xt71g15t9s43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9s43/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, January 1986 text GSO Newsletter, January 1986 1986 1986-01 2019 true xt71g15t9s43 section xt71g15t9s43 3

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P.O. BOX 11471 LEXINGTON, KY 40575
January 1986

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It you would like to advertise in the 850 Please put oe/us on the BSD mailing list
Newsle ter, please send your camera-read; ad copy _'_'-..1 d'I‘ _ fr c b r i tion to the
to BSD, PO Box 11471, Lexington, Ky. 405 5. The 15L U Ins e '99 .u s.r.p -_ i _ _
Deadline for ad SmelSSlon is the 15th of each nonthly BSD newsletter {dEllVErEL in an
nogtg. Any ags Eegeiged agferh she gfiagline will "unmarked” envelope).
no e guaran ee 0 e pu is e in a issue. , . . .
Ads may be submitted camera-ready or rough. _---;”C1°59d 15 ‘10'09 (9r ’5'00 lcr students)
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as tor each membership in 650.
5h””” lg] rgtes ‘sectigg_ b91°"- 559 “i1; nottbe Please let me/us know how l/ue can be more 1
responSi .e or t ese in: errors in a a er ----. U w J “F 1 H c e _
printing: advertizgr is gesponsible {or proofing I lnv10V9¢ 1“ 550 o. other gay/le-b.an 0’93”
henadfi thEl‘ SUbnit tor publication. izations by calling ______________________
ie edi or reserves the rirht to censor . '. : Phone 3
advertisements which are deemed in poor taste and ____or writing
to edit due to space and/or gramme ical errors.
Erotica, fantasy or sexually explicit materials, _____________________________________________
or ads with sexuat innuendo, H111 not be accepted Namelsl
for publication.
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Typesetting $19.03 _________________________________________________i
Screens t 5.0Q
DISCGUNIS: The 650 newsletter is Bublished Ionthly by the
Lexington Say Services rganization incorporated,
gig of; {gr 5mg, P.0. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is
1/3 off for 12mo. a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
1/2 off for non—prefit Qrfiuns' provide educational, recreational. social and
‘ r refegrag service? directly involv1ng or relating to
Placement of an ad in the G59 newsletter USES 9‘Y/.95 1'“ P'”".'s .
NUT denote a person’s sexual orientation or s lettészs as; :E;2;°":‘ ezflg'5::ft!:2 ifigr'fig n3;
buglnESE s (Hating? preference, necessarily represent those at the BSD board or the
-o:n: newsletter staff. Publication of the naee or
1"0” photograph of any person, organization or other ‘
Tfiff7fcv entity in articles or advertising in the newsletter
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation ‘
cgggigygu:fli,fllu:nzutu,.,Hi,jfb:IE otswhpeuom wgmiuthnoreMiw.
i5? E:;:’=+E:r; Eergral....:.it.,i.z_...,3??—SZE: Subeissions for the newsletter are welcoee, All
"‘ ‘”_-" — ' enfzrti:sne:%......c..,.i377~?E$T subeissions becole the property of the Lexington
can iarrfisff-agihgygrg;f_‘V_j,,vg,“ _.,,f7g-;nrg Say Services Organiza ion, nc. All SubeisSions
L‘” 'b‘l‘i"L”“ ‘ '”""' """' ' " ' lust indicate the toll nale and address of? the
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(606] 231-0335
8:00 pmm iii 41:00 pm. Wednesday and Thursday
In our efforts to expand Gay-Lesbian related service in Lexington
metropolitan area, G.S.O. is providing through its Gayline Phone
Service, community referral information for the following:
Physicians and Specialists
Psychologists, Counselors and Therapists
Financial Advisors
Substance Abuse Drugs and Alcohol
information is available for the following:
Upcoming Events and Activities _
Bar Listings
Allied Gay and Lesbian Organizations
A. l. D. 8. Techniques and Practices _
Gay and Lesbian Reference Bibliography ‘
g Community Events: [)9
. What, When and Where '
:- On Pre-Recorded Phone
E Line Tapes 24 Hours
g A Day [606] 234-0335 : | ,

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SEhINAR FDCUSES UN RIDE: Roitman said, 'I’ve been stuck by a needle of an
hYTHS AND FACTS AIDS patient but I tested negative .'
