xt71g15t9t80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9t80/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1941 Vol.12 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1941 Vol.12 No.7 1941 1941 2019 true xt71g15t9t80 section xt71g15t9t80 2' 222;

' I Published In the Interest of Community 2&2!

:2 Volume Twelve Number Seven 222 ;
2 22 $

 .W111 111 111 1
" 1: .
1. 1111,1111;
.111 111:1 . 11 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1941 11
111. 1. . 1‘
1 11111 1
1111111 1
.1 , ‘. 111 1 1
““ PM St t' N 1 - 1
.1 1 111,1 .11.. o o t]
1 d M t At a 10ns 0 «tea
1 11 1 M1 -summer ee mg 1 . 1,11.
“1 111 t‘ ‘1 o ‘
1.111111 1 Fea51b1e For The Ibel
.11 121‘. Mammoth Cave, June 5-6-7 .11...
1.1111 Average Paper » get
1‘. 11111.. 1 ‘ , . . ' 1 5 er“
13.11111»: . A program on topics of espeCial in- tended to all Kenttickyeditors to attend 13' Elmer G Sulzer D' 1 SEN/e
'1‘1‘11"‘t€1‘€St to every Kentucky publisher has and bring their families along. Put U1“ r1't )f K 1‘ k1 K dfrecAtOr _ 1 FM‘
.5111 : . . . ,1 1 - ' 1
.‘111‘111‘1 11 been prepared for the mid—summer aSide cares and duties for three days, 1 C ‘11 ( en “C 1 a ‘0 Ctmues 1 F11
1111 .‘ meeting Of the KPA at Mammoth Cave, and join in the three-day outing that Within recent months, interest in like'
.--1 . . - “ U ' ” 1
11111112111111 June 5‘7: The formal programs haVe will pay you in more ways than one. [lfqufnCY 10001119151011 as a 016.2115 of 1 quan
111.1» 1 . - - . 1 .. .. . . (1 ,
“11“” been 56‘ for morning sesSions, the aftei- Visit your state’s largest attraction at I“ 1(1) ians‘mission‘ “9 €01“? iapi' Y ‘0 1 cost.
:1 311! I noons and evenings Will be open for , , _ , b 1 Y f 110 the front. Stoies of applications for con- to a
' 311111 ‘ - ' ' the time It 15 at 1‘5 est. our e W struction ermits for )ossibl '
- 1 11,111 . cave trips, an inspection of the cave _ 1 1 k 1 p . 1 . e erection merit
1‘ 111 - area and many forms of recreational €dlt01‘3 CXPCCt you at the Cave ‘0 ta e of such stations in all parts of the United 1 $3 00
'l ‘1', 1 1 ) . . . I V , I j
1 [11.1 11 11 enjoyment. A special invitation is ex- part in this program: States are now beforethe Federal Com- desir
1111.11} 1 ' NE 5 ‘ munications COIHIDISSIOTI for considera- consi
. 1111111 1 1 TUESDAY, JU tion. Some of these have been acted upon. , crop]
11 1.111 1 . 4:00 P. M.—Registration, Mammoth Cave Hotel . Serving the Kentucky area right now is .‘ a]
1 11,11 1 ,1 6:30 P. M.—Buffet Supper, compliments Joe Richardson, Glasgow Times at least one powerful FM station that spe e
1 1“ 1“ ‘ . . ’ . mor
1‘ ”11‘ 11‘ 1 FRIDAY) JUNE 6 bein o3erated b “75M in NashVille.
.111. . . g 1. . Y .offr1
£31 1‘ 1 8:00 A. M.—Breakfast for members of KPA Executive Committee and Many editors m Kentucky and elsewhere 1 The‘
‘ 1 3| 1 Legislative Committee .1 e u n d - 1 ~
1 1 111 :11 9:00 A. M.—Business meeting called. to order by Russell Dyche, London. 11216 1001f€d upon a fr File cyl'mo ula ‘ only
i 111 1111' 1‘. ‘ President Kentucky Press Association tion station as a possi e a Junct to limit
1 1 111‘ . ‘ Invocation _ . _ newspaper busmess. As result, many of 1 legal
1 111111 1 1 Address of Welcome by Joe Richardson, Vice-chairman Ken— the applications before the FCC at the . bf
1 1 ‘11 .1 j tucky National Park Commiss1on,lGlasgow ' . t t' ar {‘0 n ‘s of ne 1 e0]
13 11 - Response by Vance Armentrout, chairman KPA Executive 1316611 11116 C 1 in ow e1 ws- P'
. 1 13 1131?: . Committee, Courier-Journal, Louisville papers. 1 10g
. 1 1 1511 1 1 Address, “8:1de3, pn kKefitugky yHightwalysgrbrilrkfgfi W' Carr, Professor Portmann has asked me to Fr
‘ ‘ i L: 1 1 Sergean en uc y 1g wa a ro, a . . . H .
- 1 1 1‘ 111111 1 Address, “State and National Advertising,” by Claud 1G. answei the question -Should a Kentucky quir1
1 1 1 ”1,-‘1111: 1 Brodhecker, Field Representative Greater Weeklies, newspaper editor go into frequency mod- Com
