xt71g15t7c9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71g15t7c9c/data/mets.xml Kentucky State Historical Society. 1919.  books b92-52-32072585 English The Society], : [Frankfort, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Kentucky Bibliography. Supplement to Catalogue no. 5, Kentucky State Historical Society text Supplement to Catalogue no. 5, Kentucky State Historical Society 1919 1919. 2002 true xt71g15t7c9c section xt71g15t7c9c 

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    as second class matter September 17, 1919, at the post office
    aly., under the act of Augitst 24, 1912.





Supplement to Catalogue No. 5

Kentucky State Historical Society


 This page in the original text is blank.


              EXCHANGE LIST
           Kentucky State Historical Society

   The Farmer's Home Journal, Louisville, Ky.
   Kentucky State Journal, Frankfort, Ky.
   Frankfort News, Frankfort, Ky.
   Maysville Bulletin, Maysville, Ky.
   The Republican, Greenville, Ky.
   The Shelby Record, Shelbyville, Ky.
   The Woodford Sun, Versailles, Ky.
   Magazine Texas State Historical Society, Austin, Texas.
   Director N. Y. Public Library, 40 Lafayette Place, New
   Librarian Missouri Historical So., 1600 Locust St., St.
Louis, Mo.
   The Kentucky Republican, Harrodsburg, Ky.
   Librarian Montana Hist. So., Helena, Montana.
   Sec. Southern Hist. So., Richmond, Va.
   New England Hist. and Gen. Register, 18 Somerset St.,
Boston, Mass.
   Librarian State Library, Richmond, Va.
   Sec. Ala. Hist. So., Montgomery, Ala.
   Sec. Wisconsin Hist. So., Madison, Wisconsin.
   Sec. W. Va. Hist. So., Charleston, W. Va.
   Sec. Pa. Hist. So., Jno. W. Jordan, Philadelphia, Pa.
   Sec. R. I. Hist. So., Providence, R. I.
   Sec. Maryland Hist. So., Baltimore, Md.
   Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C.
   Sec. New Hampshire Hist. So., iConcord., N. H.
   Sec. Pa. Hist. So. in New York, Barre Ferree, New York
   Librarian N. Y. Hist. So., Albany, N. Y.



    Sec. Ga. Hist. So., Savannah, Ga.
    Sec. Mississippi Hist. So., University Mliss., Oxford, Miss.
    Sec. Iowa Hist. So., Iowa City, Iowa.
    Sec. Iowa. Hist. So., Des Moines, Iowa.
    Sec. South Dakota Hist. So., Pierre, S. D.
    Sec. Presbyterian Hist. So., 518-522 Witherspoon Bldg.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
    Henderson Public Library (Guminaux News Agency),
Leroy, N. Y.
   .Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
   Secretary Jemima Johnson Chapter, D. A. R., Paris, Ky.
   Journal of History and Politics-Iowa Hist. So., Iowa
City, Iowa.
    Louisville Free Public Library-Reference Dept., Louis-,
ville, Ky.
    Librarian and Editor, Oklahoma Hist. So., Oklahoma
City, Okla.
    Librarian and Editor, Virginia Hist. So., Richmond, Va.
    State University Library of Ky., Lexington, Ky.
    Librarian North Carolina Hist. Society, Raleigh, N. C.
    Librarian Pennssylvania Magazine of History and Biog-
raphy, Philadelphia, Pa.
    Librarian St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, St.
Louis, Mo.
    Libr. Iowa Historical Society, Des Moines, Iowa.
    Libr. Magazine of the D. A. R., Continental Hall, Wash-
ington, D. C.
   Libr. Maryland Historical Society, 300 St. Paul St., Balti-
more, Md.
   Missouri State Historical Society, Columbia, Mo.
   State Library, Richmond, Va.
September, 1915.
   Librarian Louisiana Hist. Society, The Cabildo, New
Orleans, La.
   Secty. North Carolina Hist. So., Raleigh, N. C.




