xt71g15t7g91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t7g91/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1932 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 05, 1932 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 05, 1932 1932 1932 2012 true xt71g15t7g91 section xt71g15t7g91  h Qi    
  ** * Mcnthlg    
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  October I932 5 
  Vol. V * * * N0. 2  

  0       QIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlHlllllIIIIIIIlllllllllIIIIllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlIllllllll|||||IIIIIIIIIIlI||l|   t
      s ~  fihi
M   § Make Your Plans Now io Aficnd  f °?i¥
      § The Annual  M
    i g Following tl1€ HOm€COmlHg Game    iiishlandl
    § TULANE vs. KENTUCKY     §;‘;i;i:;‘1
Y   E ,    rZZIZT§.T
    g NOVEMBER I2, I932    
 is   § Tulane will bring a great team to Kentucky and many g   
    Z_ § "ole grads" will return to cheer the Wildcats in this E  
    · § classic. Then after the game meet and talk g  ””““"“g‘
E   l E it over at the Homecoming Dance §  
    M §    M Mi
lg   = g §  tm;
    § ALUMNI GYM 9-12 ADMiss1oN $1.00    
K  ;   §\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\l\ll\lllllllIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllllllllllltlllllllllllliIIIIHIIIIIHililililHHilllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlliIllIIllIllllIllIIlllIllIIllllllllllllllllrlllli  
  V gl E   It g  \

 L "  ·  1 ·* .
nnunnnuuummuf ‘  MMM "°“S
f { ,• , · » » I n V y Mr. Roy Eyersole, ’29, has recent-
(Ehv ‘| PHTIII Q] 1II11111IH Sy       °f  
, ,~ ac son 1gh School, Jackson, Ky.
 · Mr. Eversole was married late this
L gmgigl Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky Summer tc Miss RObi11S0n of Jack-
rt  . published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the Son-
University, at, Lexipgton Mr· Kéymeth AI`ldI'BWs, ’32, has
., 4 \ enrolled m the Vanderbilt Medical
` Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postofficc at Lexington, Ky., School this fall.
May 22, 1929, under the Act or March a, my Alfred Andrews, ’31, has a, p0si—
.""""” "A"" 1 Y 001 system,
 Volume V. October 1932 Number 2 Mr. Thomas Neblett, ’26, who has
;...W7.;;;:rm;.,;;:T;;:;:—;»ww#.,;,,-_riim--*~.-.- been with the J- C- Pélmy C0. in
M y · Fremont, Qhio, has recently return-
» Betty Hum;. so ..,.... . mmm eq to Lexmgton and is connected f
_ 1-men King, *25 ...... Assistant Editor mm M°m·gPm9I`Y Ward C0-
V r,_MM_4_;_T___ W_______ Mws M@¤<>¤ S¤rag¤<=» ’20, was ¤
;’·A  f   f f·  ~—··—~·~f~··~ —Ww~ recent vlslm at the ¤1¤¤¤¤` ¤ffi¤¤—
 . OFFICERS  1Spra.g£1e is making her home
A _ _ _ m easan ville, New York, where
k George H.Wfls011; O4 .... V Prejdent she is connected with the Public
1 . Sarah Blandmg. 23 . . . VlCE—PI'8Sld8IlL Health Servi E
_ ` James Shropshire, '29 . . Secretary_Treasurer Miss Sala (gérteh ,08, was in the V
§ ft; m,;i;;t;..;::.;?TQJ;  z; alumni office recently making plans
g EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE {fg the feunjon of the class of ’08
E 1S comm un .
E " W. C. Wilson. ’13 Marguerite McLaughlin, ’03 Orville Iioberti Willett adjunct
gi  3 Wayland Rfwads, ‘15 Maury Qrutcher, ’1'7 professor of English; Bf AH K€n_
E { E_   Emom, 02 Dr. G. Davxs B_uck¤er. ’08 tueky, 1916; M, A., Chicago, 1919, is ;
g _’ Lune §°g=*¤· *3 L°° M°Clam· *9 , a, member of the faculty of the col-
5  V Walter Hdlenmeyer, ’11 Mrs. T. R. Underwood, 19 lege of Mines and Metauurgy, a »
; L· K· F¥¤¤k€l· `°° Guy H¤g¤°1€°· ’1‘* branch of the University of Tems. ‘ ‘
5   Hon. John A, Whitaker, county ` ,
§  A attorney, has been appointed by `
§ · ALUMNI CLUBS State Chairman J. H. Richmond `
[IIE § ? Askuaud Aiumni Club ..__s....,........... - .........,i.i.,............................ J. Snead Yager, President as county chalrman Of Logan coun`
g ‘ » _ ty to manage the fall campa1gn for
E , Atlanta Alumni Club ............................. - ................ - ......,,..,... , .,,.. Warren Clare, Presxdent the Democratic National ticket
E ` Bell County Club ,.,,.,,,,,,..., _ .,,.,,. - ,,..,,,. _ _,_,,..........,.r.......... Mrs. Geo. W. McKee, President Joe H- Palmer, former mstructor
5  · , _ · _ in the English department has left
E Bnrmmgham Alumni Club _.____._._._.___.____.____. _ ___._._..__,,..__.,,,_,,,,,.... J. M. Sprague, President for the University Of Michigan,
E  Bowling Green club ......___._.___.____.______________.._._____._.._..._____..______..._,______ W, J, cmg, President Ann Arboq, where he w111 begm
E ’Bmm0 Al _ C1 b d I P _d t work on his Ph.D. degree.
