xt71g15t7f3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t7f3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1937-04-may3-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-04-may3-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-04-may3-ec. 1937 1937-04-may3-ec. 2011 true xt71g15t7f3z section xt71g15t7f3z 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, M.Ionday, May 3,

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the office of Chairman Richard C. Stoll,
Lexington, Ky., Monday, May 3, 1937, at 10:00 a.m.   The members
of the Committee oresent were Chairman Richard C. Stoll, James
Park and J. B. Andrews,   President Frank L. McVey, D. H. Peak,
Secretary of the Board and Dean James H. Graham, were present.
The meeting was called to consider business relating to P, W. A.
construction that required immediate attention, as well as other
general business of the University.

     1, Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of Miarch 22, 1937, ware approved
as published,

     2. Financial Report for April.

     The Business Agent stated that the financial report for
April was not ready for presentation.

     3. Real Estate - Proposed Purchases.

     a. Puriell Lot on Graham Avenue.

     The Business Agent reported that he and the Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds made further investigations regarding
the purchase of the property of Mrs. Annie Purnell, viz. lot No.
23, fronting 50 feet on Graham Avenue. Mrs. Purnell offers the
property at $3,250.00, the University to pay all costs connected
with the transfer and Mrs. Purnell to retain possession until
September 1, 1937.

     It was ordered that the purchase be made on the terms offered
by Mrs. Purnell.

     b. Lot in Front of Memorial Building.

     President McVey stated that he had received a communication
from F. J. Benckart offering for sale the Mrs. * Mary Dehore prop-
erty on South Limestone Street.   This property is almost directly
in front of the Memorial Building, and it is desirable that the
University own it,   The President was directed to have investi-
gation made as to the value of the property, the price asked
therefor and other factors, and to inake report to the June meeting
of the Board of Trustees.


     4. Purchase of Property at Robinson Station.

     The purchase of the Peter Robinson property at Robinson Sta-
tion at the price of *D700 was approved.  This is cart of the
tract authorized to be Purchased at the meeting of the Board of
Trustees December 8, 1936.   The deed was accepted and ordered
filed.   The deed is copied as follows:

          THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE, made and entered Into this
     the 10th day of March, 1937, by and between Manda Robin-
     son (widow) individually and in her own right, and the
     said Manda Robinson, statutory guardian for Toy Marie
     Robinson, Virginia Robinson, Nettie Ruth Robinson, Otis
     William Robinson, Alma Ray Robinson, and the said Toy
     Marie Robinson, Virginia Robinson, Nettie Ruth Robinson,
     Otis William Robinson, Alma Ray Robinson, who are infants
     under the age of 21 years, by their statutory guardian,
     Manda Robinson, parties of the first part, and Universi-
     ty of Kentucky, a corporation organized and existing
     under the laws of the State of Kentucky, party of the
     second part, WITNESSETH:

         That for and in consideration of the sum of Seven
    hundred dollars ($700.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt
    of which is hereby acknowledged, the first parties here-
    by sell, grant, alien and convey unto the warty of the
    second part, the following described lot or parcel of

          Situated in the village of Quicksand, in Breathitt
    County, Kentucky, bounded and described as follows:

         Beginning at an iron spike on the north west corner
    of said lot, which spike bears S 18 40 W. 181 2 from
    station 137 on the center line of the extension of the
    Lexington & Eastern Railway Company at Quicksand, Ken-
    tucky: thence S 23 15 W. 1240 3 to a soike; thence with
    the road S 66 45 E. 60 0 to the fence of the oroperty
    formerly occupied by A. A. Duff'; thence with the said
    fence N 23 15 E. 1248 3 to the rear line of the proper-
    ty; thence N 66 45 W. 60 0 to a spike, which is the point
    of beginning.