    Hanson-Bennett Magazine Agency, .23 W. Jackson Blvd.,
Chicago, Ill.
    Secty. Manchester, N. H., Hist. So., Manchester, N. H.
    Libr. Ohio State Arch. and Hist. So., Columbus, Ohio.
    The Boston Book Co., 83-91 Francis St., Boston, Mass.
    M. C. Carle, Marylebone West, London, England.
    Director General, Montevideo, Uruguay, S. A.
    New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Avenue, Nell York
    The Quarterly Journal, University of N. Dakota.
    Librarian Universiay of Michigan, Ainn Arbor, Mich..
    Educational Magazine, ANeuw York City.
    Library of Congress, Document Division, Washington,
D. C.
    Librarian, Royal Colonial Institute "The United Em-
pire," Northumberland Ave., London, W. C.
    Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
    Public Library, Olive St., 13 and 14, St. Louis, Mo.
    The Confederate Veteran, Nashville, Tenn.
    Bulletin Philippine Library, Manila, Philippine.
December, 1916.
    Proposed Release of Civilians Interned in the British and
German Empires. London.
    Report on the, Typhus Experience Gardelegen by the
Governxment Committee on the treatment of the enemy of
British Prisoners of War during the spring and summer of
1915. London, Eng., 1915.
    Why Britain is in the War and what she hopes from the
future. London, Eng.
   D. A. R. Magazine.
   Geographical Magazine. Splendid in illustration of wild
animals and interesting in the history of these inhabitants of
forest and sea.
   The Ohio Michigan. boundary. 1916.




    Franklin Square Agency, New York, for Louisville Free
Public Library.
    State Publications, Library of Congress, Washington,
D. C.
    The Collector, New York City.
    The New York Public Library Bidletin, Astor Lennox
and Tilden Foundation, New York City.
    The Battle of the Somme-First Phase, by John Buchan,
Paternoster Row, London, Eng.
    Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station,
Bulletin, September, 1916.
    Great Britain- Transformed. New Energies Illustrated.
Adelphi Terrace, London.

January, 1917.
    Indiana Magazine of History.
    Presbyterian Historical Society.
    Virginia Hist. Society. Virginia Magazine.
    Stories and Speeches of Win. 0. Bradley, with Biograph-
ical sketch by 31. H. Thatcher.
    Mark Twain's Works, Harper Bros., New York City.
    Purdue University, Bulletin No. 194, September, 1916.
    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
    The South-West News Co., 410 E. 9th St., Kansas City,
   Milo Custer, 304 Court Hou-se, Bloomington, Ill.
   Newport Historical Society, Newport, R. 1.
   New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Ave., New York City.
   Presbyterian Historical So., 518 Witherspooit Bldg., Phil-
adelphia, Pa.     e
   Public Library, Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.
   Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio.
   Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.



           SUPPLEMIENT TO CATALOGUE No. FIvE         7

    Otto A. Rothert, Sec. Filson Club, 322 E. Gray St., Louis-
ville, Ky.
    Secretary S. Dakota Historical So., Pierre, S. Dakota.
    Secretary Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
    Sec. Penna. Hist. So., in New York City, 249 W. 13th St.,
New York City.
    D. A. R. Magazine, 1916.
    St. Louis News Co., St. Louis, Mo.
    G. E. Stechert, for Newv York State Library, Albany, N. Y.
    South West News Co., for Kansas City Public Library,
Kansas City, Mo.
    Secretary Purdite University, Miss Nellie Tracy,
Lafayette, Indiana.
    Texas State Historical Society, Austin, Texas.
    Editor United Empire, Royal Colonial Institute, London,
    Secretary Wisconsin Hist. So., Madison, Wisconsin.
    Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
    Librarian Louisiana Hist. So., The Cabilde, New Orleans,
    Sec. North Carolina Hist. So., Raleigh, N. C.
    Fred UV. Lamb, Sec. Manchester Hist. So., Manchester,
New Hampshire.
    Librarian Ohio State Arch. and Hist. So. Columbus, Ohio.
    Librarian University of Michigan, Theo. Koch, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
   Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
   Librarian P. Evans Leuin, Royal Colonial Institute, The
United Empire, Northumberland Ave., London, Eng.
   Magazine Presbyterian History, 518-522 Witherspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
   D. A. R. Magazine, Washington, D. C.
   The Journal of American History, New York City.
   Nafional Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.
   Magazine of Ohio Hist. So., Columbws, Ohio.
   Illinois in 1818, By Buck.



