w1n something [jg/II Ralc Fig/it [M31111 1 Tl‘
1 1.1 1 our less fortunate fellow citizens. every week, and that the poor Widow The results were $10“, but, sure. The
1 1 1 11 :1 I’m/[ls Almsurcd by Service on First Street won the big prize last committee (lid not. dare approve a high- 11211111111
1 l 111 1 Newspaper publishing is not Rotary. week, and she really needed the money. er rate, or even an equal one. The Civic gum;
. ’[i ; It is a business—and a tough one. But in Did we render a community servtcer Association passed a resolution. People, 1mm]
3 1 i1 its broad community aspect it, too, offers \Ve promote a marble tournament, we particularly women. appealed at council 1 office
. :1 11 1 a tremendous field [or service. And in stage a homecoming celebration, we meetings. For nine months the matter! of m
.5 11‘ .11 this big field he among us who serves shoutin big type and over many columns was kept before the community nearly 1‘ 'ft;"
1 I 1 .‘1 11 best will profit most—in satisfaction to for many months about the virtues of every week. The result: a rate ordinasce 11111;:
1.1, ' 11 ; himself ol haVing done something to our community: ‘Are we rendeiing a that saves every householder at least 50F um“
I y, 1 1 ameliorate the lot ol hils neighbors community service! . cents a month on his bill and every busr , lawlc
1 3 g 1 throughout his community. Many “Services Merely Slimts ' ness man about 15 percent on his com- 1 tion
1 11 1 Therefore, for the purpose of this The answer, it seems to me, in most mercial bill. To [0P it oil. the power m y", 71
i E1 1 discussion also, we must place in the cases is NO. Most of these so-called company developed so much respect for" :1“)
1 1 1 background the very important busi- “community service” efforts by news— that coinnuinity during the long battle 1 111;?
i E ,1 ness side of newspaper work. We must. papers are just stunts and are inspired of wits and words that it moved its Cleve
. i :,1 1 for the moment, overlook the note due by the same motive that induces a mer- district, office to the town, created jobs nine
1 1: I 11 1; at the bank, and consider ourselves the chant to promote a sale, that is, to im- for several local people, rented a good i ”m
1 ,1 1 most outstanding individuals in the prove the business. A newspaper makes building. established a local manager, . .11.};0
I 1 1 community with the best chance to give publicity for others and thrives on its and now participates actively in com- F (leler
t i1 u . otir several communities real service. own. It is a business, and so is entitled munitv enterprises. 5; to f
1 1 Now we are otit looking for a com- to use all of the devices known to busi- Did] that newspaper render a mm- m- 1
E 11 munity service to render. ness to improve its revenue, to create munitv service? It: did, because it help— 1 011};
L 11 The idea of exploding a bombshell g00(lWi1L and 110 perpetuate itself. B1111 ed everyone by its efforts. And the 1 (Mom,
I 1 of a big merchants’ jamboree to drag in 1 [llmk that most-of US know WC 2111‘ Ohio Newspaper Association awarded litiiig
.1 ‘ 1: 1 the countryside pops into mind quick~ acting only as business ineiror women it a prize in that field last year. it two11
’ t 1 1 1y, because we have always wanted to when we do most of the things we do Here is another page from my per ‘ the
1 ’1 (fJ 111 (10 something 11631111 big in the 53195 6110er (11131 1“ newspaper publishing. sonal diary. which many of you mayliaVC 1 reopc
1“ t 1 promotion field. So we fly into that \Vhat I am concerned about is the read in news dispatches: . (r and
' vi. 111 one and threaten, cajole or beg enough (mnmimily service that a newspaper One June day two years ago a minor- .y. Want
‘ a . 1 merchants to take enough space (with must render. Permit me to rely on ; ity group of radical union laborers took 1 the s
, E x; blanket circulation thrown in) to really personal experience, brief though it is a large factory out on strike. They 1: mam
a ' 1 make an impression on the community. in comparison with the decades some barricaded streets leading to the plant, turn
. f ' We have a big paper, the merchants of your have compiled: threw up picket post's, held Very be It unio]
i n .1 have a big day or three (lays, a carni- A town is blighted by an uiisliglitly quent, noisy meetings, and were Whipped [or a
1' f4 val takes several thousand dollars out highway approach. An insensible in- through all of the regular technique 1 TI‘
, 1 X
~. l
" 1 l

