xt71c53f1t4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1t4t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1943 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.15 n.1, September-October, 1943 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.15 n.1, September-October, 1943 1943 1943 2020 true xt71c53f1t4t section xt71c53f1t4t  



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September-October, 1943




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The Kentucky
State College


Special Wax Emergency Program designed for those students who
desire to finish the standard (on: year college work in
two and two-thirds years

Eaistration, Second Semester: January 5


Arts and Sciences
Agriculture —— Home Economics
Business Administration — Engineering

Well Trained Faculty
Adequate Library and Laboratory Facilities
Comfortable. Modern Dormitories
Full Program of Student Activities


Standard Class A Four Year College
Accredited by the
Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools

R. B. ATWOOD, President




 The K. N. E. A. Journal

official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Assucjatiun
VoL XV September»0ctuber, 1943 N0. 1
Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association

Editorial Office at 2230 West Chestnut Skeet
Luuisville, Kentucky

W. H. Perry, Jr., Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
H. E. Gnodlae, Danville, President of K. N. E. A.
A. F. Gibson, Pineville W. W. Maddox, Paducah
Victor K. Perry, Louisville . Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the sChool year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. includes subscription to the Journal

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request


K. N. E. A. Officers ........................ . ................. 2
Editorial Comment ................ . .......................... .. . 3
Political Candidates and KNEA ngram ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

L. A. T. C. S. Holds Annual Breakfast.
A Thousand Jobs Waiting
A. E. Meyzeek Retires.
The Negro in Politics



Teaching the War—time “3 R's"... .................. . ..... .......12
KN.E.A.Kullings ............ ........ .................. .......1'I
Majority or Minority .......................... ..... ..... 19

AFree Country .......... . ...... ....... ........... .. ............ 20

 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS FOR 194349“





H. E. Goodloe, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Danville

Grace 5. Morton, First Vice-President .Frankion

T. J. Long, Second Vice-President .Louisville

W. H. Perry, Jn, Secretary-Treasurer. , .Louisville

L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secretary ..... .Winohwer

. Danville


H. E. Goodlue, President
.. ....Paduoah


W. W. Maddox. . . .

Whitney M. Young .. Lincoln Ridge

A. F. Gibson... . .. .Pineville


Victor K. Perry.


Bowling Green
. . Louisville
. . , .Louisville
.Lincoln Ridge


Edward T. Buford, High School a; College DepL. . . .
Mayme Morris, Elementary Education DepartmEm‘.
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Department.
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department. . . . . . . . .
Whitney M. Young, Vocational Education Dept




W. 0. Nuckolls, Principals’ Conference ...... .Providence
Beatrice Willis, Primary Teachers’ Departmen “Louisville
Anorma Beard, Youth Council ............. ..Louisville
Ouida Evans, Art Teachers’ Conference..................Louisvi11e




G, W. Jackson, Social Science Teachers’ Conference.
Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers' Conference”
Jewell R. Jackson, English Teachers’ Conference

. Danville


A. C. Randall, Librarians’ Conference ...Lynch
E L. Baker, Physical Education Department . .Lexington
W. H. Craig, Guidance Workers’ Conference . .Covington
A. J. Richards, Foreign Language Teachers‘ Con erence. Frankfort


William D. Johnson, Adult Education Department.....


1—M. O. Strauss, Padncah...i .......Fi:st District Association
2—Helen Nuckolls, Providence .Second District Association
B—A. L. Poole, Bowling Green .Third District Association
4—Russeli Stone, Bloomfield” .Fourth District Association
5—Mayme Morris, Louisville.. Fifth District Association
6—Whilney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge.....lBluegrass District Ass’n.
7—H. R. Merry, Covington . . . t . . . . . . .Narthern District Association
B—William Gilbert, Wheelwright. . .Eastern District Association
9—A. F. Gibson, Pineville......... .Upper Cumberland Dist. Ass’n.








Editorial Comment


At the Planning Conference last April, the KNEJA. adopted unan-
imously the report of its legislative committee. This document pre-
sented a comprehensive, clearly stated program, planned to achieve
equality of educational opportunity for many Kentucky children. It
has been referred to as a “Bill of Rights."

How to make its provisions effective was a question which claim-
ed the attention of the officers of the association, who denided that an
effort should be made to have its principles understood and accepted
by the public officials whose cooperation would be necessary in the
carrying out of the long range program. Action along this line has been
and is being taken One means of acquainting candidates for public
office with the wishes of our organization, and of securing their re-
actions was a questionnaire, sent with request for a reply. (See “Poli~
tical Candidates and K.N;E.A. Legislative Program")

The Board of Directors, president and secretary have thus sought
to familiarize prospective state officials with the reasonable and justi»
fied requests of our educational leaders for improved conditions They
have sought—but with only partial success—to reveal the attitudes
of all the candidates.

The soundness and reasonableness of our legislative program
have not been challenged. Its translation into action depends largely
upon a favorable attitude on the part of public officials The K.N.E.A.
should be mindful of this as it goes to the polls next month.




Schools continue to find it increasingly necessary to provide types
of training formerly given in the home—~honesty, obedience, respect
for authority and other fundamental character traits, or else they may
not be developed at all. Many parents think they have done “their
part” when the child is sent to school It is the school’s job, they think.
to see that he arrives there, and profits from the instruction.

