xt71g15t9s3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t9s3h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2004 text GLSO News, June 2004 2004 2004-06 2019 true xt71g15t9s3h section xt71g15t9s3h w;g_,.-.-,;.i;; GAY and 3;;
LESBIAN ‘Ifi. w:-
SERVICE "33s.? .
JUNE 2004
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 6
2004 PRIDE PICNIC The Imperial Court of Kentucky
The Eleventh Annual Pride Picnic will ""'°"""fi"" 3“"
again be held from noon ”th 4 pm, on The Imperial Court presents Coronation
Sunday June 20' at W'hdy Kho” Farm' XXIII. A Night of Leather & Fantasy:
rain or shine. Windy Knoll is located at African Jungle-Wild Cats on the Prowl. We
3263 Cleveland Rd. N' A map and direc- have planned an eXciting Coronation week-
tions are on page 22' We expect a good end June 4 - 6. We will celebrate what we
crowd so plan to car pool. anticipate to be the most successful year of
I The IplCl’llC '3 our most popular event fund-raising in the history of the Kentucky
mm a giant potluck, games, venders, raf— ' Court. The net proceeds of the Coronation
flesI(see page 22): and the gathering ef events will benefit Moveable Feast Lex. lnc.
family & friends. Thistear’s entertainment On Friday June 4 we will kick off with
includes Lip Candy, Mister Motown, Lori the In Town Show at Club 141 (141 West
O’Conner and the Squash Beetle Morris Vine St.) Doors open at 8:30 - show begins
Dancers. If you want to be a vendor call at 9130, $5 donation. On Saturday, June 5
Mary at 266'5904' We ask 10% IofIyour we invite you to two shows at Club 141, at
take to help pay the costs of the picnic. If 8 pm the Out of Town Show, donation $5,
you want to volunteer to help call Mary or and at about 11 pm The 9 Inch Males In
Kelly at 225-6269. I I Review. $5 donation
P'ease make 9'3”? t‘? bimg a ““5“ to On Sunday, June 6 Coronation XXIII will
share, we are not a85igning types of food be held at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, 369
this year so its your choice. (Avoid the West Vine St. Door opens at 5:30 - opening
temptation of potato salad.) Soft drinks number will start at 6. A $10 donation is
and water will be sold to help pay for the asked. lCK has bestowed its highest
rental of tables, sound equipment, etc. award, the James F. Herndon Lifetime
Due to insurance restrictions, no alcohol Achievement Award on State Senator
please. Information about wonderful raffle Ernesto Scorsone. See page 16.
items (including a car) on page 22. ‘.__._.__._-——————A.
_ '— GLSO Rainbow Sponsor 1
Volunteer Awards Banquet
With Comedian Bernie Lubbcrs Inlpel'ial Court of Kentucky
Pride Month will come to a celebratory .1 presents
end with The Volunteer Awards Banquet ’: 1 .
on Sunday, June 27. This year it will be i _ VI!“ Coronation XIII
held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, . June 4 _ 6
3564 Clays Mill Rd. It will be catered by
Sam Sears, Master Chef and owner of 4L_ _l;

 Volunteer Banquet... South Van Events. We
' fifid will gather at 5 pm, a cash bar will be available.
SERVICE Reservations can be made by calling Bill at the
Effie! ORGANIZATION Center, 253—3233. Cost is $25 per person or $176 for
’rl/n Kentucky a table of 8 ($22 each).
If you want to attend with a group smaller than 8
people, let Bill know and we will see if we can com-
bine two groups of people to make a table.
Tel-SQ MEWS Reservations have to be made by Monday, June 21
Volume 19 Issue 6 so the caterer can be given an exact number.
3 Each organization is invited to choose and pres-
published monthly by ent their volunteer with an award for their contribution
The Lexington Gay to that organization’s work. Everyone, whether in a
- - group or not, is invited tO nominate and vote on the
Lesbian-Servzce Wasson Award for the individual, and the Rainbow
Organizatwn Community Service Award for the group, that has
389 Waller Ave. through volunteerism, contributed most to our GLBT
, community over the past year or years. 3
Editors Nominations are due in by June 11th. Individuals can
Mary Crone come by the center during the week of June 14 - 19 to 3
Jackie Cobern read the nominations and vote fortheir choices. The nom-
Board Members inees for the Wasson Award so far include: Tom Collins,
David Cupps, Jim Dickinson, Jamie McDaniel, and
Thomas COHiHST President Charlotte Woods. Congratulations to all the nominees.