by Thomas H. test According to Hinds many of the fears and
misconceptions about AIDS are due to the intense
“You can’t get AIDS from social contact.” This media coverage that is given to each small
Has the message at the HAIDS Update 85: H th vs. development In AIDS research. There was much
FactE seminar held in the Perkins Buiidinq at concern over the discovery of the virus in tears
Eastern. ' and saliva. Drs. Lane and Hinds pointed out that
The day-logo gaminar was snonsored -hy Training this has not a very efficient means of transmission
and Development Resources of éonerset. Kentucky and bEEiUSE it is found in such small quantities.
EKU’s health education and continuing education “FERFS FESdlt from lack 0t CUFFECt information
departments. The seminar 535 geared toward and misinformation is sell-generating," Hinds said. _
disoellioo misconceptions and exposind facts about SEES EitiES 3T5 5991“? EETlEHS decreases in 3
hit: to Kentucky health professionals. blood donations because oi a misconception that g
thS attacks the body’s iooune s‘stem leavino AIDS can be. contracted ii “Email“? 5193“! ET- E
the victim susceotahle to any ounher oi cosmos and Lane‘ eaolaioed that fresh $993195 are ”53d when '
rare fljgggsagl ' AIDS victims do not die oi AIDS. drawing blood so there is no rish of contamination
They die at the diseases that Alas allows the hoot is the diner-
to contract. ‘ Because of the new screening methods, the blood
dccordino to organizers only shout l70 persons SAPPIY i?553f 15 safe. Blood éfid biflfid products
were expected but be the end oi the day 22d oeoole 5T3. 'suoiecced t9 thfl tEStE t3 orevent {5153
had feajstgrgd, ‘ ‘ ' ensitive readings.
or.' Cliiiord land. denote clinical director or "i’e net shirt with the serene who donated the
the hational Institute hi 'Health in Bethesda. Cfihlamihaied eieed that ii husband FEisiird EEEaHSE
darvland nave the hevnote address. dther speakers hE probably dlgazt than -5 had :59 tires. {PM
iociuded Stella hchee; aidon of a Kentuch” sins assri all? the radiant. that developed the test
victim. Er. hard' h. Binds. director of bEEEUSE there “?5 fi. {1V3 year lapse {iron
epidemiology tor the hentucty department for Health EEPEBVEFE? "5? .iRE :3159555 until the tESt “35
Services . leda Roitnan. staii horse at the dEVEIEFEéls" 5333 £5339-
doiaeristy of hertuchv and :Einin Hachoev oi the i“? €353 itBEIi 555 EEEGEE 5 controversial
Cgmprehgngivg tars fighter: ‘ oolitical matter. day organisations. according to
“$333 15 an ungrgggdgggga fiatianai health Hachney. adVIse says not to tahe the test and not
precise." said a ids. 'Hinds also oointed out that in innate,b§efld= altheueh the last result? are net
34 oeoole in hentucty have been diagnosed sith made avaiiaols 5E Ffihiic record 1“ hentucny. they
AlES. "Aoout a dozen at those are still livino." ii? 15 Colorado:
he gaid‘ " ”d positive antibody test can become the basis
fine of the gtirgigfig facts that ass oresented at tor discrioication.” said Hackney she is a hoard
the conference see there are one sillion doericans member 3; the LEhlfidtfifi Gil SETViCEE droanizatioe.
