xt71g15t7w1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t7w1z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-04-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1946 1946 1946-04-05 2013 true xt71g15t7w1z section xt71g15t7w1z oesi uopy Avanaoie

The ECentucky Kernel

Car Registration
Explained By Officials

Jaycees To Give
Rupp New Car








Country's Status Determined
Hutchcralt And LaMaster,
Million Dollar Arts Building)
By Military Power In War
Candidates For YW Presidency Reports Dr. Vandenbosch Radio Department, Approved;
Year's Outstanding
In Union Tuesday
Cooperstown Manager Named
Professor Speaks
To Be


both praise and criticism


Helen Hulehcraft, arts and sciences Junior from Paris, and Mary
Bennett LaMaster. arts and sciences junior from Lexington, are
the nominees for president of the
YWCA. The election will be held
next Tuesday, with a voting booth
set up in the Student Union build- lug. and voting
will continue
throughout the day and from 6:30




More Candidates
Ann Biggcrstaff, Lexington, and
Joan Scott. Hanson, have been nominated for the office of
Mary Keith Doskcr, Louisville,
and Mary Lou Jones. Union, for
secretary; and Eleanor Bennett.
Butler. Pa., and Frances Wilhoytc.
Prospect, for treasurer.
Mips Hutchcraft Is chairman of
the YWCA Live Vers, newly-electpresident of Phi Beta, treasurer of
the Interfaith Council and a member of Pitkin club.
Miss LaMaster is serving as act-in- ?
secretary of the YWCA. president of Dutch Lunch club, secretary
of the Philosophy club, and secretary of Uie Interfaith council.
Installation May 2
Installation of the new officers
will take place May 2 at the home
of Mrs. Joe F. Freeman, member
of the Advisory Board. The new
members of the YW Cabinet will
be chosen and installed with the
new officers.
The cabinet is composed of the
officers and committee heads of the
YW and includes the chairmen of
the following committees:
service, social, publicity, worship,
race relations, publicity
world affairs, student and industry.
Dutch Lunch club and
Also on the cabinet are a freshman
adviser, and sophomore and senior
program representatives.

Helen Hutchcraft

Mary Bennett LaMaster

Parking Regulations

'Stars Of Night'

To Be Enforced

To Be Theme
Of Women's Convo

University parking regulations will
be enforced
Dean T. T. Jones announced yesterday.
Only 500 parking places will be
available to students. Dean Jones
said. Because there are 750 student
cars on the campus and therefore
not enough places to park every
car, students living farthcrest from
the campus are given preference
over those living in the dormitories
or within walking distance of the
campus, he said.
In answer to many questions re
ceived at the office of Uie dean of
men and in The Kernel news room.
Dean Jones made the following

The annual Women's Convocation
will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April
23, in Memorial hall, Frances Street,
president of the Women's Adminis-

trative Council, said yesterday.
The theme of the convocation
will be "Stars of the Night," Miss
Street said. The theme of last


The University parking regula
tions were passed by the Board of
j Trustees cn the recommendation
President Donovan, and fines and
registration fees were established
by them, also on the recommendaThe Sunday afternoon musicale tion of Dr. Donovan. Prewar fees
recital scheduled to be presented in of twenty-fiv- e
cents a semester
Memorial hall at 4 o'clock Sunday
were charged to students and facul
been canceled due to ty.
afternoon has
Under the present system
Mr. Kuhlman's recent illness.
faculty members will not pay fees,
and students will pay a dollar fee
every two quarters,
Because new licenses are received
in March of each year, registration
for parking pace will be held at
the beginning of the spring' and fall
quarters. Fees will be applied toward payment of expenses of marking off areas. Any surplus will prob
ably go to the student loan fund, as
WHAT DO YOU it did before the war.
Students who register will be
given definite areas for parking
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSO- Spaces will not be designated, and
the student may park anywhere
mm. swk- s
if within his area. A fine of one dollar
Imposed for all violations.
nvtl.tiiff is wmn with the SGA.
hn knows nhoiit MT Its activities. I Violations will be reported by the
'campus police to the office of the
witn ine exception 01 115 eiccuuiis,
ere not known to the average stu- dean of men, and fines will be im
pored by that office.