    Illinois Cettennial Commission, Springfield, Ill.
    Presbyterian Hist. So., 518-522 Witherspoon. Bldg., Phil-
adeiphia; Pa.
    Public Library, Olive St. bt. 13th and 14th, St. Louis, Mo.
    Public Librdry, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
    Louisville Paper Co., Thos. J. Smith, Louisville, Ky.
    Secretary South Dakota Historical Society, Pierre, South
    Secretary Smithonian Institution, Washington.
    Barre Ferree, Sec. Penna. Hist. So., in New York City,
249 W. 13th St., N. Y.
    D. A. R. Magazine, 1916-Columbia Bldg., Washington,
D. C.
    St. Louis News Co., St. Louis, Mo.
    South West News Co., Kansas City Pub. Liby., 410 E. 9th
St., Kansas City., Mo.
    Secretary Purdue University, Lafayette, Int.
    Texas State Hist. So., Austin, Texas.
    The United Empire, The Royal Colonial Inst., London,
   Sec. Wisconsin Hist. So., Madison, Wisconsin.
   Yale University, New Haven, Con'n.
   1917. D. D. Haleyburton-Librarian Carnegie Public
Library, Owensboro, Ky.
   Bulletin Library of Congress, 1917, Washington, D. C.
   Agricultural Bull. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
   Sir Gilbert Parker, War Pamphlets, London., Eng.
   Iowa Journal of History and Politics, Iowa City, Iowa.
   Archeological and Historical Magazine, Washington, D. C.
   "The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh," Kansas City,
    Report of Indiana Historical Commission, April, 1915, to
December, 1916.
    Indiana's Admission into the Union.



    Western Reserve Historical So., Cleveland, Ohio.
    Bulletin, of the New, York Public Library, New York.
    The United Empire, Royal Colonial Institute, London,
    D. A. R. Magazine, Washington, D. C.
    Geographic Magazine, Columbus, Ohio.
    The Ohio-Michigan Boundary, 1916.
    Franklin Square Agency-New York. For Louisville
Free Public Library.
    State Publications, Library of Congress, Washington,
D. C.
    The Collector, Neuw York City.
    New York Public Library Bulletin, New York City.
    Indiana Magazine of History, Indianapolis, Ind.
    Presbyterian Magazine of History, Historical Society,
Philadelphia, Pa.
    Virginia Historical Society Magazine, Richmond, Va.
    Purdue University, Bulletin 194, September 1916.
    History of a Pioneer Railway of the West, by Mrs. Maud
Ward Lafferty, Lexington, Ky.
    St. Louis News Co., 1008-1010 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
    J. W. Browning, Clerk Orange Co. Circuit Court, Orange,
    Presbyterian Hist. So., .518-522 Witherspoon Bldg., Phil-
adelphia, Pa.
    Speech of Rev. William Stanley of Campbellsville, Ky.
    Montana Historical So., Vol. 8, 1917, Helena, Mont.
    The Washington Quarterly, Seattle, Wash.
    Wyoming Hist. and Geological Society, Vol. 15, 'The
    Virginia Hist. Society Magazine, Richmond, Va.
    Minnesota History Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.
    University of Chicago Press, Catalogue of Publications,
Chicago, Ill.
   History of the U. S. and its People, Chicago, 111.