         Excluding therefrom the coal thereunder with the
    usual mining privileges underground to remove the same,
    which said privrile -es are not to in any way interfere
    with the top surface or improvements now on or which may
    hereafter be made thereon,   With all the appurtenances,
    rights and privileges thereunto belonging.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all the foregoing described
    property, together with all the appurtenances thereunto
    belonging or in any way appertaining , unto the said
    party of the second part and its successors in fee simple



forever, with covenant of General Warranty of title, on
the trust, however, that the purchase of said property
by said University of Kentucky is an investment of the
net revenues derived from the operation by said Univer-
sity of Kentucky of the property conveyed to it by deed
of the E. 0. Robinson Mountain fund, dated the 10th day
of October, 1923, and recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Breathitt County Court In deed book 52,
page 66, and the said lands hereby conveyed and the
proceeds of the sale of the whole, or any part thereof,
and the net revenues derived by the University of Ken-
tucky from the operation of the lands hereby conveyed
shall be held and used on the same trusts and for the
same purposes as set forth and provided in said above
mentioned deed of the E. O.. Robinson Mountain fund to
the University of Kentucky for the net revenues derived
from the operation of the properties thereby conveyed,
to which said deed reference is now made for a full and
more particular statement of said trusts and purposes.

     The execution of the trust herein provided for
shall be exclusively under the control and in the hands
of the University of Kentucky with such agencies or aids
as it may see fit to employ, and said University of
Kentucky shall have the right to sell and convey the
whole or any part or parts of the properties hereby
conveyed, and no purchaser shall be required to look
to the application of the proceeds of any such sale
or sales.

     The above property was conveyed to Peter Robinson
by Jerry Edwards by deed dated July 17, 1923, and record-
ed in deed book No.. 52, page 122, Breathitt County

     The said Peter Robinson heretofore departed this
life intestate and left surviving him his widow, Manda
Robinson, and eleven children, the five infants named
in the caption hereof, and also Ethel Howard, Ida
Proffitt, Annie Back, Lula Lynch, Charlies Robinson
and Price Robinson, which said last named parties, to-
gether with their husbands and wives, conveyed their
interest in and to said property to the said Manda
Robinson by deed dated the   -  day of December, 1935,
and recorded in deed book No. 72, page 24, Breathitt
County Records.



     In testimony the said Manda Robinson, individually,
and as guardian aforesaid, has hereunto subscribed her
name this the day and date first herein written.

                             Manda Robinson

                             M~anda Robinson

                          Guardian for Toy Mvarie Robinson,
                          Virginia Robinson, Nettie Ruth
                          Robinson, Otis William Robinson
                          and Alma Ray RQbinson.

State of Kentucky
Breathitt County

      I, Galen J. White, Notary Public, certify that the
above and foregoing deed from lvianda Robinson and others
to the University of Kentucky was this day produced be-
fore me in said county and. state, and then and there
acknowledged before me by the said Manda Robinson to be
her act and deed, and also acknowledged by her to be
her act and deed as guardian for Toy Marie Robinson,
Virginia Robinson, Nettie Ruth Robinson, Otis William
Robinson and Alma Ray Robinson.

      Given under my hand, this M11arch 10th, 1337.

                               Galen J. White
                               Notary Public, Breathitt
                               County, Ky.   My commission
                               expires Sept. 7, 1939.

     The above deed has this day been examined and ap-
proved.   This March 22, 1937.

                                J. B. Howard
                              Judge, Breathitt Circuit



     Breathitt County

          I, Cora M. Noble, Clerk of the Breathitt County
     Court, certify that the foregoing deed was on the 22
     day of March, 1937, lodged for record in my office,
     having been properly stamped, whereupon the same,
     with the foregoing and this my certificate have been
     duly recorded in my office.

          Given under my hand this 24 day of March, 1937.

                               Cora M. Noble     Clerk.

     5. Railway Switch.

     The action of Chairman Richard C. Stoll as shown by follow-
ing copies of correspondence, etc., was approved:

     a.                         April 23, 1937

     Mr, D. H. Peak
     Business Manager
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Mr. Peak:

         Enclosed herewith you will find copy of letter
    which I have Just received from the Central District,
    copy of Memorandum of agreement, referred to in the
    letter, and copy of my reply to the Central District
    Warehousing Corporation.

          We have already entered into an agreement our-
    selves with the Railrsad Company which supersedes
    this agreement.

                                (Sinned) Richard C. Stoll.



b.                            April 22, 1937

Judge R. C. Stoll
602 City Bank Building
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Judge Stoll:

     We are enclosing herewith memorandum agreement
from the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific
Railway Company covering a side track into the Old
Independent Tobacco Warehouse which this corporation
sold to the University of Kentucky.. Please check
and advise us with reference to signing this release.
If it is proper that we sign this agreement, please
return same to us.