. 111111 1 Brownstown, Ind- , 1 ulation?” Of course, a categoric answer cast
1 1: 1111‘ 1‘ ‘ 3 12:30 P.M.—Barbecue Luncheop on Green River, compliments of the is impossible because Kentucky news- 1 dupl
‘ 1 ' 1' ‘.«‘ .1 Kentucky Utih' ies Company
1 1x1 1‘11, 1 2:00 P. M.——Tour of Mammoth Cave National Park, personally conducted papers do not represent a class but many stam
111-111 1111 by R- Taylor HOSkinS1 acting superintendent, Mammoth classes. Therefore let it be undertood at . miss:
1 1 ‘ 1'1" ‘1‘ Cave National Park . , the outset that my remarks will apply 1. carry
1 .111 111-112“ 1 Cave trips. shufile board. tennis, croquet. and other iorms 1' 1 1 l 1 ll 7 d _1 d the 1 in 1
‘ 111 ‘11 ,1 of entertainment provided during the meeting arge Y [0 He 51113 '10“ n a‘ Y an 8
11 .11 ‘11 1 7:30 P.M.—Dinner Dance, compliments the Mammoth Cave Properties, country weekly, which classes of news- FM
31‘; 1‘ 111‘ 1 President Russell Dyche, presiding. Brief address by Max papers comprise 90 per cent of those for
11‘1‘11 11,1 fjbnNgggv‘m‘ilgmléflae: Kentucky National Park Gommls- published in Kentucky. Furthermore, prog
‘1,1 11:, , . _ ‘ . .
111 1;; ‘1 Awarding of Newspaper Prizes by Prof. Victor R. Portmann, while I have supeiVised the presenta— 1 whei
1‘ 1113 . 1 ‘ chairman t10n of radio programs and radio policy 1 tion
1' 11 1 SATURDAY, JUNE 7 for the University of Kenltuckylsmcell ani'
1‘ “‘ 1 . 1929, I am no ex ert on tie tecmica man
1 1 11111 1 9:00 A. M.—Cal‘1 to order by President Russell Dyche d . ,1 d P k' 11 claim iod
l 1 1i 1 11 Round-table Discussion, “District Press Meetings,” led by 6“” 5 an am “Qt nia mg .a Y .
c 1 1 11 Vance Armentrout, chairman KPA Executive Committee, to‘ be. I am, however, presenting factors relia
1113’] ,1 R IgugsgillleD' . Tell'n Kentuck’ f K t k that must be considered by Kentucky's 1 Ever
. 1 11. ‘1 ,‘ oun — a e iscussmn, “ i g ians 0 en uc y,” 1 .. . _. ' _
1 .1 1‘ 1 1 led by G. M. Pedley, Director Publicity, State of Ken- newspapers conSideiing the aons1truc 1 exte
: g 1 I; ‘1 111 tucky, Princeton tion of an FM station. 1 Ulllall
»‘ “1 1“ 1‘ New business - . . te
c1 .1 . / 1 , 4
1‘ L‘ 1‘- 1 111 Reports of Committees Gellmgfihy 7111‘ [C1, k ws a er 11’“
i .11- 1 11 Adjournment The isttiing a cntuc y ne p p e l
51“ 11‘ .1 1‘ 5.11 contemplating such an act must ask _na
1 ‘1‘1‘1 .‘1 itself is, “Can I get a construction per- {1Y1
, :11 11,111 Commercial Printing use a carton Without leftovers. It is niit and a license?” It must be remem- {1 15
. 1 .-,," . . . ' - - 7. . '.1lSn
111 1111, .11 A new sales idea is that printers sell pomted out that there is no practical bored that of late the Fedeial Communl FM
1, 11111 111 1 h d _ 1 t of 6000 and 12000 reason why letterheads should not be cations Commissmn has, at least by im- '
. :1 1‘11 1‘ .1 6“” ea S m 0 S ’ ’ sold in even fractions of 2,000, 4,000, plication, been extremely Cn‘itlcal 0f 18h")
11 1 1' ' 1 _ . . .
1 311‘11' 1| ’1‘ instead 0f the customary 5,000 and 10’ 6,000 or 12,000, which cut evenly out newspaper ownership of radio. In fact, ‘ W 1‘
1. p1 1‘11 000 10‘5' Reason for the change WhICh of reams or cartons as they are packaged although a large number of applications 11 T6116
21,1 ‘ 11 15 recommended bY the “@“lng Papers at the mill, instead of 2,500, 5,000 or 10,- for FM construction permits from 1' Hon
1 t11 111‘1‘1 MfTS- Assn., accordmg ‘0 P rmtmg, WOUId 000, which obviously prints to waste. newspaper-owned standard broadcast 1 W01
1. n1 .1 1 {.1 be a 20 per cent boost in sales and would stations have been before the FCC for 1 ‘1
“ 3‘ 1111 use either a half or a full carton Wlth' many months, the first construction per— Pop
1 011 ‘1 011‘ wastage. BY buildlng up [0 12,000 Some people can do anything—except init awarded to a newspaper for FM was
‘ It. 1 1‘ .‘“ letterheads, rinters would be able to live within their income. was made A 31.11 7 with little or no in- -
1.1 .1 p 1 ice
‘ E1 1
5 {11'
. 1 1i 1 1. '11 1‘ .