    The National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.
    Presbyterian Historical Society, 518-522 With-erspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
    Bulletin of New York Public Library, 476 Fifh Ave.,
New York.
    Presbyterian Magazine of History and Biography, 1300
Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa.
    Public Libraqy, Olive St., bt. 13th and 1-4th, St. Louis,
    Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Miss Nellie Tracy, Secretary   Purdue  University,
Lafayette, Ind.
    State Historical Society, Austin, Texas.
    The United Empire, Royal Colonial Institute, Lonidon,
    Secty. Wiscon Hist. So., Madison, Wisconsin.
    Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
    Long Island Historical Society, Pierrepont, cor. Clinton
St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
    D. D. Haleyburton, Libr. Free Pub. Library, Owensboro,
    Library of Congress, Bulletin, 1917, Washington, D. C.
    Purdue University, Agricultural Bulletin, Lafayette. Ind.
    War Pamphlets from Europe, sent by Sir Gilbert Parker,
London, Eng.
    Iowa Journal of History and Politics, Iowa City, Iowa.
    Archeological and Hist. Society Ma.gazine, Washington,
D. C.
    Report of Indiana Historical Commission. Indiana's Ad-
mission into the Union. Organization of County and Local
Historical Societies. Church History. Bulletin, No. 5. Bulle-
tin, 1816-1850. Indianapolis, Ind.
   Indiana State Library, December, 1916, Indianapolis, Ind.
   Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
   New York Public Library, Bulletin, New York City.




    Colonial. Institute, The United Empire, London, Eug.
    Journal of History and Politics, Iowa City, Iowa.
    Purdue University Journal, Lafayette, Ind.
    Pennsylvania Magazine, Harrisburg, Penna.
    Indiana Magazine of History, University of Indiana
    The Washington Historical Quarterly, Seattle, Wash.
    Bulletin New York Public Library, 476 5th Ave., New
    Magazine of Ohio Archaeological and Hist. So., Cohma-
bus, Ohio.
    Central Conference of American Rabbis, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Publications of Mississippi Hist. So., University of Miss.
    Story of Old St. Louis, by Louis Spencer, St. Louis, Mo.
    fissouri Historical Review, Columbia, Mo.
    Gray's Colored Print Catalogue, Bookseller and Pub.,
London., Eng.
   Horton Family Year Book, Vol. 5,1912,105 40th St., New
   Magazine Revista Historica, Montevideo, S. A.
   Address of President Henry De La Paillonne, Paris,
   President of New York Bar Ass., Address, New York
   Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Phil-
adelphia, Pa.                        I
   B. C. Treubiter's Magazine, Leipsic, Germany.
   The Denny Genealogy in England and America, Leicester,
   Some Important Colonial Military Operations, Frederick
L. Huiderope.
   Huston's List of Books, Portland, Maine.
   "Historic Elkhorn," Coyle Press, Frankfort, Ky..
   Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore, Md.
   Annual Report Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois.
   Official Souvenir of Koisair Patrol 1914, Louisvle, Ky.




    Daughters of American Revolution, Magazine, Washing-
ton, D. C.
    South Dakota Magazine, Pierre, S. D.
    Iowa Journal of History, Iowa- City, Iowa.
    Annals of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa.
    The United Empire, London, England.
    Indiana Journal of.Hstory, Indianapolis.
    Journal of Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis.
    Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose land grants were lo-
cated in. Peoria Co., ll. These Revolutionary and 1812 War
Records exchanges from Milo Custer, Bloomington, Ill.
    The Mississippi Historical Review, September, Jackson,
    Genealogy of the Virginia Family of Lomax, Chicago, Ill.
    The Illinois Journal, Chicago, Ill.
    Journal of the State Historical Society, Springfield, Ill.
    Magazine of the National Society of D. A. R., Washing-
toni, D. C.
    Department of Agriculture, (Bulletin), Harrisburg, Pa.
    Wyoming Historical Magazine. Thro courtesy of Dr.
Hayden, this Society will exchange with Register Ky. State
Hist. So.
    Report of Va. State Library, Mss deposited in, Library,
January, 1914. 
    Magazine of Historical So. of Pa., 1300 Locust St., Phil-
adelphia,. Pa.
    Publication No. 18, Illinois State Historical Society.
    List of Genealogical Works in State Library, Springfield,
    The Mentor, New York, 4th Ave., 10th St.
    Annual Report of Va. State Library, 2 vols., containing
lists of Revolutionary Soldiers in Va. 1911-1912.
    Southern Woman's Magazine, September, 1914. Nash-
ville, Tenns It is beautiful and we gladly welcome it to our
library; its tone has the right ring for the South, strong,