E · umm u ‘‘`‘` ’ ’‘`’’`‘’‘‘‘``’i‘°i’‘’‘‘`'‘’` ‘ `i‘`’ii`i’i``i'’’’`'`’’’i`` John W' Gu g°’ rm °° John C. Bagwell, a graduate as-
; _ Ghicago Alumni cmu .......,.... _ ._......... _ ._....._..__._.......__.._...._._........ H, M. Nichols, President sistant in the psychology laboratory `
E  `>ci¤0i¤11¤ti Alumni Club ________....__,___________________________________________ John R, Bullock, President      
§  /¤|¤v¤1¤¤d Alumni Club ................. . ....... - ..._..._...,......_..............,...... R. E. cmk, President igan and has left to begin his work I
g :L°xi“9}°¤ Aiumni Club ....... . ................................... Marguerite McLaughlin, President thiigs Henrietta Whitaker, (Hugh-  
E    L°“‘S““° Alumni Club ..............r. . .............................................. Ben Garr King, President {ger gf Mr_ and Mr5_ Arthur Whit- ‘
uqy §  xmas A1 · C1 b _______»r _ _v______________4_____e____>_______>__>__»»_________ _ _____ I _ _ _ . aker, Russellville, was elected teach-
” §  .N _ umm _u C G Blakely President er of the first and second grades Of
S Q I _°“ Y°’k Alumm Club -»-----»-...~..-........................................ Samuel A. Smith. President the Adairville Graded School at a
g  ’Phu°·d€lPhi8· Alumni Club ..,__________ _ ___________________ _ _______________________ L_ C_ Davidson, President recent mgetmg Of the county board
;  ·w _ of educa.1:10n, and assumed her du-
§ ‘ “h‘“g‘°“ **]*******1 Club M -------»·.... ~ .....-.................-............ Elmer D. Hayes, President ties last; month. Miss Whitaker is
E +  3, graduate of Logan C011€g€ and  
E ,`; _;;;?iT;;;;_;?:(>—;;;j_—;;¢; later attended University Of Ken- ·
E f-  tucky. ‘
E ‘ Mailto . A —··——T »
E  t day y0ur check for $3.00-y0u1 dues of loyalty Prot and Mm Frank Waldo Tub .
E   0 thé Univer ' ‘ · tle, Washington, Pa., have the good ;
  _ E ` Slty and assoclatlon wishes of their friends for their
§ _ daughter, Clara Frances. A
..00 ;   U. K. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mr. Tume, who is a U. K. grad-
r_ . § _ _ uatc, class of ’20, is nqw professor
g  4 L9XmgtOH, Ky. of economics at YV&Sh1I1gt0I;1 and
§ ‘  . Jefferson Univers1ty, Washmgton,
E  ~ . Pa. .