 ,” ‘ l 7‘ ' ..,
~ ' :EE’
ES 1941 . May, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three E EEE E ,
‘ 'EE E 5 .'
E E, .
Jot E dication that others will be forthcom— dio sets and multiplication of standard radios of present day, we can not help EEEE E 'f
F ing in any quantity. \Vith this in mind, thing previously unknown. Sales of ra- but believe that high fidelity is not really “ E EEE E L;
['he Ibelieve a Kentucky newspaper should broadcast stations was phenominal until desired. Many listeners prefer the sooth- ‘ E E .3;
E rather definitely assure itself that it can at the present time it is estimated that ing rumble of the over-bass compen- EEEEE i'
51' _ get a construction permit before it there fifty million radio receivers in con- sated present—day receiver to the more EEEEE
spends much money for preliminary stant use in the United States alone. authentic high notes. Furthermore it is EEEE’ J.
rector surveys, etc. Many radio people have failed to see absolutely impossible to listen to a pro- EEEE I:
0 Activities E FM Costs Mona}E . that this enormous growth of radio 15 gram of high quality music on a high EE‘EEEE
. ; ‘ Frequency modulation equipment 0th to the fact that it prOVided the peo— fidelity receiver and at the same time EEEEEE
”Here“ In like all radio equipment, represents non- ple With something that absolutely did play bridge or engage in other diver- EJE‘EEE’ ,'
1 means 0‘ 2 quantity production at a resulting high not exist beforehand. In fact, many ra- sions. 1EEE '
l‘aPIdly to E cost. The transmitter alone engineered dio people have since been fooled by A consideration of these factors causes EEEE
ms for CEO” to a quality that will pass FCC require- expecting the public to “go overboard” one to wonder whether very many of EEEE
16 ereCEIQn ments will represent the investment of for Other radio improvements in ways the public will want to make the in- EEEE .
the United ’2 $3,000 or more depending on the power that have failed to materialize. For ex- vestment in new receivers or in “trans- IE'EEEIE .
deral ‘Com- desirfid. The ordinary studio equipment ample, it seems apparent that television laters” that will enable it to hear FM EEEE I
cons1dera- E consisting of high quality amplifiers, mi— even if perfected is never going to en- stations; and without a sufficient listen— EEEEE
“ted “1309' E crophones, switching systems and loud joy much popularity. Facsimile is on the ing audience FM is useless. EEEE
ght now IS ' speakers will add from $2,000 to $10,000 way out right now even though it was It is the writer's personal belief that EE‘EE -
ation, that more. An antenna is necessary at a cost made technically acceptable. many standard broadcast stations who EEE
NaSthHe' E of from $500 to several thousand dollars. Just how the public will take to FM have applications for FM construc- EEEE
lelsewhere ‘E These figures represent capital costs is, of course, problematical but it is tion permits have simply followed the EEE
:yEmodula- ‘ only and do not take into account pre- by no means certain that it will enjoy prevailing style in making such appli- EEE‘EE
adEunct to liminary engineering services as well as large and enthusiastic reception. For cations without much consideration of E,
F’ many 0f I legal costs necessary as ground work one thing it must be admitted that al- public demand or the maintenance of EEI
CC at the E before a license is received. though it represents an improvement a distinctive program schedule. If these EEJE
s of news- P” . S vi 6 in radio art, it does not represent any people contemplate a duplication of the EEEHE
iogmm e1 6 _ . ; ; ; fundamentally new service, and many late 20’s as regards a greatly accelerated {3’11
ked me [0 Frequency mOdmaUO" Stamm, are 16' people having standard broadcast re- prosperity for FM, I am afraid that they EEE'E
lKCHWCkY quired'by the Federal Communications ceivers with the excellent service avail- are doomed to disappointment. EEE
lency mod- E Commission to offer a distinctive broad- able on stations will be well content for ___________ EEEEEE
'rlc answer I: cast service that does .not amount [0 a many years to confine their listening to First FM Station Permit ElElE;‘E
[Cky news- E duplication Of what 15.0E6r6d on the standard broadcasts and let frequency Is Issued To WLAP, Lexington EEEE '
ibut many standard broadcast stations. It is per— modulation go. ‘EEEEEE'1
dertood at E missable under certain conditions to _; , ~ 1 1 to The Federal Communications Com- EEEEEE‘
Will apply E carry some of the programs also appear- Th.” ishpeiiliapsttie 19qup€rdpfaFirM mission issued a permit on May 20 to EEEEE
ly and the ing on Standard broadcast stations; but - gleflmon ttle a ”Stag: C “$31301; of the Paducah Broadcasting Company for E;
s of news- FM stations must justify their reason 161ml? 16. 0,11 5 an mg (1 SOL B t a new radio station at Henderson, Ken- EIIE1
t of those for being by showing an independent he system 15 m nOise 1e uc 1 n. u. tucky, to operate on 860 kilocycles, with W
rthermore 1 dul not obtainable else- please note that this is ieduction and not 250 watts )ower da -time on] . EE'EEEL
’ . program Si“: 6 .- limination. Secondl the s stem can 1 . ’ Y . y ‘EEE
presenta— ‘ where. This means that if an FM sta- e ; . . ; y’ .y ; The American Broadcasting Corpor— EEEEEE;
dio olic E ti . r i siiall communitv transmit a Wide range of audio ‘fiequen- ation h d . d . EEEEEEEE
l p_ y E 0n_iss.et.11p€V€11 113 1 . " cies without increasin the Si nal to ont e Same ay receive a permit :EEEE‘E
E . . ., . g g . . E...
icky Since , an indiVidual studio seiVice must be -. t' Th' neans that on FM [Oi a new high frequency (frequency E
: technical maintained for virtually the entire per- Boned ram. .1; I h d' - _ modulation) Station at Lexington, 0“ EEE’EEEE
any claim iod of operation and that little or no roa- casts provr mg t e Stu 10 equip 45,100 kilocycles, According to J Lind- EEEEEEEE
. . V t and lines involved are of equally . . E’EE‘E‘
mg factors reliance can be made on the netWOiks. 111.611: 1. b 1 1 ; say Nunn, of the LeXington company, 'EEEEEEE
Kentucky's Even if the networks were available for lg .quaity, ‘im a SO ute y “imam.“ this is the first such erinit to be ranted EEEE’EE
E . . . ~ ' tion is available. 1A7hen a Violinist , p g ’EEEE: .
aonsEtruc- extens1ve program serv1ce there still re- ielcep f ; 1 n en hear for Kentucky. The company, owner of Eli?!
1; mains the factor that at the present time 1:1 RES. 01 texafn 151: 1Z3; (C): J: 5mm s the Lexington Station WLAP, has asked EEE
the networks do not permit a sufficient- Ni: iifilifitfssign of this ualit of FMgis a frequency modulation permit for Asli- E tEE
newspaper 1y wide range of frequency response to that it] is likely to bodlmerafig in view land also, Mr. Nufin said. E EE .
must ask enable an FM station to cariy the qual- , f l f tl t th a 0 nt of absor)- When a 380-foot tower was erected EJEEEEEE
iction per- it)’ that makes it distinctive. Therefore 0. “it a“ 1a 6 m .u . . 1. on the Versailles ike two months a o EEEI‘ ‘th .
. . . _ ; tion in the average radio studio as it . P g Ea iii
be remein- Et 15 apparent that a laige talent eifcpense exists today, would have to be increased for XMLAP, it was constructed, Mr. Nunn 1E EEEE
Cominuni- E EfNEiecessary at the pies-em; tune. or an many fold and the quality Of studio explained, so that another tower could EEEE ,
astby im- E ' station unless consideiable ieliance performance would have to be raised be put on top of it for frequency modu- E‘luli I
fritical 0f lshplaced upon phonograph records m to a degree of perfection that would be lation broadcasting, WhiCh he described EEi‘EE’
0‘ in fact, I W 13h .case the stat 10.“ 1.5 certainly “0t almost impossible for the average in— as “absolutely free from static.” E:E 1
PPllcatlonsEE ren ering a very distinctive serv1ce. dependent station to maintain. Grant. He added that the permit allows the EEE 315
nits from How Much Audience ing the fact that a fine frequency recep- corporation 12 months to complete 431 E f
broadcast E Would an FM Station Have? tion like this is an ideal of radio engi- work on the broadcasting unit and that EEE E
3 FCC £01 E When radio started its rapid climb to neers, the question is still unanswered' it was not planned to start work im— EEE EE }
iction peg/I— popularity around 1922, the whole idea “does the public want such response?” mediately. E‘E E j
1‘ for F_ was new because a radio program serv- Frankly, I think not. If YOU will 110d“ .—_———— EEE 'iEE
or no in‘ ice in virtually every home was some— the widespread use of tone controls on VVe’ll Meet You At The Cave! EEEEEI
E E.‘ 2' ,
:5 E! E
'E . _