musical, inspiring; on the fourth page is the picture of that
well beloved woman, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, 1st.
    The Gate City of the Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga. The
New York Tribune adds the fascinating story of the Author's
life, which reads like a fairy story. 1913.
    Louis Madelin. The Victory'of the Marne. London, Eng.
    A. Addams McAlister. McAlister Family Records, Rich-
mond, Va.
    New York Piblic Library, Bulletin. New York.
    The Quarter Centennial Publication of University of
Chicago. Chicago, ill.
   Historical and Archaeological Magazine. Columbus, Ohio.
   Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Spring-
field, Ill.
    Among the Christmas Gifts to the Ky. State Hist. So., ix
1917 was the handsome book, Poems of the Confederacy, by
Henj T; Stanton, with introduction by Col. J. Stoddard
Johnston. The gift froin Mrs. J. E. Robinson, Lancaster, Ky,
It is a precious mnemnory of these two friends, whose writings
adorn the literature of America, as Poet and Editor.
    The Journal of American History, April, May and June,
    Report of NYational Museum for year ending June 30,
1.916. Washington, D. C.
    Long Island Hist. So. Report, Pierrepont, cor. Clinton,
Brooklyn, N. Y.   I
    Magazine of Pres4yterian Hist. So., 518-522 Witherspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
    D. A. R. Magazine, Washington, D. C.
    The Journal of American History, Washington, D. C.
    National Geographic Magazine, New York City.
    Magazine of the Ohio Hist. So., Columbus, Ohio.
    Books from England acnd Germany concerning the World
War. 1917.
    War Number, The United Empire, Royal Colonial Insti-
'tute Journal. 1917.




    Biennial Report of Ill. State Historical Library.
    Catalogue No. 5, Ky. State Hist. So.
    Food Conservation Agrl. Dpt., Bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa.
May, 1917.
    The Villain of the World Tragedy, by William Archer,
from T. Fisher Unwin, 1 Adeiphi Terrace, London, England.
    Ecclesiastical Records, State of' New York, by the Rev.
E. T. Corwin, D. D., under the auspices of the State Historian,
James A. Holden. Albany, New York.
    To Verdun from the Somme. An Anglo-American glimpse
of the great Advance, by Harry E. Brittan.
    Chronicles of the Cape Fear River, by James Sprint,
    Geographic Magazine. The Flags of the World. Wash-
ington, D. C.
    The Adair County News.
    John D. Rockefeller, Jr., The Christian Church, etc.
    The Courier-Journal Magazine, Memorial of George
Rogers Clark, the founder "Then and Now." The beautiful
city of the West, rich in genius of every quality, Architecture,
Landscape, Portraiture and Wealth beyond the dream of
Croesus, such is the replica of the City.
    Two handsome pictures, the gift of the Register to the
Hall of Fame, one the picture of the Zachary Taylor Camp at
Louisville, and the companion to it in interest, size and beauty,
is a portrait of the Officers of the U. S. A., at Camp Taylor,
among them General Hale and General Wilder. -These two
famous Officers appear in the Register-Magazine of the State
Historical Society. ,
    From Putnam, New York, Wve have received five volumes
of that rare, much sought for history, "British Conchology."
It is rich in illustrations of molusca of the seas, and wonder-
fully interesting in description of these fairy artists, cousins
to the silk worm of the air, that create from their being thl



exquisite things that delight and puzzle the beholder as inex-
plicable mysteries.
    Old Fort Snelling, founded in 1819, published by the State
Historical Society of Iowa, author Marcus L. Hansen. A very
interestiug historical work. Editor of the Register.
    Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs in America. From the
Virginia State Library 19.16-1917.
    Fourteenth Ann-ual Report of Viryginia Library Board.
Richmond, Virginia.
    Society of Sons of the American Revolution-National
Year Book, .1916.
    Catalogue of Portraits and other works of art in Inde-
pendepce Hall, Philadelphia, with short historical sketch of
buildings comprising State House Row, also pictures of Sign-
ers of Declaration of Independence.
    B.ust of General James Taylor, presented by Col. John
Tayldr, a grandson, of Newport, Ky.
    Tablet to Lieut. Richard Caswell Saufley, Aviator of the
U. S. Navy, Annapolis, Maryland, killed while making a flight
in an Aeroplane at Pensacola, Florida, June 9,1916.