 ‘ ‘ 1‘ 111111
, . - ,1 ii ‘2
_ ‘11‘11‘1‘:
)2 1938 11111, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ; f i‘l1i1l’
. ’ ‘ ; £141“: ,
C 0f the 1))ed out by well-paid labor organi- first to announce the result. pect; and in determining whether any ». 1 l 111(111 1
a 50-me , min This was rebellion forced upon a In those black three months did that advertisement is misleading, there shall 1' £11 1‘11111‘1 .
3 curb in f‘ “Sid“ prosperous community by out- newspaper render a community service? be taken into account (among other 1 “W111i :,
alikmemg iideinteiests. The harmony and prosperity of the things) not only representations made ,2 “111114
ral scerie_1 The company moved its records out community in the year following re- or suggested by statement, word, design, 1l1ll l1 '1
t to tlrel . [the offices and announced the plant opening of that industry were ample device, sound, or any combination there- ‘11::1‘1131 f
Elents. It 1 (dosed until piCkets were removed. Three proof that it had. of, but also the extent to which the ad- 1i ” [1‘11” 1;
mom to 1 weeks of supposed negotiations netted 13,7355 Mects Challgngg vertisement fails to reveal facts material ‘ ;:1' #1111 ll ..
‘d, finallyl nothing but more credit accouirts on In that situation lies the very heart iii the light of such representations or i 11111111111 l ,
”C (irganf the merchants’ books, distraught wives of this subject. It was a time when material with respect to consequences “(1111‘11‘ i 1
autlfyingl of non-union workers, fear and more the souls ol'imen were tried in that coiii- which may result from the use of the 1 11111??? 1 ‘ ,
mmunityf fear. The braggai‘t picketer‘s solicited iiiunity. The very existence of the commodity to which the advertisement 3 11llfl1111
.1 1111 1 business men for donations for the pic- community was at stake. There were relateslunder the conditions prl‘escrilmil ‘ 1.'il’l1‘[1‘1:1'
.ie . 1 , ”,1 .-.- ,. . , . ~ -. ‘- 21<5 ~ . 4211111.‘
teqordinif ket line canteen. The merchants gave principles that had to be fought for 111 Slr'tlt l(.‘él,t.l_86mém’ 0i 11in él,flvicl 1 1111,1111l1111 1
-in fear. lhe newspaper printed nCWs at any risk. Only one institution in the COIN ”10115 <15 leC customary 01 usua . . 1 1 11,11 11; 1 1
ne about 1" about the condition of workers' families whole community was iii position to —— l ”M 11h
fed from who were unwillingly at the mercy of meet the crisis. It met the challenge. TINY/("3" Advertising Reasons Hi1,” "'1
“6:1 [111: 1 the radicals. lt printed letters to the The community was-better for- it.' . 1 . 'I‘lrirteenreasoiis 1101. using newspapers ‘1 1" 1 11‘1”?
nity and 1 editor asking for a chance to go back That is my idea of commiuoi‘y sen/1w as advertising mediums are listed by ,f 1- ‘ 11111111 1
P05111011 to work: ‘ that ‘a newspaper musl render. . Publishers Idea Exchange. The copy 1 11 1111111111 :11
er print— 1’ Edi/0r .S/(mzls l3y Guns ' Of course not every community can was Prepared 11y L, 'H_ Sample, Royal 1111- 11l1i 1;
ing tour 1 Then the picketers stopped the edi< offer a newspaper an opportunity like Oak, Mich., Daily Tribune, and released 1‘ 11111 11
01121 1111131 tors car and told him to print only What the one .I €11_]()y€(l. I hope you never through permrssron of the publisher, 1 1111111111,; 11
a lower, 1 they told him to. Then they warned have to live through such a time in your Floyd I Miller. . . 1‘111l11llf 1.1-1
ditorials, 1 every merchant who advertised 111 the community. .1 olterrtliink that.only my One ad 'was runa time at stated inter— . 1‘11511ll1‘x
It urged1 paper that his store would be boycotted. youth and inexperience prov1ded the vals, in srmple display With plenty of 1 111111 111111 1
1110‘s and 1 Merchants bowed to their threats. The courage to wade into that mess and stop white space, 3 by 4, each ad being liead- 1 1111111111 ,il .
red 1011. 1 newspaper became less and less profit the wave ol lawlessness before it 6311- ed: _l{eas.ons for Using Newspaper Ad- 1111111. 1 ’
I able each week. gulfed the whole town. vertrsrng.’ Here are the ads: ; 114113111] 11.
ire. The Then it printed a strong editorial de- In many communities .[here will .be l_—NewsYpaper reading is. a universal . ‘1111111‘ 11
:ahigli- irouncing labor racketeering: With -in- schools and public serv1ces to build, habit. Newspaper advertismg, there- , 1111111111 .
'he Civic Siiruations about the local strike. Action there will be safety programs and other lore, reaches Virtually all who read and '1 f 11111 121%! -