 h/Iay, 1941 L
44.1 L 1388 L L L 5/j
.. L, ..-,:_ L E KENTUCKY PR 1 -. linfii ‘TO be ufed L‘ A?
. LLLLL ‘LL ‘LL LLL 1L TH I e envelopes ‘- 115 [0 [he Blankvllle _
‘L'L .L'L LL LLL-1‘ - t 1 bing . L
_ LLLLL L L . athe LLbscH . t folks
L LleLLILL LLILL‘ _ [on repleseflt only for 51‘ would stop mOS _'
1 "LL" LL ' L Pa 8 Four ' 1 ‘VaShmg ue LL 1h?” ~ )3: POStage on CLL
L REL LL g work W1}: DalCY- Wage and Gaze 1qung the papelfll yuse of COIOI‘ L fu
LLL -L ' ~L ' - ' - he from 11‘ ' r L 50’ ‘
LL-L LLL LL L Wllllam ~ from t . Lral 1 edlto ' - re- v6
IL, L‘LL u L 1st seVC - to [16 L 111 help P
L' LLLL 3‘1 L L L An eCOnOm Surveylng . .1 lettel Velopes W
LLLL L :L . . - '5 HOW 1 nts 1n ‘ - ‘ the en . the sales ‘. fir
L IL- L; e . d1Vllen 1 er p a - )rmung ldmg to
L. L :‘LL‘L LLL' . 3 h A 3 H0111 k1 newspap . 'y sug- In I . besides a( , ~ ' h full I
L L LLL L D . nd wee Y . 1bhshers L nt thlS Hi 6 can fulfils
LLL LLLLLL L. L1 dally 3 km Pl, .- ces V6 L )osto C ' a [h
LLL ‘LLL L L en . ‘ the midweSt: Seet 0i thell" ex‘pell‘irll ed message. Any Lobtaining and usmg ad
L LLL- LL LL L entu0ky - and repOY S - . ' distlngulS 1 . [ails about ‘ , .
L VLLLLL L , tion of the K gestlons t Hi8 vlslt 15 his nllS' de ‘ ‘6 1y Pennll- L In
L LLLL . -L ' fiicial Pumlca Associamn L der the AC ' - ectol‘SL as . . busmCSS 1 p __— L
LL .L LLLL L L» 0 Press 1111 _. ,ities Of 1115p ~ 11” Pletul C, __——— F 7' Themselves 21.1:
; LLL LLLLLLL L —_————:—_'Publi5her from ad.“ in an “()VCl {it nfol‘CC‘ (Waving-9 Pay 0 L [K
LLL LL‘LLLLL‘ ‘ L portmanm Emtor sion is to obta to do Wlth e Ma/M’S Ehh ' L ' uhtion — but en- fo‘
L‘L ‘ L . in ' cn‘C ‘ 4
LL ‘LLLLLLLLL L L L victor R—ss‘ Lexington and has 110th. g Pictures bulld H0“; can you 11:1ak.e L W1
2L L M Kernel Pre ’ L )l‘OCedule' . . ()st mOneY' L S?! Thls 15
LL LLLLLL L L Printed on The “lent l __.—— gravlngS C L fol‘ {116111561‘6 ‘ it' th
LLLLLL‘L . L firs ho ——-“ 5 ravings Pay )ublisher does ‘ an
‘;.L ‘ilL ‘ ssociatlo“ sentinel’EcL eng. V all-town 1 his sub- L
L L L Press Asidem Londonclinton (3212,2253 dm‘s Help how one 5111 h onth he takes b 'b
“'5‘ .L L; Pre . '_Pres., . Mess . R60 / _ C m _’ _ u 5CI‘1 - ’
LLL, L L L 11 DycheL fi 1d VICe Danvllle t YO?” 116W F rgt Of ea . t of Hon 5
1:: a: L L Russe L, water 6 ',-TreaS-L . emen L5 .. is not a 1 ‘ - d 1115 1‘5 'lies P(
L 'LLL L LL Harry . Alcock, secy e 00111111me . _J0urnal _ , readelS ' [he ' tiOn hSt an f evel‘al fan“
' LL; ‘LLL L- L J~Curtls -¢rict Exam". ‘1]e Gour‘erpaducah ditorlals b) . . 'nterest 1n SCLLIP names 0 S 1f non- . W‘
!L W 5 L DIS 1 Loulsvl LaGOre’ union E ‘ 15 mug 1 ~ mot- ickS 01“: - ~ and ha A. '
L LL LLLLL L LL; Armentrou.’ First, Joe Mumford' Rich' h d for 11 P r But 1310 el‘S, P bscrlbels 0rd]. [11
- LL LLL Vance hairman , d Tyler [h Joe . _ Inet O ewspape ' k e t half SU - n have .
LL .4 ‘ L bird): C , secon L . ld' Four L 1] Tnm , f the 11 ac ag : _abou d 1115 SO . t1(
LL LSLL (T Democrat’ Morgan“? mL Frank Be ’WachSL )inlOnS O 'n a new p - 1 - -3 He an - nvenlenCe
LL LLLLL L 5“”: AdvocateLTimes; F‘? ' Fred 3 Robin' 01 Legented 1 Compllsl subscrlbe‘” at the1r C0 cL
L LLLLL . Gouny Glasgow ra' Slxm’ 11, W. W- Log (1 and P] . c2111 3‘3 a; and aroup S
. LL LLLLLL L ardson’ rat Bedfo Lr: seven L wilsOnL ,_ (3 made” _ t the Camel“ L, . . and snap a .
LL moc L _Leade . h T. T- - W11 . L- 1 by , . Lolce 0 nary _ f mlles _ - th 6
LL . Ll LL ble .Det n Hera]d ld' Elght L Browmfig’ R. (1110113 5 . t 1veS \ ._ ,- It the 31 Y a b1t W1 P