Musicale Canceled

was "Kentucky
Belles," but the committee plans to
theme a
University tradition, she said:
At the convocation, which has
taken the place of the women's
banquet since 1943, pledges for
various women's honoraries including, sophomore leadership honrary;
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
scholarship honorary; Mortar Board,
senior women's Honorary; Theta
Sigma Phi, Journalism honorary,
pledges and award to the outstand
ing freshman woman Journalist; Phi
Upsion Omicron, home economics
honorary, and Chi Delta Phi. liter
ary honrary, will be chosen.





O. C. See vers. Engineering, sophomore: SGA lias never, in my memory, taken any action which caught
my interest. It is too conservative
body, "run" by a few people, as
H. Fred Willkie, vice chairman oi
the vast majority of the students the Committee for Kentucky, will
say, while standing around and speak on "The Reconversion of
doing nothing about it.
Citizenship," at an
Lola Stokes, A AS. sophomore: I convocation to be held at 11 a.m.
don't think the students know what Thursday, April 18, Mary Keith
the SGA does. We should know Dosker, chairman of the Student
more of Just what they are doing Govennment Association convocaand planning to do.
tion committee, announced yesterRichard Le Grand, Agriculture, day. The convocation will be sponsenior: They don's get enough co- sored by SGA.
operation from the student body. The convocation formerly had
The student body needs to be bet been scheduled for April 25, but Mr.
ter acquainted with the functions Willkie was unab:e to be present
'on that date.
of SGA.
During the convocation, the
E. R. rvne. Education, Junior:
president and
It should better acquaint itself with
of the Student Government
the student body. Practically the
only time it is mentioned is at elec- Association and new members of the
assembly will be installed by Wen-de- l!
tion time.
Demarcus, SGA judicial comEdward Bary, A IS, senior: SGA
hasn't become an integral part of mittee chairman.
After the convocation, Mr. Willevery student's campus life. Its
kie and the new SGA members will
functions are not understood
1l H.nluVin t f
ha itnnrlo of IAiinii nt
W. E. Buckler. Graduate student:
the Bvern ng body in
Ihere are several definite weak-- 1 ne ?ven r
' lne wniuuuuuu
nesses in the operation of the Stu- int. rivprnmpnt BKfviflt.inn. In UJ6
the first place, half the students do
not know that it exists, and the
others know it only by name. Next,
the association has deteriorated into
a political issue, a means for variTo AU Students:
ous organized factions to show their
If you have not presented your
power. Finally, too few students are
receipt for fees for the Spring
Univer- -'
bincerely interested in the
Quarter to the Dean of your
fcity and these few are not interested
College you should do so at once
enough to be willing to spend any
Class tickets wiii not be issued
of their time in its government.
for any student who has not
What is the solution? In the first
presented his receipt as evidence
place, students must be made conof hi registration.
scious of the administrative
of the Student Government assoDean of the I'niversity
ciation. The office must be made
and Registrar
honorary enough to attract the best

Willkie To Address


Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, recently
chosen most distinguished professor at the University In 1945 by
members of the faculty, spoke at
Memorial hall Tuesday plght on his
findings during three months of research on small nations. lie discussed the place of the small states
in international politics and organization.
The status of a country is determined by its military power in actual
warfare. Dr. Vandenbosch said.
Voting Equality
Equality of voting power between
large and small nations will produce
an international organization that
is "sterile and impotent," he said.
The block of the large states by the
small has been admitted to be one
of the chief causes of the failure of
the League of Nations by Gen. Jan
C. Smuts, originator of the Idea of
allowing the small states a large
voice in the League, the speaker
The place of the small states in
the United Nations Organization
will not be as great as In the
League, Dr. Vandenbosch said. Be'
cause Great Britain, Russia and the
j United States bore the brunt of the
war, their statesmen insisted that
they should have a stronger place
In the International organization
than In the League, he said.
The small nations havfe faced