People, » lcame immediately.‘ Two carloads ol educational work to perform. - In the buy. . i ’UI £11 ll‘ ‘
;council ., roodlurrrs poured into the newspaper “111151 of all 01 these challenging I’m’ 2—A newspaper advertiserrreiit can : 1:11 1" 1‘ 1111 _'
3 matter! office, ordered everybody out 0“ threat jects will I continue only to run a busi- HIV‘VEIYS be seen by the reader: 11111111 11‘1’1 111 i.
1/ nearly :1 0t smashing the place, closed the door ness called a newspaper? d—The newspaper advertisenrenti as 1 11 E111111111|
rdinasce l after tlienr and picketed the .plant. .A The test for a real community service part Of the complete PHPCT’ goes into , 1‘11I1‘1‘111 11.1 ;
least 50 1, union compitor was even denied admit: is: Will it leave nry community improved the home as a welcome guest. ‘ 1' 11l'111111111v1
81.111151 r Enie'to get his tools. The element. .01 permanently when it is dove; “7111 [1115 4—The newspaper advertisement can 1 11111111111
Iris com 1 1w essness had. taken the last institu- place be better for my haVing published have as much news. value and reader 11 11111111111111 1
e power 1 tion of pmgress in toWn. The).I held lull a newspaper in it? interest as the IICWS'IICHI. . : 111: 11111111 i
;pect 101. ‘f' 1:11;?“ Afid people “Ere 1:gettinyg 1:‘eally - Subject 01- course to maturing 01- years, nonglie :ntiount) 01f textI usedlin rnewls- _ 11111111111111 .
g battle g , <1 'er ‘oui‘wee s o. no “or . it 15 my opinion that a newspaper ”1.1151 1‘1 . My 1 isenr'cn s is (epem cut on y 1 111111111111111
wed its 1The editor was no coward. He had render this kind of community servrce. oir‘thc size of space. . ‘ 1 . 1 11111 1111111111 ,
ted jobs figmol‘the pickete1s téied for Iriotfilnd I say musl because we are 11‘,ng at a (1;:Ecrxspaper (ff/101 tisingl lh-VHCXIl)‘]1(:i 1‘ 111111 1111111111 .
a good l trial tliftmxfdkleillcttl: 'jlltilt‘:()ilil‘ltlc’iL-L(1:(3 tinre when every community 15 flooded controliedSIMPCI ”Cl 15m?“ 15 (lu‘L y lillil til“: i’
ianager, 1 The lieWslp't )er O'rewui I.)fl . 0 ‘ ‘ With forms of entertainment other than 8—-News-)a )er advertisii r . 1 1 . 1— 111111 111111
in com— ‘ _‘l D , _ n m uence as a the newspaper and when nrere news is _ W _ l. I _ ‘1 ‘j .15 m") )5 a‘ I 1‘1111.1115111111111111111 :
defender 0i peoples rights. It was looked thrown ,11 us ever hour 01- the day _1usted to difleient conditions. : 1‘11111L 11'111119‘1111 1
a corri- l’ to for. authoritative news of develop- For the 86111813211)” 2:) survive as a minis: 9 —_ Newspaper advertising enables 15‘1’V 1141
it help- 1 ments in the strike. 1 . [61‘ to public welfare it mrist stand above manufacturers aird dealers to state where , 1112111 11111 1
nd the 1 1211-16 editor had to suffer another in» an ordinary business. It must render their products may be ,1)(.).light'. _ Q1; 1111111 ‘ .
iwarded , Lightly .frolm out—of-town paraders who a community service that will improve lfi—Newspaper advertiinng is inex- 11111111
1‘ fig 111m in effigy, But he was one of the communitv and benefit all the pensive. Merchants have learned that 1 1111 11.1111 ;
1111 W" V‘ 11W) men in town who was able to keep people. ’ it covers nrore families, lor less. money 11111111111111 1
II)’ have 1» '16 lactory iiranagers h0pelul of ever than any other form of advertising. ' 111 1111 j
1 ieopening the plant. Working together Fri/w Arlverlitirio' Defined llfNerirs1)a1)ei‘ circulation is known , 1 1 . 1111-1111 1
minOl‘ 1 ‘1“?(l Willi those hundreds of men who 7' l O ‘ and 15 comparatively ”"21”“:th by daily ,' id’s 151i 1h _1
31,5 took 1 t\lanted to return to work,'tliey saved The~ TIVheeler-Lea .l‘ederal ‘Trade change. ‘ 1 . 1} 11g11111
Thev 1 16 Sltlllltlon. In a short time the de« Commission bill contains a definition lZ—Nearly all ol. a newspapers CII‘CLL 1 111 1111 1
3 plant, 1» mand became so overwhelming to re- or: false advertising which applies to lation is cmrcentrated in Itsownnmrket. ., 1111:1111;
3111/ he 1‘. :11in to work that even a controlled food, drugs‘ and cosmetics, as gollows: . 1:9) — Newspaper advertising reduces 111§111'
rllip1)€(l 1 1010“ VVJote got out of control and went The term False Advertisement means selling costs because it entails no waste - 111 11111 1‘
:hniqlle 1 T(licccptance of an agreement. an advertisement: other than labeling, in circulation. This helps reduce costs 111? 1111111 ‘-
. re newspaper was fortunate to be which is misleading in a material res— for the consumer. ' g‘l‘j§,ilij,él§ii111§ 1
. ‘i‘fldEriti ,
l ' * la ‘51:?»
, I11 11
‘ ”t 6 News
' 1. .' i.lil..;,ifl‘l ‘