. LL LLLLLL . Lexmgq mine nga. ’m H- A' e, V10” a e 15, first 1 g unurHLY- they V15 7 1 r e the PL in
‘ L Pam . a, Nm L te_2,.t.1ar€=’ . ton, an r31 enc the c011 16" en a g L
L LLL L: ‘ son13in cynthlaflblican; Stat 55 Lexmg seVe derS of t a - 1‘65- T1 L , .
L :L L L, L L t. - a . sen )1ctU L
L H L Efmiggfii Rfigntuclflhlaligelndefefden responslble- 131315 by readelS Preditofi 1 home enlargeL- Its of about three 4 1:1
LLLLLL. L y, 'te -. ; 0‘ e e a CI 3 1
LL LELL L: L' Egguncey Foriigislafivg (lionzlgvocate’ challhgql'gzs Second, edltl OSC \Vl‘itten by thed‘sa Tee_ Then they “5.6 the Paper’ t
L LLL L L LordL n1qrganftlflinton Gazefitgflry. ward, contrast t0 t1 Violently 1 g '16 Llieg a Week In I . gC
L. Li W; “£11 Wategfgfifiéwn H6313 ’RL Jopgzm‘e’i‘i . fact they may . LS can be a few fan“ L, [116 profit ““g e" pictures in th
LLL LLL 2'1 Harr derwoodL Crat; G60. WiLIiamSL 1n ’ . L editorla unity HereS e thell‘ , I L .
LL LLLL 3, Un Sun.13em0 1th‘ cecfl . d readClS b ut comm like to se . . rltes 1:16 L 511
L! LLLLL Paducah mmonwea ’ Th” ’ 1 u htS a O . - L the PeopIe - bllshel W L
. LL LLLLL rset CO . mmee . - f cw“0 g t IVES thls Pu - ~ was
L L LLLLL SOme 1. mm! 00‘“ haxrman' L 1rce 0 11 fi ally, 1 g )er. SO lctme '
' 1 ‘ LLL:L set Journa .spapel‘ EX PresSL C . Mrs. 501 [S And I] as the the P21] i1 ‘WhoSe p b1. fl th
L LLL‘LL Ne“ rm Kentuckfigurg Hereld’rdson, - rovemen .. w stature ‘ f each fam y iIV undo" ..
L L'.‘LL . R. Por‘ma ’Harrods v. w. 319‘“ mam Imp aper “e - more head 0 ' the fam ' nd ' )1
L; LL 1 vlctor HuttonL L. Col. Free ,1, neWSP . n5 311mg , . 1].; 111m _ . to Se 1
L. L .L . Jane. ospec v - Jet"ry veelx) nlty, 1 I ted. “3 03615 .
L L. L: MISS dge, Pr Advocate" ‘ ComITlU Prln , COPIGS’ f the b1
L L '1 L L Mark Ethrl Senger' 13nd. ~ of the tq extra , LLL” 00-1 L
L L L.L . - Mes camber fo1um - ._ 1 wan - for - ~
, L LILL LL L Danvlue News, edltor- I 8 out ed Y _ 0 168 11b' 1. (
. L = LLL . -_county . to the . that 1 ext13 C P - the P I e
L L LLL L Tr: 1ette15 . e olts k- dozen b fiber, .
. L - LLLLLL: ORIAL— ubhsher r P . 1 by as tWO . n-su SC L exna ;
L - L L LnL L 16 y a 110 . velVe P
L L L LL 2.‘ ' WT One P L mgram n16 ffice 3‘80" 15 ' hlm U .
L L L.-. L‘ - ’ - - ~ 0 P . L 1Ve - on. 01
' L L L LLLLLL L NAT / ASSOCIATIO 1' d a 10 Wee P ‘ nlnlstels’ - , offelS to g ! bSCrlptl L
r : L1: 1 L? \Lézw, me - (311615: 1 use- llshcr - Veal“ S S“ - for
L L L .L-L‘LL L its-'1'“ - I” '10 schOO1 Lea . .g farmers, ho 1 ies free Wlth a -' his publlSher
’ L g th‘ L .L MW 11 ‘51 1 S day IabO1 61‘ ’ ther precedCC COD 1. C it 01“ not, t L . n101'e than a1
L. L L’LLLL LL ‘ ho ( er ’ .‘b lte ADO , u Ihat Be 16V n gettlng x- .
L L .L LLLL' LL! . v to Contll 1 ' _ 16 title ‘A . thS has bee k . 51165 of e r g1
L LLLL'L L m Wes- rial feature ‘YlthLLLAds and news 31" m0“ of the Cuts baC-k LnofL adding a L" “L
' LLLLLLL L ’LLLLE'L’LLLLL‘ 9‘“ edlto were Edltor' 'nvited the C0“. gay nothmg '1din 6}" ' m
L; .L .. MEMBER 15.13%: 1821 L 111 'dea and 1 c0 Ies—to . . _ nd bul g
L L LLLL LLLL LLLL‘mL-ALL It L romOtEd the 1 blLSheTs have tra fp CW 9111330113615 a L 1191119 1110113 A
L 1‘ ‘L  , . . LLL L . n . ‘ . . 3 r L . .
L’ i‘L LLL LLL L CKY PRES Storle'sbllitions. Thesef 1:11 il‘ reader—ert‘ 10L 0 t6rest in 1115 papeL q Llot of family ' [C
L L L .L TU contl”1 0 He 1 t tra 1n ‘ -ints ‘ lus
L L _ L L 13 )1 d t1
. L L L L L 1 many . d and t . He also I an L 211