Finalists To Debate
At Convo Today




riafin ni


of their


the small states.
He charged that the small state is
an anachronism in a day of ex
panding and intensified technology,
a htnderance to economic progress
and higher standards of living."
He said it was not an argument
"against the small state, but rather
against economic nationalism. The
large states were just as guilty as
the small in this, he said.
Speaking for the small states, Dr.
Vandenbosch stated that "we shall
have to admit that there is an element of truth in their contention
that they contribute more than their
share to the world's cultural goods."

fMen's Residence
Contract Awarded
A contract was. awa, ded for a new
men's residence hall and approval
was given for the erection of a
fine arts building by the
board of trustees of the University






At a
April 1
ing, it

meeting of the WSSF, held
in the Student Union buildwas decided that' the drive
continue this quarter, and
better results are anticipated.
Miss Dorothy Collins, adviser,
stated that a new drive would begin
April 8. and last through the 12th.
the purpose of which will be to
contact townspeople and new students to give personal donations.
Letters will be sent to all campus
organizations asking them to adopt
special projects to collect money for
the fund. The campus goal for the
year is $2,500, and contributions
amount to $1,500 at this time.
Miss Collins says that although
UK falls under other schools In the
drives, the present rise in enrollment should make it comparatively
easy to raise the remaining $1,000.

Sox vs. Reds
On Stoll Field
There will be a special UK
section at the major league
baseball game between the Bos
ton Red Sox and the Cincinnati
Reds to be played on Stoll Field,
Tuesday, April 9, at 2 p.m.
Tickets may be purchased by
seeing Call Clark in room 235
at the Experiment Station, or
by phoning exchange 25. Price
of admission will be $1.75 for
reserved seats.

larger states, he stated.
Concluding, he stated:
"If nationalism succumbs to rival
ideologies, the result very probably
wilt be the merging of the smaller
states with the larger ones, until
the world is divided into two or
three huge hostile camps.
"But our concern Is not for states
as such; our concern should be