War time is putting additional curricular and extra-curricular re-
sponsibilities upon teachers Among them is the necessity of prepar-
ing youth for admission into post-war vocations. Vocational opportu-
nities for our youth have been limited, with the result that all too of-
ten ambition has been stifled and preparation neglected, War condi-
tions are gradually increasing both the types of employment open to
our graduates, and the opportunities for advancement in fields that
are open Pupils now in school must compete with ex»service men for
desirable positions after the war. “Too Little and too late" may possi-

 hly the said of their preparation unless the schools furnish not only
basic skills, but certain traits—reliability, thoroughness, punctuality,
enthusiasm, and a host of others, all too often lacking in many youths,
but essential in the world. of work.


A questionnaire, asking their attitudes on certain problems of
public education in which the KrNrEsA. is especially interested, was
sent candidates for major public office in the next election. It was
specified aim the queslicns asked were based on the program outlined
by the Legislative Committee of the Association, and' that the replies
would he published in the Journal for the information of the teachers
of the state.

Questionnaires were sent Messrs. J. Lyter Mr Donaldson, Wil-
liam H. May, and John M. Breaker, democratic candidates for
governor, lieutenant—governor, and state superintendent of public in-
struction, respectively; also to Judge 5. s. Willis and Messrs. Kenneth
Tuggle and John Fred Williams, republican candidates for the respec-
tive offices.

Only Judge Willis and Mr. John Fred Williams replied. The let-
ter, questionnaire and replies, follow :

July 26, 1943
Dear Sir:

The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Negro Education Asso—
ciation has directed that this letter be written you, in View of your
candidacy for public office in the next election, to ask, by means of
the enclosed ques ‘ons, your attitude on certain issues in which our
association is vitally interested, The issues involve-problems of public
education which are in need of solution.

At its April, 1943, meeting; the Kentucky Negro Education Asso-
ciation, representing 1425 Negro teachers of the State, went on record
unanimously as favoring a report of its Legislative Committee on
which the accompanying questions are based. (See report of Legisla-
tive Committee, attached hereto, and printed on pages 10-14 of the
May—June issue of the KNEA JOURNAL, copy of which is also being
sent you).

An early reply to the questions—not later than August 16th will
be appreciated, in order that the September issue of the KNEA
JOURNAL may serve to enlighten the Negro teachers of the state as
to the attitudes of candidates on these questions.

Yours very truly,
H, E. GOOID'LOE, President
W. H. PERRY, Jr., Secretary

The following questions relate to the report of the Legislative
Committeeof the Kentucky Negro Education Association, attached


 hereto, and adopted as a part of the program of the organization. The
questions are numbered to correspond with sections of the report

To the Candidate:

In view of your candidacy for public office at the
next state election, please state, by your answers to the follow-

ing questions, or any supplementary statements you may wish

to make, your attitude on the phases of public education to

which reference is made.


1. Do you approve, and will you Support actively, passage of the
Thomas-Hill Bill, S. 637, providing for Federal Aid to schools of the
state, provided the proper machinery for fair and equitable adminis-
tration of its provisions are set up in the enactment? (Federal Rela-
tions, sec. I (1).

2. Are you in favor of, and will you work actively for the elimi-
nation of the distressing inequalities which exist in facilities for skill-
ful and technical warwork training was between white and colored stu—
dents in Kentucky? (Federal Relations, sec. 1 (l).

3. \Are you in favor of Federal regulations which would guaran-
tee an equitable distribution of training facilities in every case where
Federal funds are employed? (Federal Relations, sec. I (2).

4. Are you in favor of, and will you work actively for, minority
representation in government services that serve mixed groups, such
as the employment of a Negro, full»time, by the State Division of V0-
cational Education, Department of Education, whose duty will be the
promotion of vocational training courses among Negroes in the state,
particularly necessary for the present war effort. (Federal Relations,
sec. 2, C),


5. Are you in favor of, and will you work for an amendment to the
Anderson-Mayer Act to effect the followin :

(A) Provide an increase per eligible individual from the
present $175.00 per school yea-r to $300.00 for any school
year of nine months? (State Relations, 11, l, A).

(B) Provide an appropriation of sufficient amount annually
to permit those students who are aided under its provis-
ions to receive the maximum amounts provided for in
that law? (State Relations, II, 1, Ex

(C) Eliminate the five year residence requirement, which
would recognize the applicants‘ legal status as residents
of Kentucky? (State Relations, II, 1, Or

6. Are you in fav'm- of, and will you work actively for the estab-
lishment and adequate maintenance ‘ of boarding high school service
at Lincoln Institute and West Kentucky State Vocational Training
School in order to provide high school education for Negro youth who
live in sections of the state where no high school service is now pro-
vided? (State Relations, II, 2). ‘

‘ including an appropriation for the purpose.



 'I. Are you in favor of, and will you work for a single salary sche-
dule for teachers in Kentucky, regardless of race, based on qualiti-
oations, experience, and meritorious service. (State Relations, XI, 3, A),

3. Are you in favor of, and will you work for a Negro as assistant
in the Division of Negro Education, State Department of Education,
Whose duties, among others assigned him, would be to interpret edu-
cational issues and problems to Negro groups, to stimulate a maximum
functioning and participation of Negro schools, school folk, and local
communities in educational responsibilities, opportunities and advan-
tages in the state, and to interpret the Negro community to the De—
partment of Education, to the mutual understanding and advantage
of both parties? (State Relations, 11, 3, B).

9. Are you in favor of, and will you work for the application of
the Teacher