.L i LL L 1L K TION reported tha ‘ rmte , _ lctures. , he Cuts, . n
LL_ L L LL . - ere 16p . ~L buL L) .m" t . ‘- “1(1th
L L LLL LLLLL ASSOCIAJANUARY. H” ten edltorlals W {ted thelr Papem Lixm letterheads’ L-Lgbb brimmg—Cnf 0L
LL L“: L ant-““1” -t not only beneLfited their ‘LCSPCCL gets extra JO L
1‘ L" L L 1 n6 L L , l
:L L‘L‘L LLL 12 Number 7 most of all, be ManagcrflenlL —'—""— :c
LL 1 L W . - _-—— .
‘ is; LL L; L Olume ’ nltles- _ .
L J Li, L'L L LLL V Comfllu 7.15 7, ) Ive-[us 01781661 C Richard‘ 6]
I L L“ LL L ‘ died _'—_._ M2 Ll a ) r211 Robert ' al'lnent ‘. S}
I i :I'L ;‘L “T MaLm‘ Gene “far Dep .
1 L L L L 4/ L and Hou?‘ C m g f NEA R INT” Envelope IL director of the . g has notlfieCL L it
C L L! L Li I ag’ . s 0 L d 6’ . . n 1‘-L - latIOnL '1 -.
,. CnCC Stflfllpe - n5 SO L . 1 C Re 1 W1 n
r L L LL, . from c0nfel ers, The L b cnpth f Pub 1 Bureal . . LL
. L L . - anag f r 511 5 . mean 0 the 11. A
t - ‘L -'L ‘ LLL Resultlng V asSOCIaUOn m 1 letter, O _ buSl' BU that . n 1111 -
L: L 'L . - . s a oflice , “on 0
L L L L IL L 1 state PreSS . at Jackson Evel)’ 536 1d Contaln the Press . -nf01ma b-
L ‘ LL 5? Qflicla S) , ubhshers . . t01" ~ - -n shOU fpostal ful‘nlSh 1 I KPA Pu A:
L 6 I“ L; LL i. . diVldual P . Admlnlstra 1‘ advel {151 gr A Weakness 0 be glad to d by am keen
3 K L L; V . and m . AsslStant ur 0 velOPe- . to pro” L - tq neede - the t1
‘ E E5 [I ‘ . Fla Wlth 7 e and H0 1: )1y en . fallllre , sublec ‘ ’ . t tlme _ I
. L L . essl l . the tary - Lesen . an( L
L .- LL V1116: ’ b‘ f the LL ag . d to n - ' non 15 f ending t the P .. . qffallsL
L L - 5 0 mte ohclta . hod 0 S -1 rs A . 1ta1y ‘ L ..
5 'LL : : Harold Iaco ‘L to be 313130 card 5 ald met “ 6 11516 " 1n ml 1 ' 11 ha‘6 L ‘
- . - . . . - 6-1) the W - ' [erest wth . G
L UL LLL L L: ml'itee 15 . 1 f for the x [1113 Postag that bhc m Ianges t
L “ a com d of 16 ‘e lee Tests show efl P“ . tant 61 . ake L
L 1L“ ' LL 1 Act, metho apeTS order. are W V ImPOr “my, m _ ‘L A
L L, . L t a 1 newSP back the ,, velopes - the man] . - the f . - llsts .
t‘L LLL L :L vork 0” . d week Y - L e 611 111 Lrhm thor13 L n
L LL L... L L 1 11L an . resslVe- he postag .the)“n10rei )lace W , nd e( . _
i O L LL'L' LL L . 1161‘ ( a 3 t blll OPP )ay t LC- Fu1 ‘1' taken 1 . rlters a . 'V6 11’]
L L L .L L LLL: sma )resen em I expens . a cus fm W hm‘lta“ p
‘ fl L‘ L!‘ LLLL . f d the I amendm [h the . tel-1:11 for , - Ortant t 31112 _ - [0
L L L LL L . 'IL wthh In ‘ ward an - WOT . . lnall 1113 . hnn Imp cheSS O . ‘ 11 3 )ed
LL LEL LLL One apPrOaCh LS :Oand second, bYLSCtZL: printing dlrecl: nearly a1ways hsellabove to haVe eaSFLi‘fie Bureau ‘5 eLLLtELrLy sub- .j .
LLL LL resent ac isting 1n ' e1" vou Ca se of t e f rmatiOH- on m] E U
3L E 3 L LL 1‘ [0 the p ' to the 6X ‘ a _ 0m ? 1 , 10 65 by u in to 0 . tual data L
a: L- LLL -ficatlons 35 1t P . d eme P . of hav g nde fac i
L, L: L LL . odl nt 121W )rlnte ._ 15 fear _ b- prOL
.L L . . -.L . L ng m rese ub- l . If thelc - a su L
L H. .L . LL 1 . of the P 1 of p gum]. - beSIdCS . ,
1 an ”.1 LIMLL tathnS A $01113 suggc- ethlng f JCCtS- '1
L )1‘6 erS- x A. on 50m back 0
L EL L LL 1 . newspap 1 by ROY L ostage . .- t on the L
L, ngL hes to name( . 138} P. - le 1111
LL » :LILL LLL L LLL F hers is SOOn to be named Chauqnan Scl‘iptlon’ 5111,11)“ p .
L fLL L L LLLLL Bisown who has bfeilive committee’ L0
1‘ 1 L LLL L 1‘ ’ is a
yz ; LL‘LLL‘ NEA leg
L“ LL LLL 0f the
L L‘ H ‘LLgL
i :1 LIL ELL