I; E  
VI|II||IIII1|Hl1IIu.}-I A f
* ,,._»,¤  

 1. ‘“ l  ‘ I " J
O 0 O O
» Alumni Responsibihhg l
» Every alumni paper, which might the citizens in the form of taxes.; graduates compare favorably ul .  ow long
f . be read by some former student or the small tuition was only of minor ter life to those of other l   i  ded a h
  other interested person, will be importance to the total expendi- tions. Teams representativsqlt  the Univ
‘ found to contain something that ture for the opportunities that were school in all athletics are thsl   has been
‘ alumni should do for their school, laid at your door. Are you not ap- or all former students, Rep,   l s, We lu
I 21lQSQll1€·0b]lg`B.t1DIl that they owe to p1‘8C18.tiVe for th€ JOYS Unfit Were tatlve men on the faculties ,   to bel
e institution of which they speak yours, because of the time You necessary in the eyes of all  1  have 110
. in such endearing terms, Alma Ma- spent on the campus? Each and uales in Order to make the U    us tell I
ter. And in every case the ques- every alumnus of this or any other sity ostack upn with other im.  [Store for
1 tion is asked, "What are my rela- university will have a different out- tions of its callbl.8_ ·sl_ com
i _ tions with the old school now that look on this question of ALUMNI Thmu h the radio ci 1 _ ,  tween hu
? I em mt **°°¤*“¤g?" . RESP°NSIBn~n`Y· but ?°°“" °a“ the university sastisigtlitiiil   ¤ Wn It
I Every time some reference 1S deny that even though it may be now making every effort to W   l_ we ww
i all the former students, to ex ,   Wu .S€€
, , - ` , to them the interest that is felt "  wm b(
x " __ . _ ` the campus for their success g  j' the cm
`   .,,,  g,.   , leaving the four walls of this .-  e the  
  .  >i  i    ’', i   i tation or higsher 183.l`I1lllg_  me W1
Y ’ , . . Y C   ·    .i; ». “ *4  meager attemp s of the alumni   · ~ ·
           Ll $” ~··~ . :    " ganization bring many in at   
1    ¥1?€_l,_·l;l1l        l it il ·l  gh 4* .* ` contact with the school after .  `
. E i  il'?   .  n Jilf     l l   l "_l . ` departure, but all this fails to   ’
l sé     e   Z   ‘    =*  t    fi .   the interest or the former stud  ‘
             ,. .3L.t V  J Y? of the universtiy. Their intern  g
{ ll   V         here, but they make nomauil    .  
_   A _     ~;. »·.~   _   ·_ ·     do(fHl;ntThelr love is not ·. .»· Je;
l     i As alumni, we all have resp  ` , ‘
E   "     f   ‘‘’‘‘* =`·¥ ;.g.Q.._, bilities to our Alma Mater  i` 1 X—=~· ·
.   . . tle time given to the thought  ·· ~ ·¤<·
ri UNIVERSITY LIBRARY yoilxil schgol will lprorduce  it -
V .; in e sp ere in w ic you arer . .
g Z` made to what the alumni should little, we do owe a debt to the exertind Your influence- W°{d$  
F T do for the school of his or her school that gave us our degree, or Seed will to Some b°Y_ °Y gm * >`*‘ r  
. ; choice, a sad note is struck, for that helped us for a shorter period. nigh Sehenl may have Influence .· 
' ·. they invaribly feel that they con- W'h0 feels that the grads are in- W   V___   ____ M _ M°LE*
r tributed to the institution while debted to the school? To begin   __»`>..   ·.   , do .; acme dl
  Z UI1dergraduates·-if in no other way, with, the undergraduate feels that     _; _,._   `» —, js     'Blr gala
. · by the paltry sum that was paid in the school would be better if the   »‘-,; ,¤t;;».j·;_     ds bacl
g ° tuition each semester, Do we ever alumni would take more interest;      hg Of
< stop to realire that much of the they wonder why it is that the     Then at
_   joy and success that has been ours alumni do not take an active part     ,  llmclm
t 3 may have resulted in one way or in this or that; why they do not        ughlln
j another from something connected return to the campus more often Vfrt · _V,,l if} YT.:>??T$’§_°’»l{?”    gill, Bhl;
  . directly or indirectly with our col- for little visits; why, at reunion, or       “     l; -  mh are
— lege career? homecoming time, only a few re- . __ .,` ¤   at ahhh
` When you arrived on the campus turn. The administration and fac-  i s - .  ys_ They
some years ago you were one of the ulty members, here day after day,   `  ggssl al
_ . mob, a freshman, looking for any- feel that they are soon forgotten. _  __f   er held
  t thing that might happen to you at Yet whenever a few former students       I ~  ual Sl
i ‘   almost any time. Today as you gather they remind each other of   l·~=`   lglhalgdl
;_ 5 look back on those days, can‘t you this or that happening of years ago. ,     ,,__ ¢  t.; ..................  at thm
l I feel that some of the "ole profs" The street car on the campus, long tv . t . t tl ~»  surpr-
` were real pals after all? Something afternoon drills around Stoll held, , .i·- _  tmeeti
that was said or done by some hard while the commandant looked on, ` · ¢   At two (
, boiled professor has been an in- the cow in the belfry chapel, the I i  ; _li ‘ and whl
‘ . fluence in your life. Stop, think time we beat Alabama or Purdue. ¤ esi R · be! ·
* : of the association that your college and many other instances are rr ·i··   V .   .  , de a vv
·- , days brought you. Were not some laughed and talked about when . .. v ~-~ “*y£‘ ·;  ded to r
` of them very valuable? there are chance meetings. College l ` S  Omeeoml
Q . At the frat house or boarding men and women from other schools ‘ ‘ '  r woman
“ I lodge where the "sessions" were wonder why U. K. alumni are so MEMORIAL HALL  luc wm
, . held regularly, you may have bene- indifferent to the school. But are _ .w»  01* suprer
' ‘ fited ih Some Way. All these things they really indifferent? his or her choice of all inst:)  f Tulal
A make up a successful college per- No! All of our graduates are of higher learning, and the gl   romisgs
iod. And who paid for it? extremely interested; they want to girl may be much the h¤F’p‘fnl  le but 1·
· l In the case of the University of see the school go forward in every that word. You may be tm `_’ ildcats
a { K€¤T»¤0kY. the m011€Y Was paid by way. They are anxious that our (Continued on Page 5)  heir mor
l l , ,· 
` Q I
. l`

  I V \_ •· _` _` _ I _
t , Your_ old friends will gather there. l
_ Home Cg{n1nq_  Llvnléalgg Ogreialtiy reminiscent of
. n e campus at old U.