Joan Branon, Vice-Pres. Our community is lucky to have so many hard working
Ben Salyers, Sec. volunteers to vote for. SisterSound, Another Note and
Mary Crone, Editor Moveable Feast have been nominated for the Rainbow
Jackie Cobern Award. We are still accepting nominations if you want to ‘
Tom Collins add to these lists. 3
Sarah Martin Make plans to come to the banquet to celebrate the E
Ginger Moore accomplishments of our energetic community. t
Terry Mullins t
GLSO Annual Dues &
Newsletter. For Pride Month, the Pride Gallery will feature the 3:
works of local artist including Holly Troyer, Kelly _
Individual - $15 O’Ferrell, Vera McGeorge, Tonya Adams, Cheri ”
Couple - $25 Jones and Jeff Hale. Come by the Pride Center, 389 E
Waller Ave. any time to see the exhibit or come to the c
Opinions expressed in the GLSO 1
News are those of the authors and Reception on Saturday, June ’9 it
dont necessarily represent those of S
racists; 5.22313: 3.215;“; 0 PM ‘0 3 P"!-
to edit submissions and advertise- _
ments as well as the right to reject If you are an artist and would like to display your fl
SmeiSSions ”advertisements work sometime this year, call Thomas at 225-0094. C
GLSO Page 2 -

 All Laington Pride Events are listed in chorologiml order on pages 3, 4. 6', and 8.
(Infonmtian received late wifl be fit in elsewhere) Events outside of La. are on page 14.
film Kentucky @«ide , Kentucky Heater: Carter Days
2004 ., The Ky Theater will be showing Latter
The Miss Kentucky Pride 93' . Days during the week of June 4 through
Pageant will be held at Club 1t). Christian, a West Hollywood party boy
141 on Wednesday, June 2 at tries to seduce Aaron, a} Mormon mission-
9330- The pageant will feature Miss Ky ary who has not3qUIte figured himself out
Pride Emeritus, LaToya BaCalI with guests yet. The two begin a steamy romance that
Miss Gay D.C., Kristina Kelly and Miss Gay makes both-of them question the lives they
Charlottesville, Arione Dacardeza. The have been “V'_ng' . }
evening promises to be fabulous with great . The 'mPem', Court WI“ do a fundraiser
entertainment Prizes include $300} a in colabortion With the Ky Theater, showmg
crown and a scepter. Admission: $5. For Latter Pays on Saturday, June 5 at 1’
more information contact Greg or LaToya admissmn $6. Check the paper for other
at Club 141, 233-4262. dates and t'mes' /\
. . . . Unitarian // -\\,
The Lexmgtiin DiverSIty In Gender Alliance Universalist 0,qu \‘T '/
Hedmg and The r}.r.““%,u The Unitarian Universalist Church will
Angry Inch as {3; 3 . have Pride Services the first two Sundays
T . _ _ 3:“ T if, in June, both at 10 am. On Sunday, June 6
(he AllilVerSliy _ m ’ ' , the service will be presented by the
Gen er iancelinVItes ‘ Welcoming Congregation and will focus on
:3” to She P5rldt88 Center or}; iaturda‘); youth. Young people in our congregation
theexlgry ljrlfh This 22:} ell/:8desecrimbgdartly will talk about the atmosphere in public
. ‘ . schools.
:e directOAZItmritler and life tactor}; John After the service be our guests at our
ameron 'e. e ,"as a OS -pun neo- first Sunday pot lucklunch and then join us
9'8: rdock muslica: h k b d for the film Out In The Cold about home-
e W'9 '8 ea ing er roc an on a less youth (with an emphasis on GLBT
is;rhfefrtle::Jt:a,nteplerr]fgec:lesre:ecisieonrglenociliel youth). We will be in the conference room
' ' nearthe office. If ou 'ust want to come for
ation through a series of concerts. Her tour the film estimatedystajrting time is 11.30
gates chnCIdS W'th .21088 0; :rea-rgck star On June 13 the service will focus on the
ommy ”OS'S' a W' e-eye oy W 0 once Right to Marry. lntervveave the GLBT and
loved H’AedWIg3,.but then left With all her friends group, is cohosting the Pride
songs. crea “’8 an Readin in our Fellowshi House on Sat.