 ‘ 1'1- .2"
1:: ~
1 1
y, 1941 May, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ‘ l ,
l {l . V:
'0 be ust 1 Special Editions: ' justifies the publisher‘s desire to obtain writing, editing, and selling advertising “1 i .‘
Blankville 1‘ Are They Worth While or Not? all the advertising he can, upon any for special editions, and many agree 511, ‘.
1 - ' . and all occasions, b ointin out the that it is better to handle the s ecial ! g 3:
nOSt folks The arguments for and against spe- . y p g _ . . . . P i . ~.
postage on _ . . . . fact that the busmess men With whom issue entirely Within their own ofi’ices. My
mail editions continue to grow With the, . . . . 1111.
lse of c010r ‘ - - , . the publisher deals use the same meth- XVhen additional help is needed, they 1:111, .1
fuel of the Assoc13tion of 1\ational Ad- . . . , _ . 11:: 1 .
1h€1ppre— ~ . . . . ods in getting business. An example hire someone lrom the home commun- 11:1
vertisers opinion being tossed upon the . . . . . . lli‘ ~-
1 the sales , fi 5 of the “a ainsts 11 given is that of the young married ity, or even obtain the co-operation of ,1“, -~
urnish full “ re g ' . . couple who are overloaded with gadgets some local group to back the special 51111"
I The A.N.A. expressed the opinion ,, ,, . . .. . . . . 1,3,1 1
[1 using a 1 . on easy payments Without conSidera- edition. Also, bringing in outside pro» 1:1,
that such editions are of little value to . . , . . . 1 1 . , 1,111,.
. . . . . tion of the grooms ability to pay. moters too often results in the use ot Wt :
advertisers, and cut into appropriations .. . . , . . . l1 1,, -
. . Skilled salesmen play on the grooms high-pressure salesmanship, damaging .11:
1 intended for real selling effort. They . ,, . , .. . 31:1
Themselv l . 1, ,, emotions and the merchants consider future advertising goodWill and pros— 111,!
55 appealed to publishers tor coopera— . . 11,31:
1 , . . . . it good business. pects, 111:,
— but en. 1 tion in helping conserve appropriations , ,,,, ,
’ .. . Another form of merchandise prac- —-——————— , l1}
lyou make 4 for legitimate and resultful campaigns ticed Widel' Mr Smith reminds the , 1,3,, ,.
is? This is which will prove of greater benefit in reader is ”1)e,ader”‘ bait Lmotype Company “I ,1‘
er does it: the long run to both manufacturers I ,d ' VI ["ho‘luws C0707” 1,11,
1 ~ . . n “ t oesn‘t seem to me,” sa 1s i r. t, . 11!?
.es hls Shh" l and Phthhels- . H l ‘1 lo make available a newspaper body 1,1,1
'n-Subscrib- . . . . Smith, that the hardheaded business , _ . ‘ . . . . ,1:
1 ' An editorial appearing in the Eni- man can be stam eded into buvin‘ type that piOVides maxnnum Visibility, 11,:
a1 famlhes poria (Kan) Gazette of Feb. 12, 1940, . .p g or color, and which at the same time 1111:
half non- , ‘. _ . . worthless advertismg nearly so easily _ , , ,. _ , :51,