                      (Signed) CENTRAL DISTRICT WARE-
                                 HOUSING CORP.

                                 H. C, Robinson
                              Assistant-Secretary &

c.                           April 23, 1937

Central District Warehousing Corporation
Lexington, Kentucky

Attention; Mr. H. C. Robinson.

Dear Mlrl. Robinson:

     I have your letter of April 22nd, enclosing
agreement with the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas
Pacific Railway Company.

     I see no reason why this agreement should not
be executed for t ie University has entered into a
new contract with the Company.

                       (3Si,.ned) Richard C. Stoll,



d.    THIS MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT, made and entered
into this       day of          , 1937, by and be-

PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, party of the first part;
party of the second part,

               W I T N E S S E T H

     THAT THE PARTIES HERETO, for good and suffi-
cient considerations thereunto moving them, do here-
by mutually covenant and agree that the agreement,
in writing, heretofore made and entered into by and
between said Railway Company and Independent Tobacco
Warehouse Company, dated November 14, 1913, covering
the construction and operation of a spur of side
track, at LEXINGTON, in the State of Kentucky, as
described in said agreement, shall be, and the
same hereby is, terminated to take effeot as of the
date of these presents; it being understood that
the said Central District Warehousing Corporation,
party of the second part hereto., succeeded to the
interests of the said Independent Tobacco Warehouse

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have
executed these presents the day and year first
above written.