floor-harden- er

Sulzer Named
Radio Arts
Department Head

under-privileg- ed

Bowles Talks
To Veterans
New To Club

Wild Replaces Sulzer
Replacing Mr. 8ulzer as director
Challenging all veterans on the of public relations will be Raymond
campus to work for their own In- Wesley Wild, new editor of the deterests, Howard C. Bowles, president partment of public relations at
of the University Veterans' club, Michigan State college, a native
explained the need for their help Kentuckian and University gradat the organization's Monday night uate.
meeting.' It was the first meeting
In recommending the establishto be held during the spring quarter. ment of the new department. PresA large number of new veterans
ident Donovan explained to the
and new club members were in at- board that "while the University has
Preliminaries in the debating tendance. The meeting was devoted maintained a radio station for many
hugely to welcoming the new vets years for the purpose of training
tournament began Wednesday
Semi-fina- ls
were held on the campus, explaining the oper young men and women in the tech
yesterday afternoon, but results ation of the club, its purposes and nlques of broadcasting, and also for
disseminating information regarding
were not available at Kernel press plans for the immediate future.
The president's challenge ap the University over the radio sta
The finalists will fce chosen from peared in the form of a statement tions which gave the University
the following teams: "Hopkhisrtlle, to "roa Bp your sleeves" and help in 4ree time on the air. the institution
Madtsonvtlle. Louisville Male. Win- the work of the organization and now has a frequency modulation
station which it can operate 24
chester,' Plkeville, and Holmes High to the realization of a vet organiza
tion being in a "hot seat."
hours a day if it chooses to do so.
fact," Bowles In addition, scores of young men
It is a
Dean Chamberlain will preside
scalawags, and women are anxious for a career
and the president of the Kentucky bloody-shl- "that hundreds of what-havrt
wavers and
in radio. This is the opportune time
League will
High School Debate
you are out to get behind the name for the University to enter radio
have charge of the debate.
veteran." "
These debaters are not amateurs;
"We must meet them squarely
Snlzer Was Bandsman
expert debaters and they
they are
decide who is right and what
Mr. Sulzer is a native of Madlson-vlll- e.
have been carefully trained and
Is best for ourselves, the University,
Ind.. and came to the Univerthroughout the school year, Louis
state, and the nation." He con- sity in 1926 as instructor In music
Clifton, director of the University the
cluded by saying, "Are you willing and director of the University band.
department which is to do it?"
He was named director of publici-isponsoring the event, said. They are
George Harris introduced the of1929, and in that year, the Unicapable of putting on an excellent
ficers and members of committees. versity radio studios were opened
debate, he said.
He explained some of the club's acsupervision. He is a gradEvents scheduled for today in the complishments and some of the under his
uate of DePauw University.
Kentucky High School Speech Festi things which
it is now working on.
Mr. Wild was assistant Instructor
val Include contests in oratorical The club's proposed national edu
declamation, extemporaneous speak' cational emergency bill Is receiv- in the department of Journalism at
ing, poetry reading, interpretative ing much attention at the present the University during his senior
reading, radio speaking, discussion. time. The plan was presented pub- year; associate editor of The KerKenThe festival, which draws students licly In a half-hobroadcast over nel; assistant editor of the
from high schools throughout, Ken' a local radio station Wednesday tucky Press, and campus correspondent for The Lexington Herald.
tucky, will end today.
Since graduation from the UniThe extensive survey and canvass
with versity, in 1935, he has worked 11
of Lexington, in
University officials, in trying to years on both daily and weekly
obtain rooms for students to attend newspapers; has instructed at Ohio
school, was explained by the Hous- University. University of West Vir
ginia. University of Maryland, and
UK Dames announce the election ing committee.
Edward Gabbard. treasurer, gave Michigan state.
of officers for the coming year: Mrs.
Mr. Sulzer and Mr. Wild will asJack Duvall Hibbs, president; Mrs. a complete financial report.
Captain Vaughn Holly of the sume their new duties at the beJoe T. Mullins, secretary, and Mrs.
ginning of the University's fiscal
Claude Frady,
Mrs. University military department
year, July 1.
Elbert Williams, treasurer.
on Page Three)

Raymond Wild

Elmer G. Sulxer

Establishment of a department of
primarily for small of weak individuals, for those
radio arts in the college of arts and
throughout the world who go to bed sciences, with Elmer G. Sulzer. since
weary and wake without hope."
1929 director of publicity and radio
activities at the University, as its
iiead, was approved Wednesday by
the board of trustees.

Finalists in the Twenty-SevenAnnual State High School Debating
Tournament will present a debate
on peacetime compulsory military
training at the first convocation of
the spring quarter to be held a.
11 ajn. today in Memorial hall.
An fourth-hoclasses' will be
excused. Dean Leo MVChamberlain
Speech Preliminaries"



Boles To Direct
S. A. (Daddy) Boles, manager of
athletic ticket sales, has been appointed manager of the Coopers-tow- n

housing project. Dr. H. L.
Donovan announced Tuesday.
The appointment, effective yesterday, will result in the transfer of
Mr. Boles from the Athletic department, with which he has been
in various capacities
since 1916.
In Charge Of Rentals
As Cooperstown manager, he will
be in charge of rentals, maintenance and repairs, and general
supervision of the student housing
project, which is the largest of its
kind in the United States. Assign
ment of men to the project will continue to be under the tumuyn of
the dean of mea oi. Donovan said.
During his 30 years with the
department, Mr. Boles has
served in all capacities from instructor in physical education to athletic
director. In 1918, his first year at
the school, he was director of the
gymnasium and assistant football
coach under Dr. John J. Ttgert, now
president of the University of Florrt
ida. After the departure of Dr.
in 1917. Mr. Boles served as
head football and basketball coach
until after the first world war. when
he became director of athletics, a
position he held until 1934.
No Successor Appointed
Athletic Director Bernle Shively
said yesterday that no successor had
been appointed for Mr. Boies, out
that a new setup for ticket sales
would be announced.
"I dont blame Mr. Boles tor tak
ing th new job." Mr. Shively said.
"because handling ticket sales nas
become quite a headache "