» ___.. K. The SuKy trophies for the best
Orably in  Ow long is it since you have at- predict the outcome of such a bat- gfcolamd muses Wm be presented-
Jher i   ,  ded a homecoming celebration t1e,·but, although the Cats may get attwllg be a grand mgm for all who
ltative oh {hg University of Kentucky? If a bit damp, 1t is a certainty that BH ‘
are thed  thgg been within the last five they will not get drowned And it W6 h¤D€ the you will be here. It _
5, Rept   rs, we know that you do not may be that the Wave will go back W0l11d be 2. shame fOr any alumnus
faculties ~·  to be urged to return. But, if to New Orleans as a mere ripple of Kentucky to miss such a won- _
of an 3  u have not attended in that time, How long since you have seen the dcrful ¤Dp¤¤‘tuni’ty to see the Wild-
e the Um  e us tell you of the many treats Kentucky band in action? Have cats in a°U°¤· It has b€9¤ 9- I0¤S
otherj ,, istore for you on November 12. you seen the new band Sponso 5: time Since Tulane and Kentucky
I  ·st, come to the Alumni Office We have the largest and best band have md? and the <1¤¤t€St Hlohe
circulars it  tween nine and twelve Where we have ever had. Our band has W°uld be Worth SOME miles to See.
nistramh  u will register. After you regis- held the reputation of being the Then there ¤¥'€ th€ added Zttfav- `
fm to    _ we would suggest a tour of the best band in Dixie for many years, '¤i0¤$ cf the SWGUSF luhcheon, the
ts, to  I`}  wu, See the pep and enthusiasm so you can imagine what it is if it decorations and the dance. Lexing-
mt is mt .i  will be running riot, not only is better than ever now. And the mn alumni will ect 25 h0$t$ f<>1` the
success,   the campus, hut all over town; new band sponsor-jg she pretty? dance_and they assure all visiting
of my  ·· the fraternity and sorority She certainly is and she ahh-ie is alumni a wonderful time. It prom-
mnmg  uses, with their unique and at- worth coming to Lexington to Sw ises to be a day filled with events
' · ‘. i - _ which will afford great pleasure
ge Kim?   J   l ‘ » "` ` ·   and happiness t0_ all (except Tu-
, `   ·' lane, of course). Please d0n’t let
Lotggego _°' 5 y such a wonderful time pass without A _ ·
 `·»~ ‘ ` you being in on the ground floor
mm stu    ' ` } { to share in all the fun.
eir intern i_  _ . ' ` `
no manll      ‘ ‘”i ‘ . · ,4° - _ _,,  ‘ "
3 is “°l        » »  i —  r e e    · ALUMNI RESPONSIBILITY
“   ·-·   ;.·**t,_ ..,.o, i 2;*  -;e.e4r<;§-g:t2·  »,,~.»—.— ~r"`>*"¢¤<»e·=;#f;5$;;~;€'t§;'?§,5Z¥§   sen. ‘_-   same opportunities that you were
duce  ··» ~ » »--» · - · -·• ir we ·e~ —-. .