 : _ _‘,:: .::‘ ,1. II I II I II I I Illl)’, 1938 .
‘ ' , : II' ‘ I1 I I I
V VI I V 7‘ I 7 ) ESS
"1 ’I, THE leN1 UGO 1R
1 I . . 1' 1 [711
V I V . )m 1 151 bet-
I I I I Page F01" - 10w format. we hopt 1" 3"“ l . ,
I I I ‘ ' II in which they 1 . - - . . 1 a more pleasmg ap- 1
I II I I cussions on current [01)](5 umit)’ tet' leglbllit) ant ‘ A
I I ‘. I II .1 . - 1 ‘()I‘ k . . .
. IV I . , -;emn the Opp . . _, ., , ICC
I ~ . I I b can take part, b) ts) )argticipate in inlor- petulantc- in reiterate our plulge 10 ken- in
I V . 1 . . - I 1 ( I V 1 . "1 ' V .
1V 3 I 11 e (,1 getting thfffl 1 bl‘. giving them the ‘ltt (IIgI u~n'ili5m and to Community I (111
I I I I 1“ , . [ESL-SI am , It 1 ,, [11C 'V ()1 t .
2 II II I II t I r 1’ SS mIII- “mam “this is OUR IMPCI’ the )111“In’llISIn €V€IIYWIICIICI “1' III[‘
I . I , ' 1) ' ‘ ' ( ‘ . »
I II III I I en ’ _, “thug - I ~ I to have to worry ‘Ibout III ' ‘}I -t we will Sll‘lVC l0 PWmOIe the I is?
5 I I I' f the Kentucky less he IS g0I1II'g ubscriPIIO“ 1151__C;ma— I IIILI 1' unnmunit)’ jom‘mhsm’ 50‘ I .
‘ ' I I: .. - ‘ o , ‘ . 15 S -- - ‘ s 0 .VV. I. ‘
I I I I I Ofllcml Pummatfisgociation Leeplng 111) I I Hociation Bulletin. ”IK‘IL . fictlI)’ and [)11’1‘3‘5510mllh Ma
: . 1 Press 1‘ h r (lion NewsPapei Ass < (712111)} (1011011 ¢ Itc 'tnd qdvocztte the?
, I ' -Publs e , I Iill )romo ’ r ‘ . pm
.I = ‘ _II1 ' . tmann, Edltor *— lhal. ‘A C “ I . ' . «I '1 )leg
.I I! .: Vlctol‘ 3- PM . '- 1071 . . 1ar—rcachlng 1)11nc1 " 1'0
II ‘ I I t d On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton A A'ruht/NII/“II 5 OIIIIgIII lmIIIIIIIam (”III thics in l0umalism until I I)“
I I III I Prin e ~ . I A .-)'1)e1‘ . . , I s, '111( C . . . t
I I I \«omnon omcers \Vhilc it is necessary 101 [11.6 II-tngroImr ”IIIIIIIIIII(tIn'nI'ilis'm has refldwd the hlgh 1‘ (hi
" PM” 1.. ‘ . ,_ I . 1: I- m 1 s 5;!“ 0 ‘ ‘ - I'll
I 1 , _ e, Plougleni'e V V 1 b r 1((l( (.13 ' . . 1 1 .I . [h'lt we 111 . . .
III I ‘ T L‘h‘m” Bradley’ airesIIPEIIQIEIIIISMd' Lfg‘m§§32 1" be wnsuleref [II it is equally 11111101“ standard ()I 21 “OIL-551"", )(l’ the st'tte (1 AL:
1‘ ‘I I " ‘ R_ UnderWOI I 1 'I ‘1' qsengeY‘I “I . ' 1) 8009 ‘I ‘ . ‘ . I- [he 11685 ( - ‘ ‘
I: I I Thomas. . Sec-T195" 3 9’ 1elat10n ‘ I - 1 to we ”c t() sent 1 . .
I! I IV J1 Curtis Ak‘oek, 1 I . ,. '1)€1‘ )uthhCrS g . C(mlln ‘ 1.. Assoclfltlon 10
Va ‘ I= II “mt-o . it for HEWSP‘I I . -. bh- Kunmuflu’ PIC» I I- I 1)1lI
II‘ ‘ E‘M‘m“ (IOIIII ' ' ' [.11 - 1heu‘ )llbllC 0 'md [116 C x . ., .
' I I .I I InueV chairman; I I' 1.. non [0 l . .1 l I V - ' - , 11(1 resolttceh- . V
I II Gmcean MI PedleyhfiaeragrizgftlgwblintonkT1231 new UIHSIEIIEIII less must realize that it 1110 best 01 ()U] abillt) A V mil
, I :1 ‘ I Water 6 - ‘ 3 Vance rm ' .. ' . 16 p' I ' .. _ )n
- ,2 Harr.‘ Lee _. 1 Morganfieltl I Richard- (uttlom- . - 1 hie rrcatel E l