UK Dames Elect






All Students Asked
To Turn In Receipts


Quignol Rounds Out 18 Y ears Of Service
An abandoned Negro church near
the University was the home of the
first little theater in central Kenof
tucky. Repeated
soapy water and paint, all dosed by
earnest people, both young and old,
made ready the frail building that,
until it fell apart, served active
drama. Even then old lumber was
salvaged and added to that of a
row of Negro shacks to form the
of which
present structure,
has housed the University dramatics
for eighteen years. "Very ingenious,"
innumerable visitors have remarked,
"but a disgrace to the campus."
The early theater was named The
Romany, where productions and
instruction were erratic, but in 1928,
with the coming of Frank Fowler
as director, the name was changed
to The Guignol Theatre, and under
this aegis Lexington (and the Blue-graregion) has received the only
legitimate theater faie it has en



joyed in its own territory. For with
the decision of New York producers
some years ago not to carry their
plays into the "provinces," Lexington, once known as the "best
stand in the South," became
barren of outside theater

one-nig- ht


Seating but two hundred persons,
with no capital and without subsidization beyond a director, a cardboard building, and electric current,
Guignol has supplied regular dramatic entertainment which is unexcelled In little theaters anywhere
hi the country, both as to the selection of plays and their production.
This statement has evidence in the
fact that Guignol has been selected
as one of the twenty-fiv- e
little theaters making up the National Theatre Conference.
The result of this feverish activity over a period of eighteen years
is that every available inch of
space is overcrowded. The costume

room where all costumes are made
and stored, is needed during productions as a checkroom for patrons'
wraps. The director's office doubles
as a business office. The lounge,
where coffee is served between acts,
by day is a classroom, paint room,
sewing room, and general workshlp.
Classes in dramatic production have
been held for 18 years without benefit of a classroom other than this
small general work room.
During the
existence of
Guignol, 149 plays have been produced, up and above the uncountable laboratory plays held in
with contests and classes.
Here, then, in central Kentucky,
is a bee-hiof endeavor housed in
an amazingly inadequate,
building, but presenting a
uniform, high standard schedule of
plays and dramatic work each sea
son, under tremendous handicaps.
Here are desires for larger creative
fields, and personnel eager to de-- 1


velop dramatically this section so
rich in history and heritage.

The entire history of Guignol
may be divided into eras. The Fowler era. from the founding of the
theater to 1944; and the Briggs era,
from that date to the present day.
Wallace N. Briggs, who took over
direction of the theater in the absence of Professor Fowler, is recognized throughout the region as a
champion of student actors. During his two-yereign at Guignol,
Mr. Briggs has cast more than thirty
University students in parts, many
of them leading roles.

"Three's a Family," the play in
the offing, will mark the completion of eighteen years of entertaining service to the University and
the Bluegrass region. The new play,
which will open May 6, also marks
the celebration of the 150th pro- duction to be presented by the

little theater.

Peterson Authorized
D. Peterson.
comptroller, was authorized to confer with the Civil Production Administration at Louisville for a federal permit and priorities to build
the dormitory. The contract w.
awarded to the Hargett company on
condition that priorities and fedei al
approval could be obtained.
The men's residence hail will be
constructed facing Washington avenue and will complete the quadrangle of men's residence halls.
Recreational facilities for all of the
men's units will be provided in the
new building and it will provide living space for 108 men.
Dr. Donovan said that the f.ne
arts building is planned to house
the music department, art department, the Gulgnol theater and
classes in speech. It will be located
on the Maxwelton Place property
(Continued ou