now estinated to be iniected eith its also virus. its fl:5= have last heath tried to diaries three
of these fifily giggt 35 fiercgfii Egg} ever Ehgo servicemen that tested oositive in a mandatory
symotoos. About id oercent sill deseloo $323 and tail-
the other is oercent sill develoo as: idIIS Related Eaters a teal is administered laziest daring
Cidfiiahis a 1:55 gases; 5;: gr goggtgsg, blood donations) the oerson seeking the test must
Its the ;Eopig nho are ooi'gégu that are 555: undergo counseling that explains the limitations
likely to infect others.“ said Edsin Hackney. in and imolications it ihE TESUltS: ==
his scram; -:=r= -ideinss icr teal“- sexual The tES’E ”Tit-1E5 til? FTESEME‘ ii the THE“: E
actieitv. ' to the hth virus. This is the chemical that the
”thS is a more restricted disease,“ said Lane. bid? produces i5 ildhi thE ViTUS= ihE antibody 35
“It is transmitted in two beds iluids, stood and not oresent unless the AIDS virus is present Edit
semen.H . ' as the antioody tor the common cold is not oresent !!l
at all AldS victims the laroest rist grouo unless {hi ifiid virus is in thE h0dt= I ._
aooears to he say or hiseeual‘ men. The neat 3? ii? the disease most PTEVéIEfii id AEBS ==
largest grouse 'aie intravenous druo usersi victims i5 53P35i’5 33Tmeé= Q Viiilh 3t thii ==
hemooheliacs, and basis; ct infected oothérg, ' disease develops vascular nodoles in the shin and ::
Since the audience has largely :omorised oi other oroaos such as the lungs. The snail purple ::
health oroiessionals much of the inioroation tumors are malignant. ::
centered' around treatment and trying to eliminate RIBS is always total, although some panels have =:
the {ears that many pggpie have gi'ggntragting the survived it for sore than five years. accordion to ::
disease iron AIDS satients. Lane= Treatment for the symptoms is the only type ::
“l eant vou to than that this is not a disease fit medical CEFE available. ==
that is easy to catch. Rish to health care norters hoitman said she hoped that oeoole aould get ==
is incredibly small.“ said Lane. insolved and help AIDS victims maintain their huaan 55
So tar only three health care nroiessionals have dignity. ShE said, "You 535 dB thlS bl contacting ::
tested positive for the AIDS antihod" HILV—III all the community hospice. If you are scared to visit --
three had been start by needles oi AiDS patients. with them you can send a card or call. These are ii]

 eople, hat a mass of diseased i’leshi They are
t3unan beinos: they need friends." ' 33033 thS DESTQRYS THE ll‘thlNE SYSTEM
llhile the events were reared teward the health .
care workers in Kentucky, the audience has asked to (editer’s note: this article is the last in a
go home and educate their ce-uarkers and the people series of {our articles on the immune system)
around then= _ _
”Education is what we need most riaht new” said The appearance of Acquired immune Defic1ency
one nurse. ' ' Syndrome (AIDS) dramatically underlines the
importance of a fully functioning immune system in
preventing such unusual diseases ‘as pneumncvstis
carinii pneumonia (PCP) and haposi's sarcoma 3.31.52.
Thee-ah PC: and K5 are characteristic of fullbloun
- :E—ffi ."=_'_——_—.::;?s§sf=' — LT' AIDS; the disorder also includes milder forms, like
5.35.EEEE;_;___=—_:—E— AIDSLre-lated cumplex (ARE) and nersistent
—’———-————“‘———— generalized lymphadenopathy (F‘BL)a characterized by
' swullen lymph nodes. fever and weight loss.
Hith fully developed hill—S, most measures of
in respanse to last ran'hs editerial er; Cinema CEllfiEdiifi—Efi , “13133 333-3333033113. 13235539 ”533933.59 53'0”
advertising in 33:23 33:3 fiefiaigttgr; severe deficiencies, min the enception of
increased productien d3 immunoglohulin. Net cinl”
First si :3: ii hensletter is a tree sneech is the this! Mather e3 items-Cites, which carry 02:3
czpen foruu? The acceptance of smartsig: letters 3333 3351,3235 1232352323 3959333359: (decreased “‘2
or articles tree citse ssurces "e”er 'cehdenes ln‘il'v’i‘i'iai‘i “13-h 33195: i 353’ group D? 33’333‘330‘33’395:
nnr endorses acirisns cvr ,rs:i‘es expressed known as 3253 helper cells, is depleted. {it the same
therein= ' time, the number of TB suppressor cells remains at
her: 3112:; are csi11 out practicins safe sea: dermal: levels. 3
Let’s Taupe this hecemes standard and let these aha 3 33715 dramatic 397835133 of the usual 3‘59“.