‘ ,I ; I ‘1 ntnrd. AQVOL‘L e,‘ L uisvflle: J09 _ V ‘7 ~ ‘ - n'ulollfl h _ , .I
I II I I IIrtht, Coul‘lel‘1;£%%l£%IID013h creaégglerzfilfiggz has a lunction. 1n [Inews the distrlbll’ S'ho/I/NI’IQI News No/ A 1 leg
. I I s . Times, ’ ' Richar‘ I .I I . I11) 151011 0' ‘t . ' k _ ‘ . 1 1
I 'I I son ‘ll ' W- Vernon K mucky Iress, [11111 the 5C CC ' 1 I ()f I I. 1 - [n 0/170 ‘ (u
3 1 1 HodgVenVl BI, t r R Portmann, 8. Cynthiana; ‘ . . _ nd the ani ege ‘7\(’IzU.1/)ll/)“ I . V
' I ‘i DanVIIIeI V100 VIV‘lson Log cameV T. - 1‘ qdvertlsmgy .1 ~ 11 I (1211
. I . 9 ~ T. T- 1* ' - tgvxlle, James 11011 0 ‘ I1-I should . . rt 01 commo
I; ,1 Lexmhtony V 0d HeraIdI Pam » ll DVCheY . I - IC )endcnt 1)] L55 - V 1 1. ()1 [he (()11
i ,I 1 Henry ArrOVWJ 51 m Ashland: Russe , »L,m_ TitiClSHL The 111( 1 , , 11_ A 111 1an ~ V 01110 1101115 tha
I I Norris. Indepen e ’ - Ponert L- Elkm, ‘ C ‘ - I .Igion OI hllmdn I I, in County, I 1
. I . _ ho London I ~ 1 ‘hCSl exp] (,51 1 .. I ()1 Lold . . - I
. Sentmel EC ' be tllC 113 1 1 11()[ be 1) (,(lb . . ,~ News 15 not I
.I caster, HOHOWFY' I ' 1e )endence 811"“ ( Tl e Loraln 51‘01’lnnkg . " ’
, l - I 'ttflt‘ berm; Its 11“ l I : It 01' [hat I . .- I l'lthH- The CK]-
I Legihlame C‘"“"” 1 . . . , I 1nd lau , _I . .1-111 (IICU «
‘ I la Lexington cm” I 1 , I a )OllUCdl excuse “If . 1 q newslfilPU "1 gene I . I 11 Ihich boz
I I “mm“ R UnderIIIOOdITELII‘I’IITII SOmerseII JTinIhr use( (III I ulcmn Stlll less shouk ‘ m er a mortgage .521 L n .
V V (1 -. . . 1V '7 ( V. 1 . 1’ . . 1 I a _ t . 7.. V1 , _ S; V 1 1, . .V ' .
“I nianiI n?eXcIivsziItlgmhIiDrganfieIdt’ Gxegnfi AAI‘IImIIIen- as a hcense to Fit to pursue reportorlal mac (nose 1 (m the around that 11 “as 1 M1
I, IV unn I , ’h somersej - - II le 11 1 - . . . I. - sot asu C b -m(
I Commonwealt I - “e. t 1111 )1) H g . I 1 “as . I 1
Jr., . 1 LOUISV] l I . 1 q” mu 6 I ,1]
II Ier-JournaI . - f ~mt1nue(, ‘4 ., 1 II , dvel t1sct - I I.
I " ITOI‘II cm" - I t '6 WthhI 1 U - .1 not ICQKII) ‘I - 1 ~ not I he(
“ III I 1am Committee 1));1C 1(, I l 'ubllC the“;- ‘ I ., , ()hu) lilW ( 065
:1 1 Amer is E .V n. . . , 'ures bv t16 1) ’ Ik‘ kentudxy , . k (
I: . . I a Chanma I . rrecthC meas I .I 1 g L1 C I . . , . ws )1 161. n
_ _ . , Reqlstel, niehmrm , bellsvxlle: c0 _ I The Press 121- V 11, 1mm ()1 a 116 1‘]
I I II . qhelton M Sill‘flm' ' D _]'0urn81, Camp , ‘ - ‘ ' [I freedom- . I I . clear (IC In . . )
. . I ., der, NewS ~ . I, hana, W. LI 1 I llmttmq 1 5 . I I II lune (I , ,. '1 new 111‘
' ‘ JO‘I-V P' GOZr I Log Came (43m I writhen )) k ‘11”) ‘()l AmCUCdn ‘ 1 1I1w (lcllnlns ‘
. I; 3 Thomas T- “IIS°’};3,.’.L La Grange: A- S' ‘ ’ . tributed to the but ( 8 1\/I()st states WIt1 ‘ . , . , . )1 1131' yen
. 1‘ i Dawson. Oldham l I 'thwn. (on ' I , t HOW become . - 1‘()\'1510n [lldl ‘1 l ‘ l