Everyone is invited to join us for this fun June 129. The U.U. Church Svelcomes visitors
film followed by a discussion. If you have at any time We are located at 3654 Clays
furffsity fedeUt :rans folk, ”"3 '3 an oppor- Mill Rd, one block south of Man O War.
uniy o in ou.
GLSO page 3

 “iii .‘-"f Lesfiiwn 'Vidéo BOWLING FOR FAIRNESS i
, ‘ , :N'igflt CO 6th Annual Tournament
. _ 3*“ Vi Celebrate Pride Month :.~ In celebration of
x," "5133} Friday, June 11, at 8 pm. ._-— ;Pride Month, the
with lesbian icon Gina Gershon’s latest Bluegrass Chapter of
movie, Prey for Rock & Roll. Gina the KFA and the Rainbow League are jointly
(Bound, Showgirls) stars as Jacki, the sponsoring the Sixth Annual Rainbow City
bisexual leader of an all-girl rock band Bowling Competition. The tournament will be
that continues to play clubs, but has held on Saturday, June 12, at Collins
never found success. As Jacki cele- Southland Lanes, 205 Southland Drive,
brates her 40th birthday, she questions Lexington. The entry fee is $15 per person,
her decision to remain with the band. Registration will begin at 1pm with bowling at
The film also stars Lori Petty (Tank 2pm. Bowling should be completed by 4pm.
Girl,ALeague of Their Own) as a lesbian This is a benefit fundraiser for the
guitarist and Drea deMateo (The Bluegrass Chapter and it is our hope that a
Sopranos) as a self-destructive bassist. number of organizations will sponsor a team
This film is rated R for language, sexual of four bowlers. Last year we had a very pos-
content, drug use and brief violence. itive response and we hope to do even bet-
Every one is invited to join us at the Pride ter this year. With everything that is going on
Center for Lesbian Video night at 8 pm. this year, we betterll
Please bring a snack to share. There are FIVE ways you or your team
can win! Each bowler who brings in a mini-
PRIDE READING “ll/$85M mum of $50 in pledges wull bowl for free. The
, name of the Winning team and Its sponsor
The Annual Pr'qe will be added to the traveling trophy. The
Reading W'” again organization that brings in the most sponsor-
be at the FelIOWSh'P _ _ . ship money will receive a prize. A bowler
House of the Unitarian Universalist can win a special prize by getting a strike
Church, 3564 Clays Ml” Rd" one blOCk when the colored pin is in the head pin posi-
SOUth Of Man O War, on Saturday, June tion. In addition, we will be offering a fifty \ i
.12 from 7 to 9' We are interested m hear— fifty raffle. So, if your bowling is not quite up
Ing from all the writers In our community. to par, you still have a chance to win some money.
Journal entries, poems, songs, f'Ct'On‘ In a No-tap Monte Carlo event, knocking
non-fiction; If you wrote 't’ we want t? down nine pins (as opposed to ten) is scored as
hear 't' Please call Kelly at 2256269 If a strike. Periodically a colored pin will appear
you WOUId “k8 to. read VOW work. in the head pin position. If you bowl a true -
The Fellowship house '3 the house t9 strike (not a no-tap) you will win a prize. An -
the left Of ”I“? 9mm“- Bring é lawn chair established average is NOT required and NO :
or blanket, If 't '8 a. beautiful night we may experience in bowling is necessary. If you are
Sit In the Memorial Garden. behindIthe not a member of a team, we will assign you
Fellowship House. There WI” be drinks to a team. All you need to do is bring yourself
and snacks available. and have a good time bowling. For info call
More Pride Events on pg. 6 & 8 Jim Dickinson 2526801, email Jim at ~
Ontoftown events on page 14 JLD5OALJ@qX.net or call Shawn Fritz at
GLSO page 4

It * .. _a..-;,Corontatlon XXI H ,
0f i FEW-s?“ 0“ Lééthfirrfii‘ Fantasy .
l e . Amlcauwncm
L: m p r ‘3 m AWE Hommrwm
ins C0“ Ft , i; ‘ _. ;-_.’_,ji" " '
on. . . . , I, . , . 74".: ‘ fax-{1‘14 . ‘
It: Empress Kill JD Vaughn,1EmpEmr XMEELMW Sianiley, ' j
am , - and "the- Strand 13$ Direeturspffihg ififlfiwish withank. '. - ,
OS_ 7 aviary-fine inthérmmmuniw fa? Ehtz- lmmamdcms gufifiurt
’et- .du ring-Reign ZACK Bl; * Iii-sage jflin’11U55’1' {.qu uur £29r'unzat1icn Week ,
on :3.mi‘f}ifiififi as -We .cflendude a S'nggtéasfq‘iyémat? fundraising
am ' Friday, juneqi
32:- ,ln‘E‘awn Shaw; BBQPMCKub141
. barnrdaxdune 5 " ‘  ~ .
