xt71c53f1v1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1v1m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-05-01  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 1, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 1, 1914 1914 1914-05-01 2021 true xt71c53f1v1m section xt71c53f1v1m “7.)"



The faculty of State University met in regular session
in the faculty room in the Gymnasium building, Kay 1, 1914,
those present being: President Barker, Prof. Anderson,
Dr. Dentzler, Prof. Frankel, Dr. German, Prof. Gilbert, Lieut.
Gullion, Prof. Hooper, Dr. Kastle, Prof. Killebrew, Judge Laf-
ferty, Profs. hathews, Maxson, Dr. Peter, Prof. Rowe, Dr. Tigert
Profs. Weaver, Webb, Zemhrod, and Dr. Tuttle.

The meeting was called to order by the President.

After roll-call by the Secretary, the minutes of the
last meeting were read and approved.

Lieut. Gullion, on behalf of the Military Committee,
reported that a four-year Lilitary Course had been outlined

by him, leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the

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militiry art, subject to the approval of the»fiv5n~e+~%hg«evi_


Motion was made that the question of adding this course
to the curriculum be referred to the Committee of Deans, with
power to not. This was duly seconded and carried.

The report of the special committee appointed to make
arrangements for securing a flag for the University was next

The committee reported that the Sons of the American Rev-
olution had expressed a willingness to give a United States
flag to the University. The committee further recommended
its acceptance, and June first, the anniversary of the admiss-
ion of Kentucky into the Union, was set for its formal accept—

action was made by Prof. Anderson that Liout. Gullion and

Prof. Melcher be appointed a committee to take charge of all de-


tails in connection with the flag-raising.

This motion was seconded and carried.
At the request of Judge Lafferty the Secretary read the follow-














1. That it learns with regret that Lieutenant
fiik Allen w. Gullion, Commandant since January, 1913, will soon leave

the University because of the exigencies of the hilitery Service.

2. That it is the unanimous sense of this Fac-
ulty that Lieut. Gullion has admirably fulfilled his duties as
Commandant, and as Professor of Military Science, maintaining
good discipline and securing desirable results in his work with-
out unnecessary friction either with students or faculty.

3. That we believe Lieut. Cullien’s moral
character, soldierly qualities, physical attributes and general

temperament splendidly equip him for leadership of Kentucky



trOOps in time of war.


4. That this Faculty would look with favor
upon Lisut. Gullion's re-detail as Commandant at this Insti-
tution if he should again become eligible.

W That a copy of these resolutions he sent

to the War Department.

(Signed) Ezra L. Gillie, Secretory.

On motion by Judge Lafferty, seconded by Prof. Anderson,
the resolution was unanimously carried.
This resolution was suoplomented by a few remarks from

the President, who said that he heartily endorsed the resolu-


fl ‘ tion and wished to thank those who had been instrumental in


drawing it up.



Prof. Hiller recomnended that the names of H.L. Donovan


and H.N. Marsh he added to the list of Seniors.


Motion was made by Dr. Kastle, duly seconded and carriel

that these names be added.





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As Chairman of the special committee on Commencement




ercises, Prof. Miller made the following report:


fink Recommendations of the Cox’ittee appointed to con-
sider Commencement Week Exercises.

' The Committee recommend first:

That the various student organizations in the
University(societies, fraternities, etc.) be invited
to give, on the evening of Tuesday, the 2nd of June,
before the dance on that evening, a CIRCUS on the Col-
lege grounds.

As an encouragement of this event, we recommend
that a prize in the way of a cup he aWardcd to that or-
ganization ”pulling off" the best stunt on that occasion.

is recommend second:

That therehe arranged an AlumniDVersity Base Ball
Game to he pleyed‘on Monday afternoon, June first.

It is suggested that, as a feature connected with
this game, the undergraduate classes and the graduate
classes he invited to participate in a parade prelimi-
nary to the game, in which, on the way to and on the
grounds, stUnts shall be "pulled off."

We recommend further:

That Director Brumege be asked to arrange, if
possible, a Track meet on one of the afternoons of Com—
mencement Week. It is suggested that a Meet in which
the various classes would contest would appeal to the
greater number of students.

The College or Athletic Organization should offer
suitable prizes for the winners of these contests.‘

He recommend the announcement on Commencement

hey of all the honors and prizes received_iuring the


For Commencement fleck in future years, we re-
commend that, as the culminating annual event of the
base hall schedule, a game should be arranged with some

' large outside university; and also, that the Strollers
be invited to give a play.

We also suggest the bringing to the notice of the
Literary Societies the propriety of having an important
contest between them during Fommencement Week.

Respectfully submitted,

.V A.M. Mills


















Dr. Kastle moved that this report be adopted and that
the committee be continued to see that the provisions con-
teinsd therein be carried out.

F5} The motion was duly seconded and carried.

Prof. Anderson then brought up the following question:
George B. Cary, a former student in toe College of hechan-
ical and Electrical Engineering, who, on account of having


to leave college co go into business, had been unable to grad-
unts, now wished to present a thesis for # degree of B.M.B.

in the class in which he was registered. Prof,Anderson gave


es his opinion that the practical experience that hr.Csry

had gained as engineer since leaving college should be a sub-





stitute for the technical votk he had failed to complete in

his regular college course, and he desired to have the consent


of the faculty allowing Mr. Gary to present his thesis and, if


0‘ acceptable, that he be recommended to the Board of lrustees

A substitute m tion by Prof. Rowe that the matter be
postponed until the next faculty meeting, failed to carry.

The original motion,bcing s=conded, was carried by a



The following resolution was read by the Secretary of

the faculty:

RESOLVED,(1) That the University Book Store be and
is hereby agpointed official agent to procure caps and
gowns to be worn by members of the faculty during the

Commencement Exercises.
(2) That the names of all members of the
fl’\ teaching staff, together with all necessary information
concerning the cap and gown required by each msmber,be
furnished to the University Book Store by the Registrar.



Norwood, Secretary,

(Siwned) «3.J.
Committee of Deans.



On motion the meeting adjourned.