Housing Project


By Hugh Collett


Military Power
Military power might not be determined by the size of a country In
the future, since the possession of
the atomic bomb by the smaller
states would prove a threat to the


New WSSF Drive
Will Open April 8


Awarded the contract for the
men's residence hail was the Hargett
Construction company of Lexington, which presented a low base bid
of $413200, according to President
H. L. Donovan. John F. Wilson.
Lexington, is the architect.
Three of four alternates to the
Hargett bid were accepted by the
board of trustees, including $1,525
for use of cut stone instead of woct
and composition for columns and
pilasters; $200 for marble window
stools instead of wood; and $1,560
for application of a
on concrete and terazzo floors.






Ten SGA Members
To Be Elected
Election of officers of the Et'iient
Government Association will be he!d
April 17 to the Student Union building, Gwen Pace, chairman of the
election committee, announced
Applicants- for office must file
their names April 10. and meet the
requirements, which are to have attended the University for at lea.t
one quarter and to have maintained
a standing of at least 13. Miss Pace
stated. The candidates will be nominated by the two parties. Indepen-

dent and Constitutionalist.
The new officers will be presented
and Installed at a convocation April
18. in Memorial halL according to

Donovan To Review
ROTC Battalion
In Army Day Parade
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president of the University, will review
the University ROTC Cadet Battalion at 4 p.m. today on the campus parade ground. This ceremony
is in honor of Army Day, a national
celebration to be held tomorrow.
The groups that are scheduled for
participation in this review are the
University Companies A. B, and C
of the ROTC, led by Captains James
Wilson, and
James Tucker, respectively. The!
University women's group.!
led by Capt. Nancy Ellen Taylor,
will form the third company of tne
One of the outstanding events of
the day will be the presentation
of the Distinguished Flying Cross to
Sgt. Marvin Nicholson for his meritorious service as a gunner in Italy.
Sgt. Nicholson was a member of
the 763rd Bomb Squadron.
Cadet Capt. Thomas Maxedon.
adjutant, will supervise the formation and presentation of the battalion to the cadet major.
Col. G. T. MacKenzie, commanding officer of the ROTC, will make
speech after the review
in honor of the veterans of World
Wars I and II.
The cadet band, composed of the
University students of the ROTC,
consisting of both men and women,
will perform in the ceremony. This
group of musicians will be directed
by Maj. Kenneth Fencher.
Upon completion of the ceremony,
the public will be invited to Buell
Armory to inspect the display of
Infantry and Signal Corps shells
and field artillery.

Miss Pace.
Members of all colleges r eligible
to vote In this election and Misa
Pace urged that everyone do so.
The election committee Ahich includes Owen Pace, ar- -s Crocket,
and Howard Stewart, will eet next
Tuesday to make fur:"T plans.
Officers to be elected include presof the
ident and
Other positions to be fill'-are arts and sciences, one
and one lowerclassman.
one upperclasswoman and two
agriculture, one upperclasswoman: commerce, one upperclasswoman; education, one upone
upperclassman; graduate school, one





Boyd hall . . . open house from
4:30 to 6:30 this afternoon.
Mortar Board . . . will meet at 5
p.m. today in room 205 of the Union


SGA activities file . . . will be considered at a meeting to be heli
Monday. April 15. in Room 206 cf
the Union building. All studrn'i
are urged to attend.
University for Life program . . . will
present Dr. H. H. Downing on "Science and Religion'' at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Central Christian church.
Philosophy club . . . will mrM at
7:30 p.m. Monday in Room 205 of
the Union building.
Canterbury rlub . . . will meet at
5:30 pjn. Monday at Christ church.
Chess and checker players . . . will
meet at 7 p.m. ,Tuesday in card
room of SUB for the purpose of
organizing a club.
I'K Dames . . . will meet at 7.30
pjn.. Wednesday, April 10, in the
music room of the Union building.


� The Kernel Editorial Page



at th
elu. matter



.' . .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' '.Managing


Port Offlo at Lexington, Kentucky,
under th. Act of M.rch I. 17.