I you mh 1 7 _ _ _     if   fortunate enough to enjoy. I
c€_ Wm 1 L L c-, { _4   w____ _ A_ m__ _ r, 1 . EL"- _;_ _; ; M  , ‘   visit to the place of your school
Oy lor gm j'__ ,.:i.;?; ;V_ nm_» __ _   _.{,te,,· e.i,,e~·y··g;{:jr· ·-*?¢· 3 ·—  activities will revive your school
3 mfhhm  _ ” _ ‘ __ spirit and give you pleasure that is
  acme decorations alt. U I l done for both yourself and those
_    cir al _ r W 1 mg IH al The band made its nrst appeal-- whom you chance to meet on the
  , dSE tt attire to welcome the old ance of the year at the Kentucky- campus. A visit at homecoming
  Q .  bagk tc the greatest home- Sewanee game, Thgge blue and time, or a stay of two or three days
  g ° aH_t‘m€~ _ White uniforms, the sponsor, the during class reunions at commence- t
     _ lil? git 12.30, there is the Strol- drum majoh the gained musicians, ment will be days that you Will long
·‘    ughlgnefféo 1é[;·$SdM3·YB`u9;?tB MC‘ all h3.V€ lLh€ll‘ part lll the makeup igingmben Those that have re— `
  ..,_e   iam, Béb Mitcgielahaigigid Bérg/I<> of the best band in Dixie. When turned since the beginning of class Z
  ·.·. » - -€ h · _ VE? they m&1‘€h onto the field, form 3 reunions are witness to the effect- .
4_· .s—   a§°ani;§£1§1id¥_mak1ng Plans f01` large blue K, and play "My Old ive tvy in which you are awakened i l
 ; ’ `   rs. They arg te mg Of the $trO1` Kentucky H¤me" You Wm 1`€¤hZ€ to your responsibilities.
    it   gmt and b rgmg to make 1'6l}h€ anew how proud you are and what Many of the private Schools of z
  ~_  er h 1 _ es Stroller meeting an honor it is to be an alumnus of th t t d 11 `
  legit $m0€ the custom of an Old U K b 6 Qgglh rg alre suppor e aimgua y
-·-·   V; -··  I-Ohh. _t · · y gl s 0 aumni, some s a e in-
     emd.   iillarttmifomliii fwz   atg° i$"‘t“‘ K€i"‘“°"y ““““°‘“   "“j°““g “"’   l
; .......... . ....... rl.  there Wm b I t _ p aye a ama-, ,0 0 peope wit- loyalty from their alumni. Would A
i l *    6 Surprises fore glensglrcgfelgleagt missed tht? CQUTQESU Thai? WBS 21 you contribute. annually, what you _
, A "  meeting Dom; miss it 1`€31 H01h€00§!1lUg. _Last Yéal`, 12.000 could afford to your Alma Mater?
. %  (fwshgglock, the iame is called shew 231121 13;pi§`<;dm\;g;l§at';1ea;;x1r]t>;If- Many chaiglges are wrought ieach i
( ,  » at game hat promises · ' year at the niversity in effor s to V
  i |_db°! Thi? Alumni Committee mssee game was mt a H°m€°°m` make its effectiveness even greater
é _} fargyt bi  r eg it Wise choice when they de- mg game. On November 12 we are than at present, and, in the alum-
" ‘ · 3 tc heme the Tulane game as expecting at least 20,000 people to pi a great part or this program de- ¤
·  r°“‘°°°m1¤s· What Kentucky men See the Tulane-Kentucky contest. volves. Will you accept the chal-
HALL  m‘Z°’;*V*;·{:1:¢<€u1dfiiot like to See the Hot; could tang; one stay away from ieugec At some time in the past —
· as 0 Kehtu h H ht suc a con es . th h d ‘ t · t, d co t·'buted
an iustitut  2r S,L;,?H€ma°Y OVGY the Gseesh Wgve The climax of the whole day will (to  Sbotah tallxglsies aalnd inltahgibles ‘
/nd the bn!  mms am? The Tulane team be the annual Homecoming dance While you Were the b€H€fiCi8.l`y.
he happier   E bu§S_€O_b€ it h&1‘_d one to han- that night in the University of Will you now return a little of that
i bg the me   h dcatsl }S OW 0l>1hion that the Kentucky Gymnasium. A wonder- interest that seems to be dormant.
page 5) heh, m will EW? them a run for ful orchestra has been engaged to and, in any way that you desire,
V °n€Y· It 1S IlOt possible to play for the occasion and all 0f assume y0u1‘ 1‘€Sp0¤Sibility? ' 

 1. " li  ‘ ` I
Q ` I
` • • l
t I Feudal Sqsiem m Persia  ..lit°t..