”he ,. , gflmmf-v‘Taan~Shzow,,a}:30 : PM, Cfub'141
.or- . ,_ ,. f ':' .. 1‘ ,. ,. . -T, _.‘
Iler ‘ ‘ 9” MaiEfi in: REViEW,1 3199 PM, C-‘Ub 141 -
)Si- ,. ‘ ‘ ‘Sunday, June 6'
YD ‘ " ‘ x= .. - icamfiafiafiixx“L
,9: ' f g, ' “Radissim 'Pfiaza'*Lexxhgmn
as , - ShawStarts at {3:00 PM
L: , = A ; Daa‘rs Gpéh aft '5 :30 PM ‘
:2 , z” ' aempressZBkfid®aal.CQM”'
,Ou ' 1-,: ' ” idstanleyfi9flaal£¢m ’
self . W9" ‘ Z ' 'L “ , _, . 2 , .,
:all ‘ Hm 'mrmmmis he'mafit Hwy-charities (If the
at lmpw-ial C‘maazrt M Kentufkmfi 5Q“! («:33
at ' ‘ . = mmimmm:em’rgafiizatmn . *
_ %m‘“'—'—Ef§5—‘W

 Pride Month Events # GYPII Er, TRAM PI gt
a S?
Film: No Secret Anymore 1%?
byJEB (Joan E. Biren) Q: JUNE '8 ' JULY 4T” We? " J}:
Free Admission ? ,3 it GALLERY HOP RECEPTION 3' t7
l” - it. ' JUNE 18, 4 - 9 PM 5i
Del Martin and Phyllis 5‘ are GALLERIE IOLEIL 363 w. IHORT n.
Lyons have been part— 5;. "
ners in love and political struggle for over A one-hundred year hlStOFY 0f the
fifty years. No SecretAnymora is a delight- naked sailor, hustler, drag queen and wild
ful way to meet these legendary lesbians, Child as muse in the underground
known as the founders of the modern les- Lexington art scene. Robert Morgan,
bian civil rights movement. This documen- Kentucky Artist, has assembled this ShOW
tary will be shown at the UK Young Library Wthh features approximately 80 pieces,
Theater on Sunday, June 13 at 1 pm. photographs, drawings, paintings, films
In 1955, Martin and Lyon courageously and assorted strange stuff gathered from
launched the Daughters of Bilitis, the first private collections, archives and anony-
public organization for lesbians in America. mous sources, some never seen before.
This documentary includes incisive inter— Come to the opening of the show on
views, rare archival images and warm- Friday, June 18 as part of Gallery Hop or
hearted humor, The film has won numer- visit over the following three weeks.
ous awards internationally. The film (PhOtO courtesy 0f UK Library Archives'
maker, JEB, is well known as a lesbian- Belle Brezing Collection.)
photographer and archivist. She visited _ _
Lexington twenty years ago and presented Gay Straight “name for Youth
a slide show of her photographs. The Gay Straight Alliance is open to all
youth ages 15 - 20. You do not have to
INTEGRITY label yourself to join. We meet every
The June gathering of Integrity, an week at a private location. Sometimes we
Episcopalian GLBT support group, will be just hang out and talk, other times we .