Lee Robertson


Ztntneky IntereoIlrfliU Press AuoelatlOB
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentncky Preaa Auociatlon
National Editorial Auociatlon





CMf PtHuktn BtmntiH
10MmmmAi. new Vcrnn. N. Y.
MM tm Htaa

M On Quarter




Ed, tot

Assistant Managing
Assistant New
Assistant Sports
Society Editor
Feature Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager

Jane Hamersley
Bettie Tuttle, Tillie Thompson, George

Advertising Solicitors
Staff Photographer


One Year

signal for the University lias
been given by the state's legislators and thief
executive. By approving the largest appropriation in the school history Governor Willis made
it jxissible for UK to proceed with its plans for



in education.
Obstacles are falling before
groiijis such as the Committee for Kentucky, and
individual leaders. They realize the battle has
jiM begun but they have also just begun to fight.
Every Kentuckian who was shamed by the article
in the March 30 issue of Collier's magazine entitled "Weep No More, Kentucky," should be
eager to help put his once proud state back in the
top brackets in social standards, income levels,


and education.
And everv xeniuckian should applaud tie
advancement as the first tangible
Univcr-y"evidence that a brighter day is in the almanac
mi the state. It's the green light for the Univer-siiand Kentucky.


"Love joursclf big, hold yourself high, 'cause
rfcii von do, ain't any man can lay you low."
From A I. ion Is In The Streets, by Iangley.

Yep, it's happening.

Someone in

gathering material on the vets.
They're operating in the form of a


poll survey



the things they would like to find
out is whether former officers are
making better or worse scholastic
standings than the
Some interesting information will

'taken in"; it is possible that the charge means
that only a small percentage of men belonging
to fraternities are desirable.
Perhaps a number of direct questions will help
future crusaders of fraternity welfare come more
closely to the
Why, for example,
if fraternities are now so much in demand, is
there so much emphasis on the "rushing" of new
men? It would seem that the fraternities could
sit smugly by and wait for the important people
to come their way. Why, if the fraternity system has so much to make it invaluable as a powerful instrument in university, progress, did a
fraternity in a certain southern university put
up as one of its drawing cards the fact that it
had the best filing systems of themes, term pajx-rand tests on the campus? Why, if they are a colpoint-of-issu-

expansion and improvement.
I're ionsly President Donovan and the administration had leen cleared of the charges brought
ly ampus student and faculty critics by the
made by the investigating committee in
Frankfort. Before the legislature adjourned the
administration was given a vote of complete
(onfidcnce. And another obstacle was cleared
from i lie road.
With a budget of $.',322,500 for the 1946-4hiciiiiium the school can meet standards set by
oilier state institutions, and the $l,0.r0,000 earmarked for capital outlay will pay for badly
needed dorms and buildings for growing departments. By supporting the program of the
University, the state officials have taken the first
Mcps in lifting Kentucky from the



lection of men working toward a common goal,
did we see a man, at one lime pilot of a
trying to catch sparrows at midnight to satisfy
the whims of his "brothers"? Why, if fraternities
are so democratic, do the manuals state that men
without sufficient funds should not be rushed?
Why is there a premium put on money? What
prompted the new pledge to say, "You have to
be dishonest or you can't get by"? Let our crusader answer these questions satisfactorily for
us, and we can at least say that he has no longer
begged the question.
WE do not take exception to the possibility
that fraternities could serve a definite and positive purpose on university campuses; our question is, do they? To many it seems that university fraternities have lost sight of the purpose
for which they were originally founded. Where
is die scholarship now? Why do students now
uej thyraternity; as'4n''eisefM; a lack of
scholarship rather' than', as was first intended; a
reason for scholarship? Why docs the introvert
rtow sit at home without the fraternity which
was once Used to help orient him to a college
campus? Is it possible that the fraternity no
longer has a place for him?
All we ask is that future writers on this question refrain from trying to amaze us with enormous figures, that they put aside their generalWe ask
ities and come to the
them to be