.|*........... .....    TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,
   ~~~~~~~~~............... .
As to party of the             Vice-President
   first part.

...................  .  .....By

As to party of the             President
   second part.


B .

     6. Cooperative House.

     A proposal that a cooperative house for use of women stu-
dents be erected on amortization plan was offered, the estimated
cost to be $20,000.00. After consideration of the statements
made by President McVey and Dean Graham, it was decided to refer
the question to the Board of Trustees at June, 1937, meeting,
Dean Graham was requested to draw a resolution, setting forth
all facts regarding the proposal and the plans to finance it.

     7. P. W. A. Construction, Pathological Laboratory.

     President MvicVey presented an "Application for Grant" (P.W.A.
Form No. 174), applying to the Federal Emergency Administration
of Public Works for aid in financing the building of the "First
Unit of a Pathological Laboratory for the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, at Lexington, Ken-
tucky."   The President stated that the estimated cost of the
proposed building was 854,926.98 and that the "grant" requested
thereon was in the sum of $20,000.00.

     After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded,
it was resolved that James H. Graham, Dean of the College of
Engineering of the University of Kentucky, be authorized and
instructed to sign the aforesaid application for a "grant" in
the sum of $20,000, the resolution being as follows:-

     Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees:

          Section 1. That James H. Graham be and he Is
     authorized to execute and file in application on behalf
     of the University of Kentucky to the United States of
     America for a grant to aid in financing the construc-
     tion of First Unit of a Pathological Laboratory for the
     Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, University
     of Kentucky, Lexington.

          Section 2. That Dean James H. Graham be hereby
     authorized to furnish such information as the United
     States of Ametiea through the Federal Emergency Admin-
     istration of Public Works may reasonably request in
     connection with the application which is herein au-
     thorized to be filed.

     8. P. W. A. Construction Docket No. Ky. 1114-R.

     Extension of Time,

          President McVey then stated that the contract time
     limit  for the construction of the Annex to the Kentucky
     Agricultural Experiment Station building under P.W.A.
     Docket No. KY-1114-R expired on May 1, 1937, and as
     Dean Cooper desired certain drive-way construction to



     be performed under this contract and Docket, it was
     desirable to request of the State Director, P.W.A.,
     an extension of this time limit to July 1, lt37.
     Therefore upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
     resolved that the Federal Emergency Administration
     of Public Works be asked to grant an extension of
     contract time from May 1 to July 1, 1937.

     9. P. W. A. Construction - Docket No. a. 1013R.

     Contracts connected with Central Heating Plant.

     a. Condensate Pumps and Receivers - Contract No. 651.

     President McVey stated that the bid of the J. F. Shouse and
Company of Louisville, Kentucky, for Contract No. 651 to furnish
condensate pumps and receivers - Central Heating Plant - in the
sum of $813.00 was the lowest and best bid as advertised, re-
ceived, and publicly opened at 11:00 a.m., April 12, 1937.
Therefore upon motion duly made and seconded it was resolved that
Contract No. 651 be awarded to J. F. Shouse and Company of Louis-
ville, Kentucky, in the sum of *.813.00 as specified and bid, and
that the Chairman, Richard C. Stoll, be authorized to sign the
contract documents on behalf of the University.

     b. Heat Exchangers - Contract No. 652.

     President McVey stated that the bid of the Richmond Engineer-
iAg Company, made by and through the Kentucky Pipe Covering Com-
pany of Louisville, Kentucky, for Contract No. 652 to furnish
Heat Exchangers, Central Heating Plant, in the sum of 81,189.50
was the lowest and best bid as advertised, received and publicly
opened at 11:00 a.,m., April 12, 1937.

     Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was re-
solved that Contract No. 652 be awarded to the Richmond Engineer-
ing Company through the Kentucky Pipe Covering Company of Louis-
ville, Kentucky, in the sum of 81,189,50 as specified and bid and
that the Chairman, Richard C. Stoll, be authorized to sign the
contract documents on behalf of the University.

     c. Materials and Equipment for Steaim Connections - Contract
No. 653.

     President McVey stated that the bid of Brock-McVey Company
of Lexington, Kentucky, for Contract No. 653 to furnish materials
and equipment for steam connections within the campus buildings,
in the sum of 87,200.62 was the lowest and best bid as advertised,
received and publicly opened at 11:00 a.m., April 12, 1937, The
next lowest bid received was that of the Plumbers Supply Company
of Lexington, Kentucky, in the sum of 87,456.86,    Therefore upon
motion duly made and seconded it was resolved that Contract No.
653 be awarded to the Brock-McVey Company of Lexington, Kentucky,



in the sum of 87,200.62 as specified and bid, and that the Chair-
man, Richard C. Stoll,-be authorized to sign the contract docu-
ments on behalf of the University.

     d. Steam and Heat Controls - Contract No. 660.

     President IMcVey stated that the bid of the Johnson Service
Company f Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for Contract No. 660 to furnish
steam and heat controls (Central Heating Plant) in the sum of
$8,900.00 was the lowest and best bid as advertised, received
and opened at 11:00 a.m. April 12, 1937.

     Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was re-
solved that Contract No. 660 be awarded to the Johnson Service
Company in the sum of 88,900.00 as specified and bid arid that
the Chairman, Richard C. Stoll, be authorized to sign the con-
tract documents on behalf of the University.

     e. Steam Piping and Fittings - Contract No. 701.

     President McVey stated that the bid of George F. Voigt of
Jeffersonville, Indiana, for Contract No. 701 to furnish and in-
stall the steam piping and fittings as specified within the Cen-
tral Heating Plant in the sum of $18,350.00 was the lowest and