Sunday June 13 at 4pm. The group meets have a program. 3
in the Chapter Room of Saint Michael's During pride month we plan to attend l
Church on Bellefonte Drive in Lexington. Gallery HOP to see the exhibit at Gallerie
Although there is no speaker designated Soleil. Some of us will also attend the
for this meeting, the group frequently dis- Pride Reading, the Pride Picnic,and the
cusses issues important to Gays and Banquet. For information contact Mary
Lesbians. Light refreshments will be Crone at 266'5904 or lexgsa@yahoo.com
served and all are welcome to attend. or www.lexingtongsa.com
WW 0m 40’s Grow Bualdlhis'l: Discussion Group
We will have our regular monthly A GLBT Buddhist group is meeting at
meeting on Sunday, June 13th at 2 pm at the Pride Center the first (June3) and third
the Pride Center. We will plan to attend (Junel7) Thursdays of each month at 7 pm.
some pride events together, For info call Everyone iS welcome to attend. For info call
Ginger 253-0061 Mary 266-5904
W“ '

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"" GLSO Page 7

 Lexington Urban League 51' WWW Mfg/r
Young Professionals St Mychal is a member of the Orthodox
HIV Awareness Week June 21_27 Catholic Church of America, a national
denomination that is gay supportive.
The Urban League Young professionals Sunday services are at 1350 Eastland Dr.
will present several programs during the 10:30 am with Rev. Kenneth Waibel per-
week of June 21 to 27. On Monday, June 21 forming mass. On Sunday, June 27 there
. at 5:30, at the Lexington Public Library will be a special Pride Month service and
Downtown Branch there will be a welcom- open communion. See page 18 for an arti—
ing reception and at 6 pm a guest speaker, cle by Rev. Waibel
choir & vigil. Get your ticket stamped for -.
free parking in the lot behind the Library. PR'DE PQC N'C '
At the Library on Wed. June 23rd at 6 q -_ ‘
pm there will be HIV 101, a video presenta- :2 if: {iiiD AY J U NE 20
tion and opportunity to ask questions and
discuss the film. Free anonymous screen- WI ND Y KN 0 L L F ARM
ings will be offered at each event.
Testing will also be available at the 12 noon _ 4 Pm
Carver Center on Fri., June 25th 5pm -7pm ‘
and Sat. June 26 11am -3 pm. For more See pages 1 for details
Info call 233-1561 ext. 29. page 22 for map & directions
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 . Kentuckiana Pride Festival
Zl'une I2 Miss KY Pride Contest
Connections (9:30 pm
june 18 1st Annual KPF Parade
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. Starting at 8 pm - March from Tryangles to the Belvedere
' Walk with us or enter a float - $100 First Place Prize
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5 Food, Vendor booths, & Entertainment, Children’s area provided.
' For an awesome daq of fun in the sun, join us from
noon to midnight - on the Belvedete
. * 502-387-1265 Kypridefest@yahoo.com
1 www.kentuckianapridefestival.com

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am. On
. most Mon, Tues, Thms. and Sat. we stay open until 5pm. On Wed
until 7pm. You may want to all after 3 to be sure a volunteer is here.
pride Center Library providers routinely neglected. That we E
. would find in books and moves and mu3ic 31
Dream Becomes Reailtq a reflection of ourselves. Your support and c:
On June 2nd the Pride Center Library use has made the dream a reality. 81
will celebrate its third anniversary. When The Pride Center Library is located at 0.
we opened in 2001 we were so pleased to 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100. It is open to fL
be able to say that we had over 300 books, the public Monday—Saturday from 10 to 3 |[
videos, and audio recordings, all of which and some nights until 7_ Use it and 5:
were donated by individuals in the commu- become part of the dream. 01
nity and all of which were available to any-
one with a library card. Discussion Group w
We could not have imagined that in The discussion group meets every in
three short years the collection would have Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride w
grown to nearly 2,000 items, including over Center and is open to all. We strive to make g
700 works of fiction, 125 videos and DVDs, this a safe space where you can be your- V(
and 75 sound recordings. We COUId ”‘3" self. We discuss a wide range of topics, 3,
have imagined a collection that covered some serious, some hilarious. Join us on K
religion, travel, history, culture, politics, any Wed. For more info contact Jane at St
biography, relationships, sex, parenting, ladyjaneky@yahoo.com
family, health, education, humor, literature,
poetry, music, art, and so much more. MEN or All COLORS TOGETHER
We are sincerely grateful to all those
who made this library a reality. To all the KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT)
volunteers that helped get the library off the is a local chapter of a national gay multira- 3‘
ground and those that continue to keep it cial organization which fosters a supportive hi
going. To the GLSO for supporting this environment where friendships and part- r
project by giving it a home that made it nerships can be celebrated free of racial
available to everyone. To the hundreds of and cultural barriers. They will meet at the I
individuals who donated materials, supplies Pride Center on Sunday, June 20 at 7 pm. I I
and even shelving. This is truly a commu- For information email MACTky@aol.com,
nity library because our community made it call 859-351-4453 (Jon) or see www.mac- I ‘
happen. tky.com I 1
Lastly we would like to thank all the peo- .