I; I II kI standard. Barb . - - I It must no . , . Contain a P II gevi
-| ‘ Kenn” I ‘ - Institution-S- . . 1t. WIPE] ' . , I second C1355 ‘
‘I ~ ‘ - . . - 1Cmmmttt‘0 .1 V I 1(‘t10n bV pelm - . 11, 11) CHIC] (IS I . .
I I I 1 I \(Awsllfllml EXIHI” .- 1 f)!‘ the“ (lestll - / It be cllgl ) C . (I ([1 '
1 ’ II 1 ‘ , ss LeklngI‘m: the [00 ( I 111056 mus ‘ . )11’1 th 3‘” SI
I I I VIM”? R‘ PIIrIE‘IaIgI'Iu'EvigI‘IICIfi-IPSruen’ IVInCIrIleSIeIII tingr itself to be usetl by $1376 1: 1\er mail matter and hd‘lc I)Itl LIT (ltl'lliIlica- lica
I i‘ ( ‘rmaTIS I - “ V“, I- I 1 Icon, Le )ano ‘ I I_ . I I _ " ‘ I . C I ' . .1 ~ Yit 1 0 1 II I
. V 11 1 $2311), B. Spragens, Manon F1 object it 1s to desttoy» 1&1: school 01- 5LII)SC1‘ll)€lh, along 14 V nev
,- ‘I , ‘II —~ I - v 1'1 6 .' . I
- I ,1 II ~——" man, dean OI. the 9‘” If it\' uons. . ht,
I ,I V .( I' II I. _ 1
II {I - umalismI Columbld “““e” / —-~*— 1 01131
I I II I Imam III \I v[)(' You Can 3111"” 0” I too
I I1 I MEMBER 1313;11th fir I V") , V)
. ~‘I: 1'1 2 W Nim’ Year-Y 0M pm» lnsm'flfi“ lakC be
I VVI V , V .I . II . , )n
, 'l . - ’ a tuck) P1 C55 . . , ~ 1 101‘ 1)l(l(IC5 I" I [he
-I I I I- - 35116, the K01 . 1o 110nm . , . I
I ‘ ; II I K TUCKY PRES With Eh“) 11SS Ieal- of Publication and 11001111? I: newspaper mlght take (I 1,1111
IIII I I I TION €111”S ”5 tent 1 I , E' “C in KentuckV- C(I‘mommfs' I. I "111(‘(3 costs. ‘1" F
III .I ASSOCIA service to the Fourth st< “0'01“ prIe- look at hre mum the matter of fire
I ‘ . V) e. r r - " ’ ‘ V ‘ . . ~ ,. .
I I 1 Human JANUARY. 1659 J )ast nine )cais ham 1 VV ' Alter golng into V )5 1011 I off“
I ' I ‘ TllL I 1 for [he P1655 (Ind {II‘C mmmngc 14“ 1 V
I 1 I ; E gented 21 811100111 lmll1 l\ l "tCk in retrO- hazards and I IIPA sCCI'CIary is C0” “111'
I I ‘ .I o ' ) I . II I 1r x A t r
I I t : . I its rczldetsI b1” we (I I I ,I - ~ellent fle““‘>l)“l’€”"I“l I. II- neWSPHPCl -I
I II I CIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111m Imd review the man) 0‘ 1 ‘1)“ch [hat 1)]‘2ICULI‘IIII anV tes by 1 IS \
I I I , - . II [. s)€C ‘ I 1 'I . , - :mt ‘ .. - . ‘ I Iance r21 I .
I II I The Press joins in extending eofiglar rIesults accontPIISth—thC 1I-IIIISIIILESIE We plant can redtuC It: ImIII1. Insurance and
a ' I ‘ . I‘ 1] Manage ‘ I . 1 1 to ()b 1V10n- . - ‘ T111101“ HIZZUT 5‘ I f )11L‘
1 II -. - . 10 Edlun‘ 101111 5“) ’ L ,, ”I '11‘6 rclegatfl . ‘1 6111111111111ng 1 1.1V 1nd 1‘6' - l
. ' j ulallOnS ~ .V . I. “ms On 6110 . 1 I. . ethlll" wmll' * V m )enaltlfiby ‘
1 ’1 I , , 1 11 then assoc < , .. n )llghed som a . I, “IQ based 111x 1 .11. , qua
II I VII] \Vachs, am a , , I have dceol 1 , 'k 11 1(1th . - - the penI ; I
I I' I III“ - I, I 1111011 ()l the , . _ 12 1 1n Kentuc yI . I. 111 elmmmEb 11111
I - I _ n) U - I 1 . mnna 1m , _ .11 01 hahll . I