. 1 was iepiinted and Circulated Widely by . , helps to conseive newspiint by savmg 11,2;

have Ordi- , . . as he can load young married couples _ . , . .. Mr
the A.N.A. because it condemned edi- . ~ .. ,, space, the Linotype Company intio- :11:

)nvenience . . . down With unneeded meichandise. , ~ , _ y! ,
tions which commemOi ate some ob- 7 _ y , duces C01 ona, the newest member of its .111, 11

‘ l ‘ h V ‘ ' ' . . . “Ell 1‘:

”2113.55.5th scure event connected With the town, “hethel Ml‘ 51?“th a'gu‘h‘fnLH” Legibility Group. l““‘i““
a bltwuh i perhaps the anniversary 0f its found- 1300f“ 01‘ cuff, IS, 131111215162? ‘nane “While the new Corona incorporates 1“
)out [h i 111g, pOSSlbly the anniversary of a new 111.0115” as pu 3:5 1C1: t 0’ 6):}, “in iahl all Of the basic legiblllty factors of other high:

ree j ihther 01‘ an Old one. - - -“ and “Id efflfiumlls. are bput (hul'eh) in c 1 l iscies members of the group,” says C. H. Grif— til},

‘ that ShCh advertising ”15 literally i,‘ hu E168: ‘11 t fé‘esorfficzn :1 ‘ fith, Linot)’pe vice-president in charge ‘Iil‘fi
lictures in , gouged out Of advertisers and does atei aie supp anec , Y W Y e. , 1 of typographic development, “it offers its:
1’ '. ~ , ~ ;‘ '1 1 1' " . . . 1:11;,
writes th 11!: them no good. It is a lacket, puie and Regudless 01 Justification for Specld a higher unit count than many faces of ,1“,
icture e i simple.” editions, Mr. Shmh states that Where comparable size, btit still is not at all a Elli,“
undod‘hhts l Most special editions, according to the newspaper donates liberally 0t condensed face. illlll‘l ,

' 1 ) ) ~ 1' . 1 “ ‘~ costl s ace and effort in en ineerin ,, 11:13:;
‘S to send 1 the Gazcltcl, aie P05511316 b601,“: 1 (:11in an elven}: for the local ublicgood ii The lower—case characters of Corona W
.00. If the , pressuie 5d esmen g0 0.1:: 3r}? 0d 11113 the benefits of Whichp all bisinesscs have been designed for maximum 51,1:

1 , 1 , . ,, - _ _ ‘ .»'l

the pub- y; 111.51%.35 “(1,6,1 toTlcontli ute ’ a; he share it seems fail that a )ortion of height, and all of its characters have 11,113,
, , . , t , ,_ , ’ A ‘ 1 ,E: 51,)

elve extra I €(1[()llalah(s, lat isblnotkgool news such ex ense should be unlderwritten been fitted to compensate [or stereo “““l“
‘iption. paplel 1311519655” 1}, 3),, ac mal’ mOie B, localp business men shrinkage, with the result that to the ‘lli,
llisher for 01 “EPOhte'lY V616 ' _ fl ,1 ) . ‘ ‘. ' 7 . hurrying reader the face