ple who have used the Pride Center Library. Lyons Lew/leather C1111)
We-had a dream back in 2001 that the The Lyons meet every other month at '—
Library WOUId become a unique and useful the Pride Center. The next meeting will be '—
resource for our community. That it would in August. They also meet at brunch at —
entertain and inform; educate and enlight- Mia's on the last Sunday of each month at 1 '—
en. That it would provide much needed pm. The Lyons are proud to be GLSO pride '—
resources that traditional information Patron of the GLSO Pride Center.
________________________________ I-
GLSO page 10 _

 GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
Innperial Court of Kcntucky........252-3014
A Charity Organization
2004 Pride Manta Sponsors
ScoflAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs . . (mobile) 338-8483

,St TheBarComplex ...........................255-1551
rs 224 East Main Street
6- Pride Patron
ed Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club
as GLSO News Sponsors 2004 .
LS, Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . . s59Lsoe4114
st Promoting equality for all people
'8 EmestoScorsone. 254-5766
n- Attorney at law
id SisterSound 268-0113
(y Diverse music for all women
Ie RichardsonVisionCenter ..........................278-4201
'8 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
“2 UnitarlhnUnivmalistChurCh ......................223-1448
d Seeking a Diverse Congregation
is) DebraHensleylnsurance...........................276'-3244
ie 1513 Nicholasville Road
is _ ’
/) MndyKnollFann2997410
ie Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
" GLSO page 11

 To schedule events at 4;. f“
the Prlde Center, call .1 «3-3 ‘ f"
Blllat 253-3233. ‘- '
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fnday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5
7 pm GSA for youth 7 pm DlSCUBSlOfl GI'OUP 7 pm BUddhlst Pride Center Open 10 -5
ages 15 to 20 (Call 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Discussion Group Latter Days opens at ICK Beneflt- Latter
for place - 266-5904) (Call for place) 6 pm Free Reception & , ' KY Theater Days at KY Theater
Prlde Center Open til 7pm 7 pm Film: YoUr Life, w'" m" for a week 8 pm LDGA meeting
Pride Center Open m 5pm _ Your Decision, Your check paper for times Film: H9dWi9 PC
9:30 MISS Ky Prlde Disease _ AVOL _The
Club 141 KY Theater Imperial Court of Kentucky- Coronation Weekend
6 7 8 9 10 ll 12
10 am uu Church Prlde Service Prlde Center Open tll 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight 7 pm Discussion Group 8 pm Lesbian Movie Pride Center Open 10—5
11 am1st Sunday lunch Alliance (Call for 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Night, Pride Center 1 pm Ralnbow Bowllng
11:30 UU Fllm LGBT Youth place 266-5904) . League Bowl-A—Thon
1030 Mass @ St. Mychal the Martyr Prlde Center open tll 5pm Prlde Center Open Southland Lanes
5 3O ICK C fi xxm untll 7pm 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA to benefit Falrness
: pm orona on (Cal for place)
Radisson Plaza Hotel 7 2m Pdde Readlng at W
ellowshlp House
13 AA St St o 14 7 G Stra‘ ht 15 7 pm Dlsousslon Group 15 7 B ddh t 17 18 19
10 am UU Church Prlde Servloe ep U y Pm ay '9 Pm U is 730 G /L b' AA Pride Center Open 10-5pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) Alliance for Y°Uth (03” Prlde Center Discussion GrOUp prTlCaElFIfOEEIAEQ) .