                 EXCHAN GE LIST.
    Librarian Louisiana Historical Society. The Cabilde.
Newl Orleans, La.
   Secretary North Carolina Hist. So., Raleigh, N. C.
   Fred W. Lamb, Secty. Manchester Hist. So., Manchester,
N. H.
   Librarian Ohio State Arch. and Hist. So., Columbus. Ohio.
   The Boston Book Co., 83-91 Francis St., Boston, Mass.
   Al. C. Carle, Marylebone West, London, Eng.
   Director General, Montevideo, Uruguay.
   New York Public Library, 476 5th St., New York City.
   The Quarterly Journal, University North Dakota.
   Theo. Koch, Librarian, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Mich.




    Educational Magazine, New York.
    Library of Congress, Document Division, Washington,
D. C.
    Librarian P. Evans Lewin. The United Empire. Royal
Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, Lowzdon, Eng.
    St. Louis News Co., 1008-1010 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
    Presbyterian Historical Society, 518-522 Witherspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
    Indiana Magazine of History.
    Presbyterian Historical Society.
    Virginia Historical Society. Virginia Magazine.
    Stories and Speeches of William 0. Bradley, with Bio-
graphical Sketch by M. H. Thatcher. A valuable- Biography.
    Purdue University. Bulletin No. 194. September, 1916.
    History of the Pioneer Railway of the West, by Mrs.
Maud Ward Lafferty, Lexington, Ky.
    St. Louis News Co., 1008-1010 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
    J. W. Browning, Clerk Orange Co., Circuit Court, Orange,
    Bulletin New York Public Library, 476 5th Ave., New
York City.
    Montana Historical Society, Vol 8, 1917.
    The Washi ngton Quarterly, Seattle, Washington.
    Proposed Exchange of Civilians interned in the British
and German Empires.
    Report on the Typhus Experience; Gardelegen, by the
Government Committee on the treatment of the enemy of
British Prisoners of War, during the Spring and Summer of
1915. London, England.
    Why Britain is in the War and What She hopes from the
Future. London, England.
   D. A. R. Magazine, Washington, D. C.
   Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.




    The Ohio-Michigan Boundary, 1916. Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Franklin Square Agency, New York. For Louisville Free
Public Library.
    The New York Public Library Bulletin, New York City.
    The Battle of the Somme, First Phase, by John Btchan,
London, England.
    Yale University. Bulletin. New Haven, Conn,
    Mo. State Historical Society, Columbia, Mo.
    Public Library, Olive St., bt. 13th and 14th, St. Louis, Mo.
    The Confederate Veteran, Nashville, Tenn.
    Philippine Library. Bulletin. Manila, Phil. Islands.
    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
    Owensboro Daily Enquirer, Owensboro, Ky.
    The South-West News Co., 410 E. 9th St., Kansas City,
    Maryland Historical So., 300 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md.
    Newport Historical So., Newport, Rhode Island.
    Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Ky.
    Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va.
    New York Pullic Library, 476 5th Ave., New York City.
    The Virginian Magazine of History and Biography, Octo-
ber, 1918, Richmond, Va.
    Historic Highways of America, Arthur A. Clark, Publish-
ers, Cleveland, Ohio.
    A Documentary History of the American. Industrial So-
ciety, by Richard T. Ely, Washington, D. C.
              COLLECTIONS FOR 1919.
   Report of the Librarian of Congress for fiscal year end-
ing June 30th, 1918. From the Georgia Historical Society,
January, 1919.
   Librafian University of Michigan, Theo. Koch, An
Arbor, Michigan.
   Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
   Librarian P. Evans Lewin, Royal Colonial Institute, The