1 I I 1 A I 1emhd AnnHCW . wmlc 01 _] .. 11. mow _ A,
I 1 1L 5 ) , I ,on— . lued 11161 ( _ ates. . I
, c II I :1 ader 011 june 50' It ( , I 1 ~11 due to the many “I . I leg and reduus the: I 1 I- ., I'ranI III”
I II I Lexlllglon C 1‘ 1 Igtorlc’ll news hds )LC 1 I fanned [0 the klndl) I I . l 1 , chg 11] EICLIUL‘II “1 II I SUCI
II ‘ ‘ I [I I76 Pages 0 “I I '11j )g that we ”IV“ ’ . - I 1 511% it “A . ‘ ~ . nits am ‘ * ,
I t 11 I, I sisted 0 'k’ more 5 1. , 1I wlllmglv am ‘ . r 1 1162111110 11 ‘ I 1
‘ ‘ I ' Kentuc )5 . I 1 these IIICIK s, x I _ I “(m aloum h . . I.m tiai
' I' blc data on (-ounsels o I . k ml 111 otet, . . IIJ 110115 (r
1 I and \rllua . , , 1 the Blue ‘ . , I 10 L116 lnany l 1 A ~ 11111101‘ (01 ICC . [he
I l - chlng‘ton (mC . .. s 1191’OHCICd, am .1 dozen 0t 10 I mm A
E l ‘ s )eciall’ 0” I , J t gHKIIO I l A . . h'lVC been ‘ V ..1 (101121118 0“ I It
5 III I 2'1 155 I1 was £1 Ct‘Cdlt IO thC efficlcn words 01' encouragemtnt that :1 unenf (EIISIIV saVC )0“ 506” [he]
I I I ~ I ‘, ur " ., ' .
I I tytIlI ol' the leader and showed the 1C1 “110111611115. VVlth sllCh enw (g insurance. 11 a (.6111 to have I P05}
5 1. , _ 1 V < V, . . J. . I, I I I I , , I . I
‘ I III I (Its of many hours ol haiq wolk (mt who can but do then be“. new for It shouldnt (ost )‘ mcr your plant I “I“
‘ tI ( I., ' I I. I . 1 . II I ‘I _ . ‘ .7 4 - 1 T ) I I .
V 11 1 V 511 _, . l eartV Congldtllldllon-s ,I‘l Press TCHCth )0“ In (I I . ( '()UlI msulancc (lgLnl 1(5( 1 ‘ . 1 NYC I \I
' tI I I IICSCIIIICIII AgIIInI I I w 1 f a four-column, IZ'PIC‘I ) k recommendallom dm ‘L’ 1 1110
I O I I _E lllEIII- 11181631: 0 . V I iC thc body type and 1113 C 1 , 11011an ()[I [he 111111114 I . l
V. . ) ,- . I m / )omt on I . I,“ the exact (11 . 211115. ._ am
f - , R((I(I(7 )lrre set 11. )t . 1 . 11:12
I t I C(111Ir11)11/())‘B(I-5’ ’ I II” I set in 1:; PIG“! I0 Immt on I [Vintr I)\' eliminatmn ”I no f the I wha
I II I- I _- now -' , ‘ - . ' ‘ I s? w , . I. I 0
V" II I The re'tder who is also a contubutol1 Izint slug in the Baskerwlle farlnlIIdI Since they receive :1 patentdlgirdh be V that
' »I‘ ‘ . .1 ' I) - )l - I ’ I ' 3 ‘n 1ar ‘ ’ . . can 1‘ - . ‘ -
a II . )I . non intercstu l I . I, set 111 Ial . . ~m(,e men , I 1 .
z . , um 15 3 1 I 1, Irer heads Inc I . Immum, msuh _ . . 11m 0 s
a ,1 voul HOWSPrl .V V, . , _ jhc (115 . _ 111V )1 I . I [We in I .
I I ’ i . 1 one who 15 (ml) a ledd I . 1- m—all heads act IIUSh It I , 11.1 10 take the mm“ t \‘lot
p - I adel than 116 1 I 1 Gotth 1T1€( 1“ r "18 6X1)“. U 1
. V, 16 , J 11101 encourages 116 V . 1m are set 1‘) 111cm
2 ‘ er The more (m U. 1 S to “help Personal news 1te A . 1 1g In this matter. ,
, . I - _ I. ' r 1115 rent 611 . ,- , ~ . 9. )0111[ S 11 -
I I II II me“C otgcttmg' b I starting dis- 7 P"ml 10“” (m I I
I n I him edit hlS newspdpu )
. ft ,
I I y -
‘ 0 I‘ .
' n