. Prlde Center open tll 5pm for place 266-5904) 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 4 pm _ 9 pm Gallerle 6 - 3 pm Openan
1 Pm Fm“: N° M9” 39”“ GLSO 503'“ Meeting Pdde Center open tll 5pm “38" f” 9'3“) Solell Art Show, R°°°Pfi°n - Prlde
UK Woman Studles Program 7:30 pm pride Center 0 en Gang”, Hop Show at Pride Center
GLSONews - p on - ' Hits
2 pm 40+ Group- PC _ untll 7pm show continues into July a 9W vanous a S _
6 pm Imperial Court PC Deadllne
2 O 21 22 23 24 i . 2 6
9:15 & 11 am UU Church Service 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Faimes Steering 7 pm Dlsouselon Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Prlde Center Open
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal 7pm GSA for Youth Committee. Pride 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) 10-5 Pm
_ _ _ _ ., ages 15 - 20 call mary Center P C Open Until 7 pm
12 - taming: Fame ‘2’: for place 266-5904 Prlde Center open lll 5pm
m y o 5:30 HIV Awareness 6 pm HIV Awareness
7 pm MACT Prlde Week - Speakar’ mUSlc, Film. DlSCUSSlon
Center vigil - Downtown Library Downtown Library
2 7 2 8 2 9 3 O - - '
10 am uu Church Service pm “mm" H. 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight 7 pm Dlscusslon Gmup Meetlngs at the Prlde Center may be
1%:t30MPrldeSunday Mass, Alliance for youth 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA abbreVIated t0 l‘PC”
' ycm' me Martyr (Call for pla 266-5904) (c nr | )
1 pm Lyons Brunch at Mla's ce 3 or pace n ,, . n ,
Prld Ce la til 5 '
5:00 GLSO Awards Banquet e n ropen pm Prldeufizlntleggpen Call for Place abbreVIated to Call
UU Church www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Trtde Events Outside of Lexington
All events will focus on defeating the
hENTuChIANA PRIDE FESTIVAL anti-gay amendment appearing on the
The Pride Festival in Louisville has November 2 ballot. There will be speak-
added two new events this year. Be there ers, educational materials, & an activist
to see the Crowning of Ms. Ky Pride, Friday element at each event. For more informa-
June 12 at Connections starting at 6:30 tion call 859 509-1717.
p.m. Then join her as she presides over
the 1st Annual Pride Parade on Saturday, Soulforce
June 18. The theme is “We are Family”. Soulforce will be active at the Southern
We will start at Tryangles at 8 pm. Enter a Baptist Convention, June 13-16 in
float or march with us from Tryangles to the Indianapolis, In. Southern Baptist is the
Belvedere. After the parade join us for the 2nd largest denomination in the United
Friday Night Fest “Under The Stars” on the States with over 15 million members.
Belvedere. There will be great music, food, Southern Baptists believe and teach that
drink and a DJ. We Will party until midnight!! homosexual orientation is a "sickness that
For an awesome day of fun in the sun needs to be healed" and a "sin that needs
don’t miss the Fourth Annual Ky Pride to be forgiven."
Festival on June on the Belvedere from This will be the 5th year in a row that
noon until midnight. On the grounds you Soulforce will be at this convention
will find food, vendor booths, entertainment spreading the truth about GLBT people,
of all types and a great children’s area. and offering hope to those still trapped by
For information about any of these great misinformation and untruth.
events Contact us @ 502-387-1265 Email Jamie McDaniel, coordinator of
kypridefest@yah00.com or visit our web Lexington Soulforce, is the national
page @ www.kentuckianapridefestival.com cochair of the Southern Baptist
. . Denomination Team. He has been devel- (
Berea Film series oping educational materials for Baptist
The Berea queer film series that began Youth that they will distribute this year.
in April will continue through October with “We have hOt given up Oh the adults
two films each month. We plan to educate hUt we thihk that the young people Wi” be
and organize against the coming more open to our ideas,” says Jamie.
November vote on the Ky constitutional Watch a 5-minute "invitation to
marriage amendment. All programs will be Indianapolis" video and register online at
held at the Berea Public Library, 312 http://www.Sou|force.org/denomination/
Chestnut Street. sbc/schOO4/indexshtml. Lex Soulforce
On Friday, June 18 at 7 pm, "Stolen will meetthe last Sun in June, see page 19
Moments," a documentary focusing on les- or call Jamie at 230-5625 for more info.
bian history, will be shown. On "Sunday, Lake Cumberland Pride
June 27 at 2 pm Paragraph 175 Will be
shown. This documentary was produced & . .The Gays Of'Lake' Cumberland Area
directed by the Academy Award winning inVIte you to a Pride Picnic on June .12 in
_ , Pulaski County Park. For more infor-
team of Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman. It .
_ _ mation please feel free to contact me at
documents the persecution of gay men in .
, kysunshine82@yahoo.com.
NaZI Germany. _

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