wish to attend de 5:; helperiserpressor ratio is generally accented as
3332 21_ the result of iniectien hy a retrovirus tnoun as
human T-cell lynphotrepic virus {HEW—II? a:
., ..,,__,., . . t. . mm lya:hadenseathy-associated virus 3 Al: : .urrent
3"-' 3““:’3- 33 33" WTNTL resgarch iridicates that the virus destroys the
, __ _‘ . o- W,“ 2:... .:..n “a“ hodv’s innune system he selectively infecting and
”3:3 ”35333 5“me FL ”37"” J‘l‘t’éaftfi‘r 3;“: destre‘y‘ine the 323 helper cells: which are
333E533“ 3559' =5“: :3 3‘3 3553—35 3”-:'35f':‘ re=acssi37e er initiatine' and regulating almest all
'9";=7 :j'FfE 535‘, ‘33:" F‘mej-‘lkflifqlf :srue iuhctidns 03 hothl and B cells.
"31“?“ FILELF-EE?“ _fi’“= ilééfitai‘jflfiff “tiff "3:5: in a healthy immune system: a specially
35.3“” E?“ ”E 3633333”??- _”‘E_3"E':§':Z'i_ 's’fltE-i‘rlf’. committee? nrsup at 34 helper cells reco-inize a
33559 WES 55-: 353339393”? t'rcr: 3“" 33*: iereir-n suhstance er antigen in the had and
sewer: e3 hhite deuse ifiifiltatiltai" has rs: , ”in, -.,, ~22‘ti"'”-’ ., 73,, i1”. - ,5 L. 31
ire-2’s: resists: rri their rah' :53:an 53.33: in iESHL’nG: D? 33'“ ‘ply‘nti‘: ”:3, ”infirm-'3' " LE 1-
f“??? -LT";'"’31.1-'I‘:?";;i si"£.l_i'lia.,;"..s,- p .i- iyaphucytes te secrete innunosleuulins; some i
:r.1_l331c.: ‘r:-:' i‘i'lii 35L”. at: :5‘_‘i'.'l':'l__{ use? ctr-E‘sicz- r513: 32': EEC“??? 73/353223?le and dfifitrn”
_.‘.L' - *.:L Li.-- ,— 3 may, 2» —:.- ----- -— --~- -; —- -- - - ———---1
"1"" 3"" ”a”? “in: “E“? “*EU35"" virus-iniected cells: and ether 3 cells is secrete
_ kept-sires, which in turn activate hath
fig eacrophaaes and natural killer celis= .
51% Signir’icantiy: research sheris that the he? 34
:Ei3— helper cells in persons with 21‘:th are incapabie o3
respsnding tc: antigens, thus preventing t e hsdy
l L“ tron tsisg th crucial first step innountinn a
— = production. of lymphetines, anather defense
= if“-.. _ = nectsnir is deactivated. The ‘iuss of the immune
= "é“lafi .0 = system then leaves the hndy defenseless a ainst the
E wmfl-m = characteristic opportugistic intectiens o3 AIDS.
— : . — Researchers aise :aye discdvered that the
= 1 !g% CREATIVE VIDEO E ahility si the HTL‘J-llli’thv virus to infect H
= y “a: helper cells is enhanced if the helper cells are
_ \ . . . ,. , , 3 , , _
= Weddings oLIvmg Wills - = already "itp‘yin, in _ respnnse to anether
= Valuables o paw-e5 . _=_ infecciun,“ :his ‘Wfinding L suggests that
= 7mm: Sporting Events = siiscepiihi3ic3r ic- laiss. nay ge increased hy_the
= = presence oi'dher iniectiens: lgke cytomegaluvxrus
= ' = {3333342, hepatitis er syphilis, all at which cause 24
=Cathleen Otvos 266-9698: helper celis tc- proliferate.‘ _
'-' filthough the helper cell is the major tarnet of
r'fllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'r: 2

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