United Empire, Northumberland Ave., London, England.
    Magazine Presbyterian History, 518-522 Witherspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
    D. A. R. Magazine, Washington, D. C.
    The Jouirnal of American History, New York City.
    National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.
    Magazine of Ohio Hist. So., Columbus, Ohio.
    Illinois in 1918, by Buck.
    Illinois Centennial Commission, Springfield, Ill.
    Presbyterian Hist. So., 518-522 Witherspoon Bldg., Phil-
adelphia, Pa..
    Public Library, Olive St., bt. 13th and 14th, St. Louis, Mo.
    Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.
    Louisville Paper Co., Thos. J. Smith, Louisville, Ky.
    G. E. Stedhert, for New York State Library, Albany, N. Y.
    Secretary South Dakota Historical Society, Pierre, South
    Secretary Smithsonian. Institution, Washington.
    Barre Ferree, Sec. Penna. Hist. So., in New York City,
249 W. 13 St., New York.
    D. A. R. Magazinie, 1919, Columbia Bldg., Washington,
D. C.
    St. Louis News Co., St. Louis, Mo.
    Col. E. H. Taylor, Jr., Illustrated book, with his photo-
graph, Frankfort, Ky.
    Secretary Purdue University, Lafayette, Icd.
    Texas State Hist. So., Austin, Texas.
    The United Empire, The Royal Colonial Inst., London,
   Nat. W. Warfield, Louisville Paper Co., Louisville, Ky.
   C. M. Williams. Compliments to Ed. Register.
   Sec. Wisconsin Hist. So., Madison, Wisconsin.
   Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
   Gen. Bennett H. Young, Louisville, Ky.




1917. D. D. Haleyburton, Librarian Carnegie Public Library,
Owensboro, Ky.
    Library of Congress Bulletin, 1917.
    Purdue University Agriculture Bulletin, Lafayette, Ind.
    War Pamphlets from Europe. Compliments of Sir Gil-
bert Parker, London England.
    Rocky Mountain Herald, Denver, Colorado.
March, 1917.
    Iowa Journal of History and Politics, Iowa City, Iowa,
    Magazine, Archaeological and Historical Society of Wash-
ington, D. C.                    /
    "The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh," Kansas City,
    Two reports of the Indiana Historical Commission, from
April 24,1915, to December, 1916. Indianapolis, Indiana.
    Bulletin. No. 7. History of Indiana's Admission into the
Union, with splendid seal. Organizations of County and Local
Historical Societies. Bulletin No. 5. Church History, 1816-
1850. Bulletin. Indiana State Library, December, 1916, In-
dianapolis, Indiana.
    Annual Report of the Western Reserve Historical So-
ciety, Cleveland, Ohio.
    Bulletin. of the New York Public Library, New York.
    The United Empire of the Royal Colonial Institute, Lon-
don, England.
    "Dear Old Kentucky," compiled by George MoCGUG
   Book of Poems and Readings and Recitations, from Ken-
tucky Authors. Presented to the Ky. State Historical Society
by the Author, Dallas, Texas.
   Reminiscences of a Soldier of the Orphan Brigade, by
Lieut. L. D. Young, Paris, Ky.
April, 1917.
   Librarian Louisiana Hist. Society, The Cabilde, New
Orleans, La.




    Sec. North Carolina Hist. So., Raleigh, N. C.
    J. M. Hanson (deceased), Magazine lAgency, Lexington,
    Fred W. Lamb, Sec. Manchester Hist. So., Manchester.
N. H.
    Librarian Ohio State Arch. and Hist. So., Columbus,
    The Boston Book Co., 83-91 Francis St., Boston, Mass.
    M1. C. Carle, Marylebone West, London, England.
    Director General, Montivedeao, Uruguay, S. A.
    New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Ave., New York City.
    The Quarterly Journal, University of North Dakota.
    Theo. Koch, Librarian., University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
    Educational Magazine, New York.
    Library of Congress, Document Diivision, Washington,
D. C.
    Librarian P. Evans Lewin, Royal Colonial Institute,
Northumberland Ave., Loundon, W. C.
    Yale University, New Haven, Conn..
    Mo. State Historical So., Columbia, Mo.
    Public Library, Olive St., 13th and 14th Sts., St. Louis,
    The Confederate Veteran, Nashville, Tenti.
    Bulletin Philippine Library, Manila, Philippines.
    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
    Judge Hager, Owensboro Daily Enquirer, Owensboro, Ky.
    The South-West News Co., 410 E. Ninth St., Kansas City,
   The Maryland Historical Society 300 St. Paul St., Balti-
more, Maryland.
   Milo Custer, 304 Court House, Bloomington, Ill.
   Newport Hist. So., Newport, R. I.
   Louisville Free Public Library, Fourth Ave. and Library
Place, Louisville, Ky.
    Virginia Historical So., Richmond, Va.