 , : .“-“i’:-:"'?"T"'—"Ti*III"
> 3 II I i‘ ‘I

. ‘ I, iniIII'g III
y, 1938 Iuly, .1938 THE RENTUCKY PRESS Page Five { . III III
‘ , ,Ii :.i igIIA
' ' II 'l3
l ,I i ,1

i I‘ 1 mi I' ,

. . . . , . .. .. . 1' IEIIIilIsé .
plish bet. Importance 0] Legal P’Ill)ll(,‘(lll()7l.§' tection of the lawyer as well as of the as the British—Shining Lilies, Mergen— I‘ I IIIIIIIE ‘
asin , _ . . . client. tlialer Lil]()t\")€ Com )an . I ii I II‘ IIJI'I f

g All Up in \Visconsin a heated battle was . . '1 I Y ; I II III I IIZIII
~ {1 Wed mum . m .m Carma Another safeguard tor the Publlc oi» ——————— I IIIIIIII .,
. r ( .. .. . . . . . Imu .
B to Ken. luff]; l/VIedliord gl'll‘NC‘gVS and the con licial, when he makes a publication in Ml‘S- Katherine 03111518: editor 0f the . IllIillI II‘II --j
. t ( ' , ' . . . . ' ‘ ' ' rows?! ‘.
mmunitv ”11 . ns could well be reprinted for the complete detail, is that it explains to :racktenl. gbmf‘mletv. Augustahis md Chris: , :III {I II ’
' (11810 x ‘ ‘ , . . . I I) I . . . 08p] a, incmnai, w ere s e um erwen ‘I =IIII=_I;.I.I , .
“I” information of the public. The article If“: Itaripayei the icasonrtor higher taxes, an operation Thursday. Friends Will be ‘ Ii IIIllll 1'
note the ~ i‘ as follows: I suci pievail. In almost all cases glad to learn that she is on the road to re- TiI IIIiIIIII
lisni, so- I ‘5 where there are excesstve expenditures covery. "3 '1 III'II‘.‘ I '-
A very heated battle was staged at . . . . _ _ II “III I I
Nona“)? 1, “l feld over the )ublication of the the tax payers are responSible for it The megsvnle News Outlook is now feat— ; III III-II}? I
)cate tlieI’ 1‘ ““11. f their blond of education themselves. Instead of directing criti- turing a history 0f Bath County, that was .iI III: IIII‘I I .
.' . . ~ . (1n ' () ‘ E ‘ ' , . . . . . ‘ -‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' _ ' 'I ‘il'lIIII :‘ -
tinc1ples, ‘ lnmee g . ‘ cism toward the public offiCial, the eiti- originally published m the megsvflle 0pm IEIIIIII , -
is . Iron and Dane counties have county , . I , . . ion in 1893. III JILIIH: .

m until I . . . . zen undeistands the ieason tor the fin- .I I‘ II It I:

l . boards dominated by manrities that . .. . . . __— , [I II II , ,
He h‘gh , 1- k )ublic business should be trans- ancial condition of the respective poli- I; IIIIHIIIII
we will I ”ml .1 )rii tte ‘ " ' ' tical subdivision. He has had it fullv I I; “II I f

'. 1' 1n ’2'. . . . .’ :‘I'if'I
the state I “I“. I _ . . , . . explained in the published finanCial 3 II I 4:;le I1}; I ‘ '
. . With the increasing interest in the . . . . . : IifIIi‘ *i'l l ,
ation to I bl' ation of linlnci ll statements of statement. Publication in full detail :-I I I ‘I

, 1~' ' z ‘z _. .' 4 .. . . . :i _
.irces. ‘ P“ C . . . . lift the criticism from the public official ‘; i: I E ii I II

I counties, school districts and muniCi- . 1 1, -. 'l 1 _ II E 1 at I III 3;;23 Ii} I

I palities, and iii the publication of other (1m P aces IL on me (001 stcp 0 me i I: I Ii 1 II I

_ . . taxpayer, where it usuallv belongs. .‘ I iII I. I g

I legals in connection w1th legal proce- S' I , l l l’ "/11 bl‘ . I II I 22“» I

(lures the layman, and even public offi- I (I ('Ole) 6’6 ”m’ ”I“, 6‘ I)“ (C(llIOH OF ALL TRADES ‘i' III I III I If

‘ . ’ . ’ I. . . of financial slalemenls and ollier lctmls, i I :g‘II Hi I
common I c