‘ nj HO SOIL
l » j-;  he land r
L By C. B. FISHER, .’20 many as the village can accommo- of the village,. From thm   azgsléggs
- — Before the lands of Europe were date] the owner may encourage ml- ent {sources, with ·propgyC  were the
_ V populated the akhany Ol. lords of gsation to his village by const1uct— cultivation, collecting au I  ,_ family U
· Persia were ruling their ·‘ryats" or mg additional muses and roooemg be oolleotoo and Yet ml ¤l‘·   in-ornate
;¤ serfs with an iron hand. Since that the taxes and fees that are collect- ing the villagers or dmmg  Sed O,. W
g time the lands of Europe have been ed, However, such assistance is away, an annual incomem bfagg 5
V settled, have groaned under a f€u_ rarely offered. The- common prec- one thousand to ten thous   mr help
g dal system more exacting than tice 1S to grant building privileges lats may be·obtamed_  mate far
ever prevailed in Persia, have been alone, usually about SIX h¤¤¤1‘€d Land Rights ,- expense
divided into nations, have witness- equare m€t€¥`$_0f la-¤d for oooh fom‘ From time to time the  A  nd the v
* · ed the overthrow of the feudal sys- ily- Upon the ewuod the villager village is por-tionea to am, since me
i tem, tried private ownership and may build his house which revefts different villagers. wiiha-  must be
` capitalism in all its forms, and are to the laodlord m cos'? tho folmor . a marked rope ten meters .,  the mal
i now experimenting with socialism Io ou$l¥€<%;1;>Y ¤h·¤3SeS t§ngo?V§   ghl? land of th? village is dip  r k gilves
— . - _ t, in Persia size o e yar is 1 9 o regu ar rec angular lot;  1 an e ‘
»   {Egg Esliglsuggirigm eggu holds its niuch by the landlord as by the containing about 3600 psquii,  the TEE
  own; though in these days the signs villagers §h€m$€1V€$ Who Prefer to ters—0ne tanab—usually  ., i such l
  of change are more than a` ripple till the soil rhd reap saleable CITODS 100 meters in size. Thegeni  e "mllll3l
  on the calm Surface Of this inland rather than retain it as u¤D1`0f1l3&- portloned out to the diffegeii; l·  TNS
  empire from which many move- ble Yam $Da¤€· of families, a fair portiond  orthy ac
€ ments of peoples and ideas have is- By special arrangement with the land HIGHS With H Similar po'  Ulm? fe
e   sued forth while few have broken landlord private rights in orchards, Elliot lied hgqggg to eachtvillr  tglgggggm
. 3 ‘ u n her. vine ards, eneral trans ortation 3 15 0 1lgS ¤1`€i¤ www  . l
3   lnlnggdersy Greeks, Turks, Arabs, busiryiess, smill edokkansr gr shops. places over the estate, the  Ml SYEEDE
‘   and Mongolsy satisfied with phm- and flour mills—the old water-mill dopondmg UDOD th? numb?   gg!
°   dering the land, passed on to rich- tYD€—m2Y bt? 8I`¤1¤g€d. S0m€tlm€S en that oooh _f€}mUY mill .oH1g¤m_i
Xi er nelds and left the feudal sys- these may be operated on shares Wh€¤ this dlVl$¤0¤ has <>¤¤#  ‘¤;W di
ar tem as they found it. changing for the ¤W¤er» but more ¢<>mm¤¤21r made end ¥”°P??_.ma.““”.  “d,s 0,..
  dynalsties have dong the same, ye- a fixed sum is collected for the priv- or defined, an 1Zl1g3t10lldl‘  1-  aclgorl
·   placing aisieyai lords by those who 11·=e<>· <>r¤h¤rdS wd vmererds Wm of‘?€» 2* S“°“‘?» a ‘°ad~ .‘i‘ l   gm, it
· helped to effect the change, yet Day HH 9·UTlU&·1li‘3X of from 50 cents dnt, Bacll V1UHS€1` Hlf1>—€5 F1 Owl;
I leaving unmoiested the humble vii- to $5 per “iarib*· or moo square me- to the aeleemeot Whichlsll   ugh PEN
1 ·, lager, that human beast of burden ters; °a rental or privilege tax of Dosited with the landlord for H mmol
i whose sole ambition seems to have from $20 to $50 will be collected k€€D1¤g· t nie mt
Q ti been to tread the path that his fa- from flour mills and general repair In addition to these appt.  n to wsu