    New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Ave., New York City.
    Nazereth Academy, near Loiiisville, Ky.
    Journal of the Royal Academy of Arts, C. Bell and Sons,
London, England.
    HuYrrah and Hallelujakt, by Dr. J. P. Bang, Professor of
Theology at the University of Copenhagen.
    False Statements by Johannes Jorgensen. London, Eng.
    War for Liberty, President Woodrow Wilson's address
to Congress, April 3rd, 1917.
    The Belgian Deportations, by Arnold J. Toynbee. With
Statement by Viscount Br ice, London, England.
    The, Magazine of Georgoia Historical Society, Atlanta, Ga.
    .The Quarterly of North Dakota Historical Society.
    Doubleday, Page and Company's Geographical Manual
and New Atlas, January, 191.9.
    The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1919. Philadel-
phia, Pa.
    Histories, 1,000.
    Literature, 1,900.
    Acts of the Legislature of Ky. from 1793-1918.
    Filson Club Publications.
    Pamphlets. of the War, 500.
    Bound Volumes of Register, 50.
    Boiund Newspapers, 27 Vols., 1798-1918.
    Unbound Newspapers, 1,000 City an4 County.
    Visitors fromn- 12,000 to 25,000 from October, 1917, to Octo-
ber, 1918.
   Por traits of Governors 34, and Pictures 3.
   Portraits of Presidents .1, Gen. Zachary Taylor.
   Portraits of Vice Presidents, Gei. John C. Brecken ridge.
   ,Portraits of U. S. Senators, John G. Cariisle, Lieutenant
Governor of Kentucky.



    Portraits of Boone 4, by Marshall, Chesney, one very old
portrait, artist unknown, one by New York artist in India ink,
name unknown.
    Portrait of Simon Kenton, The Death-Ride.
    Portrait of Gen. Lafayette.
    Portrait of General Harrison.
    Painting of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
    Centennial Paintings from Philadelphia, The State House
in which Washington signed the admission of Kentucky into
the Union, Old Independence Hall and, other Historical paint-
    Full dress uniform of Admiral Lucien Youtng, Admiral
U. S. Navy, with splendid sword of silver and goldnmountings,
presented to him for notable feats of daring in life-saving at
sea. Presented to Ky. State Historical Society by his widow,
Mrs. Lucien. Young, Washington, D. C.
    Picture of U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Pennsylvania leading,
going out to fight for liberty, 1917-1918. Presented by Na-
tional Life and Accident Insurance Co.
    Indiana Farm Orchard.
    Journal of Illinois State Historical Society.
    Historia of Oklahoma Historical Society.
    Indiana Historical Society. '
    President Woodrow Wilson, The Rocky Mountain Her-
ald, February 3,1917, has a splendid picture of Woodrow Wil-
son for the front with this notable endorsement, "The World
Man and a World Crisis; Americanism Greater than Partisan-
ship; give the President support in the perilous hours of the
    The Veteran, Nashville, Tennessee.
    Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station,
1915-1916, Cattle Feeding, two pamphlets; 1915-1916, Sheep
Feeding, two pamphlets; Chicken House, one pamphlet. La-
fayette, Indiana, U. S. A.




    Penn. Historical Society Mfagazine, Harrisburg, Pa.
    La. Historical Society, New Orleans, La.
    War in Europe.-Supplement to the London Gazette,
with history of the British f