best bid received, (the next lowest being 820,500.00) as adver-
tised, received and opened at 11:00 a.m. April 12, 1937.

     Therefore, upon Lotion duly made and seconded, it was re-
solved that Contract No. 701 in the sum of $18,350.00 be awarded
to George F. Voigt of Jeffersonville, Indiana, as specified and
bid, and that the Chairman, Richard C. Stoll, be authorized to
sign the contract documents on behalf of the University.

     10. P. W. A. Construction - Purchase of Equipment.

     President vIMoVey then presented to the Committee a letter,
dated April 27, 1937, from the State Director of the Public Works
Administration wherein the Director approved the purchase under
Docket No. KY-1013-2-D of three items of mechanical equipment for
use in the laboratories of the College of Engineering, described
as follows:

     l. From the Eastern Machinery Company, 3261 Spring
        Grove Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio: One (1) used,
        but thoroughly rebuilt, size 12"1 x 36" Cincin-
        nati Self Contained, Universal Cylindrical
        Grinder 3 motor drive equipped with head stock,
        tail stock, wheel head with grinding wheel and
        guard, ',4 internal fixture, 8" four-jaw inde-
        pendent chuch, delivered f.o.b, Shop Laboratory
        at the College of Engineering for the sum of... 82,010.00



       From the representations made it is evident that
       the purchase of this second-hand equipment will
       effect a saving of approximately !'2,472.00;hence
       the requirement for competitive bidding is waived.
       This approval is in accordance with Section 3,
       sub-section (b) of Administrative Order #136,
       dated Ilarch 27, 1036, and inasmuch as you have
       shown that conscientious inquiry has failed to
       disclose any other available similar equipment
       in good condition.

     2. From the Brown and Sharpe Company of Providence,
       R.I.: One (l) motor driven head stock fitted
       with a motor for operation on direct current
       110 volts, together with table counterweight
       arrangement to Mevent table from tilting, for
       the sum of.........                ,                340.00
       delivered f.o.b. Lexington

       From the representations made it Is evident that
       the above described equipment is being purchased
       to change the operation of this grinder from
       overhead belt and shaft drive to an individual
       motor driven machine, and that no other manufacturer
       would be able to furnish the above described attach-
       ments except the Brown and Sharpe Company, makers
       of the original grinding Machine..  In accordance
       with Section 19 of Administrative Order 125, Sup-
       plement 6, dated April 8, 1937, approval is giv-
       en to the pa chase of this equipment in the in-
       terest of standardization and the receiving of
       informal bids is waived.

    3. From the Richardson Scale Company': One (1) Rich-
       ardson Automatic Apron Feed Coal Scale of en-
       closed dust confining type, Model J-55, hopper
       capacity 200 pounds, together with counters and
       totalizers, fo.b. Lexington. Price    .    .... t    !1.12

       From the representations made it is evident that
       the above described scale is the only one that
       would fit the outlet provided on the Babcock
       and W1ilcox pulverized steam return unit and on
       the coal handling system, or that would meet the
       weighing requirements of this particular unit;
       hence, the requirement for receiving informal
       bids is waived,   In accordance with Section
       lt of Administrative Order 125, Supplement 6,
       dated April 8, 1937, approval is given to the
       purchase of this equipment.

     The President explained that the equipment in question was
within the category declared in the "Certificate of Purpose" filed



with the original Application to the Public Works Administration
for a "Grant of Funds" to aid in financing the building program
of the University; and that the item covering the purchase of
fused equipment" had been allowed and authorized by special dis-
pensation from the Administrator in Washington.

      Therefore upon motion duly made and seconded the afore-
 stated purchases were approved and the Business Agent of the Uni-
 versity was authorized and instructed to execute same on behalf
 of the University and charge against Docket No. KY-1013-2-D.

      11. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

      President McVey presented staff appointments and other
changes requested by deans and heads of departments, and, on his
recommendation, by motion and second, the following were approved,
and record ordered made In the Minutes:

College of Arts and Sciences

     Reappointment of Karl Schneider as instrument maker, Depart-
ment of Physics, for year 1937-1938, salary $2000.00, Zitt months
basis.                                                  /7..

     Appointment of Graduate Assistants, Department of Physics,
year 193714938, salary $500.00 each, on ten months basis, viz.,
Wellington Cochran, L. R. Prince, J. R. Randolph, reappointed;
Lorenzo Sturkey, J. Randle Wright, Carl Sartain, Jacob H.
Schroeder, new appointnents,

College of Agriculture

     Temporary appointment of Max M. Tharp, assistant in Farm Man-
agement, Experiment Station, at 8125.00 per month, effective April
19, 1937,   He is a graduate of Iowa State College.

     Dean Cooper reported that Mr. A. E. Ewan, county agent, War-
ren County, died April 20, 1937.

Leaves of Absence

     L. A. Vpnnes, 1 ield Agent in Marketing, Extension Division,.
was granted leave of absence for 8-1/3 months, beginning October
1, 1937, and ending June 10, 1938, on half pay,    He expects to
take work at the University of' Wisconsin, studying toward a
doctorate degree.

     Mildred Morris, Stenographic Bureau, was granted a six months
leave of absence, without pay, beginning October 1, 1937. She
expects to attend the Lewis Hotel Training School in Washington,
D. C.



     Thomas D. Boyd, Department of Buildings and Grourds, request-
ed cancellation of leave of absence granted at the April meeting,
1937, of the Board of Trustees.. His request was granted, and the
grant of leave of absence was ordered cancelled.

     On motion, properly seconded, the Committee adjourned.

                               D. H. Peak
                               Secretary, Board of Trustees.