g I thgrs have tl-Od before hgm_ shops, while butcher shops and lands a perpetual right to 0I ' of tr
- Feudalism as it is Today other small “dokkans" will pay from developed plots may be gr  1 emma]
I It is impossible {30 give an gxggt $10 to $25 p€I' y€9.I`, IlBC€SS&l`y '1`€- Cl€3,I‘lHg 3,WBy the SCORES.-   kms keel
; ._ description of the feudal system as nairs of the most meager type be- terraces, or other such Ml   timmy H
{ it prevails today bggaugg of the lllg mét fI‘OI`l'l this amount. Tim- IHBIUQS V thangoc
endless confusion of custgm and ber rights along irrigation ditches After the land has b€€il H there:
? practice. That which fololws is an and in swampy. untillable places leach man is supposed too   ée Of C
I attempt tg givg only an approxi- BYE IISUBHY 2”I'3Dl3Sd to 0l'l€ OI' ITIOTS his OWU pHI°tlCU19.l` p10t$· The _ ch Over
: 5 mage Statgmgnt gf genera] pyacticg villagers who plant willow, poplar, cipal CYODS are vvhéaf Pllld   en mism
It must be borne in mind that and other varieties of trees care for with some attention paldll  ndmdc
· there are many exceptions both them. and finally market the wood cotton, alfalfa, melons, Vttt  time th
' above and below the average as agdtltiniberi turning o€rert1;>ne—1thigd oprum, gmacco, aiild rgcggédé  hemsgvf
herein set forth. o e oa receips o e an - we -n1g unlversa p _  upenn.}
As organized today, a typical 10Yd- Yiomg tho r>1·¤¤?¤¤¤‘<>'>lll“*  ly in ord
, . village is built on a piece of land In addition to these sources of lmgotoo land IS that OQ  avillagi
i » about four miles square, larger or revenue there are the livestock goes *9 the 1o¤dlo¥o ooo E  · withoir
. ’   smaller according to locality. The taxes. Donkeys and oxen which are two mods to the Vmegw ..5  `, lalldlo
i · _ land, together with all water cour- used for the general work of the ;;mdi\%%2§1`g;§e;e%aging? 0,  ·$€¤i§lY»
ses, houses, trees and other fixed village are sometimes exempt.    BY at
` improvements belong to the land- though usually an annual tax of fome These are the seein!  " may
lord who in many cases lives in from 10 cents to $1 apiece is col- for aww from Foe V1] lj  €1`.Whel
I i what was at one time an elaborate, lected, Animals that are used for are moro o¤ooYtom· eomnd   el villag
’ . mudwalled fort under whose pro- caravan routes and for private gain bor for the oool Yemen  _,, j tht Dil
- : tection the village has been devel- are subiect to a somewhat higher e System ef dry fmemmg EH  t beeom
l . oped. In former times these forts tax, Usnauv in addition to the CYOD only once 111 tire l:  and
were a necexary protection against regular tax for each yoke of oxen, Y€¤1'S· _ _. UUIGSS l
. the raids of wandering tribes and eggs, butter, and a couple of chick- One of the moS© Scoouepld  d °l`d€l`S
4 I other enemy villagers, but today ens must be presented to the land- that arises after 21 dlwoog  Jack Oi
- Whéli 9· SHORE 0€¤t1`3l iZ0V€1‘Hm€Il'& lord. thus insuring a generous food land is that which COW? *6,; m P€1'5l
_ ' ' is disarming the people these mud supply whenever he visits the vil- old, old fact that all €‘l“‘t“"  .  moot 1
walls are fast falling into ruins. lage, Sheep and goats are subiect sion does not remalll so-    · the Y
In case the 100 to 200 families to a tax of from 10 to 50 cents a- tune seems to be the lot    I? temp
· i that form an average village and piece which is the landlords pro- people in P€1‘Si¤r RS well {Se; _ aees h‘
9   0l1l¢iV9.’Ge the gI’0Ll¤d are not as fit from the general grazing lands lands. Oxen may dit lol  ¤*lS<>¤s
i I ‘
l l .
j I .
. l` .

  I - _ \_ ·. {E T , _- L
3 ‘ 7
 way of replacing them; the when they find that they ar ‘ - l . - .
 of the family may pass away ply another addition to the siriggt ;i2s2l;;(;£;e1l;?lay‘r§c€1V€ Specml as-
_ . · . _ _ urmshmg a guest room.
.· no son, O1 from the begin- class or spasmodic workmen m - I · ·
;. ¤ _ pri I1 return for his services he re-
A i e land may have been allot- vate gardens, street cleaning, or in ceives about $50 a, ·
_ ., an irresponsible family. In building operations. Such a task grants or wheat agegrlbuslmuy m
tcm this ms the most desirable plots rarely pays more than 30 cents a gether with a. sma.11 alrnouiirryy aulii-
iggepglr ,  ,wm·€· the pag; ofbltlze unfov-· day and this must cover rent, fuel, His tenure or office depends Shig-
I  _·fam1ly may su e to some food, and clothes. As villagers lutel u on th ' -
et mill  fortunate whose oxen have these lived in their own houses, or hlls £s1s1;a¤$; vggligftllle lagdéobd
*1Q driving. 2 Ed or whose sons may have raised at least a part of their food, the fate of each and ev; en; OB;
mwme ol  { age Such a texnporary ar- and picked up their fuel at random. in the vi11age_ ry man
eg; thous   ent helps to provide ior the Certainly at present there is little Civil Powers of the Landlord
_ ·  unate family, but this is done reason for villagers to change their The landlord as sole owner ma
Rights lj expense. of bothh the land- lot for that of day-laborers in the exclude fromhis land any one whg
gxlieogie ll  ii tnihzilggigugg ? gglssglgle my- B _ M arcuses his displeasure or may mi
_ ani  mce _ j · lr usmess anagemcnt a ‘ h ‘
W1tha·   ust be divided mto three We should expect a rather com- cggtcgllnass ¤i’l;;l.W1%l5hfcl;·lnlgrb€in·;s
1 meters 1  .; the man who actually does plicated system of accounts and a and even still his power is ra t'
age igdm   pk gives less attention to thls Certain degree of efficiency in the cally unlimited A11 dis utep C E
ular plots.,  an he would if he were to management of such a system of their proper penalties mg I? all:
3600 squ  ~· the regular two-thirds. Fre- accounts, land divisions, and settle- tled without recourse to ythe sie _
1sually ..· l such lands are- made over ment of differences among the vil- courts of the country. Mogt vi;
Thgsean  ·~mu1lan· or priest of the lagers. Especially should this be lages have no jail court or police
lgpgigzfué ,~ t1*r;ii,;CtisOnc<;g;idl§§e;i Cgi}; g&1gnC\;vl;gnt€1gh<;v;;11;dl0rd’s holdings (tlhe outward signs, orlavv and 0;-;
__   Y · I _ _ , ri y, or even more er. Th ‘ 1 ·
51mi]arpD ‘ ware family an indirectly it than one hundred villages in differ- nothing ixzoiemghin Vgiiaggeaggggl
eachtym   ih; interest ci:_tl$e landlorcii enttgartf cg the country. However, visit of the landlord to help hmm
re in ww  re 1g10n as a in 0 secon. in 1S an where the feudal sys- maintain s t' I t ‘
tate, the  rd strengthens his own posi- tem has been in operation from tions with  iaigighliaoivorllllflliarlgffzr
18 numbsr   Finally, however, when many time immemorial, there seems to be a misdemeanor is comniitted and
lily may  eldings are left idle and oth- but little effort at organization, red they are indeed few in number the
U has Om  ilies are ldeinandmg more tape, and accounting that requires guilty persons may be sentenced to
markers , udnew divisioni 1S ordered rigid Og eéen lends itself to any degree repair a bridge, clean water courses
juation di,  ii is por lone 0u among € 0 6 1Cie¤Cy. An assistant or gen- Or a fm t th ’
Dgdy OY  ,V  is ieeogding to their ability engl buiinészlsi dmanager together injgrgd? Inc ogderolzii Vlgggl Egehii U
aww M, wa e i . _ W1 a " a 0 a," or headman, in imprisonment and to avoid th -
yhich ist   j Over-population _ each village. comprises the admin- tanglements, delays, and ezpezgeelof
andlord {0,  uggrSegliiaprigblgotlieréeihwsltlg istrgitive giachinfery fo; th; whole the general law courts of the coun-
lll I in w ` 0 sys em. rom orce o ha it, to- try, the villager is usuall ld 1;
Jhese aw   _ the natural increase in pop- gether with the leading of the accept the punishment ag grzereg
right mm  H. to result in a general over- "1nul1ahs,"_ or priests, the villager by the landlord or "kadkhoda,"
ay be gd   A g of the villages. However, quite readily sets aside that which Such power with no hope of red-
t ` l  ~ mortality and unsanitary belongs to the land10rd—t0 steal ress against it t ll 1 d
isxs  J,  ipns keep the population fair- from him is no less a. sin than to many abuses, thlea vgolrsty oieawliicclg
 tionary and as yet, even after steal from God himself. is to drive a villa¤er from his land
has been _   han 3,000 years of the feudal Practically the only responsibili- just before harvega time. This re-
wsed m l, ··  there seems to ibe but little ty that the landlord has is to send sults in not only depriving him of
` plots. The  ce of overcroxvdmg. ,When— h1S representative at harvest time the house that he may have built
heat and   ch over-crowding does occur and claim his part of the produce. but also in confiscating his crops,
LOU mmm  §d£Ji;;fo1·tune orlthe tf